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Buscamos una noticia sobre el • Adecúa el texto a la situación En esta actividad, los
bullying y redactamos una carta comunicativa. estudiantes
diversos tipos
pidiendo apoyo a algunas de las • Organiza y desarrolla las ideas de realizaran una Carta
de textos en
organizaciones defensoras de forma coherente y cohesionada.
los derechos humanos.

• Adecúa la información del texto en inglés empleando el vocabulario de algunas acciones según el tipo de texto,
tipología y propósito.
• Organiza sus ideas con coherencia y cohesión al redactar una carta sobre el bullying.
• Utiliza los recursos gramaticales para redactar la carta y dar claridad y sentido al texto.
• Evalúa su texto en inglés para mejorarlo considerando aspectos gramaticales y ortográficos.
• ¿Qué puedes inferir a partir del video?
• ¿Crees que alguien en tu escuela esté pasando por esta situación?
• Has pasado por una situación similar?

“Why should we talk about bullying?”


Planificación PASO 1

Actividad 1 Buscamos las palabras de colores relacionadas al bullying

1. A person who has been attacked or hurt by someone.

2. A false spoken statement that is made to cause people to have a bad opinion of someone.
3. A person who is standing near but not taking part in what is happening.
4. Someone who frightens, hurts, or threatens smaller or weaker people.
5. To annoy or bother someone in a constant or repeated way.
6. A person that gives help to another person.
7. To say insulting things to someone in order to make that person angry.
8. A trick that is done to someone usually as a joke.
9. To laugh at or make fun of someone in an unkind way.
10. To make someone afraid.
11. To refuse to accept bad treatment from someone.
12. Suicide caused by cyber bullying.
13. A form of bullying that involves words.
14. A person at which an attack is aimed.
15. To do or say something that is offensive someone (that shows lack of respect).
16. Extreme physical or mental pain.
17. An act that is meant to trick or deceive people.
Actividad 2 Observamos las imágenes y las colocamos en su respectiva
Taking younger boys’ Poking Slapping Beating

Cyberbulling Text, Mobile bullying Punching School bullying

Choking Spreading rumors Teasing Intimidating, scare

Look at these 3 basic types of BULLYING and try to label the types of
bullying into 3 categories:

Emotional Verbal Physical

Leemos la noticia relacionada a un caso de bullying y respondemos

Actividad 3
01. Check (T) true or (F) false about Wellington:
Wellington Menezes Oliveira,
I. ( ) He killed 12 children in a school.
23 was responsible for the
II. ( ) He didn’t killed himself after the mass shooting.
murder of 12 children in Rio de III. ( ) He wants to strike up those who had injured
Janeiro. him.
IV. ( ) He was ridiculed and disrespected when he was
The tragedy happened on April
a child.
7th in a school in the West Zone
V. ( ) He was a murdered by a mentally disturbed
of Rio. officer.
He was clearly mentally disturbed, but one thing
02. Check the words to their meanings:
leaps out his notes and videos. He felt intensely
1. Bullying 2. Murderer 3. Strike
bullied as a child, and was determined to strike back
back. 4. Tragedy 5. Fellow 6. Injured
According to a former colleague of Wellington, he
( ) A person who is part of a group of students that
was an extremely shy person. Even at social events
assist a teacher with one or more classes.
shower distance, poor relationships with friends.
( ) Is when one person or a group of people scare or hurt
“I hope this serves as a lesson especially to someone else over and over again.
those school officers who stood by with their ( ) When someone is hurt, for example in an accident
arms crossed as students were being attacked, or an attack.
humiliated, ridiculed and who were being ( ) A person who kill someone.
disrespected.” ( ) A very sad event, that shocks people because it
Wellington videotaped himself saying only days involves death.

before last week’s massacre in Rio de Janeiro. ( ) Make a counterattack and return like for like
especially evil for evil.

Textualización PASO 2

Buscamos una noticia sobre el bullying y redactamos una carta pidiendo

Actividad 4 apoyo a algunas de las organizaciones defensoras de los derechos
Actividad 5 Completa la siguiente tarjeta de salida.

Escribo dos ideas nuevas que aprendí en la sesión de hoy

¿Para qué me sirve lo aprendido? ¿Qué dudas tengo de lo aprendido?

¡Bien! Ahora nos autoevaluamos para descubrir lo que vamos avanzando. Recuerda responder con
sinceridad. (Actividad 6: Identificamos nuestros logros y dificultades)

Criterios de evaluación para mis logros Lo logré Estoy en ¿Qué sé que lo

proceso de estoy logrando?
Adecúa la información del texto en inglés
empleando el vocabulario de bullying según el tipo
de texto, tipología y propósito.
Organiza sus ideas con coherencia y cohesión al
redactar una carta sobre el bullying.
Utiliza los recursos gramaticales para redactar la
carta y dar claridad y sentido al texto.
Evalúa su texto en inglés para mejorarlo
considerando aspectos gramaticales y ortográficos.

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