Rules and Regulations On Examination Misconduct

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Students are to note that misconduct is any type of cheating that occurs in relation to a formal
academic exercise. This includes copying, fabrication, deception, bribery, sabotage and an
inexhaustible list of acts/omissions aimed at obtaining grades above his/her level of
 Copying: The adoption or reproduction of original creations of another person/student
including anonymous paper.
 Fabrication: The falsification of data, information, or citations in any formal academic
 Deception: Providing false information to an examiner concerning a formal academic
exercise – e.g. giving a false excuse for missing a deadline or falsely claiming to have
submitted his/her work or impersonation.
 Cheating: Any attempt to give or obtain assistance in a formal academic exercise (like an
 Bribery: Paid services, giving certain test answers for money
 Sabotage: Acting to prevent others from completing their work. This includes cutting
pages out of answer scripts or willfully disrupting the experiments of others.
 Professional misconduct: professorial acts that are academically fraudulent equate to
academic fraud.
Materials to be provided by Students/Materials allowed
Students are to provide themselves with the following materials:
i. Pens
ii. Pencils
iii. Eraser
iv. Sharpener
v. Ruler
vi. Mathematical set (when necessary)
vii. Calculator (where applicable & specified ones)
viii. Drawing instruments (where applicable)
ix. Drawing Boards (if requested)
x. Any other material specified by the School Examination Committee
xi. On all items listed above, there should be no jottings, writings or inscriptions whether
relevant or irrelevant to the course being examined.
Materials not allowed
1. No student shall be allowed to borrow from or lend any of the materials listed in 12.1 (i-xi)
above to his/her neighbour during an examination.

2. No phone, programmable or unauthorized calculators and or organizers shall be allowed.
And where an examination condition forbids the use of calculator, no calculator shall be
allowed into such Examination Hall.

Arrival of Students in the examination hall

i. Each student is required to be present at the Examination Hall, at least thirty (30) minutes
before the commencement of a paper, carrying only authorized materials as listed above
ii. No student shall be allowed into the Examination hall without his/her valid College identity
card and Examination docket. No Association/departmental identity Card shall be
allowed in place of College identity Card and Examination docket. College identity card
does not replace examination docket and vice visa.
iii. Each student shall be thoroughly searched before entering the Examination Hall and
during the Examination
iv. After the search, each student will immediately proceed into the Hall and sit on his/her
designated seat.
v. Each student shall pick any pieces of paper under his/her desk and on the floor around
him/her before the commencement of examination. Such pieces of paper shall be
disposed off in the front of the examination hall, or as indicated by the invigilator.
vi. Any student arriving at the Examination Hall thirty (30) minutes after the commencement
of a paper will not be permitted to sit for that paper.
Students conduct during examination
i) A student writing examination shall not be allowed to take handbag/purse/wallet/book or
any paper including currency notes into the Examination Hall.
ii) Only matriculation number shall be used as examination number.
iii) A student shall be given all the papers he/she needs for the examination.
iv) During the examination, the student’s identity card and Examination Docket shall be
conspicuously displayed.
v) All rough work should be done in the College answer booklet provided for the examination
but should be neatly cancelled.
vi) No student shall bring into the Examination Hall any working aid like electronic devices,
programmable calculators or gadgets, telephone numbers, codes, formulae, or jottings on
pieces of paper/book whether relevant or irrelevant to the course being examined.
vii) No rough work should be done on the question paper, on the desk, clothing apparels,
palm or any other part of the body.
viii) All forms of co-operation between students (e.g. conversation, exchange of papers,
writing and drawing aids) and all forms of communication in the Examination Hall are
regarded as misconduct. (when examination is going on)
ix) Where a student is in extreme need of help, such as sudden illness, illegible question(s),
or is in an uncomfortable situation, he/she should call the attention of the invigilator by
raising his/her hand. Tapping/Banging on the table or desk and all forms of noise in order

to invite attention are violations of proper conduct of the examination and shall be
considered as misconduct.
x) Students can visit the toilet only one at a time during an examination and strictly under
xi) No student shall destroy, mutilate or swallow any object that can be used as evidence.
xii) No student shall solicit for marks before or after an
xiii) No student shall possess examination stationery before or after an examination.
xiv) No student shall take his/her question paper out of examination hall during the
xv) No student shall invite another person to write examination paper for him/her –
xvi) No student shall write his/her examination in the hall other than the hall assigned to
xvii) No student shall refuse to submit his/her identity card or refuse to fill form SEC – 07 upon
apprehension for examination misconduct.
xviii) No student shall be found in an examination Hall with fake document(s).
xix) No student shall submit an answer script different in colour and/or number from the one
given to him/her in the examination hall/venue.
xx) No student must fold College examination booklet and/or continuation sheet(s) for any
reason whatsoever.
Submission and collection of answer scripts
1. Students must sign in before the commencement of the examination and sign out
while submitting their answer scripts by hand to the invigilator before leaving the
examination hall.
2. It is a misconduct for a student to take out of the Examination Hall any of the
answer booklets, and any other materials provided by the College, used or unused.
3. A student may submit his/her answer script any time not earlier than one hour
from the commencement of writing an examination but if he/she so wishes, he/she
must leave the examination Hall and its vicinity immediately. Such student shall leave
his/her question paper with the invigilator; he/she may collect the question paper from
the invigilator at the end of the examination. On no account shall such a student be
allowed back into the Examination Hall.

Where an examination is considered special (e.g. Open book examination, oral
examination, practical work, laboratory test, surveying, field work, open air art work,
drawing etc) students must comply with the Examiner’s instructions as to the number,
nature, type of books and instruments or papers or work aids that will be required so as to
conduct the examination under ideal conditions. It is a misconduct to disobey the
instructions of the examiners/invigilators.

1. Any student sick/ill health who requires any form of special attention or supervisor or
who feels that his/her health may affect his/her work in the Examination Hall should
notify and submit a report signed by a Medical practitioner and endorsed by the College
Medical Director through his/her Head of Department to the Dean of School prior to the
examination date.
2. In case a student falls sick during an examination, he/she should report immediately to
the invigilator, who shall take necessary action.
3. In case a student falls or reports seriously ill prior to, or during the examination period
and is attended to at the College Medical Centre, a written report on the student shall be
made by the College Medical Officer and be forwarded to the Dean of School of the
student concerned within forty eight (48) hours of attending to the student.
4. Where a student is referred to a Specialist or another Hospital, the external report on
the student shall be countersigned (with comments, if necessary) by the College
Medical Director and forwarded to the Dean of School of the student concerned. In a
case where there is no external report, the Doctor who made reference shall take
appropriate action.
Any student apprehended in the examination hall, for breach of any of the rules and
regulations shall have his/her identity card and any exhibit(s) immediately impounded and
he/she shall complete the student’s misconduct form immediately he/she finishes writing
the examination paper. The student must appear before SEMIC within one (1) week after


Any student having a problem in connection with his/her examination or with the
examination result and wishes to complain, may put his/her complaint forward to the
Rector in writing and copy the Dean of School and IQA through his/her Head of
Department (HOD).
1. A fee of N7, 500 per script must be paid to the College Bursary and the receipt of
payment must accompany the letter of complaint from the student to the Rector, if the
student wants his/her scripts re-assessed.
2. If complainant (Student) is vindicated after investigation the stipulated fee paid shall be
refunded to the Student.


Penalties for breach of the rules and regulations are listed as follows:
1. Any student caught with jottings, writings or inscriptions on any of the materials listed
in paragraph 12.1 shall have his/her results cancelled and should repeat the session.
2. Any student caught borrowing from or lending any of the materials listed in paragraph
12.1 above to another student or found to be helping another student by conversation
shall have his/her paper cancelled and carry-over the course.

3. Any student who refused being searched before and or during an examination shall be
handed over to the College Security Unit and shall have his/her paper cancelled and be
made to repeat the session.
4. Any student who brings an exhibit or any form of aid like electronic devices,
programmable calculators or gadgets, and all unauthorized calculators and phone to the
Examination Hall and he/she was caught during or after the examination shall have
his/her result cancelled, and in addition, be suspended for the rest of the Session. If
misconduct is committed during first semester and be made to repeat the same class
the following Session. If the misconduct is committed in second semester, the student
will repeat the same class the following Session (i.e. have his or her first semester result
5. Any student caught with jottings, or writings on clothing apparel, palm or any other part
of the body and/ or on any currency note shall have his/her results cancelled, and be
made to repeat the class.
6. Any student caught with rough work or jottings on question paper or desk shall have
his/her paper cancelled and carry-over the course.
7. Any students found to be cooperating by exchanging papers or working aids shall have
their results cancelled and be made to repeat the same class.
8. Any student causing a breach of peace before, during or after an examination shall be
written a letter of warning.
9. If a student destroys, mutilates or swallows an exhibit or makes it impossible in any
way for his/her innocence or guilt to be determined, such student shall be suspended for
at least one full session, and shall repeat the same class after the suspension.
10. Any student found in possession of blank College answer booklet/sheets before,
during or after examination shall have his/her results cancelled, and be made to repeat
the same class.
11. Any student who fails to submit/or takes his/her question paper out of the examination
hall during the examination shall have his/her paper cancelled and be made to repeat
the class.
12. Any student who invites another person to write examination paper for him/her
(impersonation) will be expelled. If the person who sits for the student is also a student
of the College, he/she will also be expelled. If the person is not a student of the
College, he/she will be dealt with as appropriate.
13. Any student caught with fake document (identity card, examination docket) during or
after examination shall be expelled from the College.
14. Any student who gives false information as to name, class and registration number in
order to cover identity shall be expelled from the College
15. Any student found to have re-stapled or filled his/her answer booklet/sheets during or
after the examination shall have his/her results cancelled, shall be suspended for at
least one full Session and be made to repeat the same class after the suspension.
16. Any student who brings prepared answers on College answer booklets, or any other
sheets to the Examination Hall shall be expelled from the College

17. Any student who forcefully or otherwise takes the script of another student shall have
his/her results cancelled, and be made to repeat the same class.
18. Any student who is rude/disobeyed to an invigilator inside/outside an Examination Hall
or its vicinity shall have his/her paper cancelled and shall be made to carry-over the
course. In addition, the student must write a letter of apology to the affected staff
through the Dean of School and Head of Department.
19. Any student who physically attacks an invigilator, examiner, or an examination officer
inside/outside an Examination venue during or after an examination shall be expelled
from the College.
20. Any student found soliciting for marks during, before or after an examination shall have
his/her results cancelled and be made to repeat the course.
21. Any student found to have written his/her examination in the hall other than the hall
assigned to her will have his/her paper cancelled and be made to carry-over the course.
22. Any student who refused to submit his/her identity card and/ or refuse to complete the
misconduct form upon apprehension for examination misconduct shall be expelled from
the College.
23. Any student, who directly or indirectly threatens the life of an examination officer
(roving invigilator, invigilator, member of SEMIC, SEC etc.) before, during or after the
examination/investigation, shall be expelled from the College.
24. Any student who commits more than one misconduct during the same semester
examination shall carry the heavier penalty.
25. Any student who commits any misconduct for a Second time (at two different
semesters) shall be expelled from the college.
26. Any student who submits an answer script different in colour and number from the one
given to him/her in the examination hall/venue shall be expelled from the College.
27. Other forms of examination misconducts not directly mentioned above shall carry
appropriate penalties at management discretion.

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