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what is definition?

qualitative research that hardly uses

statistical treatment in stating
Definition generalizations.
-A definition of terms in research establishes
clear and precise meanings for key concepts or These numbers are the results of
objective scales of measurements of the
terms used in a study."
units of analysis called variables.
Importance of Definition
Research findings are subjected to
-Avoids ambiguity and misunderstandings. statistical treatment to determine significant
relationships or differences between
-Provides a shared understanding for both the variables, the results of which are the bases
researcher and the reader. for generalization about phenomena.

-Ensures consistency in the use of terms Its main characteristics are:

throughout the study.
 The data is usually gathered using
Types of Definitions structured research instruments.
 The results are based on larger
-Conceptual Definition: A conceptual definition sample sizes that are representative
provides an abstract or theoretical meaning of a of the population.
term based on existing literature or theoretical  The research study can usually be
frameworks." replicated or repeated, given its high
Example  Researcher has a clearly defined
research question to which objective
Broken Family Refers to a family that has
answers are sought.
conflicted or disconnected ties within the family
 All aspects of the study are carefully
unit (Anderson, 2017). In this study, this term designed before data is collected.
refers to a family where parents do not live  Data are in the form of numbers and
together or are separated. statistics, often arranged in tables,
charts, figures, or other non-textual
Guidelines for Effective Definitions: forms.
Clarity: Ensure that the definition is clear and  Project can be used to generalize
concepts more widely, predict future
easily understood by the target audience.
results, or investigate causal
Precision: Be specific and avoid ambiguity or relationships.
Researcher uses tools, such as
questionnaires or computer software, to
Consistency: Ensure that the defined terms are collect numerical data.
used consistently throughout the study.

Contextual Relevance: Tailor the definition to Strength

the specific context of the research.
Allows for a broader study, involving a greater
What is a quantitative research? number of subjects, and enhancing the generalization
of the results;
Quantitative research designs use Allows for greater objectivity and accuracy of
numbers in stating generalizations about a results. Generally, quantitative methods are designed
given problem or inquiry in contrast to to provide summaries of data that support
generalizations about the phenomenon under study.
In order to accomplish this, quantitative research #2 – Causal-Comparative Research
usually involves few variables and many cases, and Causal-Comparative Research
employs prescribed procedures to ensure validity and
method is used to draw conclusions with
Applying well-established standards means that the respect to the cause-and-effect equation
research can be replicated, and then analyzed and between the two or more than two
compared with similar studies; variables, where the one variable will be
 You can summarize vast sources of information dependent on other variables which will be
and make comparisons across categories and over independent.
time; and,
 Personal bias can be avoided by keeping a #3 – Experimental Research
'distance' from participating subjects and using This analysis is done for the purpose
accepted computational techniques.
of proving or for disproving the statement. It
Weakness is generally used in the field of natural
 Quantitative research can be costly, difficult sciences or in the field of social sciences as
and time-consuming- difficult because in those areas various statements are there
most researchers are non-mathematicians. which required to be proved as right or
 Quantitative studies require extensive wrong.
statistical treatment, requiring stringent
standards, more so with confirmation of #4 – Correlation Research
results. When ambiguities in some findings Correlation Research conducted for
surface, retesting and refinement of the design establishing a relationship between the two
call for another investment in time and closely associated entities for knowing the
resources to polish the results. impact of one on other and the changes
 Quantitative methods also tend to turn out only which eventually observed. It is carried for
proved or unproven results, leaving little room giving value to the naturally occurring
for uncertainty, or grey areas. For the social relationships. For this research minimum,
sciences, education, two different groups will be required.
 anthropology and psychology, human nature is
a lot more complex than just a simple yes or no
response. Importance of Quantitative Research

Top 4 Methods / Types of Quantitative 1. More reliable and objective

Research 2. Can use statistics to generalize a finding
3. Often reduces and restructures a complex
We have numerous quantitative problem to a limited number of variables
research design, but we will only be 4. Looks at relationships between variables
focusing on these four top most used and can establish cause and effect in highly
methods/design in quantitative research. controlled circumstances
5. Tests theories or hypotheses
6. Assumes sample is representative of the
#1 – Survey Research population
Using the survey research as the 7. Subjectivity of researcher in methodology
method of research, an organization is recognized less
conducting survey ask different survey 8. Less detailed than qualitative data and
questions from the respondents using the may miss a desired response from the
various types like online surveys, online participant
polls paper questionnaires, etc. then collect
data and analyze collected data in order to Importance of Quantitative Research
produce the numerical results. across fields
-People engage in research to discover designs, quasi-experiments, true
potential solutions to problems, with the experiments, and case studies, among
goal of improving processes, challenging others.
existing hypotheses, or finding answers to
Quantitative Research and
questions in daily life. The outcomes of
Anthropology- it is concerned with
research can have a significant impact on
exploring connections simultaneously,
various aspects of society, including
amidst cultural Differences, Alternatives and
people's lives, methodologies, legal
Identity. In the contemporary academic,
frameworks, and policies. Quantitative
socio-cultural and political climate these
research is commonly preferred due to its
concepts have immense symbolic
focus on providing evidence rather than
mere exploration.
-In recent times, research studies have
gained unprecedented attention. It used to Quantitative Research and
be primarily higher education faculty who Communication- researchers are often
conducted research, but now even teachers interested om how an understanding of a
in primary education are deeply involved in particular communication phenomenon
research activities, dedicating time and might be generalized to a larger population.
effort to enhance educational practices and For example, researchers can advance
elevate the quality of student learning. Many questions like “ what effect do punitive
educators conduct action research to behavioral control statements have on
address the concerning decline in classroom? What communicative behaviors
educational quality, systematically are associated with different stages in a
identifying and making informed decisions romantic relationship? What communicative
about the encountered challenges. behaviors are used to respond to co-
Innovative teaching strategies are the workers displaying emotional stress? (Allen,
outcomes of such research. Titsworth, Hunt, 2009).
-Quantitative research, in both natural and
social sciences, involves the systematic and
empirical examination of observable Quantitative Research and Sports
phenomena using statistical, mathematical, Medicine- For example, if you want to look
or computational methods. The primary aim at preferences for team sports or individual
of quantitative research is to develop and sports in people in the Philippines, cross-
apply mathematical models, theories, and sectional research would be useful. This
hypotheses related to these phenomena. would allow you to obtain opinions from a
The process of measurement plays a range of people. You would send your
central role in quantitative research as it participants a survey-type questionnaire
establishes a vital link between real-world that allowed them to say which type of sport
observations and mathematical expressions they preferred. Then you could produce
of quantitative relationships. some descriptive statistics for the results of
the study (for example, 73 per cent of men
-In the realm of Health Sciences (including prefer team sports, 20 per cent of men
fields like Medical Technology, Dentistry, prefer individual sports and 7 per cent of
Nursing, and Medicine), various quantitative men have no preference).
research designs are employed, such as
descriptive studies, pre-experimental
Quantitative Research and interesting; it is one of the motivating factors
Medical Education - it enhances the of the research undertaking.
quality of medical education and designs
The root word of the word variable is “vary”
test interventions like curriculum, teaching
or simply “can change”. These variables are
learning process, or assessment with an
among the fundamental concepts of
experimental group.
research, alongside with measurement,
validity, reliability, cause and effect; and
theory. Bernard (1994) defines a variable as
Quantitative Research and the
something that can take more than one
Behavioral Sciences – it tends to explore
value, and values can be words or numbers.
how one behavior exhibited by people is
related to other types of behavior. A variable specifically refers to
characteristics, or attribute of an individual
or an organization that can be measured or
Quantitative Research in observed and that varies among the people
Education and Psychology – Quantitative or organization being studied (Creswell,
methods in education engages in the 2002).
science and practice
of educational measurement and TYPES OF VARIABLES (ALLEN,
evaluation, primarily through the TITSWORTH, HUNT, 2009)
development and application of
statistical methods, informed by the study of 1. CONTINUOUS VARIABLES – A
teaching and learning statistics. variable that can take infinite number
on the value that can occur within
the population. Its values can be
divided into fractions. Examples of
Quantitative Research and the this type of variable include age,
Social Sciences - it aims to be height, and temperature. Continuous
generalizable to large populations by using variables can be further categorized
specific sampling methods and large data as:
sets. It can provide important descriptive
statistics about a population or location, a. INTERVAL VARIABLES –
allowing us to grasp key characteristics of It have values that lie along an
the object(s) of study. evenly dispersed range of numbers.
It is a measurement where the
THE VARIABLES IN RESEARCH difference between two values does
have meaning. Examples of interval
The term ‘variable’ has been mentioned data include temperature, a person’s
several times so that it is necessary to net worth (how much money you
define it here. In research, a variable refers have when you subtract your debt
to a “characteristics that has two or more from your assets), etc. In
mutually exclusive values or properties” temperature, this may illustrate as
(Sevilla and Other, 1988). Sex, for instance, the difference between a
has two properties which are maleness and temperature of 60 degrees and 50
femaleness. The ages of different persons degrees is the same as difference
have different values; so with their size, between 30 degrees and 20
height, weight and income. The degrees. The interval between
values makes sense and can be
phenomenon of variety is what makes life
b. RATIO VARIABLES – It etc. An illustration of this is, if you
have values that lie along an evenly asked people if they liked listening to
dispersed range of numbers when music while studying and they could
there is absolute zero. It possesses answer either “NOT VERY MUCH”,
the properties of interval variable “MUCH”, “VERY MUCH” then you
and has a clear definition of zero, have an ordinal variable. While you
indication that there is none of that can rank them, we cannot place a
variable. Examples of which are value to them. In this type, distances
height, weight, and distance. Most between attributes do not have any
scores stemming from response to meaning. For example, you used
survey items are ratio-level values educational attainment as a variable
because they typically cannot go on survey, you might code
below zero. Temperature measured elementary school graduates = 1,
in degrees Celsius and degrees high graduates = 2, college
Fahrenheit is not a ratio variable undergraduate = 3, and college
because 0 under these temperatures graduate = 4. In this measure,
scales does not mean no higher number means greater
temperature at all. education. Even though we can rank
these from lowest to highest, the
2. DISCRETE VARIABLES – This is spacing between the values may not
also known as categorical or be the same across the levels of the
classificatory variable. This is any variables. The distance between 3
variable that has limited number of and 4 is not the same with the
distinct values and which cannot be distance between 1 and 2.
divided into fractions like sex, blood
group, and number of children in KINDS OF VARIABLES
family. Discrete variable may also
categorized into: Several experts have lumped together the
following as the major kinds of variables:
represent categories that cannot be 1. INDEPENDENT VARIABLES –
ordered in any particular way. It is a Those that probably cause,
variable with no quantitative value. It influence, or affect outcomes. They
has two or more categories but does are invariably called treatment,
not imply ordering of cases. manipulated, antecedent or predictor
Common examples of this variable variables. This is the cause variable
include eye color, business type, or the one responsible for the
religion, biological sex, political conditions that act on something
affiliation, basketball fan affiliation, else to bring about changes.
etc. A sub-type of nominal scale with
only two categories just like sex is EXAMPLE: A study is on the
known as dichotomous. relationship of study habits and
academic performance of UTNHS
b. ORDINAL VARIABLE – It senior high school students. STUDY
represent categories that can be HABITS is the independent variable
ordered from greatest to smallest. because it influenced the outcome
This variable has two or more or the performance of the students.
categories which can be ranked.
Examples of ordinal variable include 2. DEPENDENT VARIABLES – those
education level, income brackets, that depend on the independent
variables; they are the outcomes or Researchers comment on the
results of the influence of the influence of confounding variables
independent variable. That is why it after the study has been completed,
is also called outcome variable. because these variables may have
operated to explain the relationship
EXAMPLE: A study is on the between the independent variables
relationship of study habits and and dependent variable, but they
academic performance of UTNHS were not or could not be easily
senior high school students. assessed
dependent variable because it is
depending on the study habits of the
students; if the students change
their study habit the academic
performance also change.

VARIABLES – Variables that “stand
between” the independent and
dependent variables, and they show
the effects of the independent
variable on the dependent variable.

EXAMPLE: Consider the given

below. Even if farm production is
good, if the attitude towards
payment is negative, loan
repayment would be low, whereas, if
the attitude towards repayment is
positive or favorable, loan
repayment would be high.


types of independent variables that
are measured in the study because
they potentially influence the
dependent variable. Researchers
use statistical procedures (e.g.
analysis of covariance) to control
these variables. They may be
demographic or personal variables
that need to be “controlled” so that
the true influence of the independent
variable on the dependent variable
can be determined.
Variables that are not actually
measured or observed in a study.
They exist but their influence cannot
be directly detected in a study.

What is Scope and Delimitation in

-The scope and delimitations of a
thesis, dissertation or research paper
define the topic and boundaries of
the research problem to be
-The scope details how in-depth your
study is to explore the research
question and the parameters in which
it will operate in relation to the
population and timeframe.
-The delimitations of a study are the
factors and variables not to be
included in the investigation. In other
words, they are the boundaries the
researcher sets in terms of study
duration, population size and type of
participants, etc..

What is the difference between the

delimitation and limitations?

-In other words, limitations are what

the researcher cannot do (elements
outside of their control), and
delimitations are what the researcher
will not do (elements outside of the
boundaries they have set). Both are
important because they help to put
the research findings into context,
and although they explain how the needs to be large enough to
study is limited, they increase the be able to make
credibility and validity of a research generalisations.
+ How - how the research is to
Guidelines on How to write Scope be conducted, including a
description of the research
design (e.g., whether it is
experimental research,
qualitative research or a case
study), methodology, research
tools and analysis techniques.

- How to Start Writing Your

+ Why – the general aims and
Study Scope.
objectives (purpose) of the
research. + Use the below prompts as an
effective way to start writing
+ What – the subject to be
your scope:
investigated, and the included
variables. + This study is to focus on…
+ Where – the location or setting + This study covers the…
of the study, i.e. where the
+ This study aims to…
data will be gathered and to
which entity the data will
belong. - Guidelines on How to Write
+ When – the timeframe within Delimitations
which the data is to be + Since the delimitation
collected. parameters are within the
researcher’s control, readers
need to know why they were
+ Who – the subject matter of
set, what alternative options
the study and the population
were available, and why these
from which they will be
alternatives were rejected. For
selected. This population
example, if you are collecting
data that can be derived from + Insufficient sample size,
three different but similar population traits or specific
experiments, the reader needs participants for statistical
to understand how and why significance
you decided to select the one
+ Lack of previous research
you have.
studies on the topic which has
+ Your reasons should always be allowed for further analysis,
linked back to your research
+ Limitations in the
question, as all delimitations
technology/instruments used
should result from trying to
to collect your data,
make your study more
relevant to your scope. + Limited financial resources
Therefore, the scope and and/or funding constraints.
delimitations are usually
considered together when
writing a paper. Scope and Delimitation of the Study

Examples of Delimitation in This research will only cover the

Research Examples of latest Philippine general election to
delimitations include: mainly identify the perceptions
regarding this issue based on their
+ research objectives, proficiency as a citizen of the
+ research questions, Philippines. Therefore, this study only
sought out their insights and opinions
+ research variables,
about the effects of social media and
+ target populations, political advertisements on the
voter's perceptions, regarding how
+ statistical analysis techniques.
the candidates louden their names to
spread their platforms in terms of
Examples of Limitations in Research social media, and how they paved
Examples of limitations include: their political advertisements to
capture the attention of the 2022
+ Issues with sample and voters.
This study will be conducted in
Baranggay Narra, Catarman,
Northern Samar. The election of proficiency as a citizen of the
the respondents are only the Philippines.
registered voters in the 2022
elections and eighteen (18) years
old and above. However, non- What is framework?
registered voters are not included •It is defined as a set of ideas that
even they are of legal ages.
provide support to something.
Essentially, any concept or theory
requires a strong framework to
Why: identify the perceptions
regarding this issue based on their establish its general feasibility.
proficiency as a citizen of the
-Two types of framework
How: the candidates louden their
Conceptual Framework
names to spread their platforms in
terms of social media, and how they Theoretical Framework
paved their political advertisements
to capture the attention of the 2022

What: the latest Philippine general It is formulated from existing theories

election and serves as the foundation of the
study. The present study can adopt
Where: conducted in Baranggay
the original model used by the cited
Narra, Catarman, Northern Samar
theorist. However, a researcher can
Who: only the registered voters in modify the variables of the original
the 2022 elections and eighteen (18) framework to better sit the study.
years old and above. However, non-
registered voters are not included
even they are of legal ages.
When: 2022
How: identify the perceptions
regarding this issue based on their
These are theories that are partially IN THE DISCUSSION OF RELEVANT
or fully relevant to the present study THEORIES, THE FOLLOWING PARTS
and are discussed to provide a basis ARE MENTIONED.
for variables being studied.


These are published materials that
compare the study with existing
knowledge on the research topic. -TITLE/S OF THEIR

A theoretical framework serves as the

basis of the research. It points out,
through its cited theories, which OR PRINCIPLES
specific variables will be the focus of
the study



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