Simple Pendulum

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College of sciences

Department of applied physics and astronomy


Simple pendulum

Student name : …………………………………………. ID: …………………………………………………

Objectives :
1. To verify the formula T = 2 π L
√ g
2. To determine the gravitational acceleration by using a simple pendulum .

Part 1:
Procedures :

1. Select a suitable length and suitable mass of the pendulum for example 30 cm and 0.5
2. Carry out the experiment by pulling the pendulum with small angel then releasing it.
3. Fill the table.

√ √
Tth L …
2π =2 π =…
g 9.8

Texp = …. (S)

% error=
| T th |
T th−T exp
x 10 0=¿
Comment :

Part 2 :
Determining the gravitational acceleration by using
the simple pendulum
1. Choose a single pendulum eith a mass of 0.5kg.
2. Select a Non friction and the earth gravity.
3. Start with a 30cm length of the pendulum then pull it slightly
with a small angle then release it.
4. Record the periodic time.
5. Change the length to 40cm and record T.
6. Repeat step 5 with another lengths; 50, 60, 70cm, ……
7. Record the data in the following table.
L 0.30 m 0.40 m 0.50 m 0.60 m 0.70 m 0.80 m

Plot the graph ( T2 vs L ) by using excel file and find the slope.

Substitute in the following formula by the slope value.


% error= x 100=¿

Conclusion :

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