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Complete PPK Workflow for DJI Enterprise Drones

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it / Blog / Complete PPKWorkflow for DJIEnterprise Drones

Complete PPK Workflow for DJI

Enterprise Drones

Step-by-step instructions on how to get accurate results with

your OJIEnterprise drone

By Run Li

March 28, 2023 Im

Post-processed kinematic (PPK) is a method of using Global Navigation Satellite System

(GNSS)data to accurately determine the position and trajectory of a rover/drone. PPK
involves collecting raw GNSSdata from a drone, along with information about the position
and trajectory of nearby reference stations, and then processing the data after the fact to
improve the accuracy of the position and trajectory information.

PPK is commonly used in applications such as surveying, mapping, and precision

agriculture, where high-accuracy positioning is critical. Unlike Real-Time Kinematic (RTK)
P-OSitioning,which requires a real-time wireless connection to reference stations, PPKcan
be done after the fact, allowing for greater flexibility in data collection.

The post-processing of GNSSdata involves using specialized software to process the raw

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Complete PPK Workflow for DJI Enterprise Drones

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While both RTKand PPK positioning can be used for drone mapping applications, there are
some advantages of using PPKover RTK:

Pros Cons

Lower Accuracy: RTKaccuracy can be

affected by communication delays and
Real-Time Feedback: With RTK,
interruptions, making it less accurate
real-time feedback is available
than PPK.
during the mission, which can make
it easier to identify and address Communication Dependency: RTK
issues as they arise. requires real-time communication with
a reference station during the mission,
Fast Data Processing: RTKdata can
RTK which can be challenging in remote or
be processed quickly, which allows
rural areas with limited or no cellular
for a faster turnaround time for
coverage when using RTKvia the NTRIP
delivering the final product.
User-Friendly: RTKis typically easier
Higher Costs: RTKcan be more
to use than PPKand requires less
expensive than PPKdue to the need
skill to set up and operate.
for additional RTKmodules or NTRIP
service subscription fees.

No Real-Time Communication Longer Post-Processing Time: PPK

Required: RTKrequires real-time requires post-processing of data,
communication between the drone which can take time and delay the
and the ground station to receive delivery of the final product.
correction data from the reference
Minimal Flight iJ
station. PPK,on the other hand,
Requirement: Tc Cookie Preferences
does not require real-time

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Greater Flexibility: With PPK,the

drone can fly the mission and collect positioning data, it is necessary to
data, and the post-processing can be capture sufficient GNSSdata points
done later, providing greater during the flight. This means that the
flexibility for data collection, drone must fly for a certain duration
especially in areas with limited or no and distance to capture enough data
cellular coverage. points for PPKprocessing. The exact
duration and distance required will
Higher Accuracy: While both RTK depend on various factors such as the
and PPKcan provide high accuracy, GNSSreceiver used, the quality of the
PPKcan offer even higher accuracy reference station data, and the flying
as it is not subject to any potential environment. Generally, a minimum
communication delays or flight duration of 1O minutes is
disruptions during data collection. recommended to capture enough
PPKcan also use more reference GNSSdata points for accurate PPK
stations during post-processing, processing. However, this may vary
which can further improve the depending on the specific
accuracy. requirements of the mapping project
and the quality of the GNSSdata
Reduced Costs: PPKcan be less
expensive than RTKbecause it does
not require real-time
communication, which can require
additional equipment and
subscription fees.

The selection of PPKor RTKfor a mapping project ultimately depends on specific

requirements, including flexibility, cost, and mission scale. Although both methods have
their advantages and disadvantages, DJIEnterprise RTKdrones always record satellite
observation data. This ensures that even if an unstable cellular environment interrupts
real-time communication during an RTKflight, the user can still retrieve base station data
and use the PPK method as backup to output centimeter-level accurate data.

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Matrice 300 RTK+ Zen muse L1

UAV and Payload Hardware (One of the
Mavic 3 Enterorise + RTK Module
options provided)
Mavic 3 MultisP-ectral + RTK Module
Phantom 4 RTK

Flight Mission Planning Software DJI Pilot 2 app

Source for Base Receiver Independent QJI D-RTK2 Base Station

Exchange (RINEX) file and Navigation Third-party Base Station
files NGS CORS(Online).

Propeller Aero
Specialized PPK Software (One of the
options provided)
REDcatch REDtoolbox

DJI Terra
Photogrammetry Software
Third-party Photogrammetry Software

General Workflow

Performing a PPK process with drone image data may seem daunting, but it is actually a
straightforward process that requires careful planning and execution. The process involves
several key steps, which will be explored in more detail in the instructions below.

1. Settings and Preparations: Before you can begin collecting drone data, you need to

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2. Collecting Drone Data: Once you have planned the mission, it is time to collect the
drone image data and the corresponding GNSSdata from the drone receiver during
the flight. The GNSSdata should include the raw satellite navigation system data, as
well as timestamp information. It is important to collect as much data as possible to
ensure accurate PPKprocessing.
3. Collecting Reference Data: In addition to collecting drone data, you also need to
collect reference data from nearby GNSSreference stations, such as CORSor other
ground-based receivers. The reference data should include the same GNSSsignals
and timing information as the drone GNSSdata. By collecting reference data, you can
ensure that your PPK results are as accurate as possible.
4. Data Alignment and PPK Processing: Once you have collected all of the necessary
data, you need to align the drone image data with the corresponding GNSSdata
based on the timing information. This can be done using specialized software tools
that can match the timing information between the image capture and the GNSSdata
point. After aligning the data, you can process it using specialized PPKsoftware or
online services. The PPKprocessing uses the GNSSdata from both the drone receiver
and the reference stations to calculate the precise positioning information for each
image captured during the flight.
5. POS Data Overwrite: Make sure the new POSdata is correctly imported into the
photogrammetry software. This step is critical because the accuracy of the
photogrammetric models heavily depends on the quality of the input data. Therefore,
it is necessary to double-check the compatibility of the POSdata with the software
and ensure that it is correctly overwritten.

While performing a PPK process with drone image data may seem complex, it is a
necessary process for obtaining accurate mapping results. By carefully planning the
mission, collecting enough data, and performing quality control checks, you can ensure
that the results are as accurate as possible.

Settings and preparations

Before flying your drone, it is important to properly configure your D Cookie Preferences

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2. Make sure the RTKoption is Disabled in the Pilot app setting

3. It is important to note that the PPKprocess requires post-processing of data, which

may take time and delay the delivery of the final product. Additi
accurate positioning data with PPK requires capturing sufficient Cookie Preferences

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Pilot app, you can check the estimated mission flight time under the mission overview
drop down tab.

Distance 6106 ft

Estimated Time


Area 14376.1 m 2

GSD 0.82cm/pixel

Collecting drone data

To properly process with the PPK method, drone data is essential. In addition to raw
images, two additional files are required from the image folder: the drone Receiver
Independent Exchange (RINEX)file and the image timestamp file.

The drone RINEXfile contains raw GPSmeasurements that are critical for achieving high-
accuracy positioning. This data is used to correct for errors in the GPSsignal that can arise
due to various factors such as atmospheric conditions and the position of the GPS
satellites. Without this data, the accuracy of the PPK method would be severely
compromised. The RINEXfile, named "XXX_PPKRAW.bin,"can be found in the raw photo

Similarly, the image timestamp file is crucial for accurate results. This file records the exact
time each image was taken, which is necessary to properly synchroni
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with the GPSmeasurements. Without this information, accurately ali

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Complete PPK Workflow for DJI Enterprise Drones

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It is essential to ensure that these files are properly collected and processed in order to
achieve the highest possible accuracy with the PPK method. And only a few RTK/PPK-
supported DJI Enterprise drone models are able to output these files including:

QJI M300 RTK(with Zen muse P1 or Zenmuse L1 payloads only)

QJI Mavic 3 Enteq~rise (with the RTK module attached only)
QJI Mavic 3 MultisRectral (with the RTK module attached only)
QJI Phantom 4 RTK

Collecting reference data

To perform PPK (Post-Processed Kinematic) processing using a base station for reference
data, you typically need two types of files related to GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite
System) data: a base RINEXfile and a navigation file :

1. Base RINEX file: This file contains the raw GNSSdata collected i--------.._.___-----~_....___....___.~~

typically in RINEXformat. The base RINEXfile includes precise Cookie Preferences

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2. Navigation file: This file contains information about the position and orbit of the
GNSSsatellites used for the mapping project. The navigation file is used by the PPK
software to calculate the precise positioning information for each image captured
during the drone flight. The navigation file can be obtained from various sources,
including government agencies such as the US National Geodetic Survey_(NGS).or
online services such as the International GNSSService (IGS)..

Within this instruction section, we will use the NGS CORSto obtain these GNSSfiles as an

To collect CORSreference data using the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration) UFCORS(User Friendly CORS)service, follow these steps:

1. Go to the NCN website and select NCN MaP-on the webpage.

2. Input the address of the drone flight in the search box on the left and select Go:

NGS Homo Aboul NGS Dala & lmagory Tools Surveys Science & Education - Search

Rate Map v Map
Show/Hide ~ ~nd
Zoom to CORS:
...Gr..-,llnd Q 250 km radius

Site ID: Go •• To filter sites click on icons ••


Cursor lat/Lon :
50.39479, -133.69806
9 9 1secrate

Three Nearest Sites :

AB49 578.75 km
9 9 U!S.!!!!
AB48 654.27 km 9 9 ~

AB51 714.62 km

Entera IOcation

Go I 9 '

30 sec rate



Al Download CORS KMZ



' M~M~I
Guine11 '"fa, o,

' Ecuador'


Go gle 9 ...
GC ICeytlolwdshonwts Mapdal•C2023Google.1NEGI I Tennsofl.lH
'NebsheOwner:NallonalGecdetlcSurvey I l..astmcd1lecl!Jyngs.lnfocent&rTuesday, 14-Sep-202110:24:38EOT

NOSH<xM. NOSEmpioyffs. Privacy Polley. FMdbldl. Dlsclllm«. USA,00¥. Rtady.p. Stt.Mlp. ContaciWtbmlsi.r

3. Select a site with the shortest baseline possible and record the site name. Baseline
refers to the distance between the GNSSreference station and the drone. A shorter
baseline distance generally results in higher accuracy PPK resul
Cookie Preferences
potential for errors introduced by atmospheric conditions and<~--------~

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distance as short as possible while still covering the mapping area. Any sites with a
baseline over 20 miles are not recommended to be used.
N ■ tion ■ I Geodetic Survey

NGS Home About NGS Data & Imagery Tools Surveys Science & Education I - Search

Map Satellite

Site 10:
•• To filter sites click on icons •• 61
Cursor lat/Lon :

35.33607, -111.72417
Three Nearest Sites : ljJ Ssecra1e
AZFL 18.71 km
FERN 66.34 km ljJ ~
GCES 87.27 km
1201S victory Blvd. bur] ~ 9 All Active

~~ Santa Barb!lfa
X Lat/Lon: 34.1717. -118.3160

Sites within 250 km :
9 9 9
Long Be


Download COBS KMZ

2 JPLM 13.66 km 9 9 Irvin 9 •

3 gjJJ,,32.19 km 99
33.26 km
38.99 km
' 9
' 9 ,,,·

7 TORP 41.65km
8 IQ§! 48.65 km
9 SFDM 51.51 km
10 LORS 51.96 km
11 ZLA1 52.57 km
12 EWPP 73.21 km
13 llliU 74.03 km
14 NOCO 74.36 km
15 ~ 75.24 km
,tt:: 'T'l:,Aa, 777C;I,_ • Go gle >'Keyboardshortcuts Mapdatle2023Google,INEGI TtrmtolUM
WeoslteOwner.N.i~GeoOetlcSurvey I la$1mcx:ifledbyngs.lntocenlef~, 14-Sep-202110'.24:38EOT

NOS Home • NOS Employen • Privacy Polley • FNdbllck • Ofsclalm&r • • • Site Map • Contact W&bmasUH'"

4. Go to the UFCORSwebsite and select the date range for the data you wish to retrieve.
Select "get CORSdata file" The data will be downloaded as a compressed file (e.g.,
.zip). It is important to ensure that the CORSdata is collected at the same time as the
drone image data to ensure accurate PPK processing. You should also carefully
evaluate the quality of the CORSdata to ensure that it meets the required accuracy
standards for the mapping project. Proper planning and execution of the drone
mission and CORSdata collection are essential to ensure accurate PPKprocessing
and high-quality mapping results.

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····- -·····, -··-··- ,-- -- --·-··· - -c--···- -·--·· -· -·---· ··-··~-··-·· --·-····- -,-·-m (GN:;:;Jaata, 1n
Receiver INdependent EXchange (RINEX) format 2.11, for any site in the Continuously Operating
Reference Station (CORS) Network.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Selection Criteria

Menu *Start Date: 102/28/2023

UFCORS Home (First available data: Jan 01, 1994)
CORS Home 12023 1059

FAQs Year Day of Year

Comments Start Time: I00:00 v J

Time Zone: IUTC (GMT) v J

*Duration in Hour(s): I24 v J

*Site ID: IVDCY v CORS Map


Sampling Rate: !As Is vj
*Available Satellite Systems: ~All Signals
l~ GPS (L 1+L2+L2C+L5) ~ GLO+GAL+BEi
egacy Applications---~
GPS (L 1+L2 only)

Optional Files
Coordinate File : ~
NGS data sheet : 0
IGS Orbits in SP3(c) format: 0
!get CORS data filej

Website Owner: Nalional Geodetic Survey I Last modified by NGS.UFCORSNov 17 2022

NOS Home • NGS Employees • Privacy Policy • Feedback • Disclaimer • • • Site Map • Contact Webmaster

5. Open the zip file downloaded, make sure the zip file contains the following two files:
xxx.xxo (Base RINEXfile) and xxx.xxn (Navigation file).

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If there is no NGS CORSbase station nearby the drone operation site, the DJID-RTK2
Mobile Station is a good option for obtaining base station data for PPKprocessing. To use
it, simply set up the base station over a known point under WGS84 coordinates and
ellipsoidal height in meters. Then, offset the base station location based on the 3D known
point coordinates in the Pilot 2 app.

Make sure to set up the D-RTK2 onsite first, and wait a few minutes before and after the
flight to cover the entire flight duration. Also, avoid moving or tilting the D-RTK2 base
station during the drone flight, as it may interrupt data recording due to orientation
changes. Once the flight is completed, connect the base station to a computer via a USB-C
cable and export the .dat format RTCM(Radio Technical Commission for Maritime) files
recorded after the flight. By using the DJID-RTK2 Mobile Station, you can avoid the need
for additional equipment and subscription fees that may be required for real-time
communication. This makes the PPKprocess more cost-effective and offers greater
flexibility for data collection, especially in areas with limited or no cellular coverage.

Data alignment and PPKprocessing

This section provides a step-by-step process for applying drone data with GNSSrover files
collected from NGS CORS,third-party Base Stations or the DJID-RTK _6-llLLl....ll..U..U.,'---'>.Ld..L..ll..J..L..L.L.L.J__~

initiate the PPKprocess. We will be using RedCatch REDToolBoxas a Cookie Preferences

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·~· Check For Updates

Welcome to REDtoolbox Changelog

Powerful GNSS PPKtools. geotagging and more helpful things. Settings

For drone pilots and terrestrial photogrammetry.

~ <$>PPK & Geotagging [;I Shift EXIF Coordinate

Performs PPKG 55 pos1t1oncorrection path to rigger A batch to shift; ransform the at, Ion elev coordinate
mapping and geotagg1ng 1none singles ep of EXIF[m]

■~lilM·i·IIIMI l MM 161M¥ffii
0 11;,\.i:fi
~ REDcatch GmbH 2022

2. The option will prompt you to choose DJIas the device option and select PDF quality
report and textfile as output formats. Then, select the PPKoption as the correction
type, and Elliptical height (PPKnative) as the output height. After these selections,
click on "Next."

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3D lmageVector" !,I PDF quality report

I@ DJI® - P4RTl0' I M300--1 M210-- I !,I Textfile

Autel ® Evo2"' RTK EXIFwriting

Yuneec® H520"' RTK Pix4D Mapper

u-blox® Chipset ('.ubx I '.obs) Agisoft Metashape

Emlid® Reach M2"' with •.obs Shapefile

Emlid® Reach M2"' with •.ubx or •.220 Google Earth

Emlid® Reach"' (l 1 only) Realitycapture

TopodroneKit"', TeoKit,.

Correction Type Output Height

I@ PPK- Post Processing [cm] I @ Elliptical height (PPKnativ)

SSP- Single solution processing (No Base) Im]

,~, 11+
·i,1#1Ji"Generate Support File
~ REDcatchGmbH 2022

3. To import images, go to the "Import Images" section, and select "Select Images" to
define the directory of the raw images. This will ensure that the images are properly
imported and can be used in the PPK process.

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CJ SelectImages ei TriggerFile ei BaseRINEXfile

Select Folder Contammg Images -

ei RoverRINEXFile ei NAVigationfile
Automabcally Define Output •

Automatically Import Rover files -

e} GNAVigation file

Automabcally Import BaseStabon -

t,, Generate Support File

0 REDcatch GrnbH 2022

4. Next, you'll need to select the "Import Rover files" section and choose the "Trigger
File" option. Here, you can import the MRK file with the name "XXX_Timestamp.MRK"
under the raw image folder. This file will provide important information about the
image time stamps that will be used in the PPKprocess.

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Complete PPK Workflow for DJI Enterprise Drones

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CJ Select Images

0 Succ Detailed Info


Select Folder Containing Images -

Automabcally O.fine Output •

C, REDcatchGmbH 2022

5. After importing the MRK file, you'll need to select the "Rover RINEXfile" option once
again and import the RINEXfile with the name "XXX_PPKRAW.bin"under the raw
image folder. Make sure to select the correct file, as this will be critical to the success
of the PPK process.

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CJ Select Images 0 Trigger File 0 BaseRINEXfile

0 Succ Detailed Info

0 Succ Detailed Info

ess ess
Images;373 Trigger,: 373
0 NAVigationfile

0 GNAVigation file
Select Folder Containing Images -

6. Moving on to the "Import Base Station Files" section, select the "Base RINEXfile"
option and import the RINEXfile named "XXX.xxo"from the raw satellite data folder
downloaded from the UFCORSsite. If you're using the DJID-RTK2 Mobile Station for
PPK processing, select and import the .dat formatted RTCMfile in this option. If you
need to merge multiple .dat RTCMfiles into a single file, use the following tool and
run it in the same directory as the multiple RTCMfiles: merge bin.bat

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CJ Select Images 0 Trigger File ~ BaseRINEXfile

0 Succ Detailed Info

0 Succ Detailed Info

ess ess
Images: 373 Triggers: 373

Select Fokter Contammg Images -

l!!JGNAVigation file

7. Once you've selected the XXX.xxofile from the raw satellite data folder, the navigation
and GNAVigation files should import automatically. If they don't, these two files can
be found inside the raw satellite data folder downloaded from the UFCORSsite.

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CJ Select Images !!!I Trigger File i!!IBase RINEX file

0 Sue Detailed Info 0 Sue Detailed Info 0 Sue Detailed Info

eess eess eess
Images: 373 Trigger;: 373 Base Timespan:
06.03.2023000000.000 - 06.03.202323:sg,05_0,

Select Folder Containing Images •

!!!I NAVigation file

(!!I GNAVigation file

G) Base Modify
u,;ng AT)( f;le:

8. Finally,review the mapping summary and select "ExecuteMapping" to start the PPK

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Device dji ppk

Output Height ellipsoidal Image Dir

C:\Users\ronli\Deslctop\DJI_ 202303071421 _003_PPK\DJI
Output Dir Log File
202303071421_003_PPK -202303071421_003_PPK_Ti

202303071421_003_PPK\DJ C:\Users\ronli\Downloads\v
Rover File Base File
1_202303071421_003 _p PK_ dcy065\vdcy0650.23o

Base Station
Method: rinex

IJ' Generate Support Fde

~ REDcatch GmbH 2022

9. Once the processis finished, check"PDFquality report" and "textfile",then select the
"Generate Output From Mapping"option.

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UsmgLeallet,s 1e0penstreetMap contrb.llO<S

G) Load Different Mapping Trigger Transformation Triple Output El Generate Output From Mapping

e"> (Re)Apply Mapping Algorithm East: North: Up: PJPDFquality report

Om Om Om

Pix40 Mapper

Ag1soft Metashape


Google Earth


■~Df+i,IMI 1i+·,INI
10 REDcatch GmbH 2022

10. To ensure that the corrected POSdata (REDToolbox_Raw.txt)and summary report

(REDToolBoxSummary.pdf) are both exported, open the output folder. Later, we will
use the first timestamp file with corrected image POSdata for photogrammetry

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POS data overwrite

Drone image POS(position and orientation) data refers to the information about the
location, attitude, and trajectory of a drone when capturing images. This data is typically
obtained using GPSand other sensors onboard the drone and is used to accurately geo-
reference the images and create a 3D model or map of the surveyed area using
photogrammetry techniques.

In the photogrammetry process, the drone image POSdata is used in the aerotriangulation
process to accurately determine the position and orientation of each image in 3D space.
The aerotriangulation process involves computing the relative positions and orientations of
the images based on their overlaps and corresponding image features. The drone image
POSdata is used to compute the orientation of each image in 3D space, and this
information is used to generate a sparse point cloud that represents the surveyed area.

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Aerotriangulation model generated based on image POS

If the drone image POSdata is inaccurate or imprecise, the output of the photogrammetry
process will also be less accurate. Any errors in the drone image POSdata can lead to
errors in the aerotriangulation process, which will cause errors in the bundle adjustment
process, and ultimately result in a less accurate output.

The accuracy of the drone image POSdata impacts the global accuracy of the output
during the PPKprocess. The PPKprocess corrects the drone image POSdata for any errors
caused by GPSdrift or noise, and other sensor-related errors. The resulting PPK-corrected
POSdata is then used to generate a dense point cloud that represents the surveyed area,
which can then be used to create 3D models or maps. Therefore, it is important to ensure
that the drone image POSdata is correctly defined in the photogrammetry process

We will be using .DJITerra software as an example to apply and overwrite the image POS
data. Please follow the steps below or watch the video to apply and overwrite PPK-
corrected image POSdata in the Terra software:

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1. Open DJITerra software, under the "Reconstruction" tab select "New Mission" and
then select ''Visible Light" to create a new photogrammetry reconstruction mission.
After importing all the photos, select the "Import POS Data" icon option as shown
® OJIT~m - 0 X

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3. After importing the image POSdata, a "Format and Properties" window should
automatically appear. In this window, adjust the data column and define the column
properties under the "Define Data Column" section. Ensure that the first row of the
table contains the POSdata of the first image, and use the tools under the "File
Format" section to define data separators and the first line of the data.

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4. To proceed, select the "Known Coordinate System" option under the POSdata
coordinate system. Then, choose the corresponding horizontal and vertical
coordinates for the imported PPK-processed image POSdata. It is crucial to select the
correct coordinates for both the horizontal and vertical systems to avoid any
displacement in output. If you are unsure which coordinate system to choose, you
can find the PPK-processed POSdata's coordinate system from the PPKsoftware
settings or the PPKdata process quality report. Typically, the horizontal system
should be in WGS84 (EPSG:4326),and the vertical system should be in Ellipsoidal
height (in meters, which can be set to Default in DJITerra). Once you have finished
defining the new POSdata, select "Import".

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5. To replace the old image POS data embedded in photos with PPK-corrected POS data
from the txt file, select "Yes" to confirm the action in DJITerra. The POS data has now
been successfully overwritten.

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Importing POS data will overwrite previous reconstruction

output. Continue?

No ~

LiDARPPKProcess General Workflow

1. To process the OJILiOAR data using the PPK method, make sure to get the base
station reference file prepared first. OJILiOAR supports the following base
station file formats and corresponding version:

File name and file

Version Message Type suffix need to
rename to:

RINEX V2.1.x I

V3.0: 1003, 1004,

1012, 1014 V3.2: OJI_YYYYMMOOHHM
MSM4, MSMS, MSM6, M_XXX.rtcm

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Complete PPK Workflow for DJI Enterprise Drones

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OEM6 M_XXX.oem


It is recommendedthat the baseline,or distancebetweenthe base station used

to recordthe PPKand the aircraft, be within 10km. the base stationfile usedfor
PPKprocessmust containthe entire LiDARscanflight duration.

2. Followthe chart aboveto rename the base station referencefile. It is important

to rename both the file name and the file extensionsuffixof the basestation
referencedata correctly.The name of the basestation referencefile shouldbe
identicaland match with other LiDARraw files. Forthe RINEXfile, remember to
changethe file extensionfrom .YYOto .obs.
• DJl_20230912122833_0002_L.SIG '!/1?/?0!: 10: l/ AM '>IC,I ,le 4 Kil

• DJl_20230912122833_0002_L.RTS 'l/1?/?ll?: 10:l', AM RI'> I ile 41? Kil

• DJl_20230912122833_0002_L.RTL 9/1?/lll? l 10l', AM KIL I ile ',1 / K8

• DJl_20230912122833_0002_L.RTK 9/12/202l 103/ AM f{JK I ile 2.956 KB

• DJI- 20230912122833 - 0002 - L.RPOS 9/12/20231035 AM RPOS File 11.508KB

• DJl_20230912122833_0002_L.obs 9/12/2023 10:53 AM OBS File 27.538 KB

• DJl_20230912122833_0002_L.LDRT 9/12/2023 1032 AM LORT File 24.688 KB

• OJI- 20230912122833 ..0002 - L.LDR 9/12/2023 10 32 AM LOR File 629 473 KB

• OJl_20230912122833_0002_L IMU 9/12/2023 1035 AM IMU File 3.522 KB

I DJl_20230912122833_0002_L.DBG 9/12/2023 10 32 AM DBG F,le 1.029685 KB

I OJI- 20230912122833 - 0002 - L.CLI 9/12/202' 1028 AM Cl I File 1 KB

I OJI- 20230912122833 - 0002 - LCLC 9/1?/20n 1028 AM UC File 1 KB

I OJl_20230912122711_0001_0.RPT 9/12/2023 10 14 AM RPI File 87 KB

3. Make sure that the renamed base station referencefile is locatedin the same
directoryas the raw LiDARdata folder. Next, import the raw LiDARdata folder
into DJITerra and beginthe process.DJITerra will automa
station referencefile and initiatethe PPKprocesswith the ~-------~

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Complete PPK Workflow for DJI Enterprise Drones

Blog User Stories Learning Center

PPK provides an efficient and accurate solution for obtaining highly precise geospatial data
for a variety of applications. By leveraging both GPSand post-processing techniques, PPK
enables the delivery of centimeter-level accuracy results, even in challenging environments.
By following the above PPKworkflow and utilizing advanced software and hardware tools,
you can ensure you are achieving the highest level of accuracy and precision in your data,
ultimately leading to better decision-making and improved results.

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Tags: Public SafetY-, AEC& SurveY-ing , lnsP-ection

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About the Author

Run Li on

Run Li is a Solutions Engineer at DJIEnterprise, specializing in

innovative geospatial solutions using unmanned systems. Wit Cookie Preferences

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