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Energywork - An Introduction to Energy Manipulation

Author: ​Sigrid Svartvatn​; Völva-Seiðkona and owner/founder of the ​Hof of the Íviði​. June 2018.

In this field of magical working you have the same core concepts and framework of interaction and
functionality seen in most other magical fields of study; ​Manipulation occurs when intent is manifested
by focused willpower/emotion when in an altered state of consciousness.​ There are two halves to the
sphere of energywork; perception and manipulation. In this article I will be covering only Manipulation,
though themes consistent with and pertaining to perception will be woven throughout. It is possible to
be nearly "blind and numb" to the various spiritual energies and still have masterful control over them,
just as it is possible to perceive them without having any skill or natural ability in their manipulation. As
such, there are those gifted at birth with enhanced baseline ability, and often they have very interesting
perceptions and approaches to energywork because they developed their ability organically with a
primarily intuitive approach as opposed to a rigid "taught" approach. I am such an individual, though my
ability was latent and only discovered later upon coming across the related far eastern teachings.

The Basics: What, Where, How, and Why.

Within the space you occupy with your spiritual body, many perceive an ethereal body or body-like form
made of one’s energy. For some it is as detailed as your physical body is; an eidolon. For others, it is
just a nebulous/gaseous humanoid form that may roughly correlate with your physical body. Through
practice and study of meditation and visualization you can learn to move and control this ethereal
body-form as you do your physical form, and most importantly do so independently from one another.
This is not necessary to adequately perform most of the lessons we'll be covering as they are
presented (and there are other ways around this skill for the things where it is needed as presented -
those other ways are not presented, sorry!), but it is a very important skill to develop for every
practitioner. Once you can manipulate your ethereal body-form at will you can perform energywork of
all kinds on a mostly intuitive level in which most of the steps contained in the lessons below will no
longer be necessary.

All living beings, all spiritual entities, and all nonliving energy conduits and containers can be perceived
and visualized as similar ethereal energy entity-forms. Your ethereal body-form and your soul can
interact with and perceive these readily. I want to point out that the self's ethereal body-form has no
independent consciousness, it is a “dumb” part of you just like a limb. For practitioners who perceive
their ethereal body-form more eidolon like, subconscious manifestations of intent, desire, and emotion
can cause what appears like the ethereal body-form to be acting on its own, but it is just the practitioner
being unaware of the currents which lie beneath the surface waves in their own minds and souls. Like
all visualization, the ethereal body-form is a tool our meat-computers (brains) use to conceptualize
something beyond the realm of the physical-only senses so that we can control these aspects of
ourselves when we’re lacking the innate knowledge of how, or the haptic and proprioceptive feedback
needed for intuitive independant organic discovery and mastery. When you perform energywork in the
Otherrealm, instead of an ethereal body-form, your soul fills the same functional role directly even if
your own perception of your soul appears identical to your ethereal form.
Even the very earth itself is such an entity; capable of both sourcing and sinking energy, as well as
serving as a conduit - albeit often with great difficulty. The physical cosmos is filled with vast diffuse
metaphysical spiritual energy sources which can be drawn upon. Bodies of water, weather/storm
systems, and indeed even areas of previous habitation which have absorbed the errant or lingering
energies of previous inhabitants are all potential sources of energy.

In the eastern schools of metaphysics, it is taught there are a great many "chakras" - energy foci within
the body. In my experience such is unnecessary and only serves to confuse what should be a relatively
simple concept. I reduce/coalesce the many chakras into two:

1) the Third Eye​; the point that you associate with the center of your conscious mind and awareness.
Most people feel it is between their eyes or just slightly higher on their forehead.

2) the Energy Chakra​; everyone feels this in a slightly different area, but the most common are the
chest and the abdomen. I feel it directly between the bottom of my sternum and the top of the center of
my pelvis, about two inches above my navel.

Where these two points feel they should be mapped to your own body is entirely up to you. Modern
science has proven time and time again that these locations hold nothing unseen or special
physiologically speaking, and armed with knowledge about our ethereal body-form's nature and the
structural paradigm of souls residing in the Otherrealm remotely piloting physical bodies residing in
Miðgarðr, it is only logical to postulate that what matters here is what matters in all other magical
matters; ​intent made manifest through focused will​. Whatever structure of thought-form is chosen
doesn't matter, as it is only a tool to accomplish the ineffable.

The Third Eye is not generally used within Energy Manipulation, but it is very prominent in many trance
techniques and some energy perception techniques. The Energy Chakra is literally used in every single
energy manipulation technique that involves yourself acting directly in the transfer, even if the
practitioner is unaware of such. If you are conducting the flow of energy between two remote parties
without using yourself as a conduit, you need not open or use your energy chakra, but having it open
will enhance your perception and efficacy. Indeed, opening your energy chakra and learning to control
the flow of energy into and out of it and throughout your body can enhance mundane physical tasks
greatly. Xiaolin monks have long been famed for mastering the basics of energywork to such an
impressive skill level that they can directly affect their own cellular bodily processes and metabolism at
will. This has been exemplified by being able to adjust the basal metabolic rate to easily survive
extended (but not indefinite!) periods in extreme cold or through times of extreme famine.

"Why" is the easiest question to answer; energy is the fuel which drives magical and spiritual workings.
It’s regenerated over time as you regenerate all other energy in life. Entities without sentience slowly
refill as they absorb energy from their surroundings via diffusion or other external forces. As you
conduct magical workings you expend energy from your energy chakra, whether you knew it or not.
With energywork you can learn to extend and greatly enhance your practice. By using advanced
techniques such as simultaneous drawing of energy from a large or unlimited source such as a Deity or
realm while channeling energy into your evocational working, spell, or ritual you can execute extremely
powerful magics that you would normally not be able to do on your own.
Grounding Ritual - an enormously useful technique to incorporate into your energywork
I’m going to deviate from my normal protocol here and explain the purpose for and common uses of
grounding after I outline it. I want you, the reader, to see if you can discern potential applications if not
more, just from observing the technique dissected first. The following framework is highly malleable if
you can discern the underlying functions.

Requirements: a peaceful place for you to sit eyes closed, for a few moments. You don’t have to set up
for a serious meditation, just a few moments of peace free from distraction is all you need. A very short
Utiseta is idyllic, that is to say; if you can bring yourself outdoors it will help immensely. Even just being
able to make your way to the ground floor of whatever structure you are in will help greatly. It certainly
isn’t necessary though as I have performed this technique successfully while flying at 43,000ft in an

1) Find your quiet place, both externally and internally, and go there for a moment. You don’t need to
completely wipe your mind of all stray thoughts like in many meditations, you merely need to be able to
focus and visualize for this so a light/shallow “meditative” state is all that is needed.

2) If you can shift your awareness/SoC/perception to actively perceive your ethereal body-form, do so
now and skip ahead to the next step. If you cannot, it’s time to learn:

2a) What you’re going to do here is close your eyes and make regular and deliberate your breathing
(keep it relaxed and comfortable though).
2b) Shift your awareness to your own body, to the space that you “feel” that you are occupying while
you are sitting there with your eyes closed.
2c) Gently or subtly begin to visualize this space as having a form to it, just a rough blurry contrasting
outline or diffuse form which matches the space you feel you occupy. If you can, keep your perspective
of perception in your mind to the first person, but if you cannot it isn’t a problem for this, just a bad
habit. Within the center of this roughly visualized body-form you can see a glowing energy; it might be
pulsating or shifting or it might be static. It could be faint and hard to see, and you may only be able to
perceive it outside of the area of your direct focus, like noticing something faint from the corner of your
eye. It could appear to intensify as you look deeper into it. This all has to do with the details of your own
particular perception and visualization style, and rarely represents anything meaningful in the energy
you are perceiving. At the center of the nebulous energy, you can see a dense core, this is your energy

3) Focus inwards on your ethereal form and look to your energy chakra, open it up if it isn’t already, and
allow the energy inside to permeate your ethereal body-form.

4) Shift your focus to your ethereal form’s “feet”, and visualize roots growing out from your feet rapidly.
The roots grow deeply into the earth beneath you, spreading out far. Don’t spend much focus or time
on visualizing the individual anastomoses or their paths. Expand this visualization only until you feel
that you are connected strongly to the earth/realm beneath you, even if only in concept and not
perceivable sensation.
5) The roots that grew from you are energy conduits between yourself and the realm you exist in.
Through these channels energy may flow without needing your explicit driving, pushing, or pulling, and
without hesitation or resistance. Visualize the energy in your ethereal body-form begin to drain out
through these channels slowly at first, but more rapidly as it progress. As energy moves out of you and
into the roots, you notice that the roots become empowered, seeming almost as if they are growing
stronger with your energy.

6) As this happens, energy flows from the realm you reside in, and you can begin to see it if you relax
and let it happen in your visualization/perception without forcing it. It will flow against the current of the
energy which is leaving you, unimpeded, rushing up the roots and beginning to fill you. As it fills you,
you can feel all of the corresponding areas of your body relax. The incoming energy funnels into your
energy chakra as you begin to relax.

7) With each breath out, a rush of the old energy leaves you, and with each breath in, a rush of the new
energy from the earth/realm flows into you and your energy chakra. Before long you will begin to feel
refreshed, focused, greatly invigorated, almost as if you are more “alive”. And yet, despite all of this
invigoration and change, you feel very at peace, calm, and collected. Even if you can only feel this just
for a moment, and even if only while in this state, embrace it as fully as you can. You will learn to
manifest and maintain this state with practice.

*If you don’t feel anything yet, that’s okay, a lot of people new to energywork are unable to feel any
sensations or perceptions over the noise and clutter of their own body, mind, and environments. Keep
practicing even if it doesn’t feel like it works at first, because one day you will feel it, and you’ll have all
of this experience gained by then with which to accelerate your progress to where you would have been
very rapidly.

8) Your energy chakra should be nearly “full” now (you can force more energy into it, but that’s a
different endeavor (experiment freely from this energy source), so once you feel satisfied begin to
visualize your chakra closing or sealing up. Don’t seal it completely, leave at least 5% of it open,
however that manifests best to you. As you do this, you notice the flow of energy through the roots
rapidly slows and ceases. You can now let the concept and visualization of the roots fade from your

9) From this point on, you can continue into deeper meditation or other altered / trance states, or you
can open your eyes, resume normal breathing, and carry on with your existence feeling refreshed,
renewed, at ease, and empowered.
Grounding Ritual - Application Notes, and what’s going on behind the visualization.
In this ritual, you are opening your energy chakra, and manifesting a bidirectional conduit network
between yourself and the realm you exist in. In doing so, you allow the imbalance of energy that is
normally present within most beings to dissipate. As energy moves out of you, so must energy move
into you to maintain balance. Energy can be moved unidirectionally, as the following sections delineate,
but for this ritual technique we want to encourage and manifest balance.

You can modify this technique by using themes and concepts from unidirectional energy transference
techniques found below or elsewhere, and in doing so you can tailor this skill to your needs on hand.
Some examples of common uses derived from modifying this technique are; purging oneself of
disruptive or unpleasant energy(s), refilling your energy chakra after depletion, removing a disruptive
energy from another entity/object and replacing it with your own energy, and tapping into an external
energy source while using both that and your own energy to fuel your magical/spiritual working (see:
Ritual - Channeling Spiritual/Life Energy into a Houseplant via Grounding with Jorð​).

Energy Transference Modalities;

To get the energy from its source to your desired destination, the very most basic task in routine
energywork, you have several modalities available to for your use. Each one has a different level of
difficulty and handful of quirks associated with it due to the nature of the task inherently involved, but it
can be divided into three categories; Local, Remote, and via Spiritual/Metaphysical Perception. To put it
simply; our minds and the reach of our souls in this realm are limited, so operating over a distance or
with perceptual barriers greatly diminishes our effectiveness, and thus the difficulty increases. Each of
the 5 modalities below falls into one of three categories based on similarity of technique and approach,
but each of the five can be done with or without visualization regardless of categorical placement.

1)By Touch

2a)Near or On Your Person but No Contact (NC)
2b)Within your direct Line Of Sight (LoS)
2c)Sight Unseen, but Location Known (SU)

Spiritually Linked:
3)By Metaphysical Perception Alone - "by Feel"
This last modality is traditionally reserved for advanced practitioners or those with natural talent or
ability. As such I'll be covering it in a later article - not because of tradition, but because it is a big task
to delineate. Feel free to request this information specifically from me if I don’t get to it in time, as with
all my lessons.

I've tried to delineate these modalities of energy transference so that they are somewhat self
explanatory. The reasons behind their separation might not be so transparent, but once you have an
initial grasp for actually performing the magics it makes a lot more sense. That is to say, each modality
"feels" different when performed.
Instruction and Examples in Energy Manipulation:

About Visualization:
There's not a whole lot of instruction to be given for working magics without visualization, as it is
inherently an ineffable function if you try to zoom in and describe it closely enough. This is solely
because it's so intricately interwoven with one's own internal perceptions and feelings which are not tied
in any way to external senses or reference. Still, I think it is important for a new practitioner to get a
taste for what such "instruction" feels like. The example below is typical of the instruction many of us
received from far eastern teachers. Following this example, I’ll move on to visualized instruction for all

Local Transference:
1) By Touch​;
By Touch is the most obvious to new practitioners, and it is thought of as being the easiest and simplest
modality type to start with since at least one object/entity being worked on is physically connected to
you and within your possession and thus assumably under your control. Despite being considered the
easiest, "By Touch" can be rather difficult for some people who are easily overwhelmed by their earthly
senses, those who have difficulty manifesting intense willpower without deep isolation in meditation,
and when working with objects or entities that are large, of non-solid state, or otherwise not easily
handled forms. Learning the ways of Energy Manipulation By Touch also opens up the field of
metaphysical energy healing, and greatly boons any practitioner’s potency in Imbuement Magics.

Non-visualized instruction for Energy Manipulation By Touch:

Touch the object/entity and familiarize yourself to how it feels against your skin; how it responds to you.
You will need to normalize all earthly sensations within your mind before you can begin to manipulate
any energies. Once you have normalized your bodily sensations focus your thoughts, clear your mind
of distractions, and fill your mind with your intent for this working. Shift your state of consciousness to
where you become aware of your energies and you are able to influence them. Open your energy
chakra, and focus on the task ahead. You must focus your willpower such that you can feel the force of
your will as if it were solid yet malleable to you alone. Use this pressure to push or pull the energy to
your will. Feel how the currents of the energy flow and behave; some energies are wild and erratic,
some hesitant and lethargic. You must adapt to them but never allow them to manipulate or control you
fully. Enforce your will upon the energy; moving it deliberately from your source and to the target
location, applying focused willpower as pressure where needed based on how the flow reacts, as
determined by how it feels to you. Stay focused until your task is complete, you will know when. When
you are finished, clear your mind, accept that your task is done, and move on.

That is a much more cerebral and descriptive sample instructional of the distilled lessons behind far
eastern energy magics than most of us who sought such out were given. I'd describe it better if I
could... (See below!)
Thankfully, there is the tool of visualization to help us!:​ Visualization is basically the process that
packages up our intent into a format that souls can reliably read and work with. When we rely on
visualization, we are having our souls take over and do the actual ineffable work that is driving the
magical working. This is why without visualization so much of magic process is vague and poorly
defined. Most practitioners who are competent with and without visualization find that visualization
dominates their actual practice workload. I find a lot of people encounter difficulty when they go to
manifest the visualization of energy within tangible and/or visible entities because they are trying to
"overwrite" what they're seeing with the image that they're trying to conjure in their minds, and for them
the two types of perception are so strongly insulated from each other that merging or moving of
concepts from one type to the other is in itself a daunting if not impossible task. The answer isn't to
force one into a certain way, but to allow both methods. If it feels to you that having your eyes open or
having the visual image in your mind will not hinder you, then by all means conduct your workings freely
that way. If you feel that visually perceiving what you're working on is too distracting, overwhelming, or
just makes it difficult in any way, let it go. You can work solely within your mind and be just as

Energy Manipulation Lesson 1; Example: Invocational Energy Transference by Touch:

You're going to move some energy contained in what you are touching to within you. For this example,
the energy source is a mundane object that is currently in your hand, such as a crystal, and you have
become accustomed to its presence and sensation from spending a moment touching and observing it.

1)Form your intent for this working here if you have not already done so; in this example you'll be
drawing energy from the crystal and directing it into yourself, and into your energy storage location
within you to replenish your energy store.

2) Close your eyes (optional), and make yourself become aware of at the very least your core body
trunk and the limb or area of your body that is touching the crystal. Normalize the sensations from these
areas of your body and the areas in between.

3) Summon up the concept in your mind of both you and the crystal having unseen permeable or
openable containers for energy contained within. Many visualize this as interactable thought-forms that
take on the appearance of many mundane containers such as safes, cups, bowls, boxes, etc, or as
conceptual visuals such as spheres of light, etc. As I mentioned in my article on Otherrealm Wards, I
am personally fond of a hexagonally tessellated metal sphere that retracts to expose a core of light.
Most practitioners place this in their body wherever they feel the center of their being / consciousness
is, or near the abdominal-pelvic region. I refer to this as your "energy chakra". You need to at least
"crack the seal" on this chakra if it doesn't already appear as open or freely permeable to you. You don't
need to open it fully to let energy in, all you need is enough of an opening that you feel it will work.

4) Now visualize the crystal and those areas of your body that you made yourself aware of in your
mind. Extra visualization detail does not help you here, a vague "wireframe" and/or nebulous energy
cloud/form works equally well.
5) Visualize the entire pathway between your energy chakra and the crystal, and in your visualization
affirm the concept that there will be no resistance or loss incursion for the energy along this path, but
elsewhere the energy you are moving will face strong oppositional forces. In essence, you are forming
the concept of an energy chanel through your body.

6) Conceptualize what it would feel like to "pull at" the energy within with your willpower as if it were
tangible to this manifested visualization of yourself within your mind. This usually triggers most folks
into beginning to tug at the energies and feel the "resistance to manipulation" inherent. Many
practitioners describe it as somewhere between an elastic feeling, the feeling of pushing non-newtonian
fluids, and the feeling of stretching cooling taffy OR as "like the feeling of fluid running through an
invisible and intangible tubing"; you can feel the weight and inertia and trajectory of the energy but you
cannot feel it itself nor any meaningful sensation of resistance nor can you feel the channel by which
the energy is moving through.

7)Focus your will on your intent: Take a deep breath, but don't hold it, let it out naturally. Relax your
body muscles that you normally hold tension within (let your shoulders drop, relax your body to a
neutral stance/position). Even out and slow your breathing. You don't want to be taking deep deep
breaths but you want a calm consistent breathing pattern which feels natural yet actively controlled.
Allow your intent to fill your mind, focus on the task ahead intently for a few moments, you want to be
able to feel that you are unquestionably ready, like if you were to prepare to catch a ball on your own
command; you don't have to know that you will succeed, you just have to know you are ready to try.

8) Visualize energy being pulled or flowing out from the whole of the crystal, not just from its center; for
that is what makes crystals special, they're a repeating lattice that is at least quasi-identical throughout
(crystalloids). As the energy flows out from the crystal it flows directly into you where your body is
contacting it. Visualize the energy in whatever visual concepts or aspects you feel most comfortable
with. I rarely work with colors unless I need to keep track of multiple streams of energy simultaneously,
but some practitioners find assigning certain colors tied to certain aspects to be integral, and the
associations for such is best left a personal matter of choice.

9) As the energy flows from the crystal to within your visualization of your form (and your energy
chakra) you should be able to feel it within you. Not everyone can feel it as it is traveling or being
manipulated, but it can generally be felt taking hold in wherever your intent specified, even if only
ineffably. Feel it take hold and join the rest of the energies within you. You need not drain the crystal
empty, but you are free to.

You need only reverse the directionality of the energy flow in the visualization AND within your conjured
intent, to reverse this working into an evocational energy transference ritual.
Remote Transference:
When there is a gap between yourself and the entities/objects that you wish to interact with you have
two options; draw energy "ad-hoc" directly through the physical realm of Miðgarðr, or draw energy
"networked" through the Otherrealm (and thus through each participant entity's link to the Otherrealm).
The main procedural conditionals for the practitioner in determining which of these two pathways to
choose is merely that of whether the source, destination, and practitioner's connections to the
Otherrealm are judged (or guessed) to be stable and sufficient enough for the intended workings, and
whether the pathway(s) for the energy(s) through Miðgarðr is/are clear. It is up to you to decide which
will work better for you. In this task you don't have the physical connection to the destination
entity/object, and thus you are forced to operate without the intrinsic precise targeting present in local
transference. This is the main difficulty in remote transference; targeting.

There is minimal modification necessary in converting our previous example for local transference into
the first two types of remote transference:

2a) Nearby or On Your Person but No Contact (NC)

2b)Within your direct Line Of Sight (LoS)

For both of these the technique is identical, you just have a varying gradient in targeting difficulty
depending on visual acuity, awareness, any distracting environmental factors, three dimensional spatial
perception, and your particular perception type for and degree of sensitivity to spiritual energies.

Since there is no direct contact, there are no relevant body areas for which to have sensations that
would get in the way and thus need normalization. Instead, now you must gain an awareness of the
involved entities/objects within 3 dimensional space OR learn and employ a new method of
visualization that draws directly upon the metaphysical sensory perception of the practitioner. For now,
I’ll cover the former and simpler method. I do want to point out that I am particularly not-gifted with three
dimensional spatial acuity here in Miðgarðr, but I am gifted with such in the Otherrealm. As always,
seek information from multiple sources, when available!
Energy Manipulation Lesson 2; Example: Evocational Remote Energy Transference:
For this example you'll be sending energy from yourself to an object or entity in the same room as you
that you are familiar with and can see unobstructed.

1) Form your intent.

2) Visualize and open your energy chakra.

3) Since you can see at least one of the involved parties in the energy transference working you are
planning, you can use this to your advantage. Focus your attention and awareness to the object/entity,
paying keen attention to where it is and where the boundaries for its form lie. You need not form the
precise thoughts of how to get to where it is as a means of defining the location, you just need to have
a definite "feeling" of where it is, and form that solidly enough that it can persist in your mind while you
do other things. Willful/Intentional Object Permanence. This is the key to targeting within a magical
working. You must develop the concept of the object/entity in your mind, and discern and give
permanence in your mind to its location simultaneously. By tightly coupling the concepts of the
object/entity and its location you are able to use this technique on transient and mobile targets. Repeat
this for each object/entity in your planned working.

4) Visualize the recipient object/entity, you may see it as the physical form and visual image that you
know mundanely, but make sure to include it as a spiritual/life energy storage container as well so it
behaves just like any other that you've worked with before (for example a crystal).

5) Decide upon and visualize the entire pathway between your energy chakra and the recipient, and in
your visualization affirm the concept that there will be no resistance or loss incursion for the energy
along this path, but elsewhere the energy you are moving will face strong oppositional forces which will
guide it back to the path you have decided for it. In essence, you are forming the concept of and
visualizing an energy chanel through the space between yourself and the recipient.

6) Focus your will on your intent: Take a deep breath, but don't hold it, let it out naturally. Relax your
body muscles that you normally hold tension within (let your shoulders drop, relax your body to a
neutral stance/position). Even out and slow your breathing. You don't want to be taking deep deep
breaths but you want a calm consistent breathing pattern which feels natural yet actively controlled.
Allow your intent to fill your mind, focus on the task ahead intently for a few moments, you want to be
able to feel that you are unquestionably ready, like if you were to prepare to catch a ball on your own
command; you don't have to know that you will succeed, you just have to know you are ready to try.
7) Visualize your energy chakra opening up more, you control how much. Think of it like an iris
adjusting how much energy at once you wish to work with. As it opens you can feel the energy you hold
within your form, you can feel the raw power to make your will manifest. Many practitioners describe it
as a "heavy" or "dense" feeling within their bodies, some feel it as warm or cold, others cannot attribute
a worldly sensation to it, but can feel it all the same, especially after practice. As with any new sensory
perception, mundane or spiritual, it takes time and repeat exposure to reliably gain qualitative
awareness. Feel the energy and focus on feeling it. Feel it almost well up inside you as your
consciousness becomes more and more aware of the power you hold inside.

8) Visualize a continuous stream of energy which flows effortlessly from within your energy chakra to
out along the pathway you chose and into the recipient. Keep maintaining your intentional breathing,
this is crucial. Many new practitioners unknowingly hold their breath or revert back to uncontrolled
breathing patterns. While this is not automatically a problem, it often leads to one later on when other
difficulties are encountered. Your actual breathing rate and intensity can and often should vary during
this process. That is perfectly okay. You'll get a feel for the breathing you need to maintain throughout
meditative workings as you progress with energywork and trancework.

9) Fill the visualization of the recipient in your mind with your energy gradually; Focus on how the flow
of energy feels; does it feel like the recipient is still receptive, or does it feel like the energy isn't being
absorbed any more? You are done either when you feel that you've expended the amount of energy
you intended to (or all you were able to), you feel that the recipient isn't receptive anymore, or when
your intent-infused visualization reaches a point of representing completion to you concurrent with you
feeling satisfied that the working is complete. In this working you cannot force energy into an unwilling
sentient recipient, you can only send it to them and allow them to absorb/receive it. So if you feel the
recipient is no longer receptive to your energy, stop sending it to them, and pull back into you any
energy in route that has not reached them yet. You may close your energy chakra back to normal if you
wish, resume normal breathing, open your eyes, and move on.

Remote Transference (continued):

For modality 2c) Sight Unseen, but Location Known (SU) it is only Step 3 of Lesson 2 Example which
needs be modified, and only because sight unseen means sight unseen, so you don't know the precise
location of the recipient, only the rough location. Rather than write out the whole ritual with such a small
change, I leave you, the reader to figure out the necessary modifications beyond the following:

Since you cannot see your target, you must conceptualize very precisely what it is to you along with
your best intuitive and hopefully educated guess about its location. When you go to visualize it,
visualize it in your mind as being as "far away" in your visualization as it subjectively feels like it should
be, to you. You're going to be leaning more heavily on your soul to do the real work here, and your soul
can handle it, because it is a lot smarter and more capable than your conscious living mind is.
Reaching out to a Deity through energywork, and borrowing some of their power:
In this section I am going to assume that you know the basic rudiments of interacting with or contacting
deities spiritually. I’ll be outlining a sample incantation and basic ritual format, but it is up to the
practitioner themselves to fully flesh this out into a functional magical working.

Often new and experienced practitioners of spiritual magics alike find that after performing rituals, deep
trances, strong or lengthy incantations, or even just receiving intense visions (and lots more of common
practice occurrences) that they feel “drained” / impotent, tired, or just unable to focus further, usually to
the point that their efforts or studies that day must come to an end. Or, perhaps they keep having failed
attempts at a particular spell or ritual. There are innumerable ways and situations in which the energy
that is actually available for work is not sufficient to achieve the goals and needs of the practitioner. It is
in these times that the practitioner tends to look outwards to others for help.

The deities which with you feel a connection to or have forged relationships with are viable and
extremely potent sources of spiritual energy that you can tap into. However, unlike when you are
working with non-sentient energy sources, there are complex and nuanced social and cultural aspects
which hold sway here over your magical workings. You must be granted consent by a deity to tap into
their power, and to do so you might have to convince them that your goal for their loaned power aligns
to their nature, enter into an oath or other agreement of obligation, or even just make an offering to
them. Regardless, you must make a spiritual connection to the deity first, ask their permission, and then
if granted and only then may you continue with your workings to actually draw power from them. Always
thank a deity or other spiritual entity for their assistance when or after it has been granted.

Some deities have strongly connected manifestations of themselves here in our mundane physical
world, for example Sunna and the sun, Máni and the moon, Aegir and the deep sea, and most
prominently; Jorð, whose miðgarðr embodiment is the earth itself. When wishing to work with deities, it
is usually these or other similar deities who have readily observable manifestations which are the
easiest and most forthcoming to work with.

In addition to the energy lent to you by the deity, you also can call upon their agency directly to assist
you with your magical working. In earlier examples there are numerous steps in which a practitioner
might encounter difficulty, and in many of these there is the possibility of a patron or contributing deity
to assist directly. The practitioner need only contact the deity while in an altered state of consciousness,
describe the problem or ask directly for assistance with something, and then enable and allow the deity
to handle that aspect of the working in place of the practitioner. For example, earlier in this article I
mentioned that in Remote Transference when the target’s location is not precisely known, the
practitioner has to “lean on” their soul to do the real work, well it need not be ​your​ soul which does this
work, you can also request a deity’s assistance.
Ritual - Channeling Spiritual/Life Energy into a Houseplant via Grounding with Jorð:
For this example ritual we’re going to pick off from the completion of step 4 in the Grounding Ritual
outlined in the beginning of this article: You have entered into a light altered state of consciousness
through meditation and you have opened your energy chakra, and visualized the energy conduits
formation between you and the realm you reside in. You are sitting facing the plant you have chosen,
your breathing is meditative and is both controlled and allowed to move with your energy and feelings.

1) As the roots have grown deep into the realm, shift some focus to being available for thinking on Jorð
and and your plant for the next steps.

2) Form the intent in your mind of what you wish to do next: you’re going to call upon Jorð and get her
attention, ask for her help in infusing a particular cherished or needy plant of yours, and then channel
energy from her, through you, and out into your plant.

3) Summon in your mind the feelings, emotions, and/or imagery that to you feels most closely related to
Jorð. You might know her by her other names: Nerthus or Frigga. While focusing gently on this
conceptual connection to Jorð, incant to her: (Either out loud or in your mind, but if you do it only in your
mind, you must “push” the thoughts out to her with intent, focus, and willpower - same you’d manifest if
you were orating out loud.):

“Hail!... Jorð... Nerthus… All-mother Frigga!, eternal embodiment of the growth, resilience, and
renewal of all life in Miðgarðr! I, [name and/or title], your child, call out to you for aid this day,
please hear my soul’s call!”

4) In your mind visualize the plant that you wish to imbue in your ritual. If it has any special meaning or
importance to you, or if it is associated with anything other than itself to you, summon up those feelings
and associations too.

5) In your mind and/or out loud, invite Jorð to view your soul and your intent for the ritual. You must
open yourself up to her, the more fully the better, but it is up to your discretion how much of yourself
you wish to make available for the goddess.

[At this point the Practitioner must wait for an answer from the goddess. It may not be in the form of a
perceivable answer, it might just be a sudden fleeting sensation or a change in state of consciousness,
or other ineffable occurrence. Continue once this has been granted.]

6) Visualize one or both of the arms of your ethereal body-form if you had not, prior. As a refresher,
your visualization right now should contain: your ethereal body-form with open energy chakra, roots
extending out from you, nearby you in your visualization should be the plant you are going to be
imbuing, and some representation of Jorð - which can even be the “material” around the roots
extending from you, you need only make and affirm the association between such in your mind and it
will allow you to simplify your visualization scene if needed.
7) Summon forth your willpower and use it to manifest your intent into your visualization; you can feel
and see the energy... glowing, vibrant, pulsating, shimmering green and white (colors optional) energy
being drawn up by your roots directly into your energy chakra. As it reaches there, you can feel Jorð
intensely throughout your entire existence. You are now connected deeply to her and acting as a
conduit for her will and energy.

8) Direct your focus and will to pulling this energy out from your energy chakra and directing it up
through your ethereal body-form into its arm(s). Move your ethereal arm(s) to point towards the
visualization of your target plant. As your arm(s) align with the plant you can see and feel the energy
leap out from your ethereal palms (or arm-like nub ends!) and make its way to the plant. As this is
happening more of Jorð’s energy is still moving faster and faster into you and making its way to the
plant being imbued.

9) The plant absorbs the energy readily, allow this to be reflected in your visualization however feels
most right and natural to you. Maintain this state until you feel that your task is achieved, and allow for it
to be represented in your visualization when it happens. Maintain your focus and state of
consciousness here now, relax your ethereal arms and shift your focus and awareness to your own
ethereal form. You may allow the plant to fade from your visualization and awareness now if you wish.
Jorð’s energy keeps flowing into you, but much slower than it did before when it was rushing towards
your now fully imbued plant. You can feel the energy fill your entire form very quickly, in just a few
moments at most, and when it does you the energy stops flowing into you. You allow the roots to fade
from your visualization. You may now continue on to further workings, or cease your session: return
your energy chakra to normal dilation, release your visualization, open your eyes, and return to normal
state of consciousness and breathing.

Be sure to thank Jorð for her assistance in your working tonight, including thanking her by honoring her
generosity; you should endeavor to care for your plant via mundane means as best you can going

You should feel relatively good, both in mind and body, certainly better than you normally would after
such a ritual working where you did not perform any beneficially invocational energywork. I would not
expect to feel fantastic or fully refreshed like after a normal grounding ritual, but you should feel no
worse than you did going into the ritual. How tired you feel depends also upon how difficult this ritual
was for you to perform mentally and conceptually, so like with most things: study and practice makes
future embarkings smoother and more bountiful.

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