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My country

START What country Is it a big or a What colors How many

do small has the flag? inhabitants
you live in? country? are there?

Does your
country have MISS A What kind of What is the What is the
access to the TURN landscapes symbol of most touristic
sea? are there? your country? city?

What is the What is the

What is the most Is it a favorite sport
most important important Republic or a in your
festival? religion? Monarchie? country?

How many What is the

What is the inhabitants Is the capital most Is it a modern
capital of your has the a touristic important or an ancient
country? capital got? town? landmark of city?
the capital?

What city do GO Do you live in Is that Is there a river

you live in? FORWARD 2 a big or a neighborhood in your city?
SQUARES small city? busy or

What kind of What kind of Is your city

neighborhood schools are situated at GO BACK 3
do you live in? there? the beach? SQUARES

Are there What can you MISS A What is the What is the
many parcs? do there in TURN weather like weather like
your free in summer? in winter?

What are the

What kind of Is it a modern most
industries are city or a MISS A important
there? historic city? TURN football

Are there Would you

GO BACK 3 special Do you like like to live in
SQUARES festivals in your city? an other FINISH
your city? Why/not? city?Where?
Instructions for the teacher.

 Print the board games on tick paper or a cardboard; laminate them if you want to use them
many times.
 Find tokens for each student.
 Provide dices.
 Divide the class into groups of 3 – 4 students each.
 Give each group a board game and a dice.
 Give each student a token (or bean, coin, button, etc.).

The game
 The players put their tokens on the first square.
 The first student throws the dice and moves his token ahead the corresponding number of
 The student has to answer the questions about his country in whole sentences.
 If the answer is correct, the student stays, if the answer is incorrect, he has to go back where
he came from.

 If the student comes to a square with the symbol , he rolls the die again.
 The first student who takes a number that places his token on “FINISH” or surpasses it is the

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