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Arrangements for Traffic Flow During Eid Transport 2023

Special Report 10.04.2023 Public Information and Communication Bureau

Jakarta - Ahead of the 2023 Lebaran Mudik flow, the Government cq

transportation policy makers including the Directorate General of Land
Transportation, the National Police Traffic Corps, and the Directorate General
of Highways are ready to anticipate a surge in the mobility of people and
goods which will cause congestion on land transportation routes, especially on
toll roads.

The toll roads that need special attention and regulation are the points/areas
that often cause congestion when traffic spikes occur, such as bottle neck
points or narrow lanes during the homecoming and return flows of the 2023 Eid.

Blockages on toll roads, generally located in rest areas as well as at toll

road entry and exit gates, as well as at locations when there is a traffic jam
or a vehicle breaks down or is damaged on the freeway.

Meanwhile, on arterial roads, the narrowing that often causes congestion is

around the entrances/exits of tourist areas, spilled market locations, around
traffic accidents and vehicles breaking down or being damaged.

If we take a look at the 2022 homecoming, here is a list of toll gate points
(GT) prone to traffic jams that need to be watched out for, especially for
travelers aiming for the Java region, namely GT Cikupa, GT Merak, GT Halim, GT
Cikunir 2-6, GT Cikampek Utama, GT Kali Hurip Utama, GT Palimanan, GT
Cileunyi, GT Padalarang, GT Pasteur Ciawi, GT Pejagan, GT Brebes, GT Pemalang,
GT Kalikangkung, GT Krapyak, GT Banyumanik, GT Kejapanan, GT Singosari, GT
Pandaan, GT Sidoarjo 2 , GT Porong Sidoarjo, and GT Gunung Sari.

Several Strategies Prepared

In addition to monitoring the critical points that cause traffic jams, the
three transportation regulatory agencies, namely the Directorate General of
Transportation and Traffic, and the Directorate General of Highways, are
preparing a number of strategies to reduce congestion during the homecoming
flow until the 2023 Eid return.

These strategies are contained in the Joint Decree Number KP-DRJD 2616 of
2023, SKB/48/IV/2023, 05/PKS/Db/2023 concerning Regulation of Road Traffic and
Crossings During the Period of Homecoming and Return of Eid Transportation in
2023 /1444 Hijri.

The joint decision was signed by the Director General of Hubdat Drs Hendro
Sugiatno, M.M, the Head of the National Police Traffic Corps Inspector General
Drs Shantyabudi, and the Director General of Highways Dr, Ir. Heidy Rahadian
MSc on Wednesday (5/4/2023) at the Korlantas Polri as well as a Tactical Floor
Game (TFG) activity.

"We have stipulated traffic engineering in the Joint Decree which, among other
things, will implement a one-way system, a contra-flow system, and an odd-even
system that will apply simultaneously to homecoming flows and also for 2
return periods," explained Director General of Hubdat Hendro Sugiatno.
One Direction (One Way)
Director General Hendro explained the implementation of the one-way system as
applicable with provisions for traffic regulation time for the homecoming
period starting from KM 72 (Cikampek) to KM 414 (Kalikangkung Toll Gate) on:

a) Tuesday, April 18 2023 from 14.00 to 24.00 local time;

b) Wednesday, April 19 2023 from 08.00 to 24.00 local time;

c) Thursday, April 20 2023 from 08.00 to 24.00 local time; And

d) Friday, 21 April 2023 from 08.00 to 24.00 local time.

"Meanwhile, period 1 of the return flow applies from Monday, April 24, 2023 at
14.00 to 24.00 local time starting from KM 414 (Kalikangkung Toll Gate) to KM
72 (Cikampek)," said Director General Hendro.

He continued, the following day Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 08.00 until
Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 08.00 local time at the same point.

For period 2 return flows, the one-way system applies from Saturday, April 29,
2023 at 14.00 to 24.00 local time from KM 414 (Kalikangkung Toll Gate) to KM
72 (Cikampek). Then on Sunday, April 30 2023 from 08.00 to 24.00 local time.
Then on Monday, 1 May 2023 at 08.00 until Tuesday, 2 May 2023 at 08.00 local

The next traffic engineering, Director General Hendro explained, regarding the
implementation of a tidal flow or contra flow lane/lane system applies at the
same time as one way but starting from KM 47 West Karawang to KM 72 Cikampek.
In detail, contra flow takes effect from Tuesday, 18 April 2023 at 14.00 to
24.00 local time.

Next Wednesday, April 19 2023 from 08.00 to 24.00 local time. Then Thursday,
April 20 2023 from 08.00 to 24.00 local time. Then Friday, April 21, 2023 from
08.00 to 24.00 local time.

In the return flow period 1, contra flow takes effect from Monday, April 24,
2023 at 14.00 to 24.00 local time from KM 72 (Cikampek) to KM 47 (West
Karawang). While Tuesday, April 25 2023 at 08.00 until Wednesday, April 26
2023 at 08.00 local time.

In period 2 of the return flow, continued the former Lampung Police Chief, the
contra flow took effect from Saturday, April 29, 2023 at 14.00 to 24.00 local
time. Then Sunday, April 30 2023 from 08.00 to 24.00 local time. Next Monday,
May 1, 2023 at 08.00 until Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at 08.00 local time.
Odd even

Director General Hendro explained the implementation of the odd-even system

was enforced simultaneously starting from KM 47 (West Karawang) to KM 414
(Kalikangkung Toll Gate) with provisions for traffic regulation time for
homecoming from Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 14.00 to 24.00 time local.
Continued on Wednesday, 19 April 2023 from 08.00 to 24.00 local time, then
Thursday, 20 April 2023 from 08.00 to 24.00 local time. Then on Friday, April
21, 2023 from 08.00 to 24.00 local time.

In period 1 return traffic, odd-even applies from KM 414 (Kalikangkung Toll

Gate) to KM 47 (West Karawang) on Monday, April 24 2023, 14.00 to 24.00. Then
on Tuesday, 25 April 2023 at 08.00 until Wednesday, 26 April 2023 at 08.00
local time.

In period 2 of the return flow, odd-even applies at the same location starting
from Saturday, April 29, 2023 at 14.00 to 24.00 local time. Next Sunday, April
30 2023 at 08.00 to 24.00 local time. Then Monday, 1 May 2023 at 08.00 until
Tuesday, 2 May 2023 at 08.00 local time.

The application of traffic engineering on the toll road is to anticipate a

surge in people's mobility during the 2023 Eid season, referring to the
results of a study by the Ministry of Transportation's Transportation Policy
Agency (Baketrans) which predicts the number of travelers will reach 123.5
million for all modes of transportation.

"Traffic engineering at points prone to congestion is carried out in order to

ensure safety, security, order and smooth traffic for Eid Transport," said
Director General Hendro.

He added, another objective of traffic engineering is to optimize the use and

movement of traffic on national roads, and to expedite traffic on ferry
transport during the 2023 Eid holiday season.

"It is necessary to regulate road traffic to the ferry port during the
2023/1444 Hijriah Eid Transportation period," said Hendro.
The SKB also states that traffic arrangements during the 2023 Eid Mubarak and
return traffic will be carried out on national road sections, with other
traffic engineering, in the form of:

- Restrictions on the operation of goods transportation;

- System one way (one way);

- System of tidal/tidal flow lanes/lanes (contra flow);

- Odd/even system; arrangements for crossing the Port of Merak and the Port of
Ciwandan; as well as

- Arrangement for delaying the trip (delaying system) to the Port of Merak
Crossing and Port of Ciwandan.

Restrictions on Goods Transportation Operations

One of the traffic arrangements prepared by the three agencies is the

operational limitation of goods transportation. The operation of goods
vehicles is carried out on 5 categories of vehicles, namely:

1. Goods cars with a Total Permitted Weight (JBI) of more than 14,000

2. Cargo with 3 (three) or more axles;

3. Cargo with attached carriages;

4. Cargo with trailer; And

5. Goods cars used for transporting excavated products (soil, sand, stone),
mining products, and building materials.
This arrangement for operating restrictions on the transportation of goods is
enforced on toll and non-toll road sections with provisions for traffic
control times for the homecoming period from Monday, 17 April 2023 at 16.00 to
Friday, 21 April 2023 at 24.00 local time.
Arrangements During the Backflow of Eid 2023

Meanwhile, for the return flow of Lebaran period 1 it applies from Monday, 24
April 2023 at 00.00 to Wednesday, 26 April 2023 at 08.00 local time. "For
period 2 of reverse flow, it applies from Saturday, April 29, 2023 at 00.00 to
Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at 08.00 local time," he said.

The following toll roads are restricted:

1. Lampung and South Sumatra: Bakauheni -Terbanggi Besar - Pematang Panggang -

Kayu Agung.

2. DKI Jakarta - Banten: Jakarta - Tangerang - Merak.

3. DKI Jakarta:
a) Prof. Dr. Ir. Sedyatmo;
b) Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR); And
c) Within the City of Jakarta.

4. DKI Jakarta and West Java:

a) Jakarta - Bogor - Ciawi - Cigombong;
b) Cigombong - Cibadak (Functional);
c) Bekasi - Cawang - Kampung Melayu; And
d) Jakarta - Cikampek.

5. West Java:
a) Cikampek - Purwakarta - Padalarang - Cileunyi;
b) Cikampek - Palimanan - Kanci;
c) Jakarta - South Cikampek II (Functional);
d) Cileunyi - Cimalaka; And
e) Cimalaka - Dawuan (Functional);

6. West Java - Central Java: Kanci - Pejagan;

7. Central Java:
a) Pejagan - Pemalang - Batang - Semarang;
b) Krapyak - Jatingaleh, (Semarang);
c) Jatingaleh - Srondol, (Semarang);
d) Jatingaleh - Muktiharjo, (Semarang);
e) Semarang - Solo - Ngawi;
f ) Semarang - Demak; And
g) Jogja - Solo (Functional).

8. East Java:
a) Ngawi-Kertosono - Mojokerto - Surabaya - Gempol - Pasuruan - Probolinggo;
b) Surabaya - Gresik; And
c) Pandaan - Malang.
9. Central Java:
a. Solo - Klaten - Yogyakarta;
b. Brebes - Tegal - Pemalang - Pekalongan - Batang - Kendal - Semarang -
c. Bawen - Magelang - Yogyakarta; And
d. Tegal-Purwokerto.

10. Central Java - East Java: Solo - Ngawi.

11. Yogyakarta:
a. Jogja - Wates;
b. Jogja - Sleman - Magelang;
c. Jogja - Wonosari; And
d. Southern Causeway (Daendeles street).

12. East Java:

a. Pandaan - Malang;
b. Probolinggo - Lumajang;
c. Madiun - Caruban - Jombang; And
d. Banyuwangi - Jember.

13. Bali: Denpasar - Gilimanuk.

This restriction, according to Director General Hendro, does not apply to the
transportation of goods carrying fuel oil or gas, money transfer, livestock,
fertilizer, motorbikes going back and forth free of charge, and basic goods
(rice, wheat flour/wheat flour/tapioca flour). , corn, sugar, vegetables and
fruits, meat, fish, poultry, cooking oil and butter, milk, eggs, salt,
soybeans, onions and chilies.

However, the transportation of exempted goods must be accompanied by a letter

of lading with conditions issued by the owner of the goods being transported,
a letter of lading with a description of the type of goods being transported,
the purpose of sending the goods, and the name and address of the owner of the

"This bill of lading must be affixed to the windshield to the left of the
freight transport," he added. (AS/IS/RY/HG)

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