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“Compartir es acoger”. Colegio San Ignacio 0

“Grammar structures”

Name Matilda Bobadilla

Grade 1st A-B High Date: May,27th Date of delivery: May, 30th

1.- Verbs + Ing.

Write the -ing form of the verbs in the correct place.

Make // perform // play // sit // use // write.

I’m not sure I’d like to go to a performing arts school. I love 1 playing my guitar,
but I can’t stand 2______________in front of a group of people. I prefer 3
_________________music with friends. I enjoy 4 ____________________ in my
room and 5 _________________ songs, because I like 6 use my imagination, but
I don’t want to be a star.

2.- Prepositions + -ing form.

Match the parts of the sentences.

1. I love music, but I’m hopeless. _C a. of speaking in public

2. None of my friends are keen E b. about learning to speak English
3.-I’m quiet shy and I’ afraid A c. at dancing
4. My mum’s good F d. in travelling
5. Most of my friends are interested e. on working in the theatre.
6. I’m serious B f. at remembering people’s names.

3.- Complete with a preposition and the -ing form of a verb.

Accept // become// do // listen // make // paint

Dear Mrs Cushing,

I am writing about your son’s progress at school.
He’s very good 1 at painting and his drawing is excellent. He is hopeless 2 at listening to his teachers,
and they think he is afraid 3 of doing mistakes because the other students laugh at him. He isn’t
interested 4 In making anything except art.
If Peter is serious 5 about become an artist, he has to work hard at the other subjects. Arts colleges are
not very keen 6 on accepting students who don`t pass all their subjects.
Yours sincerely, Headmaster

4.- Vebs + infinitive.

“Compartir es acoger”. Colegio San Ignacio 0

Write a verb in the spaces.

Be // speak // spend // study // travel // work

1) In the future, I plan to study languages at university.

2) At the moment, I’m studying French and Spanish. I want to speak them well.

3) I’d like to spend six months in France and six months in Spain.

4) I wouldn’t like to be a teacher though.

5) I hope to work as an interpreter one day.

6) I’d like to travel to different countries in my job.

5.- Circle the correct option.







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