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Read the following text and answer the questions!

There are many different reasons as to why the Android users would need to utilize multiple methods
when installing applications on their gadgets. However, installing applications via Google Play is hands-
down the easiest method. Here is how to install application via Google Play.
1. Search for the icon labelled “Play Store” in your application drawer then open it up.
2. Search for the magnifying glass icon at the upper right of your screen.
3. Type the name of the application you wish to install and press the key which looks like a magnifying
4. Click on the icon of the application you wish to install.
5. Press the “install” button to install the application.
6. Press “Accept” when the pop-up window is seen.
7. Wait for the installation process to complete.
Adapted from:

1. What is the topic of the text?

A. Searching for appropriate application.
B. Installing application for Android users.
C. Multiple methods for installing an application.
D. Installing application without Google Play Store.
2. What should we do before installing the application?
A. Accept the application access’ requirements.
B. Click on the icon to uninstall the application.
C. Complete the installation though it takes some time.
D. Search for the application in the installation section.
E. Choose the right application you want to install.
3. …. the Android users would need to utilize multiple methods when installing applications on their
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. Appliance D. wire
B. gauge E. driblet
C. engine

Read the following text and answer the questions!

Some dolphins are not found in the ocean. In the contrary, they live in freshwater. The Irrawaddy is one
of the freshwater dolphins. This dolphin traverses three rivers in South and Southeast Asia. In the
Mahakam River, there is one of the Irrawaddy dolphins locally named Pesut Mahakam. The dolphins are
mostly found along a 200 km section of the Mahakam River, the lakes, tributaries, and wetlands along it,
migrating 500 km from the source in different seasons.
Pesut Mahakam is similar to the beluga in appearance, though most closely related to the killer whale. It
has large melon and a blunt, rounded head, and the beak is indistinct. The dorsal fin, located about two-
thirds posterior along the back, is short, blunt, and triangular. The flippers are long and broad. It is lightly
coloured all over, but slightly whiter on the underside than the back. Overall, its colour is grey to dark
slate blue, paler underneath, with no distinctive pattern.
The population of Pesut Mahakam is always declining though it is the symbol of East Kalimantan Province
and fully protected under Indonesia Law. Its habitat declines substantially since 2009 as a result of the
conversion of fish spawning swamp areas into oil palm plantations. Consequently, Pesut population is
critically endangered with less than 90 individuals remaining in the entire river.
Adapted from:
4. What is the topic of the passage?
A. The characteristics of Pesut Mahakam.
B. The extinction of Pesut Mahakam.
C. The Irrawaddy dolphins in general.
D. The habitat of some freshwater dolphins.
E. The Pesut Mahakam in general.
5. From the text we know that ….
A. the Pesut Mahakam number has plummeted
B. the Irrawaddy dolphins can be found both in the river and in the ocean
C. the river dolphins’ body is covered with a particular pattern
D. the Pesut and the killer whale have identical appearance
E. the habitat of Pesut Mahakam is expanding throughout the time
6. Its habitat declines substantially since 2009 …. (paragraph 3)
The similar meaning of the underlined word is ….
A. slightly
B. significantly
C. merely
D. famously
E. calculably

Read the following text and answer the questions!

The practical exam for chemistry is rescheduled due to the under capacity of the laboratory. The exam
will be held in two separated days. Students from class XII- A and XII-B will do the exam on Wednesday,
May 15, 2017, while students from class XII-C and XII-D will do the test on the next day. For your safety,
use lab coat, goggles, and gloves during the exam.

7. The topic of the text is ….

A. the safety concern of practical exam
B. the change of exam’s schedule
C. the laboratory under capacity problem
D. the cancelation of practical exam
E. the tools that should be used during the exam
8. What can be inferred from the text?
A. The lab coat is needed by the students to pass the exam.
B. The exam for students from class XII-C will be held on Tuesday.
C. The number of the students exceeds the laboratory capacity.
D. The exam for class XII-D will be held earlier than class XII-A.
E. Lab coat, goggles, and gloves should be worn after the exam.

Read the following text and answer the questions!

Dear Professor Hood,
We cordially invite you to participate in “International Conference: Genetic Transformation Effects
on Human Health” as the guest speaker. The conference will be held on June 24 – 26, 2018 in the
Academic Hall of the University of Oxford. This conference will be a joint effort of the University of
Oxford and the University of Cambridge.
The Vice-Rector of the University of Oxford Dr. Theodore Roose will inaugurate the conference and
the head of Biology Department from the University of Cambridge Dr. Michael Dean is expected to
address the closing ceremony.
We look forward to a positive confirmation, an honour for us indeed. We believe that your
contribution to this field will be a great benefit for the participants.
Kindly RSVP by May 30, 2018 to the Conference Secretary, Ms. Adelle Meine, at
Your Faithfully,
Dr. Smith Wise
Conference Planning Chair
Dept of Biotechnology

9. What is the passage about?

A. An academic letter to honour the professor.
B. International conference information.
C. An inauguration of the international conference.
D. A joint program between two universities.
E. A conference guest speaker invitation letter.
10. The purpose of the text is to ….
A. ask for Prof. Hood to be the guest speaker
B. invite Prof. Hood to arrange the conference
C. celebrate the international conference
D. inform the schedule of conference inauguration
E. attend the closing of the international conference
11. How does the inviter feel about the presence of Professor Hood?
A. He is not sure that the professor will come and be the guest speaker.
B. He hopes that the professor is unable to join the conference.
C. He is doubt that the professor will join the conference as the speaker.
D. He expects the professor to be the guest speaker of the conference.
E. He believes that the professor will contribute in some other conference.
12. We look forward to a positive confirmation, an honour for us indeed
The underlined phrase has similar meaning with ….
A. a favour
B. a contribution
C. a pride
D. a blessing
E. an endorsement

Read the following text and answer the questions!

Sheila, my cousin, and I had an unforgettable vacation last year. We went to explore some peculiar
places in my city. We made a plan long before the year end holiday came. We decided to visit two places
which were the forgotten museum and a hidden beach. A day after Sheila’s arrival from Jakarta, we started
the journey.
The first place was a small museum at the edge of the city. We went to that place by train, and then
continued it with motorcycle taxi because we couldn’t find any other public transportation. The museum
was an ancient building in the centre of a huge yard. It was quite horrible because we were the only visitors.
Fortunately, there was a tour guide who accompanied us when we saw the museum’s collection.
The next day, we planned to go to a hidden beach that one of my friends had told me before. He said
there was a beautiful beach laid after the pine forest near Kesanda Village. Only local people who knew
the beach well. Luckily, I met Erna before. She was a villager from Kesanda Village. We travelled to the
beach with her. It took only two hours and a half to get that place. It was a truly “hidden gem”. The beauty
of the beach was so memorable.

13. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. To describe her feeling during her vacation.
B. To show her unforgettable journey to Sheila.
C. To describe her cousin’s last year vacation.
D. To inform where the museum and the beach is.
E. To tell her vacation experience with her cousin.
14. Why was the writer scared when she visited the museum?
A. She and her cousin were the only visitors.
B. She thought that she saw a horrible thing.
C. There was no tour guide at the museum.
D. The museum was at the edge of the city.
E. The museum building was an ancient one.
15. From the text it can be concluded that ….
A. Having a friend from other places will make life easier.
B. Making a holiday plan will make it unforgettable moments.
C. Going to some peculiar places create a distinct experiences.
D. Visiting a museum and a beach will delight your vacation.
E. Finding a great place will be easier if you go with your cousin.
16. …. we couldn’t find any other public transportation, we went to that place by train, then continued it
with motorcycle taxi.
The sentences can be connected by which of the following words?
A. However
B. Nevertheless
C. Although
D. Consequently
E. Since

Read the following text and answer the questions!

Saudi Arabia granted citizenship to a humanoid robot called Sophia. It announced at an innovation
conference in Riyadh this week. It claims to be the first nation to bestow citizenship upon a robot. Sophia
herself was built by the Hong Kong-based company Hanson Robotics in 2015.
Sophia was invented by David Hanson who claims that she is imbued with artificial intelligence and
can recognize faces. Her silicon face can reportedly mimic 62 human facial expressions. Oh their website,
Hanson described Sophia as humanoid who has porcelain skin, a slender nose, high cheekbones, an
intriguing smile, and deeply expressive eyes. She was supposedly modelled on the late actress Audrey
When Sophia was told that she had granted citizenship, she responded, “Thank you to the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia. I am very honoured and proud for this unique distinction. It is historic to be the first robot
in the world to be recognized with citizenship.” On the other side, Sophia’s citizenship has become a
controversy. Sophia was granted citizenship while the foreigners, and is most notably withheld from
poorly treated migrant labourers were rarely granted. Some social media users also mocked Saudi’s
decision. They pointed out that the robot could be entitled to more rights than the country’s female
subjects, who must have a male guardian, must wear a hijab, ect.
Adapted from:

17. What is the topic of the text?

A. Artificial Intelligence humanoid from Hanson Robotic.
B. Sophia as the first robot who is granted a citizenship.
C. The controversy of Saudi Arabia citizenship to the foreigners.
D. The characteristics of first humanoid called Sophia.
E. A citizenship from Saudi Arabia for any humanoid robot.
18. What was Sophia’s response when she was given the citizenship?
A. She thanked her company Hanson Robotic.
B. She felt respected to be recognized with citizenship.
C. She said that she was very amused with the grant.
D. She felt confidence as the first robot citizen.
E. She was pleased and blessed by her citizenship.
19. Why did Sophia’s citizenship become a controversy? Because ….
A. Saudi Arabia citizenship was rarely given to many foreign workers
B. there were many other robots who don’t get any citizenship
C. Sophia was made by Hanson Robotic located in Hong Kong
D. many social media users mocked the Saudi Arabia’s decision
E. the society rejected that the country gave more concern on robot
20. Some social media users also mocked Saudi’s decision.
…., they pointed out that the robot could be entitled to more rights than the country’s female subjects,
who must have a male guardian, must wear a hijab, ect.
Which of the following complete the sentences best?
A. However
B. As the result
C. Furthermore
D. On the contrary
E. Even though
Read the following text and answer the questions!
• 1 kg of beef
• 6 shallots
• 6 garlic plants
• 6 candle nuts
• 1 stalk of lemon grass
• 2 inch of ginger plant
• 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder
• 2 inch of galangal
• 6 red chillies
• 1.220 ml coconut milk
• 1/2 cup of water
1. Pour your shallots, garlic, ginger, chillies, turmeric powder, candle nuts, and coconut milk into a
2. Put your blender on puree or emulsify. It should be a dark orange colour.
3. Pour the blended ingredients, lemon grass, galangal, and the rest of the liquid into a wok.
4. Set the oven onto low heat and place the wok on it.
5. Cut the beef into two inch by two inch square.
6. Wait until the sauce is reduced. Put the beef in and stir it gently.
7. Add as much salt and spices as you desire.
8. Serve on a plate and enjoy.

21. What is the topic of the text?

A. How to bake meat in coconut milk and spices.
B. How to prepare the kitchen utensils before cooking.
C. How to cook spicy meat in coconut milk sauce.
D. How to cut the beef meat into the perfect size.
E. How to make spicy coconut milk curry sauce.
22. The text states that ….
A. Blended spices should have dark orange colour.
B. The beef is cooked before the spicy sauce.
C. The spices should be cooked in high heat.
D. Salt is added when the spices is blended.
E. Plain water is used to blend the spices.
23. According to the text when should we put the beef into the wok?
A. Before cooking the spices.
B. After cutting the beef.
C. Before serving the meat.
D. After reducing the sauce.
E. After pouring the blended ingredients.
24. Put the beef in and stir it gently.
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. chop
B. mix
C. pour
D. fry
E. boil

Read the following text and answer the questions!

The researchers say that a recent review of data from 199 countries estimated that almost 1½ billion
adults worldwide were overweight in 2008. Among them, 502 million were obese. The researchers also
say that another report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development evaluated 11
countries and found that of these the US and UK consistently had the highest prevalence of obesity over
the past 20-40 years. The report predicted that this trajectory was likely to continue to 2020.
The paper points out that cardiovascular disease, diabetes and various cancers are the main chronic
diseases associated with obesity. Given that the prevalence of these diseases is already rising due to the
fact that people are living longer, the extra burden from obesity suggests a substantial cost to the healthcare
system. The researchers say that a study estimated that obesity accounts for between 0.7 and 2.8% of a
country’s total healthcare costs, and that obese people’s medical costs are 30% higher than those of
normal-weight people.
The researchers say that the most recent US data estimated that obese people have 46% higher
inpatient costs, 27% more doctor visits and outpatient costs, and 80% greater spending on prescription
drugs. By 2030, healthcare costs due to obesity and overweight are projected to account for 16 – 18% of
total US healthcare expenditure.
In the UK, a 2007 report by the Office for Science Foresight Programme projected that the
continuing rise in obesity will add £5.5 billion in medical costs to the National Health Service by 2050. In
addition to medical costs, society incurs substantial costs from obesity as a result of increased risks of
disability and disability pensions, higher work absenteeism and reduced productivity, and increased risk
of people retiring early or dying before they reach retirement age.
The researchers say that it is difficult to quantify future healthcare cost resulting from obesity as
costs are affected by changing demographics, the economy, and the availability of food. However, they
say that they used the modelling framework used by the Foresight Programme and applied this to the US
and the UK situation to provide updated projections for obesity trends and healthcare expenditure for
obesity-related diseases.

25. From the text we can conclude that ….

A. the healthcare cost is rising when the obesity increase
B. obesity is not related tom cardiovascular disease
C. more people are obese than overweight
D. the US and UK has the lowest level of obesity
E. obese people medical cost is lower than normal-weight people
26. Why do quantify future healthcare cost resulting from obesity is difficult?
A. None of the researchers has created the right model to calculate the costs.
B. Obesity encouraged the higher risks of disability and disability pensions.
C. It is affected by changing demographics, the economy and the availability of food.
D. People with obesity are also associated with some main chronic diseases.
E. The number of people who get obesity in the future is projected to be lower than 2008.
27. What is the main idea of paragaph 2?
A. Almost 1½ billion adults worldwide were overweight in 2008.
B. Some diseases are not associated with obesity will increase.
C. The continuing rise in obesity will increase the healthcare cost by 2050.
D. Obese people spend more healthcare cost than normal-weight people.
E. The difficulty to quantify future healthcare cost resulting from obesity.
28. Given that the prevalence of these diseases is already rising ….
The underlined word is closest in meaning with ….
A. Commonness
B. precaution
C. calculation
D. insurance
E. measurement

Read the following text and answer the questions!

The Giza Pyramid complex is an archaeological site on the Giza Plateau, on the outskirts of Cairo,
Egypt. It includes the three Great Pyramids which are Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure, the Great Sphinx,
several cemeteries, a workers’ village, and an industrial complex. It is located in the Western Desert,
approximately 9 km west of the Nile river at the old town of Giza, and about 13 km southwest of Cairo
city centre.
The first Giza Pyramid project built by Pharaoh Khufu circa 2550 B.C. His Great Pyramid is the
largest in Giza and towers some 481 feet above the plateau. Its estimated 2.3 million stone blocks each
weigh an average of 2.5 to 15 tons.
Khufu’s son, Pharaoh Khafre, built the second pyramid at Giza, circa 2520 B.C. His necropolis also
included the Sphinx, a mysterious limestone monument with the body of a lion and a pharaoh’s head. The
Sphinx may stand sentinel for the pharaoh’s entire tomb complex.
The third of Giza Pyramids is considerably smaller than the first two. Built by Pharaoh Menkaure
circa 2490 B.C, it featured a much more complex mortuary temple.
Adapted from:

29. From the text we know that ….

A. Khafre’s Pyramid is the biggest Pyramid.
B. The oldest Pyramid is Menkaure’s Pyramid.
C. The Sphinx is placed outside the Great Pyramids complex.
D. Several graveyards were found in the Pyramid complex.
E. The Sphinx was built around 2490 B.C.
30. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?
A. The history of the Great Pyramids.
B. The location of Giza Pyramid complex.
C. The description of Giza Pyramid complex.
D. The builders of the Great Pyramids.
E. The main function of Giza Pyramid complex.
31. It is located in the Western Desert, approximately 9 km west of the Nile river ….
The underlined word in the sentence above refers to ….
A. the Great Sphinx
B. the industrial complex
C. the Great Pyramids
D. the Giza plateau
E. the Giza Pyramid complex

Read the following text and answer the questions!

A new study conducted by the researchers from EY’s Quantitative Economics and Statistics group
found that people who go to movies in theatres more frequently also consume more streaming content. If
the study’s findings are accurate, it would appear that the two forms of entertainment consumption are
more complementary than cannibalistic.
The study found, for instance, that respondents who visited a movie theatre nine times or more in
the last 12 months consumed more streaming content than consumers who visited a movie theatre only
once or twice over the past year. Those who saw nine or more movies at the cinema averaged 11 hours of
weekly streaming compared to the seven hours of streaming reported on average by those who saw one to
ten movies at the multiplexes.
To get its results, they surveyed 2,500 respondents in November – 80% of whom saw at least one
movie in theatres over the past year. The study was commissioned by the National Association of Theatre
Owners (NATO), a lobbying group for the exhibition industry that has been particularly outspoken in its
critique of Netflix’s decision to forgo traditional theatrical releases for movies such as “Roma” or “Outlaw
In fact, people who skipped the movie theatres also tended to avoid watching copious amounts of
shows and films on streaming services. Nearly half of the people who said they didn’t visit a movie theatre
in the last 12 months also didn’t stream any online content. Just 18% of those who avoid theatres streamed
online content for eight or more hours per week.
Adapted from:

32. What is the topic of the text? The text is about the study on the comparison of the number of people who
A. buy movie ticket online or offline
B. go to the movie theatre or grocery store
C. watch movie at the theatre or stream online
D. visit the movie theatre or amusement park
E. spend more time in the exhibition industry or in the theatres
33. What is the result of the study?
A. People loved to buy online movie ticket rather than offline.
B. Movie watchers choose theatres more than online streaming.
C. Most people didn’t have time to watch movies in the theatres.
D. Those who didn’t watch movie in the theatres also didn’t steam it online.
E. Most respondents watch movie online more than in the theatres.
34. To get its results, they surveyed 2,500 respondents in November ….
The underlined word refers to ….
A. the theatres
B. the researchers
C. the respondents
D. the consumers
E. the studies
35. …. also tended to avoid watching copious amounts of shows and films on streaming services.
The underlined word has similar meaning with ….
A. Abundant
B. identical
C. ordinary
D. homogenous
E. strange

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