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Salome: Hi everyone! My name is Salome and I am going to be your guide on this

safari to see some amazing animals. Are you excited about it?

Natalia: Yes, I am! I've never been on a safari before. What should we expect?

Salome: Well, we'll be driving through a wildlife reserve and hopefully we'll see
some amazing animals like lions, elephants, giraffes, kangaroos, wolves, elephants

Samuel: Wow, that sounds incredible! Do you think we'll get to see all of those

Salome: It's hard to say, but we'll definitely see some of them. You need to follow
my instructions carefully during the whole journey, O.k. you can’t get close to the
animals and you can’t feed them. You can take any pictures of the animals from the

Natalia: O.K no problem. All our family is so excited to do this safari

Salome: Did you bring…..sunscreen, and comfortable shoes, cameras to capture all
the amazing sights?

Angela: Yes, we did.

Moreno: How long will the safari last?

Salome: The safari will last about four hours. We'll stop for a break halfway through
so you can stretch your legs and take a snack.

Natalia: Sounds good to me. I'm ready to see the animals!

Salome: Great! Let's get on the jeep and start our adventure.

Angela: Look! There are some giraffes over there!

Salome: Yes, the giraffes are the tallest mammals on the earth their legs are taller
than humans and they have a very long neck so that they can reach the trees and
each the leaves, giraffes can also run fast up to 35 miles per hour.
Natalia: Over there it is a group of elephants. They're so majestic.

Moreno: I can't believe how close we are to them. This is amazing!

Salome: Just wait until we see the lions. They're the kings of the jungle.

Samuel: I hope we get to see them. This is the best experience ever!

Salome: I'm glad you're enjoying it. This is what a safari is all about - getting up close and
personal with nature.

Angela: I'll never forget this experience. Thank you daddy for this.

Moreno: You're welcome. I'm glad I could share this adventure with you.

Salome: Look at the Gorillas they are generally herbivores. They usually eat vegetation
such as wild celery, shoots, roots, fruit, trees.

Salome: and finally over there we can see some kangaroos, they eat grass, flowers,
leaves and even insects. Like cows, kangaroos regurgitate their food and re-chew it before
it is ready to be totally digested.

Salome: Ok .Family, let’s stop here form some minutes to take a snack and mean while to
listen to some important information about nature reserves.

Helen: Good morning everyone my name is Helen and I am going to give you some
important information about this place and animals. We have to take care this area, we
need to protect wildlife that’s why we cannot throw garbage on the floor and you can’t feed
the animals here, they have special food to eat.

Echeverry: Wildlife is a gift of Mother Nature that many take for granted. The term of
wildlife does not only covers wild animals, but also accommodates all undomesticated
creatures, including birds, insects, plants, even microscopic organisms. To maintain a
healthy ecological balance on this earth, all living creatures should treated as important as
humans. So we need to protect wildlife.

Salome: So guys this is the end of the safari. Thank you very much your appropriate
behavior. I hope you have enjoyed a lot about these beautiful animals. Thank you for let us
show this amazing nature.

Angela: thank you very much for your time.

Moreno: thank you madam

Samuel: thank you we really enjoyed it.

Natalia: Thank you very much

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