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Professional Philosophy Statement

I believe that every child should have the opportunity to be

understood to find their strength and the things they need a little
practice with. As a teacher I always make sure that I get to know
each child's different ways of learning styles and personalities.
This helps me learn different ways of teaching each child not
every child learns at the same pace.I also believe that working
with small children is important because you care for each child's
needs emotionally and physically.Is important to me to show them
affection so when they feel sad or angry they are comfortable
enough to come to me, and when they are happy we can
celebrate together.What makes me a good teacher is I care for
the children,I make sure when parents/guardians drop off inform
me of anything that I need to know and I communicate anything
that we are gonna be working on for them.The parents trust me
with their children because I make them feel welcome. I provide a
healthy environment and the children as soon as they see me
they smile and reach out for me.

Our classrooms are checked daily to ensure children's safety.We

make sure that there are no choking hazards,toys that are
appropriate and working in order, tables and chairs are sanitized
before and after each meal,snack, or activities.We make sure we
follow a routine so the children get use to it. In my classroom I
make sure I have their activities all ready for their day. We make
sure when they come in the classroom breakfast is ready after
that we let them explore and have free play for about an hour.
Once free play is over we have circle time we make sure we sing,
talk, have pictures with their names, incorporate colors and
numbers, we let them pick the song so they can develop new
words and learn how to communicate and identify animals colors
or shapes. We also have a family tree so when they miss their
parents/guardians or siblings they can just walk to the tree and
see their picture. Then we have lunch and nap time. In the
evening they have more free time and wait patiently for
parents/guardians to pick up their children. Parents, relatives, and
visitors to the center have to sign in the classroom before
dropping off and picking up. If it is their first time picking up they
must show their ID or Passport.

To be able to provide the best learning for each child, it is my

responsibility as a professional to attend monthly training,and or
classes to ensure that I am up to date with the latest techniques. I
take advantage of the training my job offers.

Partnerships with families are the key to a child's learning.

Families are invited to volunteer in the classroom by serving
breakfast and lunch, reading to the children during circle time,
attending community walks or in the playground, and participating
in creative projects or in the summer helping with water activities
outside the classroom. Also provide them with lesson plans so
they know what's going on throughout the week.

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