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© Andrè M.Pietroschek, my rights resrved. I call this „NPC-Rights activism“.

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Level Anuirean Brecht Khinasi Rjurik Vos Goblin Elf Dwarf






6th Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership









15th BR Feat BR Feat BR Feat BR Feat BR Feat BR Feat BR Feat BR Feat





20th BR Feat BR Feat BR Feat BR Feat BR Feat BR Feat BR Feat BR Feat

Shortages and their meaning

● CF=Cultural Feat, proper by race. Like Seafarer for Brecht, City Dweller for Anuirean,
Discipline for Khinasi, Northerner for Vos & Forest Dweller for Rjurik. Trackless step for
elves or alcoholic for dwarf. Halflings integrate into human cultures, see there.
● FBF= Fighter Bonus Feat. Reflecting some minimum of military service, the elite university
of villainy or protecting the farm or store from bandits.
● PF= Profession Feats. I intended example packages for spy and guard, merchant and
servant. These feats individualize the figure by job experience.
● BR Feat. Birthright feats of those which are unique to Birthright and suiting the figure.

Application on NPC-Classes

Commoner, Expert, Aristocrat, Warrior, Adept and Spellcaster NPCs had no feats at all. Now
select feats for them by this table and they are capable denizens or burghers instead of the dumb
pseudo-cattle the officials made them to be. Maybe we all should imagine to be a NPC level 1 in
a realm full of blooded scions, high-level heroes and epic awnsheghlien? Empathy made easy.

Profession feat packages - 1st attempts

Packages list a number of feats which can be picked from whenever a profession feat is gained.
Such feats are gained at levels 2, 5, 7, 13 & 18 on the table above.

● Aristocrats should get feats like a Birthright noble from the start? Easiest solution,
especially as the Birthright noble is quite well-made in the sanctioned chapter.
● SPY. Profession feats possible: Alertness, Deceitful, Dilligent, Investigator, Negotiator,
Quick-Draw, Self-Sufficient, Skill focus on Spot, Listen, Search or Sense Motive &
Stealthy. Skills like administrate, spot, listen_eavesdrop, lip-reading, search, sense motive
and innuendo should be added as class skills.
● GUARD. Alertness, Athletic, any proper Fighter Bonus Feat, Endurance, Inverstigator, Iron
Will, Run, Self-Sufficient. Administration, Warcraft, Spot, Listen, Search ann Intimidate
should be added as class skills.
● SERVANT. Acrobatic (dust cleansing), Athletic (errand boy or girl), Alertness, Discipline,
Helpful (BR defined), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Run, Open Minded, proper Skill Foci.
Individual selection of class skills should be added, if commoner template is used. Expert
choses proper ones from the start.
● MERCHANT. All feats which boost Appraise, Negotiating and Haggling make sense. In
addition alertness, sense motive and rogue-countermeasures. Merchant has too much variety
for identical feats between travelling merchant, pawnbroker, shopkeeper up to merchant
guild leader. Expert or Aristocrat as base class for them? Depends individually.
● COOK. A crucial character profession for the yummy. Feats like discipline, helpful
(assistant cooks), kitchen-lore (like bardic lore but for cooking, tools and recipes),
knowledge_poisons, or knowledge_chef des cuisine, Poison Use, skill focus_cooking,
weapon focus_knives. Individual selection of class skills & weapon proficiency_knives
should be added, if commoner template is used. Expert choses proper ones from the start.

Imagine these to be examples of how NPC's can be flavoured for balanced scales. Or imagine to be
a regent who was just with such underlings, when the enemy strikes? The feat-less warrior template
is not the kind of person which I would like as guards when the blood-thieves come for me... just
another thought why player-egos spoiled more than they enriched.

The horrid moment 2008

For doubt of my sincerity I took the dice and rolled by a definition we didn't use ourselves. Rolling
four dice per stat and ignoring the worst die. It became a problem:

18, 17, 14, 14, 12,12 an additional 16 if Bld or Perception is needed. So there sat the most success-
free author of Germany and couldn't be happy. As a player that would be quite a lucky roll. But to
contemplate game balance for stuff I write? And what of those with bad luck?

That roll was so much more than an „elite template“ as predefined officially, that I remembered our
old official regulation. The one were the dice are rolled but the job stat (like dex to rogue, str to
fighter, wis to cleric and int to magician) could after rolling be set to 16. It's idea was, that this way
all figures are playable although not always charming and smart.

Like the „disciple of the sun“ feat. It already sounds like the 1 choice of regular Khinasi clerics,
doesn't it? The feat allows you to waste two instead of one turn undead attempt to destroy them
outright on success, instead of just making them flee or stop attacking. As Avani is a greater
goddess, that really read as suiting to me. The official way works and I like to use it. Problem is:
There is so much more than one way and each time it works a new edition, another web-
enhancement and one more supplement gives variety. Or my truth be written: Spoils fun and
sprerads more chaos and confusion.

How to handle a group of six people (ergo five players for one is game master or mistress)
overwhelmed by two-thousand possible class mixes, several dozens of feats hidden in whatever
add-on and same on spells?
See: Shillelagh, Magic weapon and Bless weapon are in game-mechanics one spell. Different
names to clarify that one is druidic, one arcane and one clergy results in everything based on such
to be spreading into more and more administration and less gaming.
● I shared cost-free with the officials: The option of redefining feat gain. For in example a
wizard or fighter will not all too often waste the few precious free feats on Birthright feats.
Simply for there are more beneficial ones. Or sometimes even simply more needed ones.
One of the reasons my characters, NPC's & monsters all gain some of those cultural feats in
addition. Birthright is no generic D&D so why surrendering to generic solutions?
● At the website people have a habit of talking as if magic works like in
online games. By the rules I know even the richest „arcane fizzle“ runs out of spell
components within one day. Further strength defines carrying capacity and money defines
how often they can cast their spells, even if more are memorized. In truth after six magic
missiles the backpack is simply out of ingredients for more, at optimum. That's one aspect
of why a wagon full is needed for battle-field magic?
Blue Rose OGL table hints 1
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COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast,
Inc. System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich baker, Andy Collins,
David noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by E.
Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. System Reference Document v3.5 HTML compilation
Copyright 2004, Sovelior Meliamne & Jason Olaf Jensen.
Added to Copyright Notice on demand of this license: In early
February 2008 I, Andrè Michael Pietroschek, wrote & gamecrafted
with intent of publishing, the included description of NPC class
revision with feats under the use of the gray-white table on page one
from the sanctioned chapters of as playable &
bearable classes for D&D (Dungeons & Dragons pen & paper
Roleplaying Game) based on "The Revised (v3.5) System Reference
Documents" by D20 Systems (as far as the download was named),
BLUE ROSE OGL tables about mental stat meanings & Birthright
PDF 3rd revision by Richard Baker. I hereby further mention in quite
obvious text and colour that neither Wizards of the Coast nor D20
are in any form responsible for my publishings and I clearly verify,
that I am not a member of their team or staff. Andrè M.
Pietroschek, Germany, February 2008 END OF LICENSE

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