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; Full Marks; The figures in the margin indicate full marks, a give answers in their o nm words 5 far as practicable, ° . Group A Answer any three questions, Enumerate the obligations ofthe approprite Sovernment under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. 20 lered insufficient by the Supreme Court in the famous case of Bangalore Water Su, ply and Sewerage Board v Rajappa"—Do you agree with this statement? Critically analyse your opinion, 2 3 What is layoff? What are the rights ofthe workmen who have been laid-off? Is there any situation ‘when laid-off workers can be legally deprived of compensation? Explain in detail. 7845-20 4. What is the difference between strike and lockout? Explain in detail highlighting the relevant provisions of the IDA, 1947 and illustrations/case laws, 20 5. Explain retrenchment in the light of leading case laws. 20 6. “The Industrial Disputes Act is a welfare legislation” — Critically Analyse. 20 Group B Answer amy one question, 7. What is the procedure for registering a Trade Union. What are the advantages that a reser trade union enjoys under the Trade Union Act? 8. Explain how Trade Unions get amalgamated and dissolved under the Trade Union Act. 10+10=20 12259 SYears BA. LLB, (Honours) s* see Semester Examination, 2022 Alternative Dispute Resolution Time: 3 Hours ee p ; Full Marks: 100 Candidates are ree ane in the margin indicate full marks, 0 give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Answer any FIVE questions, 5x20= 100 1, What is ee snl deus edorae Resolution? Discuss the evolution along with the merits Discus: ee a and B pater the various modes of Altemative Dispute Resolution. * Parties to a dispute couldn't arrive at a consensus to appoint an arbitrator. ‘Who shail act on behalf of A and B? In thi * De te mpsanaeT pte. ? In this context discuss the provisions related to ie under the Act of 1996. ae arbitrator is appointed simultaneously for two cases. In the first case ties are named as A and B and in the second case they are named as X and Y Tespectively. In the first case, A, the claimant, defaulted in filing the statement of claim. Z dismissed his case, In the second case Y, the defendant, defaulted in filing the statement of defence. Z drew an arbitral award in favour of X, the claimant in the second case. A alleged Z of being partial. Will the allegation against Z suffice? Give reasons for your answer. In this context state and discuss the appropriate provisions from the respective statute. 5. What are the aims and objectives of the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987? How was the Legal Aid concept introduced in India? Who are entitled to get Legal Services? 6. Write the composition, power and functions of National Legal Services Authority. Write a brief note on Supreme Court Legal Service Committee. 7. How fruitful is Lok Adalat as a mechanism of Alternative Dispute Resolution? 8. "Confidentiality and Cost effectiveness act as the catalyst to boost Alternative Dispute Resolution"- Discuss. 9. How are Conciliators appointed? Discuss the role of Cor 1996. 10. Write short notes on the following:- (Any four) a, Equal treatment of parties b. Settlement agreement c. Arbitral Tribunal 4. Finality of Arbitral Award. e. Mediation £._ International Conventions 2. a neiliators under the Act of 5Yrs. B.A, LLy Subject D 8th So ster 1 PALLB-VIU Paper-$.8.1/2017 tA _ lhe iy ‘amination, 2017 i Pte Resoluti ae Aper i S81 SS The figures inthe Margir a agen "Bin indice i. . ful my 7410 give thet anspor og : 2S fares rant ter cx wos TSWEr any Give questions ) What do you mean by “Arbitration™ as at Discuss the legal requirements of 4 a aire i tation agreement, ef ‘re @ court of law, then what is the remedy available is briefly the various 5 4e1244=20 et ‘modes-of ADR system, What are the advantages of ADR? 10+ 10=20 Agrees a to the aggrieved party? Ales a suit a & wunds for setting aside of an arbitcal award. me 841222 Hite short notes on: Qny four of the following: 10 (@) Statement of elim’ and géfenée Sxt=20- (b) Settlement -dgreeiment .) Expert appointed by arbitral’ tribunal Ie) Appointment of an arbitrator (¢) Equal treatment of the parties (Jurisdiction of arbitral tribunal What do you mean by foreign award? Discuss the provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 gurding enforcement of foreign awards with reference to Geneva Conventions. 20 20 What is confidemiality? How conciliation proceeding is terminated? 104 [ow are conciliators appointed? Discuss the role of a concilator under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, 10+10=20 i f ADR in India, li) Elucidate the significance of Lok Adalat as an effective means o F e~ Discuss. 1248220 ® Award of Lok Adalat is equivalent to a Deeres f a8 Dicuss the Constitution of Central Legal Services Authority and its functions in terms of the Lesa Services Authority Act, 1987. Bilin the provisions relating to finality of arbi Made rule of the court? seal award, Can interim award being final and et oS ~~~ Scanned bv TanScanner % 10. 28189 LL.B.-X/OACJO/5.10.5/23 LLB. Se (Honours) 10th Semester Examination, 2023 ject + Offences Against Child and Juvenile Offences Paper : 5.10.5 5 Years B.A. 3 Hours ' Full Marks: 100 The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words 4s far as practicable, Answer any five questions. Discuss the difference in procedure of law to deal wi in confli o et th children in conflict with law. (CCL) as against children in need of care and protection (CNCP) in the light of relevant case laws. 20 Discuss with the case law the provision in the Juvenile Justice (care and protection of the children) Act, 2000 for presumption in determination of the age of a Juvenile? 20 Discuss the causes of child labour in India. 20 Discuss the provision in the Indian Penal Code, 1860 in relation to offences against children. 20 Discuss the objects and salient features of the Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (prohibition) Act, 1994. Write a note on the concept of Female Foeticide. 1545 Critically assess the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956 20 “sucessful implementation of Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 is an unrealistic dream in the current socio-economic condition of India”— comment. 20 + of the ‘growing rate of the female foeticde in the society. Suggest ‘ ee ae ives rent this civil phenomenon. 10+10 modification in the existing law to prev« wag relating to the safety and health of children under the Child Labow 20 Discuss the provisio (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986. 5x4=20 ‘Write short note: (a) Special Home (b) Juvenile Justice Board (©) Immoral Traffic preven! ; (@) Gender detection in Pre-Natal Stage of 8 child tion under Indian constitution Subject : Pan ffences Against child ang Juvenile offences 2 Paper ; 5.10.5 Full Marks: 100 answers in their own words as far as Practicable, Answer any five questions, 1. (@) “The Impact of w: ili oe ec foe! Civilisation and temptation for luxuries pompous life has greatly disturbed by Juveniles.” 2 Consequently, there has been a consideaers growth in crimes committed 2 Define ‘Sex Ratio’. Enumerate the provisions relating to the ‘regulation of the Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques’ under the Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act, 1994, 20 3. Discuss the provisions regarding the constitution and functions of the Central Advisory Board under the Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques Act, 1994, 20 4, Write short notes on: Sx4=20 (@) Constitutional basis of Juvenile Justice (b) Infanticide (©) Child Trafficking (@) Protection of child from sexual abuse 5. (@) Examine in detail the scope of the child labour (Prohibitions and Regulation) Act,1986. 10 (b) Discuss the following: 5x2=10 (i) “Hours and Period of work” of a child under the Child Labour Prohibition Act, 1986. Gi) “Pre-Natal diagnostic procedure” Under the Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition) Act,1994, 6. Discuss the provisions with suitable case laws regarding rehabilitation and social reintegration of Juveniles and Children under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000. 20 Please Turn Over ELB-X/16/5th ¥r./5.10.5 7. & % 10. (2) Explain. @) “Child Labour Act is one step towards the total elimination of Child Labou 1986. ct, (b) Discuss the safety and health measures under the Child Labour Prohibition A Act, 1994 y 1986? bition Act, (b) What are the objects and challenges in implementing the Child Labour Probl u (@) Discuss the objectives of the Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition) f . Jiont features 0! (a) In the Light of the Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, discuss in detail the salle Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956. (b) Distinguish between “Kidnapping” and “Abduction”. der the Child Examine the different Legal Provisions Protecting the children from various offences Un Labour Prohibition Act, 1986 and the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956. LL.B-VIN/S.7.1/22 5 Years B.A. LL] B. (Honours) 7th Semester Examination, 2022 (CBCS) Subject : Company Law-II Course : 5.7.1 Tim 3 Hours Full Marks: 100 The figures in the margin indicate full marks, Candidar i i 5 are required to give their answers in their own words «as far as practicable. Answer any five questions, 1. “A company is a democratic institution in which the majority have a tight to control the company”. Do you support the Statement? Give your comments with the rule laid down in Foss V. Harbottle, 20 2. Define winding up. What are the various modes of winding up of a Company. 20 3. Explain the provisions as to power and functions of SEBL. 2 4, Who is a liquidator? Discuss his power and functions. 2 ‘5. What is inspection? Who can conduct it? What is investigation? Discuss in detail. 5+5+10 6. Write explanetory notes on: (@ Schemes of Arrangements Gi) Reconstruction . (iii) Amalgamation 64648, 7. State the contents of MOA and AOA of a producer company. 20 8. Write short notes on: 4x5=20 @ Just and equitable clause (ii) Power of NCLT ii) Defunct Company iv) Books of Account 9. Who is the registrar of a company? What are his powers according to relevant provisions of Companies Act? 5415220 10. Explain in detail the corporate insolvency resolution process under Companies Act, 2013 read with Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code of 2016. 20 24491 200 5 Years B.A LL.B. LL.B-VIUS.7,2/22 ‘Time: 3 Hours Full Marks; 100 The figures in the . margin indi Candidates are required to give tetra ive their answers in their own words 4s far as practicable, Group-A Answer any two questions, 1. Define Factory. Enumerate briefly the provisions of the Factories Act, 1948 relating to safety measures, ny 2. Discuss in detail the Powers and Functions ofthe Inspecting staf. 10410 3. Define and Explain the terms 4x5=20 (a) Worker (b) Hazardous process (©) Manufacturing process (@) Occupier Group-B Answer any two questions. 10#10=20 |. Write short notes on any two of the following: (a) Dependant (b) Total & Partial disablement under the Workmen Compensation 2 auld leopeal 5, Write a brief note on the provisions relating to “apped ee Act, 1923. i 10+10 6. Write notes on the following: (@) Settlement of dispute (b) Notice and claim of compensation 71, Discuss in detail th liability of the master forthe act of third party under W.C. Act, 1923. 20 1. Discus Please Turn Over 24492 198 LL.B-VINS.7.2/22 @) Group-C Answer any one question. Write the scope and object of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948. What do you mean by fair wage 10419 9 Discuss the ‘Fixation and revision of minimum wage’ under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, 99 10. What are the functions of the State Advisory Board and the Central Advisory Board coy under Minimum Wages Act, 1948? Write a short no stituted te on ‘wages’ under this Act, 1446 Fall Marks: 100 ‘answers in their ov 4&8 faras practicable." Net Own words Answer any five questions, 1. Who is the Registrar of Companies a nd what ures teen ant hat are his powers according to the relevant provisions incorporated bodies under the Companies A 3. Explain the importance of the “Foss v. Harbottle” If so elaborate. ct 2013 in India, 20 ‘case. Are there any exceptions to this rule? 10+10=20, 4. What powers does the company enjoy in terms of making compromise or arrangement with creditors and members? What legal remedy is available to dissenting shareholders? 10+10=20 5S. What is a joint stock company and what are the requirements for registering such companies under the Companies Act. 6 Who is liquidator? Discuss his powers and duties. mismanagement in the company? of business"? 9. “Directors are considered to be trustees objective in mind the Tribunal enjoys elaborate power making them liable to pay damages” Critically analyse this statement. 10. “Even though a liquidator is appoi | Aa a | continue to matter”- Do you agree with this st N39 20 20 7. What action can the Tribunal take on receiving an application alleging oppression and 20 i i i vis-2-vis- falsification of books’. 8. What is the penalty/ liability stipulated in the Companies Act, vis: “frauds by ‘cffce snon-maintenance of power books of accounts” and for ‘fraudulent conduct . 20 of the company and its shareholders. Keeping this rs in prosecuting delinquent officers and 20 nted ina company, th opiion ofthe creditors and contributores ements? Explain. 20 8 far as practicable. Group-A, Answer any two questions. Define Factory. Explain within the following can be categorie as facto “ G@) A sweet shop with more than 12 workers employer (©) A theatre hall (©) Nuclear Research academy created by Central Legislation 5+(5x3)=20_ 2. (@) Explain the term ‘Manufacturing Process’ under the Factories Act with relevant illustrations, (b) Explain the law relating to employment of young persons under the Factories Act. 10410=20 3. Discuss in detail the welfare measures contained in the Factories Act. 20 4, Elaborately explain the law concerning licensing contained in the Factories Act. 20 Group-B Answer any two questions. 5. Discuss the object and scope of the Worksmen/ Employees Compensation Act highlighting. the constitutional mandate. 20 6 Explain in detail the law conceming registration and non-registration of arguments oe Worksmen/ Employees Compensation Act. tment of a commission under the Worksmen/ Employees 7. What is the law concerning appoint 10#10=20 Compensation Act? What are the powers of a commissioner? for events arising out of and in the course of 20 8 “Employers liability to pay compensation is = employment’— Discuss in the light of ‘notional exemption of premises: Please Turn Over LL.B-VIIP-5.7.2/19 (2) Group-C Answer any one question. 9. Write a note on fixation of minimum wages. 10. Write a short note on fair wage and living wage. 20 10+10=29 sf ef PA ad LL.B-V/P-3.54/18 3 Years LL.B. (Honours) 5th Semester Examination, 2018 Subject : Competition Law Paper : 3.5.4 Time: 3 Hours Full Marks: 80 The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give answers in their own words ei as far as practicable, Answer any four questions. 1. Explain the need for competition in the market. How has the transition from MRTP Act to Competition Act, 2002 tried to achieve the above objective? : a ‘Agreements’ under the ICA, 1872 is different from the ‘agreement’ conceptualised under the Competition Act, 2002. Explain how? Also, explain the kinds of agreements and the importance for determination of an agreement in the Competition Act, 2002. a 3. What does ‘holding a dominant position’ in the market mean? How is it determined? When is dominant Position consigered harmful for the maintenance of competition in the market? 20 4. Explain in detail, the provisions of the Competition Act, 2002 relating to reference of an inquiry to CCI and initiation of an inquiry into anti-competitive position in the market. 20 - (a) What are the possible actions that CCI can pass after successful proof of allegations against parties in a ’ matter before CCI? (b) What are the range of orders that CCI can pass after successful proof of allegations against parties in a matter before CCI? * 10+10=20 6. What are the prescribed threshold units for a combination to report to CCI under S. 5 of Competition Act? ‘What does S. 6 provide? 20 7. Write short notes for the following: 5x4=20, (a) Reference by CCI to other statutory authorities (b) S.46 of CA, 2002 (©) Procedure for investigation of combination (@) Provisions of appeal against order of CCI 8. The determination of Appreciable Adverse Effect on Competition in case of combination is different from the determinate of AEC in case of ‘Horizontal/Vertical agreements’ under the Competition Act. — Critically examine this statement. s LL.B-V/P-3.5.5H8 3 Years LL.B. (Honours) 5th Semester Examination, 2018 Subject : Information Technology and Right to Information Paper : 3.5.5 ime: 3 Hours Full Marks: 80 The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give answers in their own words as far as practicable. Group A Answer any three questions. 1. Discuss the importance, object and relevance of Information Technology Act, 2000 in the modern digital age. 20 2. (@) Define ‘Digital Signature’ (b) What do you mean by electronic record? (©) Explain the authenticity and security of Digital Signature under the Information Technology Act, 2008. 545+10=20 3. Discus in brief, the appointment, Functions and powers of Controller of Certifying Authorities, 20 4. What do you mean by subscribers? Explain the duties of subscribers. 5415=20 5. Explain composition, power and function of Cyber Appellate Tribunal. 20 6. Write notes on the following (any two): 10x2=20 (a) Offence of cyber terrorism (©) Publication or transmission of obscene material or sexually explicit act or conduct (e) Computer pomography (Cd) Defamation*en internet. Please Turn Over @ LLB-V/P-3.5IN8 Group B (Marks 20) “Answer any one question. 5. (2) Diseuss the provisions of the Employees’ Compensation Act regarding . compensation, | (©) Discuss with decided cases the concept of notional extension of premises, 1041049 i ower and procedure of Commissioner under the Employees’ Compensati ton, Employer's liability for | 6. (a) Discuss the appointment, Act, 1923, | (@®) Write short notes (any two): (@ Employer Gi) Dependant (iii) Disablement iv) Distribution of C i Giv) Distribution of Compensation nia | Group C (Marks ~ 20) Answer any one question, 7% (@) What do you mean by wages under the Minimum Wages Act, 19482 (©) Discuss the provisions ofthe said Act regarding fication of minimum rates of wages, S140 | 8. (a) Discuss the provisions relating to ‘Claims’ under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, (®) Briefly mention the notions of minimum wages, fair wages and living wages, 8412=20 * rp Mas ( 7 eles ne ae LL.B-V/P-3,5.118 ~ SSonours) Sth Semester Examination, 2018 Subject : Labour and Industrial Law-IL , . Paper : 3.5.1 Full Marks: 80 The figures in the margin indicate full marks. ) ‘andic sa Candidates are required to give answers in their own words 4s far as practicable. Answer any four questions, Group~ A (Matks - 40) Answer any two questions. 1. (@ Define ‘factory’ under the Factories Act, 138, (®), Discuss the different types of facilities regarding the welfare of workers working in factories under the Factories Act, 1948. 5415=20 2 (a) What are the provisions made in the Factories Act, 1948 for approval, licensing and registration of Factory? (b) What are the restrictions on employment of women? (©) Discuss the provision of Welfare Officer under the Factories Act, 1948. 10+545=20 3. Discuss the provisions of the Factories Act regarding appointment, powers and functions of Inspectors. 20 4. Write short notes (any four): $x4=20 (@) Manufacturing process (®) Certifying Surgeon (©) Occupier (qd) Adult, Adolescent and Child (e) Compensatory holiday (® Annual leave with wages Please Turn Over LLB-V/Paper-3.5.1/2017 3 Yrs. LLB (Honours) 5th Semester Examination, 2017 Subject : Labour and Industrial Law-II Paper : 3.5.1 ‘Time: 3 Hours Full Marks: 80 The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Group-A (Marks- 40) Answer any two questions. 1, (a) What do you mean by ‘Manufacturing Process’ under the Factories Act, 19482 (b) Are the following Factories — @ Educational Institution? ii) Cooking and Preparing food in hotel? iii) Advertising Agency? Gv) Exhibition of cinema films? 44(4x4)=20 2 (@) What do you mean by ‘worker’ under Factories Act, 1948? (b) Who is a ‘young person’ under the Factories Act, 1948? (©) What are the provisions made in the Factories Act regarding employment of ‘young person’? 444412=20 3, Write in detail the Health Provisions under the Factories Act, 1948. 20 { 4, Discuss the Provisions of Factories Act in respect of following matters: 4x5=20 (@ Safety officers (0) Welfare officers (©) Spreadover (@ Certificate of fitness (©) Mode of recovery of unpaid wages Group-B (Marks - 20) Answer any one question. (@) Who is a ‘Dependant’ under the Employee’s Compensation Act? () Under what circumstances will an employer be liable to pay compensation to the employees? Discuss with decided case laws, 8+12=20 Please Turn Over TLB-V/Paper-3.5.1/2017 2) 6. 8 Im Act? ns (@) What do you mean by ‘Disablement’ under the Employee's Comper i jing ‘notice’ and ‘clage (P) Discuss the provisions of the Employee's Compensation Act regarding ‘notice’ and “tin: I Group-C (Marks - 20) Answer any one question. (@) Define ‘adult’, “adolescent” and ‘child’ under the Minimum Wages Act. (©) Discuss the provisions of the said Act regarding fixation of minimum rates of wages. 6414, (@) What are ‘wages* and ‘fair wages’? (b) What do you mean by ‘wages in kind’? (©) Who is an Inspector? (@) What are the procedure for claiming ‘overtime payment” under the Minimum Wages ae LLB-V/Paper-3.5.4/2017 3 Yrs. LLB lonours) Sth § n, 2017 He mes 01 Q ) emester Examinati Subject ; Competition Law a Paper : 3.5.4 Full Marks: 80 Th ¢ igures in the margin indicate full marks. eS are required to gis to give their ap tr nswers in their own we @s far as ‘practicable, ee Answer any four questions. 1. Distinguish between: (@) Vertical agreements and horizontal 9 ‘Enrprse and esay ae agreements under the Competition Act, 2002. Competition Act, (© ‘Agreement’ under the Competit petition Act, 2002 and agreement under the Indian Contract Act, 1872. 10#4+6=20 2, Detail out the differences (Gompetition Act fe ee the MRTP Act and Competition Act. Do you think the present ig its objective; if so, elucidate with relevant case laws. 10+10=20 3, How is appreciable adverse effect on competition i i eciabh sompetition in the i it 2002? Explain with relevant case lawe, 1petition in the market ascertained under the Competition so 4, What are ‘combination’ under the Competition Act? How are they regulated in India? — Explain with relevant case laws, 20 5, Write short notes on: Sx4=20 (@ Extending the benefit of ‘positive comity’ as required under WTO scenario (b) Procedure for disposal of cases under the Competition Act, 2002 (c) Competition Advocacy : (@ Director General appointed under the Competition Act, 2002 6. What are the remedies available under the Competition Act, 2002? Explain the role and powers of the Competition Commission of India. 10+10=20 10s of Resttictive Trade Practice (RTP), Unfair Trade Practice (UTP) and 7. Explain in details the offencé 20 Monopolistic Trade Practice (MTP), that were present in the MRTP Act. 8 (@) What is a'relevant market under the Competition Act, 2002 and explain the difference between the \d relevant product market with case laws. relevant geographical an (6) What is ‘predatory pricing’? Explain, how this is dealt with under the Competition Act, 2002. 10+10=20 L et LLB-V/Paper-3.5.5/2017 LLB (Honours) Sth Full Marks: 80 answers in their own words as far as practicable. Group-A Answer any three questions, Discuss the salient features S of the Information Ti Information Technology ( = ‘echnology Act, 2000. State in brief the significance of (Amendment) Act, 2008. es Explain the concept of e-Governance. Discuss in and administrative, detail the various government initiatives i.e. legislative towards implementations of e-Governance in India. 20 What are electronic contracts? Explain in detail, Explain the law governing and giving recognition to electronic contracts in India, 2) Write in detail about the Cyber Appellate Tribunal. 20 Discuss in detail the offences related to obscenity and right to privacy stated under the Information Technology Act. 20 =20 Write short notes on (any two): 10+10= (@ Shryja Singhal v/s. Union of India, 2012 (b) Functions of the Controller of Certifying Authority (©) Cyber Crimes Group-B Answer any one question. i 20 Discuss the importance of Right to Information Act, 2005. Discuss the role, powers and functions of the Information Commission under the RTI Act, 2005.~ 20 discuss ; Aa LL BA-IN(VYP-3.5.4/19 A urs) Sth Semester Examination, 2019 5 ect : Competition Law anes a Per 3 3.5.4 Full Marks: 80 The figur Cae ie es in the ‘Margin indicate full marks, '€ required to ‘Bive their an ir aoe Pee in their own words 20 3. (@) Explain how agreements lunder the Competiti : under the Indian Contact Ac, foto Act, 2002 ae diferent From agreements 2002 Per-se rule and the rule of reason as used in the Competition Act, : 10+10=20 2A Being a dominant player in the market is not prohibited. However, abuse of one’s position of dominance is."— Critically analyse this statement » on Are formations of combinations absolutely prohibited under the Competition Act, 2002? Explain in detail. 20 oh 1 14597 “The Competition Commission of India (CCI) ) is a quasi-judicial body entrusted with the task of ensuring compliance under the Act in India” — comment. 20 There was evidence to show that three car manufacturers, Hondu, Volki and Fotu had restricted. the free availability of spare parts in the open market, Independent repairers had to purchase spare Parts at a very high price and argued that this caused a denial of market access. Decide with the help of relevant case laws, the above mentioned ‘case study’ keeping in mind the relevant provisions of the Competition Act, 2002, 20 (a) “CCI being a quasi-judicial body should not have provided a casting vote to the Chairperson of the Commission under S. 22(3)."— Critically analyse this statement. (b) Write a note on-Reference by a statutory body under S. 21 and Reference by Commission under S. 21(A) of the Competition Act, 2002. 10+10=20 3 Years pe (Honours) 5th Semester Examin: ubject : Labour and Industrial Law. A Paper : 3.5.1 ‘time: 3 Hours LLB.-IN(VY/P-3.5.119 ation, 2019 Full Marks: 80 Th ‘ ue ‘figures in the margin indicate full marks. ‘andidate i are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable, Group-A (Marks-40) Answer any nwo questions \ peAreite ‘in detail bout the health provisions under the Factories Act, 1948. 2, Discuss the provisions of the Factories Act in respect of (a) Canteens (b) Creches (c) Certificate of fitness (@) Working hours for children |g arian do you mean by “young person’ under the Factories Act, 1948? a 20 Sx4=20 at are the provisions made in the Factories Act regarding employment of ‘young person"? 2418=20 4, What are the provisions made in the Factories Act relating to hazardous processes? 20 Group-B Answer any one question. \s@ What are the types of disablement? (b) How will the compensation be calculated in case of partial and total disablement? 10+10=20 6. Discuss the provisions of the Employees Compensation Act regarding distribution of A 14594 compensation. Group-C ‘Answer any one question. (a) What is the role of Inspectors under Minimum Wages Act? 20 (b) Explain the provisions related to punishment and penalties under the Minimum Wages Act. 10+10=20 Please Turn Over clips LLBLN(V)/P-3.5.5/19 Full Marks: 80 The figures i Candidates are r SF in the margin indicate full marks. 'equired to give their, ‘answers in their own words 4s far as practic peer icable. Ytheee rom Group-A and only one from Group-B. a Evaluate and examine the advan tage and disadvantage of E-commerce. 20 + Je Information Technology Act, 2000 is by historical backgrot yund and salient ieee on UNCITRAL Model law 1998— Discuss the of IT Act, 2000, Sc12~20 3. Explain the provisions related to ‘Act, 2000. ‘compensation and adjudication as laid down under IT 20 4, Whatis obscenity? What are the test for obscenity in India? 5415220 5 (@) What i i . Ss (a) Ranas ig meant by Electronic Record? What is the procedure for authentication of Electronic (b) Distinguish between Electronic Records and Electronic Evidence. (5+10)45=20 6. Write short notes on the following (any nwo): 10x2=20 * {af Appellate Tribunal (b) Retention of electronic records {gy Suspension of licence + (@) Creation of digital signature Group-B Critically discuss the legal position of Right to Information Act, 2005 in India with special reference to Transparent Democracy with relevant case laws, 20 8. Write notes on the following (any wo): er iblic Information Officer (b) Appellate Authority (c) Statutory period for supply of in tA) Central Information Commission {formation to the Applicant 14598. LLB,- TUP-3.3,3/18 3Y ears LL.B. (Honours) 3rd Semester Examination, 2018 Subject : Administrative Law Paper : 3.3.3 ‘Time: 3 Hours Full Marks: 80 The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give answers in their own words ~ as far as practicable. Answer any four questions. 1. In the words of 1 P. Massey. the four basi bricks ofthe foundation of any administrative law may be {i ‘0 check abuse or detourment of administrative power: (i) to ensure to citizens an impartial determination oftheir disputes by officials; Gi) to protect them from unauthorised encroachment on their rights and interests and Giy)-fo make those who exercise public power accountable to the people. Explain the above observations. 0 What do you understand by Statutory Public Corporation? State its distinguishing features. What are Government Companies? — 2412+6=20 s : > 3. (a) ‘Rule of Law’ refers to a government based on principles of law and not of men. — Comment (b) Write a brief note on the role and importance of Ombudsman in ensuring transparency and accountability in administration. 10+10=20 \_ 4G Certain plots of land were to be distributed among a particular category of people belonging to a particular caste, The chairman of the committee distributing the plot of land was the local MLA. When, the allotment list was published, it was found that a large number of plots were allotted to the close relatives of the MLA. On further enquiry, it was found that in case of a member of above mentioned allotment, prior requirements for alloument like age specification, income specification etc were also ‘circumvented, though they all belonged to the same caste. In your opinion, can such allotments be challefiged? Justify your answer with relevant case law. x ) “Audi alterame partem” is ad sine qua non of every civilized Society—Comment. + © Discuss the parliamentary and prodheStSunfcol that is exercised on delegated legislation, 20 10+10=20 “q Tribunal is an adjudicating authority"—Comment with special reference to its unique features and 1G its constitutional recognition in India, (b) How is an administrative ibunal differont from a domestic tribunal? 10#2+8=20 (e) Discuss the reasons for the growth of tribunals. AER : SY Please Turn Over ae 3 : LLB-IH/Paper-3.3.3/2017 3 z Years LLB(onours) 31a Semester Examination, 2017 Subject : Administrative Law Paper : 3.3.3 ime: 3 ne Fall Marks: 80 apy. te figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in thelr own words as far as practicable, Answer any four questions. Y What is Administrative Law? Discuss the application of the principle of ‘separation of power’ in India, 5+15=20 gd Discuss the principle of ‘Rule Against Bias’ in detail with relevant case laws. 20 3 What is delegated legislation? Can it be subject to judicial contol? Discuss in detail, #15220 4 (@) ‘A Tribunal is an adjudicating body which decides controversies between the parties and exercises judicial powers as distinguished from Purely administrative functions and thus possesses some of the trappings of a court but not all.” Explain the above statement with decided cases. (©) State in brief the relevance ofthe landmark judgement laid down in L Chandra Kumar V/S Union of India AIR 1997 SC 1125, 10+10=20 (@) What is Public Undertaking? (b) Discuss the reasons of its growth in India. 8412=20 Briefly explain the role of Public Interest Litigation (PIL) to provide remedy against the malafide administrative actions. 20 7. (a) What is ombudsman? (8) Discuss the concept of Lokpal with recent development in India, 8+12=20 Sf Write short notes on: 5x¢4=20 (@) Public Corporation (b) Droit Administratiff (©) Reasoned Decision @ Special leave to Appeal 5 Years B.A. LL.B, (Honours) Semester-fV Examination, 2022 Subject: Political Seience- V (Public Administration) Paper: LOC 8.4.4 Time: 3 Hours Full Marks: 80 pee The figures in the margin indicate full marks, ‘andidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Group: A. 1. Answer alll questions. 2x5 ) What do you meant by SALA? b) Distinguished between Secretariat and Directorate. ©) What is Sustainable Development? 4) What is CAG? ©) What do you mean by Good Governance? Group- B Answer any three questions. 10x3= 30 2. Make a comparative study between Public Administration and Private Administration? 3. Briefly discuss the role and function of PMO, ‘What are the differences between Line Agency & Staff Agency? 5. Discuss the recruitment process of Indian Administrative Service. Group-C x Answer any two questions. 20x2= 40 6. What do you mean by Local self Government? Discuss the impact of Local Administration in West Bengal. 7. Explain the nature and scope of Development Administration. Briefly discuss about the development and growth of Public Administration. 9. Define Centralization. Discuss the features and merits of centralization. > LL.B. inis S News BA-LLB, onours) th Semester sans - lester Examinati Subject : Administrative Lay eae Paper : 5.5.3 Time: 3 Hours Full Marks: 100 Wers in thei 8 far as practicable, ee Answer any five questions, 1, @) Define ‘Administrative Law’, Discuss the various sources of Administrat W iminist (©) What are the reasons for growth of Administrative Law? acm 7: 545+10=20 2. (a) Critically examine the concept of “Rule of Law” (©) Write a note on “Droit Administratif” 1248220 +821 3. Whats delegated legislation? Diseus judicial contol over delegated legislation, 10+10=20 4, (a) Explain rule against bias with cases, (b) Discuss the exceptions to the Principles of natural justice with decided cases, 10+10=20 5. Explain the concept of Ombudsman. Trace its development in India, 10+10=20 ‘What is public undertaking? Explain the various controls over these public undertakings. 5#15=20 7, Discuss the scope of judicial review of Administrative Discretion in the light of Fundamental Rights. 20 8. Explain the writs of ‘Habeas Corpus’ and ‘Mandamus’, Explain the grounds for issue of the writs of ‘Habeas Corpus’ and ‘Mandamus’, 10+10=20 9. Critically examine the concept of Public Interest Litigation, 20 10. Write short notes on (any four) : 5x4=20 (a) Separation of Powers (b) Sub-delegation (©) Audi Alteram Partem (@) Writ of certiorari (©) Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation (Special Leave to Appeal 11295 Subjecs m, 2017 Fs ject : Administrative Law Paper : 5,5 3 ne: 3 Hours Full Marks: 100 ne The figures in the margin indicate full marks, Cndidates are required to give their answers in their own words 98 far as practicable, Y Answer any five questions, ( Discuss the nature of administrative Ja How is i i i hr a vol. How is the administrative law related with ‘Rule of ae ee +10=7 2 Explain the concept of ‘Delegated Legislation’. State the vatious ground: is y te saloge ina cof ay Eaten BO on lp gen a | of delegated legislation, 54541029 What do you mean by the term ‘Natural Justice"? Discuss briefly the principles of natural justice with relevant case laws. #1 5¥15=20 S#15=20 . Explain the term ‘prerogative writ’. Discuss its types. Write a brief Rote on the growth of writ jurisdiction in India. : 241048=20 6 Discuss the feature of constitutional remed | administrative and quasi judicial faults, 'y available under Article 136 of the Indian Constitution against 20 | % “The ombudsman system has gained widespread popularity primarily becalise it i a speedy and cheap | | Method of handling appeals against administrative decision’—Explain the Statement highlighting the nature | and characteristics of ombudsman, 3 20 &, What is ‘Public Undertaking"? Discuss the reasons ofits growth in India. ‘5415=20 Distinguish between (any four): Sx4=20 (®) Prohibition and Certiorari (©) Article 132 and Article 136 of the Indian Constitution Please Turn Over LLB-VIP-5.5.3(H)/AS (2) “G fonicte 32 and Artiste 226 f) Judicial action and Quasi-judicial action 2 Tribunal and Court LG inistrative action and Administrative discretion tie short notes on (any four): ae Bias ~ foy-SBeaking Orders Z_() Mentataus @) Doctrine of Res Judicata in Writs (e) Doctrine. of Legitiniate Expectation Sorat Review LLB.-VP-5.5. (HB 5 Years B.A.LL.B. Honours St v ‘ation, ¢ ) Sth Semester Exami 2017 ys Subject ; Political Science. y @ublic Administration) Paper: 5.5.1 Full Marks: 100 answers in their ow 4s far as practicable, _— Answer any five questions, 3, What is Bureaueracy? Discuss some fundamental functions of Bureaucracy. 4, Define public service commission, Explain the different ty is seca ig the functions of public service commission? 'ypes of public service commission. Woat ee 5, Discuss the concept of “New Public Management’ in the discipline of Public Administration. 20 6, Explain the procedure of recruitment and training of Indian Administrative Service. Do you think that this taining should be a continuous process? 1545=20 7, State the Role of Sabhadhipati, What are the function performed by Zila Parishad in West Bengal? : 641: 8 Discuss the compositions, functions and role of State Public Service Commission. 20 9, Explain the functions and role of the Prime Ministers Office in the Central Administration. 20 10. Write short notes (any two): 10x2=20 (a) Delegation of Authority (b) POSDCORB view of Public Administration (c) Unitary command and span of control (@) Performance budgeting LL B-VIP-S.5.3(HY/18 5 Years B.A. LL.B, (Honours) 5th Semest I) Subject «, er Examination, 2017 * Administrative Law Paper : 5,5, 3 . 3 Hours ne’ Full Marks: 100 The figures in the m, ‘argin indicate fut Candidates are required to give their anaes inthe ds m words as far as Practicable, Answer any five questions, jsouss the nature of administrative law. How j ti E Dis a OWS the aduuinistrative law related with ‘Rule of Jaw’ and the 10+10=20 2, Explain the concept of ect Legislation’. State the Various grounds on which delegated legislation can be challenged in @ cour of la. Explain the Parimentary Control of delegated legistation: —$45410=20 4 What do you mean by the term ‘Nat tural Justice’? Discuss bri inci peed relevant case laws, briefly the principles of natural justice with 4 What do you mean by the term “Iudicial Review"? Explain the emerging tend of Judi Administrative Actions in India, Review of 5+15=20 4 What is ‘Public Undertaking"? Discuss the reasons of its growth in India, 9. Distinguish between (any four): (@) Prohibition and Certiorari (b) Article 132 and Article 136 of the Indian Constitution Please Turn Over

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