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Subject : English
Grade/ Program : XE
Day/Date : Friday / 1 March 2024
Time : 07.30 – 09.30


1. Read the text and answer the question.


100ml cornmeal 1 tbsp baking powder
100g plain flour 150ml whole milk
1 egg, lightly beaten 8 frankfurters (sausages)
1 tsp caster sugar vegetable oil, for deep-frying
½ tsp fine sea salt ketchup and American mustard, to serve

 STEP 1
Tip the cornmeal, flour, egg, caster sugar, salt, baking powder and milk into a bowl,
and whisk until you have a smooth, lump-free batter. Carefully pour the batter into a tall jug or
 STEP 2
Push a wooden skewer through the length of each frankfurter, so it goes about three-quarters
of the way through. Fill a pan no more than a third full with oil and heat to 180C, or until a cube
of bread dropped in browns within 30 seconds.
 STEP 3
Working with one frankfurter at a time, submerge it into the batter and gently turn to coat – it
should be completely covered. Carefully drop into the oil and fry for 2-3 mins, or until the batter
is crisp and golden. Drain on a sheet of kitchen paper. Repeat with the remaining frankfurters.
Serve with ketchup and American mustard for dipping or drizzling over.
Taken from

Which one is likely to be the ultimate stage of the process?

A. All coated frankfurters have been fried.
B. The batter is poured into a tall jug or glass.
C. Ketchup and American mustard is served in a bowl.
D. One frankfurter is submerged into the batter and fried at a time.
E. A wooden skewer is pushed through ¾ length of each frankfurter.

2. Read the text and answer the question.

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.

Which one belong to a set of tools used in the process?

A. A bowl, an eggbeater, a jug/ glass, a pan.
B. Wooden skewers, kitchen paper, a bowl, a plate,
C. Corn chips, sausages, ketchup, mustard
D. A bowl, cornmeal, flour, baking powder
E. A bowl, a pan, a plate, ketchup, mustard

3. Read the text and answer the question.

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
How many wooden skewers do we need to prepare?
A. ¾ D. 100
B. 8 E. 180
C. 30

4. Read the text and answer the question.
Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
“or until a cube of bread dropped in browns within 30 seconds.”
The clause above is meant to …
A. illustrate the heat of the oil.
B. explain how to fry a cube of bread.
C. give information about the color of fried bread.
D. emphasize that the oil should fill 1/3 of the pan.
E. remind that the bread turns to brown in 30 second.

5. Read the text and answer the question.

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
“Tip the cornmeal, flour, egg, caster sugar, salt, baking powder and milk into a bowl”
Which one is the meaning of the word ‘tip’ in the sentence above?
A. To pour a substance from on container into another.
B. To move so that one side is higher than another side.
C. To give an extra money to someone who has given a service.
D. To get rid of rubbish by putting it in a place where it should not be.
E. To say that someone is likely to be successful or achieve something.

6. Read the text and answer the question.

The goal of the infographic above is to …

A. promote healthy food
B. describe a healthy salad
C. explain the ingredient of salad
D. inform how to make healthy salad
E. persuade the reader to consume salad

7. Read the text and answer the question.

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
Which of the following is true according to the infographic above?
A. The salad needs salt and pepper to taste.
B. The salad is served by cooking on the stove.
C. The recipe needs two tablespoons of lemon juice.
D. There are nine ingredients to make salad dressing.
E. The tools are a large bowl, a smal bowl, a knife and a spoon.

8. Read the text and answer the question.
Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
Before placing the vegetable into the large bowl, what should you do to vegetables?
A. Mix them with lemon juice
B. Cut them into small pieces
C. Season them with soy sauce
D. Dip them in the honey mixture
E. Stir-fry them over medium heat.

9. Read the text and answer the question.

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
“Pour the dressing over the salad and toss to combine”
The underlined word has similar meaning to …
A. mix C. mash E. steam
B. chop D. stir-fry

10. Read the text and answer the question.

What is the social function of the text?

A. To advertise playdough
B. To describe the use of flour
C. To tell how to make playdough
D. To explain why playdough uses flour.
E. To check whether playdough is edible

11. Read the text and answer the question.

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya
Which one in the text means “press something firmly and repeatedly with the hands and
A. Mix. C. Cook. E. Remove.
B. Stir. D. Knead.

12. Read the text and answer the question.

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya
The Playdough Recipe above is meant for ….
A. Adults. D. Young men.
B. Women. E. Elderly people.
C. Children.

13. Read the text and answer the question.

What does the text tell about?

A. Hygiene principles D. Electronic precautions
B. Security best practice E. Playground Regulations.
C. Internet safety guidelines

14. Read the text and answer the question.

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
Who is the possible target audience of the text above?
A. adults D. young men
B. toddlers E. elderly people
C. teenagers

15. Read the text and answer the question.

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
Which one may be the background to write the tips above?
A. Self-expression by writing freely
B. Curiosity on the netizen responses
C. Protest on the use of social media for studying.
D. Complaint to the netizens because of bad response.
E. Concern about crimes that occur as a result of social media use

16. Read the text and answer the question.

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
Why do we have to be careful with what we post on the internet?
A. It might be misused
B. It may become popular
C. It reminds our memories
D. It’s no need to store in our own gadget
E. It’s satisfying to see our own picture there.

17. Read the text and answer the question.
Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
“…because it will remain on the internet forever”
Which one can replace the underlined word?
A. stay C. notice E. remember
B. read D. remind

18. Read the text and answer the question.

How to Do Easy Exercise

A jump rope can act as a great deal piece of equipment for a variety of exercise. Doing
exercise with a jump rope can make our body healthy. It can also help us lose weight.

1. Hold one end of the rope in each hand and raise your hand over your head.
Bend at the waist from side to side, stretching your waist and your arms.
2. Hold one end of the rope in each hand and stretch your legs in the loop, one at a
3. Jump rope and get your aerobic exercise.

Which one is the equipment needed to practice the tips above?

A. Waist D. A jump rope
B. Hand E. A weigh loser
C. head

19. Read the text and answer the question.

A healthy lifestyle can help you thrive throughout your life. Making healthy choices isn’t
always easy. However, your efforts will pay off in many ways, and for the rest of the life.
Here are the tips for you.
 Be physically active for 30 minutes most days of the week.
 Eat a well-balanced, low-fat diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
 Don’t smoke. Quit it if you do.
 Brush your teeth after meals. Also brush before going to bed.
 Get enough sleep and rest. Adult need around eight hours of sleep a night.

Which one is the best title for the text above?

A. Tips for Staying Healthy
B. Tips to Eat a Well-balanced Meal
C. Tips for Low-diet with Lots of Fruits
D. Tips to Brush Before Going to Bed
E. Tip to Get Enough Sleep and Rest.

20. Read the text and answer the question.

Tips to Keep Your Family Healthy and Active in Hot Weather

Longer days and sunnier weather make you bored at home. You want to go out and find
something cool. Try these five tips to keep you and family healthy and active.
1. Eat well.
Go to a local market and buy fruit and vegetables to try at your meal.
2. Get moving.
Kids need at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day, and adults need at least 30
minutes a day to stay healthy. Running, playing, jumping, and swimming are the
options for fun and physical activity. Do exercise outside for some fresh air.
3. Drink water.

High temperature and lots of outdoor activity make it extra important to stay hydrated
in hot weather. Even mild dehydration can cause tiredness, headache, and lack of
concentration. Listen to your body’s need and let thirst be your guide. If you feel thirsty,
your body is telling you it needs more hydration and water is a natural, healthy, and
sugar-free way to stay hydrated.
4. Stay protected in the sun.
Prolonged exposure to sunlight can increase your risk of skin cancer. Whether you’re
going for a short walk or spending a day at the beach, be smart. Choose sunscreen
with a sun protective factor (SPF) of 30 or higher to best protect yourself and your
family from the sun’s harmful rays.
5. Be food safe.
Summer is a time for picnics and potlucks. Don’t let food-borne illness ruin the
festivities! Regularly wash hands with soap and water. Separate cooking surfaces to
keep raw seafood, and poultry away from fresh produce.

What is the purpose of the text?

A. To give information about good sunscreen
B. To explain how to use a sun protective factor
C. To lead the family to get moving in a hot weather
D. To explore the factors which increase the risk of cancer
E. To advice people to keep healthy and active in hot weather

21. Read the text and answer the question.

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
Why should we keep hydrated in hot weather?
A. For maintaining overall health
B. To enjoy a good taste of drink
C. To keep our body staying cool
D. For spending time in the beach
E. To be smarter hen going for a walk

22. Read the text and answer the question.

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
What should be prepared to go to the beach for a picnic?
A. Sunscreen D. Sugar-free drink
B. Raw seafood E. Fruit and vegetables
C. Soap and water

23. Read the text and answer the question.

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
“Don’t let food-borne illness ruin the festivities!” (the 5th tip)
What does the sentence imply?
A. Food is important to be enjoyed in festivities.
B. It is important to consume food for celebration.
C. Raw seafood should be served in summer party.
D. You are not allowed to enjoy festivities when getting illness.
E. Ensuring food safety is important to maintain the enjoyment.

24. Read the text and answer the question.

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
“Listen to your body’s need and let thirst be your guide” (the 3rd tip)
What is meant by the underlined in the sentence?
A. leader D. controller
B. director E. influencer
C. manager

25. Read the text and answer the question.

How to prepare an effective presentation?
Here are our top five tips to aid with your next presentation and eliminate
associated stress.
1. Keep it simple
Try placing important points in bullet points. That way, your audience
can identify the main takeaways instead of searching for them in a
block of text.
2. Create a compelling structure
Pretend you’re an audience member and ask yourself what the best
order is for the presentation. Make sure things are cohesive and
3. Use visual aids
Aim to incorporate photos or videos in your slides
4. Be aware of design techniques and trends
Integrating colors, images, graphs, video clips, and animations can
liven things up, especially if the information is dry. A few standard
pointers to consider are:
 Don’t put blocks of text on a single slide.
 Use a minimalistic background instead of a busy one.
 Stick with muted or pastel shade.
 Don’t read everything off the slide.
 Place only your main points on the screen.
5. Follow the 10-20-30 rule
The best slideshow presentations are less than 10 slides, last no longer
than 20 minutes, and use a font size of 30. This strategy helps
condense your information and maintain the audience’s focus.
Adapted from:

What is the purpose of the text?

A. To help people prepare effective presentation.
B. To explain the process of making presentation.
C. To give information about stressful presentation.
D. To inform the audience how to join presentation.
E. To guide audience to follow effective presentation.

26. Read the text and answer the question.

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
Which one does NOT belong to the recommended tips?
A. The slide only shows the main points.
B. The block of texts is put on a single slide.
C. The presentation is no longer than 20 minutes.
D. The background of the slide should be minimalistic.
E. The slideshow presentations are not more than 10 slides.

27. Read the text and answer the question.

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
People make mistakes of making too much text so often because they want to tell the
full story and they end up putting too much text on the slide. They don’t understand that
the PowerPoint itself is telling a bit of the story, it is meant to provide highlights about a
particular topic.
Which tip is relevant for the situation?
A. Keep it simple
B. Use visual aids
C. Follow 10-20-30 rule
D. Create a compelling structure
E. Be aware of design techniques and trends

28. Read the text and answer the question.
Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
“Create a compelling structure”
The tip above is similar to …
A. Create a big building.
B. Decide a suitable slide
C. Sort an unimportant thing,
D. Design a clear configuration.
E. Make an interesting arrangement.

29. Read the text and answer the question.

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
“Integrating colors, images, graphs, video clips, and animations can liven things up,
especially if the information is dry”
Which one can replace the highlighted word?
A. boring C. humorous E. dehydrated
B. not wet D. waterless

30. Read the text and answer the question.

Turn on battery saver mode to help your battery last longer.
1. Open your device Settings app. Tap “Battery”
2. Tap the menu with three dots at the top right of your screen, then tap “Battery
3. At the top of your screen, set the switch to “on”. The top and bottom of your
screen will turn orange when battery saver is turned on.
4. To turn on battery saver automatically when your battery is low, tap “turn on
automatically” and select “at 5% battery”
What is the writer’s purpose in writing the text?
A. To suggest us to save the battery
B. To describe a certain phone feature
C. To inform us the latest android phone
D. To describe how to help our battery last longer
E. To explain the process how battery can be saved

31. Read the text and answer the question.

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
What can we find the three dots in battery menu?
A. At the top and bottom of your screen
B. At the top right of the screen
C. At the bottom of the screen
D. At the middle of the screen
E. At the top of the screen

32. Read the text and answer the question.

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?
A. Reinforced
B. Continued
C. Installed
D. Broken
E. Sold

33. Observe the two texts and answer the question.

Text 1

Text 2

The texts function as….

A. Guides to choose best Bluetooth headset.
B. Advertisements to promote mobile phone.
C. Posters to advertise stereo blue tooth headset.
D. Classified ads to sell headset and mobile phone.
E. Manuals to help users use the Bluetooth headset.

34. Observe the two texts and answer the question.

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.

The key points of the text are …

A. Headset, power, and charger.
B. Red light, Bluetooth, and headset.
C. Headset, Bluetooth and mobile phone.
D. Mobile phone, volume, and indicator light.
E. Multifunction button, mobile phone, and charger.

35. Observe the two texts and answer the question.

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
What can you conclude with the two texts?
A. Each text has far different topic.
B. The texts are mutually opposite.
C. Both texts complement each other.
D. The two texts are completely unrelated.
E. There is no relation between the two texts.

36. Complete the blank space

Microwave Brownies

Level: easy Inactive: 3 minutes

Total: 18 minutes Cook: 5 minutes
Preparation: 10 minutes Yield: 9 servings
Ingredients: ½ tsp baking powder
½ cup unsalted butter ½ tsp salt
3 ounces unsweetened chocolate 1 tsp vanilla extract
2 large eggs ½ tsp chocolate chunk or chips
1 cup sugar Non-stick cooking spray
½ cup of all-purpose flour
1. Put the butter and chocolate into a microwave-safe …(36)… and heat on high for 1
to 2 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds to melt the chocolate. Set aside.
2. In another bowl, whisk together the eggs …(37)… sugar.
3. In a large bowl sift the flour with the baking powder and salt. Add the egg and
chocolate mixtures along with the vanilla and stir well to …(38)….
4. Spray an 8 by 8 by 2-inch or 8-inch round microwave-safe glass pan with cooking
spray. Pour the batter into the pan, …(39)… it out evenly, and scatter the chocolate
chips on top. Cook on high for 5 minutes. Remove from the oven and let rest for 3
minutes …(40)… cutting and eating.

The best word to fill the blank space in number 36 is …

A. pan C. kettle E. dish
B. bowl D. plate

37. Complete the blank space

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
The best word to fill the blank space in number 37 is …
A. Or C. And E. because
B. But D. Though

38. Complete the blank space

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
The best word to fill the blank space in number 38 is …
A. divide C. separate E. take out
B. combine D. set aside

39. Complete the blank space

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
The best word to fill the blank space in number 39 is …
A. Take C. Spread E. Shake
B. Spray D. Shape

40. Complete the blank space

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
The best word to fill the blank space in number 40 is …
A. after C. before E. while
B. when D. during

41. Complete the blank space

How to Install Home Theatre?

Home theatre lets you enjoy movie at home in similar feeling when you watch it a
theatre. Below is the instruction to install home theatre in your home:
1. Open the box and check whether all parts are complete, including the cables.
2. Measure the …(41)… of the player and each speaker, including the length of

the cable.
3. Find the proper placement for your home theatre while considering the size and
cable length.
4. Make sure you place it right so the power cord could reach the AC outlet and the
connector cable has enough length to reach the TV. You may need to move
some stuffs to free the space.
5. …(42)… all the cable to the right socket on the player, speaker, and TV. Check
the label on each socket to guide you. Commonly, the head has the same colour
with the socket.
6. Once everything is connected, …(43)… in the power cord to AC outlet and turn
on the home theatre. Turn on your TV as well.
7. Put the disk inside and play it.
8. Listen to the speakers and make sure each of them sound …(44)….
9. Take the remote control and …(45)… the function of each button.

The best word to fill the blank space in number 41 is …

A. size C. type E. category
B. kind D. colour

42. Complete the blank space

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
The best word to fill the blank space in number 42 is …
A. Lift C. Move E. Connect
B. Cut D. Change

43. Complete the blank space

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
The best word to fill the blank space in number 43 is …
A. plug C. move E. release
B. soak D. check

44. Complete the blank space

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
The best word to fill the blank space in number 44 is …
A. fast C. quickly E. immediately
B. clearly D. soundly

45. Complete the blank space

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
The best word to fill the blank space in number 45 is …
A. check C. checking E. to check
B. checks D. checked

46. Complete the blank space

9 Steps to Learn How to Memorize Something fast

You must always begin from the point you feel most comfortable. One of the prime
things to remember before you begin is to know your learning style. Identify if you are a visual,
auditory, or experiential learner. Here are some of the sure-shot ways to help you remember
things faster:
1. …(46)…
The first step to help you realize how to memorize something fast is to prepare yourself
2. Record What You’re Memorizing
When you try to understand how to memorize something fast, you must …(47)… the
information recorded.
3. Write Everything Down
You can write and rewrite the information to help you with your journey to memorize things
4. Section Your Notes

You already have a written set of information about the thing that you wish to memorize.
Now it’s time to separate them into sections. This method works great with …(48)…
learners since they can use various tweaks like using color coding to remember things.
5. Use the Memory Palace Technique
The memory palace technique is a memorization strategy, based on visualizations of familiar
spatial environments to recall information.
6. Apply Repetition to Cumulative Memorization
One of the best ways to learn how to memorize things faster is by applying repetition to
cumulative memorization. Try to recall without looking at visuals or using auditory means.
7. Teach It to Someone
Studies have shown that teaching information to someone is a surefire way to remember.
8. Listen to the Recordings Continuously
This is a no-brainer. You can retain loads of information by using this …(49)… method.
9. Take a Break
The final step is to let yourself …(50)… a little break. Breathe and relax!

The best word to fill the blank space in number 46 is …

A. Note C. Record E. Memorize
B. Apply D. Prepare

47. Complete the blank space

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
The best word to fill the blank space in number 47 is …
A. use D. communicate
B. keep E. record
C. apply

48. Complete the blank space

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
The best word to fill the blank space in number 48 is …
A. aural C. auditory E. acoustic
B. visual D. hearing

49. Complete the blank space

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
The best word to fill the blank space in number 49 is …
A. visual
B. auditory
C. pictorial
D. graphic
E. kinaesthetic

50. Complete the blank space

Text sama dengan nomer sebelumnya.
The best word to fill the blank space in number 50 is …
A. like C. love E. enjoy
B. use D. apply



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