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Catalog of 2023-2024 Chinese Government Scholarship "High-level

Postgraduate Program"

Master Programs for 2023 Intake

No. School/College Academic Programs Medium
Biochemistry and Molecular
1 English 3 years
2 School of Basic Medical Cell Biology English 3 years
Sciences Human Anatomy, Histology
3 English 3 years
and Embryology
4 Neurobiology English 3 years
Cheeloo College of Medicine Clinical Laboratory
5 English 3 years
(Medical Integration and Diagnostics
6 Practice Center) Surgery (Bone Surgery) English 3 years
Internal Medicine
7 English 3 years
(Cardiovascular Disease)
Qilu Hospital of Shandong
8 Surgery (Urinary Surgery) English 3 years
University (The First Clinical
9 Surgery(General Surgery) English 3 years
10 Gynaecology English 3 years
11 Critical Care Medicine English 3 years
12 The Second Hospital of Surgery (Plastic Surgery) English 3 years
Shandong University (The
13 Surgery (General Surgery) English 3 years
Second Clinical College)
Occupational and
14 English 3 years
School of Public Health Environmental Health
15 Nutrition and Food Hygiene English 3 years
16 School of Stomatology Clinical Stomatology Chinese 3 years
17 School of Nursing and Nursing Science Chinese 3 years
18 Rehabilitation Nursing Science English 3 years
School of Pharmaceutical
19 Pharmacoanalysis English 3 years
Center for Health Management Social Medicine and Health
20 English 3 years
and Policy Research Care Management
21 Religious Studies Chinese 3 years
School of Philosophy and Social
22 Sociology Chinese 3 years
23 Anthropology Chinese 3 years
24 Theory of Literature and Art Chinese 3 years
25 Chinese Philology Chinese 3 years
26 School of Literature Ancient Chinese Literature Chinese 3 years
Modern and Contemporary
27 Chinese 3 years
Chinese Literature

No. School/College Academic Programs Medium
Comparative Literature and
28 Chinese 3 years
World Literature
College of International Teaching Chinese to Speakers
29 Chinese 2 years
Education of Other Languages
30 Chinese Philosophy Chinese 3 years
31 Advanced Institute for Chinese Classical Philology Chinese 3 years
32 Confucian Studies Folklore Chinese 3 years
33 Chinese Folk Literature Chinese 3 years
34 Finance English 3 years
35 School of Economics World Economy English 3 years
36 International Trade English 3 years
37 School of Management Project Management English 2 years
38 Political Economics Chinese 3 years
39 Political Economics English 3 years
40 Western Economics Chinese 3 years
41 Western Economics English 3 years
42 World Economy Chinese 3 years
43 World Economy English 3 years
44 Finance Chinese 3 years
45 The Center for Economic Finance English 3 years
Research Population, Resources and
46 Chinese 3 years
Environmental Economics
Population, Resources and
47 English 3 years
Environmental Economics
48 Quantitative Economics Chinese 3 years
49 Quantitative Economics English 3 years
50 Labour Economics Chinese 3 years
51 Labour Economics English 3 years
School of Journalism and Journalism and
52 Chinese 3 years
Communication Communication
53 School of Mathematics Pure Mathematics Chinese 3 years
School of Materials Science and Materials Science and
54 English 3 years
Engineering Engineering
55 School of Mechanical Mechanical Engineering Chinese 3 years
56 Engineering Mechanical Engineering English 3 years
School of Energy and Power Power Engineering and
57 English 3 years
Engineering Engineering Thermophysics
58 Geotechnical Engineering English 3 years
59 Structural Engineering English 3 years
School of Civil Engineering
60 Hydraulic Engineering English 3 years
61 Civil Engineering English 3 years

No. School/College Academic Programs Medium
62 Geotechnical Engineering Chinese 3 years
63 Geotechnical Engineering English 3 years
Disaster Prevention and
64 Mitigation Engineering and Chinese 3 years
Protection Engineering
Disaster Prevention and
65 Mitigation Engineering and English 3 years
Protection Engineering
Bridge and Tunnel
66 Chinese 3 years
Bridge and Tunnel
67 School of Qilu Transportation English 3 years
68 Road and Railway Engineering Chinese 3 years
69 Road and Railway Engineering English 3 years
Traffic Information
70 Chinese 3 years
Engineering and Control
Traffic Information
71 English 3 years
Engineering and Control
72 Transportation Chinese 3 years
Transportation Planning and
73 Chinese 3 years
74 Civil Engineering Chinese 3 years
Control Science and
75 English 3 years
School of Control Science and
Power Electronics and Power
76 Engineering English 3 years
77 Biomedical Engineering English 3 years
78 School of Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering English 3 years
79 Software Engineering English 3 years
School of Software
80 Artificial Intelligence English 3 years
81 International Relations English 2 years
82 International Politics Chinese 3 years
83 School of Political Science and Political Theory Chinese 3 years
84 Public Administration China Studies English 3 years
85 Public Administration Chinese 3 years
86 Public Administration English 3 years
87 School of Law Law Chinese 3 years
School of Innovation and
88 Business Administration English 2 years
Institute of Frontier and
89 Physical Chemistry English 3 years
Interdisciplinary Science

No. School/College Academic Programs Medium
School of Environmental Environmental Science and
90 English 3 years
Science and Engineering Engineering
Environmental Science and
91 Environment Research Institute English 3 years
92 Optical Engineering English 3 years
Electronic Science and
93 School of Information Science English 3 years
and Engineering
Information and
94 English 3 years
Communication Engineering
School of Computer Science and Computer Science and
95 Chinese 3 years
Technology Technology
School of Culture and Linguistics and Applied
96 Chinese 3 years
Communication Linguistics
School of Culture and Chinese Modern and
97 Chinese 3 years
Communication Contemporary Literature
98 International Politics Chinese 3 years
99 School of Northeast Asia Studies World Economy Chinese 3 years
100 Korean Interpretation Chinese 3 years
101 Applied Economics Chinese 3 years
School of Business
102 Business Management Chinese 3 years
103 Marine Science Chinese 3 years
104 Marine College Pharmacy Chinese 3 years
105 Biology and medicine Chinese 3 years

Doctoral Programs for 2023 Intake

No. School/College Academic Programs Medium
1 Pathogen Biology English 4 years
School of Basic Medical Human Anatomy, Histology
2 English 4 years
Sciences and Embryology
3 Neurobiology English 4 years
Internal Medicine
4 English 4 years
Qilu Hospital of Shandong (Cardiovascular Disease)
5 University (The First Clinical Surgery (Urinary Surgery) English 4 years
6 College) Surgery (Orthopedics) English 4 years
7 Gynaecology English 4 years
The Second Hospital of
8 Shandong University (The Surgery (Plastic Surgery) English 4 years
Second Clinical College)
Epidemiology and Health
9 School of Public Health English 4 years

No. School/College Academic Programs Medium
10 School of Stomatology Clinical Stomatology Chinese 4 years
11 School of Nursing and Nursing Science Chinese 4 years
12 Rehabilitation Nursing Science English 4 years
School of Pharmaceutical
13 Medicinal Chemistry English 4 years
14 School of Philosophy and Social Religious Studies Chinese 4 years
15 Development Sociology Chinese 4 years
16 Theory of Literature and Art Chinese 4 years
17 Chinese Philology Chinese 4 years
18 Ancient Chinese Literature Chinese 4 years
School of Literature Modern and Contemporary
19 Chinese 4 years
Chinese Literature
Comparative Literature and
20 Chinese 4 years
World Literature
College of International Language and Culture
21 Chinese 4 years
Education Communication
22 Chinese Philosophy Chinese 4 years
23 Advanced Institute for Chinese Classical Philology Chinese 4 years
24 Confucian Studies Folklore Chinese 4 years
25 Chinese Folk Literature Chinese 4 years
26 Finance English 4 years
27 School of Economics International Trade English 4 years
28 Public Economics English 4 years
29 Political Economics Chinese 4 years
30 Political Economics English 4 years
31 Western Economics Chinese 4 years
32 Western Economics English 4 years
33 World Economy Chinese 4 years
34 World Economy English 4 years
35 Law and Economics Chinese 4 years
36 Law and Economics English 4 years
37 The Center for Economic Economics of Language Chinese 4 years
38 Research Economics of Language English 4 years
39 Regional Economics Chinese 4 years
40 Regional Economics English 4 years
41 Finance Chinese 4 years
42 Finance English 4 years
43 Industrial Economics Chinese 4 years
44 Industrial Economics English 4 years
Population, Resources and
45 Chinese 4 years
Environmental Economics

No. School/College Academic Programs Medium
Population, Resources and
46 English 4 years
Environmental Economics
47 Quantitative Economics Chinese 4 years
48 Quantitative Economics English 4 years
49 School of Physics Condensed Matter Physics English 4 years
50 Inorganic Chemistry Chinese 4 years
51 Organic Chemistry Chinese 4 years
School of Chemistry and
52 Physical Chemistry Chinese 4 years
Chemical Engineering
Polymer Chemistry and
53 Chinese 4 years
School of Materials Science and Materials Science and
54 English 4 years
Engineering Engineering
55 School of Mechanical Mechanical Engineering Chinese 4 years
56 Engineering Mechanical Engineering English 4 years
School of Energy and Power Power Engineering and
57 English 4 years
Engineering Engineering Thermophysics
58 Geotechnical Engineering English 4 years
School of Civil Engineering
59 Structural Engineering English 4 years
60 Geotechnical Engineering Chinese 4 years
61 Geotechnical Engineering English 4 years
Disaster Prevention and
62 Mitigation Engineering and Chinese 4 years
Protection Engineering
Disaster Prevention and
63 School of Qilu Transportation Mitigation Engineering and English 4 years
Protection Engineering
Bridge and Tunnel
64 Chinese 4 years
Bridge and Tunnel
65 English 4 years
66 Transportation Chinese 4 years
Control Science and
67 English 4 years
School of Control Science and
Power Electronics and Power
68 Engineering English 4 years
69 Biomedical Engineering English 4 years
70 School of Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering English 4 years
Microelectronics and
71 English 4 years
School of Microelectronics Solid-State Electronics
72 Electronic Circuit and System English 4 years
73 School of Software Software Engineering English 4 years

No. School/College Academic Programs Medium
74 Artificial Intelligence English 4 years
75 International Politics Chinese 4 years
76 School of Political Science and International Politics English 4 years
77 Public Administration Political Theory Chinese 4 years
78 Public Administration Chinese 4 years
79 School of Law Law Chinese 4 years
Research Center for Operational Research and
80 Chinese 4 years
Mathematics and Control Theory
81 Interdisciplinary Sciences Statistics Chinese 4 years
82 School of Life Science Botany English 4 years
83 Microbial Technology Institute Microbiology Chinese 4 years
Particle Physics and Nuclear
84 English 4 years
Institute of Frontier and Physics
85 Interdisciplinary Science Analytical Chemistry English 5 years
86 Physical Chemistry English 5 years
School of Environmental Environmental Science and
87 English 4 years
Science and Engineering Engineering
88 Environment Research Institute Environmental Science English 4 years
89 Optical Engineering English 4 years
Electronic Science and
90 School of Information Science English 4 years
and Engineering
Information and
91 English 4 years
Communication Engineering
School of Computer Science and Computer Science and
92 Chinese 4 years
Technology Technology
Linguistics and Applied
93 Chinese 4 years
School of Culture and Linguistics
Communication Chinese Modern and
94 Chinese 4 years
Contemporary Literature
School of Northeast Asia
95 International Politics Chinese 4 years
96 School of Business Applied Economics Chinese 4 years
97 Marine Science Chinese 4 years
98 Marine Science English 4 years
Marine College
99 Biology and medicine Chinese 4 years
100 Biology and medicine English 4 years
School of Space Science and
101 Geophysics Physics English 4 years

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