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Expresiones Expresiones de Tiempo Verbos
de Frecuencia
Hábitos early at … almost always cook rest
Where do you work? late night almost never do exercise run
Where do you go to school? on time noon always drink sleep
What time do you …? all day midnight ever go jogging start
What time do / does ...? ____ o’clock frequently go to bed stay up
How do / does …? every … never go to sleep study
What do you do? in … often get home take a break
How often do you…? hour get up take a shower / a bath
the morning seldom
What do you usually do …? day sometimes have a meal taste
the afternoon
What about …? week usually have / eat wake up
the evening
When do you get home? month very often breakfast walk
Where do / does …? year very rarely lunch wash (your
How do / does … get to? on … dinner hands/face)
morning weekends
by bus / car / train. Adverbios supper watch TV
afternoon weekdays
on foot. de Modo work
evening the weekend
night badly
Hábitos Alimenticios
What is this / that?
This / That is …
What are these / those?
These / Those are… Comida
Frases Bebidas
What’s your favorite …? Adverbiales Carnes
Frutas y
What do / does … have for …? Verduras
How many meals do you have / once / twice meat fruit sweet(s) a drink
eat? a week beef apples candy bottled water
Do you like …? a year chicken bananas cake mineral water
I like … a month fish oranges chocolate tap water
I love … three / four lamb tomatoes cookies beer
I don’t like … / I dislike … times pork ice-cream coffee
I hate … a week sausage vegetables juice
a year carrots lemonade
a month lettuce milk
potatoes soda

Conectores de
Vocabulario Recipientes y
Hábitos de Salud Secuencia y
Relacionado Porciones
What time do you get up? and … then… food French Fries bread a bottle (of)
How much do you sleep? but meal chips butter a carton (of)
I sleep 8 hours. or breakfast hamburger ice a cup (of)
How much water do you drink? before that lunch pizza cereal a glass (of)
I drink (a glass of) water (a day). after that dinner rice cheese a piece (of)
How much … do you eat / have? Mexican food soup sugar a litre / liter (of)
I eat / have… fast food spaghetti salt much
Can I have …? Palabras en salad sushi pepper Lugares
Would you like …? Restaurante eggs sandwich yogurt de Comida
I’d like …
bill café
self-service pub / bar
junk food restaurant
waiter /
Expresiones Adjetivos
The boy is taller than … big p o light o p good – better – best
The boys are more popular than … brave p lovely p bad – worse – worst
Mike is the tallest. careful p near o far – farther – farthest
Xalapa is the most important city in Veracruz. cheap o new o p further – furthest
Cats are as intelligent as dogs. classical o p nice o p little – less – least
clean o p rainy o much (many) more – most
Preguntas con How / Who / Which cold o p sad o p Colores
How big …? dark o p safe o p black
How tall …? deep p o sweet o p blue
How high …? dirty o p slim p brown
Which is the …? dry o slow p gray / grey
early o sour o p green
easy o p soon o orange
empty o p strong o p pink
expensive o p sunny o red
fast o p tall p white
far o thirsty p yellow
green o tired p purple
happy p wet o
hard o p windy o
hot o p worried p
hungry p young p
important o p rainy o
intelligent p

Indicaciones para llegar a un
Expresiones Lugares Verbos
Is there a / an … near here? walk up … airport arrive
Yes, there is a … / Yes, there is one on … / next to go up … bridge drive
… walk to ... building go
No, there isn’t. walk down … castle get
Are there any …. around here? go down … for … blocks cathedral miss
Yes, there are … go along … City Hall turn
No, there aren’t (any) … … past the store downtown walk
Where’s the …? go straight ahead until you get to … drugstore take
Is it far from here? go to the corner of … and … factory
It’s on the right … go straight for … blocks gas station
It’s on the left … turn right (on …) movie theater
It’s right behind you … turn left (on …) stadium
How do I get to …? zoo Avenue / Ave.
How can I get to …? block
Preposiciones de Lugar corner
Can you tell me how to get to …?
Can you tell me the way to …? in the center of . exit
It’s located … inside traffic lights
You can’t miss it. stop
on (Main Street)
You’ll see the … (on the right / on the left, next to North
under South
…) around the corner
There. East
across from West
It’s there.
next to
Over there.
It’s over there.
on the corner of
Tipos de
Expresiones Compras y Comercios Verbos Vocabulario Relacionado
How much is / are the…? articles of clothing buy money sale
How much does it cost? (Revisar el glosario de cost penny change
How much is it? Lengua I, tema 5) do the shopping cent credit card
This one. bakery go shopping dollar receipt
That one. bread pay (for) franc note
The red one. book put on pound (£)
I’ll take it. changing room sell Euro (€)
I’ll take the red one. clothes shop
Here you are. florist’s show
Can I help you? hat take off
Can I try it on? necklace try (on)
What size are you? shop
Do you have/can I have a larger/smaller size? shop window Weights and Measures
Just looking supermarket Gram(me)
Anything else toy kilogram
Pay by credit card/ debit card/ check/ in cash watch kilometer
I’ll buy/ pay/ have… pound
May/ can I help you?
Can I use the restroom? Cuantificadores
Could/ can I try it on? A lot
Would you like to ...? Few
I would like to order a …
Can I have a glass of water, please?
There are few people in the restaurant Much
How many…? Some

Expresiones para Expresar
Expresiones Palabras para Narrar Eventos Pasados
Agrado / Desagrado
How was …? It was terrific / exciting / fun / very nice / each
When I was a child … pleasant. best friend
My favorite … was / were…. It wasn’t (very) pleasant. cartoons
My favorite teacher /cartoon / toy was … It was boring. disco
Were you …? elementary school
What was / were you... like? high school
Where / when were you born? Expresiones hometown
Who was your …? de Tiempo kindergarten
What were you like? ago lake
There was/wasn’t a party at (the beach). in +(year) trip
Did you go to (city) …? yesterday neighbor
What did you do …? last … night / summer / weekend / year / concert
Where / When did you go …? birthday famous people
Who did you …with? childhood
Why did you …? shopping center
How long did you …? party
What time did you …? picnic
There were / weren’t many videogames at the shopping
mall. songs
Was there a museum in the town? sports
Yes, there was. / No, there wasn’t. videogames
Were there any shopping centers? weather
Yes, there were. / No, there weren’t.

Verbos Regulares
Presente Pasado Presente Pasado
answer answered look looked
arrive arrived love loved
ask asked open opened
believe believed pass passed
call called phone phoned
carry carried play played
change changed prefer preferred
check (examine) checked rain rained
clean cleaned return returned
close closed smoke smoked
cross crossed snow snowed
dance danced start started
die died stay stayed
dress dressed stop stopped
end ended study studied
enjoy enjoyed talk talked
explain explained travel traveled
follow followed try tried
happen happened visit visited
hate hated wait waited
help helped walk walked
invite invited want wanted
learn learned wash washed
like liked watch watched
listen to listened to work worked
live lived

Verbos Irregulares
Presente Pasado Presente Pasado
be was / were meet met
be born was /were born pay paid
become became put put
begin began read read
break broke ride rode
bring brought run ran
buy bought say said
come came see saw
cut cut sell sold
do did send sent
drink drank sing sang
drive drove sit sat
eat ate sleep slept
get got speak spoke
give gave spend spent
go went show showed
grow up grew up take took
have had teach taught
hear heard tell told
hurt hurt think thought
keep kept understand understood
know knew wake woke
leave left wear wore
lose lost win won
make made write wrote
Estados de ánimo y
Expresiones Problemas de salud Partes del cuerpo
How are you? a fever bad arm
I’m not so good actually, … a rash fine (well) elbow
What’s the matter? backache good (better) knee
What’s the problem? broken (leg / arm) great leg
I have a … cold happy mouth
My back really hurts! cough hungry neck
How do you feel? headache patient nose
I feel sick! headache sad shoulder
I feel well! stomachache sick skin
I don’t feel well. toothache terrible stomach
What should I do? sore eyes thirsty throat
You should … sore throat tired toe(s)
You shouldn’t … temperature tooth (teeth)
I’m sorry to hear that. the flu wrist
I hope you feel better soon. tongue
Does it hurt? lips
Have a pain (in the leg / arm) back
I suffer from … ear
You look well! eye
See a doctor / dentist! eyebrow
Do you take any medicine? eyelash
Can I make an appointment? Verbos face
What time is your appointment? finger(s)
Should I take any medicine? feel foot (feet)
help hand
hope head
lay down
stay (in bed)
Expresiones Actividades Expresiones de Tiempo
Are you going to …? buy a pet next Saturday, weekend, week, month, year, summer,
Yes, I am. No, I’m not. do homework vacation.
Yes, I’m going to… drive tomorrow
No, I’m not going to… exercise tomorrow night
What are you going to…? get a part time job this summer
I am going to… get married this vacation
Where are you going to …? go for a walk Transporte privado
When, How, Who’s going to…? go sightseeing / camping / fishing / bicycle
What is he/ she going to do next swimming. car
vacation? go to college
Transporte público
Who’s going to go …? go to the beach / cinema / the theater
Who are you going to go with? / the disco / the park / the museum
Why are you going to…? /the gym
Why is she/he going to…? go to the mountains
How long are you going to…? go to the seaside / to a foreign
How long is she/he going to..? country
underground/ subway
She /He is going to… have a baby
What are your vacation plans for next look for a new apartment Números Ordinales
week? make a reservation
move to/from the city/country 1st first 11th eleventh 21st twenty-first
relax at home 2nd second 12th twelfth 22nd twenty second
rent a flat (an apartment) 3rd third 13th thirteenth 23rd twenty third
stay at a hotel 4th fourth 14th fourteenth 24th twenty fourth
spend time doing something 5th fifth 15th fifteenth 25th twenty fifth
study for an exam 6th sixth 16th sixteenth 26th twenty sixth
take an art class 7th seventh 17th seventeenth 27th twenty seventh
travel (by bus, by car, by plane, by 8th eighth 18th eighteenth 28th twenty eighth
train) 9th ninth 19th nineteenth 29th twenty ninth
visit friends 10th tenth 20th twentieth 30th thirtieth
31st thirty first

Expresiones Verbos Conectores de Secuencia
en la Casa en la Escuela Causa-efecto
You need to … clean be punctual because
I have to … cook arrive on time then
Do you have to …? wash arrive early after
I don’t have to … do housework go to class
I don’t need to … do the dishes go to the Self-Access Center
I like to … do the homework (SAC)
I don’t like to … do the shopping go to the library
I really need to … make breakfast help
I’d like to … make lunch make a phone call
I want to … make dinner respect
I hate to … study
I’m free on Saturdays. wear a uniform
work on the computer
write notes
Vocabulario Relacionado
Expresiones Expresiones de Tiempo
Celebraciones Entretenimiento
Would you like to …? this afternoon baby advertisement
Do you want to …? tomorrow birthday cartoons
I would like to … / I’d like to … tomorrow night birthday cake cinema
I want to … tonight celebration comedy
I would like to … / I’d like to …but I this / next coming Friday festival drama
can’t. / but I have to… this / next Christmas fun hobby
What are you doing next …? graduation magazine
When are you leaving? guest house news
Are you visiting …? holiday newspaper
I’m celebrating my… party picture
present play
go to the disco
play the guitar
sing at the karaoke bar
surf the web


Mtra. Nínive del Carmen Alvarado Ortiz; Mtra. Velina Limón Francisco; Mtra. Elizabeth González
García; Mtra. Laura Victoria Huber; Mtra. Erika Karina Romero Sánchez; Mtro. Guillermo Huerta
Gutiérrez; Mtra. Rosalinda García Guzmán; Mtra. Grace Alice Cooper Ruiz; Mtra. María Guadalupe
Alcubilla Hernández; Mtro. Miguel Alexander Alarcón Bailleres; Mtro. Pedro Rafael Meléndez Leyva,
Mtra. Janeth Tello Carrillo.


 J.A. Van Ek and J.L.M. Trim. Waystage 1990. Council of Europe 1991. U.S.A. Cambridge
University Press
 J. A. Van Ek and J.L.M. Trim. Breakthrough manuscript 2001.Council of Europe 2001.
Cambridge University Press
 English Profile, The CEFR for English. Portal y comunidad de docentes investigadores del
idioma inglés. Fecha de último acceso: 29/Ago/2020.
 Council of Europe. Marco común de referencia Europeo (Documento Electrónico). Fecha de último acceso: 29/Ago/2020

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