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“Seize the



GRADE: 2nd A - B
TEACHER: Mrs. Mayerlin Cona C.
Mr Ricardo Fuentealba TOTAL SCORE: 62 pts
REAL SCORE:...................

OA1.Escuchar y demostrar comprensión de información explícita en textos adaptados y

auténticos simples, tanto no literarios como literarios y estén relacionados con la temática
a abordar en la unidad.
OA5.Leer y demostrar comprensión de textos adaptados y simples, no literarios que
contengan expresiones y vocabulario relacionado a la unidad.
OA12.Participar en diálogos con pares y profesores aplicando contenidos vistos en cada
unidad. Así también expresar opiniones por medio de frases simples.
0A14.Escribir, de acuerdo a un modelo y con apoyo del lenguaje visual, textos no
literarios como: e mail, postal, agenda, invitación. Y textos literarios como: cuentos,
comics, articles, etc, con el propósito de compartir información en torno a los temas de
cada unidad.
OA9.Usar las siguientes estrategias para apoyar la comprensión de los textos leídos,
tanto formato digital como impreso: prelectura, lectura, post lectura.

Obectives Hability Content Questions Points
To listen comprehensibly Listen A report 1-2-3-4-5 1 point for
to Josh reporting a lost comprehensibly each
item sentence.
To read comprehensibly a Read A text. 1.1-2-3 1 point for
text about a person who comprehensibly 2.1-2-3-4-5 each
is helping to inmate 3.1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 sentence.
former to get a job.
To identify vocabulary Identify Vocabulary:bad 1.1-2-3-4-5 1 point for
related to bad behavior Apply behavior. 2.1-2-3-4-5-6 each
words. sentence.
To identify past Identify, apply Past 1.1-2-3-4-5-6 1 point for
progressive and simple progressive 2.1-2-3-4 each
past tense, completing 3.1-2-3-4-5-6 sentence.
sentences, choosing the 4.1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-
correct alternative , 10
writing half of the
1.Listen to Josh reporting a lost item at a tourist information office. Complete the form.
Glossary: Young offenders: delicuentes juveniles / inmate: reclusos / former inmates:ex
reclusos / currently: recientemente / commit further: cometer más delitos / traineses:
aprendices / coffee beans: granos de café / pour : servir / jobs: trabajos / hope :esperanza /
comes: viene / take their first steps in the outside world: dar sus primeros pasos en el mundo

1.Match the sentence halves.Score:3pts

2.Write T (true ) or (false) next to the statements. Score:5pts

3.Answer the questions.Score:5pts

1.What do about 50 percent of prisoners do when they leave prison?

2.Who do about 50 percent of prisoners do when they leave prison?

3.What does the article say that inmates learn during their training?

4.Where do some of the former prisoners work?

5.Why is the title of the text redemption roasters? What do they do?
1.Match the verbs in the box with the definitions. Score 10pts

Smuggle something- Steal – to gossip-cut school – fight/brawl – shoplift – bully

someone – smoke- terrorism- copy/copycat – tell a lie-cheat-stoning glasses

1.frighten, hurt, or intimidate a smaller or weaker person at school. __________________ absent from school or leave classes without permission. ___________________

3.use another person’s words or ideas and say that they are yours. __________________

4.take something without permission. ___________________

5.take something from a shop without paying for it.____________________________

6.To introduce an illegal substance into a country______________________________ put bombs or attack public property to cause fear in people___________________ talk about someone´s life at their back____________________________________ say something no true at all to save yourself from trouble_____________________
10.breaking glasses with rocks _________________________

2.Write the definition of the following words. Score:6pts








1.What was happening in the supermarket at 12 pm.? Complete the sentences with the
past progressive form of the verbs in the box. Score:8pts

Steal – happen – hide – send – shoplift – look- leave-look for

1.Two teenagers _______________________________.

2.The security guard ___________________________at his phone.

3.He _________________________a text message!

4.They ________________________food.

5.He didn’t notice what ______________________________.

6.They _____________________________it inside their coats.

7.they______________________________the shop quietly, but they were caught by the

security guard
8.the shoplifters ______________________the most expensive designers items hidden in
the store, but could not find them.

2.Choose the correct alternatives. Score:4pts

1.When my uncle arrived / was arriving, we watched / were watching TV.

2.When I met / was meeting my boyfriend, we traveled / were traveling in Brazil.

3.The rain started / was starting while I talked / was talking to Mrs. Lopez

4.It didn’t snow / wasn’t snowing when I left / was leaving home this morning.

3.Complete the sentences using WHEN or WHILE and your own ideas. Score:6pts.

1.My friend was studying___________________________________________________

2.I was reading a book_____________________________________________________

3.He wasn’t sleeping_______________________________________________________

4.The burglars were entering the property_______________________________________

5.My friend was telling a lie __________________________________________________

6.My mom was smoking ____________________________________________________

4.Complete the text with the past progressive or simple past of the verbs in the box.

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