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Immediate help!

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Hi, I'm Carlos and I am 16 years old. When I was in 1st grade of high school, I was doing P.E. (Physical
Education) and we were playing basketball but when I was running to catch the ball I slipped and fell in middle FIORELLA MEJIA
of the field and all my classmates and the teacher laughed at me. I just ran and hid until the class was over. Since
that day nothing was the same, my classmates always mock of me and I feel sad and ashamed, also, I never did
sports again. I always invent something to avoid having PE classes. Sometimes I asked to be tested with a
written exam instead of a physical one.
But now in 5th grade is different, my PE teacher told me that I must do exercises. I failed the first and second
unit because I didn't do anything. I don't want to fail grade at the end of the year, but when I try, I feel nervous,
my hands get wet and I don't feel comfortable. I don't know what to do…how can I cope with my feelings? help!
Dear Carlos, I understand what you feel but you must learn to manage Stress post trauma
your emotions in order to feel better. First of all, I would recommend
talking about your emotions with your relatives so they can help you feel
better. You should look for help to a psychological. Take relaxing
infusions. Finally, you shouldn't be worried about what people think
about you.

Hi, I'm Amelia, but people call me "the sleeping beauty". I'm 15 years old and I always fall asleep in
classes. I really like playing Free Fire, watching Tik Tok videos and chatting with my friends until late at
night. Many of my teachers think I am not interested in classes and I don't pay attention to them, that's
why they talked with my parents as a warning signal. As is normal, they got angry with me and took Amelia
away the cell phone as punishment. That made me feel a little angry but no matter how much I try to
sleep early I can't. More now that I can't distract my mind and I'm just thinking about my phone. I know
that my bad habits have led me to this but what can I do... As a professional counselor... what tips could Insomnio
you give me to manage this situation that I'm facing?

Hi Amelia, I understand what you are going through. First of all, what I
recommend to solve your problem is that you talk to your parents about
your situation so they can help you. Practice sports activities will relax
your body and you will have no problem sleeping. listen to music before
sleeping. Finally, you must be aware of your bad habits and change them.

I'm Louis - 17 years old. I think I have lost the sense of life since I broke up with Anne. She was
my first girlfriend and we were together for two years. She promised me that we would be Louis
together forever, but now I don't know what else to do to stop suffering for her. She was my
support when I felt sad, and now I don't have anybody to rely on. When I am alone, I listen to
He's sad and depressed
sad songs and I cry remembering her. My parents have noticed that but I don't care about it. I
was a good student but I have failed all my grades for being depressed. I had some bad
thoughts but l'm not sure... Please I need help! If I continue like this something worst could

Dear Louis, I know how you feel and I want to help you. To start, I
recommend focus your mind on new activities. You should ask for
psychological help. Spend time with friends to distract yourself. Finally
you should focus on yourself, this way you will feel much better.

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