(Download PDF) Maxis Moment An MM Age Play Age Gap Romance The Littles of Cape Daddy Book 6 Zack Wish Lana Kyle Full Chapter PDF

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Maxi's Moment: An MM Age Play, Age

Gap Romance (The Littles Of Cape

Daddy Book 6) Zack Wish & Lana Kyle
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Drill Me Daddy: An MM Age Play Romance (Blue Collar

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Choose Me Daddy: An MM Age Play Romance (Ivy League

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Nail Me Daddy: An MM Age Play Romance (Blue Collar Boys

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Maxi’s Moment
The Littles Of Cape Daddy
Book 6
Lana Kyle
& Zack Wish
Cape Daddy Books

Content & Trigger Warnings

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11



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Content & Trigger Warnings

Maxi’s Moment is a low-angst, super-sweet with plenty of heat MM Age Play Romance between consenting adults.

This is the sixth book in my Littles Of Cape Daddy series. The books are standalone novellas and can be read in any order.

This book features the themes and kinks listed below:

Daddy/boy, Age Gap, ABDL, Age Regression, Hurt/Comfort, Instalove, Steam, Spanking & Paddling, Kink, and a truly
wholesome HEA!

Please don’t read this book if any of the above are likely to cause offence. Otherwise, enjoy!

Lana & Zack XoXo

Chapter 1

The sky was blue with the occasional fluffy white cloud in the sky. The birds were singing
their merry tunes and the sound of doors opening and shutting as people began their
daily commute rang in Maxi’s alert ears.
Not everyone was up as early as Maxi, and although sometimes he would have liked a bit
of a later start, he was glad that he didn’t need to commute to the city like some people
did. Maxi loved living and working in Cape Daddy, it truly was his favorite place in the
whole wide world.
Even the sound of Mitzi, the Jefferson dog yapping away as she spotted Maxi through a
gap in the garden fence made Maxi smile.
‘Morning, Mitzi!’ Maxi hollered, a broad smile on his face. ‘Have a barkingly good day
Maxi giggled to himself as he carried on walking, the sound of a barking fluffball like Mitzi
nowhere near enough to deter him from his duties.
The morning had gone super quickly. But Maxi didn’t mind at all. He was as happy as ever
as he walked down Doge Street with his big sack of mail.
Inside the sack were letters from loved ones, family, and old friends connecting the old-
fashioned way.
Maxi loved the thought that not all communication happened via apps and phones.
Delivering mail felt like a job from the past that was still an invaluable service for the
present day too. In fact, delivering mail felt like the quintessential Cape Daddy job.
Of course, Maxi knew that not all of the mail was good news exactly. There would be bills,
bills, and even more bills in his big sack. But without bills, how would anyone get
electricity or water, or pay for their cars? Even the downside of receiving a bill had an
upside too. Well, maybe that was pushing it a little far.
But either way, there was mail to be delivered and Maxi just loved that it was him who got
to do it.
Boy, I’m lucky.
Some people hate their job.
But my job only makes my heart sing…
Maxi was twenty-two years old and Cape Daddy’s most popular mail boy. With his bright
blue eyes and shoulder length blonde hair, he was the proverbial ray of sunshine in the
Cape Daddy residents’ daily routines.
The sight of Maxi walking down a tree lined street was as sure a sign as any that the day
was about to begin. Maxi loved nothing more than flashing his boy next door smile at the
variety of local residents as he handed them their daily letters, and sometimes a package
or two too.
Maxi was a hard worker who loved to please people. Working as a postal worker wasn’t
exactly something he had considered doing prior to getting the job, but circumstances in
his life had meant that he needed to find work, and quickly too.
But it soon became more than apparent that Maxi absolutely was made to be a mail
carrier. From his cheery demeanor to his ability to stick to a route and a schedule, he was
the perfect candidate.
Maxi loved to make residents laugh too, and by the end of each morning’s delivery he
would have picked up at least one new joke or bit of material from his daily observations.
Doge Street was arguably Maxi’s favorite street too. With its perfect trees, neatly
maintained lawns, and delightfully sweet houses, it really was a vision of how perfect life
in Cape Daddy could be.
Maxi was wearing his standard issue outfit of pale blue short sleeved shirt, navy shorts and
matching navy knee high socks. It was a cute outfit, one perfect for late summer where
the weather was warm, but not quite at the sweltering temperatures of the previous couple
of months.
Maxi had a pale blue baseball cap too, one that he would wear backwards – even though
Maxi knew that his boss, Mrs. Mahony would insist that caps were to be worn facing the
correct way!
Mrs. Mahony was a good boss, even if she could be a little bit too strict when it came to
rules and regulations. She had given Maxi an initial trial run in the job but had been so
impressed by him that she had scrapped the trial three days in and given him the position
full time.
Maxi considered this to be a real honor, and he knew from other residents in Cape Daddy
that Mrs. Mahony wasn’t exactly the kind of person who threw compliments around too
easily. In fact, in some people’s eyes she could be viewed as being tough and stuck in her
But Maxi felt a strong degree of loyalty and respect towards Mrs. Mahony. Even if her
insistence on the cap rule did seem a little over the top at times.
But Maxi’s backward cap wearing was only a small rebellion. Generally, Maxi prided
himself on how closely he stuck to rules. Rule-breaking and risk-taking wasn’t Maxi’s thing
at all.
In fact, as far as Maxi was concerned – the less risk the better!
‘We play it safe and we play it fair!’ Maxi said, arching his head backward to look at
Bounce, his stuffie. ‘Isn’t that right my lovely little Bounce?’
Bounce was a super-small kangaroo stuffie that Maxi had owned for as long as he could
Bounce was soft, snuggly, and had a mischievous smile on his face too. The fact he was
small and light enough to sit comfortably at the top of Maxi’s backpack was an added
bonus as it meant that he could come to work with Maxi every single day.
Maxi was a Little. His stuffie was important to him in a way that many people just couldn’t
understand. In fact, the whole idea of what a Little was didn’t really make sense to many
people. Some people could even be mean or make silly judgements about Littles and how
they chose to live.
Fortunately, Cape Daddy was an open-hearted and accepting place where people could be
exactly who they wanted to be. As long as all activity was consensual and everyone acted
with good morals and respect, people were free to explore their kinks and desires and just
be themselves.
As far as Maxi was concerned, him and his Little friends in Cape Daddy were just the
same as anyone else. So what if they liked to wear diapers sometimes? Or if they wanted
to find a special man to call Daddy?
Maxi loved his life, and he loved living in Cape Daddy.
It was the perfect place for him and Bounce, and Maxi could see himself delivering mail
for all the delightful residents until the end of time!
Even if a meteor crash landed in Cape Daddy and all the dinosaurs came back to life,
Maxi always maintained that he would keep on delivering the mail like a good boy.
Nothing would ever stop him, not even a million sharks with legs and super-sharp teeth.
As far as Maxi was concerned, there was no greater responsibility – and no better way to
find job satisfaction either. Outdoors, delivering mail, and smiling and singing all morning
was Maxi’s idea of a fantasy come true.
Maxi was enjoying the sights and sounds of Doge Street a little bit too much though. A
quick look at his old-school Casio watch told him that he was actually… behind schedule.
This wasn’t good news.
This was actually terrible news!
‘Okay, Bounce, it’s time to put the afterburners on!’ Maxi giggled, putting an end to his
dawdling, and walking at full speed.
At the end of Doge Street, Maxi was faced with a choice. He could either walk up Tall
Tropes Hill or take the shortcut through the woodland.
Hmmm. I think I need to take the shorter route.
I don’t want Mrs. Mahony on my butt again.
Shortcut it is!
With that, Maxi took a hard left and found himself running and skipping through the
Maxi was happy to have take the short cut, and if he kept this pace up he might even
finish his delivery route early. This would mean that Maxi could meet up with his Little
friends for an early playtime playdate.
‘Uh-oh!’ Maxi suddenly exclaimed. ‘I forgot about Bluffers Bank.’
Maxi stopped dead in his tracks. Cutting right across the breadth of his shortcut was a
winding river that ran all the way down from the mountain range that surrounded Cape
The river wasn’t exactly super-deep, but it would easily have come up to Maxi’s midriff.
And there were jagged rocks at the sides of the riverbank too, plus potentially way more
sharp rocks under the water.
Maxi knew that his friends would tell him to jump. They always had faith in Maxi to be able
to do things like this, but Maxi wasn’t so sure of himself. He was alone and had the mail
with him. A single mistake or slip here and everything could go wrong.
Maxi didn’t know what to do, but every inch of his instinct was telling him to lean into one
option over the other…
‘I… think… it’s a bit risk to try and jump,’ Maxi said, turning back to look at Bounce for
reassurance. ‘If I fall… it might hurt.’
Despite knowing that he could probably make the jump, Maxi was so scared of taking any
kind of risk that he just couldn’t make himself do it.
Maxi hadn’t always been afraid of taking chances or trusting in himself. But after a terrible
experience with his former Daddy, a total poo-butt by the name of Silas, Maxi would now
get paralyzed by fear every time there was a risk involved in a situation.
Silas had left town without telling Maxi and taken all of their savings with him too. It had
been a terrible thing for Maxi to experience and the burden of how hurt he was remained
to the present day.
As far as Maxi was concerned, if he never saw Silas again it would be too soon. Sadly
though, Silas’s presence still haunted Maxi.
‘Stinkers!’ Maxi said, angry with himself for not being able to make the jump across
Bluffers Bank. ‘I’ll just have to walk all the way back and take the longer route. I’m going
to be sooo late now!’
But just as Maxi was turning away and ready to head back, he caught a glimpse of
someone walking toward him on the other side of the embankment.
Wow, that man is… big.
He’s sweating, and those muscles…
Is that… Rick Ranger?
Maxi froze.
It looked like Rick Ranger was headed his way, and judging by the look on his face, Rick
had something to say too. But Maxi didn’t know Rick personally, and had absolutely no
idea what he’d want from him.
But one thing was for sure, Maxi was about to find out, and find out real soon…
Chapter 2

The woodpeckers pecked as loud as a roadworker’s pneumatic drill, and yet the tall trees
still didn’t move an inch. This was nature’s way, and it had always been like this in the
Cape Daddy forest.
Nothing would ever change or disrupt the perfect foliage and ancient woodlands. Cape
Daddy meant far too much to far too many people for that to happen.
An inquisitive hare looked on from behind a thick bush as the man ran and leapt over
fallen branches and divots in the ground.
The ground was solid underfoot, but that wasn’t to say that it was without danger. A slip on
the dewy grass or a missed tree root could have spelled danger with a capital D.
But risk was a way of life for some people. And Rick Ranger had never been one to avoid
risk. Far from it, in fact.
Rick was out on his morning run. He was running hard and fast, the only way he knew how
to do it. For Rick, life was about taking risks, living free and easy, and never knowing when
to quit.
Faster. Come on man, push yourself.
This shit’s too easy.
Where’s the next jump? I need to make it a big one…
Rick was forty-four years old and his body had taken some punishment over the years.
Growing up in the circus, Rick was destined to perform and use his body to earn a living.
Rick could remember beginning training for the circus life when he was barely out of
diapers. It was the way of life he was born into, and he wouldn’t have had it any other way.
However it wasn’t just because Rick had been born into a circus family that he loved it so
much. It was more than that. Rick had a natural gift. Even as a young child, he was far
ahead of other acrobats in their early teens. There was something extra special about
Rick’s abilities, so much so that a lot of the other kids called him Spiderboy.
As a highly regarded acrobat since his teenage years, Rick was well on the way to
entering into the acrobatic hall of fame when disaster struck. A serious fall from a great
height not only broke his ankle, but shattered his shoulders.
Rick could remember the fall like it was yesterday. It had been a new stunt, something
that would have pushed the boundaries of what many thought possible. Rick had practiced
and practiced the jump, gradually building up the confidence to perform it live before an
expectant audience.
And it had gone well too. Night after night in that first week of the new touring season,
Rick had wowed the packed-out crowds with his fest of daring, skill, and supreme cat-like
However the fateful night of his fall changed everything. Something had felt off all night.
Rick sensed it at the time but could never put his finger on exactly what it was he was
Maybe it was his intuition telling him to not do the stunt, or maybe it was just an
unfortunate coincidence. But whatever it was, Rick knew that he couldn’t go through his
whole life living with regret.
As far as Rick was concerned, the accident and his acrobatic career was firmly part of his
past. However, at the time of the accident it hadn’t been quite so easy to move on.
Several operations later, and Rick had been forced to concede that his days as an acrobat
with the circus were over. It had been painful for him to admit, but Rick didn’t want to
struggle on and try to replicate the stunts and tricks of old when he knew that his body
simply couldn’t handle it any longer.
But all of that was gone, a memory. Rick’s life was in Cape Daddy now, and boy did he love
With his dark eyes and even darker hair, Rick was well known and respected around Cape
Daddy. Ever since pitching up at the end of his circus career, Rick had always been a
great helping hand to anyone who had needed it – so much so that Rick didn’t really have
an official job as such, instead preferring to make a living by helping out his Daddy
friends as and when they needed it.
This was Rick’s way. Free and easy. No commitment. Simply following his heart and
having a great time doing it.
Rick powered through some thistles and made a small jump over an old sawn-off tree
trunk. His heart was pounding and sweat was dripping off his forehead.

Running gave Rick a real sense of freedom, and he would often imagine that he was a
wild stag as he charged through the woodland. Maybe he was a wild stag who would one
day find a mate for life too, but so far there hadn’t been any luck in that department.
Still, as long as he was charging around and having physical fun in the woods, Rick wasn’t
going to complain. Well, maybe the sheer steepness of Devil’s Pathway might give him a
tiny cause for a quick grumble…
‘Fuck. Thank you so much, Mother Nature. That was an intense uphill stretch,’ Rick said,
taking a moment to pause and wipe the sweat from his brow. ‘But I love it really.’
Rick was sweating all over. It was still warm enough for him to remove his vest and wrap it
around his waist. With his two prominent shoulder scars on display, Rick actually looked
more like an ancient warrior than retired circus acrobat.
Knowing that the rest of his run would require some serious energy, Rick took a moment
to refuel. He reached into his weighted backpack and took out his protein drink.
Rick never used to be someone who believed in modern hacks like protein drinks and
green smoothies. But his good friend Chopper ran Chopper’s Gym in Cape Daddy and was
an expert in nutrition. Rick would have been a fool to ignore Chopper’s wise words and
advice when it came to refueling, even though it killed Rick to admit it sometimes.
As he sipped on the powdery and not especially flavorsome drink, Rick thought back to his
days in the circus.
Damn, I miss it sometimes.
I love my life, but… I miss the circus so fucking much.
Huh. Life moves on though…
Rick thought back to the double surgery that effectively ended his career. It was
something that he had to do, the prospect of trying to battle on through the injury without
having it properly seen to would have led to some serious consequences later in life, and
Rick knew that on balance he had made the only realistic call.
Still, Rick truly believed that life was for living. Even in his darkest moments, of which
there were relatively few these days, Rick remained a born optimist.
So rather than spending any more time feeling down, Rick took one more big gulp of his
powdery protein drink and got back to running.
Rick may not have been an elite level circus performer any longer, but that didn’t mean
that he couldn’t show the hills, bumps and jumps of Cape Daddy’s woodlands exactly what
he was made of…
Rick ran up and down the embankment slopes, making light work of it as he powered his
muscular legs and upper body across the damp terrain.
Suddenly, Rick came to a standstill. Just in the distance was a sight that was enough to
make him drool…
Holy hell, he’s cute.
But what in Cape Daddy is he doing?
He looks… nervous.
Rick couldn’t quite fully see what was going on with the young man across on the other
side of the river. It looked like the young guy was about to jump but for whatever reason
kept backing out of it.
‘That’s no way to be,’ Rick muttered. ‘He needs help jumping, and I’m the Daddy to help
him do it.’
Rick strode over toward the boy and swiftly leapt across to the other side. With his upper
body glistening with sweat, Rick immediately noticed that the boy’s eyes were all over him.
But the young guy looked shy. Shy and perfectly sweet. Just like a Little…
‘Hey, my dude, a fit boy like you could make that jump easy,’ Rick said, flashing a
generous smile in his direction. ‘The name’s Rick.’
‘I know,’ he replied, biting his bottom lip. ‘I’m Maxi. I’m friends with some of your Daddy
friends’ Littles.’
Rick felt his Daddy instincts kicking in.
Maxi was gorgeous, absolutely Rick’s type. Maxi’s lithe, athletic body was just made to be
held and put into all manner of positions. Not only that, but Maxi appeared to have a cute
little peachy butt that was designed purely for feeling the full force of a spanking,
paddling, or mixture of both.
However this wasn’t just a physical thing.
The Daddy inside Rick wanted to help Maxi conquer his fear and make the jump. But it
might not be that easy.
Try as Rick might to reason with him, it seemed like this Little was low on confidence – he
just didn’t want to take a risk.
Well, not alone anyhow.
‘Here, take my hand and we’ll make the jump together,’ Rick said, a look of kindness on
his face. ‘We’ll make it. That’s on Daddy’s word too.’
Rick saw how Maxi reacted to him referring to himself as Daddy. It felt good. It felt
natural. But Rick didn’t want to waste a single second – it was time to make the leap.
‘One… two… three!’ Rick exclaimed, the pair of them successfully making the jump without
too much trouble. ‘See? It was easy!’
Maxi jumped up and down and kicked his legs in the air. Rick could see his athletic
potential. The boy just needed confidence.
Maxi needs help to meet his potential.
He just has to learn to take a chance or two.
And I might just be the Daddy to train him up…
‘Here’s the deal,’ Rick said. ‘I’m going to train you. Free running. Parkour. Jumping.
Balancing. Running hard and fast. If you stick to my rules, you’ll never hesitate again.’
‘And what if I don’t stick to your rules?’ Maxi said, biting his perfectly plump lower lip
again in a way that was beginning to drive Rick crazy. ‘Will you… discipline me?’
Rick growled. Maxi was teasing him, trying to push his buttons. But Rick wasn’t going to
bite, not this time anyhow.
There would be plenty of time for punishments soon enough…
Chapter 3

Maxi’s heart was pumping, and he could feel his body beginning to rebel against the hard
work and strain it was being put under. Maxi hated giving up or slacking off, but he
couldn’t help a little verbal outburst, if only to work as a psychological stress relief from
the physical output
‘You weren’t kidding me when you said you’d train me!’ Maxi said, already sweating and
barely out of the warmup. ‘I want a breather! And I want one… five minutes ago!’
It was the next day, and Maxi had been eagerly awaiting his first training session with
Ever since the moment Maxi had made the jump across the embankment with Rick, Maxi’s
mind and body had been alive and totally turned on by the prospect of such a big, strong
man helping him.
Maxi was naturally submissive to dominant, older men. Being a Little, it was a very normal
response to have. But there was something extra special about how Maxi was responding
to Rick. It felt real. Maxi wasn’t feeling all submissive and bratty around Rick because he
thought that’s how a Little should be around a Daddy, it was all coming naturally.
Rick was quite the sight in his training vest and tiny red shorts. Every inch of his body was
honed to perfection, and Maxi could very much see that every single inch of Rick was as
masculine as masculine could be.
OMG stop staring at… it.
If he sees, he might shout at me.
Or worse, he might spank my butt.
Maxi wanted to drop to his knees and worship Rick. He couldn’t help it, but his desire to
serve a Daddy was beginning to become harder and harder to hide.
Maxi’s submissive side may have been coming to the fore, but so was his bratty side too.
There was something so stern and gruff about Rick that all Maxi wanted to do was push
Rick far enough so that he would have no choice but to pull his briefs down to his ankles
and give him a good, old-fashioned spanking.
And if that spanking was outside in the great outdoors, then that was fine too. In fact, Maxi
had been fantasizing about Rick bending him over a tree trunk and doing way more than
just tanning his butt. Way, way more in fact.
But at the same time, Maxi also did genuinely want to listen to Rick’s advice and help
himself become more confident at taking risks and chances.
Maxi wasn’t foolish enough to think that he could go through his whole life being afraid of
trying things out and taking a chance or two. That was no way to live.
It hadn’t always been like that for Maxi, and he wanted to return to the days when he
would try his best and take a risk from time to time. Maxi was never going to be a
daredevil, but he believed he could be far better than he was when it came to this kind of
‘No breaks! We’re only just getting going,’ Rick said. ‘And you can drop that bratty attitude
too. You have been warned. I won’t hesitate to correct any slacking.’
Rick’s harsh tone brought Maxi back into the real world. There was no way that a Daddy
like Rick would put up with much more of his disobedience or sass. And even though Rick
had an angry look on his face, Maxi couldn’t help but feel himself getting drawn into
feeling more and more attracted to Rick.
He scares me a little bit.
But I like it.
And so does my special place…

The sun continued to shine down on Maxi and Rick and the training continued apace.
An hour into the training and Maxi was getting confident. Cocky even. So much so that as
Maxi made a leap from one tree trunk to another, he nearly lost his balance and fell.
‘Tee-hee! Silly me!’ Maxi giggled. ‘I nearly made a whoospy!’
‘I warned you!’ Rick said, clearly not impressed with Maxi’s casual approach. ‘Enough is
enough. You’re going over my lap right here and now!’
Maxi gasped as Rick pulled him in close to his chiseled, rock-hard body.
‘But… but… I’ll be more serious,’ Maxi said, stifling a giggle. ‘No, I really will!’
‘I said enough!’ Rick bellowed. ‘We’ve already agreed your safeword is Jungle. Is that still
‘Y-y-yes, Daddy,’ Maxi said, the reality of the situation dawning upon him very quickly.
‘Please! I promise I’ll focus more! What if someone walks past and sees you spanking
‘Well that’s just a risk we’ll both have to take,’ Rick said, his tone full of intent as he led
Maxi over to a large, wide tree trunk. ‘Over my lap, now!’
Rick wasted no time in drawing Maxi’s slender body over his broad, rock-hard thighs.
Maxi gasped as he felt the bulge in Rick’s shorts, but his mind wouldn’t have long to focus
on that before his attention was drawn to the sensation of Rick roughly yanking down his
training shorts – and his electric-blue briefs too!
‘This pale little butt is going to learn a hard lesson,’ Rick grunted, fixing Maxi into a secure
position. ‘I hope you do too, boy!’
I don’t know if I can handle this.
I think this is going to sting… a lot!
Maxi didn’t have to wait long to find out exactly how hard the spanking was going to hurt
his exposed, pale buttocks.
Rick brought his hand down for the first spank and it landed directly in the sweet spot of
Maxi’s quivering left butt cheek. A second spank did the exact same thing on Maxi’s right
The pain was immediate, as was the thunderous sound of Rick’s large, flat hand crashing
down on Maxi’s bottom.
‘Boys who don’t train well get their bottoms tanned,’ Rick said, a hint of mischief in his
voice. ‘And as I’m your trainer, it is me who is judge, jury, and spanker-in-chief. Now, let’s
not waste any more time!’
‘Awwww! That hurts, that hurts, that hurts!’ Maxi squealed, wriggling and despite the pain
noticing that each wriggle stimulated his crotch in ways that made him feel super-good.
‘Please! Please! I’ll learn my lesson!’
‘No more talking,’ Rick growled. ‘Your bottom will be spanked until I think you have
learned your lesson. You don’t get to call this. Your Daddy is in charge now.’
Rick is my Daddy?
He just said it himself…
I… I… think he might be right too!
With each spank, Maxi let out a yelp of pain as Rick showed absolutely no mercy.
Maxi was learning that Rick didn’t play around when it came to dishing out punishment.
And the thing was, Maxi was beginning to understand that he did indeed deserve the
The truth was, Maxi hadn’t fully taken the training seriously. To Maxi, running and jumping
was all fun and games. But to a serious professional like Rick, it was important.
And as the spanks rained down on his radish-red booty, Maxi knew that this was a painful
but necessary learning moment for him.
‘Six more on this tushy and then we’ll be done,’ Rick said, his voice firm but full of love at
this point too. ‘Six… five… four… three… two… and… one!’
The final spank seemed like the hardest of them all, and Maxi felt like he was close to the
edge. Maxi had never been spanked with such ferocious accuracy and precision before.
Maxi was in pain, but he also felt relieved too.
There was a sense of serenity inside Maxi as Rick gently began to massage some of his
own cooling cream into Maxi’s tender buttocks.
Maxi felt the cool breeze pass over him and began to find himself tuning into the sounds
of the forest around him. The spanking may have hurt, and he may have deserved every
single smack, but Maxi was feeling closer to nature than ever. All in all, the spanking
might just have been the best thing to have happened that day.
This feels… nice.
I needed that, and I’m glad it was Rick who gave it to me.
Even though I won’t be sitting down for a day!
As Maxi got to his feet, he instinctively covered up his special place. Maxi wasn’t used to
being exposed like this around other men, and to his credit Rick made sure that Maxi
didn’t feel any more uncomfortable or shy than was absolutely necessary.
Rick very generously averted his eyes as Maxi pulled his briefs up to protect his modesty.
Rick was a gentleman, that was for sure. He may have been about as stern and serious a
spanker as a Little could imagine, but Rick had gentlemanly values, and that meant a lot
to Maxi after his awful experiences with his bad old Daddy Silas.
‘Training’s done for the day,’ Rick said. ‘Let’s go back to my place and I’ll make you a nice
recovery shake.’
‘Recovery shake?’ Maxi said, a curiosity in his voice. ‘Huh?’
‘I know, tell me about it,’ Rick laughed. ‘Let’s just say they came highly recommended by a
great friend of mine. And trust me, you’re going to enjoy my shakes. I always add in
something a bit sweet too, just for the flavor.’
‘I can’t wait to try it,’ Maxi said, his voice calm and happy. ‘and thank you again. Not just
for the training, but for the spanking too. My butt needed that.’
‘Don’t mention it boy,’ Rick laughed. ‘I think I needed it too!’
Maxi smiled and held Rick’s hand as they walked home. It had been an explosive training
session and some loving aftercare. But now it was time to refuel, relax and get to know
one another even better.
Chapter 4

The next week was one full of fun, training progress, and plenty of spankings. Rick was
impressed with how Maxi was developing, but he suspected that it was going to take a
long time – and probably a dozen or more paddlings – before Maxi was as committed to
the regimen as Rick wanted.
It was always a delight for Rick to see Maxi complete a new skill or show an improvement
in his agility or speed work. Maxi may not have been born and raised in the circus like
him, but Rick knew good athletic potential when he saw it.
In fact, working with Maxi on a one-on-one basis reminded Rick of how he was trained by
his father, and then later his uncle who was the true acrobat in the family. There was
something so wholesome about passing knowledge on. To Maxi, just like it had been
passed on to him all those many years ago.
Rick would push Maxi harder where he saw that Maxi could handle the extra pressure. But
at the same time, if Maxi truly didn’t look comfortable in a jumping or risk-taking
situation, then Rick would put his arm around the boy and take a more persuasive, gentler
Still, either way, the process was fun.
And more than that, Rick was enjoying getting to let out his Daddy side for the first time in
a long time. There had been dates and brief flings over the years, but nothing serious for
quite some time.
Rick had kind of resigned himself to living a quiet life without a boy, but there was no
doubting whatsoever that his experience so far with Maxi was making him question that
In fact, Rick was beginning to develop the kind of feelings for Maxi that were more or less
impossible to ignore.
Rick would find himself imagining all the things that he and Maxi could get up to together.
As seriously as Rick took the spankings, he couldn’t deny that each spanking felt like
more than just a dose of discipline. And judging by the hard rod that Rick would feel
pushing into his legs as he spanked Maxi, Rick was sure that the boy felt something
similar too.
With this is mind, and given the amount of flirting that was going on between them, Rick
and Maxi put in place an agreement over soft and hard limits and also clarification that
this was now a monogamous situation.
Should anything develop between them beyond the current situation, both Rick and Maxi
would feel a lot more comfortable with this agreement in place.
Rick didn’t want to tempt fate, but it certainly seemed to him like the more time they
spent together, the closer they were both getting to allowing their feelings to swell up and
take control of the situation.
But contracts were a long way from Rick’s mind as he watched Maxi playing on the carpet
of his living room. Maxi was wearing his favorite space rocket and rainbows romper suit
and was lying on the floor as he played with Rick’s old circus juggling balls and collection
of spinning tops.
Maxi’s the cutest boy I’ve ever seen.
I can’t believe he’s here, with me.
I’m one lucky old acrobat, that’s for sure…
‘Daddy! Come play with me!’ Maxi said, his voice soft and dreamy. ‘Pwetty-please!’
Rick chuckled and got up from his couch and went down on to the floor to play with Maxi.
Maxi was in Littlespace and Rick couldn’t help but find him totally adorable.
‘You make me feel all warm and safe,’ Maxi said, fiddling with his hair as he rolled some
colorful balls across the floor. ‘I’d trust you if you told me to jump off the biggest cliff!’
‘Ha-ha, well I’d never quite go that far,’ Rick said. ‘I’ll only ever ask you to take risks that I
think you can handle. You’re my special one, I’m here to push you but also look after you
‘I know, I was only teasing silly Daddy!’ Maxi giggled, prompting Rick to give Maxi a
couple of light taps on his romper-suit covered behind.
This was truly what it felt like to be a Daddy with a perfect Little, and Rick couldn’t help
but imagine in that moment what it would be like to spend the rest of his days looking
after and protecting Maxi.
The thought filled Rick with love, lust, and every emotion in between. Whether or not this
would come to pass, Rick did not know. All he could do was enjoy himself in the moment
and see what happened. But Rick did know that if there was a moment when a leap of
faith needed to be taken, he would be more than willing to take that chance on Maxi.

Maxi had gone for a nap after playing on the carpet for so long. But it was only a matter of
minutes before Rick heard the boy rummaging around in the bedroom.
‘You’d better not be up to no good!’ Rick called out. ‘Nap time means sleeping, not
Rick walked down the hallway and as he entered the bedroom, he couldn’t quite believe
his eyes…
‘What the hell is going on?’ Rick bellowed, his eyes drawn to the sight of Maxi dancing
around in nothing but his pajama bottoms.
‘Daddy, I just wanted some fun!’ Maxi replied, his smooth torso looking fit and athletic, no
doubt helped by the recent training he had undergone with Rick. ‘Was that a bad thing?’
Rick felt his temperature rising.
It wasn’t the bad kind of anger, more a burning desire to show Maxi exactly who the
Daddy Dom in this relationship was. Rick knew something needed to be done, and he
knew that he wanted it to happen right there and then in the bedroom.
Maxi had gone against Rick’s wishes for him to take a nap.
Not only that, but Maxi was teasing him and being intentionally provocative. This wouldn’t
stand, it wouldn’t stand at all…
‘Come here, now!’ Rick barked, immediately unbuttoning his jeans and letting them drop
to the floor. ‘You want to have fun? Here’s a toy for you to play with.’
Rick smiled at the look of shock and awe on Maxi’s face as his heavy, thick, and ultra-
erect cock sprung up into position.
‘I… I… I’ve never seen one this big before,’ Maxi said, instinctively putting his hands down
the front of his pajamas and gripping his own rapidly hardening cock. ‘Please… please
may I touch it?’
‘You can do more than that. You can worship it,’ Rick said, knowing that one of the kinks
that Maxi was interested in exploring was cock worship. ‘But be warned, you’d better get it
nice and wet – and quick!’
Maxi eagerly got down onto his knees and began to handle Rick’s meaty length. He was a
little bit shy at first, but soon enough was licking Rick’s shaft as he pumped it with both
hands wrapped around the full length.
‘Now use one hand, and put your other hand inside those pajamas,’ Rick commanded.
‘Jerk yourself while you pleasure me. That’s Daddy’s orders.’
Rick grunted as he looked down and saw Maxi simultaneously pleasuring his own dick
while sucking and slurping on Rick’s throbbing erection.
This is so hot.
The boy takes instructions well in the bedroom too.
But now it’s time for something different…
It was time to show Maxi exactly what he was capable of.
Rick stepped back, pulled Maxi’s pajama bottoms off, picked Maxi up, and held the boy
aloft. Maxi was light, petite, and easy to lift for a man as strong and so accustomed to
balancing acts from his years in the circus as Rick was.
Rick momentarily brought Maxi down and applied some lube to Maxi’s perfectly peachy
butt. Maxi groaned in pleasure as Rick worked the wet lube down between his cheeks and
over his tight ass hole.
‘That feels good, right?’ Rick growled, his desire in danger of spilling over as he worked
his fingers in and out of Maxi’s willing hole.
‘It feels super-good,’ Maxi said, barely able to speak as Rick continued to pleasure him.
‘Good, well now it’s time to fly again,’ Rick laughed, raising Maxi up into the air and
making sure to kiss and suck on Maxi’s cock as he held the Little aloft.
Rick loved how Maxi reacted to this with soft, excited moans and gasps of pleasure. It felt
so good for Rick to be giving the boy such a sensual and athletic first time with him.
Rick then maneuvered Maxi so that the pair of them were able to kiss. Rick loved the
feeling of Maxi’s soft lips against his rough stubble. The connection and passion in their
kiss was something that couldn’t be faked or manufactured. It was the real deal. In fact,
Rick would have happily spent hours simply kissing Maxi, such was the natural electricity
and chemistry as their lips locked and tongues intertwined.
But this moment was always destined to go beyond simply kissing. In a flash, Rick broke
off the kiss and picked Maxi up again and spun him around in the air above him.
‘Daddy! I’m so high up!’ Maxi said, his erect cock glistening above Rick’s keen eyes.
‘Maybe it’s time I put you down then!’ Rick growled, bringing Maxi down and slowly
impaling him on his cock. ‘Now let’s see how flexible you are.’
Rick proceeded to bounce Maxi on his shaft, Maxi’s supple body shaking and convulsing
as he began to feel himself climaxing harder than he had ever experienced before in his
‘OMG… I… this is… too much!’ Maxi groaned, his butt clenching as Rick continued to thrust
up into him. ‘I need to rest, I need to rest…’
Rick could see that Maxi was losing control, so rested him face down on the bed. With
Maxi’s head turned to the side and a look of pure, overwhelming pleasure on his face,
Rick drove his cock into Maxi from behind and began to increase the speed of his thrusts,
sending Maxi immediately into a truly body-shaking orgasm.
‘Grrrrr!’ Rick said, his animalistic thrusting climaxing as he buried his dick deep into Maxi
and let his seed flow out. ‘Now do you see what you’re capable of?’
‘OMG, I do!’ Maxi said, his face drowsy from the sheer scale of the orgasm he had just
experienced. ‘I’ve never had anything close to that before.’
‘Me neither, boy,’ Rick said, his mind wandering and his thoughts turning to the future.
It was true, Rick had never experienced such a fierce, all-encompassing connection to
anyone like he had just experienced with Maxi.
For a carefree man who lived life without commitment, Rick was now very much thinking
along different lines. It felt entirely possible that Maxi might even be the one.
But before either Rick or Maxi could get wrapped up in whether this could be their Forever
relationship or not, both of them happily allowed themselves to drift off to a well-earned
and much needed sleep.
There would be time to talk later.
Now it was all about basking in the serenity of a post-lovemaking slumber.
Chapter 5

Things had moved quickly between Maxi and Rick. Certainly, while Maxi had known of his
friends finding their Daddies and moving at a fast pace, he never thought that his own
Daddy situation would move so quickly. Far from it.
In Maxi’s mind, he had always imagined a slow, sensible courtship. In some ways, Maxi
had pretty traditional values. The fact that him and Rick had moved so quickly in his eyes
was surprising, to say the least.
Still, Maxi wouldn’t have changed it for the world.
As Maxi and Rick spent more time together, the spankings and sex continued apace. And
both were fantastic. There was no denying it, the sexual and physical connection that Maxi
felt with Rick was so powerful it was at times overwhelming.
However, Maxi was grateful to Rick for always checking in and providing the most
thoughtful aftercare and openness when it came to making sure that Maxi felt comfortable
and his needs were being met.
The physical side of things may have been going great, but what Maxi was enjoying most
of all was the deeply personal connection that he was forming with Rick. It felt like such a
natural bond between them, and Maxi loved nothing more than spending a lazy afternoon
playing board games or simply wandering around the various stores of Cape Daddy’s
central street.
In many ways, these casual hangouts kind of represented the slow and steady build up
that Maxi and Rick had almost entirely bypassed. And in a funny kind of way, it was almost
better this way too…
The sun was high in the sky and Cape Daddy was bustling. A tourist bus had come into
town and the visiting tourists all seemed to be having a wonderful time. That said, Rick
wasn’t overly keen on having to constantly jostle for position in the super-small craft
supplies store.
‘Grrrrr,’ Rick said, continuing to mutter under his breath as him and Maxi exited the shop
with some supplies for Maxi’s new Stuffie House.
Maxi simply laughed. He didn’t mind the extra visitors, but he did understand that his
Daddy was a lot bigger than him so probably needed more room in small spaces.
‘Daddy, do you think we could maybe go the Cape Daddy Diner?’ Maxi said, giving his best
puppy dog eyes. ‘I’m super-thirsty.’
‘You know, I think that could be a great idea,’ Rick chuckled. ‘And with those God damn
eyes, I would have said yes to probably anything you asked for!’
‘Can I have triple-choc pancakes?’ Maxi said, going even stronger on the puppy eyes.
‘Too late, boy,’ Rick said, playfully smacking Maxi on his butt. ‘You’ve used up your one
puppy-dog cheat code for the day.’
‘Nawww!’ Maxi said, stomping his foot in the smoothly paved sidewalk. ‘No fair! I demand
a reset!’
‘Be careful or I’ll be demanding we go down that alley for a butt warming,’ Rick growled.
‘Come on, quit protesting and let’s get to the diner. I need to refuel and judging by your
brattiness, you do too.’
The pair of them laughed and walked hand in hand toward the Cape Daddy Diner. It had
been a fun trip into town for some groceries and new coloring books, but now it was time
for a well-earned stack of Daphne Duke’s famous maple syrup pancakes.

The Cape Daddy Diner was its usual busy self, although thankfully not so busy that Maxi
and Rick couldn’t get a table.
‘Daddy, come on, you’ve got to let me have triple-choc something,’ Maxi said, determined
not to let go of it. ‘Triple-choc milkshake? Triple-choc pancakes? Brownies? Triple-choc
Rocky Road?’
‘Boy, I thought I said enough on the triple-choc,’ Rick said, his patience wearing thin. ‘You
can choose anything you want… from the smoothie menu. There are plenty of sweet
options there. And you need to get your fruit and veg intake up to standard.’
Maxi rolled his eyes and buried his face in the menu.
I wanted something REALLY sweet and sugary.
Fruit doesn’t count.
Daddy’s being a real stink-butt…
Maxi finally made his selection from the menu and tried his best to not act out as Daphne
brought over the tall glass of Strawberry Slammer.
‘Thanks, Daphne,’ Maxi said, barely smiling.
‘Is everything okay, honey?’ Daphne said. ‘Gee, Rick, I think your little friend isn’t too
happy today.’
‘He’s fine,’ Rick said, looking a shade embarrassed. ‘Nothing a good bit of… discipline…
wouldn’t sort out real quick.’
Daphne chuckled. She had been around Daddies and Littles for long enough to know
exactly how things worked. In fact, Daphne was a Little herself so understood exactly how
beneficial a good, brisk spanking could change a person’s outlook in a matter of
‘Well, I know exactly what you mean,’ Daphne said. ‘Listen, if you boys want to use the
staff room for a minute, feel free. I’ll put the Do Not Disturb sign up and you can have at
Maxi felt his heart skip a beat. Was Rick going to take Daphne up on her offer? The last
thing that Maxi had expected as they entered the Cape Daddy Diner was for him to be on
the receiving end of a spanking.
It was time for Maxi to do some backtracking, and fast…
‘I think we’re okay,’ Maxi said, his voice full of nervous energy. ‘Mmmmmm. This smoothie
is delicious, thank you so much. I’m so happy I chose this fruity, healthful option.’
But Maxi was about to discover that neither Daphne nor his Daddy would fall for such an
obvious attempt to back out of a punishment.
Daphne couldn’t help but chuckle as Maxi continued to try and wriggle his way out of a
‘Enough,’ Rick said. ‘Daphne, if you would be so kind as to hold our table,’ Rick said, his
voice firm and full-on Daddy Dom mode. ‘I will be taking Maxi into the staff breakroom
and will be giving my bratty boy a lesson he won’t be forgetting any time soon.’
‘You got it, Mr. Ranger,’ Daphne said, a broad, knowing smile on her face.
‘Let’s go, boy,’ Rick said, his tone making it clear that this was a command and not a
‘Y-y-y-yes, Daddy,’ Maxi said, his heart thumping hard in his chest and his cock suddenly
alive to what was about to happen.
The staff break room was situated just at the rear of the diner, behind the service counter.
With a small three-person couch, wooden table, and a cozy, charmingly well decorated
appearance, it was almost like being spanked in a domestic setting.
Except, of course, this wasn’t a domestic setting at all. It was a diner. And in keeping with
that, Rick had evidently decided to switch things up to suit the location.
‘W-w-w-wait, is that a wooden spoon?’ Maxi said, his voice full of a sudden fear that this
punishment might sting even more than he’d anticipated.
‘Sure is, boy,’ Rick replied. ‘It sure it. Now pull those shorts and briefs down, bend over the
table and present your bare bottom for its well-deserved punishment.’
‘Y-y-yes, Daddy,’ Maxi replied, his mouth wide open and adrenalin coursing over his body
at the prospect of taking his first wooden spoon.
This is going to seriously sting.
Maybe I shouldn’t have been such a brat?
But maybe… I might be glad that I was hehe…
Chapter 6

Rick woke up the next morning to the sight of Maxi already awake and playing with his
stuffie, Bounce.
‘Is it even morning yet?’ Rick said, sitting up in bed and smiling as Maxi made Bounce
hop and jump all over his bare chest. ‘Hey, Bounce. Hope you slept as well as Maxi did?’
‘We all slept well,’ Maxi grinned. ‘I didn’t think a spanking with a wooden spoon would be
so much fun.’
Rick grinned and looked over toward the very same wooden spoon from the Cape Daddy
Diner as it lay at the bottom of their bed.
‘Yup, who knew?’ Rick laughed.
The spanking at the Cape Daddy Diner had been fun. A serious amount of fun, in fact.
Daphne had very kindly allowed them to keep the spoon on the condition that next time
they were in the diner, Rick let Maxi order whatever he wanted – including one of the
famous triple-choc options.
Rick was never going to turn down Daphne’s offer. After all, who didn’t want an authentic
Cape Daddy Diner wooden spoon to have at home as an option for discipline time?
‘So, what do you want to do today, boy?’ Rick said, stroking Maxi’s soft hair as he
continued to play with Bounce. ‘Anything you like. Just name it.’
Maxi took a moment to consider his options. It was clear that he was thinking hard and
trying to come up with something good.
‘Anything?’ Maxi said, a hint of mischief in his eyes. ‘Like, anything anything?’
‘Yup, you heard me right,’ Rick said, the sun light hit his perfectly solid, ruggedly muscular
‘I think I want to go for a forest run and practice my jumping,’ Maxi said, smiling from ear
to ear. ‘I want to make sure I beat my fears. And… I just love practicing my moves with
Rick’s heart filled with pride. He could tell that Maxi wasn’t just saying that to curry favor
or to impress him. Maxi clearly genuinely wanted to work on his parkour skills.
‘Well, you’ve certainly picked a good day for it,’ Rick replied. ‘And hell yeah, let’s do it!’
The two of them sprung up from the bed and decided that rather than shower now, they
would go straight out and hit the forest trails. After all, what could be more fun than
getting all hot and sweaty before returning home for a well-earned joint shower?
It was time to hit the forest and Rick was determined that Maxi would come away from the
training session with a ton more confidence – and with Maxi’s enthusiasm, Rick would
have bet his life savings on that being the case.

‘Well, that was something else!’ Rick said as he wrapped his arm around Maxi’s shoulder.
‘You would never have taken that leap before we started training.’
‘I thought I was flying I was in the air for so long,’ Maxi giggled, nuzzling his head into
Rick’s chest. ‘And it’s all because of your help. You’re a great coach, Daddy. You really
should teach other people in Cape Daddy. Everyone young and old would love it.’
‘Hmm, we’ll see,’ Rick said. ‘Right now, you’re my one and only pupil and I’m quite happy
with that.’
The tall forest trees had done a decent job of protecting Rick and Maxi from the hot
morning sun, but the muddy puddles and slick moss had mercilessly led to several slips
that had splashed and covered their lower halves in mud.
Not that either Rick or Maxi would complain about mud. After all, that was just part of the
outdoor experience. And if it meant an extra-long shower together to get fully cleaned up,
then all the better.
‘Shhhh, look,’ Rick said, pointing over toward two rabbits sitting on a tree trunk a few yards
away. ‘Cute, right?’
‘The cutest,’ Maxi whispered, delighted to be so close to nature. ‘Will I ever be able to run
as fast as a bunny? Or jump as high?’
‘Who knows, at the rate you’re developing you’ll be outrunning a cheetah and out jumping
a kangaroo!’ Rick replied, his bellowing voice prompting both bunnies to disappear back
into the undergrowth.
‘Hey, I bet I can even beat you now, Daddy,’ Maxi squealed, delight in his voice. ‘Race you
home! Three… two…’
But before Maxi counted down to one, he was away. With his little legs moving as fast as
they could carry him, and his newly nimble balance allowing him to swerve and jump
around obstacles, Maxi was already building a big lead in the race and that was before
Rick had even started.
‘Wait, what the hell?’ Rick barked. ‘Cheat! I wasn’t ready! Come back here!’
The boy thinks he’s smart.
But he would do well not to underestimate his Daddy.
I may be older, but I’m still fast enough to whoop his butt every day of the week and twice
on Sunday…
With that, Rick burst forward with his customary power and agility, his competitive edge
coming to the fore as he was determined to put the boy in his place.
Whatever the outcome of the race was going to be, Rick was happy to see Maxi’s new
found confidence coming to the fore in the most fun, and most outgoing way imaginable.
Rick knew one thing for sure, this wouldn’t be their last woodland race. Not by a long
Chapter 7

With every day being a happy day, time simply flew by for Maxi. The thrill of being with
Rick didn’t seem like it was going away any time soon either.
There was something so magnetically charismatic and alluring about having a Daddy who
was on the one hand super-smooth and slick, but on the other could be as stern and full of
bear-like gruffness.
Put simply, Rick checked all of the boxes as far as Maxi was concerned. Their relationship
may have been young, but the depth of their connection already felt like they had been
together for far, far longer. It was almost as if there was an unwritten, unspoken
understanding between them.
Maxi could already tell by the look on Rick’s face exactly what he was thinking. And the
same was true in reverse too. It really was a dream start to their relationship, a coupling
that Maxi hoped and prayed would go all the way.
But Maxi didn’t have time to allow himself to indulge in thoughts of his future with Rick for
too long. There was the Cape Daddy mail to deliver…
The sun was high in the sky and there wasn’t a single cloud up there either. Maxi was
wearing his usual mail carrier uniform, but now had a brand new pair of special flexibility
sneakers that Rick had got for him. And with the multi-colored laces Rick had got to go
with the sneakers, Maxi couldn’t help but feel like he was the luckiest Little in the world.
Rick makes me feel special.
I hope I make him feel the same way.
I definitely did in the shower this morning hehehe…
Maxi was out on his morning delivery and it was a real treat, just as it had been for the
last couple of weeks. After so much training and confidence building from Rick, Maxi was
now able to pretty much scale and leap over any fence in all of Cape Daddy.
Maxi had never really considered himself to be much of an athlete in the past. Maybe it
was because being a Little, he never felt overly comfortable to express himself in high
school when it came to activities more associated with jocks. But training with Rick was
giving Maxi a whole new perspective on his athletic capabilities. And Maxi liked it.
This new found confidence meant quicker delivery times, happier citizens, and more time
for Maxi to play with his Little friends!
It was truly a win-win situation.
Oh, the cherry on top of the cake was the fact that each time Maxi beat his personal best
time, he was rewarded with a session of cock worship with Rick. Talk about an incentive…
All in all, life was looking better than it ever had. Maxi was happy in his work, in his
personal life, and he was even thinking about taking up Rick’s offer of getting into training
for the Cape Daddy annual parkour championship.
I’m one lucky boy.
Now I know why all my friends love having a Daddy so much.
Life is…
Maxi stopped dead in his tracks. He immediately felt a dark cloud descend over him as he
watched his former Daddy, Silas, step out of the old Jackson family home.
At first, Maxi wanted to believe it was a mix up.
Maybe the man just looked like Silas?
Or maybe this was all a nightmare, one that Maxi would wake up from at any moment?
‘Bounce, please tell me that I’m asleep,’ Maxi said, his voice full of anguish as he spoke.
‘Come on, talk to me Bounce. Tell me this isn’t real.’
Sadly though, that wasn’t the case. The reality of the situation in front of Maxi was that his
nasty former Daddy appeared to be very much back in town. And not only was he
seemingly purchasing a one-million-dollar home, but he was also now driving in a very
expensive executive car.
Maxi took his stuffy Bounce out of his mailbag and gave him a squeeze to try and
reassure himself. But it didn’t work. This was a terrible twist on what seemed like such a
fine day.
Silas’s apparent wealth was also something that Maxi couldn’t quite wrap his head around.
This just doesn’t make sense.
He stole our savings, but it wasn’t that much…
I need to leave… and leave right now.
But before Maxi could turn to get all up out of there, he heard the dreaded sound of Silas’s
snarling, devious voice…
‘Oh Maxi! I see you!’ Silas called out, his dark sunglasses and leather jacket shining in the
sun. ‘You come over to me right this damn second.’
Maxi hated the sound of Silas’s voice. Especially when Silas sounded so pleased with
himself. The fact that Silas was calling him over should have made Maxi run – and a big
part of him did want to do just that.
But this was Silas.
And it seemed like Silas still held his nasty, vice-like grip on Maxi.
‘That’s it, be a good boy and come over to me,’ Silas snickered.
Maxi didn’t mind being told what to do and commanded by Rick, but to hear it from Silas
was a whole other thing. Maxi was submissive, he knew and loved that about himself. But
if it meant following what a stink-butt like Silas said, then that was another matter.
With his head low and his heart full of fear, Maxi duly walked over toward Silas. The closer
he got to Silas’s large frame, the worse Maxi felt. This was a terrible idea, he should have
been running away, and Maxi knew it.
‘Listen, I’m here to stay,’ Silas said. ‘So you’d better get that stupid look off your face and
smile in the presence of your true Daddy. You know you’ll always be mine. Sure, I intend
to have many Littles, but I will be your only Daddy. Got it?’
Maxi couldn’t quite believe what he was hearing. Not only was Silas back in Cape Daddy,
but he seemed intent on making Maxi’s life a misery.
Maxi desperately wanted Rick, but he was back at home helping his Daddy friend Chopper
out with an electrical wiring problem.
‘That’s not fair!’ Maxi said, his eyes filling with tears. ‘Why did you have to come back
Silas folded his arms and laughed.
It actually appeared that Silas was enjoying causing Maxi so much pain. This was exactly
the reason that Maxi had been relieved when he’d left town, even if Silas had taken Maxi’s
savings with him.
‘You’ve got a choice,’ Silas said. ‘You can either accept that I’m back, and come and be
one of my Littles. Or… you can quit your job and never show your face on this street again.
Trust me, I’m not kidding when I say this.’
‘But nothing. I took my money and made some wise investments in the time I’ve been
away,’ Silas said, his brand-new teeth looking brighter than the sun. ‘Soon enough I’ll be
running Cape Daddy and anyone foolish enough to get in my way will very quickly come to
regret it.’
‘You can’t!’ Maxi said, tears streaming down his face as he looked around for help.
But the street was quiet.
There wasn’t a soul around apart from Maxi and his villainous former Daddy. This sucked.
Maxi couldn’t remember the last time he felt this low. In fact, it was probably when Silas
first left Cape Daddy.
‘So, what’s it to be?’ Silas said, a cruel tone in his voice as he towered over Maxi, making
his feel small and afraid. ‘Join me, or prepare to be made a total outcast around town?’
Silas burst into laughter as Maxi began to cry.
Without replying to his mean former Daddy, Maxi turned and ran. As Maxi sprinted away,
letters flew everywhere as Maxi panicked and made his way toward the nearest shortcut
Maxi knew that he had to get back to the comforting embrace of Rick. But beyond that,
Maxi had no idea about what would happen.
Rick was a lot of things, but he wasn’t rich.
If Silas had as much money as he said he did, what would stop him from running the
town? The very thought of it made Maxi feel lost and petrified for his future. He loved
Cape Daddy so much. But there suddenly seemed a very real possibility that if Maxi
wanted to escape Silas’s clutches, he might have to leave, and leave forever…
Chapter 8

Rick had been enjoying a fun morning. After sorting out a DIY issue with his Daddy friend
Chopper, a whole group of Cape Daddy Daddies had headed over to the pool hall for some
classically competitive games of 8-ball pool.
Typically, things got just a little bit heated…
‘Ha! Chopper reins supreme!’ Chopper bellowed, proudly tensing his guns as he beat
Taylor in a best of three match-up.
‘You got lucky, punk!’ Taylor said, his tone half-joking and half-serious. ‘Those last three
shots were all total flukes. You won’t get that lucky next time.’
‘Wanna bet?’ Chopper replied, gritting his teeth.
‘Guys, guys, let’s chill,’ Rick said, smiling happily as he finished off his own best of three
match with Mitch. ‘How about we get a round of beers in and relax?’
The Daddies all laughed in unison.
They loved hanging out together, and it was part of the reason that made Cape Daddy
such a great place for a Daddy to live. There was the time and space to simply be
themselves and not have to concern themselves with gossips or negative vibes.
‘Yeah, it’s a nice idea,’ Chopper said, a knowing grin coming over his face. ‘You can tell
us about how things are going with that boy.’
‘Yeah, I heard from Kane that you two could be the real deal,’ Mitch said, happily taking a
sip from his ice-cold Budweiser. ‘If it is, then congrats man. My life hasn’t been the same
since Kane became my Forever boy.’
Rick wasn’t sure what to say or how to handle the situation.
Daddies didn’t often make a habit of talking too deeply about their feelings amongst each
other. It was normally competitive sports, lifting weights, or bantering back and forth about
who had the best time on the Cape Daddy 15km trail run.
‘Um… well… it’s… good?’ Rick said, his obvious discomfort proving highly amusing to the
men who all fell about laughing.
‘Yup, he’s got it bad!’ Taylor said, tipping his hat in Rick’s direction.
‘I think we need to give the big man a break,’ Mitch laughed. ‘Bro, it’s good that you’ve
found your boy. Now who wants to rack those balls up again and go for another round?’
The Daddies all agreed. It was time to finish the beers and get some more pool games up
and running.
But before a single ball could be racked, Maxi burst into the pool hall and it was
immediately obvious that all was not as it should be.
Immediately, Rick was on high-alert. This was his boy, and if Maxi was upset then Rick
needed to know what was up.
What the fuck?
Maxi looks traumatized.
But why?
Rick wasted no time and immediately ran over toward Maxi and wrapped Maxi up in his
arms. Rick could feel Maxi’s body trembling and the sound of his tears all muffled up
against Rick’s body was heartbreaking.
Something had upset Maxi. Something real bad. And Rick was determined to get to the
bottom of things right there and then.
‘Here, take this,’ Chopper said, handing Maxi a cold glass of milk. ‘This always works for
my boy, Caleb.’
Rick nodded his head in appreciation and waited a moment as Maxi sipped on the cold
oat milk.
‘Boy, it’s time to talk,’ Rick said. ‘Something has got to you, and your Daddy needs to know
so I can protect you.’
‘Not something, but someone…’ Maxi said, his lip trembling. ‘It’s… Silas. He’s… back!’
There was a palpable intake of air from not only Rick but the other Daddies as well. Rick
knew that Silas was bad news in all of the worst possible ways.
Maxi had already revealed how terribly Silas had treated him, culminating in stealing all
of his money as he exited Cape Daddy the first time.
But it was more than that.
Rick had actually had several run-ins with Silas over the years. Rick had always seen
through Silas’s sleazy style and arrogant approach. They were like opposites – and not in
a good way.
The friction between Rick and Silas had even culminated in the form of them coming to
blows a few years ago. This was just after Rick had had his final shoulder operation, and
because of this Silas had come out on top. It was something that still rankled with Rick to
this very day.
‘Fucking asshole,’ Rick said, his mood darker than the night sky. ‘This cannot be allowed
to happen. Guys, what are we thinking here?’
‘I’m thinking something has to be done,’ Taylor said. ‘But we need to get it right. Someone
as sneaky and low down dirty as Silas will foresee anything too obvious.’
‘Taylor’s right,’ Chopper said. ‘We need to be smart. See what Silas’s move is first.’
Rick nodded. But it wasn’t as easy for him to deal with Silas now that Maxi was in his life.
Maxi was still very upset and Rick knew that as brave as he was, he was still very much a
boy who needed his Daddy to protect him and keep him safe from harm.
This wasn’t going to be an easy problem to solve, and as much as it irritated him to admit
it, Rick probably on balance agreed that rushing into things wasn’t the best approach to
But Rick also knew that he had to say something to reassure Maxi. After all, the person
that Silas’s return was having the most impact upon was Maxi.
‘Daddy… is everything going to be okay?’ Maxi said, his baby-blue eyes full of tears as he
looked up expectantly at Rick. ‘You’ll make it all go away, won’t you?’
Rick nodded.
‘Of course I will, my love,’ Rick said, clenching his jaw. ‘You can rely on me.’
Rick felt a steel resolve kick in. This was a serious situation now, there was no doubting
that at all. Rick thought all the way back to his early days in the circus as a junior acrobat.
There had been challenges.
There had been life-risking falls and knocks.
Above all, there had been obstacles to overcome that at first glance had been impossible
But Rick had always found a way. Whether it was through skill, heart or sheer
determination, Rick had become a legendary acrobat. And now it was time to take that
spirit and put it into solving the Silas situation.
But this time, Rick was determined to make sure that Silas was out of Cape Daddy for
good – and Rick made a pact with himself that he was going to succeed even if it was the
last thing he did.
Chapter 9

The shock of seeing Silas took Maxi some time to get his head around. In all truthfulness,
Maxi thought he would never, ever see Silas again after he skipped town the first time.
Not only that, but since meeting Rick, Silas simply hadn’t crossed Maxi’s mind. This was
especially painful as even on his return, Silas clearly hadn’t forgotten the controlling
power he held over Maxi.
Maxi had explained this to Rick, who was as understanding and caring about the situation
as Maxi would have expected. Rick really was an incredible Daddy to have.
But Maxi knew that the longer Silas was in town, the worse things would get. Silas wasn’t
the type of man to walk away from a quarrel or seek to lay his cards on the table and
make everything right again.
No, Silas was vengeful, spiteful, and full of hate.
In a way, Maxi pitied Silas. Silas was a miserable, arrogant liar. That wasn’t a nice thing to
be. But for all of his pity, that didn’t stop Maxi from hating every bone in Silas’s body
That morning, Maxi was in the kitchen, eating his breakfast cereal opposite Rick. It was
nearly time for work. And normally Maxi would be full of happiness and joy at the prospect
of hitting the great outdoors and delivering the Cape Daddy mail.
But not today.
The prospect of seeing Silas was filling Maxi with dread.
‘Why don’t you call in sick?’ Rick said. ‘I’m sure your boss would understand. After all,
Silas is hardly Mr. Popular around here. No one would blame you for stepping back for a
moment while we work this thing out.’
Maxi took the final spoonful of his colorful Crunchy-Doodle cereal. Even his favorite
breakfast cereal didn’t taste as good at the moment, and it was all down to Maxi’s horrible
former Daddy, Silas.
It was comforting to hear Rick’s words, and his suggestion of taking a few days off did
make sense. But Maxi knew that he had to face up to reality.
Daddy does have a point.
But I want to be a brave boy.
I don’t want Silas to think he’s got the best of me…
A determined look came over Maxi’s face. He decided that he was going to complete his
mail route that day – and every day after that too.
And anyhow, he might not even see Silas.
No one really knew if Silas had truly moved back to Cape Daddy. The whole thing could
have been a scam to get into people’s heads.
‘Daddy, I’m going to do my delivery,’ Maxi said, putting on his bravest, most heroic voice.
‘I’ll have Bounce with me, as always. Bounce won’t let anyone hurt me!’
Rick smiled, but looked a bit distracted.
‘Okay, boy,’ Rick said, sipping on his black coffee. ‘I’m sure you’ll be just fine.’
With that, Maxi got up from the breakfast table and went to get himself ready. Cape
Daddy’s residents had mail to receive, and this Little wasn’t about to let them down!

The first hour of Maxi’s route went fantastically well. It was a warm morning, and Maxi felt
like he was absolutely flying from street to street, taking great delight in each and every
‘I love to see people smile!’ Maxi sang as he hopped, skipped and jumped his way down
Sweet Road and crossed over onto Oak Drive. ‘I love to see people smile and I like to
sing-a-ling too!’
Maxi was so into the delivery that it didn’t hit him that he was approaching the road where
– apparently – Silas had bought his new million dollar house.
Then, as Maxi crossed over and saw a pale pink house on the corner with a tall triple-
chimney, he suddenly remembered where he was.
Okay, okay, stay calm.
I’m brave, I’ve got this…
Maxi took a moment to compose himself and then carried on as if everything was normal.
And for a while, it worked too.
As Maxi went up the road, stopping off at each house and putting the mail in the
mailboxes, Maxi began to convince himself that the whole Silas thing was one big
With no sign of Silas, Maxi thought that perhaps it was true that the whole thing had been
an elaborate – and very cruel – prank at his expense.
But then, as he approached the house in question, Maxi felt his heart sink. Sitting outside
on the sloped driveway was the very same car that he had seen when Silas had been
Glistening in the morning sun, the car looked every inch the kind of flashy vehicle that
someone like Silas would love to own. And to make things a million times worse, Maxi
knew that it was his money in part that had gone to purchasing it.
Maxi felt sick to his stomach.
But at least Silas wasn’t there…
‘Maxi, Maxi, Maxi!’ Silas bellowed, bursting out of the house’s front door wearing nothing
but his snake-print boxer-briefs. ‘So good of you to come!’
‘Please, leave me alone,’ Maxi said, his voice shaky and his heart racing at a million miles
per hour. ‘’I just want to get on with my job.’
Silas laughed.
Not only that, but he was now standing on the sidewalk, directly blocking Maxi’s pathway.
‘Please move,’ Maxi muttered, unable to put any real conviction into his voice.
Maxi hated feeling so scared of Silas, but there were some scars from his relationship
with him that weren’t about to heal any time soon. Especially not if Silas was going to
continue to be such a horrible creep.
‘Now, are you coming inside for a good, hard paddling?’ Silas said, a disgusting bulge
forming at the front of his briefs. ‘I think that sweet little ass is due to proper punishment
from a real Daddy.’
‘No! Go away! I hate you!’ Maxi said, his whole body in a state of shock as Silas lapped up
every moment with a wicked laugh. ‘You’re enjoying seeing me sad and upset! That’s
But Silas was unmoved.
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