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Communication is the process of making contact between two points. This can refer to the actual

physical movement of items or people (e.g. transportation), but we generally think of communication

as the transfer of information from one person or place to another. The office is the hub of business

communication; its functions are to receive, process, disseminate, act upon, store and pass on


Elements of Communication

There are four elements of all is the communication: the transmitter, the message, the medium and the

receiver. The transmitter is the person or organization that is sending the communication that is

sending the person or organization that is sending the communication, the message is the information

that is to be communicated, the medium is the method to be used to send the message (e.g., letter or

telephone), and the receiver is the person for whom the message is intended. Effective

communication requires that all the elements involved are clear and precise.

External Communication

Communication between a business and other site takes two main forms: postal communication and

telecommunication. You should be aware that advertising and transportation are also aspects of

communication, because they are a means of making contact between two people.
Advertising: Advertising is a method by which a business makes potential customers aware of the

products and services if offers. In this respect the seller is the transmitter, the receiver is the potential

customer, the message is the information contained in the advertisement and the medium is the poster

or some other method used to communicate the message.

Transport: Transport is also a form of communication. It is a means of making contact between two

points. It provides facilities which enable workers to go to and from work, raw materials to reach

materials to reach its producers and finished products to be distributed.

Internal Communication

The systems of internal communication are just as important to a firm as external methods because

they play a crucial part in the smooth and effective running of the organization. The purpose of

internal communication is to inform, organize, direct, motivate and negotiate within the businesses.

Different parts of the organization have to be kept informed of the activities of other sections so that

they can all make a useful contribution to achieving the organization’s aims.

For business communication is of utmost importance because it is through communication that a firm

makes contact with its customers, suppliers and the internal various elements of the organization.

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