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Junqueira’s Basic Histology Text and Atlas 14th Edition

Anthony L. Mescher

Psychology, 14e 14th Edition Carole Wade

Compensation, 14e ISE 14th/ISE Edition Barry Gerhart

International Financial Management, 14e 14th Edition

Jeff Madura
Current Surgical Therapy, 14e (Jan 23,
2023)_(0323796834)_(Elsevier).pdf 14th Edition John L.

Business Research Methods, 14e ISE 14th/ISE Edition

Pamela S. Schindler

Surgery PreTest Self-Assessment and Review, 14E 14th

Edition Edition Lillian Kao

Junqueira’s Basic Histology Text and Atlas 15th Edition

Anthony L. Mescher

Junqueira's Basic Histology: Text and Atlas, 16th

Edition Anthony L. Mescher
With this 14th edition, Junqueira’s Basic Histology continues as throughout the book as needed, and again make up a complete
the preeminent source of concise yet thorough information atlas of cell, tissue, and organ structures fully compatible
on human tissue structure and function. For nearly 45 years with the students’ own collection of glass or digital slides. A
this educational resource has met the needs of learners for a virtual microscope with over 150 slides of all human tissues
well-organized and concise presentation of cell biology and and organs is available:
histology that integrates the material with that of biochemistry, virtual/junqueira.htm.
immunology, endocrinology, and physiology and provides As with the previous edition, the book facilitates learning
an excellent foundation for subsequent studies in pathology. by its organization:
The text is prepared specifically for students of medicine
and other health-related professions, as well as for advanced
■ An opening chapter reviews the histological techniques
that allow understanding of cell and tissue structure.
undergraduate courses in tissue biology. As a result of its value
and appeal to students and instructors alike, Junqueira’s Basic
■ Two chapters then summarize the structural and
functional organization of human cell biology,
Histology has been translated into a dozen different languages
presenting the cytoplasm and nucleus separately.
and is used by medical students throughout the world.
This edition now includes with each chapter a set of
■ The next seven chapters cover the four basic tissues that
make up our organs: epithelia, connective tissue (and its
multiple-choice Self-Test Questions that allow readers to assess
major sub-types), nervous tissue, and muscle.
their comprehension and knowledge of important material in
that chapter. At least a few questions in each set utilize clinical
■ Remaining chapters explain the organization and
functional significance of these tissues in each of
vignettes or cases to provide context for framing the medical
the body’s organ systems, closing with up-to-date
relevance of concepts in basic science, as recommended by
consideration of cells in the eye and ear.
the US National Board of Medical Examiners. As with the
last edition, each chapter also includes a Summary of Key For additional review of what’s been learned or to
Points designed to guide the students concerning what is assist rapid assimilation of the material in Junqueira’s Basic
clearly important and what is less so. Summary Tables in Histology, McGraw-Hill has published a set of 200 full-color
each chapter organize and condense important information, Basic Histology Flash Cards, Anthony Mescher author. Each
further facilitating efficient learning. card includes images of key structures to identify, a summary
Each chapter has been revised and shortened, while of important facts about those structures, and a clinical
coverage of specific topics has been expanded as needed. Study comment. This valuable learning aid is available as a set of
is facilitated by modern page design. Inserted throughout each actual cards from, or as an app for smart phones
chapter are more numerous, short paragraphs that indicate how or tablets from the online App Store.
the information presented can be used medically and which With its proven strengths and the addition of new features,
emphasize the foundational relevance of the material learned. I am confident that Junqueira’s Basic Histology will continue
The art and other figures are presented in each chapter, as one of the most valuable and most widely read educational
with the goal to simplify learning and integration with resources in histology. Users are invited to provide feedback
related material. The McGraw-Hill medical illustrations, now to the author with regard to any aspect of the book’s features.
used throughout the text and supplemented by numerous
animations in the electronic version of the text, are the Anthony L. Mescher
most useful, thorough, and attractive of any similar medical Indiana University School of Medicine
textbook. Electron and light micrographs have been replaced

I wish to thank the students at Indiana University School of these valuable resources is gratefully acknowledged. Students are
Medicine and the undergraduates at Indiana University with referred to those review books for hundreds of additional self-
whom I have studied histology and cell biology for over 30 years assessment questions.
and from whom I have learned much about presenting basic I am also grateful to my colleagues and reviewers from
concepts most effectively. Their input has greatly helped in the throughout the world who provided specialized expertise
task of maintaining and updating the presentations in this classic or original photographs, which are also acknowledged in
textbook. As with the last edition the help of Sue Childress and figure captions. I thank those professors and students in the
Dr. Mark Braun was invaluable in slide preparation and the United States, as well as Argentina, Canada, Iran, Ireland, Italy,
virtual microscope for human histology respectively. Pakistan, and Syria, who provided useful suggestions that
A major change in this edition is the inclusion of self- have improved the new edition of Junqueira’s Basic Histology.
assessment questions with each topic/chapter. Many of these Finally, I am pleased to acknowledge the help and collegiality
questions were used in my courses, but others are taken or provided by the staff of McGraw-Hill, especially editors
modified from a few of the many excellent review books published Michael Weitz and Brian Kearns, whose work made possible
by McGraw-Hill/Lange for students preparing to take the U.S. publication of this 14th edition of Junqueira’s Basic Histology.
Medical Licensing Examination. These include Histology and Cell
Biology: Examination and Board Review, by Douglas Paulsen; Anthony L. Mescher
USMLE Road Map: Histology, by Harold Sheedlo; and Anatomy,
Indiana University School of Medicine
Histology, & Cell Biology: PreTest Self-Assessment & Review, by
Robert Klein and George Enders. The use here of questions from


Histology & Its
Methods of Study
Embedding & Sectioning 3
Staining 3
Bright-Field Microscopy 4 Immunohistochemistry 11
Fluorescence Microscopy 5 Hybridization Techniques 12
Confocal Microscopy 5 SECTIONS 14
Polarizing Microscopy 7 SUMMARY OF KEY POINTS 15
Transmission Electron Microscopy 8
Scanning Electron Microscopy 9

H istology is the study of the tissues of the body and

how these tissues are arranged to constitute organs.
This subject involves all aspects of tissue biology, with
the focus on how cells’ structure and arrangement optimize
functions specific to each organ.
a better knowledge of tissue biology. Familiarity with the tools
and methods of any branch of science is essential for a proper
understanding of the subject. This chapter reviews common
methods used to study cells and tissues, focusing on micro-
scopic approaches.
Tissues have two interacting components: cells and
extracellular matrix (ECM). The ECM consists of many kinds
of macromolecules, most of which form complex structures,
such as collagen fibrils. The ECM supports the cells and
contains the fluid transporting nutrients to the cells, and FOR STUDY
carrying away their wastes and secretory products. Cells The most common procedure used in histologic research is
produce the ECM locally and are in turn strongly influenced the preparation of tissue slices or “sections” that can be exam-
by matrix molecules. Many matrix components bind to spe- ined visually with transmitted light. Because most tissues and
cific cell surface receptors that span the cell membranes and organs are too thick for light to pass through, thin translu-
connect to structural components inside the cells, forming a cent sections are cut from them and placed on glass slides for
continuum in which cells and the ECM function together in microscopic examination of the internal structures.
a well-coordinated manner. The ideal microscopic preparation is preserved so that the
During development, cells and their associated matrix tissue on the slide has the same structural features it had in the
become functionally specialized and give rise to fundamen- body. However, this is often not feasible because the prepara-
tal types of tissues with characteristic structural features. tion process can remove cellular lipid, with slight distortions
Organs are formed by an orderly combination of these tissues, of cell structure. The basic steps used in tissue preparation for
and their precise arrangement allows the functioning of each light microscopy are shown in Figure 1–1.
organ and of the organism as a whole.
The small size of cells and matrix components makes his-
tology dependent on the use of microscopes and molecular Fixation
methods of study. Advances in biochemistry, molecular biol- To preserve tissue structure and prevent degradation by
ogy, physiology, immunology, and pathology are essential for enzymes released from the cells or microorganisms, pieces of

2 CHAPTER 1â•… ■â•… Histology & Its Methods of Study

FIGURE 1–1╇ Sectioning fixed and embedded tissue.

52°- 60°C

(a) Fixation Dehydration Clearing Infiltration Embedding

Drive wheel

Block holder
Paraffin block

Steel knife

Most tissues studied histologically are prepared as shown, with Similar steps are used in preparing tissue for transmission elec-
this sequence of steps (a): tron microscopy (TEM), except special fixatives and dehydrating
solutions are used with smaller tissue samples and embedding
■⌀ Fixation: Small pieces of tissue are placed in solutions of
involves epoxy resins which become harder than paraffin to allow
chemicals that cross-link proteins and inactivate degradative
very thin sectioning.
enzymes, which preserves cell and tissue structure.
■⌀ Dehydration: The tissue is transferred through a series of (b) A microtome is used for sectioning paraffin-embedded tissues
increasingly concentrated alcohol solutions, ending in 100%, for light microscopy. The trimmed tissue specimen is mounted
which removes all water. in the paraffin block holder, and each turn of the drive wheel by
■⌀ Clearing: Alcohol is removed in organic solvents in which the histologist advances the holder a controlled distance, gener-
both alcohol and paraffin are miscible. ally from 1 to 10 μm. After each forward move, the tissue block
■⌀ Infiltration: The tissue is then placed in melted paraffin until it passes over the steel knife edge and a section is cut at a thickness
becomes completely infiltrated with this substance. equal to the distance the block advanced. The paraffin sections
■⌀ Embedding: The paraffin-infiltrated tissue is placed in a small are placed on glass slides and allowed to adhere, deparaffinized,
mold with melted paraffin and allowed to harden. and stained for light microscope study. For TEM, sections less than
■⌀ Trimming: The resulting paraffin block is trimmed to expose 1 μm thick are prepared from resin-embedded cells using an
the tissue for sectioning (slicing) on a microtome. ultramicrotome with a glass or diamond knife.

organs are placed as soon as possible after removal from the microscopy, react with the amine groups (NH2) of proteins,
body in solutions of stabilizing or cross-linking compounds preventing their degradation by common proteases. Glutaral-
called fixatives. Because a fixative must fully diffuse through dehyde also cross-links adjacent proteins, reinforcing cell and
the tissues to preserve all cells, tissues are usually cut into small ECM structures.
fragments before fixation to facilitate penetration. To improve Electron microscopy provides much greater magnification
cell preservation in large organs fixatives are often introduced and resolution of very small cellular structures and fixation
via blood vessels, with vascular perfusion allowing fixation must be done very carefully to preserve additional “ultra-
rapidly throughout the tissues. structural” detail. Typically in such studies glutaraldehyde-
One widely used fixative for light microscopy is forma- treated tissue is then immersed in buffered osmium
lin, a buffered isotonic solution of 37% formaldehyde. Both tetroxide, which preserves (and stains) cellular lipids as well
this compound and glutaraldehyde, a fixative used for electron as proteins.
Preparation of Tissues for Study 3

Embedding & Sectioning Staining

To permit thin sectioning fixed tissues are infiltrated and Most cells and extracellular material are completely color-
embedded in a material that imparts a firm consistency. less, and to be studied microscopically tissue sections must
Embedding materials include paraffin, used routinely for light be stained (dyed). Methods of staining have been devised that
microscopy, and plastic resins, which are adapted for both make various tissue components not only conspicuous but also
light and electron microscopy. distinguishable from one another. Dyes stain material more or
Before infiltration with such media the fixed tissue must less selectively, often behaving like acidic or basic compounds
undergo dehydration by having its water extracted gradually and forming electrostatic (salt) linkages with ionizable radicals

by transfers through a series of increasing ethanol solutions, of macromolecules in tissues. Cell components such as nucleic

Histology & Its Methods of Study ╇ ■╇ Preparation of Tissues for Study
ending in 100% ethanol. The ethanol is then replaced by an acids with a net negative charge (anionic) have an affinity for
organic solvent miscible with both alcohol and the embedding basic dyes and are termed basophilic; cationic components,
medium, a step referred to as clearing because infiltration with such as proteins with many ionized amino groups, stain more
the reagents used here gives the tissue a translucent appearance. readily with acidic dyes and are termed acidophilic.
The fully cleared tissue is then placed in melted paraffin Examples of basic dyes include toluidine blue, alcian blue,
in an oven at 52°-60°C, which evaporates the clearing solvent and methylene blue. Hematoxylin behaves like a basic dye,
and promotes infiltration of the tissue with paraffin, and then staining basophilic tissue components. The main tissue com-
embedded by allowing it to harden in a small container of ponents that ionize and react with basic dyes do so because of
paraffin at room temperature. Tissues to be embedded with acids in their composition (DNA, RNA, and glycosaminogly-
plastic resin are also dehydrated in ethanol and then infiltrated cans). Acid dyes (eg, eosin, orange G, and acid fuchsin) stain
with plastic solvents that harden when cross-linking polymer- the acidophilic components of tissues such as mitochondria,
izers are added. Plastic embedding avoids the higher tempera- secretory granules, and collagen.
tures needed with paraffin, which helps avoid tissue distortion. Of all staining methods, the simple combination of
The hardened block with tissue and surrounding embed- hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) is used most commonly.
ding medium is trimmed and placed for sectioning in an Hematoxylin stains DNA in the cell nucleus, RNA-rich por-
instrument called a microtome (Figure 1–1). Paraffin sections tions of the cytoplasm, and the matrix of cartilage, produc-
are typically cut at 3-10 μm thickness for light microscopy, but ing a dark blue or purple color. In contrast, eosin stains other
electron microscopy requires sections less than 1 μm thick. cytoplasmic structures and collagen pink (Figure 1–2a). Here
One micrometer (1 μm) equals 1/1000 of a millimeter (mm) eosin is considered a counterstain, which is usually a single
or 10–6 m. Other spatial units commonly used in microscopy dye applied separately to distinguish additional features of a
are the nanometer (1 nm = 0.001 μm = 10–6 mm = 10–9 m) and tissue. More complex procedures, such as trichrome stains (eg,
angstrom (1 Å = 0.1 nm or 10–4 μm). The sections are placed Masson trichrome), allow greater distinctions among various
on glass slides and stained for light microscopy or on metal extracellular tissue components.
grids for electron microscopic staining and examination. The periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reaction utilizes the
hexose rings of polysaccharides and other carbohydrate-rich
› ╺╺ MEDICAL APPLICATION tissue structures and stains such macromolecules distinctly
purple or magenta. Figure 1–2b shows an example of cells with
Biopsies are tissue samples removed during surgery or rou- carbohydrate-rich areas well-stained by the PAS reaction. The
tine medical procedures. In the operating room, biopsies DNA of cell nuclei can be specifically stained using a modifica-
are fixed in vials of formalin for processing and microscopic tion of the PAS procedure called the Feulgen reaction.
analysis in a pathology laboratory. If results of such analyses Basophilic or PAS-positive material can be further identi-
are required before the medical procedure is completed, for fied by enzyme digestion, pretreatment of a tissue section with
example to know whether a growth is malignant before the an enzyme that specifically digests one substrate. For example,
patient is closed, a much more rapid processing method is pretreatment with ribonuclease will greatly reduce cytoplas-
used. The biopsy is rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen, preserv- mic basophilia with little overall effect on the nucleus, indicat-
ing cell structures and making the tissue hard and ready for ing the importance of RNA for the cytoplasmic staining.
sectioning. A microtome called a cryostat in a cabinet at Lipid-rich structures of cells are revealed by avoiding the
subfreezing temperature is used to section the block with processing steps that remove lipids, such as treatment with
tissue, and the frozen sections are placed on slides for rapid heat and organic solvents, and staining with lipid-soluble
staining and microscopic examination by a pathologist. dyes such as Sudan black, which can be useful in diagnosis
Freezing of tissues is also effective in histochemical stud- of metabolic diseases that involve intracellular accumulations
ies of very sensitive enzymes or small molecules because of cholesterol, phospholipids, or glycolipids. Less common
freezing, unlike fixation, does not inactivate most enzymes. methods of staining can employ metal impregnation tech-
Finally, because clearing solvents often dissolve cell lipids in niques, typically using solutions of silver salts to visual certain
fixed tissues, frozen sections are also useful when structures ECM fibers and specific cellular elements in nervous tissue.
containing lipids are to be studied histologically. The Appendix lists important staining procedures used for
most of the light micrographs in this book.
4 CHAPTER 1â•… ■â•… Histology & Its Methods of Study

FIGURE 1–2╇ Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining.


a b

Micrographs of epithelium lining the small intestine, (a) stained lumen, where projecting microvilli have a prominent layer of
with H&E, and (b) stained with the PAS reaction for glycoproteins. glycoproteins at the lumen (L) and in the mucin-rich secretory
With H&E, basophilic cell nuclei are stained purple while cyto- granules of goblet cells. Cell surface glycoproteins and mucin are
plasm stains pink. Cell regions with abundant oligosaccharides PAS-positive because of their high content of oligosaccharides
on glycoproteins, such as the ends of the cells at the lumen (L) and polysaccharides respectively. The PAS-stained tissue was
or the scattered mucus-secreting goblet cells (G), are poorly counterstained with hematoxylin to show the cell nuclei. (a. X400;
stained. With PAS, however, cell staining is most intense at the b. X300)

Slide preparation, from tissue fixation to observation (or ocular lens) further magnifying this image and projecting
with a light microscope, may take from 12 hours to 2½ days, it onto the viewer’s retina or a charge-coupled device (CCD)
depending on the size of the tissue, the embedding medium, highly sensitive to low light levels with a camera and monitor.
and the method of staining. The final step before microscopic The total magnification is obtained by multiplying the magni-
observation is mounting a protective glass coverslip on the fying power of the objective and ocular lenses.
slide with clear adhesive. The critical factor in obtaining a crisp, detailed image
with a light microscope is its resolving power, defined as the
smallest distance between two structures at which they can be
›â•ºLIGHT MICROSCOPY seen as separate objects. The maximal resolving power of the
light microscope is approximately 0.2 μm, which can permit
Conventional bright-field microscopy, as well as more special- clear images magnified 1000-1500 times. Objects smaller or
ized applications like fluorescence, phase-contrast, confocal, thinner than 0.2 μm (such as a single ribosome or cytoplasmic
and polarizing microscopy, are all based on the interaction of microfilament) cannot be distinguished with this instrument.
light with tissue components and are used to reveal and study Likewise, two structures such as mitochondria will be seen as
tissue features. only one object if they are separated by less than 0.2 μm. The
microscope’s resolving power determines the quality of the
Bright-Field Microscopy image, its clarity and richness of detail, and depends mainly on
With the bright-field microscope stained tissue is examined the quality of its objective lens. Magnification is of value only
with ordinary light passing through the preparation. As shown when accompanied by high resolution. Objective lenses pro-
in Figure 1–3, the microscope includes an optical system and viding higher magnification are designed to also have higher
mechanisms to move and focus the specimen. The optical resolving power. The eyepiece lens only enlarges the image
components are the condenser focusing light on the object obtained by the objective and does not improve resolution.
to be studied; the objective lens enlarging and projecting the Virtual microscopy, typically used for study of bright-
image of the object toward the observer; and the eyepiece field microscopic preparations, involves the conversion of a
Light Microscopy 5

FIGURE 1–3╇ Components and light path of a Fluorescence Microscopy

bright-field microscope. When certain cellular substances are irradiated by light of
a proper wavelength, they emit light with a longer wave-
Eyepiece Interpupillar
length—a phenomenon called fluorescence. In fluores-
tubes Head cence microscopy, tissue sections are usually irradiated with
ultraviolet (UV) light and the emission is in the visible portion
of the spectrum. The fluorescent substances appear bright on
a dark background. For fluorescent microscopy the instru-

ment has a source of UV or other light and filters that select

Histology & Its Methods of Study ╇ ■╇ Light Microscopy

rays of different wavelengths emitted by the substances to be
nosepiece visualized.
Specimen Objective Fluorescent compounds with affinity for specific cell
holder macromolecules may be used as fluorescent stains. Acridine
orange, which binds both DNA and RNA, is an example.
switch When observed in the fluorescence microscope, these nucleic
Condenser Illumination
acids emit slightly different fluorescence, allowing them to be
Field lens
control localized separately in cells (Figure 1–4a). Other compounds
Field such as DAPI and Hoechst stain specifically bind DNA and
are used to stain cell nuclei, emitting a characteristic blue fluo-
lens rescence under UV. Another important application of fluores-
cence microscopy is achieved by coupling compounds such as
Base translation fluorescein to molecules that will specifically bind to certain
Tungsten mechanism
cellular components and thus allow the identification of these
lamp structures under the microscope (Figure 1–4b). Antibodies
labeled with fluorescent compounds are extremely important
Photograph of a bright-field light microscope showing its in immunohistologic staining. (See the section Visualizing
mechanical components and the pathway of light from the Specific Molecules.)
substage lamp to the eye of the observer. The optical system
has three sets of lenses:
■⌀ The condenser collects and focuses a cone of light that illu-
Phase-Contrast Microscopy
minates the tissue slide on the stage. Unstained cells and tissue sections, which are usually trans-
■⌀ Objective lenses enlarge and project the illuminated parent and colorless, can be studied with these modified
image of the object toward the eyepiece. Interchangeable
light microscopes. Cellular detail is normally difficult to see
objectives with different magnifications routinely used in
histology include X4 for observing a large area (field) of the in unstained tissues because all parts of the specimen have
tissue at low magnification; X10 for medium magnification roughly similar optical densities. Phase-contrast micros-
of a smaller field; and X40 for high magnification of more copy, however, uses a lens system that produces visible images
detailed areas. from transparent objects and, importantly, can be used with
■⌀ The two eyepieces or oculars magnify this image another
living, cultured cells (Figure 1–5).
X10 and project it to the viewer, yielding a total magnifica-
tion of X40, X100, or X400. Phase-contrast microscopy is based on the principle
that light changes its speed when passing through cellular
(Used with permission from Nikon Instruments.)
and extracellular structures with different refractive indices.
These changes are used by the phase-contrast system to cause
the structures to appear lighter or darker in relation to each
stained tissue preparation to high-resolution digital images other. Because they allow the examination of cells without
and permits study of tissues using a computer or other digi- fixation or staining, phase-contrast microscopes are promi-
tal device, without an actual stained slide or a microscope. In nent tools in all cell culture laboratories. A modification of
this technique regions of a glass-mounted specimen are cap- phase-contrast microscopy is differential interference
tured digitally in a grid-like pattern at multiple magnifications microscopy with Nomarski optics, which produces an image
using a specialized slide-scanning microscope and saved as of living cells with a more apparent three-dimensional (3D)
thousands of consecutive image files. Software then converts aspect (Figure 1–5c).
this dataset for storage on a server using a format that allows
access, visualization, and navigation of the original slide with
common web browsers or other devices. With advantages in Confocal Microscopy
cost and ease of use, virtual microscopy is rapidly replacing With a regular bright-field microscope, the beam of light is rel-
light microscopes and collections of glass slides in histology atively large and fills the specimen. Stray (excess) light reduces
laboratories for students. contrast within the image and compromises the resolving
6 CHAPTER 1â•… ■â•… Histology & Its Methods of Study

FIGURE 1–4╇ Appearance of cells with fluorescent microscopy.


a b

Components of cells are often stained with compounds visible by filaments show nuclei with blue fluorescence and actin filaments
fluorescence microscopy. stained green. Important information such as the greater density
(a) Acridine orange binds nucleic acids and causes DNA in cell of microfilaments at the cell periphery is readily apparent. (Both
nuclei (N) to emit yellow light and the RNA-rich cytoplasm (R) to X500)
appear orange in these cells of a kidney tubule. (Figure 1–4b, used with permission from Drs Claire E. Walczak
and Rania Rizk, Indiana University School of Medicine,
(b) Cultured cells stained with DAPI (4′,6-diamino-2-phenylindole) Bloomington.)
that binds DNA and with fluorescein-phalloidin that binds actin

FIGURE 1–5╇ Unstained cells’ appearance in three types of light microscopy.

a b c

Living neural crest cells growing in culture appear differently in-phase light differently and produce an image of these features
with various techniques of light microscopy. Here the same field in all the cells.
of unstained cells, including two differentiating pigment cells, is (c) Differential interference microscopy: Cellular details are
shown using three different methods (all X200): highlighted in a different manner using Nomarski optics. Phase-
(a) Bright-field microscopy: Without fixation and staining, only contrast microscopy, with or without differential interference, is
the two pigment cells can be seen. widely used to observe live cells grown in tissue culture.
(b) Phase-contrast microscopy: Cell boundaries, nuclei, and (Used with permission from Dr Sherry Rogers, Department of Cell
cytoplasmic structures with different refractive indices affect Biology and Physiology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.)
Light Microscopy 7

the specimen allows them to be digitally reconstructed into a

FIGURE 1–6╇ Principle of confocal microscopy.
3D image.

Laser Polarizing Microscopy
Polarizing microscopy allows the recognition of stained or
unstained structures made of highly organized subunits.
When normal light passes through a polarizing filter, it exits

vibrating in only one direction. If a second filter is placed in

Histology & Its Methods of Study ╇ ■╇ Light Microscopy

the microscope above the first one, with its main axis per-
Detector pendicular to the first filter, no light passes through. If, how-
ever, tissue structures containing oriented macromolecules
are located between the two polarizing filters, their repeti-
tive structure rotates the axis of the light emerging from the
polarizer and they appear as bright structures against a dark
background (Figure 1–7). The ability to rotate the direction
of vibration of polarized light is called birefringence and is
Plate with
splitter FIGURE 1–7╇ Tissue appearance with bright-field
and polarizing microscopy.


Focal plane out-of-focus
Specimen planes

Although a very small spot of light originating from one plane

of the section crosses the pinhole and reaches the detector,
rays originating from other planes are blocked by the blind.
Thus, only one very thin plane of the specimen is focused at a a
time. The diagram shows the practical arrangement of a confo-
cal microscope. Light from a laser source hits the specimen and
is reflected. A beam splitter directs the reflected light to a pin-
hole and a detector. Light from components of the specimen
that are above or below the focused plane is blocked by the
blind. The laser scans the specimen so that a larger area of the
specimen can be observed.

power of the objective lens. Confocal microscopy (Figure 1–6)

avoids these problems and achieves high resolution and sharp
focus by using (1) a small point of high-intensity light, often
from a laser, and (2) a plate with a pinhole aperture in front of
the image detector. The point light source, the focal point of b
the lens, and the detector’s pinpoint aperture are all optically
conjugated or aligned to each other in the focal plane (confo-
Polarizing light microscopy produces an image only of material
cal), and unfocused light does not pass through the pinhole. having repetitive, periodic macromolecular structure; features
This greatly improves resolution of the object in focus and without such structure are not seen. Pieces of thin, unsec-
allows the localization of specimen components with much tioned mesentery were stained with red picrosirius, orcein, and
greater precision than with the bright-field microscope. hematoxylin, placed on slides and observed by bright-field (a)
Confocal microscopes include a computer-driven mirror and polarizing (b) microscopy.
system (the beam splitter) to move the point of illumination (a) With bright-field microscopy collagen fibers appear red,
with thin elastic fibers and cell nuclei darker. (X40)
across the specimen automatically and rapidly. Digital images
captured at many individual spots in a very thin plane of focus (b) With polarizing microscopy, only the collagen fibers are vis-
ible and these exhibit intense yellow or orange birefringence.
are used to produce an “optical section” of that plane. Creat- (a: X40; b: X100)
ing such optical sections at a series of focal planes through
8 CHAPTER 1â•… ■â•… Histology & Its Methods of Study

a feature of crystalline substances or substances containing The wavelength in an electron beam is much shorter than that
highly oriented molecules, such as cellulose, collagen, micro- of light, allowing a 1000-fold increase in resolution.
tubules, and actin filaments.
The utility of all light microscopic methods is greatly Transmission Electron Microscopy
extended through the use of digital cameras. Many features The transmission electron microscope (TEM) is an imag-
of digitized histological images can be analyzed quantitatively ing system that permits resolution around 3 nm. This high
using appropriate software. Such images can also be enhanced resolution allows isolated particles magnified as much as
to allow objects not directly visible through the eyepieces to be 400,000 times to be viewed in detail. Very thin (40-90 nm),
examined on a monitor. resin-embedded tissue sections are typically studied by TEM
at magnifications up to approximately 120,000 times.
›â•ºELECTRON MICROSCOPY Figure 1–8a indicates the components of a TEM and the
basic principles of its operation: a beam of electrons focused
Transmission and scanning electron microscopes are based on using electromagnetic “lenses” passes through the tissue sec-
the interaction of tissue components with beams of electrons. tion to produce an image with black, white, and intermediate

FIGURE 1–8╇ Electron microscopes.

Electron gun Electron gun

Cathode Cathode

3 mm
Anode Anode

Copper grid
Condensor lens with three sections Lens

Specimen Column
Objective lens holder Lens
Column Scanner
Intermediate lens Electron detector

TEM image Lens SEM image

Projector lens

Image on viewing
screen Specimen
Electron detector
with CCD camera

(a) Transmission electron microscope (b) Scanning electron microscope

Electron microscopes are large instruments generally housed in a In a TEM image areas of the specimen through which electrons
specialized EM facility. passed appear bright (electron lucent), while denser areas or
(a) Schematic view of the major components of a transmission elec- those that bind heavy metal ions during specimen preparation
tron microscope (TEM), which is configured rather like an upside- absorb or deflect electrons and appear darker (electron dense).
down light microscope. With the microscope column in a vacuum, a Such images are therefore always black, white, and shades of gray.
metallic (usually tungsten) filament (cathode) at the top emits elec- (b) The scanning electron microscope (SEM) has many similarities
trons that travel to an anode with an accelerating voltage between to a TEM. However, here the focused electron beam does not pass
60 and 120 kV. Electrons passing through a hole in the anode form a through the specimen, but rather is moved sequentially (scanned)
beam that is focused electromagnetically by circular electric coils from point to point across its surface similar to the way an electron
in a manner analogous to the effect of optical lenses on light. beam is scanned across a television tube or screen. For SEM speci-
The first lens is a condenser focusing the beam on the sec- mens are coated with metal atoms with which the electron beam
tion. Some electrons interact with atoms in the section, being interacts, producing reflected electrons and newly emitted secondary
absorbed or scattered to different extents, while others are simply electrons. All of these are captured by a detector and transmitted to
transmitted through the specimen with no interaction. Electrons amplifiers and processed to produce a black-and-white image on the
reaching the objective lens form an image that is then magnified monitor. The SEM shows only surface views of the coated specimen
and finally projected on a fluorescent screen or a charge-coupled but with a striking 3D, shadowed quality. The inside of organs or cells
device (CCD) monitor and camera. can be analyzed after sectioning to expose their internal surfaces.
Autoradiography 9

shades of gray regions. These regions of an electron micro- layer of heavy metal (often gold) which reflects electrons in
graph correspond to tissue areas through which electrons a beam scanning the specimen. The reflected electrons are

passed readily (appearing brighter or electron-lucent) and captured by a detector, producing signals that are processed
areas where electrons were absorbed or deflected (appearing to produce a black-and-white image. SEM images are usually
darker or more electron-dense). To improve contrast and reso- easy to interpret because they present a three-dimensional
lution in TEM, compounds with heavy metal ions are often view that appears to be illuminated in the same way that large
added to the fixative or dehydrating solutions used for tissue objects are seen with highlights and shadows caused by light.
preparation. These include osmium tetroxide, lead citrate,

and uranyl compounds, which bind cellular macromolecules,

Histology & Its Methods of Study ╇ ■╇Autoradiography

increasing their electron density and visibility.
Cryofracture and freeze etching are techniques that
Microscopic autoradiography is a method of localizing
allow TEM study of cells without fixation or embedding and
newly synthesized macromolecules in cells or tissue sections.
have been particularly useful in the study of membrane struc-
Radioactively labeled metabolites (nucleotides, amino acids,
ture. In these methods very small tissue specimens are rap-
sugars) provided to the living cells are incorporated into spe-
idly frozen in liquid nitrogen and then cut or fractured with a
cific macromolecules (DNA, RNA, protein, glycoproteins, and
knife. A replica of the frozen exposed surface is produced in a
polysaccharides) and emit weak radiation that is restricted
vacuum by applying thin coats of vaporized platinum or other
to those regions where the molecules are located. Slides with
metal atoms. After removal of the organic material, the replica
radiolabeled cells or tissue sections are coated in a darkroom
of the cut surface can be examined by TEM. With membranes
with photographic emulsion in which silver bromide crystals
the random fracture planes often split the lipid bilayers, expos-
ing protein components whose size, shape, and distribution act as microdetectors of the radiation in the same way that
are difficult to study by other methods. they respond to light in photographic film. After an adequate
exposure time in lightproof boxes, the slides are developed
photographically. Silver bromide crystals reduced by the radia-
Scanning Electron Microscopy tion produce small black grains of metallic silver, which under
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) provides a high- either the light microscope or TEM indicate the locations of
resolution view of the surfaces of cells, tissues, and organs. Like radiolabeled macromolecules in the tissue (Figure 1–9).
the TEM, this microscope produces and focuses a very narrow Much histological information becomes available by
beam of electrons, but in this instrument the beam does not autoradiography. If a radioactive precursor of DNA (such
pass through the specimen (Figure 1–8b). Instead, the surface as tritium-labeled thymidine) is used, it is possible to know
of the specimen is first dried and spray-coated with a very thin which cells in a tissue (and how many) are replicating DNA

FIGURE 1–9╇ Microscopic autoradiography.


a b

Autoradiographs are tissue preparations in which particles called (a) Black grains of silver from the light-sensitive material coating
silver grains indicate the cells or regions of cells in which specific the specimen are visible over cell regions with secretory granules
macromolecules were synthesized just prior to fixation. Shown and the duct indicating glycoprotein locations. (X1500)
here are autoradiographs from the salivary gland of a mouse (b) The same tissue prepared for TEM autoradiography shows sil-
injected with 3H-fucose 8 hours before tissue fixation. Fucose was ver grains with a coiled or amorphous appearance again localized
incorporated into oligosaccharides, and the free 3H-fucose was mainly over the granules (G) and in the gland lumen (L). (X7500)
removed during fixation and sectioning of the gland. Autoradio- (Figure 1–9b, used with permission from Drs Ticiano G. Lima and
graphic processing and microscopy reveal locations of newly syn- A. Antonio Haddad, School of Medicine, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.)
thesized glycoproteins containing that sugar.
10 CHAPTER 1â•… ■â•… Histology & Its Methods of Study

and preparing to divide. Dynamic events may also be analyzed.

For example, if one wishes to know where in the cell protein is
produced, if it is secreted, and its path in the cell before being Enzyme histochemistry (or cytochemistry) is a method for
secreted, several animals are injected with a radioactive amino localizing cellular structures using a specific enzymatic activ-
acid and tissues collected at different times after the injections. ity present in those structures. To preserve the endogenous
Autoradiography of the tissues from the sequential times will enzymes histochemical procedures usually use unfixed or
indicate the migration of the radioactive proteins. mildly fixed tissue, which is sectioned on a cryostat to avoid
adverse effects of heat and organic solvents on enzymatic

›â•ºCELL & TISSUE CULTURE activity. For enzyme histochemistry (1) tissue sections are
immersed in a solution containing the substrate of the enzyme
Live cells and tissues can be maintained and studied outside to be localized; (2) the enzyme is allowed to act on its sub-
the body in culture (in vitro). In the organism (in vivo), cells strate; (3) the section is then put in contact with a marker
are bathed in fluid derived from blood plasma and containing compound that reacts with a product of the enzymatic action
many different molecules required for survival and growth. on the substrate; and (4) the final product from the marker,
Cell culture allows the direct observation of cellular behavior which must be insoluble and visible by light or electron
under a phase-contrast microscope and many experiments microscopy, precipitates over the site of the enzymes, identify-
technically impossible to perform in the intact animal can be ing their location.
accomplished in vitro. Examples of enzymes that can be detected histochemi-
The cells and tissues are grown in complex solutions of cally include the following:
known composition (salts, amino acids, vitamins) to which ■⌀ Phosphatases, which remove phosphate groups from
serum or specific growth factors are added. Cells to be cultured macromolecules (Figure 1–10).
are dispersed mechanically or enzymatically from a tissue or ■⌀ Dehydrogenases, which transfer hydrogen ions from
organ and placed with sterile procedures in a clear dish to one substrate to another, such as many enzymes of the
which they adhere, usually as a single layer (Figure 1–5). Such citric acid (Krebs) cycle, allowing histochemical identifi-
preparations are called primary cell cultures. Some cells can cation of such enzymes in mitochondria.
be maintained in vitro for long periods because they become ■⌀ Peroxidase, which promotes the oxidation of sub-
immortalized and constitute a permanent cell line. Most cells strates with the transfer of hydrogen ions to hydrogen
obtained from normal tissues have a finite, genetically pro- peroxide.
grammed life span. However certain changes (some related
to oncogenes; see Chapter 3) can promote cell immortality, a
process called transformation, and are similar to the initial › ╺╺ MEDICAL APPLICATION
changes in a normal cell’s becoming a cancer cell. Improve-
Many enzyme histochemical procedures are used in the
ments in culture technology and use of specific growth factors
medical laboratory, including Perls’ Prussian blue reaction for
now allow most cell types to be maintained in vitro.
iron (used to diagnose the iron storage diseases, hemochro-
As shown in Chapter 2, incubation of living cells in vitro
matosis and hemosiderosis), the PAS-amylase and alcian blue
with a variety of new fluorescent compounds that are seques-
reactions for polysaccharides (to detect glycogenosis and
tered and metabolized in specific compartments of the cell
mucopolysaccharidosis), and reactions for lipids and sphin-
provides a new approach to understanding these compart-
golipids (to detect sphingolipidosis).
ments both structurally and physiologically. Other histologic
techniques applied to cultured cells have been particularly
important for understanding the locations and functions of
microtubules, microfilaments, and other components of the
A specific macromolecule present in a tissue section may also
be identified by using tagged compounds or macromolecules
› ╺╺ MEDICAL APPLICATION that bind specifically with the molecule of interest. The com-
Cell culture is very widely used to study molecular changes pounds that interact with the molecule must be visible with
that occur in cancer; to analyze infectious viruses, myco- the light or electron microscope, often by being tagged with a
plasma, and some protozoa; and for many routine genetic or detectible label. The most commonly used labels are fluores-
chromosomal analyses. Cervical cancer cells from a patient cent compounds, radioactive atoms that can be detected with
later identified as Henrietta Lacks, who died from the disease autoradiography, molecules of peroxidase or other enzymes
in 1951, were used to establish one of the first cell lines, that can be detected with histochemistry, and metal (usually
called HeLa cells, which are still used in research on cellular gold) particles that can be seen with light and electron micros-
structure and function throughout the world. copy. These methods can be used to detect and localize specific
sugars, proteins, and nucleic acids.
Visualizing Specific Molecules 11

Examples of molecules that interact specifically with

FIGURE 1–10╇ Enzyme histochemistry.
other molecules include the following:

■⌀ Phalloidin, a compound extracted from mushroom,
Amanita phalloides, interacts strongly with the actin pro-
tein of microfilaments.
L ■⌀ Protein A, purified from Staphylococcus aureus bacte-
ria, binds to the Fc region of antibody molecules, and
can therefore be used to localize naturally occurring or

applied antibodies bound to cell structures.

Histology & Its Methods of Study ╇ ■╇ Visualizing Specific Molecules
■⌀ Lectins, glycoproteins derived mainly from plant seeds,
bind to carbohydrates with high affinity and specificity.
Different lectins bind to specific sugars or sequences of
sugar residues, allowing fluorescently labeled lectins to
be used to stain specific glycoproteins or other macro-
molecules bearing specific sequences of sugar residues.

A highly specific interaction between macromolecules is that
between an antigen and its antibody. For this reason labeled
antibodies are routinely used in immunohistochemistry
to identify and localize many specific proteins, not just
those with enzymatic activity that can be demonstrated by
aa The body’s immune cells interact with and produce anti-
bodies against other macromolecules—called antigens—that
are recognized as “foreign,” not a normal part of the organism,
and potentially dangerous. Antibodies belong to the immu-
noglobulin family of glycoproteins and are secreted by lym-
phocytes. These molecules normally bind specifically to their
Ly provoking antigens and help eliminate them.
Widely applied for both research and diagnostic pur-
poses, every immunohistochemical technique requires an
antibody against the protein that is to be detected. This means
Ly that the protein must have been previously purified using bio-
chemical or molecular methods so that antibodies against it
can be produced. To produce antibodies against protein x of a
certain animal species (eg, a human or rat), the isolated pro-
tein is injected into an animal of another species (eg, a rabbit
or a goat). If the protein’s amino acid sequence is sufficiently
b N different for this animal to recognize it as foreign—that is, as
an antigen—the animal will produce antibodies against the
(a) Micrograph of cross sections of kidney tubules treated Different groups (clones) of lymphocytes in the injected
histochemically to demonstrate alkaline phosphatases (with animal recognize different parts of protein x and each clone
maximum activity at an alkaline pH) showing strong activity of produces an antibody against that part. These antibodies are
this enzyme at the apical surfaces of the cells at the lumens (L)
of the tubules. (X200)
collected from the animal’s plasma and constitute a mixture
of polyclonal antibodies, each capable of binding a different
(b) TEM image of a kidney cell in which acid phosphatase has
been localized histochemically in three lysosomes (Ly) near the region of protein x.
nucleus (N). The dark material within these structures is lead It is also possible, however, to inject protein x into a
phosphate that precipitated in places with acid phosphatase mouse and a few days later isolate the activated lymphocytes
activity. (X25,000) and place them into culture. Growth and activity of these cells
(Figure 1–10b, used with permission from Dr Eduardo
can be prolonged indefinitely by fusing them with lymphocytic
Katchburian, Department of Morphology, Federal University of
São Paulo, Brazil.) tumor cells to produce hybridoma cells. Different hybridoma
clones produce different antibodies against the several parts
12 CHAPTER 1â•… ■â•… Histology & Its Methods of Study

of protein x and each clone can be isolated and cultured sepa- The indirect method is used more widely in research and
rately so that the different antibodies against protein x can be pathologic tests because it is more sensitive, with the extra
collected separately. Each of these antibodies is a monoclo- level of antibody binding serving to amplify the visible signal.
nal antibody. An advantage to using a monoclonal antibody Moreover, the same preparation of labeled secondary antibody
rather than polyclonal antibodies is that it can be selected to can be used in studies with different primary antibodies (spe-
be highly specific and to bind strongly to the protein to be cific for different antigens) as long as all these are made in the
detected, with less nonspecific binding to other proteins that same species. There are other indirect methods that involve the
are similar to the one of interest. use of other intermediate molecules, such as the biotin-avidin
In immunohistochemistry a tissue section that one technique, which are also used to amplify detection signals.
believes contains the protein of interest is incubated in a solu- Examples of indirect immunocytochemistry are shown in
tion containing antibody (either monoclonal or polyclonal) Figure 1–12, demonstrating the use of this method with cells
against this protein. The antibody binds specifically to the in culture or after tissue sectioning for both light microscopy
protein and after a rinse the protein’s location in the tissue or and TEM.
cells can be seen with either the light or electron microscope
by visualizing the antibody. Antibodies are commonly tagged › ╺╺ MEDICAL APPLICATION
with fluorescent compounds, with peroxidase or alkaline
Because cells in some diseases, including many cancer cells,
phosphatase for histochemical detection, or with electron-
often produce proteins unique to their pathologic condition,
dense gold particles for TEM.
immunohistochemistry can be used by pathologists to diag-
As Figure 1–11 indicates, there are direct and indirect
nose many diseases, including certain types of tumors and
methods of immunocytochemistry. The direct method just
some virus-infected cells. Table 1-1 shows some applications
involves a labeled antibody that binds the protein of interest.
of immunocytochemistry routinely used in clinical practice.
Indirect immunohistochemistry involves sequential
application of two antibodies and additional washing steps. The
(primary) antibody specifically binding the protein of interest Hybridization Techniques
is not labeled. The detectible tag is conjugated to a second- Hybridization usually implies the specific binding between
ary antibody made in an animal species different (“foreign”) two single strands of nucleic acid, which occurs under appro-
from that which made the primary antibody. For example, pri- priate conditions if the strands are complementary. The greater
mary antibodies made by mouse lymphocytes (such as most the similarities of their nucleotide sequences, the more read-
monoclonal antibodies) are specifically recognized and bound ily the complementary strands form “hybrid” double-strand
by antibodies made in a rabbit or goat injected with mouse molecules. Hybridization at stringent conditions allows the
antibody immunoglobulin. specific identification of sequences in genes or RNA. This can

FIGURE 1–11╇ Immunocytochemistry techniques.

Labeled Unlabeled antibody
antibody primary
Antigen Antigen

Tissue section

Glass slide

Direct Indirect

Immunocytochemistry (or immunohistochemistry) can be direct labeled secondary antibody is obtained that was (1) made in
or indirect. Direct immunocytochemistry (left) uses an antibody another species against immunoglobulin proteins (antibodies)
made against the tissue protein of interest and tagged directly from the species in which the primary antibodies were made and
with a label such as a fluorescent compound or peroxidase. When (2) labeled with a fluorescent compound or peroxidase. When
placed with the tissue section on a slide, these labeled antibod- the labeled secondary antibody is applied to the tissue section, it
ies bind specifically to the protein (antigen) against which they specifically binds the primary antibodies, indirectly labeling the
were produced and can be visualized by the appropriate method. protein of interest on the slide. Because more than one labeled
Indirect immunocytochemistry (right) uses first a primary secondary antibody can bind each primary antibody molecule,
antibody made against the protein (antigen) of interest and labeling of the protein of interest is amplified by the indirect
applied to the tissue section to bind its specific antigen. Then a method.
Visualizing Specific Molecules 13

FIGURE 1–12╇ Cells and tissues stained by immunohistochemistry.

1 C H A P T E R
Histology & Its Methods of Study ╇ ■╇ Visualizing Specific Molecules
a c

throughout the cytoplasm. Primary antibodies against the

filament protein desmin and fluorescein isothiocyanate
(FITC)–labeled secondary antibodies were used in the indirect
staining technique, with the nucleus counterstained blue with
DAPI. (X650)
(b) A section of small intestine treated with an antibody against
the enzyme lysozyme. The secondary antibody labeled with
peroxidase was then applied and the localized brown color
produced histochemically with the peroxidase substrate
3,3′-diamino-azobenzidine (DAB). The method demonstrates
lysozyme-containing structures in scattered macrophages and in
the large clusters of cells. Nuclei were counterstained with hema-
toxylin. (X100)
(c) A section of pancreatic cells in a TEM preparation incubated
with an antibody against the enzyme amylase and then with
protein A coupled with gold particles. Protein A has high affin-
ity toward antibody molecules and the resulting image reveals
the presence of amylase with the gold particles localized as very
small black dots over dense secretory granules and developing
granules (left). With specificity for immunoglobulin molecules,
Immunocytochemical methods to localize specific proteins can labeled protein A can be used to localize any primary antibody.
be applied to either light microscopic or TEM preparations using a (X5000)
variety of labels. (Figure 1–12c, used with permission from Dr Moise Bendayan,
(a) A single cultured uterine cell stained fluorescently Departments of Pathology and Cell Biology, University of Montreal,
to reveal a meshwork of intermediate filaments (green) Montreal, Canada.)

TABLE 1-1 Examples of specific antigens with diagnostic importance.
Antigens Diagnosis

Specific cytokeratins Tumors of epithelial origin

Protein and polypeptide hormones Certain endocrine tumors
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) Glandular tumors, mainly of the digestive tract and breast
Steroid hormone receptors Breast duct cell tumors
Antigens produced by viruses Specific virus infections
14 CHAPTER 1â•… ■â•… Histology & Its Methods of Study

occur with cellular DNA or RNA when nucleic acid sequences › ╺╺ MEDICAL APPLICATION
in solution are applied directly to prepared cells and tissue sec-
Warts on the skin of the genitals and elsewhere are due to
tions, a procedure called in situ hybridization (ISH).
infection with the human papilloma virus (HPV) which causes
This technique is ideal for (1) determining if a cell has
the characteristic benign proliferative growth. As shown in
a specific sequence of DNA, such as a gene or part of a gene
Figure 1–12 such virus-infected cells can often be demon-
(Figure 1–13), (2) identifying the cells containing specific
strated by ISH. Certain cancer cells with unique or elevated
messenger RNAs (mRNAs) (in which the corresponding
expression of specific genes are also localized in tumors and
gene is being transcribed), or (3) determining the localiza-
studied microscopically by ISH.
tion of a gene in a specific chromosome. DNA and RNA of
the cells must be initially denatured by heat or other agents
to become completely single-stranded and the nucleotide
sequences of interest are detected with probes consisting of
single-stranded complementary DNA (cDNA). The probe
may be obtained by cloning, by polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) amplification of the target sequence, or by chemical In studying and interpreting stained tissue sections, it is
synthesis if the desired sequence is short. The probe is tagged important to remember that microscopic preparations are the
with nucleotides containing a radioactive isotope (localized by end result of a series of processes that began with collecting
autoradiography) or modified with a small compound such as the tissue and ended with mounting a coverslip on the slide.
digoxigenin (identified by immunocytochemistry). A solution Certain steps in this procedure may distort the tissues slightly,
containing the probe is placed over the specimen under con- producing minor structural abnormalities called artifacts not
ditions allowing hybridization and after the excess unbound present in the living tissue.
probe is washed off, the localization of the hybridized probe is One such distortion is minor shrinkage of cells or tissue
revealed through its label. regions produced by the fixative, by the ethanol, or by the heat
needed for paraffin embedding. Shrinkage can create artificial
spaces between cells and other tissue components. Such spaces
FIGURE 1–13╇ In situ hybridization (ISH). can also result from the loss of lipids or low-molecular-weight
substances not preserved by the fixative or removed by the
dehydrating and clearing fluids. Slight cracks in sections may
also appear as large spaces in the tissue.
Other artifacts may include small wrinkles in the section
(which the novice may confuse with linear structures in tissue)
and precipitates from the stain (which may be confused with
cellular structures such as cytoplasmic granules). Students must
be aware of the existence of artifacts and able to recognize them.
Another difficulty in the study of histologic sections is the
impossibility of differentially staining all tissue components on
one slide. A single stain can seldom demonstrate well nuclei,
mitochondria, lysosomes, basement membranes, elastic fibers,
etc. With the light microscope, it is necessary to examine prepa-
rations stained by different methods before an idea of the whole
composition and structure of a cell or tissue can be obtained. The
TEM allows the observation of cells with all its internal struc-
tures and surrounding ECM components, but only a few cells in
a tissue can be conveniently studied in these very small samples.
Finally, when a structure’s three-dimensional volume is
cut into very thin sections, the sections appear microscopically
to have only two dimensions: length and width. When examin-
In situ hybridization of this tissue section with probes for the ing a section under the microscope, the viewer must always keep
human papilloma virus (HPV) reveals the presence of many
cells containing the virus. The section was incubated with a
in mind that components are missing in front of and behind
solution containing a digoxigenin-labeled complementary what is being seen because many tissue structures are thicker
DNA (cDNA) probe for the HPV DNA. The probe was then than the section. Round structures seen microscopically may
visualized by direct immunohistochemistry using peroxidase- actually be portions of spheres or tubes. Because structures in
labeled antibodies against digoxigenin. This procedure stains a tissue have different orientations, their two-dimensional (2D)
brown only those cells containing HPV. (X400; H&E)
(Used with permission from Dr Jose E. Levi, Virology Lab,
appearance will also vary depending on the plane of section. A
Institute of Tropical Medicine, University of São Paulo, Brazil.) single convoluted tube will appear in a tissue section as many
separate rounded or oval structures (Figure 1–14).
Interpretation of Structures in Tissue Sections 15

FIGURE 1–14╇ Interpretation of 3D structures in 2D sections.

1 C H A P T E R
Histology & Its Methods of Study ╇ ■╇ Interpretation of Structures in Tissue Sections
In thin sections 3D structures appear to have only two dimensions.
Such images must be interpreted correctly to understand the actual
structure of tissue and organ components. For example, blood ves-
sels and other tubular structures appear in sections as round or oval
shapes whose size and shape depend on the transverse or oblique
angle of the cut. A highly coiled tube will appear as several round
and oval structures. In TEM sections of cells, round structures may
represent spherical organelles or transverse cuts through tubular
organelles such as mitochondria. It is important to develop such
interpretive skill to understand tissue and cell morphology in micro-
scopic preparations.

Histology & Its Methods of Study╇ SUMMARY OF KEY POINTS

Preparation of Tissues for Study Autoradiography

■⌀ Chemical fixatives such as formalin are used to preserve tissue ■⌀ This process localizes cell components synthesized using radioactive
structure by cross-linking and denaturing proteins, inactivating precursors by detecting silver grains produced by weakly emitted
enzymes, and preventing cell autolysis or self-digestion. radiation in a photographic emulsion coating the tissue section or cells.
■⌀ Dehydration of the fixed tissue in alcohol and clearing in organic ■⌀ With either light microscopy or TEM, autoradiography permits
solvents prepare it for embedding and sectioning. unique studies of processes such as tissue growth (using radioactive
■⌀ Embedding in paraffin wax or epoxy resin allows the tissue to be DNA precursors) or cellular pathways of macromolecular synthesis.
cut into very thin sections (slices) with a microtome.
■⌀ Sections are mounted on glass slides for staining, which is required to Cell & Tissue Culture
reveal specific cellular and tissue components with the microscope. ■⌀ Cells can be grown in vitro from newly explanted tissues (primary
■⌀ The most commonly used staining method is a combination of the cultures) or as long-established cell lines and can be examined in the
stains hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), which act as basic and acidic living state by phase-contrast light microscopy.
dyes, respectively. Enzyme Histochemistry
■⌀ Cell substances with a net negative (anionic) charge, such as DNA
and RNA, react strongly with hematoxylin and basic stains; such ■⌀ Histochemical (or cytochemical) techniques use specific enzy-
material is said to be “basophilic.” matic activities in lightly fixed or unfixed tissue sections to produce
■⌀ Cationic substances, such as collagen and many cytoplasmic proteins visible products in the specific enzyme locations.
react with eosin and other acidic stains and are said to be “acidophilic.” ■⌀ Fixation and paraffin embedding denatures most enzymes, so histo-
chemistry usually uses frozen tissue sectioned with a cryostat.
Light Microscopy ■⌀ Enzyme classes for which histochemical study is useful include
■⌀ Bright-field microscopy, the method most commonly used by phosphatases, dehydrogenases, and peroxidases, with peroxidase
both students and pathologists, uses ordinary light and the colors often conjugated to antibodies used in immunohistochemistry.
are imparted by tissue staining. Visualizing Specific Molecules
■⌀ Fluorescence microscopy uses ultraviolet light, under which only
fluorescent molecules are visible, allowing localization of fluores- ■⌀ Some substances specifically bind certain targets in cells.
cent probes which can be much more specific than routine stains. ■⌀ Immunohistochemistry is based on specific reactions between an
■⌀ Phase-contrast microscopy uses the differences in refractive antigen and antibodies labeled with visible markers, often fluores-
index of various natural cell and tissue components to produce an cent compounds or peroxidase for light microscopy and gold par-
image without staining, allowing observation of living cells. ticles for TEM.
■⌀ Confocal microscopy involves scanning the specimen at succes- ■⌀ If the cell or tissue antigen of interest is detected by directly binding
sive focal planes with a focused light beam, often from a laser, and a labeled primary antibody specific for that antigen, the process is
produces a 3D reconstruction from the images. considered direct immunohistochemistry.
16 CHAPTER 1â•… ■â•… Histology & Its Methods of Study

■⌀ Indirect immunohistochemistry uses an unlabeled primary anti- Interpretation of Structures in Tissue Sections
body that is detected bound to its antigen with labeled secondary ■⌀ Many steps in tissue processing, slide preparation, and staining can
antibodies. introduce minor artifacts such as spaces and precipitates that are
■⌀ The indirect immunohistochemical method is more commonly not normally present in the living tissue and must be recognized.
used because the added level of antibody binding amplifies the sig- ■⌀ Sections of cells or tissues are essentially 2D planes through 3D
nal detected and provides greater technical flexibility. structures, and understanding this fact is important for their cor-
■⌀ Specific gene sequences or mRNAs of cells can be detected micro- rect interpretation and study.
scopically using labeled complementary DNA (cDNA) probes in a
technique called in situ hybridization (ISH).

Histology & Its Methods of Study╇ ASSESS YOUR KNOWLEDGE

1. In preparing tissue for routine light microscopic study, which 7. Microscopic autoradiography uses radioactivity and can be employed
procedure immediately precedes clearing the specimen with an to study what features in a tissue section?
organic solvent? a. The types of enzymes found in various cell locations
a. Dehydration b. Cellular sites where various macromolecules are synthesized
b. Fixation c. The sequences of mRNA made in the cells
c. Staining d. The dimensions of structures within the cells
d. Clearing e. The locations of genes transcribed for specific mRNA
e. Embedding
8. To identify and localize a specific protein within cells or the extracel-
2. Which of the following staining procedures relies on the cationic lular matrix one would best use what approach?
and anionic properties of the material to be stained? a. Autoradiography
a. Enzyme histochemistry b. Enzyme histochemistry
b. Periodic acid-Schiff reaction c. Immunohistochemistry
c. Hematoxylin & eosin staining d. Transmission electron microscopy
d. Immunohistochemistry e. Polarizing microscopy
e. Metal impregnation techniques
9. In situ hybridization is a histological technique used to visualize what
3. In a light microscope used for histology, resolution and magnifica- type of macromolecule?
tion of cells are largely dependent on which component? a. Proteins
a. Condenser b. Carbohydrates
b. Objective lens c. Certain enzymes
c. Eyepieces or ocular lenses d. Nucleic acids
d. Specimen slide e. Lipids
e. The control for illumination intensity
10. Hospital laboratories frequently use unfixed, frozen tissue specimens
4. Cellular storage deposits of glycogen, a free polysaccharide, could sectioned with a cryostat for rapid staining, microscopic examina-
best be detected histologically using what procedure? tion, and diagnosis of pathological conditions. Besides saving much
a. Autoradiography time by avoiding fixation and procedures required for paraffin
b. Electron microscopy embedding, frozen sections retain and allow study of what macro-
c. Enzyme histochemistry molecules normally lost in the paraffin procedure?
d. Hematoxylin & eosin staining a. Carbohydrates
e. Periodic acid-Schiff reaction b. Small mRNA
c. Basic proteins
5. Adding heavy metal compounds to the fixative and ultrathin sec- d. Acidic proteins
tioning of the embedded tissue with a glass knife are techniques e. Lipids
used for which histological procedure?
a. Scanning electron microscopy
b. Fluorescent microscopy
c. Enzyme histochemistry
d. Confocal microscopy
e. Transmission electron microscopy
6. Resolution in electron microscopy greatly exceeds that of light
microscopy due to which of the following?
a. The wavelength of the electrons in the microscope beam is
shorter than that of a beam of light.
b. The lenses of an electron microscope are of greatly improved
c. For electron microscopy the tissue specimen does not require
d. The electron microscope allows much greater magnification of
a projected image than a light microscope provides.
e. An electron microscope can be much more finely controlled
than a light microscope.
Answers: 1a, 2c, 3b, 4e, 5e, 6a, 7b, 8c, 9d, 10e

2 The Cytoplasm

17 Proteasomes
Peroxisomes 39
Transmembrane Proteins & Membrane Transport 19
Vesicular Transport: Endocytosis & Exocytosis 21 THE CYTOSKELETON 42
Signal Reception & Transduction 26 Microtubules 43
CYTOPLASMIC ORGANELLES 27 Microfilaments (Actin Filaments) 44
Intermediate Filaments 45
Ribosomes 27
Endoplasmic Reticulum 28 INCLUSIONS 47
Golgi Apparatus 31 SUMMARY OF KEY POINTS 51
Secretory Granules 33
Lysosomes 34

C ells and extracellular material together comprise all

the tissues that make up the organs of multicellular
animals. In all tissues, cells themselves are the basic
structural and functional units, the smallest living parts of the
body. Animal cells are eukaryotic, with distinct membrane-
Major cellular functions performed by specialized cells
in the body are listed in Table 2–1. It is important to under-
stand that the functions listed there can be performed by most
cells of the body; specialized cells have greatly expanded their
capacity for one or more of these functions during differen-
limited nuclei surrounded by cytoplasm which contains vari- tiation. Changes in cells’ microenvironments under normal
ous membrane-limited organelles and the cytoskeleton. In and pathologic conditions can cause the same cell type to have
contrast, the smaller prokaryotic cells of bacteria typically variable features and activities. Cells that appear similar struc-
have a cell wall around the plasmalemma and lack nuclei and turally often have different families of receptors for signaling
membranous cytoplasmic structures. molecules such as hormones and extracellular matrix (ECM)
components, causing them to behave differently. For example,
because of their diverse arrays of receptors, breast fibroblasts
›â•ºCELL DIFFERENTIATION and uterine smooth muscle cells are exceptionally sensitive to
female sex hormones while most other fibroblasts and smooth
The human organism consists of hundreds of different cell
muscle cells are insensitive.
types, all derived from the zygote, the single cell formed
by the merger of a spermatozoon with an oocyte at fertil-
ization. The first zygotic cellular divisions produce cells
called blastomeres, and as part of the early embryo’s inner ›â•ºTHE PLASMA MEMBRANE
cell mass blastomeres give rise to all tissue types of the fetus. The plasma membrane (cell membrane or plasmalemma)
Explanted to tissue culture cells of the inner cell mass are that envelops every eukaryotic cell consists of phospholipids,
called embryonic stem cells. Most cells of the fetus undergo cholesterol, and proteins, with oligosaccharide chains cova-
a specialization process called differentiation in which lently linked to many of the phospholipid and protein mol-
they differentially express sets of genes that mediate specific ecules. This limiting membrane functions as a selective barrier
cytoplasmic activities, becoming very efficient in specialized regulating the passage of materials into and out of the cell and
functions and usually changing their shape accordingly. For facilitating the transport of specific molecules. One important
example, muscle cell precursors elongate into fiber-like cells role of the cell membrane is to keep constant the ion content
containing large arrays of actin and myosin. All animal cells of cytoplasm, which differs from that of the extracellular fluid.
contain actin filaments and myosins, but muscle cells are spe- Membranes also carry out a number of specific recognition
cialized for using these proteins to convert chemical energy and signaling functions, playing a key role in the interactions
into forceful contractions. of the cell with its environment.

18 CHAPTER 2â•… ■â•… The Cytoplasm

abundant in the outer half, while phosphatidylserine and

Differentiated cells typically
TABLE 2–1 specialize in one activity.
phosphatidylethanolamine are more concentrated in the inner
layer. Some of the outer layer’s lipids, known as glycolipids,
General Cellular Activity Specialized Cell(s) include oligosaccharide chains that extend outward from the
cell surface and contribute to a delicate cell surface coating
Movement Muscle and other contractile called the glycocalyx (Figures 2–1b and 2–2). With the trans-
cells mission electron microscope (TEM) the cell membrane—as
Form adhesive and tight Epithelial cells well as all cytoplasmic membranes—may exhibit a trilaminar
junctions between cells appearance after fixation in osmium tetroxide; osmium binds
Synthesize and secrete Fibroblasts, cells of bone and the polar heads of the phospholipids and the oligosaccharide
components of the extracellular cartilage chains, producing the two dark outer lines that enclose the
matrix light band of osmium-free fatty acids (Figure 2–1b).
Convert physical and chemical Neurons and sensory cells Proteins are major constituents of membranes (~50%
stimuli into action potentials by weight in the plasma membrane). Integral proteins
Synthesis and secretion of Cells of digestive glands are incorporated directly within the lipid bilayer, whereas
degradative enzymes peripheral proteins are bound to one of the two membrane
Synthesis and secretion of Cells of mucous glands
surfaces, particularly on the cytoplasmic side (Figure 2–2).
glycoproteins Peripheral proteins can be extracted from cell membranes
with salt solutions, whereas integral proteins can be extracted
Synthesis and secretion of Certain cells of the adrenal
steroids gland, testis, and ovary
only by using detergents to disrupt the lipids. The polypeptide
chains of many integral proteins span the membrane, from
Ion transport Cells of the kidney and salivary one side to the other, several times and are accordingly called
gland ducts
multipass proteins. Integration of the proteins within the
Intracellular digestion Macrophages and neutrophils lipid bilayer is mainly the result of hydrophobic interactions
Lipid storage Fat cells between the lipids and nonpolar amino acids of the proteins.
Freeze-fracture electron microscope studies of mem-
Metabolite absorption Cells lining the intestine
branes show that parts of many integral proteins protrude
from both the outer or inner membrane surface (Figure 2–2b).
Although the plasma membrane defines the outer limit of Like those of glycolipids, the carbohydrate moieties of glyco-
the cell, a continuum exists between the interior of the cell and proteins project from the external surface of the plasma mem-
extracellular macromolecules. Certain plasma membrane pro- brane and contribute to the glycocalyx (Figure 2–3). They are
teins, the integrins, are linked to both the cytoskeleton and important components of proteins acting as receptors, which
ECM components and allow continuous exchange of influ- participate in important interactions such as cell adhesion, cell
ences, in both directions, between the cytoplasm and material recognition, and the response to protein hormones. As with
in the ECM. lipids, the distribution of membrane polypeptides is different
Membranes range from 7.5 to 10 nm in thickness and in the two surfaces of the cell membranes. Therefore, all mem-
consequently are visible only in the electron microscope. The branes in the cell are asymmetric.
line between adjacent cells sometimes seen faintly with the Studies with labeled membrane proteins of cultured cells
light microscope consists of plasma membrane proteins plus reveal that many such proteins are not bound rigidly in place
extracellular material, which together can reach a dimension and are able to move laterally (Figure 2–4). Such observations as
visible by light microscopy. well as data from biochemical, electron microscopic, and other
Membrane phospholipids are amphipathic, consisting of studies showed that membrane proteins comprise a moveable
two nonpolar (hydrophobic or water-repelling) long-chain mosaic within the fluid lipid bilayer, the well-established fluid
fatty acids linked to a charged polar (hydrophilic or water- mosaic model for membrane structure (Figure 2–2a). Unlike
attracting) head that bears a phosphate group (Figure 2–1a). the lipids, however, lateral diffusion of many membrane pro-
Phospholipids are most stable when organized into a double teins is often restricted by their cytoskeletal attachments.
layer (bilayer) with the hydrophobic fatty acid chains located Moreover, in most epithelial cells tight junctions between the
in a middle region away from water and the hydrophilic polar cells (see Chapter 4) also restrict lateral diffusion of unattached
head groups contacting the water (Figure 2–1b). Molecules transmembrane proteins and outer layer lipids, producing dif-
of cholesterol, a sterol lipid, insert at varying densities among ferent domains within the cell membranes.
the closely-packed phospholipid fatty acids, restricting their Membrane proteins that are components of large enzyme
movements and modulating the fluidity of all membrane complexes are also usually less mobile, especially those
components. The phospholipids in each half of the bilayer are involved in the transduction of signals from outside the cell.
different. For example, in the well-studied membranes of red Such protein complexes are located in specialized membrane
blood cells phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin are more patches termed lipid rafts with higher concentrations of
The Plasma Membrane 19

FIGURE 2–1╇ Lipids in membrane structure.

Polar head group Nonpolar fatty acid chains
(hydrophilic) (hydrophobic)

Saturated CH3
fatty acid

(straight) CH3

The Cytoplasm╇ ■╇ The Plasma Membrane

CH2 O P O X fatty acid OH
O– (bent)

General structure of a phospholipid Cholesterol

Sugar chains of a glycolipid


Hydrophilic surface

Hydrophobic region
Extracellular fluid
Hydrophilic surface


(a) Membranes of animal cells have as their major lipid com- throughout the lipid bilayer; cholesterol affects the packing of the
ponents phospholipids and cholesterol. A phospholipid is fatty acid chains, with a major effect on membrane fluidity. The
amphipathic, with a phosphate group charge on the polar head outer layer of the cell membrane also contains glycolipids with
and two long, nonpolar fatty acid chains, which can be straight extended carbohydrate chains.
(saturated) or kinked (at an unsaturated bond). Membrane choles- Sectioned, osmium-fixed cell membrane may have a faint trilam-
terol is present in about the same amount as phospholipid. inar appearance with the transmission electron microscope (TEM),
(b) The amphipathic nature of phospholipids produces the bilayer showing two dark (electron-dense) lines enclosing a clear (electron-
structure of membranes as the charged (hydrophilic) polar heads lucent) band. Reduced osmium is deposited on the hydrophilic
spontaneously form each membrane surface, in direct contact phosphate groups present on each side of the internal region of
with water, and the hydrophobic nonpolar fatty acid chains are fatty acid chains where osmium is not deposited. The “fuzzy” mate-
buried in the membrane’s middle, away from water. Cholesterol rial on the outer surface of the membrane represents the glycocalyx
molecules are also amphipathic and are interspersed less evenly of oligosaccharides of glycolipids and glycoproteins. (X100,000)

cholesterol and saturated fatty acids which reduce lipid fluid- molecules cross the membrane by the general mechanisms
ity. This together with the presence of scaffold proteins that shown schematically in Figure 2–5 and explained as follows:
maintain spatial relationships between enzymes and signal-
ing proteins allows the proteins assembled within lipid rafts to
■⌀ Diffusion transports small, nonpolar molecules directly
through the lipid bilayer. Lipophilic (fat-soluble) mol-
remain in close proximity and interact more efficiently. ecules diffuse through membranes readily, water very
Transmembrane Proteins & MembraneTransport ■⌀ Channels are multipass proteins forming transmembrane
The plasma membrane is the site where materials are pores through which ions or small molecules pass selec-
exchanged between the cell and its environment. Most small tively. Cells open and close specific channels for Na+,
20 CHAPTER 2â•… ■â•… The Cytoplasm

FIGURE 2–2╇ Proteins associated with the membrane lipid bilayer.

Sugar chain Sugar chain

of glycolipid of glycoprotein

2 E face
Peripheral protein 1
Transmembrane protein


P face

(a) The fluid mosaic model of membrane structure emphasizes center. Splitting occurs along the line of weakness formed by
that the phospholipid bilayer of a membrane also contains pro- the fatty acid tails of phospholipids. Electron microscopy of such
teins inserted in it or associated with its surface (peripheral pro- cryofracture preparation replicas provides a useful method for
teins) and that many of these proteins move within the fluid lipid studying membrane structures. Most of the protruding mem-
phase. Integral proteins are firmly embedded in the lipid layers; brane particles seen (1) are proteins or aggregates of proteins
those that completely span the bilayer are called transmembrane that remain attached to the half of the membrane adjacent to
proteins. Hydrophobic amino acids of these proteins interact with the cytoplasm (P or protoplasmic face). Fewer particles are found
the hydrophobic fatty acid portions of the membrane lipids. Both attached to the outer half of the membrane (E or extracellular
the proteins and lipids may have externally exposed oligosaccha- face). Each protein bulging on one surface has a corresponding
ride chains. depression (2) on the opposite surface.
(b) When cells are frozen and fractured (cryofracture), the lipid
bilayer of membranes is often cleaved along the hydrophobic

K+, Ca2+ and other ions in response to various physio- down a concentration gradient due to its kinetic energy. In
logical stimuli. Water molecules usually cross the plasma contrast, membrane pumps are enzymes engaged in active
membrane through channel proteins called aquaporins. transport, utilizing energy from the hydrolysis of adenos-
■⌀ Carriers are transmembrane proteins that bind small ine triphosphate (ATP) to move ions and other solutes across
molecules and translocate them across the membrane via membranes, against often steep concentration gradients.
conformational changes. Because they consume ATP pumps they are often referred to
as ATPases.
Diffusion, channels, and carrier proteins operate pas- These transport mechanisms are summarized with addi-
sively, allowing movement of substances across membranes tional detail in Table 2–2.
The Plasma Membrane 21

FIGURE 2–3╇ Membrane proteins.

Interstitial fluid


Glycolipid Carbohydrate

The Cytoplasm╇ ■╇ The Plasma Membrane

Polar head of

Nonpolar tails
of phospholipid Cholesterol Protein
Integral protein

Peripheral protein

Filaments of

Functions of Plasma Membrane

1. Physical barrier: Establishes a flexible boundary, protects cellular contents, 3. Electrochemical gradients: Establishes and maintains an electrical
and supports cell structure. Phospholipid bilayer separates substances charge difference across the plasma membrane.
inside and outside the cell. 4. Communication: Contains receptors that recognize and respond to
2. Selective permeability: Regulates entry and exit of ions, nutrients, molecular signals.
and waste molecules through the membrane.

Both protein and lipid components often have covalently connections, and as selective gateways for molecules entering
attached oligosaccharide chains exposed at the external mem- the cell.
brane surface. These contribute to the cell’s glycocalyx, which Transmembrane proteins often have multiple hydrophobic
provides important antigenic and functional properties to the regions buried within the lipid bilayer to produce a channel or
cell surface. Membrane proteins serve as receptors for vari- other active site for specific transfer of substances through the
ous signals coming from outside cells, as parts of intercellular membrane.

Vesicular â•›Transport: â•›Endocytosis & â•›Exocytosis which project from the cell in a process dependent on
cytoskeletal changes. Fusion of the membranous folds
Macromolecules normally enter cells by being enclosed within
encloses the bacterium in an intracellular vacuole called
folds of plasma membrane (often after binding specific mem-
a phagosome, which then merges with a lysosome
brane receptors) which fuse and pinch off internally as cyto-
for degradation of its contents as discussed later in this
plasmic vesicles (or vacuoles) in a general process known as
endocytosis. Three major types of endocytosis are recog-
nized, as summarized in Table 2–2 and Figure 2–6. 2. Pinocytosis (“cell drinking”) involves smaller invagina-
tions of the cell membrane which fuse and entrap extra-
1. Phagocytosis (“cell eating”) is the ingestion of particles cellular fluid and its dissolved contents. The resulting
such as bacteria or dead cell remnants. Certain blood- pinocytotic vesicles (~80 nm in diameter) then pinch
derived cells, such as macrophages and neutrophils, are off inwardly from the cell surface and either fuse with
specialized for this activity. When a bacterium becomes lysosomes or move to the opposite cell surface where
bound to the surface of a neutrophil, it becomes sur- they fuse with the membrane and release their contents
rounded by extensions of plasmalemma and cytoplasm outside the cell. The latter process, called transcytosis,
22 CHAPTER 2â•… ■â•… The Cytoplasm

hormones, are integral membrane proteins at the cell

FIGURE 2–4╇ Experiment demonstrating the
surface. High-affinity binding of such ligands to their
fluidity of membrane proteins.
receptors causes these proteins to aggregate in special
membrane regions that then invaginate and pinch off
internally as vesicles.
The formation and fate of vesicles in receptor-mediated
endocytosis also often depend on specific peripheral proteins
on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane (Figure 2–7). The
occupied cell-surface receptors associate with these cyto-
plasmic proteins and begin invagination as coated pits.
The electron-dense coating on the cytoplasmic surface of
a such pits contains several polypeptides, the major one being
clathrin. Clathrin molecules interact like the struts of a
geodesic dome, forming that region of cell membrane into
a cage-like invagination that is pinched off in the cytoplasm
as a coated vesicle (Figure 2–7b) with the receptor-bound
ligands inside. Another type of receptor-mediated endocy-
tosis very prominent in endothelial cells produces invagina-
tions called caveolae (L. caveolae, little caves) that involve
the membrane protein caveolin.
In all these endocytotic processes, the vesicles or vacu-
oles produced quickly enter and fuse with the endosomal
b compartment, a dynamic collection in the peripheral cyto-
plasm of membranous tubules and vacuoles (Figure 2–7). The
clathrin molecules separate from the coated vesicles and recycle
back to the cell membrane for the formation of new coated
pits. Vesicle trafficking through the endosomal compartment
is directed largely through peripheral membrane G proteins
called Rab proteins, small GTPases that bind guanine nucle-
otides and associated proteins.
As shown in Figure 2–7, phagosomes and pinocytotic
vesicles typically fuse with lysosomes within the endosomal
compartment for digestion of their contents, while molecules
entering by receptor-mediated endocytosis may be directed
down other pathways. The membranes of many late endo-
somes have ATP-driven H+ pumps that acidify their interior,
activating the hydrolytic enzymes of lysosomes and in other
c endosomes causing ligands to uncouple from their receptors,
after which the two molecules are sorted into separate endo-
(a) Two types of cells were grown in tissue cultures, one with somes. The receptors may be sorted into recycling endosomes
fluorescently labeled transmembrane proteins in the plasma- and returned to the cell surface for reuse. Low-density lipopro-
lemma (right) and one without.
tein receptors, for example, are recycled several times within
(b) Cells of each type were fused together experimentally into
cells. Other endosomes may release their entire contents at a
hybrid cells.
separate domain of the cell membrane (transcytosis), which
(c) Minutes after the fusion of the cell membranes, the fluo-
rescent proteins of the labeled cell spread to the entire surface
occurs in many epithelial cells.
of the hybrid cells. Such experiments provide important data Movement of large molecules from inside to outside
supporting the fluid mosaic model. However, many mem- the cell usually involves vesicular transport in the process
brane proteins show more restricted lateral movements, being of exocytosis. In exocytosis a cytoplasmic vesicle containing
anchored in place by links to the cytoskeleton. the molecules to be secreted fuses with the plasma membrane,
resulting in the release of its contents into the extracellular space
without compromising the integrity of the plasma membrane
accomplishes bulk transfer of dissolved substances across (see “Transcytosis” in Figure 2–7a). Exocytosis is triggered in
the cell. many cells by transient increase in cytosolic Ca2+. Membrane
3. Receptor-mediated endocytosis: Receptors for many fusion during exocytosis is highly regulated, with selective
substances, such as low-density lipoproteins and protein interactions between several specific membrane proteins.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
chemists, and women farm labourers. Among them was the wife of
the man with the twisted face and the wife of the man with the
blinded eyes and the wife of Sergeant Jones.
The capitulation of the English Government was assured in the
recantations of its greatest men. Ex-premier Herbert H. Asquith
spoke first: “I myself,” he declared, “as I believe many others, no
longer regard the woman suffrage question from the standpoint we
occupied before the war.... I have said that women should work out
their own salvation. They have done it. The woman’s cause in
England now presents an unanswerable case.”
Mr. Lloyd George agreed: “The place of woman,” he said, “is
altered for good and all. It would be an outrage not to give her the
vote. The further parliamentary action now involved may be regarded
as a formality.”
General French, former commander of the British armies, the
brother of Mrs. Despard and of Mrs. Harley who died at the front,
crossed the Channel to announce his conversion to the woman’s
cause through “the heroism, the endurance and the organising ability
of the women on the battlefields of France and Belgium.”
The press of the country burst into print with a new confession of
faith. The Observer declared: “In the past we have opposed the
claim on one ground and one ground alone—namely, that woman by
the fact of her sex was debarred from bearing a share in national
defence. We were wrong.” The Daily Mail: “The old argument against
giving women the franchise was that they were useless in war. But
we have found out that we could not carry on the war without them.”
The Evening News: “In the home woman has long been a partner—
not always in name, perhaps, but generally in practice. Now she is a
partner in our national effort. And if she demands a partner’s voice in
the concerns of the firm, who shall say her Nay?” The Northern Daily
Telegraph: “The duties of citizenship are fulfilled by women to the
uttermost. The continuance of the sex disqualification would be a
cruel crime and a blind folly as well.” The Referee: “Women have
earned a right to be heard in the nation’s councils. The part they
have played in winning the war is their victory.”
Like this, the cause that yesterday was rejected and most bitterly
assailed of men was now championed by the nation. This was a
kingdom saying Votes for Women. Field Marshal Pankhurst would
never again have to. Her war-time strategy had won. When Mr.
Asquith rose in the House of Commons himself to move the
woman’s suffrage resolution, it had ceased to be a “controversial”
question. The measure was passed by an overwhelming majority.


The domestic reform that was begun in England has echoed round
the world. See that which had come to pass in 1917: Four other
nations, France, Italy, Hungary and the United States had suffrage
measures before their parliaments. Members of the Reichstag were
warning that Germany cannot avoid it if she would keep up in
efficiency with the rest of the world. King Albert announced that it
should be one of his first acts for a restored Belgium to confer
citizenship on its women. Holland and Canada have just
accomplished it in limited measure. Russia and Mexico in the throes
of revolution have actually achieved it. Women have for the first time
taken their seats in the governing bodies of three nations, Hermila
Galindo in the Congress of Mexico, Mrs. McKinney and Lieutenant
Roberta Catherine McAdams in Canada and Jeanette Rankin in the
United States. A woman, the Countess Sophia Panin, has been a
cabinet minister in Russia. And for the first time since civilisation
began, a woman, Dr. Poliksena Schiskina Yavein, as a member of
the Council of 61 at Petrograd, has assisted in writing a nation’s
One of the feminist leaders in Paris to whose appeal for votes
for women the French government is listening to-day.
On with Democracy! Nations are convinced that those who serve
their country should have a voice in directing its destinies. Land after
land preparing to extend its franchise for soldiers, as England with
her Representation of the People Bill, is reflecting on a real
representation. For every country is finding itself face to face with the
question with which Asquith first startled Britain, “Then what are you
going to do with the women?” Everywhere at the gates of
government are deputations like that in England who are saying,
“We also serve who stand behind the armies. We too want to be
And some one else wants them to be. From the training camps to
the trenches, the supporting column of the man in khaki stretches.
Every knitted sweater, every package of cigarettes tied with yellow
ribbon has been helping votes for women. And now over there he is
getting anxious about his job or his home or his children. What can
he know at the front about food control or the regulation of school
hours in Paris or London or New York? And when there are
decisions like that to be made, “I’d like to leave it to Her,” the soldier
is beginning to conclude. Why, war-time is the time for women to be
free! The whole world is athrill with the new ideal.
See the lines of women arriving before the government houses.
Theresa Labriola voices the demand of the National Federation in
Italy: “Women,” she says, “form the inner lines of defence for the
nations. We need the ballot to make our lines strong.” Yes, yes,
agrees her country. You shall begin right away with the municipal
franchise. And Premier Boselli and the Italian Parliament are
proceeding to get it ready.
In France, Mme. Dewitt Schlumberger and Mme. Charles
LeVerrier for the Union Française pour le Suffrage des Femmes,
present the “unanswerable case.” The senate on the Seine, looking
out, sees many women wearing long crêpe veils in the delegation
before its doors. “Let us give them,” says a member of the Chamber
of Deputies in a burst of poetic chivalry, “the suffrage de la morte:
every soldier dying on the battle field shall be permitted to designate
the woman relative he wishes to have carry on his citizenship for
him.” Very gently the women of France declined the suffrage of the
dead. Presenting a carefully prepared brief that was the review of
their war work, they said, “We can vote for ourselves, please.” And
who else shall? There are whole communes with most of the men
dead. There are villages with not so much as a man to be made
mayor, and a woman filling the office instead. The French Chamber
of Deputies has before it a bill to confer the municipal franchise on
women. “It is an act of justice,” says ex-Premier Viviani. The Droit du
Peuple declares, “After the war, many homes will be maintained by
women who will perform men’s tasks and fulfil men’s obligations.
They ought to have men’s rights.”
Canada, too, thought to reward her women with a vicarious vote.
The “next of kin” franchise was devised, by which the Government
has conferred on the wife or widow, mother, sisters and daughters of
men in the service the right to vote. But the delegations of women
outside the government house at Ottawa do not go away. They still
wait. “We also serve,” they repeat. And the country, in which no less
than five provinces last year gave to all of their women full
citizenship, has promised now to prepare the full direct federal
In Mittel Europa, Rosika Schwimmer is marshalling the feminist
forces. Under her leadership, a great deputation has marched to the
Town Hall in Budapest. The resolution there presented for universal
suffrage was carried by the Burgomaster to the Emperor. In reply, the
Hungarian Feminist Union has received the assurance of the prime
minister that the Government will introduce a measure extending the
franchise to a limited class of women. At Prague, Austria, the Town
Council has appointed a committee to draw up a new local
government franchise which shall include women. The free town of
Hamburg, Germany, preparing to enlarge its franchise in recognition
of the self-sacrifice of soldiers, hears the voice of Helene Lange and
27,000 women. They are reminding the Hamburg Senate that
women, too, who have borne the burdens of war, will wish to devote
themselves to reconstruction and in order to fulfil the duties of
citizens, they claim citizens’ rights. The Prussian Diet has before it
the petition of Frau Minna Cauer and the Frauenstimmrechtsbund
urging that suffrage for women be included in the projected franchise
reform. The Reichstag arranging a Representation of the People Bill
has at last referred the petition of the Reichverbund, the German
National Union for Woman Suffrage, “for consideration” zur
kenntnisnahme, which is the first indication of their change of attitude
before the women’s offensive. The Socialists in the Reichstag are
urging: “Women suffrage is marching triumphantly through other
lands. Can Germany afford to fall behind the other nations, with her
women less fully equipped than the rest for the struggle for
existence?” Meanwhile, Germany, as other countries, is depending
more and more upon her women. Two leading cities, Berlin and
Frankfort-on-Main, both have women appointed to their municipal
committees. Frau Hedwig Heyl, that woman behind the food control
policy for the Empire, who has turned her great chemical factory on
the Salzufer to canning meat for the army, says: “Woman suffrage in
Germany is a fruit not yet ripe for the picking. I water the tree,” she
adds significantly.
Holland has seen in The Hague 4,000 women assembled in the
Binnehof, the public square before the House of Parliament. On their
behalf, Dr. Aletta Jacobs, president of the Vereenigingvoor
Vronwenkeisrecht, presented to Premier Cort Van der Linden a
petition with 164,696 signatures, asking for citizenship for women.
“Society,” Dr. Jacobs told him, “can only gain when the forces and
energy of its women, now concentrated on the struggle for the vote,
can be used along with men’s in finding a solution for the many
social problems for which the insight of both is necessary.” And the
Dutch Parliament, making over its Constitution to enlarge the
franchise for men, decided on the amazing plan about women, “We
will try them first, as members of Parliament. And if we find they can
make the laws, afterward we shall let them vote for law makers.” So
the new Dutch constitution gives to women the “passive” franchise,
which is the right to hold all administrative offices, including
representation in Parliament. There is also removed an old
prohibitory clause, so that the way is now clear for the introduction of
a measure for the “active” franchise for women—if it is found the
dinner doesn’t burn while they are sitting in Parliament.
A South African Party Congress, for the first time it has ever
listened to women, has received a delegation who urge: “Half the
population of the country is composed of women. Can you any
longer afford to do without our point of view in your national
deliberations?” The Grand Council of Switzerland is considering a bill
which is before it, proposing to give women the franchise in
communal affairs. Mexico is struggling toward national freedom with
her women at the side of her men. It was not even considered
necessary to incorporate in the new constitution the woman suffrage
provision suggested by Hermila Galindo at the national convention.
The new Mexican Federal constitution states explicitly that “Voters
are those Mexicans who are 21 if unmarried and over 18 if married
and possessed of an honest means of livelihood.” And under this
constitution, in the March, 1917, elections, Mexican women quietly
voted as a matter of course along with the other citizens.
Who led 45,000 women to the duma in Petrograd to make their
calling to citizenship sure.
In all of Russia’s turbulent revolutionary unrest, none of the divers
parties struggling for supremacy there, denies the claim of half the
race to the freedom which it is hoped ultimately to establish. The
Provisional government’s first announcement was for universal
suffrage. But the Russian women weren’t going to take any chance.
They remembered a French revolution that also proclaimed
“universal” suffrage and has not yet done anything of the kind. The
Russian League for the Defence of Women’s Rights said, “Let’s be
certain about this. We want our calling to citizenship made sure.” So
Dr. Schiskina Yavein, the president of the League, led 45,000
women to the Imperial Duma in Petrograd. As their spokesman she
told the government: “At this time of national crisis we should have
no confusion of terms. Without the participation of women, no
franchise can be universal. We have come for an official declaration
concerning the abolition of all limitations with regard to women. We
demand a clear and definite answer to two questions: Are women to
have votes in Russia? And are women to have a voice in the
Constituent Assembly which only in that case can represent the will
of the people? We are here to remain until we receive the answer.”
Well, the answer came. It was an unconditional affirmative,
received in turn from the men who came out from the government
house to reply to the waiting women: M. V. Rodzianko, president of
the Imperial Duma; N. S. Tchkeidze, president of the Council of
Workingmen’s and Soldiers’ Deputies, and Prince Lvoff, president of
the Council of Ministers. And when the preliminary parliament of the
Russian Republic was opened at Petrograd in October, 1917, the
chair was offered to Madame Breshkovsky, the celebrated “Little
Grandmother” of the Russian Revolutionaries, as the senior member
of the council.
In New York City on election night of November, 1917, the
newsboys shrilled out a new cry, “The wimmin win!” “The wimmin
win!” It was like a victory at Verdun or the Somme. The cables
throbbed with the news that New York State, where the woman
movement for all the world began ninety years before, had made its
over three million women people. It is now only a question of time
when all other American women will be. New York State carries with
it almost as many electoral votes as all of the 17 previous States
combined, which have conferred on women the Presidential
franchise. The strongest fortress of the opposition is fallen. And
President Wilson has already recommended women suffrage to the
rest of the States as a war measure for immediate consideration.
It was from the hand of Susan B. Anthony that the torch of
freedom was received by every leader of the woman movement now
carrying it. On her grave at Rochester, N. Y., we have already laid
the victory wreath. For Democracy, the right of women to have a
voice in the government to whose authority they submit, is about to
be established in the earth!
“One thing that emerges from this war, I feel absolutely
convinced,” (it is Mr. Lloyd George, Premier of England, who is
speaking in a public address), “is the conviction that women must be
admitted to a complete partnership in the government of nations.
And when they are so admitted, I am more firmly rooted than ever in
the confident hope that they will help to insure the peace of nations
and to prevent the repetition of this terrible condition of things which
we are now deploring. If women by their enfranchisement save the
world one war, they will have justified their vote before God and
There is a story that the anti-suffragists started. But it’s our best
suffrage propaganda now. A farmer’s wife in Maine, who had cooked
the meals and swept the house, and washed the children and sent
them to school, and hoed the garden and fed the chickens, and
worked all the afternoon in the hayfield, and was now on her way to
the barn to finish her day’s work with the milking, was accosted by
an earnest agitator, who asked her if she didn’t want the vote. But
the farmer’s wife shook her head: “No,” she answered, “if there’s any
one little thing the men can be trusted to do alone, for heaven’s
sake, let ’em!”
But is there? From the rose bowered cottage, the cottage red
roofed and the blue trimmed cottage and the ikon blessed cottage,
and the plain little white house somewhere off Main Street, there is a
rising to the question.
Lest we forget, this war was made in the land where woman’s
place was in the kitchen!
And the mere housewifely mind asks, Could confusion be
anywhere worse confounded than in the government houses of the
world to-day?
Hark! You cannot fail to hear it! The cry of the nations is now sharp
and clear. It is the cry of their distress: “Women wanted in the
counsels of state.”
The Rising Value Of a Baby
You unto whom a child is born to-day, unto you is this written. I
bring you glad tidings. Blessed are you among the nations of the
earth. Wise men all over the world are hurrying to bring you gifts.
Only lift your eyes from the baby at your breast and in your mirror I
am sure you shall see the shining aureole about your head. Exalted
are you, O, woman among all people. Know that you have become a
Most Important Person. Governments are getting ready to give your
job a priority it never had before. For you, why you are the maker of
The particular commodity that you furnish has been alarmingly
diminished of late. It is clear what has happened with the present
world shortage of sugar: we pay 11c and 16c a pound where once
we paid four. The world shortage in coal has increased its cost in
certain localities almost to that of a precious metal, so that in Paris
within the year it has sold for $80 a ton. It is just as the political
economists have always told us, that the law of supply and demand
fixes prices. That which becomes scarce is already made dear.
Thus is explained quite simply over the world to-day the rising
value of a baby. Civilisation is running short in the supply of men. We
don’t know exactly how short. There are the Red Cross returns that
say in the first six months alone of the war there were 2,146,000
men killed in battle and 1,150,000 more seriously wounded. Figures,
however, of cold statistics, as always, may be challenged. There is a
living figure that may not be. See the woman in black all over Europe
and to-morrow we shall meet her in Broadway. There are so many of
her in every belligerent land over there that her crêpe veil flutters
across her country’s flag like the smoke that dims the landscape in a
factory town. It is the mourning emblem of her grief unmistakably
symbolising the dark catastrophe of civilisation that has signalled
Parliaments to assemble in important session. Population is being
killed off at such an appalling rate at the front that the means for
replacing it behind the lines must be speeded up without delay. To-
day registrar generals in every land in white-faced panic are
scanning the figures of the birth rates that continue to show steadily
diminishing returns. And in every house of government in the world,
above all the debates on aeroplanes and submarines and shipping
and shells, there is the rising alarm of another demand. Fill the
cradles! In the defence of the state men bear arms. It is women who
must bear the armies.
Whole battalions of babies have been called for. If we in America
have had no requisitions as yet, it is because we have not yet begun
to count our casualty costs. L’Alliance Nationale pour
L’Accroissement de la Population Française is calling on the French
mothers for at least four children apiece during the next decade.
Britain’s Birth Rate Commission wants a million new babies from
Scotland alone. The Gesellschaft fur Bevolkerungs Politik, which is
the society for increase of population organised at a great meeting in
the Prussian Diet House, has entered its order with the German
women for a million more babies annually for the next ten years. And
that is the “birth politics” of men.
Then to the proposals of savants and scientists, sociologists and
statesmen, military men and clergymen and kings, there has been
entered a demurrer. Governments may propose, Increase and
multiply. She-who-shall-dispose overlays their falling birth rate
figures with the rising death rate statistics. And there is tragedy in her
eyes: “What,” she asks, “have you done with my children? The
babies that I have given you, you have wasted them so!”
Is it not true? Even now along with the war’s destruction of life on
the most colossal scale known to history, children throughout the
world are dying at a rate that equals the military losses. In England a
hundred thousand babies under one year of age and a hundred
thousand more that do not succeed in getting born are lost annually.
In America our infant mortality is 300,000 a year. In Germany it is
half a million babies who die annually. The economics of the
situation to a woman is not obscure. Conservation of the children we
already have, is the advice of the real specialist in repopulation. One
other suggestion she contributes. She has made it practically
unanimously in all lands. In the Prussian Diet House it was one
speaking with authority as the mother of eight who interpolated:
“Meine Herren, if you would induce women to bring more children
into the world you must make life easier for mothers.” “Messieurs,
Messieurs,” called the Union Française pour le Suffrage des
Femmes to the Société pour la Vie with its curious proposal of
money grants in reward to fathers of large families, “to get children,
you must cultivate mothers!” “Gentlemen,” declared the Duchess of
Marlborough at a great public meeting on race renewal held in the
Guild Hall, London, “care of the nation’s motherhood is the war
measure that will safeguard the future of the state.”
These amendments in birth politics offered on behalf of the Most
Important Person have been practically adopted the world over.
Chancellors of the Exchequer are everywhere busy writing off
expenditures from the taxes running into millions, in support of
nation-wide campaigns for the conservation of the child. Maternity
from now on in every land takes the status of a protected industry.
Britain is ready to devote two and one-half million dollars a year to
schools for mothers. France has voted a “wards of the nation” bill, to
provide for the care of 700,000 war orphans, at a cost to the state
which it is estimated will mean an outlay of two hundred million
dollars. Public provisions for motherhood and infancy are proceeding
apace with provisions for the armies. If you are going to have a baby
in Nottingham, England, a public health visitor comes round to see
that you are perfectly comfortable and quite all right. And the
municipality that is thus anxiously watching over your welfare
solicitously inquires through a printed blank on which the reply is to
be recorded, “Have you two nightgowns?” In Berlin large signs at the
subway and elevated stations direct you to institutions where rates
are moderate, or even the Kaiser himself will be glad to pay the bill.
Similar facilities are offered by the government of France in the
“Guide des Services Gratuits Protegeant la Maternite,” with which
the walls of Paris are placarded. Even the war baby, whose cry for
attention not all the ecclesiastical councils and the military tribunals
commanding “Hush” has been able to still, at last is too valuable to
be lost. And every Parliament has arranged to extend the nation’s
protection on practically equal terms to all children, not excluding
those we have called “illegitimate,” because somebody before them
has broken a law.

You see, yesterday only a mother counted her jewels. To-day
states count them too. Even Jimmie Smith in, we will say, England,
who before the war might have been regarded as among the least of
these little ones, has become the object of his country’s concern.
Jimmie came screaming into this troublous world in a borough of
London’s East End, where there were already so many people that
you didn’t seem to miss Jimmie’s father and some of the others who
had gone to the war. Jimmie belongs to one of those 300,000
London families who are obliged to live in one and two room
tenements. Five or six, perhaps it was five, little previous brothers
and sisters waited on the stair landing outside the door until the
midwife in attendance ushered them in to welcome the new arrival.
Now Jimmie is the stuff from which soldiers are made, either soldiers
of war or soldiers of industry. And however you look at the future, his
country’s going to need Jimmie. He is entered in the great new
ledger which has been opened by his government. The Notification
of Births Act, completed by Parliament in 1915, definitely put the
British baby on a business basis. Every child must now, within thirty-
six hours of its advent, be listed by the local health authorities.
Jimmie was.
And he was thereby automatically linked up with the great national
child saving campaign. Since then, so much as a fly in his milk is a
matter of solicitude to the borough council. If he sneezes, it’s heard
in Westminster. And it’s at least worried about there. Though all the
King’s councillors and all the King’s men don’t yet quite know what
they’re to do with the many problems of infancy and complications of
pregnancy with which they are confronted, now that these are
matters for state attention.
A first and most natural conclusion that they reached, as equally
has been the case in other lands, was that the illness of babies was
due to the ignorance of mothers. Well, some of it is. And that has
proven a very good place to begin. For every one else, from a
plumber to a professor, there has always been training. Only a
mother was supposed to find out how by herself. Now she no longer
has to. The registration of Jimmie’s birth itself brought the Health
Visitor, detailed from the public health department of the borough, for
her first municipal call on his mother. She found Mrs. Smith up and
trying to make gruel for herself. After serious expostulation, the
maternity patient was induced to return to bed, where she belonged.
Gruel, the white-faced woman who sank back on the pillow insisted,
was easy. Why, probably she should not have minded it at all. Only
that day before yesterday she had gotten up to do a bit of wash and
had fainted at the tub. She hadn’t seemed to be just right since.
Neither had the baby.
The visitor leaned across the bed and removed a “pacifier” from
the baby’s mouth. “But he has to have it,” said the mother, “he cries
so much. All my children had it.” Looking round at them, the visitor
saw that it was true. Each exhibited some form of the facial
malformation that substantiated the statement. And one was deaf
from the adenoid growth. And one was not quite bright. This was, of
course, no time for a medical lecture beyond Mrs. Smith’s
comprehension. But the effort was made to impress her with the
simple statement of fact that a pacifier really was harmful for a child.
There were inquiries about the baby’s feeding. No, of course, it was
not being done scientifically. Well, the mother was told, if he were fed
at regular intervals he would be in better condition not to cry all the
time. And of course she herself must not get tired. It was Mrs.
Smith’s first introduction to the practice of mothercraft as an art. At
the school for mothers recently opened in the next square, where the
Health Visitor had her enrolled within a month, her regular instruction
The schools for mothers are now being established as rapidly as
possible throughout the country. It is not an absolutely new
enterprise. The first one in England, from which all the others are
being copied, had been started in London by an American woman
who had married an Englishman, Mrs. Alys Russell, a graduate of
Bryn Mawr. Women recognised at once the value of the plan. It was
only a question of popularising and paying for it. This the war has
accomplished. Government will now defray 50 per cent. of the cost
of a school under the operation of either voluntary agencies or
borough authorities. Already 800 schools have been opened. Some
of the most successful are at Birmingham, Sheffield and Glasgow,
under municipal direction. Parliament, you see, by financing it has
established the school for mothers as a national institution.
The “infant consultation” is the feature about which its activities
centre. Jimmie was taken regularly for the doctor’s inspection and
advice and there is on file there at the school a comprehensive
record in which is entered every fact of his family history and
environment and his own physical condition, with the phenomena of
its changes from week to week. The weekly weighing indicated very
accurately his progress. And the week that his weary mother’s milk
failed, the scales reported it. The modified milk was carefully
prescribed but the next week’s weighing indicated that Mrs. Smith
wasn’t getting the ingredients together right. The Health Visitor was
assigned to go home with her and show her just how. Like that,
Jimmie was constantly supervised. When the doctor at the
consultation, tapping the little distended abdomen with skilled
fingers, announced, “This baby is troubled with colic,” Mrs. Smith
said he had been having it a good deal lately. Well, a little
questioning corrected the difficulty. The trouble was pickles, and he
never had them after that. Also he never had the summer complaint,
which the former Smith babies always had in September.
You see, there is no proper cupboard at Jimmie’s house. There is
only the recess beside the chimney, and flies come straight from the
manure heap at the back of the house to the milk pitcher on the
shelf. Mrs. Smith didn’t know that flies mattered. She knows now,
and at the school she has learned that you protect the baby from
summer complaint by covering the pitcher with a muslin cloth. She
also has learned how to make the most ingenious cradle that ever
was contrived. It’s constructed from a banana box, but it perfectly
well serves the purpose for which it was designed. That Jimmie
should sleep alone, is one of the primary directions at the school. Of
course, it is clear that this is hygienically advisable, and there is
another reason: these crowded London areas are so crowded that
even the one bed the family usually possesses is also overcrowded.
With some five other children occupying it with their mother, there
was danger that Jimmie would some night be smothered.
“Overlaying,” as it is called, is the reason assigned in the death
certificate for the loss of a good many London babies.


Jimmie in his banana cradle slept better than any of the other
babies had. He had a little more air. Also he was cleaner than the
others, because his mother had learned that dirt and disease germs
are dangerous. But it is not easy, you should know, to keep children
clean where every pint of water you wash them in must be carried up
stairs from the tap on the first floor and down stairs again to the
drain. A frequent bath all around in the one stewpan that perforce
must serve for the purpose is out of the question. But there was a
real wash basin now among the new household furnishings that Mrs.
Smith was gradually acquiring. There are so many things that one
goes without when one’s husband is an ordinary labourer at the limit
line of 18s. a week. But when he becomes a soldier and you get your
regular separation allowance from the government, you begin to rise
in the social scale. Mrs. Smith, like so many others of the English
working class women, now during the war was “getting on her feet.”
And some of the improvement in family life was certainly registering
in that chart card at the school consultation that recorded Jimmie’s
When his father, home from Flanders on furlough, held him on his
knee, it was a better baby than he had ever held there before. For
one thing it was a heavier baby: children in this district used to
average thirteen pounds at one year of age. And now those whose
attendance at the consultations is regular average sixteen and
seventy-five hundredths pounds. Also Jimmie was a healthier baby.
He hadn’t rickets, like the first baby, who had suffered from
malnutrition. What could you do when there was a pint of milk a day
for the family and the baby had “what was left”? He hadn’t
tuberculous joints, like the second baby. He hadn’t died of summer
complaint, like the third and the fifth babies. And he hadn’t had
convulsions, like the seventh baby, who had been born blind and
who fortunately had died too. Yes, when one counts them up, there
have been a good many, and if some hadn’t died, where would Mrs.
Smith have put them all? The six that there are, seem quite to fill two
rooms and the one bed.
Still in the course of time there was going to be another baby.
Governments crying, “Fill the cradles,” seem not to see those that
are already spilling over. But the development of birth politics has at
last arrived at an important epoch—important to all the women in the
world—in the recognition of the economic valuation of maternity. It
has dashed acquiescent compliance in a world old point of view
most tersely expressed in that religious dictum of Luther: “If a woman
die from bearing, let her. She is only here to do it.” Mrs. Smith will not
die from bearing to-day if her government can help it—nor any other
mother in any other land. Instead, all science and sociology are
summoned to see her through. The rising value of a baby
demonstrates clearly that you cannot afford to lose a maker of men.
The British Government and the German Government and the
French Government, speeding up population, are now taking every
precaution for the protection of maternity. The mortality record for
women dying in child birth in England has been about 6,000 a year.
In Germany it has been 10,000. There was also in addition to this
death rate a damage rate. The national health insurance plan
inaugurated by several countries before the war was beginning to
reveal it: the claims for pregnancy disabilities, the actuaries reported,
were threatening to swamp the insurance societies. New significance
was added to these phenomena when there began to be the real war
necessity for conserving population.
The Registrar General, laying the case before Parliament in
England, found it suddenly strengthened by a book presented by the
Women’s Co-operative Guild. The volume constitutes one of the
most amazing documents that ever found a place in any state
archives. It is entitled “Maternity,” and is a symposium constituting
the cry of woman in travail. A compilation of 160 letters written by
members of this working women’s organisation recounting the
personal experiences of each in childbirth, it reflects conditions
under which motherhood is accomplished among the 32,000
members of the Guild. “Maternity,” with its simple, direct annals of
agony is a classic in literature, a human document recommended for
all nations to study. The gentlemen in the House of Commons, who
had turned its tragic pages, looked into each other’s faces with a
new understanding: there was more than maternal ignorance the
matter with infant mortality! And a new population measure was
determined on.
“These letters” impressively announced the Right Honourable
Herbert Samuel, “give an intimate picture of the difficulties, the
miseries, the agonies that afflict many millions of our people as a
consequence of normal functions of their lives. An unwise reticence
has hitherto prevented the public mind from realising that maternity
presents a whole series of urgent social problems. It is necessary to
take action to solve the problems here revealed. The conclusion is
clear that it is the duty of the community so far as it can to relieve
motherhood of its burdens.” So you will now find the maternity centre
being erected next door to the school for mothers. The Government
in 1916, announcing that it would assume also 50 per cent. of this
expense, sent a circular letter to all local authorities throughout the
kingdom, urgently recommending the new institution “in spite of the
war need for economy at the present time in all other directions.”

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