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A. Vision of the class SCHOOOL
 To guide and help improve student in all aspects of life to make positive contribution to the school.
B. Aim of the class behavior management policy
 Is to control, manage and improve student’s behaviors in the class.
C. Responsibilities of the students
 Always follow the school rules
 Come to school everyday
 Show respect and listen to others when they are talking.
D. Responsibilities of Teacher’s
 To be a good role model to their students.
 Encourage students in a positive way.
 Commit the time and effort towards the teaching.
E. Partnerships with parents /guardian
 Encouraging children to behave in a good manner in school.
 Parents must always take part in school activities in school like P&C meeting.
 Parents must always encourages their children.
F. Classroom Rules or/ Code of conduct
 Students are not allowed to use mobile phone in the school.
 No writing of graffiti on the school properties.
 Chewing of betel nut and smoking is not allowed in the school.
G. Behavior Management Procedures (including expulsion)
 Improving school physical environment.
 Monitoring student’s behaviors in the schools during break times.
 Using cooperative teaching and learning strategies in the school.
1. Flow Chart Of Possible Actions

Board of

Head Teacher

Deputy Head

Senior teacher
Senior teacher

Class teacher Class teacher

2. List Of Acceptable Sanctions
Behaviors Appropriate Sanction/ Strategy Communication Strategy
Level one (1)
 Smoking cigarettes and chewing  Removal class for short period  Warning
/spitting betel nut  Apologies and story letters  Retention
 Describing someone  Education about alternate behaviours  Class teacher/parent & students
 Writing graffiti and minor damage to
school property.
Level two (2)
 Smoking marijuana  Education about possible behaviours  Warning
 Sexual activity on school ground  Formal letter from head teacher to  Senior teacher & class teacher
 Watching of pornography parents  Head teacher
 Fighting & group fighting which does  Counselling support for students
not cause serious injury  Loss of privilege
Level three (3)
 Rape & having sexual intercourse  Report to disciplinary committee  Board of management & head teacher
 Stealing important school property  Suspension  Police
 Killing someone to death  Report to police station
I. Who Was Consulted On The Policy

Class teacher, students, parents, guardian, BOM, head teacher and police to understand and exercise their roles, responsibilities and rights
to promote and improve positive behaviours.

J. Review the Date of The policy

This review date of policy will be adjust from now February 22, 2024 to December, 2026.
Complied By: Mr. APARAKO Erick- 3B- Class Tisa!
Supervisor’s Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Head Teacher’s Comments:

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