Joint Disease in The Horse, 2e Second Edition C. Wayne Mcilwraith BVSC PHD DSC Frcvs Diplomate Acvs Diplomate Ecvs Diplomate Acvsmr

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Joint Disease in the Horse, 2e Second

Edition C. Wayne Mcilwraith Bvsc Phd

Dsc Frcvs Diplomate Acvs Diplomate
Ecvs Diplomate Acvsmr
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Edited by

C. Wayne McIlwraith, BVSc, PhD, Dr med vet Christopher E. Kawcak, DVM, PhD, Diplomate
(h.c. Vienna), DSc (Purdue), DSc (h.c. Massey), ACVS & ACVSMR
Laurea Dr (h.c. Turin), D vet med (h.c. London), Professor
FRCVS, Diplomate ACVS, ECVS, & ACVSMR Iron Rose Ranch University Chair in
University Distinguished Professor Musculoskeletal Research
Barbara Cox Anthony University Chair in Gail Holmes Equine Orthopaedic Research Center
Orthopaedics College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical
Director Orthopaedic Research Center Sciences
Gail Holmes Equine Orthopaedic Research Center School of Biomedical Engineering
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Director of Equine Clinical Services
Sciences Colorado State University
School of Biomedical Engineering Fort Collins, Colorado
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado P. René van Weeren, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ECVS
Professor of Equine Musculoskeletal Biology
David D. Frisbie, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVS & Department of Equine Sciences
ACVSMR Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Professor Utrecht University
Gail Holmes Equine Orthopaedic Research Center Utrecht, The Netherlands
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical
School of Biomedical Engineering
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado
3251 Riverport Lane
St. Louis, Missouri 63043


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Previous edition copyrighted 1996.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Joint disease in the horse / edited by C. Wayne McIlwraith, David D. Frisbie, Christopher E. Kawcak, P. René van Weeren. -- Second edition.
   p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4557-5969-9 (hardcover : alk. paper)
I. McIlwraith, C. Wayne, editor. II. Frisbie, David D., editor. III. Kawcak, Christopher E., editor. IV. van Weeren, P. René 1957- , editor.
[DNLM: 1. Horse Diseases. 2. Joint Diseases--veterinary. SF 959.J64]
SF959.J64J385 2016

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To Nancy, Myra, Erin, and Madelon for their continued participation in
what we do, as well as their support and patience,
AND to the horse, whose unselfish efforts and willingness to serve have
inspired much of the basic and clinical research reported in this text.

Myra F. Barrett, DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVR Christopher E. Kawcak, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVS &
Assistant Professor of Diagnostic Imaging ACVSMR
Gail Holmes Equine Orthopaedic Research Center Professor
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Iron Rose Ranch University Chair in Musculoskeletal Research
Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences Gail Holmes Equine Orthopaedic Research Center
Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Fort Collins, Colorado School of Biomedical Engineering
Director of Equine Clinical Services
Pieter A. J. Brama, DVM, MBA, PhD, Diplomate ECVS Colorado State University
Professor of Veterinary Surgery Fort Collins, Colorado
School of Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Science Centre Melissa R. King, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVSMR
University College Dublin Assistant Professor
Belfield, Dublin, Ireland Equine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
Gail Holmes Equine Orthopaedic Research Center
Janny C. de Grauw, DVM, PhD College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Resident in Veterinary Anesthesiology School of Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Colorado State University
Department of Equine Sciences Fort Collins, Colorado
Utrecht University
Utrecht, The Netherlands C. Wayne McIlwraith, BVSc, PhD, Dr med vet
(h.c. Vienna), DSc (Purdue), DSc (h.c. Massey),
David D. Frisbie, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVS & ACVSMR Laurea Dr (h.c. Turin), D vet med (h.c. London),
Professor FRCVS, Diplomate ACVS, ECVS, & ACVSMR
Gail Holmes Equine Orthopaedic Research Center University Distinguished Professor
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Barbara Cox Anthony University Chair in Orthopaedics
School of Biomedical Engineering Director Orthopaedic Research Center
Colorado State University Gail Holmes Equine Orthopaedic Research Center
Fort Collins, Colorado College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
School of Biomedical Engineering
Laurie R. Goodrich, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVS Colorado State University
Associate Professor in Equine Surgery and Lameness Fort Collins, Colorado
Gail Holmes Equine Orthopaedic Research Center
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Kurt Selberg, MS, DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVR
School of Biomedical Engineering Assistant Professor
Colorado State University Department of Veterinary Biosciences and Diagnostic
Fort Collins, Colorado Imaging
College of Veterinary Medicine
Kevin K. Haussler, DVM, DC, PhD, Diplomate ACVSMR University of Georgia
Associate Professor Athens, Georgia
Gail Holmes Equine Orthopaedic Research Center
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
School of Biomedical Engineering
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado


P. René van Weeren, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ECVS Natasha M. Werpy, DVM, Diplomate ACVR
Professor of Equine Musculoskeletal Biology Associate Professor
Department of Equine Sciences Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine College of Veterinary Medicine
Utrecht University University of Florida
Utrecht, The Netherlands Gainesville, Florida

Lameness is the most important cause of wastage in rac- It is the first time a book has been devoted to the subject of
ing horses as well as in horses that perform in other athletic joint disease in the horse, and the amount of new information
events. Joint injury and joint disease are the most common is impressive. With this book, we hope that clinicians now
causes of lameness, and together they represent a major part have a reference base with supportive data to provide more
of the caseload for equine clinicians. Many medical and sur- realistic answers to their clients and that the person involved
gical treatments exist for various joint problems, but many in research becomes more aware of what work has been com-
of these treatments are controversial, particularly with regard pleted to date.
to treatment selection and definitive treatment results. In Three issues of semantics require mention. For consis-
recent years, much progress has been made in basic research tency, we have chosen to use the word osteoarthritis instead
in inflammatory and degenerative joint problems in the of degenerative joint disease, which was previously used by
horse. In addition, prospective and retrospective studies have the editors and others as a synonym for osteoarthritis. Osteo-
resulted in more realistic figures for the prognosis and treat- arthritis is the preferred term today in the nonequine litera-
ment of many clinical entities. Much of the basic work in joint ture and has been adopted in this text. With our international
disease was originally done in laboratory animals, but more authorship, as second issue is the use of the term “infectious”
recently, considerable original work has been reported in the versus “infective.” As a British author has pointed out to us,
horse and in vitro work with equine tissue. infectious is frequently defined as “capable of being spread
The purpose of this book is to define the current status of from one host to another with or without direct contact,”
the rapidly changing area of developmental and degenerative thus, the equine influenza virus or equine herpesvirus could
joint disease, which is of significant clinical importance to the be regarded as an infectious organism. However, “infective”
horse. We have been fortunate to obtain contributors who by usage is more restricted in its definition, and Churchill’s
have done much of the original work. The principal objec- Medical Dictionary suggests “capable of causing infection” as
tives of this book are to present current scientific information its only definition. Therefore, it is felt that in the case of infec-
on the basic joint pathobiology and translate it into practical, tive arthritis, bacteria could not be regarded as infectious as
clinical usage for the equine clinician. At times, this can be in the case of respiratory viruses, although the bacteria could
difficult, and in some instances, only anecdotal information be regarded as infective because it is capable of causing infec-
is available. The contents are designed to be of value to both tion. The editors and scrutineers are concerned about this
researchers and clinicians. distinction in Britain; whereas in American literature vari-
Section I covers general principles in joint pathobiology ous terms (including septic) have been used synonymously.
and consists of eight chapters, written by contributors who Both terms are used in this text according to the contributor’s
have done original research in their areas. This section pro- preference. Hyaluronic acid, sodium hyaluronate, and hyal-
vides the necessary background information to effectively uronan are also used interchangeably. It has been suggested
evaluate and interpret the diagnostic and surgical aspects of that when the cation of polysaccharide is undetermined, the
the diseases covered later. Section II presents the pathology, compound is properly referred to as hyaluronan; therefore,
pathogenesis, and clinical diagnosis of traumatic and degen- this term is used.
erative joint disease. Section III discusses the treatments We would like to recognize the editorial and production
available for traumatic arthritis and osteoarthritis, includ- staffs of the W.B. Saunders Company for their professional
ing physical therapy, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, efforts on this project. We want to thank the authors for
intraarticular corticosteroids, hyaluronan, polysulfated gly- their excellent contributions, and Helen Mawhiney for sec-
cosaminoglycan, other chondroprotective drugs, and surgery. retarial assistance. We would also like to acknowledge Tom
In Section IV, osteochondritis dissecans, subchondral cystic McCracken, Phil Guzzy, and Conery Calhoun of Biograph-
lesions, infective arthritis, and other entities affecting joints ics; and Jenger Smith and Charley Kerlee of CSU Multi-Media
are presented. Section V includes current research relative to Instructional Development for their help with illustrations.
equine joint disease that has not been presented previously. Dr. McIlwraith gratefully acknowledges Drs. John F. Fessler
This includes the use of experimental models in the investi- and David C. Van Sickle for their early influence and mentor-
gation of equine arthritis, chondrocyte culturing and explant ing in starting a career in investigating equine joint disease.
culture systems, cellular responses and receptor mechanisms Finally, because many joint-associated (or orthopedic)
associated with bacterial lipopolysaccharide-induced joint problems remain to be solved for our equine patients, all roy-
damage, and finally, a summary by Dr. A. Robin Poole on the alties from this text will be used for ongoing research in our
future direction of arthritis research. Equine Orthopedic Research Laboratory at Colorado State
In the time since the W.B. Saunders Company approached University.
one of us (CWM) to write a book on equine joint disease,
C. Wayne McIlwraith
considerable new work has been undertaken and, fortunately,
much of this is captured in timely fashion by the contributors. Gayle W. Trotter


As discussed in the preface to the first edition of this book, future directions in joint disease that will continue to improve
lameness is the most important cause of wastage in rac- our ability to treat horses are featured.
ing horses as well as in horses that perform in other athletic
events. Joint injury and joint disease are the most common
causes of lameness, and together they represent most of the
caseload for equine clinicians. Many medical and surgical Much of the book has been written by the four of us, but we have
treatments exist for various joint problems, and there have had particularly critical contributions from Dr. Myra Barrett in
been many advances in this area since 1996 as well as much both content and organization with the imaging parts of Chapter
clarification of the value of various treatments with evidence- 9 as well as Chapters 20 through 26. Drs. Natasha Werpy and
based research. Whereas in 1996 we extrapolated much of Kurt Selberg have also contributed to the imaging chapters; Dr.
our information from laboratory animal research and human Janny de Grauw contributed to the chapter on synovial fluid and
studies, the majority of this text now provides evidence based serum biomarkers; and Dr. Laurie Goodrich added her expertise
on experimental and clinical research in the horse. This to Chapter 27, and Dr. Jos Malda commented on Chapter 1 and
increases both the appropriateness of the findings and the Dr. van Weeren’s part of Chapter 27. We also wish to acknowl-
clinical translation for the veterinarian. edge Lynsey Bosch for typing and patience and Paula Vander-
The purpose of this book is to redefine the current status linden for typing and organization as we have prepared these
of the continually changing area of developmental and trau- manuscripts. We also thank Dave Carlson for the line drawings
matic joint disease. We are fortunate to have contributors who to go with the radiographs in Chapter 9 and the editorial and pro-
have done much of the original work. New biologic therapies duction staffs of Elsevier with special mention to Penny Rudolph
that are targeted against specific mediators that have been who started this project; Brandi Graham for her great support,
identified with different pathobiologic and biomechanical patience, and editing; and William Drone for copyediting.
etiologies. These basics will be presented but limited to what Drs. McIlwraith, Frisbie, and Kawcak wish to acknowledge
is clinically relevant. the incredible contributions and assistance of faculty and staff
The text begins with a discussion of general anatomy and of the Orthopaedic Research Center and the more recent
physiology of joints as well as biomechanics, followed by the program of Equine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation. This
pathogenetic pathways of traumatic arthritis and posttrau- team has facilitated acquisition of much of the information in
matic osteoarthritis and the pathologic manifestations of this book and will advance our knowledge for future editions.
joint disease. Osteochondritis dissecans, subchondral cystic Dr. van Weeren also acknowledges the great contributions of
lesions, septic arthritis, and the effect of loading on joint tis- the present and past members of his research team at Utrecht,
sues are then reviewed. The principles of diagnosis follow, with special mention of Dr. Pieter Brama, on whose research
with much increased detail on the current state-of-the-art efforts a large part of the content of Chapter 8 is based.
in clinical examination and intraarticular injection (includ- In addition, Wayne, Dave, Chris, and René are fortunate to
ing simulations based on computed tomography) as well as in be married to experts in this or related areas. Dr. Nancy Good-
imaging, which has probably progressed the most in equine man has been Wayne’s major clinical mentor starting in 1983
joint disease use in the 19 years since the first edition was and has given great professional and personal support. Dave
published. Frisbie thanks Dr. Myra Barrett-Frisbie, and her major contri-
There is a chapter on synovial fluid and serum biomarkers, butions to this text have been previously noted. Chris Kawcak
followed by separate chapters with discussion of the validation is married to Dr. Erin Contino, who is a product of our Equine
of the various treatment options including nonsteroidal antiin- Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation program as well as our
flammatory drugs, intraarticular corticosteroids, hyaluronan, graduate research program and is soon to be a faculty mem-
polysulfated glycosaminoglycan, and pentosan polysulfate. ber at Colorado State University. René van Weeren is married
Newer therapies that are presented for the first time include to Madelon Bitterling, who is both a human and an animal
biologic therapies (including the autologous-conditioned physiotherapist and an expert in veterinary ergonomics.
serum products as well as the platelet-rich plasma products We would also like to recognize the funding agencies that
and mesenchymal stem cells). Various types of rehabilita- have supported our research. This includes Grayson-Jockey
tion including underwater treadmilling as well as a careful Club Research Foundation, American Quarter Horse Associa-
­discussion of oral joint supplements and their use in equine tion, United States Equestrian Foundation, and Morris Animal
joint disease are also new materials included for the first time. Foundation, as well as the National Institute of Health. Finances
Chapters 20 through 26 then cover all details on pathogen- limit us answering many important relevant questions and, to
esis, diagnosis, and treatment of the various joint entities by support much of this work, we at the ORC owe it to our fantas-
region including separate chapters on distal limb, fetlock, car- tic donors who contribute to answering these questions. These
pus, elbow and shoulder, tarsus, stifle, and hip. We conclude discretionary dollars have allowed a considerable amount of
with a chapter on joint disease; both current research and the research to be translated into clinical reality here.

SECTION I General Principles of Joint Pathobiology

General Anatomy and Physiology of Joints
P. René van Weeren

The horse has always taken a special position among the spe- privileged place in the big family of animal species with which
cies that have been domesticated by humankind. The horse humankind has surrounded itself.
was domesticated rather late, around 3500 BC,1 millennia Where the role of the horse in society has changed pro-
after such species as goat, sheep, and cattle. Unlike these other foundly in the past century, the underlying reasons of its use
species, the main purpose of the horse’s domestication was and popularity have not changed at all. It is still the stamina of
not the provision of edible products or products that could be the animal and athletic capacity of its locomotor system that
somehow transformed into clothing, such as meat, milk, fur, form the basis for almost all present-day use. The most critical
or skin, but for a less tangible commodity: the combination of body systems for athletic performance are the cardiorespira-
physical power and athletic capacity. tory system and the musculoskeletal system. Within the lat-
Horses have been the major power source for all Eurasian ter system, joints are literally pivotal elements. It may not be
and Northern African civilizations since their introduc- surprising that orthopedic malfunctioning or other musculo-
tion from roughly 3500 to 500 BC until the invention of the skeletal disorders account for the vast majority of reasons to
steam engine that started the Industrial Revolution in the late consult an equine vet.3 Of the specific elements of the muscu-
1700s. The ultimate personification of the role of the horse in loskeletal system, joint disorders invariably rank first or sec-
society is perhaps Bucephalus, the legendary horse of Alex- ond in importance (together with tendinopathies, depending
ander the Great, who conquered the vastest land empire the on discipline). Most figures come from the racing industry,4,5
world has ever known. Bucephalus served Alexander who, but the relatively scarce data for sport horses also point in the
according to legend, was the only person able to mount the same direction.6,7 In a survey of U.S. horse owners in 1998 it
stallion, from a young age to its death at the age of 30 after was estimated that 60% of all lameness was related to osteo-
the battle of Hydaspes in what is now Pakistan, 2900 miles arthritis (OA) and approximately $145 million was spent on
from its native Macedonia. There, Alexander named the veterinary bills relating to the problem.8 In this respect, the
city of Bucephala (present-day Jhelum) after him. After the clinical importance of joint disorders in the equine species is
Industrial Revolution horses still remained essential for many very comparable to the situation in humans where musculo-
sectors of human society until after World War II, when the skeletal disorders in general and articular pathologies in par-
combustion engine definitively took over all traditional roles ticular represent an enormous burden to society in terms of
of the horse in warfare, transport, and agriculture. Some loss of quality of life and costs of healthcare with 151 million
have predicted that the loss of its classic duties would make sufferers of OA worldwide.9 For this and a number of impor-
the horse into a zoo species,2 but they were proven entirely tant biologic reasons the horse is increasingly recognized as
wrong by the rapidly increasing popularity of the horse as a a suitable, if not the best, model for human joint disease.10
sports and leisure animal from the mid-1960s onwards. Over This translational aspect of equine joint disease will be dealt
the millennia, humans and horses appeared to have bonded with in more detail in Chapter 27, which discusses arthritis
in a way that goes far beyond economic value or utility and research and future directions in joint disease.
is more profound than with any other domesticated species, This first chapter gives a general introduction into the
with the exception of the dog. Though admittedly the equine anatomy and physiology of the (equine) joint, as a basis for
industry is susceptible to the fluctuations of economic pros- the understanding of the following chapters that address in
perity, this fascination for the equine species is not likely to detail specific disorders, diagnostic possibilities, and thera-
disappear soon, if ever. This obviously guarantees the horse its peutic interventions.
2 SECTION I General Principles of Joint Pathobiology

disk and the symphysis of the pubic bones in both humans

JOINT FUNCTIONS and horses. In synovial joints there is no structural connec-
Whereas the necessary stability of the equine musculoskel- tion between the bony parts of the skeleton, but both ends
etal system is provided by the rigid bony components, joints are capped with hyaline cartilage and articulate by gliding
permit motion of these bony components in relation to each over each other although contained in a joint capsule that is
other and, indirectly, the displacement of the entire indi- filled with synovial fluid, a viscous liquid. A sliding bearing in
vidual with respect to the environment, that is, locomotion. mechanical engineering basically functions according to the
To accomplish this, joints have to meet several requirements. same principle.
They have to be as robust as the bony elements of the mus- In a functional sense, there are several other ways to clas-
culoskeletal system, as the forces generated by locomotion sify joints. A common way is according to the degree of
and other (athletic) activities are transmitted through joints motion they permit. Although the following nomenclature
as they are through bones. They also have to allow for smooth is currently seen as obsolete,15 it is still widely used and will
and as frictionless as possible motion of the bony ends that hence be mentioned here. A synarthrosis is a joint permitting
articulate with respect to each other. Lastly, they have a role, little mobility. Most of these joints are of fibrous nature, such
together with other structures, such as the digital cushion in as the sutures that connect the bony components that make
the foot, to mitigate and dampen the accelerations and associ- up the skull. Amphiarthroses are joints that permit more, but
ated vibrations that are generated during the impact peak of still very limited, mobility. They are generally of either fibrous
the stride cycle at hoof landing. This latter aspect has been or cartilaginous nature, with the intervertebral joints (again
relatively well studied in the equine literature.11,12 with the exception of C1-C2) as the best examples. Finally,
All the aforementioned requirements that are at least par- diarthrodial joints permit maximal motion. These are always
tially contradictory (strength comparable to bone, smooth synovial joints and their motion is limited by periarticular or
surfaces for supple gliding, and resilience for shock absorp- intraarticular structures such as capsules or ligaments, but
tion) have to be accommodated in a single structure, which not by the nature of the joint. Virtually all joints of the appen-
is a challenging task. As will be explained, nature deals with dicular skeleton of the horse are diarthrodial joints.
these challenges in an ingenious way, however, at the cost of Other functional classifications are based on the degrees
flexibility and repair capacity. For reasons of clarity the com- of freedom a joint has. Any three-dimensional body in space
ponents that make up a joint will be dealt with separately, but has six potential degrees of freedom within the global coor-
it is important to stress that a joint is more than a collection dinate system: three translations along the x, y, and z axes of
of tissues with separate characteristics and functions. There is the coordinate system, and three rotations around these axes.
common agreement nowadays that the joint should be seen as In aeronautical terms these rotations are indicated as pitch,
a complex multicomposite organ not unlike structures such yaw, and roll. In joints, translations of bony parts with respect
as the liver, kidney or heart.13,14 Within this organ the consti- to each other are limited (but may occur, for instance in the
tuting elements act together to ensure proper joint function. middle carpal joint), but rotations can be substantial and may
There is a strong interplay of all these components in health comprise rotations around more than one axis, as is the case
and disease and mutual influencing of physiologic function- in the hip joint. The horse has evolved as a flight-and-fright
ing; malfunctioning of the components will also inevitably animal specialized in fast motion, for which reason most of
affect the other constituents and hence performance of the the joints of the appendicular skeleton are largely monoaxial,
entire joint at a shorter or longer term. permitting excursions that are basically restricted to flexion-
extension in the sagittal plane.
This chapter is limited to the general anatomy and physiol-
TYPES OF JOINTS ogy of diarthrodial joints only, as the other joint types in the
Joints can be classified in several ways. A gross division can horse hardly, if ever, give rise to clinical problems.
be made between classification according to structural char-
acteristics, that is, the type of tissue(s) that form the inter-
face between the articulating bony parts of the skeleton, and
classification according to function, or the degree and type of The axial and limb skeleton is derived from the embryonic
movement joints allow. paraxial and lateral plate mesoderm, which is the precur-
The currently used basic classification is three major cat- sor tissue of, among other tissues, the hyaline cartilage that
egories, which are fibrous joints with the bone connected by is found in diarthrodial joints. The mesenchymal progenitor
dense connective tissue, cartilaginous joints where cartilage is cells, originating from the lateral plate mesoderm, differenti-
the interface, and synovial joints in which there is a fluid-filled ate into chondrocytes that form a cartilaginous skeletal anla-
cavity.15 In the horse, the articulations between the bodies of gen as precursor for the later bony skeleton and connecting
the vertebrae that make up the axial skeleton are fibrous joints, diarthrodial joints.16 Joint formation occurs when cells at the
with the exception of the articulation between the first and future joint site start to flatten and form a region that is dis-
second cervical vertebrae (C1-C2), which is a synovial joint. tinct from the adjacent cartilaginous areas.17 This zone, once
A cartilaginous joint has an interface consisting of hyaline morphologically distinct, is called the interzone. The cells in
or fibrous cartilage; examples are the human intervertebral this zone lose their chondrogenic phenotype and cease the
CHAPTER 1 General Anatomy and Physiology of Joints 3

expression of collagen type II. The interzone is further char-

acterized by the expression of growth/differentiation fac-
tor 5 (Gdf5), Wnt9a, double cortin, and versican, whereas Trabecular bone
matrilin-1 is not expressed anymore.16,18 The importance
of the interzone for joint formation has been demonstrated Joint capsule
unequivocally by the experimental removal of the interzone
from the elbow joint in chicken embryos, which led to the Synovial Subchondral
fusion of the humerus with the radius and the ulna in the membrane bone plate
absence of joint formation.19 Articular
The moment when interzone development starts dur- Joint cavity cartilage
ing embryonic development varies per species. Recently, synovial fluid
equine embryonic development has been mapped in detail
using magnetic resonance imaging.20 When taking the day
in which ovulation was first detected as day 0 of pregnancy
and hence of embryonic life (E0), it has been shown that at
E40 the interzone is fully formed and consists of three dis- FIGURE 1-1 Schematic representation of a diarthrodial joint.
tinct layers: the inner interzone (II) that will develop into the (Adapted from: De Grauw J.C. (2010). Molecular monitoring
joint cavity, intraarticular structures, and articular cartilage, of equine joint homeostasis. Thesis, Utrecht University.)
and two adjacent outer interzones, which are precursors to
the epiphyseal growth cartilage and will eventually turn into and temporomandibular joints. These constituting struc-
bone.21 Using laser capture microdissection to harvest tis- tures of the joint will be discussed separately in the following
sue samples from outer and inner interzones, respectively, it paragraphs.
was shown that the mRNA expression patterns of both tissue
types varied markedly for genes related to chondrogenesis. Articular Cartilage
Further, several genes involved in cell adhesion, transcription The functional characteristics of a construction are largely
regulation, and various signaling pathways were expressed determined by the interplay of the material properties of the
differentially. The top 25 genes expressed more in the outer building blocks or components that construction is made
than in the intermediate interzone were mostly associated of and the way these components are arranged and inter-
with endochondral ossification, cartilage, and growth plate connected, that is, the architecture of the construction. For
matrix composition. Examples are genes for matrilin-1 and structured tissues, such as articular cartilage or bone, this is
3, BMP5, and Col2al. They also partake in Wnt/b-catenin similar. However, as in all living tissues, the situation is more
signaling, bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling, complex as cellular action, driven by a wide variety of cues
and sonic hedgehog signaling, which are essential regulatory and effected through various signaling pathways, determines
pathways for chondrogenesis and osteogenesis.21 This infor- tissue homeostasis and the response to external stimuli. If
mation is important for the further development of regenera- that response can somehow not cope with the demands made
tive techniques for articular lesions in which the full recovery by these stimuli, pathology may ensue.
of the original structure and function is still a major challenge The major components of the extracellular matrix (ECM)
(see also Chapter 27). of articular cartilage are collagen, proteoglycans (PGs), and
water. Water content varies from 70% to 80%, depending on
age. The other components account for approximately 50%
PRINCIPLES OF JOINT ANATOMY (collagen) and 35% (PGs) on a dry weight basis. The remain-
Figure 1-1 presents a semischematic and simplified draw- ing 15% consists of about two thirds (10% of total dry weight)
ing of a diarthrodial joint. The basic structures common to of glycoproteins (substances such as proteinases and inhibi-
all synovial joints are layers of articular cartilage covering tors of these, growth factors, specific molecules such as fibro-
the ends of the articulating bones that together constitute the nectin, lubricin, cartilage oligomeric protein [COMP], etc.)
joint, subchondral bone beneath this cartilage, synovial fluid Minor fractions are minerals (3%), lipids (1%), and miscella-
that surrounds the articulating bone ends, and some struc- neous components (1%).22 The cellular component of articu-
ture that restrains the synovial fluid within the joint. This lat- lar cartilage is relatively small and accounts for approximately
ter structure will often be a joint capsule, but other structures 1% to 12% volume percentage, depending on the location
may serve this purpose as well, as is the case of the proximal within the joint and the depth in relation to the surface.22
interphalangeal joint that has no capsule but in which the
synovial fluid is retained by the ligamentous and tendinous Layered Composition of Articular Cartilage
structures that surround the joint. Additional structures that Whereas cartilage macroscopically is seemingly a homo-
serve principally to stabilize the joint and to restrict motion in geneous tissue, there are large differences in structure and
unwanted directions are collateral or other periarticular liga- composition from the surface down to the transition to the
ments, intraarticular ligaments, such as the cruciate ligaments subchondral bone. Classically, four layers or zones are dis-
in the femorotibial joint, and menisci, as in the femorotibial cerned, although the transitions between these layers are
4 SECTION I General Principles of Joint Pathobiology

gradual rather than abrupt, apart from the last layer. These concentration of PG but the lowest percentage of water of any
layers are the superficial zone, the intermediate zone, the deep zone, and chondrocytes arranged in columns perpendicu-
zone, which together form the hyaline part of the cartilage, lar to the subchondral bone. This zone is separated from the
and the very distinct layer of calcified cartilage that forms calcified layer by the so-called tidemark that is commonly
the interface between the resilient hyaline cartilage and the described as a single, hematoxyphil line up to 10 μm in thick-
rigid subchondral bone (Figure 1-2). The superficial layer is ness.24 However, the situation is less simple than that, as the
characterized by flattened chondrocytes, densely packed type tidemark has been shown to be a complex three-dimensional
II collagen fibrils running parallel to the surface, a relatively structure that dips at places through the entire calcified zone
small amount of PGs, and high water content.23 The middle to abut onto subjacent bone or marrow spaces.25 This means
or transitional zone has lower water content, more PG, and a that there are places with direct contact between hyaline car-
lower density of collagen. The zone is further characterized tilage and subchondral bone. There are other differences in
by rounded chondrocytes dispersed irregularly in the ECM. the architecture and chemical composition of the various
The deep zone has the lowest collagen content, the highest zones that will be dealt with in the following sections that go
into more detail on these subjects.

The principal collagen of articular cartilage is the fibrillar col-
Superficial lagen type II. This type of collagen consists of three identi-
cal proteins consisting of approximately 1000 amino acids
Middle zone each, the so-called α1-chains that are wound around each
other in the form of a right-handed triple helix. The colla-
gen molecule is assembled intracellularly as proform with so-
Deep zone
called propeptides at both the N (amino-) and C (carboxy-)
terminals. These propeptides are cleaved once the molecule
is in the extracellular space by proteinases to deliver the
Calcified final collagen molecule (Figure 1-3). The α1-chains consists
layer of approximately 330 glycine-X-Y repeats in which X and
Y are often proline or hydroxyproline, but they can also be
other amino acids. The N- telopeptides and C-telopeptides,
which are nonhelical, are important sites for the formation
of cross-links by which collagen molecules can be linked to
each other and to other molecules. Collagen type II molecules
FIGURE 1-2 Semischematic drawing of the zonal composi- typically assemble into large fibrillar structures. These large
tion of articular cartilage, sitting on the compact subchondral collagen fibrils are of crucial importance for the mechanical
plate and the underlying trabecular bone. properties of articular cartilage and have a function that can

Type II collagen synthesis

Procollagen molecule
Amino-terminal propeptide Carboxy-terminal propeptide
(150Á) (100Á)
N-proteinase C-proteinase
cleavage site cleavage site

FIGURE 1-3 Schematic represen-

tation of the formation of collagen
type II fibrils. The collagen type II tri-
ple helix is formed intracellularly. In Tropocollagen molecule
the extracellular space the propep- Continuous triple helix
tides are cleaved and the molecules
aggregate into fibrils in which they
are secured to each other by cross-
links. (From: Ray C.S., Pool A.R.,
N-telopeptide C-telopeptide
McIlwraith C.W. (1996). Use of sy- (3000Á) (3000Á) Ca2-binding
novial fluid and serum markers in ar- protein
ticular disease. In: McIlwraith C.W.,
Trotter G.W. (eds.) Joint disease in
the horse (1st ed.) (pp. 203-216).
Collagen fibril Cross-link
Philadelphia, PA: Saunders.)
CHAPTER 1 General Anatomy and Physiology of Joints 5

be compared to the steel rods in steel-reinforced concrete. collagen fibrils arise from the calcified layer and then course
They are arranged in a typical three-dimensional arcade- perpendicularly to the tidemark towards the articular surface
like structure that was described for the first time in 1925 through the deep cartilage layer. In the intermediate layer,
by Benninghoff and is schematically represented in Figure the fibrils start to arch and hence change direction. The top
1-4.26 The real situation can be visualized using advanced of the arcade is positioned just under the articular surface
microscopic techniques, such as high-resolution helium ion in the superficial zone where fibrils can also be found run-
microscopy27 (Figure 1-5). In the classic Benninghoff pattern, ning parallel or tangential to the surface (see Figure 1-4).
The orientation of the fibrils can be made visible using spe-
Articular surface cial microscopic techniques based on the use of polarized
light (Figure 1-6). Quantification of these images is possible
Tangential zone
through the calculation of the so-called orientation index,28 a
Transitional zone parameter describing the average angle of the collagen fibrils
in relation to the articular surface. Whereas the arcade con-
figuration is valid for mature joints, it has been shown that
in joints from fetuses or neonatal animals this configuration
does not yet exist in its final form. In these young individu-
als the predominant alignment of the collagen fibrils is paral-
lel to the surface.29 Modeling of the definitive Benninghoff
Radial zone
arcade structure takes place in the juvenile period, triggered
by mechanical loading29 with important consequences for the
biomechanical behavior of the cartilage.30 Further, the exact
form of the arcades may be not identical for all joints as it
relates to the predominant direction of joint loading. It has
been shown for instance that in the equine metacarpophalan-
geal joint the direction of the fibrils in the deep cartilage layer
Subchondral is less perpendicular to the surface than could be expected
based on the classic Benninghoff configuration. This may
have to do with the large range of joint motion in the loaded
FIGURE 1-4 Schematic representation of the configuration
of the collagen network within articular cartilage, showing
position, which will result in a relatively large contribution of
the arcade-like structure originally described by Benninghoff tangential forces to overall loading.31
(1925). (From: Van Weeren P.R., Firth E.C. (2008). Future Structural coherence and extra strength to the collagen
tools for early diagnosis and monitoring of musculoskeletal network are provided by cross-links that connect the α1-
injury: biomarkers and CT. Vet Clin North Am Equine Pract, chains within the same collagen molecule, but also connect
24(1), 153-175.) different collagen molecules and different collagen fibrils.

A 100 nm B 100 nm

FIGURE 1-5 High-resolution helium ion microscopy images from the middle deep zone show a
wide range of fibril diameters (A, B; double-head arrow, 126 nm; arrowheads 5 to 11 nm) and
fibril connections (B, asterisk). (From: Vanden Berg-Foels W.S., Scipioni L., Huynh C., et al. (2012).
Helium ion microscopy for high-resolution visualization of the articular cartilage collagen network.
J Microsc, 246(2), 168-176.)
6 SECTION I General Principles of Joint Pathobiology

Site 1 Site 2

5 mm


Parallelism Orientation Parallelism Orientation a
index angle index angle

0% 100% 0 100

Parallelism index (percent) Orientation angle (degrees)

FIGURE 1-6 The use of polarized light microscopy for the determination of orientation angle and
parallelism index. Collagen fibrils run parallel to each other in the deep layer of the cartilage and in
the superficial layer, indicated by a white color. In the transitional zone they arch and hence lose
their parallel arrangement (dark color). The orientation is perpendicular to the calcified layer (90°)
in the deep zone (red color), changing to tangential (0°) in the superficial layer (blue color), with
angles in between in the transitional zone. The pictures are from samples from the dorsoproxi-
mal margin (site I) and the central fovea (site II) of the proximal articular surface of the equine
proximal phalanx. (From: Holopainen J.T., Halmesmäki E., Harjula T., et al. (2008). Changes in
subchgoondral bone mineral density and collagen matrix organization in growing horses. Bone
43(6), 1108-1114.)

Cross-link formation is one of the so-called posttranslational together with collagen type II as a copolymer, the fibril net-
modifications of collagen and is the last chemical modifica- work of developing cartilage, are collagens IX and XI. Other
tion occurring during the formation of the primary collagen minor collagen species that can be found in extracts of articu-
structure. There are various types of cross-links. Common lar cartilage are types III, VI, XIII, and XIV. Collagen type
covalent cross-links are the pyridinoline cross-links that form X is restricted to the hypertrophic zone of cartilage actively
between lysyl and hydroxylysyl residues in the collagen net- undergoing the process of endochondral ossification.
work in a largely irreversible process (lysylpyridinoline [LP], The nonfibrillar collagen IX molecules are attached to the
cross-links and hydroxylysylpyridinoline [HP] cross-links, surface of the collagen type II fibrils. They are more abundant
respectively, the last being more abundant in articular car- in juvenile articular cartilage (approximately 10% of total col-
tilage). They have a major influence on the structural and lagen), which is characterized by collagen type II fibrils that
hence on the biomechanical characteristics of the collagen are on average smaller in diameter than in mature cartilage,
network.32 A special category of cross-links is formed through in which the concentration of collagen IX is about 1% of total
the process of nonenzymatic glycation. Collagen molecules collagen.36 Seven cross-linking sites have been described on
have an exceptionally long lifetime once incorporated into the the collagen IX molecule that interact with collagen II and
ECM of cartilage, which makes them susceptible to the accu- other collagen IX molecules.37 Collagen XI is a fibrillar col-
mulation of advanced nonenzymatic glycation end products lagen that is located in the core of the collagen II fibrils and of
(AGEs) via the Maillard reaction.33 This process results in which the molecules are primarily cross-linked to each other
increased cross-linking, such as pentosidine formation from in a head-to-tail manner (Figure 1-7). They are believed to
lysine, sugar, and arginine moieties. Pentosidine is one of the form a template that constrains the lateral growth of collagen
few Maillard cross-links of which the structure has been elu- II fibrils.38 Also collagen XI is more prominently present in
cidated and can be used as a sensitive marker for the process juvenile tissue (approximately 10%) than in mature cartilage
of nonenzymatic glycation.34 As the accumulation of AGEs (approximately 3%).36 Both collagens IX and XI are critical to
depends on the turnover rate of a protein or tissue, it can be the correct functioning of the collagen network in articular
used as a measure for the metabolic rate of that structure.35 cartilage.
Apart from collagen type II, many other collagens can be Collagen type III is a fibrillar collagen consisting of a
found in the ECM of articular cartilage. Some, but not all, of homotrimer of α1(III) chains that functions as a copolymer
these are fibrillar and some have a structural role. The exact of collagen I in many tissues and is known to be prominent at
role is not known of all collagens. Minor collagens that form, sites of healing and repair of many tissues, including tendons.39
CHAPTER 1 General Anatomy and Physiology of Joints 7

Collagen II
Collagen IX

FIGURE 1-7 Known and speculat-

MMP-3 ed sites of cleavage peptide bonds
of collagens, necessary for either
degradation or lateral growth,
within the collagen heteropolymer
that forms the backbone of the col-
lagen network. (From: Eyre D.R.,
Collagenases Collagen XI Weis M.A., Wu J.J. (2006). Articu-
Collagen II and IX lar cartilage collagen: an irreplace-
“telopeptidases” able framework? Euro Cells Mater,
Collagen XI “telopeptidase”
12, 57-63.)

In articular cartilage a small, but significant amount of colla- (hence: proteo) and a sugar (hence: glycol) component. In the
gen III can be found, mostly in the matrix surrounding the case of cartilage the PGs feature some number of chondroi-
chondrocytes. Recent studies indicate that the molecule may tin sulfate side chains, which are part of the so-called lectican
function as a covalently bound (to collagen II) modifier of family.45 The family includes aggrecan, versican, neurocan,
the fibril network and may, as in other tissues, have a role in and brevican. The best researched and by far most abundant
the response of the tissue to damage.39 Collagen type VI is a and emblematic member of this family in articular cartilage is
nonfibrillar collagen that can be found in the matrix of most aggrecan. Various forms exist and the aggrecan molecule may
tissues, including articular cartilage, at low concentrations lose several parts when the animal ages or when pathology
(<1%). It is predominantly localized within the pericellular occurs, but the typical aggrecan monomer consists of a large
matrix and is a structural component of the chondron. Chon- core protein to which several hundreds of glycosaminoglycan
dron is the name for the ensemble of the chondrocyte and its side chains are attached (see Figure 1-8). The core protein has
pericellular microenvironment, which is generally consid- an amino (N-) terminal side and a carboxy (C-) terminal of
ered the primary structural, functional, and metabolic unit of which the former is normally connected via a link protein to
hyaline cartilages.40 Collagen VI can self-assembly into a fila- another component of the ECM, mostly hyaluronan. Three
mentous network and is more concentrated in fibrocartilage distinct globular domains have been identified. The N-termi-
than in hyaline cartilage.41 Collagens type XII and XIV are nal G1 domain anchors the aggrecan molecule to hyaluronan
members of the so-called FACET (fibril-associated collagen via the link protein. The G2 domain is unique to aggrecan and
with interrupted triple-helix) collagen subfamily. They are not is known to be highly conserved, but it has (as yet) no known
covalently bound to the large collagen II network and their function. The C-terminal G3 domain links the PG aggregates
function is largely unknown.41 to the ECM.46 This domain is not without importance, as in
Collagen X has a special position in articular cartilage. man hereditary disorders have been described, among which
The molecule is specific for cartilage of juvenile individu- autosomal dominant familial osteochondritis dissecans,
als in which an active process of endochondral ossification because of missense mutations in the aggrecan C-type lectin
is ongoing. It is synthesized by hypertrophic chondrocytes repeat in this domain.46
and may make up to 18% of the total amount of collagen in Between the G2 and G3 domains the glycosaminogly-
the hypertrophic region of the epiphyseal growth cartilage can side chains attach to the aggrecan core protein. Keratan
in growing animals. It has a role in the regulation of matrix sulfate (KS) is a glycosaminoglycan consisting of repeats
mineralization and the compartmentalization of matrix of disaccharides of galactose and sulfated or nonsulfated
components.42 Collagen X is expressed by clinically affected N-acetylglucosamine. Chondroitin sulfate (CS) is composed
cartilage in mature patients with, for example, OA, where of disaccharide repeats of glucuronic acid and sulfated or
it is associated with enhanced mineralization, or other car- nonsulfated N-acetylgalactosamine. The KS side chains are
tilage disorders,43 where it may interfere with the normal attached closest to the G2 domain, and the CS chains are situ-
interaction between collagens, which may result in ECM ated more towards the terminal G3 domain (see Figure 1-8).
dysregulation.44 Up to 30 KS and 100 CS side chains may be bound to a single
core protein.47 The sulfate groups in both side chains are highly
Proteoglycans hydrophilic because they are negatively charged. These groups
The other main component of cartilage ECM, apart from account for the high viscosity of the molecules the CS and
water, is formed by PG aggregates, which are interspersed KS chains form part of, such as the aggrecan monomers. The
between the collagen fibrils and connected to them either molecular configuration of the aggrecan monomer is neither
directly or via hyaluronan (hyaluronic acid) molecules. The uniform nor stable over time. The length of both the core pro-
PGs form a group of composite molecules featuring a protein tein and the side chains tends to decrease with advancing age,
8 SECTION I General Principles of Joint Pathobiology

COOH hence attract water, they will repel each other. Consequently,
strongly water-binding PG aggregates will form that may con-
tain over 100 aggrecan monomers and may be about 2.107
Dalton in size.49 Within these large PG aggregates the aggre-
can monomers assume a fan-shaped position with respect to
the central HA molecule.
Apart from aggrecan, there are several minor PGs (minor
CS-2 both in size and in fraction of the total) present in the ECM of
articular cartilage. The family of small leucine-rich proteins/
PGs (SLRPs) has an important role in the creation and main-
tenance of the structure and function of articular cartilage.
They are characterized by a number of repeats of around 25
amino acids with leucine residues at conserved locations.50
Some of these molecules have CS or dermatan sulfate side
chains, making them into proper PGs. Others have not and
CS-1 are actually proteins, hence the double meaning of the “p” in
the abbreviation SLRP. The most well-known SLRPs in articu-
lar cartilage are decorin, biglycan, fibromodulin, lumican, and
chondroadherin. An important function of several SLRPs is
the regulation of fibrillogenesis, as they bind to collagens dur-
ing fibril formation via their leucine-rich repeat domain.51,52
Biglycan and decorin are known to bind via their core pro-
tein to filaments of collagen type VI.53 In combination with
Link protein NH2 NH2 G2 members of another group of noncollagenous proteins called
COOH matrilins, which bind to triple helical collagen, links are pro-
vided that interconnect the entire ECM network and thus
G1 (HABR) provide structural coherence. Fibromodulin and lumican
also affect fibrillogenesis and seem to share many functions.50
Chondroadherin is abundant in cartilage but also present
Chondroitin sulfate chain (n = 100) in bone where it decreases the production of cytokines that
Keratan sulfate chain (n = 30 activate osteoclasts, such as the interleukins IL-1 and IL-6.50
N-linked oligosaccharides The other SLRPs are also involved in many signaling path-
0-linked oligosaccharide (n = 42) ways. An example is the role of biglycan in the regulation of
Primary site of cleavage of stromelysin inflammation through its function as an endogenous ligand
FIGURE 1-8 Schematic presentation of an aggrecan mole- of the innate immunity toll-like receptors TLR-4 and TLR-2
cule, consisting of a core protein that is bound to hyaluronic in macrophages.52
acid (HA) by a link protein. To the core protein a large number
of side chains consisting of sulfated glycosaminoglycans is at- Noncollagenous Proteins
tached. These are keratin sulfate (KS) and chondroitin sulfate Apart from the major components (collagen and PGs), the
(CS) side chains. Globular domains 1 (hyaluronic acid binding ECM of cartilage contains numerous other components,
region [HABR]), 2 and 3 are indicated. (From: Ray C.S., Pool including a number of noncollagenous proteins. The matri-
A.R., McIlwraith C.W. (1996). Use of synovial fluid and se- lins have already been mentioned. Another well-known
rum markers in articular disease. In: McIlwraith C.W., Trotter constituent of the ECM is COMP, a member of the throm-
G.W. (eds.) Joint disease in the horse (1st ed.) (pp. 203-216).
bospondin family, also called trombospondin 5. The COMP
­Philadelphia, PA: Saunders.)
molecule has five identical subunits that can all bind to (dif-
ferent) collagen molecules. It is thought that COMP can bring
which affects both nanostructure of the cartilage ECM and the five collagen molecules together, thus facilitating assembly of
nanomechanical properties of the tissue48 (Figure 1-9). the matrix. It does not bind to established collagen fibrils but
The aggrecan monomers bind with their G1 domains seems to act predominantly at an early stage of fibril forma-
via a link protein with hyaluronan or hyaluronic acid (HA). tion. In mature ECM it has a more stabilizing role through its
Hyaluronan is also a glycosaminoglycan, but it is not sul- binding with collagen type IX and matrilins.50
fated. The molecule consists of repeats of the disaccharides
glucuronic acid and N-acetyl glucosamine. Hyaluronan is a The Cellular Component of Articular Cartilage
major component of the ECM of articular cartilage (Figure Mature articular cartilage has long been considered a tissue
1-10), but it can also be found in free form in synovial fluid. containing a single cell type only: the chondrocyte. Relatively
As the aggrecan monomers are strongly negatively charged recently it has become clear, however, that, as in many tis-
through the sulfate groups of their CS and KS side chains and sues, there is a population of progenitor cells.54 The presence
CHAPTER 1 General Anatomy and Physiology of Joints 9

CS-GAG Length

CS-GAG Length (nm)




Foal Adult
35 35
Foal chondrocyte Foal BMSC
30 30
Percent CS-GAG Chains

Percent CS-GAG Chains

25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10 FIGURE 1-9 Aggrecan CS-GAG
chain quantification. Aggrecan
5 5
extracted from chondrocyte (Chd)
0 0 and BMSC-seeded peptide hy-
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 drogels after 21 days of culture
CS-GAG Length (nm) CS-GAG Length (nm) with TGF-β1. (A) Average CS-GAG
length per molecule. Mean ± sem;
35 35
n=28 to 35 aggrecan molecules;
Adult chondrocyte 30 Adult BMSC
30 ‡ vs foal chondrocyte; † vs adult
Percent CS-GAG Chains

Percent CS-GAG Chains

20 chondrocyte; p<0.05. (B) Histo-
25 15 grams of CS-GAG distribution on
20 10 the single pictured molecule. Scale
0 bar=100 nm. (Reproduced with
permission from Kopesky P.W.,
10 Lee H.Y., Venderploeg E.J., et al.
(2010). Adult equine bone marrow
stromal cells produce a cartilage-
0 like ECM mechanically superior
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
to animal-matched adult chondro-
B CS-GAG Length (nm) CS-GAG Length (nm) cytes. Matrix Biol, 29(5):427-438.)

of articular cartilage progenitor cells (ACPCs) has been Chondrocytes are of mesenchymal origin and can be seen
demonstrated in many species, including the horse.55 These as differentiated fibroblasts, a stage to which they tend to
cells are potentially very interesting for the field of cartilage dedifferentiate rapidly when cultured in a monolayer with-
regeneration.55,56 The amount of ACPCs is tiny in relation out specific precautions. This dedifferentiation does not occur
to the number of chondrocytes, which themselves represent when cultured in the form of small pieces of the entire carti-
only a small fraction of the total volume of articular cartilage lage layer (explants) or in the three-dimensional environment
(approximately 1% to 12%22). of alginate beads.58 This indicates that the spatial configura-
Cell density is higher in lighter species; for example, small tion of their environment is important for maintaining the
laboratory species such as rats and mice have relatively high phenotype. In the natural situation chondrocytes are located
cell density compared to larger species such as humans or within small holes or lacunae within the ECM (Figure 1-11).
horses. This may be caused by the relatively larger fraction The interaction of the chondrocyte with the ECM is complex.
of total cartilage thickness that is taken up by the superficial Chondrocytes have cytoplasmic processes that extend into
(cell-denser) layer in their cartilage. This feature that is spe- the interterritorial region and may serve to sense changes in
cific for these small species may limit their value for transla- the (biomechanical) environment. Unlike cells in many other
tional studies on cartilage repair.57 tissues, chondrocytes appear not to be connected with each
10 SECTION I General Principles of Joint Pathobiology

other, probably because of the large intercellular distance.

The ECM affects cell adherence dynamics by influencing
the formation of focal adherence complexes, especially the
recruitment of cytoskeleton-associated molecules like vin-
culin.59 Extracellular matrix-derived molecules such as lam-
inin, fibronectin, and collagen play an important role in this
The morphology of the chondrocyte differs with the dis-
tance from the cartilage surface. Whereas chondrocytes in the
deep layer have a rounded shape, those in the superficial layer
have a flattened appearance. This is not unlike the situation in
tendons where the type 1 tenocytes that are predominant in
mature, healthy tendons appear spindle-shaped and are very
elongated; whereas, type 2 tenocytes or tenoblasts, as pre-
dominantly seen in juvenile or repair tissue, have a rounded
appearance with plump, ovoid nuclei.60 As in tendon, differ-
ent cell shapes are related to different metabolic profiles, with
the rounded cells being metabolically more active. This is also
evident in the various layers of articular cartilage.

FIGURE 1-10 Electron microscopic image of aggregate of

Subchondral Bone
hyaluronan core molecule with aggrecan monomers attached The subchondral bone supports the overlying cartilage and is
to it. (Source: Rosenburg L, Hellman W, Kleinschmidt AK: connected with it through a layer of calcified cartilage. Typi-
Electron microscopic studies of proteoglycan aggregates cally, subchondral bone consists of a layer of compact bone
from bovine articular cartilage, J Biol Chem 250:1877, 1975.) directly adjacent to the layer of calcified cartilage and trabec-
ular bone at greater distance from the joint cavity. In humans,
it has been shown that the subchondral bone plate is thin
(around 10 μm) in most locations, but may be much thicker
in others, such as below the center of the tibial plateau, where
it reaches a thickness of up to 3 mm. In the thin areas the
bone was constructed mainly of appositional layers continu-
ous with trabeculae, and haversian canals were seldom seen;
in the thicker areas it was composed primarily of a network
of osteons that might be irregular in case of articular pathol-
ogy.61 This conformation has mechanical consequences: The
compact subchondral plate provides firm support, but has
some rigidity that may become substantially more in case
of sclerosis; in contrast the trabecular component provides
some elasticity. Bone has long been known to respond to
mechanical loading, a mechanism that was first proposed by
the German physician Julius Wolff in the late nineteenth cen-
tury and has since been known as Wolff ’s law. This law states
that bone will adapt to the loading to which it is subjected.62
The morphology of the bone will change through remodel-
ing, which will translate as thickening of compact bone as
found in the cortices of the long bones and in the subchon-
dral plate. In the epiphyseal and metaphyseal parts of bone
FIGURE 1-11 Microscopic picture of middle and deep layer and, as part of the epiphyseal bone, in the layers underneath
of articular cartilage with part of the subchondral bone, show- the subchondral plate, this process will produce changes in
ing the relative paucity of chondrocytes in relation to the ECM thickness and architecture (configuration) of trabecular bone.
and the position of the cells within lacunae. The specimen is
These changes in bone composition and structure are effectu-
from a 5-month-old foal, explaining the lack of a clear tide-
ated by the anabolic and catabolic activities of osteoblasts and
mark and the incomplete mineralization of the subchondral
bone. For microscopic pictures of mature cartilage, see Fig- osteoclasts, respectively. Bone is, in contrast to the avascular
ure 1-16. Azan × 100. (From: Van Weeren P.R., Barneveld A. articular cartilage, a richly vascularized tissue with intensive
(1999). The effect of exercise on the distribution and mani- metabolic activity and an often high rate of tissue turnover.
festation of osteochondrotic lesions in the Warmblood foal. Given the responsiveness of bone to loading, distinct and
Equine Vet J, 31(suppl 31), 16-25.) characteristic differences in subchondral bone configuration
CHAPTER 1 General Anatomy and Physiology of Joints 11

can be supposed to exist, as there are distinct and quantita- Joint space
tively substantial topographical differences in loading over
a given joint surface. This indeed is the case. Branch et al.63
showed a repeatable pattern of subchondral bone thickness in
the distal tarsal bones of horses without hind limb lameness,
reflecting similar loading patterns across joints. The effect
Type A
may be joint-dependent and is most probably not seen until synoviocyte
a certain threshold is passed. In a study on the effect of tread-
mill exercise on subchondral bone density, exercised horses Hyaluronan
showed a higher subchondral bone density in the metacarpal molecules
bones, but not in the carpal bones.64 In a developmental sense Type B
it has been shown that different exercise regimens can induce synoviocyte
substantial differences in the biochemical composition of the
subchondral bone of juvenile horses.65-68
Biomechanically, the subchondral bone plays an impor-
tant role in the attenuation of the forces generated by loco- Blood vessel
motion and athletic activity. Although much less deformable Erythrocyte
than the overlying cartilage, the subchondral plate has been
shown to be approximately 10 times more deformable than FIGURE 1-12 Semischematic drawing of the synovial mem-
the cortical shaft of long bones.69 It follows that changes in brane. The subintimal layer is highly vascularized and the
the rigidity of the subchondral bone will have repercussions lack of a basement membrane facilitates passage of small
for the mechanical loading of the articular cartilage. This molecules to the synovial cavity. The synoviocytes have both
consideration, together with the fact that sclerosis of the sub- secretory and phagocytic properties. The main molecule that
chondral bone (and hence a decrease of elasticity of the sub- is secreted is hyaluronan. (From: Frisbie D.D. (2012). Syno-
chondral plate) is a hallmark of OA, has led to the theory that vial joint biology and pathobiology. In: Auer J.A., Stick J.A.
subchondral bone sclerosis may be an initiating factor rather (Ed). Equine surgery (4th ed.) (pp. 1096-1114). St. Louis, MO:
than a secondary sign of OA.70,71 Whereas current opinion Elsevier-Saunders.)
sees articular cartilage as the tissue where OA initiates, it is
clear that the degenerative and reactive processes in the car- the synovium or synovial membrane, consists itself of two lay-
tilage layer and in the subchondral bone are intricately linked ers: the intimal and the subintimal layers (Figure 1-12). The
and influence each other from the very early stages of the dis- subintimal layer is made up of loose connective tissue and
ease onwards.72 is very well vascularized (the source of hemorrhage during
An important difference between the cartilage layer and arthroscopic surgery) and innervated (see the paragraph on
the subchondral bone is the avascular and aneural character the innervation of articular tissues). The intimal layer is the
of the former versus the very rich vascularization and inner- layer directly lining the joint cavity. This is a very thin layer,
vation of the latter. The abundant vascularization of subchon- one to four cells thick without a basement membrane; the cells
dral bone allows for an extensive response of the tissue to both are located within a loose and porous bed of collagen fibrils
physiologic and pathologic stimuli. In the case of the latter and other matrix proteins. This lack of basement membrane
this will translate as the formation of sclerosis, osteophytes, and the immediate presence of a large number of blood vessels
and fibrocartilaginous repair tissue in those cases where sub- facilitate the passage of plasma components from the blood to
chondral bone becomes exposed in the joint cavity because the synovial cavity. In fact, synovial fluid is often described
of deterioration of the cartilage layer. The nerve supply of the as an ultrafiltrate of blood plasma, in the sense that all but
subchondral bone is one of the main vehicles of pain percep- the larger molecules (the estimated size limit is 10 kDa22)
tion in the case of joint disease, together with the nerves that can move freely from the blood to the synovial cavity (and
connect to nociceptors in the joint capsule and intraarticular vice versa). This does not mean that synovial fluid is formed
and extraarticular ligaments (see the section on innervation by a largely passive process. There is a large excretory activ-
of articular tissues). ity of the cells that constitute the intima, the so-called syn-
oviocytes. Classically, they have been divided into two major
Joint Capsule categories. Type A are macrophage-like synoviocytes that are
The capsules of most joints grossly consist of two distinct lay- mostly involved in phagocytic actions. Type B are fibroblast-
ers. The outer layer of the joint capsule is made up of relatively like synoviocytes that are mainly responsible for production
stiff fibrous tissue. It is often tightly connected to extraarticu- and excretion into the synovial fluid of proteins and other
lar structures such as collateral ligaments and mainly serves molecules such as hyaluronan, the nonsulfated glycosamino-
mechanical stability. Apart from this, it hosts a great number glycan macromolecule that is both a major component of the
of proprioceptive nerve endings that provide information on cartilage ECM and a principal component of synovial fluid,
actual joint position to the brain. The inner layer of the cap- determining to a large extent the viscosity of this fluid.73 An
sule, which is the actual lining of the joint cavity, often called intermediate type C exists that is currently thought to be a
12 SECTION I General Principles of Joint Pathobiology

transitional form between types A and B, which are not as Intraarticular pressure is mostly subatmospheric (-2 to -6 cm
distinct as previously thought and may transform one into the H2O)77 and favors ultrafiltration into the joint, but may also
other.74 All cell types can produce large arrays of cytokines, vary with joint position.
growth factors, and inflammatory mediators, making them
crucial in the maintenance of joint homeostasis (see the rel- Innervation of Articular Tissues
evant paragraphs on synovial fluid and tissue homeostasis), Articular cartilage is a rather unique tissue in that it is both
and giving synovitis a pivotal role in joint pathology. aneural and avascular (at least in mature individuals). As a
consequence, damage to the cartilage layer will not immedi-
Intraarticular Structures ately be detected, which explains why initially minor cartilage
Some joints contain intraarticular structures such as vari- damage may silently progress for a long time before becoming
ous ligaments or menisci. The purpose of these is to provide clinically manifest in an already advanced stage of OA. The
either mechanical stability or to improve joint geometry to other articular tissues, subchondral bone, the joint capsule,
realize a more even loading of the joint surface, avoiding extraarticular and intraarticular ligaments, and menisci are
excessive peak pressures at certain areas. A good example innervated, some of them quite densely. In articular tissues
of this is the functioning of the menisci in the femorotibial there are four types of afferent receptors.78 Type 1 receptors
joints. In both horses and humans damage to the menisci (or are low-threshold mechanoreceptors that have thinly encap-
[partial] meniscectomy in humans) is known to cause carti- sulated end organs of medium size (80 to 100 μm), which are
lage damage and eventually the development of OA because connected to medium-sized myelinated nerve fibers. They
of the altered pressure distribution, leading to a substantial are present in the fibrous joint capsule but not in the syno-
increase in loading of certain areas.75,76 The intraarticular vial membrane and have mainly a proprioceptive function.
structures are for the larger part collagenous in nature with Type 2 receptors are large encapsulated end organs (280 to
collagen type I being their principal component (as in most 300 μm), which are connected to 9- to 12-μm myelinated
ligamentous structures of the musculoskeletal system). Some nerve fibers. These are low-threshold mechanoreceptors that
of the structures that are frequently designated as intraarticu- typically reside at the junction of the fibrous joint capsule and
lar, such as the cruciate ligaments of the femorotibial joint, are the subsynovial adipose tissue, thus in closer proximity to the
in fact not located within the synovial cavity and thus strictly joint cavity than the type 1 receptors. The type 2 receptors
speaking not intraarticular. They still have, however, an can adapt rapidly and are activated only when the joint is in
important role in joint stability (as other periarticular struc- motion. In this way they act as dynamic proprioceptive sen-
tures such as collateral ligaments and the tendons of certain sors. Type 3 receptors are relatively large (approximately 150
muscles that function as such, e.g., the shoulder joint). Failure by 600 μm). They are thinly encapsulated end organs that are
of intraarticular structures may have important consequences located near the bony insertions of intraarticular and periar-
for joint stability and result in severe pathology. Also, these ticular ligaments. They have a high threshold and usually are
structures are innervated and may give rise to substantial inactive under static conditions and during limited passive
pain when damaged; for example, when meniscal flaps that movement. However, these receptors become activated when
may result from partial tears become entrapped between joint joint motion reaches its physiologic limits. They have both
surfaces. Although these structures are important for provid- mechanoreceptive and nociceptive potential and in fact act
ing mechanical stability, they do not seem to play a major as safety mechanisms. These receptors are connected to very
role in joint homeostasis in either physiologic or pathologic rapidly conducting myelinated fibers. Type 4 receptors, also
conditions. known as polymodal nociceptors, consist of free nerve end-
ings of afferent nonmyelinated C-fibers or small myelinated
Synovial Fluid A-delta fibers. They are abundant in the entire joint capsule,
The basis of synovial fluid is blood plasma, as outlined above. can be found in limited numbers within the synovial mem-
It is macroscopically also yellowish in color, but its rheological brane, and are also densely present in the periosteum directly
properties are much different because of the high hyaluronic adjacent to the joint margins. These receptors are high-
acid content, giving it a highly viscous character. The cellular threshold nociceptors that respond to thermal and chemical,
component is limited, normally not surpassing 500 cells/mm3, but also mechanical, stimuli. The chemical stimuli (such as
and consists mainly of lymphocytes and other bone marrow- those evoked by inflammatory mediators) may augment the
derived mononuclear cells, including a limited number of responsiveness to mechanical stimuli and in this way sensitize
macrophages under physiologic conditions. The rapid and the joint, causing hyperalgesia as well as allodynia.
relatively unhindered exchange between blood plasma and
the synovial cavity allows the efficient supply with nutrients
and the removal of waste products from the avascular car-
tilage. This exchange seems to be driven by both hydrostatic The proper functioning of a joint depends on the correct
pressure differences and colloid osmotic pressure differences interplay of its constituting elements that have been dis-
between plasma and synovial fluid.22 Normal locomotion cussed above. To achieve this, all components will have to
plays an important role in generating these hydrostatic pres- be in a state characterized by stable homeostasis in which
sure differences, as they are largely dependent on joint angle. anabolic and catabolic processes are equilibrated and match
CHAPTER 1 General Anatomy and Physiology of Joints 13

the biomechanical challenges posed to the joint. Whereas the Remodeling of the Extracellular Matrix
joint must be seen as a functional entity like any other organ, The chondrocyte, as the only cell type found in normal
its constituents (cartilage, subchondral bone, synovial mem- articular cartilage, produces all ECM components. Collagen
brane, and sometimes intraarticular structures) vary widely molecules are manufactured intracellularly in the form of
in their metabolic characteristics and turnover rate. This procollagen and are subsequently extracellularly modified
greatly affects the capacity for natural repair of the various by enzymatic cleavage of the C- and N-terminal propeptides
tissues and thus the impact of damage to these. The key issue before being integrated in the collagen network, which is crit-
in joint homeostasis is whether tissue integrity and with it ical for maintaining the strength and resilience of sound and
biomechanical functionality can be maintained or not. If this functional articular cartilage. As pointed out earlier, the col-
is not the case, the resulting tissue damage will further impair lagen network is basically a copolymer of the collagens II, IX,
joint functionality and hence result in a loss of the capacity to and XI. It is the chondrocyte that controls the assembly of this
withstand biomechanical loading, inevitably leading to fur- network and directs its remodeling when prompted by chang-
ther structural damage and the initiation of a vicious circle ing biomechanical challenges or damage. Classically, collagen
of relative overloading and joint deterioration, finally ending cleavage is thought to be mainly effectuated by the collage-
in the development of chronic joint disorders such as OA. If nases, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)-1, -8 and -13, of
joint homeostasis and biomechanical resistance start to fail which MMP-13 is most efficient at cleaving collagen type II.83
and consequently structural damage ensues, the mechanism The cleavage takes place at the so-called ¾ site, producing ¾-
of pain perception becomes of great importance. Pain is one of and ¼-length cleavage products. However, the effects of these
the most important, if not the most important, clinical sign enzymes were established when challenging in vitro cultures
of chronic joint disease and the main reason why this is so of cartilage with catabolic cytokines, principally interleukin-1
invalidating in both horses and humans. (IL-1), which is generally seen as the major cytokine driving
Finally, it is important to realize that joints are not stand- the development of OA84,85 (see also Chapter 3). The question
alone units. Instead, they form an integral part of the entire is whether or not these enzymes are also the most important
musculoskeletal system that provides the body with structure ones for the turnover and remodeling of the collagen network
and power for locomotion and athletic activities. under nonpathologic conditions. It has been shown in geneti-
cally modified mice that expression of type I collagen lacking
Tissue Homeostasis a functional sequence at the ¾ site did not lead to a patho-
Articular cartilage has always been regarded as a very static logic phenotype at birth and later tissue changes were mild.86
tissue, but it is now known that, similar to any other tissue, it It has therefore been suggested that telopeptide cleavages
undergoes constant remodeling through anabolic and cata- may be instrumental in the initiation of fibril depolymeriza-
bolic processes, albeit the rate of change for some compo- tion, which would be possible if they occur in the sequence
nents of the ECM may be very different from that of most between the cross-links and the triple helix. They might in
other tissues. Turnover time of PGs is variable and ranges in this way also create the possibility of selectively removing col-
mature individuals from approximately 300 days for overall lagen IX molecules to permit lateral growth of fibrils.36
turnover in canine articular cartilage to around 20 years for The other major structural component of articular carti-
the long-lived globular hyaluronic acid-binding domain of lage is formed by the PGs, of which the large aggrecan aggre-
aggrecan in humans.79 This may seem long, but observations gates are the most important representatives. Aggrecan can
based on the synthetic rate of hydroxyproline have indicated be cleaved between the G1 and G2 domains (see Figure 1-8)
an even much lower turnover rate of the collagenous com- by MMP-3, also called stromelysin. Other MMPs found in the
ponent of the matrix, with an estimated turnover time of up joint that act, among other targets, on PGs are the gelatinases
to 350 years for human femoral head cartilage.80 As the col- MMP-2 and -9.87 A well-known cleavage site of aggrecan is
lagen fibers form a three-dimensional scaffold that restrains between glutamic acid 373 and alanine 374.88 The nature of
the swelling pressure generated by PGs (see earlier), they the enzymes responsible for this action (the “aggrecanases”)
are crucial to provide the articular cartilage with its overall has long remained elusive, but they are now known to belong
mechanical properties. The deformation behaviors of articu- to the so-called ADAMTS (a disintegrin and MMP with
lar cartilage have been modeled mathematically, confirming thrombospondin motif) family.89 The enzymes ADAMTS-4
that disruption of the three-dimensional collagen network and -5 (aggrecanases 1 and 2) both play a role in aggrecan
plays an important role in changing the mechanical proper- degradation in human articular cartilage,90 with deletion of
ties as seen in case of cartilage degeneration.81 The extremely active ADAMTS-5 preventing the occurrence of cartilage
long turnover time of collagen type II and the related inca- damage in mice, suggesting that, at least in this species, this
pacity to restore the collagen network make the restoration enzyme is more important under pathologic conditions than
of the network very difficult, which is a crucial factor in the ADAMTS-4.91
bad healing capacity of (mature) cartilage. In 1743 this gave The action of MMPs in the joint can be regulated in three
rise to the famous observation by William Hunter that “an manners. First, production can be regulated through tran-
ulcerated cartilage is universally allowed to be a very trouble- scription. As MMPs are produced in an inactive proform,
some disease; that it admits of a cure with more difficulty than a activity can also be regulated by the degree to which these
carious bone; and that, when destroyed, it is never recovered.”82 proforms are transformed into active MMPs, for example,
14 SECTION I General Principles of Joint Pathobiology

through the action of certain cytokines. Lastly, active MMPs

may form clusters with so-called TIMPs (tissue inhibitors
of MMPs), leading to their inactivation.92 As this bond is Mechanical loading
reversible, these MMPs may rapidly regain an active status Hydrostatic Cell Osmotic
pressure deformation pressure
once the bond is dissolved under the influence of certain
stimuli. The last two mechanisms explain why MMP activ-
ity can increase very rapidly after an insult to the joint. In
pathologic conditions there is an increase in the activity of cilium Nuclear
many MMPs, which makes these enzymes potential targets deformation
for molecular therapies. However, it should be realized that
they play an important role in the maintenance of joint Mechano- or
homeostasis in healthy joints. In human articular carti- ion channels
lage there is a slight excess of TIMPs in relation to MMPs
Fluid flow,
in healthy joints, and this equilibrium is disturbed in case shear stress
of pathology.93 Therefore, therapeutic targeting of MMPs Cytoskeleton
certainly has potential, but, given the widespread effects
that MMPs exert on natural processes in many parts of the
body, including the joint, it seems that total inhibition is not
the way to go and that targeted MMP modulation is more

Cues for the Chondrocytes

FIGURE 1-13 Schematic drawing depicting the mechanisms
The role of the chondrocyte as the sole source of the major
of mechanically induced chondrogenesis. Joint loading results
ECM components in articular cartilage is undisputed, but not in both direct cellular and nuclear deformation and in change
all the exact mechanisms through which the maintenance of of biophysical factors, such as osmotic and hydrostatic pres-
tissue homeostasis is realized have been elucidated. The bal- sure and fluid flow. (From: O’Conor C.J., Case N., Guilak F.
ance between anabolic and catabolic growth factors and cyto- (2013). Mechanical regulation of chondrogenesis. Stem Cell
kines is important in this respect, but also mechanical loading Res Ther, 4(4), 61.)
plays a role and most probably both mechanisms are mutu-
ally influencing each other. In studies on the regulation of
chondrogenesis it has been shown that the effects of dynamic Bone has long been known to respond to mechanical
compressive loading alone (i.e., in the absence of exogenous loading,62 but all musculoskeletal tissues are highly sensitive
growth factors) were relatively minimal and much less than to their mechanical environment and all respond to some
the effects of application of growth factors alone.94 This may degree or another. Articular cartilage is no exception. This is
implicate that the right growth factor/cytokine environment most evident in the juvenile phase when growth and develop-
is primary to the effects of mechanical loading (which are ment prevail100 (see also Chapter 8), but seems less obvious in
substantial once this condition has been met). However, this mature individuals where the ECM of cartilage is character-
refers to research on cartilage formation, which is different ized by very long turnover times and extensive remodeling
from maintenance of homeostasis in existing cartilage. It may appears no longer possible. Still, there is compelling evidence
well be that in a physiologic situation where an appropriate that the chondrocyte is very sensitive to mechanical stimuli
cytokine/growth factor balance is present, it is the mechanical and these may well be the principal cues for tissue homeostasis
loading that produces the primary cues for the maintenance and maintenance under physiologic conditions, as suggested
of tissue homeostasis. above. The regular loading of articular cartilage provokes
Growth factors with a known anabolic effect on articular important changes in the biomechanical environment of the
cartilage include transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) and chondrocyte, both directly and indirectly. Directly, loading of
insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). TGF-β stimulates PG the cartilage will lead to deformation of both nucleus and cell,
synthesis by chondrocytes and expression of collagen type eliciting a cellular response. Indirectly, there are changes in
II; possibly it downregulates matrix degrading enzymes.95,96 hydrostatic pressure, osmolality and, related to these, flow of
It may therefore counteract the effects of the major catabolic interstitial fluid. This is schematically depicted in Figure 1-13.
cytokine IL-1.97 However, not all effects of TGF-β are seen These physical events may have direct and indirect effects.
as positive, as it may also stimulate osteophyte formation Changes in flow of interstitial fluid will have effects on nutri-
when used over a longer period.98 IGF-1 is important for ent supply and waste removal, but may also be a stimulus for
the maintenance of ECM homeostasis in articular cartilage the activation of metabolically active substances such as TGF-
through the stimulation of matrix production and inhibition β.101 The chondrocyte possesses a so-called primary cilium
of degradation.96 Chronic deficiency of IGF-1 and growth (Figure 1-13). This organelle was described long ago,102 but it
hormone (which induces its production) leads to OA-like has more recently become clear that it may have an important
lesions in rats.99 role in chondrocyte mechanotransduction.103 The molecular
CHAPTER 1 General Anatomy and Physiology of Joints 15

pathways along which mechanotransduction is regulated in Fluid film

chondrocytes have not been investigated in detail, but there
is growing interest.94 Various ion channels have been impli- completely separated
cated, including calcium and potassium signaling.104 by a fluid film

Joint Lubrication Hydrodynamic

To realize a smooth, gliding motion there needs to be some Rigid material
form of lubrication between the moving parts of the joint
that come into contact with each other or their surroundings. Fluid
These are the articular surfaces with respect to each other
and with respect to the other structures that line the synovial A
cavity, (i.e., the joint capsule and the eventual intraarticular
structures, such as menisci and ligaments). Two different Elastohydrodynamic
mechanisms are involved in joint lubrication: boundary lubri-
Soft material
cation and fluid-film lubrication. Boundary lubrication takes deformed area
place at all gliding surfaces within a joint, and fluid-film lubri-
cation is an additional form of lubrication between the articu- Fluid
lar surfaces. B
In boundary lubrication there is direct contact between the Motion
gliding surfaces and there are specific lubricating substances
or molecules that adhere to these surfaces and form a pro- Squeeze film
tective layer, preventing excessive wear and tear.105 In diar- Normal approach
throdial joints, hyaluronan (HA) and mucinous glycoproteins
with multiple O-linked β(1-3)Gal-GalNAc oligosaccharides,
which are products of the PRG4 gene and of which superfi- Fluid
cial zone protein (SZP) or lubricin is the best known, are the C
most important boundary lubricants.106 Hyaluronan is the FIGURE 1-14 Various forms of fluid-film lubrication; (A) hy-
principal boundary lubricant for the synovial membrane.107 drodynamic lubrication between nondeformable surfaces;
Both HA and lubricin play a role in the lubrication of cartilage (B) elastohydrodynamic lubrication where one or two of the
surfaces. These substances are critical for correct functioning gliding surfaces are deformable; (C) squeeze film lubrication
of healthy joints and their levels are often decreased in patho- where under static compression the fluid film between the
logic conditions.108,109 surfaces is squeezed out. A fourth form is hydrostatic lubri-
There are various forms of fluid-film lubrication. The cation, also a static condition in which the fluid film cannot
escape. (From: Walker P.S., Dowson D., Longfield MD., et al.
lubricated surfaces can retain their shape and remain entirely
(1968). “Boosted lubrication” in synovial joints by fluid en-
separated from each other by the fluid film when moving trapment and enrichment. Ann Rheum Dis, 27(6), 512-520.)
over each other, as is the case with hydrodynamic lubrication
(Figure 1-14A). If one or both surfaces have some elasticity
and deform it is called elastohydrodynamic lubrication (Figure move in relation to each other. These factors all influence
1-14B). In case there is no motion between the surfaces, the behavior of the ECM of cartilage and the rheologic proper-
lubricating fluid can be squeezed out because of the compres- ties of the synovial fluid, which is a viscous, non-Newtonian
sive forces, which is then called a squeeze film (Figure 1-14C), thixotropic fluid.110 This means that the viscosity of synovial
or it can remain trapped between the surfaces, in which case fluid will diminish with increasing joint motion. To describe
it is hydrostatic lubrication. In the joint, lubrication between the complicated way of lubrication of synovial joints the term
the articular surfaces is thought to follow several of these “boosted lubrication” was coined,105 but this terminology did
pathways, depending on the actual situation in biomechani- not stick.
cal sense (type of activity, speed of motion). The situation in
a joint is more complex than in most applications of techni- Functional Biomechanics
cal engineering, as not only will both surfaces deform under Articular cartilage is a biomechanical tissue par excellence.
load, but interstitial fluid entrapped within the ECM will be As stated earlier, its main functions are providing both
squeezed out (see also following paragraph) and add to the strength and resilience, together with a surface that makes
synovial fluid already present around the articular surfaces. smooth gliding of the cartilage-capped bony ends of the joint
Further, there are high-motion and low-motion joints and possible. The combination of strength and resilience, which
either more static or more dynamic actions with higher or are material characteristics that are difficult to reconcile in
lower intensity may be performed by the musculoskeletal sys- engineering, is made possible by the specific architecture of
tem. This will result in large variations in both absolute load, the cartilage in the form of the collagen network with the
direction of loading (i.e., relative contribution of compressive entrapped PG aggregates, of which aggrecan is the most
and shear forces), and speed with which the articular surfaces important (Figures 4, 5, and 9). Because of their high degree
16 SECTION I General Principles of Joint Pathobiology


Exudation Exudate

A Unloaded B Creep C Equilibrium

FIGURE 1-15 Schematic representation of the sponge-like behavior of articular cartilage. (A) In
the unloaded situation the negatively charged sulfate groups of the proteoglycans (p) that are at-
tached to the collagen network (c) draw water into the network, making it swell. The swelling is
restricted by the collagen network and an equilibrium results in which the collagen network is un-
der intrinsic tension. When an external load is applied (B), water will be squeezed out of the extra-
cellular matrix until a new equilibrium is reached (C). When the load is released, the mechanism
acts reversely. Regular joint loading will thus result in a regular flow of interstitial fluid through
the ECM, permitting nutrient and waste products transport. (Redrawn from Myers ER, Mow VC:
Biomechanics of Cartilage and its Response to Bromechanical Stimuli. IN Hall BK (ed): Cartilage,
Vol. 1, New York, Academic Press, 1983. IN McIlwraith CW and Totter GW: Joint Disease in the
Horse. 1st ed, Philadelphia, 1996, WB Saunders.)

of sulfation and consequent negative charge chondroitin and mineralized osteoid of bone) have no biomechanical func-
keratin sulfate are highly hydrophilic. They will attract water, tion. In a resilient tissue, such as cartilage, this is not possible.
leading to swelling of the ECM. However, the expansion of The lack of blood vessels drives the need for other means
the ECM is restricted by the collagen network as the colla- of transport of nutrition and waste products. This need is
gen fibrils are very stiff, basically nonelastic structures. In this met by the pumping action of intermittent loading of the
way an intrinsic pressure is generated within the ECM, main- cartilage ECM caused by locomotion and athletic activities,
tained by the balance of osmotic pressure and restraint by the which has been compared to the squeezing and relaxation of
collagen fibrils. If such a system is loaded, hence subjected to a submerged sponge, causing influx and efflux of the liquid
external forces (that will normally act in either compression surrounding the sponge (see Figure 1-15). Cartilage is thus
or shear mode or more often a combination thereof), the car- maintained by what might be called assisted diffusion from
tilage will yield as water will be squeezed out, caused by the the synovial fluid. The distance over which this type of diffu-
increase in the forces counteracting the osmotic forces. When sion can take place is limited, however, which might explain
the external forces are released or diminished, the opposite why cartilage thickness does not increase isometrically with
will occur and water will be drawn again into the ECM (Fig- increasing weight when comparing various species and why
ure 1-15). Articular cartilage is thus a viscoelastic tissue. If lighter species have a relatively higher cellular density com-
either the hydrophilic properties of the PG component or pared with heavier ones (Figure 1-16).57 There are indications
the integrity of the collagen network are compromised, this that the heavier types of dinosaurs, which are the largest land
mechanism will not work properly anymore, resulting in loss creatures that have ever lived, had blood vessels in their car-
of resilience and strength and hence in higher vulnerability to tilage.111 This may have solved the diffusion problem. It is not
further damage. known, however, if and how this conformation affected the
The biomechanical concept of articular cartilage, as a com- biomechanical functionality of their cartilage.
bination of hydrophilic PG aggregates within the constraints Because of anatomic and geometric particularities, joints
of a strong collagen network providing both good resil- are not loaded evenly over their surface. Different areas are
ience and high compressive stiffness (shear resistance being subjected to different magnitudes and types of loading. These
largely taken care of by the superficial collagen fibers that are may include low-level constant loading, intermittent loading,
arranged parallel to the surface), requires a homogeneous tis- and very high-impact loading, or more compressive loading
sue. This is most probably the reason why articular cartilage in a low-motion joint as opposed to a large amount of shear
is avascular and aneural, as the presence of this type of struc- loading in a high-motion joint. These variable loading condi-
tures would have a big influence on the pressure distribution tions can only adequately be met by cartilage that possesses
pattern within the tissue because of the creation of interfaces different mechanical properties at different sites.112 This issue
of tissue components with completely different biomechani- has been investigated in the equine fetlock joint and most
cal properties. This is not a problem in most tissues, but it extensively on the proximal articular surface of the proximal
is in cartilage. Seemingly, the same argument would hold for phalanx. By taking biopsies from a large number of predefined
bone, but bone can be and is a composite tissue in which one sites and subsequently analyzing these biochemically, Brama
component provides the biomechanical strength; whereas et al. showed substantial differences between different sites on
the other components (that are shielded by the rigidity of the the joint surface.113 The two most distinct sites were the dorsal
CHAPTER 1 General Anatomy and Physiology of Joints 17

FIGURE 1-16 Safranin-O staining (stains glycosaminoglycans red) of osteochondral tissue of the
(A) rat, (B) Barbary macaque, and (C) white rhinoceros. Scale bars indicate (A) 200 μm, (B) 400 μm,
and (C) 1000 μm. Cartilage of heavier species is thicker, but the increase is not isometrical. Carti-
lage of heavier species is similar in cell density, but lighter species have more cell-dense cartilage.
(From: Malda J., de Grauw J.C., Benders K.E.M., et al. (2013). Of mice, men and elephants: the
relation between articular cartilage thickness and body mass. PLoS ONE 8(2), e57683.)

margin and the central part of the fovea of the proximal artic- as afferent conductors, but at the same time also exerting
ular surface of the proximal phalanx (Figure 1-17). These are important efferent functions mediated by neuropeptides.116
areas that are subjected to entirely different loading patterns. Neuropeptides are small molecules that are synthesized in
The central fovea is loaded at every instance the horse is on its the dorsal root and autonomic ganglion neurons and then
feet, independent of athletic activity, whereas the dorsal joint transported via the axon to peripheral nerve terminals. They
margin is nonweight-bearing under most circumstances, but can induce the release of other mediators, such as cytokines,
is quite heavily loaded when there is severe hyperextension prostaglandins, and nitric oxide. They are relatively potent,
of the metacarpophalangeal joint, as occurs during strenu- but usually have a limited range of action, both in space and
ous exercises such as galloping and jumping. The relationship time, as they are chemically labile. In healthy or regenerating
between the loading pattern and the biomechanical composi- tissue, they may have growth factor-like functions,117 mean-
tion became clear in another study of the same groups where, ing that they also play a role in maintenance of joint homeo-
in an ex vivo setting, limb loading as occurring during athletic stasis. Well-known neuropeptides include substance P (SP),
activity was mimicked and intraarticular pressure measured calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), vasoactive intestinal
using pressure-sensitive films.114 Results showed that high polypeptide (VIP), neuropeptide Y (NPY), and somatosta-
intermittent loading was related to high collagen content with tin (SOM).116 Neuropeptides play an important role in the
a high level of cross-linking; less intense but more consistent complex mechanisms that modulate and mitigate nociceptive
loading was associated with higher PG content (Figure 1-18). input. An example is VIP, which is thought to be important
Later biomechanical studies confirmed that this topographic for the augmentation of responsiveness to mechanical stimuli
heterogeneity in a biochemical sense indeed represented dif- in case of joint inflammation.118
ferences in biomechanical properties of the tissue.115 In joint disease, numerous pathologic processes can con-
The topographic variation in biochemical and biomechan- tribute to the joint pain experienced by affected subjects; the
ical properties is not genetically determined, but develops for precise tissue origin of pain is rarely identified in the individ-
the larger part in the early phase of life, that is, during the first ual patient (Figure 1-19). The sensory innervation of the sub-
year after birth in the horse, with most changes in the first 5 chondral bone, marginal periosteum, synovial membrane,
months of life. Biomechanical loading is an important cue in and joint capsule will contribute to a variable extent to pain
this development100; this issue is discussed in more detail in perception and associated loss of function. Within the joint
Chapter 8. tissues several pathologic processes may be at the origin of
pain, such as subchondral bone exposure, remodeling, mar-
Pain Perception in Joints row edema (causing a rise in intraosseous pressure), and mar-
Pain transmission through afferent fibers is more complex ginal periosteal activation related to osteophyte formation.78
than it may seem with peripheral sensory neurons functioning Synovitis is an important factor generating pain through joint
18 SECTION I General Principles of Joint Pathobiology

GAG content (g/mg dw) during inflammatory processes, but mechanical stimula-
dors. tion may also, through tissue damage, lead to an inflamma-
tory response with release of pro-nociceptive mediators. In
inflammation, pain originates from the chemical stimula-
51.5 tion of nerve afferents by a variety of endogenous mediators.
lat. med. 49.0 med. lat. Interleukin-1β and TNF-α are the two major cytokine play-
44.0 ers in the pathogenesis of OA.119 Both cytokines increase the
41.5 palm. synthesis of inflammatory mediators that are involved in pain
P1 perception, such as prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), by stimulat-
palm. ing cyclo-oxygenase (COX)-2, microsomal PGE synthase-1
MC 0 3
(MPES-1), and soluble phospholipase A2 (SPLA2). They fur-
A distance (cm) ther upregulate the production of nitric oxide via inducible
nitric oxide synthetase (iNOS).120 Relatively little work has
Collagen content (mg/mg dw)
been done on the exact identification of pain-related media-
0.64 tors in joint disease. Prostaglandins have always been seen as
0.62 dors. the major pain mediators in arthritis,121 but their role is not
as clear-cut as it may seem. In a horse study comparing PGE2
lat. med. 0.56 med. lat. levels in synovial fluid between lame horses that did or did
0.54 not respond to an intraarticular block, there was no signifi-
0.50 palm. cant difference. However, when comparing the levels of these
lame horses (blocking to a low 4-point or 6-point perineu-
ral nerve block) to those of sound horses, lame horses were
found to have significantly higher and more variable PGE2
MC 0 3
levels than the sound control horses.122 The other branch
B distance (cm)
of the arachidonic acid cascade, the pathway that leads via
HP crosslinking (mol/mol collagen) 5-lipoxygenase (LOX) to the formation of leukotrienes, may
dors. play a role in nociception in joints, too. Leukotriene B4 (LTB4)
1.081 dors. has been shown to be implicated in hyperalgesia in joints of
1.058 mice.123 In the horse, LTB4 levels were increased in animals
lat. med. 1.012 med. lat.
suffering from osteochondrosis (OC) and may be involved
0.989 in the extensive joint distension that is often seen in OC.124
0.966 However, lameness in these patients is uncommon and thus
0.943 palm.
0.920 far no link between LTB4 and joint pain in the horse has
been established. Various neuropeptides have been identified
palm. as direct pain mediators in joint disease in humans. These
MC 0 3 include NPY, serotonin, and CGRP.125,126 In the horse, sub-
C distance (cm)
stance P was the only mediator that could be directly linked
FIGURE 1-17 Distribution of glycosaminoglycans (GAG), to outcome of intraarticular analgesia,122 but it could not be
collagen, and HP-cross-links over the proximal articular sur-
related to radiographic OA status of a joint in another study.127
face of the proximal phalanx and the distal articular surface
of the third metacarpal bone. Dors., Dorsal; GAG, glycosami-
As radiographic OA status is more a measure of cumulative
noglycan; HP, hydroxylysyl pyridinoline; lat, lateral; MC, dis- damage to the joint than of actual pain, this was perhaps not
tal third metacarpal bone; med., media; palm., palmar; P1, to be expected. More recently, other families of cytokines,
proximal first phalanx. (From: Brama P.A.J., TeKoppele J.M., such as kinins and chemokines, have been implicated in the
Bank R.A., et al. (2000). Topographical mapping of biochemi- generation and maintenance of chronic pain in joints (for an
cal properties of articular cartilage in the equine fetlock joint. overview see Miller et al.128). None of these possible media-
Equine Vet J, 32(1), 19-26.) tors have as yet been investigated in the horse except for bra-
dykinin, which showed a strong correlation with lameness
effusion, swelling, and/or fibrosis that will activate mechano- and joint hyperalgesia in chemically induced synovitis.129 The
receptors in the joint capsule, and through direct chemical concentration, however, was not related to the outcome of
stimulation of nociceptors. intraarticular analgesia.122

Pathways and Mediators of Pain in the Joint The Joint as an Integral Part of the Body
Nociception will in most cases be stimulated or enhanced by Whereas the joint should be seen as an organ that is com-
inflammation. In this context, the somewhat complex and posed of the variety of structures and tissues outlined
mutually influencing interrelationship between mechanore- above, this organ itself is a constituting element of the entire
ceptors and nociceptors needs to be pointed out: mechano- body. Joints are integral parts of the musculoskeletal sys-
receptors can become sensitized by chemical stimuli released tem and their functioning is partly determined by the other
CHAPTER 1 General Anatomy and Physiology of Joints 19

Load 1800 N Pressure Load 10500 N Pressure

(MPa) (MPa)
43.74 43.74
38.81 38.81
dors. dors.
39.95 39.95
29.05 29.05
24.15 24.15
med. lat. 19.26 med. lat. 19.26
14.36 14.36
9.47 9.47
4.57 4.57
palm. palm.
Non-contact Non-contact
A area D area

Load 3600 N Pressure Load 12000 N Pressure

(MPa) (MPa)
43.74 43.74
38.81 38.81
dors. dors.
39.95 39.95
29.05 29.05
24.15 24.15
med. lat. 19.26 med. lat. 19.26
14.36 14.36
9.47 9.47
4.57 4.57
palm. palm.
Non-contact Non-contact
B area E area

Load 5400 N Pressure

med. lat. 19.26
C area
FIGURE 1-18 Topographic distribution patterns of pressures (MPa) on the proximal articular
surface of the proximal phalanx measured in an ex vivo setting under varying loads based on
peak vertical forces measured in a 600-kg horse during stance (1800 N), walk (3600 N), trot (5400
N), canter (10,500 N) and jumping a low (80 cm) fence (12,000 N). Dors., Dorsal; lat., lateral; med.,
medial; N, Newton; MPa, megapascal; palm., palmar. (From: Brama P.A.J., Karssenberg D.,
Barneveld A., et al. (2001). Contact areas and pressure distribution on the proximal articular
surface of the proximal phalanx under sagittal plane loading. Equine Vet J, 33(1), 26-32.)

components of this system. The importance of muscular sup- to a certain extent take over the stabilizing function of liga-
port for joint function and the prevention of instability that ments, have a prominent place.130 In equine medicine, many
might lead to tissue damage can hardly be overemphasized. In joint disorders affect the more distally located joints of the
the rehabilitation of human patients, who have suffered from limbs, which are not surrounded by musculature. However, it
trauma resulting in the loss of joint stability, for example, cru- is known that a comparable change in functional stabilization
ciate ligament damage in the knee joint, physical exercises can take place around the vertebral column, in this case from
to strengthen the musculature around the joint, which may the deeper musculature (principally the multifidus muscle)
20 SECTION I General Principles of Joint Pathobiology

Trauma/insult CONCLUSIONS
Joints are complex organs, whose correct functioning is
Tissue catabolism Direct tissue critical for the athletic performance of horses. They form an
 anabolism damage integral part of the musculoskeletal system and cannot be
considered separately from the other constituting elements of
this system, as there is an intricate relationship and mutual
influence. The degree to which they are challenged is directly
Nociceptor Mechanoreceptor
Joint pain
activation related to the demands made on the musculoskeletal system,
putting both equine and human athletes at high risk for the
development of joint disorders. Joints, as with any other ele-
ment of the body, have a certain anabolic/catabolic balance
Joint swelling, Inflammatory under physiologic conditions resulting in the establishment
effusion response
of tissue homeostasis. In addition, the joint has a peculiar-
Release of
ity in the presence of articular cartilage, a tissue that is both
cytokines, aneural and avascular, which has an extremely high ECM to
cell ratio, and of which the ECM components have exception-
FIGURE 1-19 Simplified schematic diagram of the vicious ally high turnover times in the mature individual. These fac-
cycle of osteochondral damage and cartilage degeneration tors give the tissue no means to detect early damage and a
in OA, showing key processes that may contribute to joint very limited capacity for repair, making it the most likely tis-
pain associated with the disease. (From: Van Weeren P.R., de
sue of a joint to fail. Tissue homeostasis in articular cartilage
Grauw J.C. (2010). Pain in osteoarthritis. Vet Clin North Am
is the result of a complex equilibrium in which the anabolic/
Equine Pract, 26(3), 619-642.)
catabolic cytokine/growth factor balance plays an important
role, as do the mechanical stimuli that are perceived by the
to the more superficial layer (the longissimus dorsi muscle chondrocyte and have various origins. Despite the long turn-
among others).131 Also, correct muscular function is critical over time of the ECM of articular cartilage and the result-
for a good response to proprioceptive information, which is ing limited possibilities for repair, the tissue can, through its
needed to ensure proper joint loading. It is well known that homeostatic mechanism, retain a high degree of integrity and
fatigue may negatively affect this mechanism, resulting in a excellent functional characteristics over prolonged periods,
loss of coordination with loss of accuracy in the direction of as evidenced by the almost impeccable state of the joints of
joint loading and higher risk of injury as a consequence.132 certain very senior people or horses. However, in many cases
The issue of muscular function and strength is dealt with in traumatic events, repetitive high loading resulting in heavy
more detail in Chapter 18. wear and tear (which are common in high-level athletes), or
Joints communicate with the rest of the body via the inferior tissue quality will create pathologic deterioration that
great infrastructural networks, the neural system, and the often will develop into OA. In these cases the delicate homeo-
cardiovascular system. As alluded to earlier, important pro- static balance is disrupted, leading to a chain of pathologic
prioceptive information is gathered in joint-related struc- events that are discussed in other chapters of this book.
tures, principally tendons, ligaments, and the joint capsule,
and used as input for (involuntary) corrections of position.
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Biomechanics in Joints
Christopher E. Kawcak

Although the field of biomechanics is complex and often compensatory component.1 An understanding of normal
outside the minds of clinicians, a basic understanding of articulation is necessary to understand the normal changes
the biomechanics of the equine limb and axial skeleton and that can occur within the joints in response to growth, exer-
how abnormalities in the mechanical forces throughout the cise, and disease.
body can lead to disease may improve not only the under-
standing of the pathologic processes that occur, but also the Ground Reaction Forces
effectiveness of diagnostics and therapeutics. The complex The limbs of the horse undergo a tremendous amount of
mechanisms that lead to pathologic changes in the joint are stress. This is most influential in the joints during the weight-
numerous; however, with the advent of newer therapies that bearing phase of stride between when the heel touches the
target specific pathologic processes, an understanding of the ground and the toe lifts off.2-7 Ground reaction force is
basic mechanisms that lead to disease can enhance under- defined as the force placed on the limb by the ground dur-
standing and justification for the use of certain diagnostic ing contact. This force is dissipated as it moves proximally
methods and therapies. The goal of this chapter is to discuss through the limb because of the coordinated efforts of soft
basic biomechanical principles that play a role in normal and tissues, subchondral bone, and articular cartilage. Therefore,
diseased joints. The influence of these biomechanics on nor- the influence of ground reaction force on each joint is depen-
mal joint homeostasis will be characterized, as will the acute dent on its location, its congruity, and the material properties
and chronic effects of abnormal biomechanical forces on joint of the tissues in that area (Figure 2-1). Abnormal tissue char-
tissues. The known pathologic mechanisms that occur within acteristics, such as occur with disease, can also influence the
joints will be discussed and examples will be given for specific dissipation of ground reaction force and its transmission up
joints. the limb. Therefore, damage to any supporting tissue within a
limb can have an effect on other joints and tissues because of
BIOMECHANICAL CONSIDERATIONS THAT its change in ability to dissipate or transfer forces.
INFLUENCE JOINT DISEASE Ground reaction force can be assessed several ways in the
horse. The most accurate method is by kinetic measurement,
Types of Joints Relevant to Equine which can be done with the use of a force plate, pressure film,
Joints are best characterized by their primary plane of motion. or a force shoe.8 Each of these methods is cumbersome, and
Hinge-type joints typically move in only the sagittal plane, all require time and expertise to ensure that data are accurate.
although other types of joints such as the ball-and-socket joint Stationary force plates require dedicated space and equip-
can move in the sagittal, frontal, and transverse planes. These ment, and measurement is limited to a specific stationary
movements are restricted based on a complex organization site for assessment, thereby taking the horse out of its natural
of joint shape and extraarticular soft tissue support, namely working environment. In addition, the force plate can often
ligaments. Joints below the shoulder and stifle typically move be sensed by the horse, whether by handler cues or change in
in the sagittal plane; however, out-of-plane motion such as in ground characteristics, often leading to abnormal movement.
the frontal and transverse planes, albeit small in magnitude, Data acquired from a stationary force plate can often have
may be of significance. Joints such as the shoulder, stifle, and considerable statistical variability, leading to inaccuracy in
hip have complex three-dimensional motions that are diffi- detecting disease or response to therapy. Pressure film has also
cult to characterize. The joints of the axial skeleton have not been used to assess limb use and has been commercially pack-
been thoroughly characterized and are influenced not only aged as easy to use.9 However, pressure film systems require
by the periarticular ligaments but also by the large muscle continuous calibration and can suffer from degradation of
and tendon masses as well as the intervertebral discs. The signal over time. Force shoes have recently been developed to
contributions of these large muscle masses are not entirely allow the horse to be assessed in its natural working environ-
understood, but they are assumed to contribute significantly ment.10 These shoes and associated wiring are cumbersome,
to back pain, both as a primary pathologic entity and as a which can affect the horse’s natural gait. However, the data
26 SECTION I General Principles of Joint Pathobiology

are thought to represent a more accurate picture of limb use metabolism and turnover of the musculoskeletal tissues,
compared with other techniques, especially at higher speeds. abnormal distribution of these forces can lead to pathologic
The ground reaction force that is transmitted through the manifestations. An understanding of this principle is nec-
limb is also influenced by the limb conformation. Although essary to influence these conformational abnormalities at a
force through the limb is needed to maintain proper young age and to provide expectations to owners for horses
with conformational abnormalities.

Extraarticular Forces
Ground reaction force is not the only force that influences
the joints. A large magnitude of force is transmitted by the
muscles through the tendons across the joints.2-6 In addition,
tendons can store energy during the loading phase of stride,
which can influence the joints as well.6 Ligaments can con-
tribute to the force generation mechanism, and they restrict
joints within certain planes, which can significantly influence
the force distribution across the joint (Figure 2-2).
Calculation of both the ground reaction forces and the
extraarticular forces can be used to characterize more objec-
tively the stresses seen within the joint. Finite element modeling,
in which these forces are characterized and optimized with the
patient’s bone and joint shape, is commonly used to characterize
the forces across the joint at various gaits.6 Abnormalities within
conformation, muscle activation and timing, shoeing, and dis-
ease within various tissues can be programmed into the finite
element model and the resultant joint stresses characterized.
With the development of volumetric imaging techniques, such
as magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography,
FIGURE 2-1 Ground reaction force (green arrow) is demon-
strated moving from the ground, through the limb. This force
these modeling techniques may have a clinical use in the future.
is translated through the joints, in addition to the muscle forces
imposed at each site. (Redrawn from Harrison S.M., Whitton Tissue Biomechanics
R.C., Kawcak C.E., et al. (2014). Evaluation of a subject-spe- Soft Tissues
cific finite-element model of the equine metacarpophalangeal Muscle force influences joint stress based on the muscle’s
joint under physiological load. J Biomech, 47(1), 65-73.) cross-sectional area, muscle fiber composition, and timing of

50 P1–MC3
30 IM

50 Ses–MC3
Force (N kg1)

30 IM
20 DDF

10 SDF
FIGURE 2-2 The graphs demonstrate the contribution of force of each muscle, tendon, and liga-
ment to the MC3-P1 articulation (top) and the MC3-Ses articulation (bottom). Note the significant
contribution of soft tissues to the overall force through each articulation. On the vertical axes
are force and on the horizontal axes is stance (%). DDF, Deep digital flexor tendon; GAF, ground
reaction force; IM, intraosseous muscle (proximal suspensory ligament); SDF, superficial digital
flexor tendon. (Redrawn from ­Harrison S.M., Whitton R.C., Kawcak C.E., et al. (2014). Evaluation
of a subject-specific finite-element model of the equine metacarpophalangeal joint under physi-
ological load. J Biomech, 47(1), 65-73.)
CHAPTER 2 Biomechanics in Joints 27

firing.3,4 Consequently, any change to a muscle caused by pri- the electrostatic interactions between the glycosaminoglycans
mary damage, physiologic abnormalities, or neuromuscular and collagen.13-15 The effect may be to change the site of tissue
timing can indirectly influence the magnitude and timing of failure. The change in the composition of the soft tissues of
individual muscles and also the timing of activation among the joint in response to loading has been considered an exten-
the different muscles that may influence a joint. sion of Wolff ’s law, implying that the soft tissue of the joint
On a tissue level, ligaments, tendons, and the fibrous joint adapts to an applied stress as seen in bone.14
capsule are structurally and biomechanically similar. Each The biomechanical structural behavior of isolated liga-
of these tissues is sparsely cellular but contains an abundant ments, tendons, and joint capsule is qualitatively identical,
extracellular matrix composed of predominantly types I and with differences existing in the amount of force the tissue is
III collagen, elastin, proteoglycan, glycosaminoglycans, and able to withstand and in the slope of the stress-strain curve
water. Although tendons are considered to be passive in their (i.e., tissue modulus).12,14 Tissue differences are related to the
influence on limb and joint forces, they are a source of energy elastin/collagen ratio and to collagen arrangement (previ-
storage.5 Consequently, damage to a tendon can reduce its ously described). The elastin/collagen ratio of tendon (1:50)
energy storage capacity, which may lead to increased magni- is much lower than that of ligament (1:4).12 Initially, as force
tude and direction of force on the limb. is applied, all three tissues exhibit a nonlinear toe region that
The collagen of ligaments is arranged in nearly parallel curves upward (Figure 2-3). This toe region corresponds to
bundles oriented to maximize resistance against tensile forces. the straightening of the collagen and/or elastin fibril wave
The elastin of ligaments permits a small degree of elongation and permits a large displacement or elongation of the tissue
with tension, and this protects the bony insertion points of without placing any significant tension on the insertion site.
the proximal and distal ends of the ligament. The slightly ran- As a result, ligaments, which contain a higher content of elas-
dom configuration of collagen bundles in ligaments enables tin compared with tendons, function at the lower portion of
the ligament to withstand small tensile forces in other direc- the physiologic strain range. With further tension, collagen
tions besides the plane in which they lie. Therefore, although fibers are increasingly recruited until tension develops against
the lateral and medial collateral ligaments of the carpus and the insertion site. The load increases sharply into the linear
fetlock can resist medial-to-lateral movement, these are less region of the curve. The organization and quantity of colla-
effective against bending (in the dorsopalmar or plantar gen and elastin fibers determine the length and shape of the
plane) or rotational forces applied to the joints. These forces toe region and the slope of the linear region. Extremity liga-
must be countered or dissipated by other ligaments, such as ments typically have a shortened toe region compared with
the intercarpal ligaments (against rotational loads) that are the fibrous joint capsule, in which the collagen is randomly
positioned in a different plane, or by the flexor retinaculum organized, and compared with tendons, which have a longer
(carpal extension). In the fetlock, the suspensory ligament wave periodicity.12,13,16 Since the collagen of the tissue matrix
and distal sesamoidean ligaments support the joint in a dor- stores the applied stress as energy, the quantity of collagen
sopalmar (or plantar) plane during fetlock extension.11 and its association with matrix glycosaminoglycans deter-
Unlike ligament collagen, tendon collagen exhibits a highly mine the strength and stiffness of the tissue.11
ordered parallel arrangement with a characteristic wave and The linear region of the load-elongation curve represents
periodicity appearance. This is biomechanically important the recruitment of all collagen fibers, which increase in ten-
because tendons must resist high uniaxial loads during activ- sion as more displacement is applied until the tissue fails
ity as they transmit the load from muscle to bone to produce
The joint capsule inserts within bone around the periphery
of the joint margin, providing stability to the joint surface, but
it is also a significant source of nerve endings that can play a
role in joint pain. Ligaments, tendons, muscles, the joint cap-
sule, and the geometric shape of the articulating bones pro- r
vide support to the joint.12
The proteoglycan-glycosaminoglycan component in the
matrix of ligaments, tendons, and the fibrous joint capsule
attracts and holds water. This imparts a gel-like quality to the C
matrix, which not only adds structure to the matrix but also
helps support the collagen arrangement. Proteoglycans have
long been recognized for their ability to resist compressive
FIGURE 2-3 Collagen ultrastructure of the menisci. Notice the
forces within the articular cartilage matrix, but this function
radial arrangement (r) of collagen fibrils on the surface (S) of
is not as important in ligaments, tendons, and the fibrous the menisci that becomes circumferential (C) in the deep zone
joint capsule since they are designed to resist tensile forces.12 of the menisci in order to attenuate and dissipate the force
However, changes in proteoglycan concentration and/or com- applied to the tibial articular cartilage. (From Fithian D.C., Kelly
position as a result of training, injury, or immobilization can M.A., Mow V.C. (1990). Material properties and structure-
alter the mechanical capability of the collagen by changing function relationships in the menisci. Clin Orthop, 252, 19-31.)
28 SECTION I General Principles of Joint Pathobiology

either at the insertion point or within the tissue. Because Synovial fluid
tendons and ligaments are generally subjected to loads well
below those required for abrupt failure, injury to tendons
and ligaments is generally viewed as a cumulative failure of
individual collagen fibers, which eventually results in tissue
failure under the applied load. However, it is reasonable to
hypothesize that even failure of a few collagen fibers may sub-

tly alter the stability of the joint during loading and result in Qi
excessive stretching of the joint capsule and synovial lining,
which in turn may predispose intraarticular joint ligaments
to injury through the release of inflammatory mediators.

Ligaments, tendons, and the fibrous joint capsule, just like
the articular cartilage and subchondral bone, all exhibit vis-
coelastic behavior (i.e., their mechanical behavior is a func-
tion of the rate of the load application), which influences the
mechanism of failure of the tissue.17 Like bone and cartilage,
ligaments and tendons are stiffer (i.e., the linear portion of
the load-elongation curve becomes steeper) at higher strain Ql
rates.12 As demonstrated in a study in rabbits, bone is the
most strain-rate-sensitive tissue when compared with tendon
and ligament.16 In the same study, tendon was more strain-
rate-sensitive than ligament. In addition, the mechanism of
failure is altered as the strain rate is increased. In mature ani-
mals, failure occurs within the ligament at both low and high Capillary Lymphatics
strain rates since the ligament is strongly attached to the bone,
and at high strain rates bone is stronger than the ligament.17 If
the same holds true for equine joint tissues, it is reasonable to
FIGURE 2-4 The organization of the synovial membrane al-
hypothesize that some trauma to the limb joints during rac-
lows the movement of the capillary filtrate through the in-
ing may occur in the ligaments, destabilizing the joint and terstitial fluid into the synovial cavity. The movement of the
putting further strain on tendons, articular cartilage, and sub- filtrate through the endothelium (Qc) is controlled by the capil-
chondral bone. In the equine distal limb joints (i.e., fetlock, lary hydrostatic pressure and the colloid osmotic pressure of
carpus), this effect may be compounded by the anatomic lack the plasma. Movement through the interstitium (Qi) is con-
of muscle, and therefore the importance of minor ligament trolled by the interstitial hydrostatic pressure and the colloid
tissue failure to joint stability may be exaggerated. osmotic pressure of the interstitial fluid. Excess synovial fluid
In the stifle, the menisci also play an important role in is drained from the joint by valved lymphatic vessels.
stabilizing the femorotibial joint during movement and in
increasing joint congruency.18,19 Once thought of as a fairly Training increases the tensile stiffness and strength of liga-
innocuous procedure, partial and/or total meniscectomy has ments, tendons, fibrous joint capsule, and their interfaces by
been repeatedly shown to dramatically alter the normal bio- increasing the number and type of collagen cross-links and
mechanics of the knee in humans by decreasing the contact diameter of the collagen fibril.27,28 Therefore, an appropriate
area between the femur and tibia and increasing joint cap- training regimen should further stabilize the joint and protect
sule and cruciate ligament laxity.19-21 Similar findings have against injury originating from a soft tissue disturbance.
recently been shown in horses.22 Like ligaments, tendons, and
the fibrous joint capsule, the menisci consist primarily of type Synovial Fluid
I collagen, water, and a small amount of proteoglycan-glycos- There are many theories as to how the joint remains lubri-
aminoglycan. The arrangement of menisci collagen is radial cated under various loading conditions (Table 2-1).29 The
on the surface and circumferential in the interior, enabling synovial fluid viscosity and lubrication are imparted by hyal-
the menisci to transfer compressive applied forces during uronic acid and lubricin.30-34 Boundary lubrication functions
loading into circumferential tensile forces, which attenuates to resist shearing stresses between two cartilage surfaces and
the load placed upon the articular surface of the tibia (Figure between the articular cartilage and synovial membrane, and
2-4).21 The meniscus has also been shown to undergo a good it may also play a role in opposing articular surface track-
deal of cranial-caudal translocation during flexion and exten- ing, possibly contributing to overall joint stability.35 Bound-
sion, which puts increased stress on the cranial ligament of ary lubrication occurs because of the function of synovial
the medial meniscus.23,24 fluid components that have an influence on articular and
Alterations in the macromolecular composition of the soft synovial surfaces. These components include hyaluronan,
tissues of the joint associated with training and inflammation proteoglycan-4, and surface active phospholipids.36 Changes
may also affect the normal function or failure of the joint.25,26 in the joint environment can influence these synovial fluid
CHAPTER 2 Biomechanics in Joints 29

TABLE 2-1 Proposed Mechanisms of Joint

Lubrication Mechanism of Action Maximum Abrupt
strength failure
Fluid film A converging layer of synovial
Hydrodynamic fluid is dragged between Failure of
Self-generating surfaces at continuous high- individual
collagen fibrils
Squeeze film speed motion. This motion

rarely occurs and therefore
is not a primary lubrication
Fluid exudes from tissues at the limit
leading and trailing edges of
loading, resulting in a continu- region
ous supply of lubricant.
Loading creates viscous resis-
tance as fluid is squeezed. (elongation)
Self-pressurized Tissue compression leads to
FIGURE 2-5 Idealized load-elongation curve of ligament, ten-
hydrostatic (weeping self-pressurization of interstitial
don, and joint capsule. At the initiation of tension, the toe
lubrication) fluid
region of the load-elongation curve corresponds to a straight-
Boosted Compression forces water into
ening of the collagen-elastin fibril wave pattern, permitting a
the articular cartilage and
large displacement without significant tension being placed
hyaluronic acid remains at the
on the tissue. With increasing tension, collagen fibers are re-
surface since it is too large to
cruited and the load increases sharply into the linear portion
move through the pores.
of the curve. Further increases in tension result in individual
Boundary Multiple components such as collagen fiber rupture. Ultimate failure occurs when the tis-
lubricin and surface active sue fails at the insertion site or midbody.
phospholipid remain at the
joint lubrication as the interaction of interstitial fluid pres-
sure, boundary lubrication, and fluid film lubrication. These
mechanisms probably work together to maintain low friction,
components, thereby negatively affecting the boundary movement, and lack of wear in the tissues.
lubrication of the joint. As an example, Antonacci et al. have
shown that in acute joint disease in the horse, the boundary Synovium
lubrication properties of the synovial fluid were considered The synovial lining of the joint capsule is a thin structure, a 1-
poor and correlated with diminished hyaluronan concentra- to 3-cell-thick layer that lines all articular surfaces except the
tion and molecular weight.36 In addition, synovial fluid from articular cartilage. The synovial lining itself serves no known
acutely injured joints had higher proteoglycan-4 and surface biomechanical function but like any soft tissue is capable of
active phospholipid concentrations. Therefore, the change in responding to mechanical stress through an increase in col-
these biochemical parameters negatively influenced the abil- lagen production, alterations in transsynovial diffusion, and/
ity of synovial fluid to perform as a boundary lubricant. In or changes in synoviocyte metabolism (Figure 2-5).41-43 Joint
this study, the significant decrease in hyaluronic acid con- inflammation can be produced by stretching of the syno-
centration and size appeared to outweigh the increases in vial lining through repeated hyperextension. The release of
proteoglycan-4 and surface active phospholipids. Further- enzymes from the synovial membrane can affect all tissues
more, application of exogenous hyaluronic acid improved within the joint including intraarticular ligaments and articu-
the boundary lubrication function of synovial fluid. Under lar cartilage.44,45 These changes are probably very subtle but
high-speed situations, however, boundary lubrication is less may slightly alter the ability of the joint to respond appropri-
effective, and the load is thought to be supported primarily ately to loading during motion. Disturbances in the arrange-
through fluid-film lubrication, which appears to function by ment of ligament or fibrous joint capsule collagen have
forcing fluid into the joint from tissues and creating a physical been shown to result in increased ligamentous extensibility,
area of fluid pressure that resists loading.37,38 Another theory decreased stiffness, reduced energy absorption, and less flex-
of joint lubrication termed “natural lubrication” refers to the ible joint capsules.13 Even subtly, these changes in a joint of a
simultaneous movement of synovial fluid into and out of the performing animal may greatly predispose the overall joint
articular cartilage as the joint surfaces slide across each other to injury.
during articulation.39,40
Overall there have been several theories concerning lubri- Articular Cartilage
cation in the joint, many of which have been contentious The compressive stiffness of cartilage is related to the presence
and some disproven. It is likely most accurate to summarize of negatively charged side chains of aggrecan, which are closely
30 SECTION I General Principles of Joint Pathobiology

packed together within the collagen fibers of the extracellular transition zone between the uncalcified articular cartilage
matrix and repel one another and attract fluid into the matrix. and the stiff subchondral bone is the calcified cartilage. The
The repulsion among adjacent glycosaminoglycan side chains interface between these two mechanically dissimilar tissues
stiffens the proteoglycan molecule. The force imparted by the (articular cartilage and subchondral bone) assists in minimiz-
resistance to this swelling and stiffening of the proteoglycan ing the shear stresses via the calcified cartilage’s intermediate
molecule by the tight collagen network contributes to the over- mechanical properties and characteristic undulating inser-
all compressive stiffness of the cartilage.46,47 The mechanical tions into the subchondral layer.67 These undulations further
behavior of articular cartilage has been described in terms of its dissipate mechanical stresses over a larger surface area. Artic-
biphasic properties (i.e., the collagen-proteoglycan component ular cartilage is supported by the calcified cartilage, which is
of cartilage as a solid phase and the interstitial fluid component supported by the subchondral bone plate, which in turn is
of cartilage as a fluid phase).48 As cartilage is compressed, the supported by the subchondral trabecular bone and ultimately
interstitial fluid flows through the “porous” collagen-proteo- the cortical bone. Increased trabecular bone compliance
glycan matrix. The movement of the interstitial fluid is referred allows a degree of deformation on joint loading to absorb
to as the permeability of the cartilage. Therefore, the bulk of the load and dissipate energy and probably to assist in joint
load placed on an articular surface is first borne by the fluid congruency. Morphometric analysis, radiographic analysis,
component of the cartilage and subsequently transferred to the and bone scintigraphy have demonstrated that repeated load-
solid component of the cartilage after all the fluid is squeezed ing to the joint results in subchondral bone thickening and
out of the compressed region.11,39,49 This property is character- sclerosis, which may be amplified by trabecular microfrac-
istic of all viscoelastic materials. tures and subsequent subchondral bone healing.66,68-73 Con-
The tissue material property of articular cartilage varies sequently, subchondral bone thickening results in increased
through its thickness. In the superficial layer of the cartilage, transverse stress at the base of the cartilage and the appear-
the collagen content and cross-link density is the highest. ance of horizontal clefts in the deep zone of the cartilage,
Combined with the parallel orientation of the collagen to which may progress to the articular surface.27,73-78
the articular surface, this imparts a great tensile stiffness and
strength to the cartilage surface.49 Matrix molecule compo-
sition and orientation changes throughout the depth of the
cartilage and as a result each area has a different inherent bio- 1. Greve L, Dyson SJ. The interrelationship of lameness, saddle
mechanical capability. slip and back shape in the general sports horse population.
The material properties of articular cartilage are also depen- Equine Vet J. 2013;46(6):687–694.
dent on its loading history. Several studies of canine stifle joints 2. Brown NA, Pandy MG, Buford WL, et al. Moment arms
have demonstrated that the biomechanical and biochemical about the carpal and metacarpophalangeal joints for flexor
and extensor muscles in equine forelimbs. Am J Vet Res.
response of articular cartilage is extremely dependent upon
the level of activity experienced by the joint.50-56 The results of 3. Brown NA, Pandy MG, Kawcak CE, et al. Force- and moment-
these studies have established that there exists a critical level generating capacities of muscles in the distal forelimb of the
after which the beneficial effect of exercise is overwhelmed horse. J Anat. 2003;203(1):101–113.
by the potential consequences of articular damage associated 4. Brown NA, Kawcak CE, McIlwraith CW, et al. Architectural
with loading. In the horse, investigations of the equine carpus properties of distal forelimb muscles in horses, Equus caballus.
have demonstrated that the response to load is both location- J Morphol. 2003;258(1):106–114.
dependent and activity-dependent.57-59 This has also been 5. Harrison SM, Whitton RC, Kawcak CE, et al. Relationship
shown to occur in the metacarpophalangeal joint.60 This may between muscle forces, joint loading and utilization of elastic
be functionally important in the adaptation of the articular strain energy in equine locomotion. J Exp Biol. 2010;213(part
cartilage to enhance the congruency of the joint and protect 23):3998–4009.
6. Harrison SM, Whitton RC, King M, et al. Forelimb muscle
the cartilage from damage associated with exercise.
activity during equine locomotion. J Exp Biol. 2012;215(part
Subchondral Bone
7. Harrison SM, Whitton RC, Kawcak CE, et al. Evaluation of
Subchondral bone is highly responsive to loading and conse- a subject-specific finite-element model of the equine meta-
quently can respond quickly to training and injury. Bone, like carpophalangeal joint under physiological load. J Biomech.
cartilage, is a biphasic material but is composed of an inor- 2014;47(1):65–73.
ganic component of mineral salts [hydroxyapatite crystals 8. Keegan KG. Objective assessment of lameness. In: Baxter GM,
Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2] and an organic component of predomi- ed. Adams and Stashak’s lameness in horses. 6th ed. Wiley-
nantly type I collagen, proteoglycan, glycosaminoglycans, Blackwell; 2011:154–172.
and water. The inorganic phase imparts a hardness and rigid- 9. Perino VV. Comparing pressure measurement systems and a
ity to the subchondral bone; whereas, the organic phase pro- force platform as tools for equine gait analysis. PhD Dissertation:
Colorado State University; 2007.
vides flexibility and resiliency.
10. Roland ES, Hull ML, Stover SM. Design and demonstration
Early mechanical studies clearly demonstrated the abil- of a dynamometric horseshoe for measuring ground reac-
ity of the subchondral bone to attenuate axial loads and tion loads of horses during racing conditions. J Biomech.
spare the overlying articular cartilage from damage.61-66 The 2005;38(10):2102–2112.
CHAPTER 2 Biomechanics in Joints 31

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Traumatic Arthritis and Posttraumatic
Osteoarthritis in the Horse
C. Wayne McIlwraith

TRAUMATIC ARTHRITIS of OA into two fundamental mechanisms related either to

In its broader sense, “traumatic arthritis” includes a diverse the adverse effects of ‘abnormal’ loading on normal cartilage
collection of pathologic and clinical states that develop after or of ‘normal’ loading on abnormal cartilage.”1 In the equine
single or repetitive episodes of trauma. It may include one or athlete, cyclic trauma to synovial membrane and fibrous joint
all of the following: capsule results in synovitis and capsulitis, and it is a common
1. Synovitis (inflammation of the synovial membrane) entity in the equine athlete. Direct trauma can occur to the
2. Capsulitis (inflammation of the fibrous joint capsule) articular cartilage and subchondral bone, whereas inflamma-
3. Sprain (injury of specific ligaments associated with the tory mediators resulting from synovitis can cause biochemi-
joint) cal damage. Intraarticular and extraarticular ligaments of the
4. Intraarticular fractures joint can be injured, as can the menisci in the stifle, resulting
5. Meniscal tears (femorotibial joints) in tearing.
6. Osteoarthritis (OA) (when degradative changes have The reaction in the various joint-associated tissues
occurred in the articular cartilage) should not be considered in isolation, as evidenced by the
Any one of the first five conditions above can potentially example of the carpus of a racehorse. Considerable damage
progress to OA. To facilitate discussion of pathobiology it is may be inflicted directly to the articular cartilage and bone,
convenient to divide articular trauma into three entities: resulting in cartilage ulceration and intraarticular fractures
Type I: Traumatic synovitis and capsulitis without obvious of the carpus that cause varying degrees of articular carti-
disturbance of the cartilage or destruction of major sup- lage loss. However, cyclic fatigue damage to the collagen
porting structures. This includes acute synovitis and most network could be an important step in the pathogenesis of
sprains. a more insidious osteoarthritic entity, exposing chondro-
Type II: Disruptive trauma with damage to the articular car- cytes to deleterious physical forces and inducing injury
tilage or complete rupture of a major supporting structure. and metabolic changes. Primary damage to the subchon-
This includes severe sprains, meniscal tears, and intraar- dral bone other than fracture also may occur (subchondral
ticular fractures. bone disease) and lead to secondary damage to the articular
Type III: Posttraumatic OA. This may be considered as a cartilage, either from loss of support or secondarily from
group of disorders characterized by a common end-stage release of cytokines. Subchondral sclerosis may also lead to
in which progressive deterioration of the articular carti- further physical damage to the articular cartilage because
lage is accompanied by changes in the bone and soft tissues of decreased shock absorption. Acute synovitis and capsu-
of the joint. It is inevitably the result of severe trauma to litis are common problems in these same joints and may
the joint or ineffective treatment of any of the predisposing also contribute to the degenerative process by the release of
conditions. deleterious mediators.2
The joint is an organ and all tissues of this organ can be In summary, when considering a traumatically injured
injured. There are a number of ways in which traumatic dam- joint, two basic pathobiologic processes should be consid-
age occurs to the joint organ, ultimately resulting in degrada- ered: inflammation of the synovial membrane and fibrous
tion of articular cartilage (Figure 3-1). Interestingly, this figure joint capsule (synovitis and capsulitis), and physical and/
was initially developed by the author in 1996 and emphasized or biochemical damage to the articular cartilage and bone.2
inflammation of the soft tissues (traumatic synovitis and Acute synovitis and capsulitis can cause significant clinical
capsulitis) as well as subchondral bone disease as important compromise and may also contribute to the posttraumatic
contributors to the osteoarthritic process. A review of human degradative process by releasing enzymes, inflammatory
OA by two prominent researchers in 2007 noted that “cur- mediators, and cytokines. These processes are outlined in
rent knowledge segregates the risk factors for development Figures 3-1 and 3-2.
34 SECTION I General Principles of Joint Pathobiology

Cyclic or athletic trauma

Remodeling and Inflammation of soft tissue

microfractures/necrosis (traumatic synovitis
in subchondral bone and capsulitis)
Loss of stability
(fractures, ligamentous tears)
Abnormal stresses Aging Osteochondrosis
Normal cartilage
Joint congruence changes
(fracture, developmental defects)

Normal stresses
Secondary loss of abnormal cartilage
Direct damage to Physical cell injury
collagen framework
from matrix

Enzymatic degradation of Enzymatic degradation Decreased synthesis

proteoglycans and collagen of proteoglycans of matrix components
and collagen
Decreased synthesis (direct or secondary
of matrix compounds to cytokine interation)

Morphologic breakdown of articular cartilage

FIGURE 3-1 Possible pathways for degradation of articular cartilage secondary to joint trauma in
the horse. (Reproduced with permission from McIlwraith C.W. (2005). Frank Milne lecture: from
arthroscopy to gene therapy – 30 years of looking in joints. In: Proc Am Assoc Equine Pract, 51,

Osteoarthritis in the Horse concept.18,19 By 1975 articular cartilage lesions were con-
Spontaneous joint disease is a common clinical problem in sidered the indispensable criteria of OA, but it was also rec-
the horse.3 Surveys estimate that up to 60% of lameness is ognized that they may not be the centrally important cause
related to OA.4 Koch and Betts have observed5 that human of clinical disease. Today equine OA may be considered as
OA is not a well-defined entity, in that pathologists define OA a group of disorders characterized by a common end stage:
on a structural basis6 and epidemiologists define OA based progressive deterioration of the articular cartilage accompa-
on pain.7 The situation is similar in horses, where the clinical nied by changes in the bone and soft tissues of the joint.19
importance has been emphasized by a large U.S. Department This definition is simpler but comparable with one created
of Agriculture survey of lameness in the horse (defined as an for human OA at a workshop sponsored by the American
abnormality of gait such that the horse cannot be used for its Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, the National Institute of
intended purpose or could only be used if intervention [such Arthritis, Musculoskeletal, and Skin Diseases, the National
as medication, corrective shoeing, or rest] was employed), Institute on Aging, the Arthritis Foundation and the Ortho-
which found that lameness was because of a joint problem in paedic Research and Education Foundation, where OA was
approximately 15% of cases.8 On the structural side, however, redefined as “a group of overlapping distinct diseases which
a number of pathologic studies in the metacarpophalangeal may have different etiologies, but with similar biologic, mor-
joint (an important high-motion joint) of the horse have been phologic, and clinical outcomes.”20
published9-11 and objective parameters of macroscopic and The OA disease processes do not only affect the articular
microscopic examination of clinical OA as well as experimen- cartilage but also involve the entire joint, including the sub-
tal OA have been defined.12 chondral bone, ligaments, capsule, synovial membrane, and
Equine degenerative arthritis was first reported in 1938 periarticular tissues. Ultimately the articular cartilage degen-
and the pathological changes were compared with human erates with fibrillation, fissures, ulceration, and full thickness
OA.13 Although examination of osteoarthritic joints was ini- loss of the joint surface.21,22 It has now been recognized that
tially limited to morphologic observations,13-17 equine OA the equine OA disease process can start with disease in syno-
received its first clinical attention by the American Asso- vial membrane, fibrous joint capsule, subchondral bone, and
ciation of Equine Practitioners in 1966, and its relationship ligaments as well as articular cartilage or a combination of the
with lameness and “use trauma” became a central etiologic above.19
CHAPTER 3 Traumatic Arthritis and Posttraumatic Osteoarthritis in the Horse 35

Activators Fibroblasts
Trauma and inflammation


Synoval membrane

Aggrecanase IL1 IGF-1 Metalloproteinases Free radicals

TNF FGF-2 • Stromelysin Wear
TGF- • Collagenase particles
Synovial Trauma BMPs • Gelatinase Hyaluronan
fluid degradation

Chondrocytes Serine proteinases Serine proteinase
uPA tPA inhibitor (PA inhibition)

Metalloproteinases activator

Latent collagenase Latent stromelysin
Plasmin Plasminogen
Active Active
collagenase stromelysin

TIMP Cysteine
Matrix degradation proteinases
(Cathepsin B)

Physical damage IL1

Inflammation TNF
Subchondral bone Bone resorption

FIGURE 3-2 The factors involved in enzymatic degradation of articular cartilage matrix. Dotted
lines indicate factors that may inhibit degradation. BMPs, bone morphogenetic proteins; FGF-2,
fibroblast growth factor-2; IGF-1, insulin-like growth factor-1; IL1, interleukin-1; TGF-β, transform-
ing growth factor-β; PA, plasminogen activator; PG, prostaglandin; PLA2, phospholipase A2; PGE2,
prostaglandin E(2); TIMP, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases; TNFα, tumor necrosis factor-α;
tPA, tissue plasminogen activator; uPA, urokinase plasminogen activator. (Reproduced with per-
mission from McIlwraith CW (2005). Frank Milne lecture: from arthroscopy to gene therapy – 30
years of looking in joints. In: Proc Am Assoc Equine Pract, 51, 65-113.)

The metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint is the most com- equestrian events have resulted in recognition of a new spec-
mon joint for spontaneous OA in the racehorse, followed by trum of femorotibial traumatic disease and OA, which has
the carpal joints. Both joints have close fitting articular sur- much analogy to human OA of the knee. OA can occur early
faces that can quickly develop linear erosions and wear lines in equine athletes or later in older horses.23-25 Arthroscopic
in association with osteochondral fragmentation. In the last grading systems have been used for osteochondral disease in
10 to 15 years, improvements in arthroscopic techniques high motion joints26,27 and biomarkers related to macroscopic
and a higher competitive standard in Western performance and histological cartilage lesions have been evaluated.28,29
36 SECTION I General Principles of Joint Pathobiology

Posttraumatic Osteoarthritis stages of human OA, IL-1β remains high throughout all
Recently there has been increased attention to posttraumatic stages.48 A recent study evaluating gene expression in syno-
osteoarthritis (PTOA) in humans.20,30,31 It has been dem- vial tissue samples obtained from 12 patients with OA and
onstrated that early onset of OA can occur within 10 years 32 patients undergoing total knee replacement (TKR) showed
of injury.32 Patients with PTOA are much younger (18-44 that there was no significant difference in the expression lev-
years) than those with degenerative OA, which prevalence is els of MMPs, IL-1β, or TNFα mRNA between the synovial
increased with aging and is more evident after the age of 50 tissues of patients with OA and TKR but C reactive protein
years.30 (CRP) level was significantly increased in the OA group.49
A common feature of joint injury leading to human post- The authors concluded that because the study showed simi-
traumatic OA is the sudden application of mechanical force lar changes in the inflammatory patterns of synovial tissue
(impact) to the articular surface, and it has been proposed of TKR and OA, it suggested a likely disease progression and
that the extent of mechanical damage to any structure is a that a correlation between CRP and MMP expression levels
function of the intensity of the impact.20 Injury and responses indicated their essential role in joint degeneration and syno-
range from damage to cells and matrices without macro- vial tissue of primary OA patients. The simple overall picture
scopic structural disruption to displaced fractures through for the master role of IL-1 is illustrated in Figure 3-3. It has
cartilage and bone.33-35 Although the hypotheses concerning been recently reported that low innate production of IL-1β
the relationship between joint injuries and the biologic events and IL-6 is associated with the absence of human OA in
that lead to progressive joint degradation cannot be tested in old age.50
human patients,20 such events can be looked at more closely The role of synovitis in the pathophysiology and pro-
with equine OA models. duction of clinical symptoms of human OA was recently
The significance of synovial membrane inflammation reviewed.51 Gradual emergence of recognition of synovitis in
in the pathogenesis of equine OA was demonstrated in an human OA has brought the human and equine entities into
early experimental model by the first author.36 This induced- closer alignment as synovitis is invariably present in all OA
synovitis model using filipin demonstrated that cartilage entities in the horse.19,44 It has also been demonstrated in an
degradation could occur in the absence of instability or intraarticular fracture model in the mouse that increasing
traumatic disruption of the tissues and loss of glycosamino- intraarticular fracture severity was associated with greater
glycan (GAG) staining throughout the ECM was associated acute pathology in the synovium and bone compared with
with early morphologic breakdown of the surface of the car- control limbs, including increased global synovitis and
tilage. Since then it has been recognized and demonstrated reduced periarticular bone density and thickness.52 Proper
that synovitis (and capsulitis) is important as it produces pain
and discomfort in the horse as well as increased production
of mediators that can contribute to the osteoarthritic process, IL-1
including matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), a member of
the disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospon-
din motif (ADAMTS) family, specifically ADAMTS-4 and
-5 (aggrecanase-1 and -2), prostaglandins E2, and free IL-1
radicals as well as interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor-
alpha (TNFα).37-44 A recent study on cytokine and catabolic IL-1 receptor
enzyme expression in synovium, synovial fluid, and articu-
lar cartilage of naturally osteoarthritic equine carpi showed Inducible signaling pathways
that TNFα was abundantly expressed in synovial membrane
and cartilage, compared with interleukin-1beta (IL-1β) being
Transcriptional and
overexpressed in OA cartilage but not to a significant extent post-transcriptional
in synovium.45 Expression of ADAMTS-5 and MMP-13 was regulation
also significantly increased in synovial tissue and ADAMTS-4
and MMP-13 also were significantly expressed in OA carti-
lage. In summary acute synovitis and capsulitis is the most
common problem in high-motion joints of the equine athlete
and may contribute to the degradative process in articular MMP’s PGE2
cartilage by release of enzymes, inflammatory mediators, and Aggrecanase
cytokines (Figure 3-2).
FIGURE 3-3 Diagram of interleukin-1 (IL-1) activating matrix
The role of equine IL-1 in producing OA in the equine car-
metalloproteinases (MMPs), aggrecanase and prostaglandin
pus was well demonstrated by total inhibition of OA produc- E2 (PGE2) release acting through IL-1 receptors on the cell
tion by gene therapy with interleukin-1 receptor antagonist membrane. (Reproduced with permission from McIlwraith
(IL-1ra).41,46 Interleukin-1beta (IL-1β) has also been called C.W. (2005). Frank Milne lecture: from arthroscopy to gene
the master cytokine in human OA,47 and although TNFα therapy – 30 years of looking in joints. In: Proc Am Assoc
is thought to be the most prominent cytokine in the acute Equine Pract, 51, 65-113.)
CHAPTER 3 Traumatic Arthritis and Posttraumatic Osteoarthritis in the Horse 37

balance of anabolic and catabolic activities is crucial for support progression of the chondropenic cascade and that
the maintenance of cartilage integrity and for the repair of without intervention chondropenia leads to progressive dete-
molecular damage sustained during daily use19,53 (Figure rioration of articular cartilage function and may ultimately
3-4). Recognition that the balance of anabolic and catabolic progress to OA.
activities is compromised in OA has led to various thera- Evidence has accumulated with regard to various inflam-
peutic efforts to promote anabolism and inhibit catabolism. matory mediators having an impact on matrix homeostasis
Although the anticatabolic effects of equine IL-1ra gene of articular chondrocytes by altering their metabolism.61 A
therapy46,41 has clearly demonstrated its ability to prevent recent study on inflammatory factors involved in human OA
or decrease the development of equine OA, another study cited evidence that points to the proinflammatory cytokine
also demonstrated that repair of articular defects could be IL-1β as the most important factor responsible for the catab-
enhanced by the combination of IL-1ra and IGF-1 gene olism in OA.61 However, the authors pointed out that new
therapy.54 members of the IL-1 super family have recently been iden-
tified (ILF-5, ILF-10), some of which may be of interest for
Athletic Activity Potentially Leading arthritic disease, and that other proinflammatory cytokines
to a Pathologic Process such as TNFα-6 and other interleukins can be contributing
It is well accepted that equine athletes carry an increased risk factors. They also noted that the exact role and importance
for development of OA. It should be noted that intact articu- of each within the OA process is not yet clearly identified.
lar cartilage possesses optimal load-bearing characteristics In addition to cytokines, other inflammatory mediators that
that adjust to the level of activity. Increasing weight-bear- may play a major role in the OA process include nitric oxide
ing activity in athletes and adolescents has been shown to (NO), eicosanoids (prostaglandins and leukotrienes), and a
improve the volume and thickness of articular cartilage55 and newly identified cell membrane receptor family, the prote-
increased cartilage glycosaminoglycan content in the human ases-activated receptors (PARs).
knee.56 In the healthy human athlete, a positive linear dose Discussion of mediators for equine traumatic joint disease
response relationship apparently exists for repetitive loading and OA in this chapter focuses on mediators that have been
activities and articular cartilage function.57 However, studies shown to be increased in equine joint disease and/or of which
also indicate that the dose-response curve reaches a threshold inhibition can ameliorate progression of OA.
and activity beyond this threshold can result in maladjust- When considering a traumatically injured joint, two basic
ment and injury of articular cartilage.58 pathobiologic processes should be considered: inflammation
High-impact joint loading above this threshold has been of the synovial membrane and fibrous joint capsule (syno-
shown to decrease cartilage proteoglycan content, increase vitis and capsulitis), and physical or biochemical damage to
levels of degradative enzymes, and cause chondrocyte apop- the articular cartilage and bone. Acute synovitis and capsu-
tosis.59,60 If the integrity of the functional weight-bearing litis can cause significant clinical compromise and may also
unit is lost, either through acute injury or chronic trauma contribute to the degenerative process by releasing enzymes,
in the high-impact athlete, a chondropenic response is initi- inflammatory mediators, and cytokines.19 These processes are
ated that can include loss of articular cartilage volume and outlined in Figures 3-1 and 3-2.
stiffness, elevation of contact pressures, and development or
progression of articular cartilage defects.57 It has been pro- Anabolic/Catabolic Balance and Pathogenesis
posed that concomitant factors such as ligamentous instabil- of Osteoarthritis
ity, malalignment, meniscal injury, or deficiency can further In healthy cartilage there is a low turnover of extracellular
matrix molecules, and proper balance of anabolic and cata-
bolic activities is crucial for maintenance of cartilage tissue
Anabolism Catabolism
integrity and for the repair of molecular damages sustained
Synthesis of Proteinases and
matrix components inflammatory mediators
during daily usage (Figure 3-4). In OA this balance is com-
promised and degradation predominates over the capacity for
• IGF-1 • Cytokines (IL-1)
• FGF-2 • MMPs repair. It has been proposed that effects of abnormal mechan-
• TGF- • Aggrecanase ical loading in synovial inflammation likely contribute to dys-
• BMPs • Free radicals regulation of chondrocyte function favoring disequilibrium
between the catabolic and anabolic activities of the chondro-
cyte in remodeling the cartilage extracellular matrix.1 Local
loss of proteoglycans and cleavage of type II collagen occur
Chondrocyte initially at the cartilage surface where there has been a com-
pensatory increase in type II collagen synthesis in deeper
regions of the articular cartilage, signifying increased changes
in both anabolism and catabolism.1 Various anabolic and
catabolic factors have been reviewed in identifying molecular
FIGURE 3-4 Homeostasis in articular cartilage related to bal- targets for therapy.53 Details of these various factors as they
ance between catabolic and anabolic factors. apply to the horse are reviewed below.
38 SECTION I General Principles of Joint Pathobiology

The Importance of Synovitis upregulation of the expression of MMPs.53 Three collagenases

Synovitis (and capsulitis) is important to the horse because have been identified and they are interstitial or tissue collage-
it produces pain, the increased synovial effusion is uncom- nase (also called MMP-1), polymorphonuclear cells (PMN)
fortable, it eliminates the normal small negative pressure collagenase (or MMP-8), and collagenase 3 (also known as
within the joint (therefore promoting micro-instability), and MMP-13). Based on evidence in both human and equine
it produces products that are deleterious to joint health as a studies it appears that the primary collagenase involved in the
whole and articular cartilage in particular. The mediators cur- degradation of type II collagen of articular cartilage is colla-
rently considered to be of significance in equine joint disease genase 3 (MMP-13).65,66 Caron et al.65 found that MMP-13 is
include metalloproteinases and aggrecanases, prostaglandins, produced by equine chondrocytes and that MMP-13 expres-
free radicals, cytokines, IL-1, and possibly TNFα (Figure 3-2). sion is significantly stimulated by rhIL-1.
As mentioned previously, human OA was long considered a It is now generally accepted that loss of aggrecan from
“wear and tear” disease leading to loss of cartilage and previ- articular cartilage is a proteolytic process driven predomi-
ously OA was considered the sole consequence of any process nantly by aggrecanases-1 and -2 (also known as ADAMTS-4
leading to increased pressure on a joint (e.g., overload or ana- and -5).67-69 It has been demonstrated in mice that blocking
tomical joint in congruency) or fragility of cartilage matrix aggrecanase cleavage in the aggrecan interglobular domain
(genetic alterations of matrix components).62 Apparently this aggravates cartilage erosion and promotes cartilage repair.68
paradigm was based on the observation that chondrocytes In human OA it is still not clear whether ADAMTS-4 or -5
had low metabolic activity and no ability to repair cartilage has the major aggrecanase-degrading activity, and differences
and once damaged could not respond by the usual inflamma- between species have been noted.67 MMP-3 has a wide vari-
tory response. This paradigm has been modified by molecular ety of substrates, including proteoglycans (aggrecan, decorin,
biology and the discovery that many soluble mediators such fibromodulin, link protein) and type IV, V, VII, IX, and XI
as cytokines and prostaglandins can increase the produc- collagen. It also cleaves type II collagen in nonhelical sites.70
tion of MMPs by chondrocytes, leading to the first steps of An in vitro study of IL-1-induced cartilage degeneration
an “inflammatory” theory. It was noted in 2013 that it took has revealed evidence of collagen degradation that could be
a decade before synovitis was accepted as a critical feature of attributed to MMP-3 in addition to that attributed to col-
OA and more recently some studies have enhanced the idea lagenase.71 Molecular cloning and cartilage gene expression
of synovitis being a driver of the OA process (this has been of equine stromelysin 1 (MMP-3) have been described.37
considered an important process for a long time in the horse). MMP-3 cleaves the protein backbone of cartilage proteogly-
In addition, more recent experimental data have shown that cans at the asparagine 341-phenylalanine 342 bond. Cleav-
subchondral bone has a substantial role in the OA process as a age caused by aggrecanase has been classically reported as
mechanical damper as well as a source of inflammatory medi- occurring at the GLU373-ALA374 bond and the ITEGE37
ators implicated in the OA process and in the degradation of neoepitope has been used to confirm this location. However,
the deeper layers of cartilage.62 Human OA is now consid- ADAMTS-4 and -5 have been shown to preferentially cleave
ered a more complex disease with inflammatory mediators aggrecan in the CS-2 domain, but blocking of cleavage at the
released by cartilage, bone, and synovium and the source and 373-374 location not only diminished aggrecan loss and car-
types of inflammatory mediators may also differ by OA phe- tilage erosion in surgically induced OA but also appeared to
notype.63 Most recently, it has been proposed that OA has a stimulate cartilage repair following acute inflammation.68
considerable hereditary component and that genetic muta- Based on preliminary work in the horse using markers
tions associated with OA can be placed on a continuum.64 that differentiate these two cleavage sites, it appears that
It is proposed that early-onset OA is caused by mutations in aggrecanase is the principal enzyme degrading aggrecan in
matrix molecules often associated with chondrodysplasias; equine joint disease (Little & McIlwraith, unpublished data,
whereas, less destructive abnormalities or mutations confer 2004). The relative roles of ADAMTS-4 and -5 in equine
increased susceptibility to injury or malalignment that can cartilage degradation are still open. Knockdown of gene
result in middle age onset. Finally, mutations in molecules expression of both ADAMTS-4 and ADAMTS-5 in human
that regulate subtle aspects of joint development and struc- cartilage explants results in reduction of aggrecan deple-
ture lead to late-onset OA.64 tion, indicating that both enzymes are involved in the loss
of extracellular matrix in degenerative cartilage diseases.69
Matrix Metalloproteinases and Aggrecanases Regulation of both ADAMTS-4 and ADAMTS-5 in human
MMPs are a group of zinc-dependent endopeptidate enzymes cartilage after IL-1 stimulation has also been reported.72
involved in extracellular matrix degradation and collectively In human OA both ADAMTS-4 and -5 are expressed and
are able to degrade all components of extracellular matrix. ADAMTS-4 is regulated by IL-1 and TNFα.73 Studies also
Though expression of MMPs contributes to tissue remodel- suggest that in human synovial cells both ADAMTS-4 and
ing and turnover in healthy articular cartilage, in the devel- -5 are constitutively expressed and that IL-1 does not regu-
opment of OA proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1β late ADAMTS-5 expression but that IL-1, TNFα and TGF-
bind their respective cell receptors in chondrocytes and acti- β regulate ADAMTS-4 expression.53 Besides inhibition of
vate signaling pathways that involve the transcription fac- MMP activity TIMP-3 is a potent inhibitor of ADAMTS-4
tors NF-κB and activating protein-1 (AP-1) resulting in the and -5 activity74.
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