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Ingles A2

Task 2 - English is easy and fun

Presentado a:
Anny Milena Gomez

Presentado por:
Nelson Uriel Pérez Ortiz
Yuly Beliza Rosas Sanchez

Grupo: 900002_1943

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Ingenierías Y Tecnologías

Inglés A2

17 Marzo 2024
Link group drive:
Step 1
After you study the suggested modules, select and complete three (3)
exercises (One per module). Make sure not to choose an exercise
previously selected by another course mate.
Student’s name: _Nelson Uriel Pérez Ortiz
Screenshot Module 1
Screenshot Module 2
Screenshot Module 3

Student’s name: Yuly Beliza Rosas Sanchez

Screenshot Module 1
Screenshot Module 2

Screenshot Module 3
Step 2 - Participation in the Student’s Talking Time (STT).
Each student must participate in at least two (2) STT
Durante cada STT el tutor encargado tomará un momento donde le
indicará la evidencia que debe poner en su trabajo como asistencia al
STT. (Sea una imagen, respuesta a algunas preguntas, completar un
texto de acuerdo a lo realizado, etc). Por lo tanto, debe estar atenta y
atento durante todo el taller para cuando el tutor le de esa instrucción.
Student’s name: _Nelson Uriel Pérez Ortiz
STT 1 Date:
Evidence asked in the STT:

STT 2 Date:
Evidence asked in the STT:

Student’s name: Yuly Beliza Rosas Sanchez

STT 1 Date:
Evidence asked in the STT:

STT 2 Date:
Topic: Let’s go to Miami
Tutor: Anny Milena Gomez
Evidence asked in the STT:
Step 3 – Organize the sentences.
Considering the previous explanation of the Past Progressive and Simple
Past Tenses. Check the following list of sentences, they are in disorder.
So that, you should choose 4 sentences to put them in the correct order.
2 sentences in Past Progressive and 2 sentences in Simple Past
(Total 4 sentences per student). Please, do not repeat the sentences
chosen by your partners.
Use this link to choose the sentences:
Sentences Step 3

Write the sentences:

Student’s name: __Nelson Uriel Perez Ortiz
Past Progressive
1. drinking/ the/ was/ water / cold/ dog
the dog was drinking water cold.
2. were/ children/ the/ sleeping.
the were children sleeping
Simple past

1. cooked/ they/ dinner/ the/ last/ night.

They cooked the dinner last night
2. the/ crying / baby/ was
The baby was crying

Student’s name: Yuly Beliza Rosas Sanchez

Past Progressive
1. I was reading an book English yesterday.
2. Was she writing an email her to brother?

Simple past
1. My mother bought a dress new yesterday.
2. We walked in the park this morning.

Step 4 – The Biography

Check the following Biographies, each student is going to select 1
biography. After selecting the biography, complete the blanks with the
correct form of verb and then organize it coherently.

Student’s name: _Nelson Uriel Pérez Ortiz.

Biography: Fernando Botero
Fernando Botero (be) born in 1932 in Medellin, Colombia. He (painter)
in the neo-figurative style and (call) himself "the most Colombian of
Colombian artists". He largely (paint) large people – figures that (be)
much larger than life in all parts of their body. His critics often call them
“fat people”. Botero didn’t (know) the reason why he (painted) such
obese forms.
Botero (grow) up looking at paintings in his local Catholic church. These
(be) in the centuries-old Baroque style and (influence) his style. He
(be) never rich enough to visit galleries and see other works. He was
(hold) his first exhibition when he was 20, in the capital Bogota. He
(use) the money he (receive), to go to Europe to study art.
While living in New York in the 1960s, he found new inspiration in the
Italian Renaissance. He began experimenting with creating volume in his
figures by expanding them and compressing the space around them.
This (becomes) his unique and characteristic style. In 1997, Colombian
terrorists (destroyed) his sculpture 'Bird' in Medellín. Seventeen people
(killed) in the attack.
Botero’s works now hang in galleries all over the world. He (guarantee)
millions of dollars for each painting he (do). His works instantly
(become) collector’s items and many people buy them as investments.
In 2005, Botero (paint) a series of 50 paintings that graphically (show)
the horror of the events in Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison. This (be) typical of
Botero using art for social commentary.

Student’s name: Yuly Beliza Rosas Sanchez

Angelina Jolie
Angelina was born in LA in 1976. She loved movies and started acting
classes to follow her dream of movie stardom. She was rebellious and
becoming a punk with dyed purple hair and tattoos. Her movie career
took off in 1997 and within a few years she won an Oscar. Her 2001 role
as Lara Croft in the blockbuster “Tomb Raider” shot her to international

Angelina didn’t limits her career to acting. In 2000 she involved her
humanitarian work while she was filming in Cambodia. She is now a UN
Goodwill Ambassador, she visited refugee camps in poor countries. She
was donating large sums of money to help the underprivileged people.
She has effectively used her stardom to highlight world problems.

Helping other people is what truly motivates Angelina. In 2001, she

said: “We cannot close ourselves off…and ignore the fact that millions of
people are out there suffering.” In addition to acting awards, she
received wide recognition for her humanitarian work. She became the
first winner of the UN’s Citizen of the World Award. It seems likely more
accolades will follow.

Unfortunately, Jolie’s personal life came to overshadow her other

pursuits. The tabloids were obsessing with her relationships, especially
the one with Brad Pitt. The couple were referred to not as Brad and
Angelina but as “Brangelina”. The media seem more caught up with
what they ate and drank than the important humanitarian work Angelina

Step 5 - Reflection and personal growth

Student’s name: Nelson Uriel Pérez Ortiz
¿Cómo se sintió con la actividad?
¿Qué siente que debe mejorar en su proceso académico?
¿Cómo cree que esta actividad le aportó a su proceso académico?
¿Cómo percibe usted la importancia de aprender un segundo idioma?

Realmente muy gratificante porque cuando uno hace las cosas de

corazón y va entendiendo lo que está haciendo lo motiva a continuar y
querer seguir aprendiendo, a diario tenemos cosas por mejorar, por
ahora por mejorar considero el miedo y la inseguridad que tengo al
aprender este nuevo idioma para mí. EL aporte es grande porque me
ayuda a sentir confianza en lo poco que voy aprendiendo, pues el
segundo idioma es de gran importancia hoy en día en todos los aspectos
de la vida, sobre todo laboral.

Student’s name: Yuly Beliza Rosas Sanchez

¿Cómo se sintió con la actividad?
¿Qué siente que debe mejorar en su proceso académico?
¿Cómo cree que esta actividad le aportó a su proceso académico?
¿Cómo percibe usted la importancia de aprender un segundo idioma?
Fue muy interesante, creo que cada cosa nueva que aprendemos es un
gran aporte y nos acerca un poco más a nuestro objetivo final. Para
mejorar está el perder el miedo a equivocarme en la pronunciación, sin
embargo, es cuestión de practicar y todo se puede. Esta actividad me
aportó de gran manera brindándome nuevos conocimientos, de igual
manera resaltar la importancia hoy en día de aprender un segundo
idioma, mejora nuestra vida social, laboral y por supuesto económica,
así abriendo nuevas oportunidades en el extranjero.

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