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Satay is my favorite food since childhood.

Since the beginning, my family has

always served satay at every important family moment, such as celebrating the
age of addition, success in a championship at school or celebrating other good
and enjoyable days.
All types of meat can be used to make satay. Pieces of chicken meat marinated
with spices and then grilled with peanut sauce and soy sauce make the taste of
satay even more different from other foods.
Marinades vary, but typically include dark soy sauce, sugar, garlic, lime juice, and

other seasonings. It is believed that satay originated in the Indonesian region of

Java . Moreover, the bamboo skewers used during processing and serving the

satay increase the uniqueness of this food. The puffs of smoke from the satay
grilling process are so tempting with their distinctive fragrance that they can
make your tongue immediately imagine the taste.
Apart from chicken, there is also goat satay which is usually served with sliced
shallots and chili pieces as well as sweet soy sauce to taste. To complement the
dish, we can add slices of lontong, which is a food made from rice, wrapped in
banana leaves, then boiled until cooked. If you are not familiar or like lontong,
another alternative is warm rice.

 What have you learned from this section? I learn many things, especially I learn
about simple present, descriptive text about my favorite food or drinks and learn
about the language feature used
 What has been relevant to your classroom teaching? It's relevant to my classroom
teaching in developing speaking and writing skills.
 What do you think can be improved from your teaching? I would like to improve
my teaching abilities any time. Improving teaching abilities by encouraging open-
ended questions and discussions to stimulate critical thinking and problem-
solving skills. Besides, implementing student centered learning in classroom.
 How useful is learning to your professional development? Learning is useful to
refresh knowledge that I have learned. Then, learning gives me inspiration to
make learning material or assignment for student more cre

 The traditional clothing of the Tidung tribe in

North Kalimantan is called antakusuma which is
usually used by Tidung tribe brides. It has
various ornaments. These ornaments have their
own meaning and philosophy, you know.
 The use of a crown on a bride has the meaning of
functioning to ward off disaster, bring good
fortune, prosperity, peace, and to be liked by
other people.

 Another ornament on Sina Beranti and

Antakusuma's clothes is a bracelet called Sulou,
which means cooler.

 The meaning of this bracelet is that the bride and

groom who will later become the leader must be
cool-handed and not abuse the power they have.

 On this Sulou bracelet there is also an engraving

of Wapak, which means prayers, so that various
decisions taken will receive the blessing of God.

 Now, along with its development, the Tidung

tribe's men's wedding dress has become an icon
on the IDR 75,000 banknote along with eight
other regional traditional clothes, namely on the
75th Independence Day of the Republic of
Indonesia, Bank Indonesia launched a note worth
IDR 75 thousand. This is a matter of pride for
the Tidung tribal people.

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