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Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and cherished members of our community, good afternoon

and a heartfelt welcome to the grand spectacle that is the "Santacruzan of May 2024," presented by the
Birhen sa Barangay Parish, in collaboration with the Parish Pastoral Council, Parish Youth Ministry, the
Confraternity of Our Lady of Lourdes, and the dedicated committees of Flores de Mayo and

INTRODUCTION: : As we gather here today, we pay homage to the sacred traditions of the Flores
de Mayo and the Santa Cruz de Mayo. These beloved devotions, with their rich histories and profound
significance, converge on this auspicious day, the 31st of May, in the magnificent procession we are
about to witness.

But before we proceed, let us extend a warm welcome to the esteemed members of the Confraternity
of Our Lady of Lourdes, whose unwavering devotion and angelic guidance illuminate our path towards
our Lord Jesus Christ.

Host: Without further ado, it is with great pleasure that I present to you the epitome of grace and
elegance, the sagalas and their gallant escorts for the Santacruz de Mayo 2024 of Birhen sa Barangay

 Reyna Madre – The Virgin Mary is seen as both a mother and a queen. She is like the Queen
Mother and is also identified with the Virgin Mary who is Queen of Heaven and Earth. She
carries a basket of fruits, which symbolizes Jesus and Mary's special place in Christianity.

This year’s Reyna Madre 2024 is Ms. JOANNA A. LIBRES , a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. JOHN A.
LIBRES from PUROK 11. She is accompanied by her escort Mr CHARLIE BUSALANAN. To pin the
sash is Purok Chairwoman EUFEMIA TABUDLONG and Purok Youth Representative CLARK
BUSALANAN . Once again, ladies and gentlemen, our Reyna Madre 2024 is Ms. JOANNA A. LIBRES
with her escort Mr. CHARLIE BUSALANAN. A round of applause please.

 Ruth – Ruth, a woman who converted to the Israelite faith, is honored in the Santacruzan. She
carries rice stalks, symbolizing her loyalty to her faith, which was eventually blessed.

This year’s Ruth 2024 is Ms. TRISHA MAY ABRICO, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. JOSE N. CANABRE
from PUROK 9. She is accompanied by her escort Mr THADEUS CARLSON NINO AGONIA. To pin
the sash is Purok Chairman DANILO ABELLANA and Purok Youth Representative ROSA CAMILLE
TECSON . Once again, ladies and gentlemen, our Ruth 2024 is Ms. TRISHA MAY ABRICO with her
escort Mr THADEUS CARLSON NINO AGONIA. A round of applause please.

 Esther – Esther, daughter of Abihail of the tribe of Benjamin, resided with her uncle and
guardian, Mordecai. Her Persian name, Esther, signifies "star," while her Hebrew name,
Hadassah, translates to "myrtle." King Xerxes, upon deposing Queen Vashti, selected Esther as
his new queen. Her reign highlighted the importance of unwavering faith in Divine Providence. It
demonstrated that God's salvific intentions can be achieved through unexpected instruments.
Similar to Judith, Esther is also considered a prefiguration of the Blessed Virgin Mary. During
the Santacruzan procession, she is depicted carrying a scepter.

This year’s Esther 2024 is Ms SHAIRA MAGSALAY, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. GLENN A.
MAGSALAY from PUROK 7. She is accompanied by her escort Mr JOHN KYLE OCLARIT. To pin
the sash is Purok Chairwoman MA. LENI DACULLO and Purok Youth Representative CRESSY CAEL
. Once again, ladies and gentlemen, our Esther 2024 is Ms. SHAIRA MAGSALAY with her escort Mr.
JOHN KYLE OCLARIT. A round of applause please.

 Reyna Esperanza – or the Queen of Hope, personifies hope, the second theological virtue. In
the Santacruzan, she carries a cross.
This year’s Reyna Esperanza 2024 is Ms. MARY LOVE CABALIT, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
WILMER B. REFAMONTE from PUROK 2. She is accompanied by her escort Mr VHEN MIEL
AGON. To pin the sash is Purok Chairwoman ROSALINA VILLAMOR. Once again, ladies and
gentlemen, our Reyna Esperanza 2024 is Ms. MARY LOVE CABALIT with her escort Mr. VHEN MIEL
AGON. A round of applause please.

 Hagar – is the Egyptian slave of Sarah, the wife of Abraham. She is the mother of Ishmael
whose father is Abraham. St. Paul makes her an allegorical figure representing the old law and
all those who are enslaved by it. In the Santacruzan, she is seen carrying a jug.

This year’s Hagar 2024 is Ms. SHELOMI BLISS APAO, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. CHARLIE
APAO from PUROK 11. She is accompanied by her escort Mr CHARLIE BUSALANAN. To pin the
sash is Purok Chairman EUFEMIA TABUDLONG and Purok Youth Representative ZENIE LUZ
ENGLE . Once again, ladies and gentlemen, our Hagar 2024 is Ms. SHELOMI BLISS APAO with her
escort Mr. CHARLIE BUSALANAN. A round of applause please.

 La Divina Pastora – symbolizing the guide of all Christians. She holds a shepherd staff. She
personifies the Blessed Virgin Mary who was tasked by the crucified Jesus to attend to the
needs of all his followers represented by St. John. On the cross, Jesus told her mother,
“Woman, behold your son.”

This year’s La Divina Pastora 2024 is Ms. CHRISTINE IYOG, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ALAN S.
IYOG from PUROK 5. She is accompanied by her escort Mr ED NICOLE IBASITAS . To pin the sash
is Purok Chairman LEONARDO CESAR and Purok Youth Representative KEANE ASLEY
CAPRICHO . Once again, ladies and gentlemen, our La Divina Pastora 2024 is Ms. CHRISTINE IYOG
with her escort Mr. ED NICOLE IBASITAS. A round of applause please.

 Reyna Fe – or the Queen of faith, which personifies faith, the first theological virtue. In the
Santacruzan, she carries a cross.

This year’s Reyna Fe 2024 is Ms. CHELSEA LORIN MAGALLANES, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
FELITO S. FRANCISCO from PUROK 4. She is accompanied by her escort Mr PRINCE ARIEL
COQUILLA. To pin the sash is Purok Chairwoman VALERIANA NANO and Purok Youth
Representative BRENT LLOYD MAGALLANES . Once again, ladies and gentlemen, our Reyna Fe
round of applause please.

 Deborah – a woman of great courage, she is an important prophetess, judge, and wife of
Lappidoth. She was also respected as a military advisor and local arbitrator during the
persecution of Jabin, king of Canaan and Sisera. In the Santacruzan, she carries a crown and
scepter symbolizing obedience to the Lord.

This year’s Deborah 2024 is Ms. MERRYIAH ALEXA ORILLA, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MARIO
ORILLA from PUROK 1. She is accompanied by her escort Mr RAMIR KRISTOF ORILLA. To pin the
sash is Purok Chairwoman REBECCA YECYEC and Purok Youth Representative MARIEL PASCUA
. Once again, ladies and gentlemen, our Deborah 2024 is Ms. MERRYIAH ALEXA ORILLA with her
escort Mr. RAMIR KRISTOF ORILLA.. A round of applause please.

 Reyna Caridad – or the Queen of Charity, personifies Charity, the third theological virtue and
the greatest of the three. In the Santacruzan, she carries a red-colored heart.

This year’s Reyna Caridad 2024 is Ms. DANA ROSS ARANILLA, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
AAAAAAAA ARANILLA from PUROK 12. She is accompanied by her escort Mr PRINCE GLEANN
GRAFE. To pin the sash is Purok Chairman CELESTINO TUMALE and Purok Youth Representative
FRANCES ANN TUMALE . Once again, ladies and gentlemen, our Reyna Caridad 2024 is Ms. DANA
ROSS ARANILLA with her escort Mr. PRINCE GLEANN GRAFE.. A round of applause please.

 Rebecca – is the wife of the patriarch Isaac with whom she had twin brothers Jacob and Esau.
Christian tradition reveres Rebekah as one of the courageous woman of the bible. She is seen
carrying a cup of wine symbolizing humility in service.

This year’s Rebecca 2024 is Ms. TERESA MARIE TUMALE, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs CELESTINO
TUMALE from PUROK 10. She is accompanied by her escort Mr ELIJAH DOOH. To pin the sash is
Purok Chairwoman CARMENCITA ABUCAY and Purok Youth Representative JULITA YSABEL
BALAG . Once again, ladies and gentlemen, our Rebecca 2024 is Ms. TERESA MARIE TUMALE with
her escort Mr. ELIJAH DOOH. A round of applause please.

 Queen of Sheba – she had come all from Arabia to visit King Solomon. Jesus Christ mentioned
her in the gospels as one in search of wisdom. In the santacruzan, she is fanned with an ostrich
feather. Her emblem is the Holy Bible which is the very book of Wisdom forall Christ’s faithful.

This year’s Queen of Sheba 2024 is Ms. SAMANTHALLEAN COLLYER, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
COLLYER from PUROK 8. She is accompanied by her escort Mr JASON LANZADERAS. To pin the
sash is Purok Chairwoman VALERIANA NANO and Purok Youth Representative NIÑO RAJI ITAC .
Once again, ladies and gentlemen, our Queen of Sheba 2024 is Ms. SAMANTHALLEAN COLLYER
with her escort Mr. JASON LANZADERAS. A round of applause please.

Empress Helena and Emperor Constantine I – Empress Helena is the mother of Emperor
Constantine I. She embarked on a project of locating the true cross of Jesus. Together with others, she
was able to locate and identify the true cross on Mt. Calvary on 14 th of September for which the feast
was instituted. Unfortunately, the true cross was lost again when Jerusalem was occupied by foreign
powers. It was rediscovered on the 3rd of May 628 A.D. the feast was instituted but was later on
abolished just before 2nd Vatican Council. In the Santacruzan, Empress Helena carries a small cross
while a much younger Constantine I representing the Empress’ child has a small sword hanging from
his waist.

This year’s Empress Helena 2024 is no other than Ms. SHIELA RIZ SOCORIN. She is 27 years of age
and is a CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. REGINALDO
ROMUALDEZ & JUDITH CALIMBAYAN from PUROK 6 While our much younger Emperor
Constantine I is Mr. IAN XYZR RESMIO. He is years of age and is grade
student of BOHOL WISDOM SCHOOL . He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Chairman of Purok 6 and our parish priest Rev. Fr. Martin C. Lupiba to be assisted by Parish Youth
Ministry Chairperson, MARK DAVE BEDANIO and Confraternity of Our Lady of Lourdes Coordinator,
Angela Marie Borlagdan, to give the crown to our Empress Helena and Emperor Constantine I.

How about putting our hands together to our Empress Helena Ms. SHIELA RIZ SOCORIN and our
Emperor Constantine I, MR. IAN XYZR RESMIO .

With great pride and honor, these are the Santacruz de Mayo 2024 participants of Birhen sa Barangay
Parish. Please join me in a resounding round of applause for these embodiments of faith, tradition, and
community spirit.

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