Crim 6 Final Exam Bscrim 3 Pointers To Review

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1. Is an approach to justice in which the response to a crime is to organize a meeting between
the victim and the offender, sometimes with representatives of the wider community.
A. Retributive Justice B. Restorative Justice C. ADR D. Amicable Settlement

2. This may include a payment of money given from the offender to the victim, apologies and the
other amends, and other actions to compensate those affected and to prevent the offender from
causing future harm.

A. Retributive Justice B. Restorative Justice C.ADR D. Amicable Settlement

3.The goal is for them to share their experience of what happened, to discuss who was harmed
by the crime and how, and to create a consensus for what the offender can do to repair the
harm from the offense.

A. Retributive Justice B. Restorative Justice C. ADR D. Amicable Settlement

4. It is a general philosophical strategy for responding conflicts. It takes the principles and
practices of restorative justice beyond the criminal justice system.

A. Retributive Justice B. Restorative Justice C. Transformative Justice D. Conflict transformation

5.It refers to the process of moving from conflict-habituated systems to peace systems.
A. Retributive Justice B. Restorative Justice C. Transformative Justice D. Conflict transformation

6.It is the art of turning animosity, hatred, and domination into a spirit of collaboration, creativity,
and community.

A. Retributive Justice B. Restorative Justice C. Transformative Justice D. Conflict transformation

7.Alternative Dispute Resolution Act

A. RA 9385 B. PD 9285 C. RA 9285 D. RA 9072

8.It is the art of turning animosity, hatred, and domination into a spirit of collaboration, creativity,
and community.
A. Justice B. Restorative Justice C. Transformative Justice D. Conflict transformation

9.Dispute is short term disagreement

A. True B. False C. Maybe D. None of these

10.Conflict is short term disagreement

A. True B. False C. Maybe D. Partly true
11. Is conceptualized as the methods and processes involved in facilitating the peaceful ending
of conflict and retribution.

A. Conflict Resolution B. Conflict Theory C. Conflict D. Dispute

12.It is the way disputants understand and view the conflict with beliefs, perspectives,
understandings and attitudes.
A. Conflict resolution B. Behavioral Resolution C. Cognitive Resolution D. Emotional Resolution

13. It is in the way disputants feel about a conflict, the emotional energy.
A. Conflict Resolution B. Behavioral Resolution C. Cognitive Resolution D. Emotional Resolution

14. It is reflective of how the disputants act, their behavior.

A. Conflict resolution B. Behavioral Resolution C. Cognitive Resolution D. Emotional Resolution

15. Is the discomfort one feels when his beliefs, values or behaviors contradict one another.
A. Conflict Resolution B. Behavioral Resolution C. Cognitive Resolution D. Emotional Resolution

16. It refers to the process of moving from conflict-habituated systems to peace systems.
A. Retributive Justice B. Restorative Justice C. Transformative Justice
D. Conflict Transformation

17. Is an approach focused on determining what law was broken, who broke it, and how they
should be punished.

A. Retributive Justice B. Restorative Justice C. Transformative Justice D. Conflict transformation

18. Means of settling disputes outside the courtroom.

A. Alternative Dispute Resolution B. Amicable Settlement C. Extrajudicial D. Agreement

19. An act that provides the purpose of perpetuation and official recognition of the time- honored
tradition of amicably settling disputes among family and barangay members would promote the
speedy administration of justice and implement the constitutional mandate to preserve and
develop Filipino culture and to strengthen the family as a basic social institution.

A. PD 1508 B. RA 1508 C. PD 1528 D. RA 1528

20. Conflict comes from the word Latin __________means to come together for a battle

A. Conflinger B. Conflingere C. Confliced. D. Conflicte

21. A conflict resolution strategy used when people just ignore or withdraw from the conflict.
They choose this method when the discomfort of confrontation exceeds the potential reward of
resolution of the conflict.
Also. Avoiding B. Competing C. Compromising D. Collaborating

22. A conflict resolution strategy used by people who go into conflict planning to win. They're
assertive and not cooperative. This method is characterized by the assumption that one side
wins and everyone else loses. It doesn't allow room for diverse perspectives into a well-informed
total picture.

a. Avoiding B. Competing C. Compromising D. Collaborating

23. A conflict resolution strategy used seem easy to accommodate for the facilitator, people
aren't really may be withholding worthwhile ideas. When conflict is avoided, nothing resolved.
A. Avoiding B. Competing C. Compromising D. Collaborating

24. It's rarely a good strategy for group problem solving.

a. Avoiding B. Competing C. Compromising D. Collaborating

25. It is the opposite of competing

A. Avoiding B. Accommodating C. Compromising D. Collaborating

26. While it may seem generous, it could take advantage of the weak and cause resentment
a. Avoiding B. accommodating C. Compromising D. Collaborating

27. A group may learn to allow each participant to make a contribution with the possibility of co-
creating a shared solution that everyone can support.
A. Avoiding B. Accommodating C. Compromising D. Collaborating

28. Is the initial or amended claim filed by the party or parties initiating the arbitration.
A. Statement of Claim B. Statement of Complaint C. Arbitration Claim D All of these.

29. The use of communication techniques and strategies to influence a person to change
his/her behavior in accordance with goals within legal, ethical and moral constraints.
A. Negotiation B. Media Strategies C. Persuasion D. Dispute Resolution

30. An individual or group of persons who hold another person(s) against his/her/their will as
bargaining chips for purposes of demanding certain amount of money, self-protection, thwarting
any police action, or pursuing personal interest or that of the general public.
A. Hostage Crisis B. Victimization C. Hostage Taker D. Hostage Suspect

31. -is any event or period that will lead, or may lead, to an unstable and dangerous situation
affecting an individual, group, or all of society.

A. Emergency Situation B. Imminent Danger C. Incident Disasters D. Crisis

32. As defined in the RA 10121, is the provision of emergency services and public assistance
during or immediately after a disaster in order to save lives, reduces health impacts, ensure
public safety and meet the basic subsistence needs of the people affected
A. Emergency Response B. Disaster Response C. Incident Response D. Crisis Response
33. Is described by RA 10121, as the potential disaster losses in lives, health status, livelihood,
assets and services, which could occur to a particular community or a society over some
specified future time period.
A. Disaster Response B. Disaster Risk C. Disaster Incident D. Potential Disaster

34. As per R.A 10121, is defined as unforeseen or sudden occurrence, especially danger,
demanding immediate action.
A. Emergency B. Danger C. Incident D. Accident

35. A dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition that may cause loss of
life, injury, or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihood and services, social and
economic disruption, or environmental damage.
A. Hazard B. Damage C. Danger D. Risk

36. A team composed of Command Staff and General Staff who will take the lead in ICS
A. Incident Command Team B. Incident Management Group C. Incident Management Unit
D. Incident Management Team

37. A methodology to determine the nature and extent of risk by analyzing potential hazards and
evaluating existing conditions of vulnerability that together could potentially harm exposed
people, property, services, livelihood and the environment on which they depend
A. Risk Factor B. Risk Measurement C. Risk Reduction Method D. Risk Assessment

38. A condition involving mass casualty and/or major damages to property, disruption of means
of livelihoods, roads, communications, and normal way of life of people in the affected areas as
a result of the occurrence of natural or human induced hazard. Terrorist -is an individual or a
group who uses violence, terror, and intimidation to achieve political results.
A. State of Shock B. State of Disaster C. State of Calamity D. State of Emergency

39. Is operationally defined in this document as a procedural process on how to systematically

carry out disaster management operations. It is the standard rules that govern all disaster
management operators.
A, Standard Operational Procedure B. Operational Protocols C. Procedural Protocols
D. Operational Procedure

40. The individual responsible for all incident activities, including the development of strategies
and tactics and the ordering and the release of resources.
A. Incident Manager B. Incident Commander C. Incident Negotiator D. Incident Director

1. - is the power of courts or quasi-judicial agencies to decide cases filed before them and
falling within their jurisdiction.
2. - is an agreement reached during mediation and conciliation proceedings.
3. - is a process wherein the third party from outside the judicial system is chosen by
parties to hear and decide their dispute.
4. - is the decision reached by either the Lupon Chairperson or Pangkat, as the case may
be, upon prior agreement in writing by the parties to a dispute for the adjudicators to
resolve it.
5. - is a provisional remedy in the form of an order issued by a judge before whom the
case is pending by which the property is taken into legal custody as security for
satisfaction of a judgment obtained by the prevailing party, either at the commencement
of the action or any time after the filing of the case before the final judgment
6. — plaintiff Complaint is a concise statement of ultimate facts constituting the plaintiff’s
cause and causes of action.
7. - is a process wherein the Pangkat forgoes the power to decide or recommend but
assist the parties to isolate issues and options to reach a settlement by consensus that
jointly satisfies their needs
8. - (Replevin) is provisional remedy by which a judge before whom an action is pending for
the recovery of personal property issues an order for the delivery of such property to the
movant or the party filing the petition upon filing of a bond to guarantee its return or to
answer for the damages.
9. - is the process of exacting satisfaction for or both of the parties through compulsory or
coercive means. It entails the enforcement of the terms of the amicable settlement or
arbitration award in so far as this may enjoin or command any of the parties to perform
an act, give something or refrain from doing some act
10. - is a judicial proceeding for the purpose of releasing a person who is illegally deprived
of liberty or restoring rightful custody to the person who has been deprived
11. - means a person who is suffering the penalty of civil interdiction; or who is a
hospitalized leper, prodigal, deaf and dumb who is unable to communicate; one who is of
unsound mind, even though he has a lucid interval and a person not being unsound
mind but by reason of age, disease, weak mind, and other similar causes, cannot,
without outside aid, take care of himself and mange his property, becoming thereby an
easy prey for deceit and exploitation.
12. - is an authority to hear and decide a case and given by law and cannot be agreed by
the parties
13. - is a system of justice administered at the barangay level for the purpose of amicable
settling disputes through mediation, conciliation or abitration among the family or
barangay without resorting to the courts.
14. - is a body organized in every barangay composed of Punong Barangay as the
chairperson and not less than ten (10) and more than twenty from which the members of
every Pangkat shall be chosen.
15. - is a process wherein the Lupon chairperson or Barangay Chairperson assists the
disputing parties to reach a settlement by consensus that jointly satisfies their needs.
Minor is a person below eighteen (18) years of age. Next of Kin is an individual who is a
relative or a responsible friend with whom the minor or incompetent lives
16. - is a conciliation panel constituted from the Lupon membership for every dispute
brought before the Lupon consisting of three (3) members after the Punong Barangay
has failed in his mediation efforts.
17. - is a provisional remedy in the form of an order issued by a judge before whom the
case is pending at any stage before the final judgment requiring a person to refrain from
a particular act.
18. - is an act of rejecting the validity or refusing to accept the terms and conditions of
agreement on the ground of vitiation of consent by fraud, violence or intimidation.
19. — defendant Statute of Limitations is the law which bars or does not allow the institution
or filing of an action or case against another after the expiration of the period prescribe d
for such action or offense.
20. - is a provisional remedy in a form of an order issued by a judge before whom the case
is pending granting allowance, dwelling, clothing, education and medical attendance to
the person entitled thereof.
21. - is the place where the case is to be heard and decided. This is not fixed by law except
in criminal cases, and can be agreed upon by the parties.


1. – A respondent's written reply to a claim is refers to…__________________
2. – The person at who handles administrative matters in arbitration proceedings is
3. – A person chosen to decide arbitration disputes between parties is refers to…
4. – A written document provided by the arbitrator(s) stating the disposition of the
case. Awards are rendered by independent arbitrators who are chosen by the parties to
issue final, binding decisions is called…_______________
5. – An allegation or request for monetary or other relief is refers to…__________
6. – A party that initiates an arbitration or mediation for monetary or other relief is refers
7. – An attorney or representative who advises and represents a party in an arbitration or
mediation is called...______________
8. – A claim filed by a respondent against the claimant is refers to ________
9. – A claim filed by a respondent against another already-named respondent is called…
10. – A disagreement between or controversy involving two or more parties, which may
consist of one or more claims is refers to…______________
11. – A party submits to a statement of claim, which explains the nature of the dispute, and
other accompanying documentation to initiate an arbitration is called…____
12. – Is a meeting of the parties and arbitrators in which the parties present facts and
evidence and the arbitrators listen to these presentations to resolve the disputes. A
hearing is also referred to as the hearing on the merits is refers to…_______________
13. – Is any meeting between the parties and arbitrator(s) of four hours or less, including a
hearing or a prehearing conference is called…_____________
14. – Is an individual who assists and guides the parties toward their own resolution in a
mediation, but does not decide the outcome is refers to…___________
15. 15, – Is the arbitration panel, whether it consists of one or more arbitrators is refers to..
16. – A person or member firm making or responding to a claim in an arbitration proceeding
is called…__________________________
17. – Is a statement describing a party's causes of action or defenses. Documents that are
considered pleadings are: a statement of claim, an answer, counterclaim, a cross-claim,
a third-party claim, and any replies is called…___________
18. – Is any hearing session, including an Initial Prehearing Conference, that takes place
before the hearing on the merits begins is refers to..______
19. – Is a party against whom a statement of claim or third-party claim has been filed. A
claimant against whom a counterclaim has been filed is not a respondent is called…
20. – Is the initial or amended claim filed by the party or parties initiating the arbitration is
refers to…________________
21. – Is an order for a witness to appear at a particular time and place to testify. A
subpoena for production of documents in the control of the witness is called a "subpoena
duces tecum” is refers to…_________________

1. Define "Disaster", Disaster Risk Reduction and "Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management" and give its importance during emergencies response and preparedness
in any disaster or crises incidents? Explain your answer.
2. Explain Incident, Crisis, Crisis Management and Incident Command System (ICS) and
give its ICS General Composition and functions of each. State also ICS for what are its
uses and its benefits/importance in any business organization or government agencies?

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