MF Magna Carta

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King John and the Magna Carta, 1215

In May 1215, a group of barons formed an army in the north of England and travelled to London. John was
forced to offer talks about changing how the country was ruled. He met the barons at Runnymede in June.

John and the barons came to an agreement that would take some power away from the king and make him
work more with the barons. This agreement was the Magna Carta. It contained a total of 63 different
clauses, setting out rules concerning land ownership, taxes and people’s legal rights.

Part of clause 1, and all of clauses

13, 39 and 40 are still valid today.
Below are clauses 39 and 40:

“No free man shall be seized,

imprisoned, dispossessed,
outlawed, exiled or ruined in any
way, nor in any way proceeded
against, except by the lawful
judgement of his peers and the
law of the land.

“To no one will we sell, to no one

will we deny or delay right or

What does this cartoon suggest

about King John and the Magna
What was the significance of the Magna Carta?

Task: Watch the two videos on Teams and use them to answer the questions below!

1. Why were the barons unhappy with John?

2. What is its most famous clause?

3. What was that clause not as significant at the time as it sounds?

4. Who has it inspired?

5. What kind of ideas was it the first step towards?

What caused the English barons to create the Magna Carta?

In 1204 John lost land held by John’s strategies to collect money John regularly used scutages
Britain in Normandy to the to finance war angered the barons. (he used it 11 times since 1199),
French & then tried to win it For example, Robert de Vaux was and each time made the barons
back. This cost huge amounts of fined 2,000 marks (£1,300) in 1211 pay more. When in 1214 the
money as he needed money to pay “for the king’s benevolence”. This barons had to pay another
mercenaries to fight for him. was what they called a forced ‘gift’. scutage many refused to pay.

John was in dispute with the In 1214, John suffered a major In 1208 William de Briouze paid
Church as in 1207 Pope Innocent defeat in France at the Battle of 40,000 marks (£27,000) to
III had appointed Stephen Bovines. As a result, many people John to have his lands restored.
Langton as Archbishop of no longer believed John could gain Despite Briouze paying him,
Canterbury. John didn’t like this back the land in France. Some John stull imprisoned his wife
as he hadn’t chosen him. John called him “Softsword”. and son (both died in custody).
said he should be the one to
appoint all leading churchmen. In
response, the Pope
excommunicated John and banned In 1212, the Pope said it was no Economy (E)
all church services in England. longer a sin to kill the King. So,
War (W) Religion (R)
some barons to planned to kill him.
John’s style of ruling (J)
Impacts of the Magna Carta

Categorise the boxes into: short term (anything up to the 1400s), and long term, success vs failure.

King John signed in in 1215 King John was very angry at being The Baron’s War
yet he didn’t intend to forced to sign the Magna Carta and
follow its rules. He even did not follow the rules set out in it. During the Baron's War, the barons
secured support from the This it led to the Baron's War occupied Rochester Castle. In Oct.
Pope who said that it was where he fought a war against the 1215, John attacked the castle with
“illegal, unjust, harmful to barons. This caused unrest in catapults and siege towers. He laid
royal rights and shameful England because it turned into a siege to the castle until November, even
to the English people”, and Civil War & the barons invited using the fat of 40 pigs as to burn the
that it was ‘void.’ Prince Louis of France to take the castle.
It showed that John was willing to In 1216, French King Louis arrived in
wage war to maintain his power. Kent with French troops. Louis was
announced by the barons as King at St
Paul's Cathedral, but not crowned. With
the death of King John in 1216 however,
the crown went to Henry III, John's
Magna Carta was reissued The National Liberation Army in
several times - in Nov. Mexico quoted Magna Carta in 1994
This helped the barons because as a
1217, the Forest Law’ or to try to protect indigenous people
child, they could control him- and Henry
‘small charter’ limited from exploitation in business. In
agreed to the resigning of the Charter.
the amount of hunting 2011 the Philippines government
forest the King talked of introducing a ‘Magna Carta
could have. for women.’

The Magna Carta was the first time that the King's Royal The Magna Carta has influenced law
Authority had been challenged and limited. It had 63 clauses throughout history; from the UN
including: Charter, to the American Constitution.
Clauses such as ‘men have all right to a
 Someone accused of a crime could not be imprisoned or fair trial’ are fundamental principals of
punished without having a fair trial first. democracy that are used today.
 The king could not raise new taxes unless he had the
agreement of the barons.
 A council of 25 barons was set up to ensure the king followed
the rules the charter put in place.

Due to the feudal system, In Stuart times (1600s) the Magna Write at least one in each box:
peasants still had no power Carta was quoted and used to :) Success
so the Magna Carta did not restrain the power of kings like King :( Failure.
bring any major Charles I. MPs quoted it to remind
Short term impact - ST
representation to the Charles that the monarch was
Long term impact – LT
majority of the population. subject to law and not above it.
A timeline from the Magna Carta to Provisions of Oxford

The Magna Carta is signed by King John, 1215 The First Baron’s War, 1215 – 1217
John did not follow the Magna Carta, causing the
Baron's War where he fought against the barons. John
was losing as the barons had the support of the King of
Scotland and in 1216 the King of France arrived in
England with forces. The barons announced the King of
France as the new king (but he wasn’t coronated).

The death of King John, 1216

John died and was succeeded by his son, Henry III.
(Most English people supported Henry over King Louis
of France so Louis returned home). As Henry was only
9 a Council of Barons was made to help him rule.

Henry lost two major

wars with France in
Magna Carta is reissued in 1216, 1217 & 1225 1230 and 1242.
In 1217 it was issued alongside the Forest Law, limiting .
the amount of hunting forest the King could have.

Tension built between Henry and his barons

The Provisions of Oxford, 1258 Resentment was building because of Henry:
In April, 7 major barons demanded changes to end the  Losing wars in France
personal rule of Henry. They met as a Parliament in  Only asking for advice from a small
Oxford in June and created the Provisions of Oxford group of individuals (many were foreign,
(a list of demands). called ‘aliens’ at the time).
The ‘Provisions of Oxford' placed the king under the  Henry ruling in an arbitrary way
authority of a Council of Fifteen, to be chosen by (meaning he did not stick to the rules).
twenty-four men made up of twelve nominees of the  Royal ‘favourites’ got preferential
treatment, making others jealous.
king, and twelve nominees of the reformers.
This led to in a minor rebellion in 1233.
Other demands in the Provisions of Oxford: .
• Each county would be sheriff and taxes would be
decided locally

• Barons could make decisions without the King’s The Second Baron’s War, 1264 - 67
presence Just as John had no intention of upholding
Magna Carta, Henry III was unhappy at the
• The king could not make decisions without approval
attempt to restrict his power; this
of the council.
prompted a second civil war to break out,
• people should be represented across the whole with Simon leading barons and knights
country so that the King could hear the grievances against Henry’s forces at the Battel of
of all, called ‘the Commons’ to represent the voice Lewes in 1264, where Henry and his son
of the commoners, rather than just the barons. Edward were captured.

• Parliament should be held 3 times a year.

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