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A Research Paper
Presented to the Faculty of
St. Athony’s Academy of Tuburan, Inc
Tuburan, Cebu

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement for the Subject
English 10

Claire Lazybeth Inoc

Kirstin Mae G. Daclizon
Anne Sigrid P. Aquilla
Luke Miguel Ortega
John Mark Babiera
Arianna Lhou Paglinawan

Daclizon, Inoc, Ortega, Paglinawan, Babiera, Aquilla


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of Time management and self-discipline in
Grade 10 self-discipline. Student Grade 10 represents a significant moment in a student's academic life.
The curriculum's complexity increases, extracurricular activities become more demanding, and the pressure
to excel intensifies. This research investigates how Grade 10 students can employ time management and
self-discipline strategies to optimize their academic growth. The researcher explores the unique challenges
and opportunities presented by this year, including standardized testing and the exploration of future
academic paths. By examining the interdependence of time management and self-discipline, this research
aims to equip Grade 10 students with the tools necessary to navigate this critical year and achieve
academic success. The findings of this exploration have the potential to empower students to not only excel
in Grade 10 but also lay the foundation for continued academic achievements in their future endeavors.

Keywords: Time Management, Self- Discipline, achieve academic success

1.0 Introduction

Grade 10 students often experience a significant increase in academic pressure. Students might struggle to
manage their time for various subjects, leading to rushed studying or incomplete assignments. This
increased the number of tasks, and the academic performance of the students may affect their mental
health. Students may turn to unhealthy coping strategies such as delaying tasks, which make things worse.
The endless state of stress caused by delaying activities and studying quickly may result in stress, which
may have a negative impact on student's academic performance and mental health. By managing their
time and prioritizing their activities, grade 10 students can manage tons of activities. They will have enough
time for each subject with a lot of thought to ensure they can give their studies full attention without feeling
stressed all the time. Better understanding, better learning outcomes, and an all-around better academic
experience become effective because of this. Working together with classmates encourages a healthy mind
to compete with fairness. After-school programs that provide help with homework can be a great help for
Grade 10 students. At the Saint Anthony Academy, they not only support healthy study habits and a well-
rounded academic experience, but they are also helpful in task management and evening stress reduction.
Parents may create a positive learning environment, form good behavior, set achievable goals, encourage
open communication, and support their Grade 10 children's confidence in self-advocacy with the goal of
supporting their achievements in managing their time and self-discipline. Students who truly want to learn
lessons and are curious about them are more likely to be self-motivated to study hard and manage their
time well. Students are more likely to participate fully in class when they find the topics interesting. They
must discover more and use the knowledge outside of the classroom, which has been encouraged by this
engagement, which motivates students to look for more resources and set aside more time for
studying. Having knowledge of difficult topics successfully brings a feeling of happiness and achievement.
This positive feedback encourages students to keep making the choices they need to understand difficult
topics. They can give more energy to these activities when they manage their time well, which creates a
positive feedback loop between engagement and reward. Their self-motivation is encouraged by their
feeling that they have control over the way they learn, which also motivates them to take control of their
time to maximize their development toward their own goals. Naturally, curiosity makes students
independent. They actively search for information, communicate with teachers and other students, and
study different ways to learn. To balance given homework, classroom tasks, and individual learning
activities, this independent strategy requires strong time management abilities. Students who feel that their
teachers appreciate and encourage them are more likely to learn more and become more disciplined.
Being praised and recognized for achieving something can be a strong motivation. Teachers who provide
students with encouraging reinforcement, such as compliments, encouragement, or feedback, validate their
efforts and boost their self-esteem. Their improved confidence encourages them to take on new tasks and
continue despite academic problems. Teachers who develop a growth mindset in their students by
emphasizing the importance of hard work and persistence over natural brightness. Students who use this
belief system are more likely to put in more effort and learn more self-discipline in their studies because
they see failures as opportunities to learn and progress. Students are more willing to take chances and ask
for help when they need it when they believe that their teachers admire and support them. They feel more
trustworthy and motivated to put in more time to fulfill the teacher's expectations because of this trust.
Encouraging achievements for students in front of the class or through activities for whole-school
acknowledgment can be an effective way to inspire students. It develops an encouraging and competitive
environment that motivates students to stay focused on achievement by encouraging other students and
creating a sense of pride in themselves.
Students who are good at managing their time are better at planning their assignments, assigning time for
both academic goals, and completing assignments on time. They can manage distractions, keep a regular
study routine, and maintain discipline when dealing with difficulties. Students in grade 10 who are good at
time management are going to be more prepared to handle the deadlines of a challenging subject. By
effective time-management strategies, students can manage their assignments. Allow themselves enough
time to finish successfully. With the help of time management, students can make realistic goals, improving
their motivation and sense of achievement. Students in Grade 10 who are good at time management are
more prepared to prioritize assignments, set goals, make plans to manage school, other interests, and
personal time, and create regular study habits for focused study and review (Pyryt & Pulkkinen 2020).
Being able to manage itself is needed for effective time management. It helps students stay away from
distractions that can greatly damage their performance in school, like social media, video games, and other
distractions. Students who know discipline are more likely to concentrate on their studies and ignore
distractions that can affect their grades. Having a Regular Study Schedule Having self-control promotes
regular studies, which provide focused, continual education and knowledge memory. Baumeister, R. F., &
Vohs, K. D. (2020). Avoid the need for inactivity put on by deadline pressure. Disciplined students can start
their assignments immediately and complete them within the given time. (Ackerman, P. L., & Wolford, G.).
The main purpose of this study is to find out how well Grade 10 students use self-discipline and time
management technique and how Grade 10 pupils practice self-control and time management. Furthermore,
our goal is to pinpoint practical methods that enable students to uphold and improve these essential
abilities, promoting sustained learning even in the face of difficult situations. This research can help both
teachers and students by shedding light on the importance of self-control and time management in
academic success. The ultimate objective is to provide Grade 10 pupils with the resources and know-how
needed to succeed in their educational journey.

2.0 Theoretical Background

The study is anchored from the theoretical support of the Time Management and Self- Discipline in
Grade 10 Student at Saint Anthony Academy of Tuburan Inc. Theory of Eisenhower Priority Matrix by
Dwight D. Eisenhower (2019) This theory focuses on planning the day in such a way that it is split into
periods for specific activities or interests. Students can better organize their study time, extracurricular
activities, and personal responsibilities by using time-blocking tactics. By comprehending this principle,
students can better manage their time so that they have enough time for school, recreation, and other
obligations, which will increase their productivity and help them lead more balanced lives, The Finite Pool of
Willpower by Kelly McGonigal (2019 People can prioritize tasks according to their importance and urgency
using the Eisenhower Priority Matrix. By putting this idea to use, grade 10 students can find and
concentrate on activities that will help them succeed in school, like finishing homework, getting ready for
tests, and participating in class activities. Students can better spend their time and effort, leading to
improved academic success and reduced stress, by using the matrix to tell the difference between
important and significant assignments, Theory of Time Blocking by Cal Newport and Laura Vanderkam
(2019) emphasizes preparing the day to ensure different moments are given to different jobs or activities.
Motivated by their observations, this method encourages people to plan their goals in advance rather than
handling their time quickly. People can improve their work-life balance, stay focused, and be more
productive by setting out certain time periods for everyday life, and personal interests.

The Theory of Eisenhower Priority Matrix by Dwight D. Eisenhower (2019): The basic idea of task
prioritization is importance in need. Although there could be demands immediately, real output comes from
focusing on tasks that contribute to the strategy and long-term goals. The matrix, which differentiates
between the two levels of importance, motivates people to focus their time and energy on tasks that will
have a long-term effect and ultimately help them achieve their main goals. The study could investigate
specific challenges with self-discipline and time management that Saint Anthony Academy grade 10
students experience. This could guide activities, teaching, or environmental changes in schools to better
help students. The effectiveness of the different time management techniques among students in grade 10
could be a focus of the study. This could help teachers suggest or implement procedures that have been
shown to be effective for students in this age range. The study looks at the relationship between academic
achievement in Grade 10 and self-discipline. This could provide information on how to motivate better self-
discipline habits in students to improve their academic performance.
Theory of The Finite Pool of Willpower by Kelly McGonigal (2019) Self-control operates like a finite
pool of energy that is depleted by exertion and replenished by strategic choices. This idea suggests the
amount of willpower is limited. All self-control actions, including focusing on a difficult task or avoiding
pressure, take from this reserve. Self-control declines when the pool is empty, making it more difficult to
regulate emotions and stick to goals. According to the Willpower Instinct Framework, people can manage
the strength they have by organizing challenging tasks carefully, practicing gratitude during changes,
choosing the most important goals, and using relaxing and physical activity as a source of replacement.
teenagers, who could influence discipline. This study may provide information on how these variables affect
10th graders' skills to manage their time and maintain self-discipline. Knowing these challenges has to do
with the basic idea of a limited supply of willpower in the willpower instinct. The 10th graders' focus on time
management and self-discipline could provide important knowledge about how teenagers deal with the loss
of willpower and how schools might help them develop healthy self-control techniques. With this
understanding, strategies or procedures that connect with the rules of the Willpower Instinct Framework
can be created.

Theory of Time Blocking by Cal Newport and Laura Vanderkam (2019) As suggested by Cal
Newport and Laura Vanderkam, time blocking is an effective way to manage your time by giving it to
projects with great value. It involves carefully splitting your day into blocks that focus on important activities.
Through active planning of the chosen period for important assignments, goals, and activities that are in
line with your long-term goals, you may maximize the result, improve focus, and develop a feeling of
achievement. This idea emphasizes how important it is to protect certain time periods from non-urgent
distractions and interruptions to help with thorough work as well as major growth toward achieving
professional and personal goals. Academic Performance: Both important elements of academic
achievement are self-discipline and effective time management. Teachers can identify areas for
improvement and put approaches into action to help students achieve better academic results by knowing
how Saint Anthony Academy of Tuburan, Inc. Grade 10 students practice self-discipline and time
management. Early learning of effective time management and self-discipline provides a strong basis for
success in the future. When students in Grade 10 move to a higher school and enter jobs, these skills
become more and more important. Teachers can determine areas in which students might want extra
assistance to better prepare them for the challenges that lie ahead by carrying out this research. The
findings of the research can guide the formation of support programs and policies in schools that have the
goal of improving students' capacity for self-control and time management. For instance, the school
administration may think about holding seminars or additional programs to help students learn time
management and task prioritization techniques if the study finds that students find it difficult to prioritize

Hence, by examining the Eisenhower Priority Matrix Theory (Eisenhower,2019) The Finite Pool of
Willpower (McGonigal, 2019), and The Time Blocking by (Newport, Vanderkam, 2019) this study provides a
theoretical framework for comprehending the relationship between time management, self-discipline, and
academic achievement in Grade 10 students. Students who have strong self-discipline beliefs can set goals
that are both demanding and reasonable. They also have the abilities needed to manage their time
effectively and apply self-discipline, which will help them achieve success in the classroom. Students are
motivated to achieve academic excellence because of the way it interacts through a positive feedback loop,
wherein reaching goals increases their sense of self-esteem. By analyzing these theoretical frameworks,
this research aims to identify effective strategies that support self-discipline and achievement, as well as to
offer additional information on the strategies used by successful students.
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

Cultivating Academic
Growth in Grade 10

Time Management Strategies Self-Discipline

 Planning  Focus
 Distraction  Motivation
 Seeking Help  Time Management
 Emotional Regulations

The outcome that we are aiming for is:

 Improved academic performance
 Reduced Stress
 Increased self-discipline

3.0 Research Methodology Improved learning habits

This chapter utilizes a correlational design to explore the relationship between time management and self-
discipline. Correlation design data will be collected through standardized surveys distributed to students,
measuring their time management practices and academic performance.

This study determines the factors affecting time management and self-discipline of students at Saint
Anthony's Academy of Tuburan Inc. The researcher will use correlational design. The correlational design
will be used to gather data information on the “Time Management and self-discipline without manipulating
any variable”

The correlational research method is the process of identifying the capability connections between different
time management strategies and levels of self-discipline among Saint Anthony Academy Grade 10
students. The study is unable to conclude how specific time management techniques lead to better self-
discipline. It allows researchers to search for any correlations between these variables while collecting
relevant information regarding how students maintain self-control and time management skills in a learning

This study will be conducted in Saint Anthony's Academy of Tuburan inc. To further explore about the
academic stage in all 10th graders and identify their struggles in academics therefore they will be chosen
as the respondents for this research.

3.1 Research Instrument

In this study, a standardized survey questionnaire will be employed to gather correlational data from a large
sample of students. This survey will be designed to measure participants' time management practices and
academic performance. It will incorporate a mix of closed-ended questions utilizing a Likert scale with
response options like "Always," "Often," "Sometimes," "Rarely," and "Never" for ease of analysis. This
allows participants to indicate the frequency with which they engage in specific time management
behaviors or experience academic outcomes. Additionally, some open-ended questions may be included to
capture richer insights and qualitative data beyond simple frequency measures.

All students in Grade 10 will participate within the campus of Saint Anthony's Academy of Tuburan inc.
Students will take part in self-report questionnaires that are intended to gauge their degree of self-discipline
(concentration, perseverance, etc.) and time management techniques (prioritization, scheduling, etc.).

Table 1
Population and Respondents

Grade 10 Students

Grade Levels: Male Female Percentage No. of

GRADE 10 respondents
St. Mark 10 14 45.2% 24
St. Matthew 11 18 54.72% 29
TOTAL: 23 36 100% 53
Next, a statistical study will be performed to investigate the correlations among these factors. The data will
be summarized using descriptive statistics The study admits its shortcomings, including the possibility of
bias in self-reported data and this type of design's inability to prove strong causality In the end, this
approach aims to provide insightful information that will enable Grade 10 students to use self-discipline and
time management to achieve academic achievement. By assigning weights to specific responses based on
their perceived significance, the weighted mean will yield a more accurate average that reflects the relative
emphasis participants placed on each answer choice. This approach will ensure a nuanced understanding
of the collected data, providing a richer picture of participant perspectives on the research topic. The sum of
these weighted products is divided by the total number of participants and multiply it to 100 to get the
percentage. This process essentially gives more weight to response options deemed more significant by
participants, resulting in a more accurate average that reflects the collective emphasis placed on each
Sum of the weighted terms
Formula : Weighted Average = x 100
Total number of terms

Scale Description
4.21 - 5.00 Excellent
3.41 - 4.20 Very Good
2.61 – 3.40 Good
1.81 – 2.60 Fair
1.00 – 1.80 Needs Improvemen
Scale Description
4.21 - 5.00 Excellent
3.41 - 4.20 Very Good
2.61 – 3.40 Good
1.81 – 2.60 Fair
1.00 – 1.80 Needs Improvemen
Scale Description
4.21 - 5.00 Excellent
3.41 - 4.20 Very Good
2.61 – 3.40 Good
1.81 – 2.60 Fair
1.00 – 1.80 Needs Improvemen
4.0 Result and Discussions
This chapter outlines the procedures for analyzing and interpreting the statistical data collected through the
survey questionnaire. We will employ a weighted mean formula to account for potential variations in
the importance participants placed on different response options, as reflected in Table 2

1. Are you responsible for your work at school?


4 13 24.5% 3.2
3 25 47.1% 11.8
2 11 20.7% 2.36
1 3 5.6% 0.25
0 1 2.1% 0.02
TOTAL 53 100% 17.63
2. Do you struggle to control yourself from procrastinating, not working at all,
4 15 28.3% 4.24
3 28 52.8% 14.87
2 10 18.8% 1.9
1 0 0.1% 0
0 0 0% 0
TOTAL 53 100% 21.01
3. Have you ever sought help or guidance from teachers, parents, or mentors to
improve your time management or self-discipline skills?
4 9 16.9% 1.52
3 7 13.2% 0.92
2 12 22.6% 2.71
1 9 16.9% 1.52
0 16 30.4% 4.86
TOTAL 53 100% 11.53
4. How often do you create to-do lists or schedules to plan your daily tasks and
4 10 18.8% 1.9
3 21 39.6% 8.32
2 6 11.3% 0.76
1 14 26.4% 3.78
0 2 3.9% 0.08
TOTAL 53 100% 14.84
5.Do you manage your time well?


4 7 13.2% 0.92
3 14 26.4% 3.78
2 26 49.1% 12.85
1 1 1.9% 0.19
0 5 9.4% 0.47
TOTAL 53 100% 18.21
6. Do you make your projects a day before the deadline?


4 14 26.4% 3.78
3 19 35.8% 6.80
2 16 30.9% 4.94
1 3 5.7% 0.17
0 1 1.9% 0.12
TOTAL 52 100% 15.81
7. Do you struggle to concentrate whenever you try to work?


4 11 20.8% 2.37
3 21 39.6% 8.32
2 14 26.4% 3.78
4 2 3.8% 0.08
0 1 5.7% 0.06
TOTAL 53 100% 14.61
8. Do you organize your schedule (study time, rest time etc)?


4 15 28.3% 4.25
3 19 35.9% 6.82
2 10 18.9% 1.98
1 5 9.4% 0.5
0 4 7.6% 0.30
TOTAL 53 100% 13.85
9. Do you prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency?
4 16 30.2% 4.83
3 23 43.4% 9.98
2 12 13.2% 1.67
1 2 3.77% 0.08
0 0 0% 0
TOTAL 53 100% 16.56
10. Do you have a regular routine or schedule for studying or completing homework?
4 11 20.8% 2.37
3 24 45.9% 11.02
2 7 13.2% 0.92
1 8 15.1% 1.21
0 3 5.7% 0.2
TOTAL 53 100% 15.72

4.1 Table 2
This table summarizes the responses from 53 participants who completed a survey exploring their time
management and self-discipline practices in relation to their academic work. The survey employed a scale
ranging from 0 (Never) to 4 (Always), with higher values indicating greater frequency or stronger agreement
with the statement.

In Question 1, Most students (47.1%) reported feeling responsible (choice 3), with a weighted mean of
3.2.In Question 2, A significant portion (52.8%) struggles with procrastination (choice 3), with a higher weighted
mean (21.01) compared to feeling responsible for work. In Question 3, Over half (60.4%) haven't sought help
(choices 0 and 1), suggesting a potential area for intervention. In Question 4, A good portion (39.6%) uses to-do lists
(choice 3), but a significant number (26.4% - choice 1) doesn't. In Question 5, Nearly half (49.1% - choice 2) believe
they manage time somewhat well, but a concerning number (9.4% - choice 0) feel they don't manage it well. In
Question 6, While some (26.4% - choice 4) complete projects a day before deadlines, a larger portion (35.8% -
choice 3) finishes closer to the deadline. In Question 7, Many (39.6% - choice 3) experience difficulty concentrating,
highlighting a potential obstacle to productivity. In Question 8, Over half (54.8% - choices 3 and 4) organize their
schedules to some degree. In Question 10, Most students (73.6% - choices 3 and 4) prioritize tasks, suggesting an
awareness of importance and urgency. In Question 10, Nearly half (45.9% - choice 3) have a regular study routine,
but a noteworthy portion (18.9% - choices 1 and 2) doesn't.

5.0 Conclusion and References

This chapter explored the powerful impact of time management and self-discipline on student success at
St. Anthony's Academy. The researchers discovered that through effective planning, prioritizing tasks, and
staying focused, students can unlock their full academic potential. Simple tools , achievable goals, and
readily available time management resources can equip students to overcome distractions and
procrastination. Mastering these skills allows them to dedicate the necessary time and energy to their
studies, assignments, and extracurricular activities, leading to a well-rounded and fulfilling academic
experience. Ultimately, by fostering self-discipline, St. Anthony's Academy empowers its students to
become not only effective managers of their time but also driven and focused individuals who can achieve
their academic goals. This emphasis on self-discipline aligns perfectly with the values and mission of the
institution, ensuring a supportive environment where students can thrive.


Ackerman, P. L., & Wolford, G. (2010) Understanding the Outcomes Focused Management Production
Process: Meta-Analysis of the Relationship between Activities, Settings, and Benefits of Recreation
origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=yPath Relationship of Time Management and Academic Achievement
of Students in Distance Learning Institutions Pakistan Journal of Distance & Online Learning Volume: V,
Issue II, 2019, 191-208

Baumeister, R. F., & Vohs, K. D. (2020). The long reach of self-control,+R.

Baumeister, R. F., & Vohs, K. D. (2020). The long reach of self-control

Bandura(2020) Social cognitive theory: An agentic perspective on human nature

Pyryt, L (2020)

Survey Questionnaire

Directions: For each question, put a checkmark (√) in the box on the right side that
corresponds to your response. There are no right or wrong answers. We value your
honest opinions and perspectives. Take your time to consider each question carefully
before selecting your response. Your responses will be kept confidential and used
solely for research purposes.
4 – Always 3 – Often 2 – Sometimes 1 – Rarely 0 – Never

Questionnaire 4 3 2 1 0

1. Are you responsible for your work at school?

2. Do you struggle to control yourself from procrastinating, not working at all, etc?
3. Have you ever sought help or guidance from teachers, parents, or mentors to
improve your time management or self-discipline skills?
4. How often do you create to-do lists or schedules to plan your daily tasks and
5. Do you manage your time well?

6. Do you make your projects a day before the deadline?

7. Do you struggle to concentrate whenever you try to work?

8. Do you organize your schedule (study time, rest time etc)?

9. Do you prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency?

10. Do you have a regular routine or schedule for studying or completing


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