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For Patients suffering from High Blood Pressure

One user suffered from High Blood Pressure for a long time and his daily life started with taking
medicine and finished with them, too. However, since he started drinking Alkaline Water, he,s no
longer a prisoner to a regimen he doesn’t need, and is getting better day by day. Alkaline Water is
absorbed through the Stomach wall after being taken in by mouth with 83% of it becoming part of
your blood where it improves immune function.

For Patients, suffering from Fatty Liver

A user who had suffered from Fatty Liver for a long time, was very meticulous about their diet,
avoiding eating fatty, greasy(acidic) foods. One of his friends introduced him to Alkaline Water and
recommended that he drink it. After a regular intake of Alkaline Water, he now feels the differences
in many ways. Not only is he well aware of the benefits, but his entire family have now become users
of the Water Ionizer.

For Rheumatic Pains

The micro-clustered permeability of Calcium ion-rich Alkaline Water helps get blood healthy and thus
helps improve rheumatic pain.

For Chronic Fatigue from a Deteriorating Thyroid Gland
One user was always fatigued due to a deteriorating Thyroid Gland & lack of sleep. However, he now
claims that he feels rejuvenated and seldom weary, even after lunch, since he started drinking
Alkaline Water on a regular basis

For Constipation
A user who suffered from constipation was advised to drink Alkaline Water and since then, he has
made it a rule to drink 8 glasses a day, excluding 2 glasses of Alkaline Water that he takes on an empty
stomach, first thing in the morning. Thanks to Alkaline Water’s stimulation, which activates
intestinal movement, he claims that he can comfortably answer Nature’s Call at least twice a day.

How to Deal With Insomnia

Another user was feeling very dragged out, fatigued by illnesses such as Arterial Sclerosis, Cardiac
muscle Sclerosis and Chronic Indigestion over a long period of time. As a result, he became thinner
by the day, and developed other conditions, including having a Nervous Breakdown and Insomnia.
However, since he became aware of the power of Alkaline Water, which he had been introduced to by
friends, he’s been drinking it steadily for about a month. Now he claims that he enjoys a sound
sleep at night and his complexion has gotten brighter and healthier than ever before.

To Reduce Foods Allergies
Another user is allergic to a couple of specific fruits and foods. Whenever he eats one of them
unwittingly, he feels unbearably itchy inside his mouth. On one occasion when that happened, he
used Acidic Water to take the nasty taste out of his mouth and after that, he says he felt comfortable

For Overly Tanned-Skin and Atopic Dermatitis

If you moisturize overly-tanned skin by spraying it with Acidic Water, it will heal with no serious
inflammation or swelling. This treatment can be used for any Atopic Dermatitis. During the first week
of trying Acidic Water, you may see no obvious difference, however, as you move into the second
week , you begin to realize the swollen & itchy skin (Atopic Dermatitis) is not nearly as irritated, and
gradually it disappears.

To Alleviate Migraines
A user has suffered from severe Migraines, frequently feeling very weak. He used to complain about
the incessant pain they caused. However, he now claims that he eliminated the pain of his Migraines
by drinking Calcium-rich Alkaline Water, which enhances internal blood circulation and alkalizes
the body with a moderate supply of oxygen.

Launder a swimsuit to wash off the salt
After swimming, even though you wash the swimsuit, salt can still remain, damaging its
fabric and eroding its elastic. To clean a suit thoroughly, soak it in Acidic Ionized
Water for a while and then rinse it in Filtered Water. You,d always feel as if it were a
brand-new one, every time you wear it.

3. Cleanliness, Hygiene And Others

To remove stains on the tablecloth

A vinyl tablecloth that is marked with dirt or stains, can be cleaned by first spraying it with Alkaline
Water and then rubbing it with a gauze pad or towel, soaked in Acidic Water.

To remove stains on silk clothes

You can remove stains by patting the mark with a gauze pad or towel, soaked in Alkaline Water.

To Sterilize Kitchenware
You can sterilize various types of kitchenware, such as spoons, knives, dishes, cook-pots and many
more by putting them in Strong Acidic Ionized Water(pH 3.5) for a while. Thanks to its powerful
oxidation effect, the kitchenware can not only be washed off and come out clean, but it will also look

For Washing Your Pets

You can remove the odor that clings to your pets by washing them with Acidic Ionized Water and then
rinsing them with Filtered Water. Acidic Ionized Water can remove distemper in pets.

For Cleaning Purposes At Home
You can remove dirt and dust on mirrors, glasses, furniture & in the bathroom, by washing them with Acidic
Ionized Water. You can see the difference !

For Bathing and Washing Your Hair

Acidic Ionized Water has an Astringent effect, keeping skin soft and elastic, because skin has a weak-Acidic
pH(abt pH 5). I It can also give your hair a healthy shine, if you rinse it with Acidic Ionized Water. After
shaving, Acidic Ionized Water can be used as a skin-lotion, thanks to its Astringent Effect.

Ways Of Reverse Aging
The author of the book is Whang Sang Yeon, a scientist and inventor. He worked at SEG and other famous
electronics manufacturing companies as a supervisor in specific technology. He invented many items, such
as the multi-focal contact-lens, modems, electronic filters and various types of electronic parts. He now gives
lectures on Hydrogen-rich Alkaline Ionized Water and Reverse Aging to many people across the U.S.

1. Here Is The Key To Reverse Aging 14. Skin Wrinkles And Low Blood Pressure
2. Oxygen-abundant Alkaline Ionized Water 15. Constipation & Chronic Diarrhea
3. Wastes From Foods 16. Animals Like Alkalinity
4. Gastric Hyperacidity & Alkaline Water 17. Alkalinity & Gene Chromosomes
5. Alkaline Water Helps Neutralize And Balance 18. Alkalinity and Magnetic Force
body’s pH 19. Air Pollution And Acidic Wastes
6. Wash Off Waste 20. Research Tata On Alkaline Ionized Water
7. Mysterious Functions Of Live Cells 21. Metabolism And Malnutrition
8. Exercise Dissolves Wastes 22. Tips for Longevity
9. Balanced Diet
10. Things That Cause High Blood Pressure
11. Alkaline Water, An Elixir Of Youth?
12. Alkaline Water, Dissolving Kidney Stones
13. Kinds Of Illnesses And How To Prevent Them

1. Here Is The Key To Reverse Aging
First, let us see how we get old !
All living cells produce waste. The nutrients we take from foods are delivered to the body cells and after the
nutrients are combined with oxygen, they’re burned. It’s waste in which the nutrient is burned. All foods
turn into waste, regardless of whether they’re healthy foods or not. There is only one difference between
what’s healthy food and what’s not, whether it is big or small, volume-wise and whether its waste is Acidic or

The body cell lasts about 4 weeks through its own metabolism. Dead cells also turn into waste. All the
internal wastes which are Acidic have to be discharged either in urine or sweat. However, for many
reasons, your body can’t discharge all the Acidic Internal Waste! We go through our daily lives,
accumulating new Acidic Waste on top of old Acidic leftovers, day after day.

There are reasons why the body can’t discharge all the waste. One is the fact that the body can’t properly
dissolve and discharge wastes, due to a lack of rest & sleep from busy lifestyles. And to make matters worse,
you are what you eat ! Most of our favorite foods, such as breads, noodles, meats, junk foods like hamburgers
and pizzas, are all Acidic, except fruits & vegetables like lemons, kiwis, oranges, lettuce, broccoli and etc...
And lastly, the environment you’re now living in, has lots of pollution, such as contaminated water & air,
harmful ultra-violet rays, pesticides and chemical sterilizers, doing harm to your body cells.

Now what happens to the waste that is left behind ? It becomes solidified and accumulates somewhere inthe
body, piece by piece. This accumulation process is the very process of aging. Depending on where the waste
has accumulated, you get different types of illnesses.

If no waste accumulated inside the body, you would not age. Reverse Aging means removing waste from
the body. Alkaline Ionized Water alkalizes the body, neutralizing and then hydrating the waste more
efficiently. Alkaline Water is not a medicine, that cures illnesses, but through the steady drinking of it,
Acidic Wastes are reduced and thus body condition is improved, showing sound & healthy metabolic
processes, amongst users.
Just like we wash off dirt off our hands with a soap which is Alkaline, we need to wash off Acidic Waste with
Alkaline ionized Water. Now I’ll tell you more about the influences that Waters (Alkaline & Acidic) and Acidic
Waste have on your body and how drinking Alkaline Water can benefit you and affect any illness you have.


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