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Ensuring that the enzymes were kept at constant pHEnsuring that

tthe thermometer used to record and observe the temperatures were

read at eye level.

5 10 15 20 25 35 40 45 50 55 60

Sweat Glands
Erectory Muscles

Capillary Network
The skin which acts as the receptor detectschanges in
temperaturein the external and internal environment and sends this
change to CNS (Brain and spinal cord). The CNS then interprets this
changes and sends back signals to thesweat glands (the effectors)
telling them to release sweat to keep the body warm .
The gaurd cells on the underside of the leaf which control the stomata pores
contract to close up the stomata pores when temperatures are too high inorder
to conserve water.
Animal Cell

Plant Cell

Cell membrane


Cell C has a granular cyptoplasm while cell a has Non granular

cyptoplasmCell A has a membrane bound nucleus while Cell C
has no nucleus
The cell will decrease in sizeThe cell will become
flaccidThe cell would be seen too undergo
plasmolysis (lose water)
D Optic Nerve

c lens

e iris

b cillary muscles

f scellra
g retina
xC y

xc xCxc xcy

xc xC xc xc y

Nasal Caviy



Left Lung


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