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Groundwater vulnerability mapping of Qatar aquifers

Article in Journal of African Earth Sciences · September 2016

DOI: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2016.09.017


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Husam Baalousha
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM)


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Journal of African Earth Sciences xxx (2016) xxx-xxx

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Groundwater vulnerability mapping of Qatar aquifers
Husam Musa Baalousha
Qatar Environment & Energy Research Institute (QEERI), Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), PO Box: 5825 Doha, Qatar


Article history: Qatar is one of the most arid countries in the world with limited water resources. With little rainfall and no surface water,
Received 6 December 2015 groundwater is the only source of fresh water. While the country relies mainly on desalination of seawater to secure water
Received in revised form 2 August supply, groundwater has extensively been used for irrigation over the last three decades, which caused adverse environ-
mental impact.
Accepted 20 September 2016
Available online xxx
Vulnerability assessment is a widely used tool for groundwater protection and land-use management. Aquifers in

Qatar are carbonate with lots of fractures, depressions and cavities. Karst aquifers are generally more vulnerable to con-
tamination than other aquifers, as any anthropogenic especially above a highly fractured zone can infiltrate quickly into
Keywords: the aquifer and spread over a wide area.
Groundwater vulnerability
The vulnerability assessment method presented in this study is based on two approaches: DRASTIC and EPIK,
EPIK within the framework of Geographical Information System (GIS). Results of this study show that DRASTIC vulnerability
Karst aquifers method suits Qatar hydrogeological settings more than EPIK.
Qatar The produced vulnerability map using DRASTIC shows coastal and karst areas have the highest vulnerability class.
GIS The southern part of the country is located in the low vulnerability class due to occurrence of shale formation within
aquifer media, which averts downward movement of contaminants.
© 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction ing on the importance of each map. The higher the calculated index is
the higher the vulnerability. This method has been used to assess con-
The concept of aquifer intrinsic vulnerability is based on the idea tamination risk, especially from agriculture in many areas around the

that some areas above an aquifer provide more resistant to contami- world (i.e. Babiker et al., 2005; Assaf and Saadeh, 2009; Baalousha,
nation than others (Vrba and Zaporozec, 1994). Mapping groundwater 2011; Neh et al., 2015). Some studies modified the original DRAS-
vulnerability using hydrogeological settings gives a clear understand- TIC that was proposed by Aller et al. (1987) to suits local settings of
ing of natural variation from one point to another within an aquifer. an aquifer (i.e. Huan et al., 2012; Neshat et al., 2014). DRASTIC ap-
Vulnerability assessment of aquifers has widely been used to pre- proach assumes that contaminants are introduced into the aquifer from
dict the likelihood of aquifer contamination, design of monitoring land surface and moves by the mobility of water.

networks and to help land-use management (Secunda et al., 1998; DRASTIC approach is normally used to assess granular aquifers.
Ceplecha et al., 2004; Baalousha, 2006, 2010; Cucchi et al., 2008). In- Fractured aquifers with karst features need special consideration as
dex methods are very popular in vulnerability assessment where di- they can be highly vulnerable to contamination compared to granu-

mensionless classification of aquifer area is done based on geologi- lar aquifers. Contamination can percolate into the aquifer very fast via
cal and hydrogeological settings of an aquifer (Gogu and Dassargues, sinkholes and fractures, which needs to be considered when assess-
2000). DRASTIC approach is one of the most widely used index ing vulnerability. DRASTIC method has no consideration for fractures
method. Geostatistical analysis is another method of vulnerability as- and sinkholes. The shortcoming of DRASTIC is its inaccurate results
sessment and modelling approach (i.e. Soutter and Musy, 1998; Assaf compared to other methods being used for karst aquifers (Polemio et
and Saadeh, 2009). al., 2009). It was also found that DRASTIC underestimated vulnera-
The acronym DRASTIC comes from seven hydrogeological para- bility in fractured aquifers (Abdullahi, 2009).

meters, and DRASTIC method has been used for a long time to as- Several methods have been developed to assess vulnerability of
sess aquifer vulnerability. It uses seven rated maps of depth to water karst aquifers. The most famous methods are EPIK (Doerfliger et al.,
table, recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, vadose zone 1999). This method conceptualizes karst aquifer system and uses four
and hydraulic conductivity to calculate a weighted index map of vul- parameters to classify the aquifer system in terms of vulnerability.
nerability (Aller et al., 1987). Each map of the previously-mentioned These parameters are: epikarst (the uppermost layer of karst forma-
parameters is rated using a standardized rating system and the index tion), protective cover, infiltration conditions ad karst network. Each
map is the sum of rated maps multiplied by a special weight depend of these parameters is classified into different classes based on its
nature. The resulting map shows the vulnerability index in a simi-
lar way as with DRASTIC. Goldscheider (2005) proposed alternative
Email address: (H.M. Baalousha) method to EPIK, based on two parameters: protective cover (P) and
infiltration conditions (I). According to the Goldscheider (2005), the
1464-343/© 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
2 Journal of African Earth Sciences xxx (2016) xxx-xxx

protective cover included all layers from topography to water table lows; that is, the aquifer at the leaching area is vulnerable. Nitrate is
whereas infiltration conditions account for the likelihood of passing one of the main pollutants that originate from agricultural activities or
the protective cover. PI method classifies P and I parameters into 5 sewage infiltration.
classes from very low to extreme and the final vulnerability map is the The objective of this study is to prepare a vulnerability map that
product of both P and I. suits the hydrogeological settings of Qatar, and can be used for
Human activities on the land surface have the greatest impact on groundwater protection and planning. Two main threats to groundwa-

groundwater quality (Baalousha, 2008). Most pollutants leach into ter exist in Qatar: pollution from agricultural activities (Farms in Fig.
the ground and percolate the aquifer if hydrogeological conditions al 1) and saline water intrusion along the coast line. While salinity of


Fig. 1. Location map of Qatar and a regional map (inset) (Baalousha, 2016a).
Journal of African Earth Sciences xxx (2016) xxx-xxx 3

groundwater results in deterioration of water quality and abandoning trinsic vulnerability whereas EPIK is used exclusively for karst
of farm lands, nitrate has more severe impact on health and nerve sys- aquifers.
tem, especially for babies (Chern et al., 1999).
This paper presents the development of groundwater vulnerabil- 1.3. DRASTIC approach
ity maps for Qatar based on two different approaches: DRASTIC and
EPIK. Vulnerability maps from both methods are discussed and com- DRASTIC approach was first suggested in by Aller et al. (1987)

pared to check which approach conforms to Qatar hydrogeological as an index-based method to assess vulnerability of aquifers to con-
settings. DRASTIC has been widely used and applied to different ar- tamination. It assigns relative rate for each class of the seven hydro-

eas all around the world and to different types of aquifers. EPIK has logical parameters. These parameters are depth to water table (D), net
been used and applied to only karst aquifers. Because the study area in groundwater recharge (R), aquifer media (A), soil media (S), topogra-
Qatar contains both karst and no-karst, in addition to lack of data on phy (T), impact of the vadose zone (I) and hydraulic conductivity (C).
karst network and extension, both models have been used. More details about rating can be found in Aller et al. (1987). The final
vulnerability index map of DRASTIC is given by:

1.1. The study area

Qatar is an arid country located in the eastern part of the Arabian (1)
Peninsula and extending in the north-south direction. Its length is ap-
proximately 180 km in the south-north direction, and its maximum Where r subscripts indicate rated maps. Different standard rates for
width is 65 km; thus the total area of Qatar is 11,586 km2. The coun- each paramour are given by Aller et al. (1987). As appears in Equation
try is surrounded by the Arabian Gulf from all direction but the south, (1), DRASTIC assigns a different weight to each parameter. The high-
where it borders Saudi Arabia (Fig. 1). est weight goes to depth to water table and vadose zone and the lowest
As a result of rapid economic expansion over the last decade, the assigned to topography. The resulting map is the sum given in Equa-
tion (1). In this study the ArcGIS software was used to create rated

population of Qatar has dramatically increased from 600,000 in 2000
to 2,172,000 in 2014 (World Bank, 2015). With little rain and no sur- maps and Raster Calculator was used to obtain the sum of Equation
face water, Qatar is relying on desalination of seawater to meet the in- (1).
creasing domestic demand for water, whereas groundwater has been
used for irrigation. As a result of over-pumping, aquifers have been 1.4. EPIK approach
overexploited over the last three decades, resulting in a great decline in
groundwater levels and deterioration of water quality. The abstracted EPIK is an approach for vulnerability assessment in karst, and it
groundwater is mainly used to irrigate farms, which are concentrated was proposed by Doerfliger et al. (1999). The acronym EPIK comes
in the northern and central parts of the country (Fig. 1). from four parameters: (1) Epikarst (E), (2) Protection cover (P), (3) In-
The country is underlain by a series of gentle dipping and flat ly- filtration conditions (I) and (4) Karst network (K). Epikarst and karst
ing deposits over the rocks basement. Several anticlines rose above the network parameters are classified into three categories each whereas
main geological platforms in the Arabian Shelf, and extending in the protection covers and infiltration conditions are classified into four
north south direction. In Qatar two major anticlines exist; the Dukhan categories each. Similar to DRASTIC, the protection index (F) based

anticline in the west and Qatar anticline (Qatar Arch) in the middle of on EPIK approach is given by:
the country.
Fresh groundwater occurs in the form of lenses mainly in the north- (2)
ern part of the country, sitting atop brackish and saline groundwater.
Seawater has progressively intruded inland over the last decades re-
Unlike DRASTIC, EPIK F index assigns a higher value to the
sulting in shrinkage of fresh groundwater lenses.
least vulnerable category. More details about EPIK can be found in
Rainfall is the main source of aquifer replenishment, with an an-

Doerfliger et al. (1999).

nual average between 10 mm and 200 mm (Alsharhan et al., 2001) and
a long term average of 76 mm per year. The highest rainfall occurs in
2. DRASTIC parameters
the north and gradually decreases southward (Alsharhan et al., 2001).

Prior 1960, municipal water supply in Qatar used to come exclu- 2.1. Depth to water table
sively from groundwater (Vecchioli, 1976). At present, all munici-
pal supply comes from desalination plants and groundwater is used Depth to water table in Qatar varies between less than 1 m near
mainly for agriculture, while small proportion goes to industrial and
the coast line to more than 70 m in some area. The most recent piezo-
domestic use. The agricultural water demand in Qatar has increased
metric survey was done by the Ministry of Environment in 2009. The
from 44 million m3 in 1974 (Kimrey, 1985) to 238 million m3 per year
depth to water table was obtained by subtracting groundwater level
in 2013 . About 70% of abstraction takes place in the northern part

from topography. Table 1 shows the DRASTIC rating for depth to wa-
of the country, where wells penetrate the Rus formation with a depth
ter. Fig. 2 shows the rated map for depth to water.
between 60 and 70 m. The total number of different purposes wells is
more than 8500 (Schlumberger Water Services, 2009).
2.2. Net groundwater recharge

1.2. Vulnerability assessment approached Groundwater recharge from rainfall is quite variable due to er-
ratic nature of rainfall event in desert climate. Most recharge occurs
In the following sections, two approached of vulnerability are pre- in land depressions, which resulted from collapse of karst features.
sented: DRASTIC and EPIK. DRASTIC is a general approach for in After heavy storms, surface runoff accumulates in these depressions
and recharges the aquifer. Recharge can be estimated using different
4 Journal of African Earth Sciences xxx (2016) xxx-xxx

Table 1 (2) Sabkha Soil: this occurs in coastal areas, as shown in Fig. 6 and
Rating for depth to water (Aller et al., 1987). composed of layers of clay, silt, mud, gypsum and anhydrite. The
Depth to water (feet) Rating thickness of sabkhas can be up to few meters (Atlas)
(3) Sandy soil: composed of calcareous loamy sand to coarse sand
0–5 10 with a depth of more than 120 cm.
5–15 9

(4) Lithosol (Rocky soil) composed of calcareous sand and rocky
15–30 7
30–50 5 limestone. The soil profile is thin and it is not suitable for agricul-
50–75 3 ture.

75–100 2 According to Aller et al. (1987), the rating for soil in Qatar is
100+ 1
shown in Table 5.

methods such as groundwater modelling (Baalousha, 2012a; Anderson 2.5. Topography

et al., 2015). Some studies have been undertaken to estimate recharge
from rainfall, but figures in the literature give variable estimate of Qatar is a flat land with some hills in the west-southern part of the
it. Vecchioli (1976) indicated that rainfall recharge is 20.9 million country. The surface of Qatar is of low relief with the highest altitudes

m3/year, whereas another study (Kimrey, 1985) suggested 27 million of about 107 m occurring in southern Qatar, where large sand dunes
m3/year. Baalousha (2016b) estimated rainfall recharge at 58.7 mil- and hills exist. The importance of topography comes from the fact that
lion m3 per year. A recent study by Food and Agriculture Organisation it controls the flow of contaminant on the land surface. Fig. 5 shows
FAO (2014) estimated rainfall recharge at 65 million m3/year. The the slope of topography. The slope map was prepared using digital el-
latter number is close to the Department of Agricultural and Water evation model in ArcGIS. Topography rating is shown in Table 6 (see
Research estimation (Department of Agricultural and Water Research Fig. 7).
Despite variation in the bulk recharge estimations, all previous 2.6. Vadose zone

studies indicate that the maximum recharge occur in land depres-
sions. Accordingly, recharge special distribution was assessed based The vadose zone (i.e. unsaturated zone) plays an important role in
on land-use (farms) depressions, and rainfall distribution. The rating groundwater contamination and protection as many processes occur
values of net groundwater recharge are shown in Table 2, and the rated in this zone. The karst nature of geology in Qatar plays an important
recharge map for the study area is shown in Fig. 3. role in leaching fluid and contaminants down into the aquifer. In the
northern part of the country, caves and depressions occur as a result
2.3. Aquifer media of cracks in limestone from on the land surface. In the southern part
of the country, dissolution occurs within gypsum layer below the land
The main geology in Qatar comprises formations from Neogene surface, resulting in collapse of land on the top .
and Paleogene periods, as shown in Table 3, overlain by Quaternary Fig. 8 shows the rated vadose zone map of Qatar, which is based
deposits. The most recent deposits are the Dam and Dammam Forma- on information from Qatar Atlas (Qatar Statistics Authority, 2013;
tion which covers most of the country except for small areas in the Al-Yousef, 2003). Limestone is the main component with different
mixing with clay, gypsum and dolomite, whereas karst formations are

north, where older Rus Formation is exposed (Fig. 4). Dam Forma-
tion is underlain by Dammam Formation, which covers wide areas of scattered all over the country. Sabkhas occur along the coastal areas
Eastern Arabian Peninsula. Rus Formation (Lower Eocene Epoch) is in the south and in the west. Sand and sand dunes occur mainly in the
the main aquifer, underlain by Umm er Rhaduma Formation (Pale- south east of the country not far from the coast and some occur on the
ocene Epoch), which contains brackish and salty water. Table 3 sum- west. Table 7 shows the DRASTIC rating for vadose zone in Qatar.
marizes the stratigraphy and lithology of different geological forma-
tions in Qatar. The rated aquifer media map is shown in Fig. 5, and the 2.7. Hydraulic conductivity

aquifer media rating values are shown in Table 4.

Hydraulic conductivity is an important parameter as it controls the
2.4. Soil movement of water and contaminant within an aquifer. Results of

aquifer tests (i.e. pumping tests) indicate the aquifer is heterogeneous

Soil in Qatar belongs to Aridisols, which is the dominating soil in with higher hydraulic conductivity in the northern part of the country.
arid climate (Qatar Statistics Authority, 2013). The three main classes Hydraulic conductivity can be obtained through groundwater model-
of Aridsols are Calcids, Gypside and Salids. In addition to these three ling (Baalousha, 2012b) or by interpretation of results of aquifer tests.
types, very shallow soil (orthens and psamments) covers the steep In this study, aquifer tests results were obtained from several resources
slopes of Dukhan anticline in the west, and the Doha City in the east. and have been used to create hydraulic conductivity values. Table 8
The soil horizon in Qatar is thin (10–30 cm deep) with little or no shows the hydraulic conductivity rating and Fig. 9 shows the rated

organic matter (Qatar Statistics Authority, 2013). The soil is thicker map.
in depressions, where most farms are, where it contains silt and mud.
Sabkha environment (i.e. evaporates salt flats) occurs at coastal areas 3. DRASTIC vulnerability map
(see Fig. 4) and cover a thick sand and loamy sand layers.
In general, soil in Qatar can be classified into four categories (Fig. Using Equation (1) and with the help of Raster Calculator in GIS,
6): the vulnerability map was created (Fig. 10). It is clear the coastal
areas of the country are the most vulnerable areas due to shallow
(1) Farms soil (localy known as Rowda) is located in the many land groundwater and high hydraulic conductivity. Depression areas, espe-
depressions in the country. This type of soil contains calcareous cially in the north, show high vulnerability too. On the other hand,
loam, sandy loam and sandy clay to depths of between 30 and the high land in the southwest show low vulnerability due to thick
150 cm. formations and thick vadose zone. In general, the eastern and north
Journal of African Earth Sciences xxx (2016) xxx-xxx 5


Fig. 2. Rated depth to water table (meters) based on 2009 piezometric survey.

ern parts of the country are more vulnerable than the south. It is also 3.1. EPIK vulnerability
noted that most of the southern part of the country has a low vulnera-
bility, compared to the north. This is because the southern part of the 3.1.1. Epikarst
aquifer has a clay layer (midra shale), which prevent downward move- The epikarst is the top boundary of karst formation, and it affects
ment of water, and thus provides some sort of protection. the leaching of pollutants into karst aquifer. In the case of Qatar karst,
the most vulnerable epikarst areas are the one on top of land depres-
sions, as they are prone to pollutants more than others. The second
6 Journal of African Earth Sciences xxx (2016) xxx-xxx

Table 2 depressions and land collapse are the highest vulnerable areas. Coastal
Rating for net recharge (Aller et al., 1987). areas are controversial. While these areas are highly vulnerable in
Net recharge (inches) Rating DRASTIC, they are in the low class in EPIK. This is because DRAS-
TIC uses depth to water table and topography in vulnerability assess-
0–2 1 ment, whereas EPIK neglects these parameters. Coastal areas have the
2–4 3
least depth to water table, in addition to flat topography, which make

4–7 6
7–10 8
them highly vulnerable, compared to EPIK approach.
10 9 The vulnerability classes shown in Figs. 10 and 15 can be used for

land-use planning and groundwater protection. Areas of low and very
low vulnerability classes can be used for activities that pose threat to
most vulnerable area is the outcrop of Rus formation (see Fig. 2), groundwater such as land-fills, waste water treatment plants, irrigation
where contaminant can leach into the deeper aquifer. The least vulner- and industry activities, with a general environmental impact assess-
able areas are those covered by coastal sediments and the anticline of ment. High and very high vulnerability areas should be protected and
Dukhan in the west. excluded from any groundwater-threatening activity. Those areas can
Fig. 11 shows the Epikarst classified map, based on Doerfliger and be used as environmental reserves or natural parks. The intermediate
Zwahlen (1998). vulnerability map can be used for activities mentioned above but with

caution and when no other alternative is available. In this case, a full
3.1.2. Protective cover environmental impact assessment should be undertaken before plan-
Protective cover includes the soil (or any other formation) that cov- ning of any activity on an intermediate vulnerability area.
ers the aquifer. As discussed above, the soil in the country is mostly From the general comparison between DRASTIC and EPIK ap-
thin or absent, so it provides a minimum or no protection at all. As proaches, it is clear DRASTIC approach better suits the case of Qatar
shown in Fig. 12 and Table 9, most of the country has a rated protec- than EPIK. This is because EPIK neglect many important factors that
tive cover of 1, which means least protective cove. Some areas like the play an important role in groundwater contamination. These factors

thick sandstone barchans in the south east have a protective cover rate are the depth to water table and the existence (or absence) of imper-
of 3. meable layers within the aquifer media. The coastal areas of Qatar are
prone to seawater intrusion and thus they are highly vulnerable. EPIK
3.1.3. Infiltration conditions approach marks the coastal zones as low vulnerability areas. Because
Infiltration rate can be obtained based on soil properties. The avail- of the fact that Qatar hydrogeology and geomorphology contains a va-
able water content in the soil varies between 0 and more than 600 mm riety of hydrogeological settings and not only karst, DRASTIC ap-
per meter length (Schlumberger Water Services, 2009). In general, the proach suits these settings more than EPIK, which focus on karst for-
infiltration rate is high in coastal areas and much lower inland. Fig. 13 mation and neglects other features.
shows the rated infiltration conditions map. According to (Doerfliger
and Zwahlen, 1998), infltration conditions map is divided into four
categories: 1 indicates the highest infiltration and 4 indicates the least. 5. Conclusions

3.1.4. Karst network Vulnerability mapping is a powerful tool for groundwater protec-

This parameter refers to the existence of any karst network and the tion, water resource management and land-use management. Raster
degree of karstifications. The existence of karst network controls the analysis in GIS was used to produce hydrogeological maps for intrin-
movement of contaminant in carbonate aquifers. Because of lack of in- sic vulnerability analysis. Results show that DRASTIC and EPIK ap-
formation regarding kasrt network, the existence of land depressions, proaches provide different vulnerability maps with agreement on karst
caves and collapses are used as indicators of karst spread and distrib- areas. Coastal areas and northern areas of Qatar are more vulnerable
ution in the country (Fig. 14). to groundwater contamination than elsewhere according to DRASTIC

whereas they have low vulnerability based on EPIK.

3.1.5. EPIK vulnerability map It is concluded that DRASTIC vulnerability approach suits Qatar
The final vulnerability map based on EPIK approach was done us- more than EPIK because EPIK neglects important factors that affect
ing Equation (2). The highest the F index based on the equation means vulnerability in Qatar. These factors include depth to water table and

low vulnerability, and vice versa. The final vulnerability map is de- topography, in addition to aquifer media.
picted in Fig. 15. It is noted that the highest vulnerability (i.e. least The resulting vulnerability map can be used to delineate areas for
protection) occurs in the middle of the country, especially in known groundwater protection and can also be used for land management to
land collapse and karst formations. Coastal areas have the least vul- help locating landfills and wastewater treatment plants, as discussed
nerability (high protection areas) in addition to some in-land areas in in the previous section. It can also be used for design of groundwater
the north and the south. monitoring networks.

4. Discussion
Uncited references
It is clear that DRASTIC and EPIK produce different vulnerabil-
ity maps, but they have something in common. In both maps, areas of Al Mansouri, 2014; Hanan et al., 2014
Journal of African Earth Sciences xxx (2016) xxx-xxx 7


Fig. 3. Rated recharge in Qatar.

8 Journal of African Earth Sciences xxx (2016) xxx-xxx

Table 3
General stratigraphy and geological events in Qatar (modified after Boukhary et al., 2011; Al-Yousef, 2003; Alsharhan et al., 2001).

Age Formation Member Lithology Thickness Remarks

Quaternary Beach deposits Calcareous sand of marine origin, coastal dunes variable Isolation of Qatar by marine
locally cemented transgression

Sabkha Saline and gypsiferous sand and silt flats
Alluvium, Aeolian sand & calcareous Mud, continental gravel, siliceous sand &
sandstone conglomeratic sandstone

Upper Hofuf Continental gravel, sand & conglomerate 12 m Qatar arch uplift
Middle Dam Abu Samrah calcareous sediments 80 m
Al-Nakhsh Limestone, chalk & clay with gypsum & celestite
Salwa Siliciclastic calcareous
Middle Dammam Abarug Dolomite & limestone 62 m

Umm Bab/Simsima Dolomite & limestone
Dukhan Limestone & Midra Shale Shale, dolomite & limestone
Lower Eocene Rus Al Khor Limestone & Dolomite 110 m Basin isolation
Trina Limestone & Dolomite
Paleocene Umm er Limestone and dolomite, with some evaporates 300 m

Journal of African Earth Sciences xxx (2016) xxx-xxx 9


Fig. 4. Surface geology of Qatar (Baalousha, 2016a,b).

10 Journal of African Earth Sciences xxx (2016) xxx-xxx


Fig. 5. Rated aquifer media map.

Journal of African Earth Sciences xxx (2016) xxx-xxx 11

Table 4
Rating for aquifer media (Aller et al., 1987).

Aquifer media Rating Typical rating

Massive shale 1–3 2

Metamorphic/igneous 2–5 3

Weathered metamorphic/igneous 3–5 4
Glacial till 4–6 5
Bedded sandstone, limestone and shale sequences 5–9 6

Massive sandstone 4–9 6
Massive limestone 4–9 6
Sand and gravel 4–9 8
Basalt 2–10 9
Karst limestone 9–10 10

12 Journal of African Earth Sciences xxx (2016) xxx-xxx


Fig. 6. Soil map of Qatar (Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture (2005)).
Journal of African Earth Sciences xxx (2016) xxx-xxx 13


Fig. 7. Rated topography (slope) map.

Table 5
DRASTIC rating for soil in Qatar (Aller et al., 1987).

Soil type Rating

Lithosol 10
Farms soil 5
Sandy soil 9
Sabkha 3
14 Journal of African Earth Sciences xxx (2016) xxx-xxx

Table 6
Rating for topography slope (Aller et al., 1987).

Topography slope (percent) Rating

0–2 10
2–6 9

6–12 5
12–18 3
More than 18 1

Journal of African Earth Sciences xxx (2016) xxx-xxx 15


Fig. 8. Vadose zone map of Qatar.

16 Journal of African Earth Sciences xxx (2016) xxx-xxx

Table 7
Rating of vadose zone (Aller et al., 1987).

Vadose zoned media Rating

Gravel and sand 8

Karst 10

Limestone and clay 4
Limestone and dolomite 7
Limestone and gypsum 5

Limestone, chalk and clay 6
Sand 7
Sandstone 6
Sabkha 8

Table 8
Range and rating forhydraulic conductivity (Aller et al., 1987).

Range (m2/day)


0–4 1
4–12 2
12–29 4
29–41 6
41–81 8
81+ 10

Journal of African Earth Sciences xxx (2016) xxx-xxx 17


Fig. 9. Rated map of hydraulic conductivity.

18 Journal of African Earth Sciences xxx (2016) xxx-xxx


Fig. 10. Vulnerability-index map for Qatar.

Journal of African Earth Sciences xxx (2016) xxx-xxx 19


Fig. 11. Epikarst rated map.

20 Journal of African Earth Sciences xxx (2016) xxx-xxx


Fig. 12. Protective cover rated map, based on Doerfliger and Zwahlen, 1998.

Table 9
Ratings for the attribute classes of the protective cover (Doerfliger and Zwahlen, 1998).

Soil type Rating


Lithosol 1
Farms soil 2
Sandy soil 2
Sabkha 3
Journal of African Earth Sciences xxx (2016) xxx-xxx 21


Fig. 13. Rated infiltration conditions in Qatar.

22 Journal of African Earth Sciences xxx (2016) xxx-xxx


Fig. 14. Karst distribution map for Qatar.

Journal of African Earth Sciences xxx (2016) xxx-xxx 23


Fig. 15. Vulnerability map of Qatar based on EPIK approach.

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