Title The Hazar

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Title:The Hazard of Bringing Mobile

Phones to school.

Thesis : The topic that will be discussed in this hortatory

text is that cell phones are a technology that can be
detrimental to students' development and their
future.However, cell phones are also important for
students who do well.

Argumen 1

Cell phones can be a major source of distraction.

Students may be drawn to texting, playing games, or
browsing social media during class, which can lead to a
lack of focus and decreased academic performance.

Argumen 2

Cell phones can facilitate cheating during exams and

assignments. With easy access to the internet and a
variety of applications, students can quickly search for
answers or share information with their friends. This
undermines the integrity of the educational process and
can result in unfair academic advantages.

Argumen 3

Additionally, cell phones can have a negative impact on

social interactions and mental health. Students may
become more isolated, relying on virtual communication
rather than in-person interaction. This can hinder the
development of important social skills and cause feelings
of loneliness and anxiety.


In conclusion, bringing a cell phone to school poses

various dangers that can affect students' academic
performance, social skills, and mental well-being. Some
suggestions or solutions for schools to try for using
cellphones during school hours to create a more
conducive learning environment. Such as prohibiting
students from bringing cellphones to school

*Thesis/Introduction: the topic you are going talk about

*Arguments (1, 2,3) :the reason or the facts that supports

my thesis

*Recommendation: some suggestion or solution to try

* and : coordinate conjuntion
Langgue Features
*word that link argumens : However

*usually the present tense

*modal express abilty "CAN" (Argumen 1,2,3?)

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