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Maths Home Learning

w/b 1.2.21

Length and Height

This week we are learning about length and height. This is the
mathematical vocabulary which we will be using;

long, longer, longest, short, shorter, shortest, tall,

taller, tallest, compare, measure
We will be using non-standard measures, Reception age children do not yet need to
know about standard measures such as centimetres or inches.
We can use anything to measure as long as it is uniform (the same), e.g. coins, Lego
bricks, cubes, crayons or pencils.
Children need to say what they have used to measure e.g. It is six coins long (ensuring
the same size coin is used).
Most important is that children use language to compare. For example, “My shoe is
shorter than yours. It is longer than my little sister’s”.
Day 1 – Monday 1st February 2021

Please watch Monday’s video lesson first on Tapestry (available from 12.00)

Today, we would like you to explore the length of shoes. Give your child a shoe and ask
them to go and find one which is longer. Then, ask them to go and find one which is

Find three or four different shoes and put them in order of length. Talk about which is
the shortest and longest.

Remember to place the shoes at the same starting point.

• Can you find one that is longer than your own shoe?
• Can you find one that is shorter? Yes? /No?
• Who has the longest shoes at your house?

You could use words such as longer than or shorter than to help you describe them.
E.g. My sister’s shoe is longer than mine but shorter than mum’s.
Day 2 - Tuesday 2nd February

Please watch the maths lesson on Tapestry first (available from 12.00)

Talk about which shoe is longest, shortest etc. like yesterday.

In Reception children just need to compare sizes using the language. As a challenge,
you can use non- standard measures to measure the shoes if your child is confident
using words such as long and short. It is always good to find
different counting activities.
Measure three shoes using non-standard measures e.g. 10p coins or
Lego. You can draw around the shoe if you like. Or draw around your
feet if it is easier and more fun.

This shoe is 7 coins long.

Day 3 – Wednesday 3rd February
Please watch the lesson first on Tapestry (uploaded at 12.00)
Get a selection of toys and talk about whether they are tall or short. Choose three
toys and order them by height. Use language taller, shorter, shortest etc.

Model the language to your child.

The car is shorter than the dinosaur and the giraffe.

The dinosaur is taller than the car and shorter than the giraffe.
The giraffe is the tallest.
Day 4 - Thursday 4th February

Please watch the lesson on Tapestry first (uploaded at 12.00)

Recap the language you used yesterday. Using the toys from yesterday’s lesson, have
a go at finding how tall they are. You can use a number line (in your pack) or cubes to
find the height.

Remember, it is all about the language.

tall, taller, tallest, short, shorter, shortest

The dinosaur is 7 squares tall.

Day 5- Friday 5th February

There is no video lesson on a Friday.

You could set up a Shoe Shop with your child and they could use the number line in
the pack to measure your feet. You could choose different shoes and your child can
tell you if you need a longer or shorter shoe.

Alternatively, you could have a go at the work sheet provided or the measuring

Please upload any pictures of your child’s learning to Tapestry or send them via email.

Thank you!
Use the number line to measure how tall your toys are.
Cut out the aliens and order them from shortest to tallest

If you think this is too difficult, you could measure two tables or two beds.
Encourage your child to use language such as, long, longer, longest, short, shorter,
Happy measuring!

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