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Asslamu’alaikum Wr Wb..

Hello every body..

Here we will future drama of malin kundang
Before we introduce ourselves
Stay turn on this stage..
One upon time
Prolog : long time small village near the beach in the west Sumatra, lived a women an her Son,
Her Name Son is Malin Kundang. Malin Kundang’s father had passed away when he was a baby, and
he had to live hard with his Mother.
Malin Kudang sailed to home..
One time, He run home want to tell his mother…
Malin : “Mother, I want to go Sailling overseas”
Mothers : “ No Malin, Mom won’t let you”
Malin : “Mother, if I stay here, I’ll always be a poor man
“I wan to be a successful person”
Mother : “if you relly wan to go, I can’t stop you”
“I could only to God for you to be success in your life”
“But, promise me, you will come home”
Malin : I Promise Mom, I’ll us Ningrum to take care mother, When I Go”
Prolog : Malin went to Ningrum’s home and meet her. He told everything to Ningrum and asked to
help him, take care his mother while he went sailing.
Malin : “Ningrum…Ningrum.., I wanna ask your help”
Ningrum : “ What’s up Malin ? What can I do for you ? You are like in hurry”
Malin : “I wanna go sailing overseas tomorrow. I come here look for you”
“ I wan you to take care of my mother while I go until come home”
Ningrum : “Are you Serious Malin ? Have thought again ?
Malin : “ Yes I Heve.., an this decision. It my Chance”
Ningrum : “Well Malin if that your decision.., I can’t stop you”
“I will do what yu ask to me..”
Malin : “Thank you, Ningrum, you’re very kind”
Prolog : in the next morning, Malin Kundang was ready to go, he come to the beach, and meet the
merchant, the Merchant was ready started his journey.
Mother : Take a good care yourself, My Son”
Malin : “Yes Mother”
“you are also have to take a good care of youself”
“I’ll keep in touch with you”
“Bye Mom…Bye Momm
Mother : “Malinn…Malin..Malinnnnnn…..
Prolog : it had been three months since Malin kundang left his mother, As his mother had predicted
before she hadn’t contacted her yet. Every Morning she stood on the pier, she wished to see the ship
the brought Malin Kundang Home, every day and night, she prayed to God for her Son’s Sefty
Mother : God, Plese save my Son, Malin
Ningrum : Be patient Mom, Malin will be Ok, we must believe..that Malin will come home..
Prolog” beside that Malin Kundang hard work in overseas, he work with the merchant because his
honestly. Malin got confidence from the Merchant,
Oneday the Merchant daughter’s come to the work place to look for her Father,
Malin : “Uppppp..Sorry, are you Okay”
Miska : “Yess..what’s your name ?”
Main : “My name’s Malin. And you ?”
Miska : “Miska”
Malin : “Miska…what are you doing here, Miska ?”
Miska :”I want meet my you know where is he ?”
Malin : “Who your father ?”
Miska : “My father is owner this place”
Malin : “Are you kidding ?”
Miska : “No, I’m Seriuos”
Malin : “Are you Merchant daughter ?”
Miska : “yes, do you know where is he ?”
Malin : “Ohh..Merchant daughter is a beautiful girl”
“Okay, I Will take you to your Father”
Malin : “Excuse me Merchan, here is your daughter looking for you”
Merchant : “Oh My Daughter, What’s up dear ?”
Miska : “Dad, do you remember next week ??”
Merchant : “What will happen dear ?”
Miska : “don’t tell me you forget..
Merchen : “ Oh..I remember, it’s your birthday..”
“ Oke, I will make your party birthday party for you..”
Prolog : after miska meet Malin and the time, she became so close with Malin, Miska often came to
her father ‘s work place, and in her Party, miska Invited Malin, to came to her party
Malin : “Happy Birthday Miska..”
“this night I wan to state what I’m feeling to you,
since the fist time I meet you, I’m filling in love with you
this time to me to propose you,
Will you Merry me ?”
Misak : Ohh Malin, Why not, I Love you too..
Prolog : Many years later, Malin Kundang became wealthy Merchant, with a Huge Ship ,load of
trading good, many ship creed , and a beautiful wife, In his Journey, his ship landed on a beach, the
village recognized him, and the news run fast in the town, Malin Kundang become a rich man and
now he is here, His Mother, In a deepful sadnees after years of loneliness, Ran to the beach to meet
her beloved son again.
Ningrum : “Malin come home….Malin Come home..”
Ningrum : “Mom, Malin come home…Malin Come home..”
Mother : “Ningrum, are you seriously ??”
Mother : “ Malin..You are back son..?”
Malin : “Who are you, I don’t know you, You’re not my mother”
Malin : “My mother would never wear ugly clothes like you !”
Mother : “Malin….You don’t recognize me ? I’m your mother”
Miska : “What is it ? Who is the old woman ?”
Malin : “ I don’t Know”
Mother : “is she you wife Malin ? you are so beautiful”
Miska : “I’m your mother Malin….”
Miska : “Honey, are you okay ? why you are look so sad”
Malin : “No dear..!! Go away !!! You are not My Mother”
Mother : “Malin My Son….If you don’t recognize your mother”
“ You life will be miserable!!
‘ If you were my son, Malin..I Cursed you….”
“ you better be a stone”
Prolog : Lightning suddenly heard..!!!!! Malin’s mother cursed Malin Kundang that the would turn
into a stone, if he didn’t apologize, Malin Kundang just laughed and set sail. In the quite sea, suddenly
a thunder storm came, His Huge ship was wrecked and it was to late for Malin Kundang to apologize,
he was thrown by the wave out of his, feel on a small island and suddenly turned into stone
Malin : “Mom…I’m Sorry Mom…”
Mother : “You are late Son..”
Malin ; “Mommmmmmm………..”

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