Etj 2 Final Test Volume 2

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The students should be made aware of the The students should be made aware of the
structure of their final test, which is divided structure of their final test, which is divided
into two parts: into two parts:

1 Final Online Test: This test should

be scheduled as soon as the student
successfully completes all the course
1 This Oral Test is supposed to be
performed in pairs. If there is an odd
number of students, organize them
components. into groups of three.
If the student fails to achieve a
minimum grade on the test, he/she
will be assigned a series of online
review activities (Extra Support
2 You can have pairs of students from
different levels, this would more
closely resemble classroom and
Activities) that target the learning real-life situations
objectives he/she did not meet in the
Once he/she has completed these
activities, another version of the Final
3 Provide students with the cards
showing different role-play situations
available on page 5. Use from two to
Online Test can be taken. Students have four situations in each oral practice.
two attempts to achieve the minimum
average score on the final test.
4 Call each pair at a time (do not make
them perform the test among the

2 Oral Test: Students should schedule

the test directly with the school once
they have finished their courses and
other students).

taken the Final Online Test.

The final grade is composed by 70% of the
Final Online Test + 30% of the Oral Test. WRITE YOUR MIND
This is the last part of the Final Test. Students
Find here the guidelines for the Oral Test:
take this test after they finish the activities.
Go over the test with your students in order You’ll find some writing criteria below to help
to lower their anxiety. This may be the first you with the assessment. Make sure to always
time they have taken this kind of test. It include positive feedback as well as aspects
is important for them to realize what it is of improvement. Grade students’ Written Test
expected from them. Explain what they have on YConnect and make sure to save and send
to do in each task. them your feedback.

Final Online Test 50.00

Written Test – (criteria: 2.00 each) 20.00

Oral Test – (criteria: 3.00 each) 30.00

Total 100.00


1. Neatness of Presentation Is the text neatly presented? Is it legible?

Was the student able to understand the instructions? Is that

2. Task Comprehension
reflected in the text?

Adequacy Does the text present the characteristics of the

3. Genre
genre proposed – e-mail, letter, postcard, note, etc.?

Does the text contain all the information asked for in the task
4. Contents

Does the text show a reasonable command of structures, as

5. Accuracy
expected for the level?

6. Vocabulary Does the text show appropriate and varied vocabulary?

Are the sentences well connected? e.g. Are pronouns and

7. Textual Cohesion linkers adequately used? Does the student use appropriate

8. Creativity Does the student take risks, even if he/she makes mistakes?

Does the text present previously taught – not necessarily

9. Use of Language asked for –language items, showing that the student took

Do you have a good perception of the student’s text based on

10. Overall Impression
the above criteria?




Student was able to Student managed to

Student was barely Student was fully
complete the task complete the task
able to complete able to complete the
1. Task Completion to a certain extent. to a good extent.
the task. (10%-40% task. (100% of task
(50%-60% of task (70%-90% of task
of task completion) completion)
completion) completion)

Speech was Speech was quite

Speech was
Speech was very somewhat choppy fluent with a couple
2. Fluency fluent with some
choppy and slow. with unnecessary of unnecessary
unnecessary pauses.
pauses. pauses.

Speech was mostly Speech was Speech was mostly Speech was accurate
inaccurate, marred somewhat inaccurate, accurate with few with very few
3. Accuracy
with vocabulary and many vocabulary and vocabulary and vocabulary and
grammar mistakes. grammar mistakes. grammar mistakes. grammar mistakes.

Speech was
inadequate.genre Speech was mostly Speech was
or register was appropriate with appropriate with no
4. Appropriacy inappropriate in
inappropriate. The few deviations from deviation from genre
terms of genre and/or
Speech was mostly genre or register. or register.

Use of language
Use of language was Use of language
was mostly very Use of language was
somewhat basic and was complex
basic and superficial. adequately complex
superficial. Student enough. Student
5. Complexity Student didn’t take for the level. Student
took very few risks at took some risks
any risks at using took risks at using
using more complex at using complex
more complex complex language.
language. language.

Word choice was Word choice was Word choice was

usually incorrect somewhat incorrect Word choice was accurate with correct
6. Vocabulary with many wrong with some wrong mostly correct with use of cognates and
choices of false choices of false few mistakes. avoidance of false
cognates. cognates. cognates.

Student spoke
Student spoke much Student spoke Student didn’t
enough on average.
more or much less more/less than his/ dominate speech
Not too much, not
7. Cooperativeness than his/her partner, her partner, which and invited partner
too little when
which impacted the somewhat impacted to contribute at an
compared to his/her
task negatively. the task negatively. appropriate rate.

Student is unable to Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to

use any strategies to use some strategies use strategies to use some strategies
8. Strategic fix communication to fix communication fix communication to fix communication
Competence breakdowns and breakdowns and breakdowns and breakdowns and is
often resorts to seldom resorts to doesn’t resort to able to help his/her
Portuguese. Portuguese. Portuguese. partner with the task.

Student’s Student’s
Student’s Student’s
pronunciation of pronunciation of
pronunciation of pronunciation of
individual sounds individual sounds
individual sounds individual sounds is
9. Pronunciation is marred with is often accurate
is often inaccurate mostly accurate and
mistakes which and mistakes don’t
and often impacts mistakes don’t impact
greatly impact usually impact
intelligibility. intelligibility.
intelligibility. intelligibility.

It was difficult to It was somewhat easy It was mostly easy
It was easy to follow
follow student’s to follow student’s to follow student’s
10. Overall student’s train of
train of thought and train of thought and train of thought and
Impression thought and rational
rational throughout rational throughout rational throughout
throughout the task.
the task. the task. the task.


Situation 1: Situation 2:

A: You are the host of a podcast about children A: Your friend came to visit and talk to you about
and the use of social media. Ask questions about some problems he/she is facing in his/her
how parents should deal with their children’s company in regards to gender equality. Ask
exposition to social media. him/her questions about the problem to
B: Y
 ou were invited to talk about children and the understand what happened.
use of social media in a podcast. As the guest, B: Y
 ou went to visit your friend and tell him/her
answer the interviewer’s questions about how about some problems you had recently regarding
parents should deal with children’s exposition to gender equality in your company. Tell him/her
social media. what happened and answer his/her questions.

Situation 3: Situation 4:

A: Your friend has been invited to be part of a A: You are aware climate issues need more attention.
government comission to discuss how they can You are talking to someone who works for the
make the city a happier place. Help him/her with environment secretary. Make some suggestions on
some ideas. how the government can contribute to the cause.
B: Y ou are listing some ideas on how to make your B: You work for the environment secretary and
city a happier place. You asked your friend to you are listening to someone making some
give you some suggestions. suggestions. Listen to his/her ideas and think of
ways you can implement the ideas.

Situation 5: Situation 6:

A: You are at school and you are talking to a A: You are having a coffee with a friend who is
classmate about artistic experiences. Ask him/her telling you about some new developments in
questions about some positive experiences and health treatments. You are very interested in
how he/she thinks they influenced him/her. the topic. Ask him/her to give you more details
B: You are at school and you are talking to a about them.
classmate about artistic experiences. Tell him B: Last week you went to a medical congress where
about a positive experience and answer his/her you’ve learned about some new developments
questions. in health treatments. You are having a coffee
with a friend and telling him/her about them.

Situation 7: Situation 8:

A: Y ou are the Innovation manager of a big company A: Y our roommate and you have decided to move
and you are interviewing a candidate for the to a different place. It is a tiny house, but it is
position of Innovation assistant. Ask him/her worth it. Try to convince your roommate of the
questions about a technological innovation advantages of living in a tiny house.
he/she would be interested in developing. B: For you, living in a spacious place is more
B: You are a candidate for the position of important than anything. Your roommate thinks
Innovation assistant of a big multinational otherwise. Listen to his/her arguments and try to
company and the Innovation manager is reach a final decision.
interviewing you. Answer his/her questions
about a technological innovation you would be
interested in developing.

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