Legal and Political Tenets of The Fifteenth (15th) Amendment of The Constitution

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Date of Publication: 06/02/2024

Sole Author: Shawn Dexter John

Legal and Political Tenets of the Fifteenth (15th) Amendment of the Constitution


Legal and Political Tenets of relation are as follows:

(1) All rights of citizens of the United States shall be protected from depreciation, preclusion,
or dissolution, without any allowance or abridgement, whether via private or public
agreement, traditional or unconventional, for communicating or effecting otherwise,
(2) All rights of residents within the United States shall not be precluded, demeaned, or
made empirically unequal in human and civil protection, with or without voting privilege
within any level of Governance election or referenda and there shall be no disparaging
inference or communication on voting, whether federal, state, or lower, that any
fundamental attribute of social demographic group(s) shall be treated as disqualifying or
legally abhorrent,
(3) However debated by jurists arguing the Civil Society role of organizations and
foundations in Government and its relationships crediting or instating discoursal sciences
and partnerships, there shall be no requirement within any public corporation that
American citizenship (United States citizenship) is needed to enter and vote on
corporation values, activities, business, profit, and the reception of social and welfare
benefits which shall all be equal in effect with respect to being popularly declared or in
(4) All fundamental attributes of race, color, ethnicity, gender (sex), economic class,
nationality, and other such groups which are fundamental or complementary in society
without serving as being purposed with active and imminent, and in perpetuum,
unethical activism as its declared creed, without refuting human and constitutional rights
of its members, shall be perceived as being under securement, constitutional and statute
based, toward social, political, and economic contribution; the perspective of individuals
and groups shall not be dismissed in the body politick or electoral process, without
identifying [squarely] unethical intent or purpose,
(5) No level of employment or professional contribution and no kind of servitude, of popular
or hidden awareness, shall rationalize any discreditation of any person of age within the
electoral process under emergency or otherwise,
(6) The economic sector and related industries shall not serve to establish any corporate
jurisdiction or sectoral jurisdiction threatening or breaching the constitutional design of
the federal and electoral systems of the United States,
(7) The popular feedback concept which shall be popularized in the United States by
multi-jurisdictional political communities, whether continental, national, or sub-national,
shall be protected as emancipating equal political votes for both (a) mere residents and
(b) official citizens, a condition which does not challenge the constitutional design of the
American electorate and its comprehensive tenets,
(8) There shall be no right to vote, in addressing any individual within any state, whatever
the size in geography, population, economic value, corporate culture, social activism, or
political infrastructure, which shall serve to induce, support, declare, or effect unequal
value and power which communicate any breach of the other fundamental elements of
the constitutional structure of our government and the corresponding society, and
(9) Any and all laws of the federal, state, and local governments and their political
partnerships within the United States, whatever the constitutive agreement or
unconventional nature of the social contract, shall respect that all laws and compliant
policies securing and protecting political rights shall be equal in effect each respective
level of government and the corresponding constituency.

Note of Relation:

(1) None of my private accounts, Agency programs, or intellectual property (and rights) are
addressable or endowed to any scholarship or is transferable to any other individual or
any entity, including those associated with programs and/or the economic activism of the
McDonald's brand and its parent corporation.

CIA-INTERPOL Partnership File Number: YBOW742649OWTO

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