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Medieval Disability Sourcebook

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Fig. 1. Hieronymus Bosch, Ship of Fools (1490–1500)

Medieval Disability Sourcebook: Western Europe. Copyright © 2020 by the editor and authors. This work carries
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First published in 2020 by punctum books, Earth, Milky Way.

ISBN-13: 978-1-950192-73-1 (print)

ISBN-13: 978-1-950192-74-8 (ePDF)

DOI: 10.21983/P3.0276.1.00

LCCN: 2020934559
Library of Congress Cataloging Data is available from the Library of Congress

Book design: Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei

Western Europe

Edited by Cameron Hunt McNabb

Table of Contents

13 Cameron Hunt McNabb, Introduction 162 William of Canterbury, A Miracle

of Thomas Becket: De puero syntectino
Historical and Medical Documents (Concerning a boy suffering from a
wasting disease) (1172–77), contributed
25 York Cause Paper E.92: Redyng c. by Rose A. Sawyer
Boton (1366–67), contributed by Alison 168 Njáls Saga (13th c.), contributed by
Purnell Kolfinna Jónatansdóttir
56 Mental Competency Inquisitions from 173 Thomas of Monmouth, The Life and
Medieval England (ca. late 12th c.–early Passion of William of Norwich (1152–70),
15th c.), contributed by Eliza Buhrer contributed by Sarah Edwards Obenauf
69 Nuremberg Town Records: Select 181 Testimony from the Canonization
Entries Pertaining to the “Mad” and Proceedings of Charles of Blois (1371),
Intellectually Disabled (1377–1492), contributed by Leigh Ann Craig
contributed by Anne M. Koenig 186 Bernard Gui, On a Miracle of Saint
77 Tax Relief Requests from Medieval Thomas Aquinas (ca. 1325), contributed
Dijon (1389–1449), contributed by Anne by Leigh Ann Craig
Galanaud and Pierre Galanaud 190 Bede, The Prose Life of Cuthbert (ca. 721),
85 Examining for Leprosy in the Fifteenth contributed by Marit Ronen
Century (ca. 1430–1500), contributed by 206 Bede, The Miracles of King Oswald
Lucy Barnhouse from Ecclesiastical History (late 9th c.),
103 Ortolf of Baierland, Arzneibuch, “On contributed by Heide Estes
Madness” (ca. 1300), contributed by 210 The Life of St. Margaret of Antioch (11th
Anne M. Koenig c.), contributed by Leah Pope Parker
220 Life of Mary of Oegines (Oignies) (ca. 15th
Religious Texts c.), contributed by Kisha G. Tracy and
Alicia Protze
113 Selected Episodes on Healing and
Disability from the Vulgate Bible— Poetry
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
(ca. 382), translated by St. Jerome, 233 Marie de France, Bisclavret (ca. 12th c.),
contributed by Will Eggers contributed by Kisha G. Tracy
138 Miracles in Apocryphal Infancy 242 Alain Chartier, The Book of Hope (ca.
Narratives (ca. 550–13th c.), contributed 1429), contributed by Julie Singer
by Brandon W. Hawk 247 Geoffrey Chaucer, The Merchant’s
147 Ælfric of Eynsham, Catholic Homilies Tale from The Canterbury Tales (ca.
1.10 (ca. 989–ca. 992), contributed by 1387–1400), contributed by Moira
Brandon W. Hawk Fitzgibbons
157 Augustine of Hippo, The City of God 260 Geoffrey Chaucer, The Man of Law’s Tale
against the Pagans (413–26), contributed from The Canterbury Tales (ca. 1387–
by Leah Pope Parker 1400), contributed by Paul A. Broyles
276 Geoffrey Chaucer, The Wife of Bath’s 434 The Entry into Jerusalem from the York
Portrait, Prologue, and Tale from The Cycle (ca. 1377), contributed by Frank
Canterbury Tales (ca. 1387–1400), M. Napolitano
contributed by Tory V. Pearman 448 The Nativity from the N-Town Plays (ca.
292 Dame Sirith (ca. 1272–82), contributed 1460–1520), contributed by Jeffery G.
by Danielle Allor Stoyanoff
304 John Gower, Tale of Constance (1380–90), 458 Croxton Play of the Sacrament (ca.
contributed by Will Rogers 1461–1546), contributed by Cameron
313 Thomas Hoccleve, Complaint (1419–21), Hunt McNabb
contributed by Will Rogers
473 The Smithfield Decretals (ca.
327 The Book of Margery Kempe (ca. 1450– 1300–1340), contributed by Rachael
1500), contributed by M.W. Bychowski Gillibrand
341 Bede, Menstruation, Infirmity, and 476 Visible and Invisible Impairments
Religious Observance from Ecclesiastical in Images of Medieval Musicians,
History (late 9th c.), contributed by contributed by Karen M. Cook
Heide Estes
345 Bede, Physical Disability, Muteness, 487 Thematic Table of Contents
Pregnancy, Possession, and Alcoholism
from Ecclesiastical History (ca. 731), 490 Contributors
contributed by Maura Bailey, Autumn
Battista, Ashley Corliss, Eammon
Gosselin, Rebecca Laughlin, Sara
Moller, Shayne Simahk, Taylor Specker,
Alyssa Stanton, Kellyn Welch, and
Kisha G. Tracy
365 Evadeam, The Dwarf Knight from
the Lancelot-Grail Cycle (ca. 1220–30),
contributed by Kara Larson Maloney
379 Morkinskinna (ca. 1220), contributed by
Ármann Jakobsson
393 Snorri Sturluson, Ólafs saga helga from
Heimskringla (ca. 1230), contributed by
Ármann Jakobsson
411 Snorri Sturluson, The Prose Edda (ca.
1220–40), contributed by Kolfinna

419 The Cure of the Blind Man from the

Chester Cycle (ca. 1531–75), contributed
by Kurt Schreyer
428 Christ and the Leper from the Chester
Cycle (ca. 1531–75), contributed by Kurt

To tweak the old adage, many hands make whose diligence and attention to detail is to
quality work. The collaborative nature of this be commended.
project means that many, many hands had a Many heartfelt thanks must be extended,
part in it, and I am thankful for each of them. too, to Eileen Joy and punctum books for
These hands include the early visionaries of their support of the project and open access
the Society for the Study of Disability in the materials in general. Also, my gratitude to
Middle Ages (SSDMA), who saw the need for the initial anonymous reader, whose feed-
such a volume; the contributors, who worked back guided the later stages of the project.
hard to meet the project’s goals and specifi- This project was several years in the mak-
cations; the copy editors, whose hands have ing, and some wonderful colleagues have
shaped countless details; the publisher, who been with me through the entire journey: a
has graciously supported the volume; and all tremendous round of thanks to Frank Na-
those who have contributed feedback and en- politano, Kisha Tracy, Will Eggers, John Sex-
couragement along the way. ton, Andrew Pfrenger, Paul T. Corrigan, and
The idea for a sourcebook on medieval Charles J. Hulin IV. I am also grateful to Dr.
disability was first conceived back in 2012 by William Hackett, Provost of Southeastern
the members of SSDMA. The concept was University, who granted me release time to
originally Moira Fitzgibbons’s, and those devote to the volume.
members first involved were Jonathan Hsy, Lastly, I owe more thanks than I can
Wendy Turner, John Sexton, Joshua R. Eyler, give to Joshua R. Eyler, who not only took
Tory V. Pearman, Will Eggers, Julie Singer, a chance on me and trusted me with this
and others. I am grateful for their vision for project but who has stood by me every step
moving medieval disability studies forward of the way. His advice, feedback, encourage-
and making it more accessible to students. I ment, and support have been paramount in
inherited not just their vision but their ideas bringing this project to fruition.
and even sample entries when I took over as
General Editor. Without these foundational
documents, the project would not be what it
is today.
This volume boasts forty contributors,
myself excluded, and each has worked dili-
gently to make their texts as engaging and
accessible to the readers as possible. The con-
tributors hail from numerous disciplines (as
well as half a dozen countries and as many
languages), and has brought different per-
spectives and expertise to their entries. They
truly were a pleasure to work with.
I am also grateful to the copy-editing
skills of Anna Yates and Emma E. Duncan,
Cameron Hunt McNabb

Introduction In the Book of John and in the biblical

play, the blind man narrates his own story
The medieval biblical play “The Cure of the of his healing and interprets it for himself
Blind Man” stages the popular healing of and the Pharisees who question him. But the
the blind man episode from John 9. In the biblical play also asks the disciples, and by
biblical telling, the disciples ask Jesus, “who extension the audience, to listen, interpret,
hath sinned, this man, or his parents, that he and ultimately “remember” (l. 37) the blind
should be born blind?” Jesus replies, “Nei- man. For figures marginalized by bodily, so-
ther hath this man sinned, nor his parents; cial, and mental difference, medieval disabil-
but that the works of God should be made ity studies seeks to do precisely that, and this
manifest in him.” This short passage illus- volume provides a starting point to do so.
trates common misconceptions about dis-
ability—namely that it results from sin and Medieval Disability Studies
needs remedy—but also upends them by call-
ing disability a redeeming “work of God.” Medieval texts and Medieval Studies have
Yet, even while seeking to redeem disability, garnered increased attention recently, partly
the passage ignores the difficulties that peo- motivated by medieval-adjacent popular me-
ple with some disabilities experience and as- dia, like Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones,
cribes the source of the impairment to God and partly by appropriations of the field by
rather than to the dynamic physical, mental, modern movements, including white na-
and social impairments and constructs that tionalism. But these representations of the
shape what we call “disability.” Neither of the period—and the assumptions they gener-
passage’s interpretations of the man’s blind- ate—drastically oversimplify the complex
ness capture the complex and nuanced cat- and varied Middle Ages. In fact, as medieval
egory disability represents. scholars often point out, using the definite
In contrast, “The Cure of the Blind Man” article “the” to describe the Middle Ages fails
play digs deeper in unpacking disability by to capture the period’s diversity, as if we can
informing the audience that the blind man make any definitive statements about a term
“is your owne neighbour and of your owne that spans almost a thousand years.
kind” (l. 39). Instead of emphasizing either Disability studies, too, is burgeoning,
the disciples’ misconceptions or Jesus’ words moving perhaps from infancy to adolescence
of redemption, the play focuses on dis- as a field. It began as a modern social justice
ability as part of our humanity, part of our movement advocating for those with disabil-
neighbors’ and our own kind. Although how ities, but scholars have expanded its inquir-
people interpret and ascribe meaning to dis- ies to history and literature. The term “dis-
ability changes across time and cultures, dis- ability” presents complexities similar to “the
ability is a universal human experience. It Middle Ages,” including under its umbrella
is the condition of our historical neighbors. disabilities marked as physical, emotional,
And of ourselves. and mental; chronic and acute; visible and
invisible. There is no singular understanding

medieval disability sourcebook

or experience of “disability,” nor a definitive treatment of disability in medieval Europe is

representation of it. This volume provides a heavily linked to the Christus medicus (“Christ
more nuanced, but certainly not exhaustive, the Physician”) tradition, which positioned
look. all disease as a manifestation of sin, for which
In short, there is no single concept of “me- Christ’s redemption was the cure. However,
dieval disability,” nor a single response to the Metzler examines both Old and New Testa-
empirical existence of disability within the ment treatments of impairment, including
period. The sources collected here serve as the John 9 passage discussed above, and notes
testaments to the complex and wide-reach- they are “not of a uniformed nature”3: “Some
ing realm of disability in medieval Western Old Testament references link sin and physi-
Europe. Ultimately, it is up to readers to lis- cal ‘blemishes,’ one very specific occupation
ten, interpret, and remember what they en- (the priesthood) is barred to some impaired
counter. people, and some instances of impairment
are mentioned without any qualifying mor-
Key Terms and Concepts al overtones. In the New Testament, on the
whole, the emphasis is on healing, and, with
Although medieval languages have many two exceptions, the spiritual condition of the
terms for specific impairments, most work healed person is not of importance. Faith of
on medieval disability studies opens with the supplicant is of far greater consequence
an acknowledgment that the period did not for a successful healing than their sin.”4 Met-
have the term disability nor even a compara- zler’s work emphasizes the spectrum of in-
ble term in Latin or the extant vernacular terpretations on disability found in medieval
languages. The term disability, like the terms Europe.
race, gender, and sexuality, is a modern con- The texts in this volume span that spec-
struct that we use to talk about the texts of trum, with significant range and conflict of-
the past. However, the absence of a term does ten existing within a single text. For instance,
not mean the absence of a concept, and while the miracle accounts included in this volume
we should use our modern terms conscien- rely on a framework that presents disability
tiously and cautiously, we can use and benefit as something that needs to be cured (by the
from them nonetheless. saint or shrine in question), but the very saint
Medieval scholar Tory V. Pearman notes responsible for the miracles can often do so
that modern discussions of medieval dis- only because of his or her own disability, it-
ability have sometimes congregated around self interpreted as a sign of holiness. Further,
“a monolithic view of the Middle Ages as the miracles’ narratives simultaneously—and
intolerant” or “an equally monolithic view perhaps inadvertently—testify to the com-
that borders on nostalgic.”1 However, as Irina munity’s aid and support for individuals with
Metzler demonstrates in her highly influ- disabilities, all while attempting to solidify
ential Disability in Medieval Europe: Thinking the Church’s monopoly on cures.
about Physical Impairment during the High Mid- The critical lens of disability studies
dle Ages, c. 1100–1400, disability was pervasive evokes a number of helpful terms for read-
in the period and attitudes toward it ranged ers to use while wrestling with these sources.
from “intolerant” and associated with sin At some points, the European Middle Ages
to ameliorate and apologetic, as seen in the are particularly conducive to the lines of in-
perspectives in “The Cure of the Blind Man.” quiry already established by the field, but in
As Metzler notes, “no discussion of medieval other cases, these theoretical tools need to be
bodies could be complete without reference adapted in order to accommodate this pe-
to sin,”2 and the relationship between sin riod and these cultures. I discuss some of the
and disability is crucial in the period. The field’s major terms and concepts below and


explore ways in which they can—or cannot— to the social model, as expressed by the Un-
be applied to the sources in this volume. ion of the Physically Impaired Against Segre-
One of the earliest approaches to disabil- gation, “it is society which disables physically
ity, termed the medical model, attempts to impaired people. Disability is something im-
diagnose and cure impairments. Predicated posed on top of our impairments, by the way
on disability as bodily or mental difference we are unnecessarily isolated and excluded
that is considered “abnormal” and in need of from full participation in society.”6 The texts
“repair,” such a model always presents those in this volume document both the impair-
with disabilities as deviant and subordinate, ments of medieval people as well as the ways
with medicine as the “fix” needed to “correct” in which those impairments became or did
the impairment. Medieval scholar Edward not become disabilities.
Wheatley expands and adapts this frame- While the social model’s terms “impair-
work to discuss how the European Middle ment” and “disability” are helpful in teasing
Ages has a similar religious model, because out some of disability studies’ distinctions
“the church’s control over discourse related and subtleties, Joshua R. Eyler notes, “the
to disability [is] in a manner analogous to the [social] model forces the binary opposition
way modern medicine attempts to maintain of ‘impairment’ and ‘disability’ in ways that
control over it now.”5 He cites the pervasive at times seem rather misleading.”7 Eyler pre-
role of the Bible and religious literature in fers the cultural model, proposed by David
shaping the medieval West’s views on dis- T. Mitchell and Sharon Snyder, which argues
ability. By investigating the Church’s con- that “[e]nvironment and bodily variation
trol over miraculous “cures,” the practice of (particularly those traits experienced as so-
confession, almsgiving and charity, and the cially stigmatized differences) inevitably im-
Eucharist, Wheatley’s model examines how pinge upon each other.”8 Tom Shakespeare’s
the Church controlled the bodies of those critical realist model is similar in its empha-
with impairments and framed the culture’s sis on disability as “the whole interplay of
interpretation of disabilities. The religious different factors that make up the experience
orientation of numerous texts in this volume of people with impairments,”9 including “the
demonstrates Wheatley’s theory well, while independent existence of bodies which some-
other entries provide nuance and even resist- times hurt, regardless of what we may think
ance to his claims. or say about those bodies.”10 Shakespeare’s
Other scholars have explored disability model provides a framework for analyzing
as a social rather than medical phenomenon. the disciples’ and Jesus’ interpretations of
The social model first argued for the distinc- the man’s blindness in John 9: the disciples
tion between the terms impairment and disa- stigmatize blindness by associating it with
bility. Within disability studies, “impairment” sin, while Jesus’ response overlooks the blind
is often used to describe mental or physical man’s physical experiences resulting from his
functions that impair the daily lives of the in- impairment.11
dividuals who have them. For instance, blind- Shakespeare complicates his own model
ness, deafness, and mobility restriction are to include a concept of universal impairment,
impairments. In contrast, “disability” is often noting that “impairment is a universal phe-
defined as a cultural or social construct that nomenon, in the sense that every human
limits an individual’s access due to impair- has limitations and vulnerabilities, and ulti-
ment. In the cases listed above, an environ- mately is mortal”12; or, in the words of “The
ment that lacks braille, close-captioning or Cure of the Blind Man,” disability is our
sign language interpreters, and elevators (just “owne neighbour and of [our] owne kind”
to name a few accommodations) would cast (l. 39). Advocating the understanding that all
those impairments as disabilities. According humans will experience impairment at one

medieval disability sourcebook

time or another is useful in demonstrating “person of Islam,” “person who is female,” or a

disability’s ubiquity, but it also underscores “person who is African American.” Identity-
the wide-ranging, varied, and difficult to de- first language is more common in some dis-
fine spectrum the term encompasses. I have ability groups than others, and within some
argued elsewhere that universal impairment communities, preference is split.14
is crucial for the medieval West’s Christian With either approach, the important
framework: if impairment is (sometimes) point to note is who is wielding the language
caused by sin, and according to the doctrine about whom. Ultimately, whatever term or
of original sin, all are sinners, then all are also identity an individual prefers is what others
impaired.13 The concept of universal impair- should use to refer to that individual. Un-
ment, in “The Cure of the Blind Man” or in fortunately, in the medieval texts that fol-
Tom Shakespeare’s work, can and should be low, the voices of those with disabilities are
an avenue of empathy for all our neighbors. often silenced, by the authors and recorders
These various disability models have in of the texts; by the social restrictions of the
turn fostered discussion about what language disabilities themselves; and by their distance
is appropriate for talking about persons with from us in time, space, and language. In
disabilities. Different groups and even indi- some instances in this volume, people with
viduals within those groups have explored disabilities speak for themselves, such as in
what language best captures their experienc- Margery’s Book or Hoccleve’s Complaint, but
es with physical, emotional, or mental dis- in most cases, they are spoken about by oth-
ability. Two main lines of thought—and thus ers. Readers must be critically aware of the
language—have emerged from these discus- voices that shape their stories, particularly
sions. The first employs person-first language, when those voices are not their own.
which refers to individuals with disabilities Another crucial concept in disability
as people first and “with disabilities” second, studies is the idea of the normate body. Rose-
such as a “person in a wheelchair” or a “per- marie Garland Thomson coins this term in
son with dementia.” This type of language her work Extraordinary Bodies to refer to the
foregrounds commonality (we are all people) “normal” body from which all “disabled” bod-
and only qualifies that commonality based ies deviate: “Normate, then, is the construct-
on disability as a secondary consideration. ed identity of those who, by way of the bod-
Person-first language has been employed ily configurations and cultural capital they
throughout this entire introduction thus far, assume, can step into a position of authority
and it is the preferred, but not the only, lan- and wield the power it grants them.”15 Mitch-
guage of the volume. ell and Snyder extend this concept and argue
However, some people with disabilities that “[a] normal body…is a theoretical prem-
find that their disability is integral to their ise from which all bodies must, by defini-
identity, not secondary to it. They feel they tion, fall short…a body divorced of time and
are not a person first and a disability second space.”16 The fiction of the normate becomes
but rather the disability so constitutes part apparent when certain questions are raised:
of their being that the two cannot be sepa- What height is the normate body? How much
rated. In these cases, people prefer identity- does it weigh? How well can it see and hear?
first language, which, as the term suggests, In medieval Western Europe, the religious
foregrounds a specific social, physical, or reli- culture once again brought these questions to
gious characteristic that a person presents as bear through the lens of Christianity. I have
an essential component of personhood. This argued elsewhere that for the Christian me-
type of language is common in other descrip- dieval, Christ is the normate body, although
tors—one usually identifies as “Muslim,” “fe- it is unclear precisely what that body is like.17
male,” or “African American,” rather than a Augustine posits that each individual’s resur-


rected body will be perfected, although he and identity”19 began when they considered
admits that he is also unclear on what that how disability marks bodies as Other, just as
might mean. In both constructs, however, the race, gender, and sexuality do. For medieval
normate body (either Christ’s or the resur- people, disability was connected to issues of
rected body) is defined by its lack of sin, a the Self and the Other, and often persons
connection that is, as Wheatley, Metzler, and with disabilities were also members of mar-
others suggest, problematic. ginalized gender, racial, or economic groups.
Disability studies’ roots in activism can be While some medieval persons with disabili-
seen in the concepts and approaches outlined ties also appear in the dominant majority,
above, but theorists have also extended its such as Hoccleve, and some do not experi-
tenets to history and literature. Two central ence marginalization but rather veneration,
terms, coined by Mitchell and Snyder, ana- such as in many saints’ lives, many are Oth-
lyze disability’s role in narrative texts: narra- ered on multiple fronts, such as the Jews in
tive prosthesis and the materiality of metaphor. the Croxton Play of the Sacrament or the Wife
They argue that “disability pervades literary of Bath in The Canterbury Tales. These figures
narrative, first, as a stock feature of charac- demonstrate how disability contributes to a
terization, and second, as an opportunistic variety of intersectional identities in the pe-
metaphorical device.”18 Their concept of nar- riod.
rative prosthesis refers to this “stock feature” The social, cultural, and critical realist
of characterization or plot in order to signal a models described above also have much in
conflict or difference that is ultimately cured common with other critical fields, making
or resolved. Thus disability serves as a pros- interdisciplinary intersections fruitful. In
thesis for characterization and plot and fails particular, drawing on Women’s and Gender
to be authentically represented in the narra- Studies, Pearman has developed a gendered
tive. Similarly, Mitchell and Snyder point out model to medieval disability in Western Eu-
the frequency with which disability is used rope. She argues that “[w]hen biblical, medi-
as an “opportunistic metaphorical device,” an cal, and literary representations of the female
observation crucial to understanding Chris- body merge with the Aristotelian construc-
tian culture in the Middle Ages, which fre- tion of the female body as a deformed male
quently deployed biblical metaphors about body, a web of Otherness begins to surface,
blindness, deafness, and lameness, such as in demonstrating the intricate bonds between
the tales of Constance and Aelfric’s sermon. discursive notions of embodied identity
Mitchell and Snyder’s frameworks call on us categories.”20 This “web of Otherness” per-
to distinguish between exploited uses of dis- vades the texts in this volume: when the
ability and authentic representations of lived person with a disability is female, such as
experiences in the narratives we encounter. Chaucer’s Wife of Bath or Dame Sirith, the
gendered model reminds us that these figures
Intersections at the Margins are doubly disabled and doubly marginalized.
More fundamentally, discussions of dis-
If disability is part of the universal human ability in the European Middle Ages asked
experience, then it is not surprising that dis- what it means to be human. As discussed
ability studies intersects with other avenues above, rather than viewing disability as an
of inquiry both within the period and now. identity marker for those with specific physi-
Far from being a niche field, its project of cal, mental, or emotional impairments, the
listening, interpreting, and remembering concept of universal disability calls for dis-
those in the margins is wide-reaching. Mitch- ability to be seen as an aspect of everyone’s
ell and Snyder recount that their interest in identity. Texts in the period intrinsically in-
how “disability fit on the map of marginality terrogate not only what is the normate self

medieval disability sourcebook

but what is the human self. In the physical by a specific geography and time period and
sense, some sources connect persons with dis- most are marked by the period’s and culture’s
abilities to non-human entities, like change- engagement with Christianity. Likewise, the
lings in The Man of Law’s Tale and A Miracle of disability theories used to explore them are
Thomas Becket, fairies in Evadeam, or animal rooted in the Western tradition. Therefore,
images in Bisclavret. In a spiritual sense, saints although this volume provides a nuanced
with disabled bodies, like St. Margaret and look at disability the period, it is by no means
St. Cuthbert, seem to transcend the tradi- representative or exhaustive. Moreover, while
tional bounds of humanity and border on the these texts may provide a starting point for
divine. These associations—both positive and thinking about disability and the medieval
negative—demonstrate an uneasiness about West’s global neighbors, those traditions
what constitutes a human body and more deserve their own volumes for us to listen,
importantly what it means to be human. Dis- interpret, and remember. We hope that this
ability and disability studies provide spaces volume will be just one of many and that
for texts and readers to explore with these more diverse sourcebooks on disability will
issues. be forthcoming.
The volume’s contents have been organ-
The Medieval Disability Sourcebook: ized by genre, beginning with historical
Western Europe and medical documents that provide crucial
insights into how physicians, politicians,
As far back as 2012, the Society for the Study judges, and citizens viewed a variety of im-
of Disability in the Middle Ages (SSDMA) pairments. The second section focuses on
desired to create a sourcebook of medieval religious texts, including relevant biblical
texts that deal with disability for use in the passages, commentaries, miracle accounts,
classroom. At that time, medieval disability and saints’ lives, to explore Christianity’s en-
studies was a relatively small field and its gagement with disability in medieval Europe.
scholarship was mostly limited to academic The next three sections, on poetry, prose, and
conferences and university presses. The SS- drama, survey the literary texts of the pe-
DMA felt it imperative the field be explored riod. Many of the texts included are staples
in classrooms and be accessible to students. of medieval British literature courses, such as
Such a desire for accessibility, a central selections from Bede’s Ecclesiastical History,
tenet in disability studies itself, has guided Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, and The Book
all of the major decisions of this project. of Margery Kempe, but many are texts less of-
The press, punctum books, was chosen for ten translated and taught in the classroom,
its support for burgeoning, interdisciplinary bringing less recognized voices alongside
scholarship and its open access model. Most more canonical ones. The concluding sec-
of the texts presented here were taken from tion examines visual depictions of disability
the public domain, which means that they in medieval Europe, opening up fields of in-
are older editions but are free from copy- quiry beyond the written word. Each entry
right, making the sourcebook affordable for includes an introduction and bibliography,
students. as well as textual notes and glosses, in or-
The texts have been translated from or der to highlight disability issues within the
edited in their original languages in order text and serve as springboards for students’
to be accessible to a modern English-speak- or scholars’ inquiry deeper into the field. All
ing audience. These considerations, though, of these factors are designed to encourage as
have yielded a collection of texts that rep- many people as possible, inside and outside
resent Western Europe, only a narrow slice the classroom, to participate in medieval dis-
of a global Middle Ages. They are bounded ability studies.


Ultimately, I hope that this volume invites Metzler, Irina. Disability in Medieval Europe:
readers to listen to, interpret, and remember Thinking about Physical Impairment during
the voices and experiences of our historical the High Middle Ages, c. 1100–1400. Rout-
neighbors; and I hope that participating in ledge, 2006.
such a project of empathy means extending ———. A Social History of Disability in the
the same to our contemporary neighbors and Middle Ages: Cultural Considerations of
to our own selves. Physical Impairment. Routledge, 2015.
———. “Intellectual Disability in the Euro-
Bibliography pean Middle Ages.” The Oxford Handbook
of Disability History, edited by Michael A.
Connelly, Erin, and Stefanie Künzel, eds. Rembis, et al. Oxford University Press,
New Approaches to Disease, Disability and 2018.
Medicine in Medieval Europe. Archaeopress Mitchell, David T., and Sharon L. Snyder.
Archaeology, 2018. Cultural Locations of Disability. University
Crawford, Sally, Elizabeth Ellen, and Chris- of Chicago Press, 2006.
tina Lee, eds. Social Dimensions of Medieval ———. Narrative Prosthesis: Disability and the
Disease and Disability. Archaeopress, 2014. Dependencies of Discourse. University of
Davis, Lennard J. The End of Normal: Identity Michigan Press, 2000.
in a Biocultural Era. University of Michi- Pearman, Tory Vandeventer. Women and
gan Press, 2013. Disability in Medieval Literature. Palgrave
Eyler, Joshua, ed. Disability in the Middle Macmillan, 2015.
Ages: Reconsiderations and Reverberations. “Prosthesis in Medieval and Early Modern
Ashgate, 2010. Culture,” special issue of Textual Practice
Garland Thomson, Rosemarie. Extraordi- vol. 30, iss. 7, 2016.
nary Bodies: Figuring Physical Disability in Richardson, Kristina L. Difference and Disabil-
American Culture and Literature. Columbia ity in the Medieval Islamic World: Blighted
University Press, 1997. Bodies. Edinburgh University Press, 2014.
———. Staring: How We Look. Oxford Univer- Rushton, Cory, ed. Disability and Medieval
sity Press, 2009. Law: History, Literature, Society. Cam-
Godden, Richard H, and Asa Simon Mitt- bridge Scholars Publishing, 2013.
man, eds. Monstrosity, Disability, and the Scalenghe, Sara. “Disability in the Premod-
Posthuman in the Medieval and Early Mod- ern Arab World.” The Oxford Handbook of
ern World. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. The Oxford Handbook of Disability History,
Hsy, Jonathan, Tory V. Pearman, and Joshua edited by Michael A. Rembis, et al. Ox-
R. Eyler, eds. A Cultural History of Disabil- ford University Press, 2018.
ity in the Middle Ages, vol. 2. Bloomsbury Scarborough, Connie L. Viewing Disability in
Publishing, 2019. Medieval Spanish Texts: Disgraced or Graced.
Kuuliala, Jenni. Childhood Disability and Amsterdam University Press, 2018.
Social Integration in the Middle Ages: Con- Sexton, John P., and Kisha G. Tracy, eds. The
structions of Impairments in Thirteenth- and Ashgate Research Companion to Medieval
Fourteenth-Century Canonization Processes. Disability Studies. Routledge, forthcoming.
Brepols, 2016. Shakespeare, Tom. Disability Rights and
Linton, Simi. Claiming Disability: Knowledge Wrongs Revisited. 2nd edn. Routledge,
and Identity (Cultural Front). New York 2014.
University Press, 1998. ———. “The Social Model of Disability.”
———. “What Is Disability Studies?” PMLA, The Disability Studies Reader, edited by
vol. 120, no. 2, 2005, pp. 518–22. Lennard J. Davis. Routledge, 2010, pp.

medieval disability sourcebook

Shakespeare, Tom, and Nicholas Watson.

“Defending the Social Model.” Disabil-
ity and Society, vol. 12, no. 2, 1997, pp.
Shoham-Steiner, Ephraim. On the Margins of
a Minority: Leprosy, Madness, and Disability
among the Jews of Medieval Europe. Wayne
State University Press, 2014.
Siebers, Tobin. Disability Theory. University
of Michigan Press, 2008.
Singer, Julie. “Disability and the Social
Body.” postmedieval: a journal of medieval
cultural studies, vol. 3, no. 2, 2012, pp.
135–41. doi:10.1057/pmed.2012.15.
———. “Toward a Transhuman Model of Me-
dieval Disability.” postmedieval: a journal
of medieval cultural studies, vol. 1, no. 1–2,
2010, pp. 173–79. doi:10.1057/pmed.2009.4.
Stiker, Henri-Jacques. A History of Disability.
University of Michigan Press, 2009.
Wendell, Susan. The Rejected Body: Feminist
Philosophical Reflections on Disability. Tay-
lor and Francis, 2013.
Wheatley, Edward. Stumbling Blocks Before the
Blind: Medieval Constructions of a Disability.
University of Michigan Press, 2010.


Endnotes 16 Mitchell and Snyder, Cultural Locations of

Disability, p. 7.
1 Tory Vandeventer Pearman, Women and 17 McNabb, “Staging Disability in Medieval
Disability in Medieval Literature (Palgrave Drama.”
Macmillan, 2015), p. 5. 18 David T. Mitchell and Sharon L. Snyder,
2 Irina Metzler, Disability in Medieval Europe: Narrative Prosthesis: Disability and the Dependencies
Thinking about Physical Impairment during the High of Discourse (University of Michigan Press, 2000),
Middle Ages, c. 1100–1400 (Routledge, 2006), p. 38. p. 47.
3 Ibid., p. 42. 19 Mitchell and Snyder, Cultural Locations of
4 Ibid., pp. 42–43. Disability, p. x.
5 Edward Wheatley, Stumbling Blocks Before 20 Pearman, Women and Disability in Medieval
the Blind: Medieval Constructions of a Disability Literature, p. 5.
(University of Michigan Press, 2010), p. 9
6 Quoted in Tom Shakespeare, “The Social
Model of Disability,” The Disability Studies Reader,
ed. Lennard J. Davis (Routledge, 2010), pp. 214–21,
at p. 215.
7 Joshua R. Eyler, ed., Disability in the Middle
Ages: Reconsiderations and Reverberations (Ashgate,
2010), p. 5.
8 David T. Mitchell and Sharon L. Snyder,
Cultural Locations of Disability (University of
Chicago Press, 2006), p. 6.
9 Tom Shakespeare, Disability Rights and Wrongs
Revisited, 2nd ed. (Routledge, 2014), p. 77.
10 Ibid., p. 73.
11 One reading of the passage might
argue that Jesus’ healing of the blind man
constitutes attention to and concern for his
physical experiences, even as he valorizes those
experiences as the “work of God.”
12 Shakespeare, Disability Rights and Wrongs
Revisited, p. 87.
13 Cameron Hunt McNabb, “Staging Disability
in Medieval Drama,” forthcoming in the Ashgate
Research Companion to Medieval Disability Studies.
14 In speaking generally of people with
disabilities, the volume will use person-first
language. However, when speaking of specific
groups or sometimes of a medieval source’s
discussion of a specific group, identity-first
language may be employed. Discretion was given
to contributors in the case of the latter.
15 Rosemarie Garland Thomson, Extraordinary
Bodies: Figuring Physical Disability in American
Culture and Literature (Columbia University Press,
1997), p. 8.

York Cause Paper E.92: Redyng c. Boton1 (1366–67)
Contributed by Alison Purnell

Introduction could either be of present consent (e.g., “I

take you as my husband/wife”) or of future
The episcopal court case of Redyng contra Bot- consent (e.g., “I will take you as my husband/
on offers a rare opportunity to explore issues wife”). Words of future consent were not
of mental disability in a low-status person. binding, unless they were followed by sexual
Records of the lowest social classes rarely sur- intercourse, which was then treated as im-
vive, since they had little money or status to plicit present consent. There was no require-
be considered worth the parchment. Unlike ment for a formal ceremony or witnesses: the
many higher-status people deemed mentally exchange of words of consent was considered
incompetent, William de Bridsall, a crucial to be the sacrament itself. While the Church
witness in Redyng c. Boton, had no inheritance urged that a marriage be initiated with the
or possessions to be held in trust, and seemed publication of the banns and solemnized in
to be of no profit to the crown or any other. facie ecclesiae and required this solemnization
In July 1366, Alice Redyng of the village of for a marriage to be canonically licit, it ad-
Scameston appeared in the consistory court mitted the validity of any marriage formed
of York to claim that John Boton, a chapman by words of present consent or words of fu-
of Scameston, was her husband. John denied ture consent followed by sexual intercourse.
the charge. During July 28–29, Alice submit- It was common in the thirteenth, fourteenth,
ted the reasons for her claim and produced and into the fifteenth century for parties to
two eyewitnesses to testify on her behalf, contract a marriage outside the formal pro-
including a local beggar named William de cess the Church prescribed.
Bridsall, who claimed to have overheard the In Redyng c. Boton, Alice claimed that they
marriage contract in dispute. had contracted both with words of present
Redyng c. Boton took place under very spe- consent and, separately, words of future con-
cific conditions. The documents which sur- sent followed by sexual intercourse. Either
vive must be examined in the light of their one of these situations alone created a ca-
context: a marriage litigation which followed nonically valid marriage; had their contract
a pre-set procedure and progressed according been made in front of a large crowd—or bet-
to the rules laid down by long-distant canon- ter yet—in a church, Alice would never have
ists. Telling a story from this type of material had to bring her cause to court.
is difficult, says Charles Donahue: “The litiga- Unfortunately, the alleged contract be-
tion context distorts the story, particularly if tween Alice and John was made informally
one is trying to tell a story of what happened, and in private, what the Church referred
as opposed to the story of what happened in to as “clandestine.” Clandestine marriages
the litigation” (Law, Marriage, and Society, 63; could be, and were, contracted almost any-
emphasis mine). where: Richard Helmholz notes marriages
According to the canonists, a marriage contracted “under an ash tree, in a bed,…in a
could be contracted by any man and woman blacksmith’s shop, near a hedge, in a kitchen,
where there was no impediment simply by by an oak tree, at a tavern.”2 Alice and John
an exchange of words of consent. The words allegedly exchanged their vows outside the

medieval disability sourcebook

sheepfold. Although canonically valid, trou- was a notorious drunk, a beggar, and a stultus
ble arose when John denied they had hap- (“fool”), and easily corrupted into presenting
pened. Canon law demanded a minimum of false testimony. William’s testimony was cru-
two eyewitnesses to a contract, and without cial to Alice’s cause, and so a significant pro-
them, no matter how obvious the existence of portion of the proceedings came to revolve
a contract, the court could not decide in favor around William’s capacity and reliability as
of the plaintiff. Alice produced for the court a witness.
two eyewitnesses to the alleged contract. Al- Redyng c. Boton cannot be read as a
ice’s case was extremely weak; she had only straightforward account of the dispute in
the bare minimum for proof in the ecclesias- question, let alone the question of William
tical courts, and both of the men were only de Bridsall’s mental capacity. On the ques-
accidental witnesses to the contract, having tion of witness reliability, it is difficult to say
overheard it without the knowledge of Alice for sure that someone is lying. Mental capac-
or John at the time. ity and impairment exist along a spectrum,
Any marriage litigation followed the such that it is possible for William de Bridsall
same basic process, which might be adapted to be mentally impaired in some way while
slightly to fit the particular circumstances of still being perfectly competent to depose.
a given cause. A marriage cause was prop- The motivations for both parties to sway the
erly begun with the publication of the libel, Official are clear, particularly given that Al-
or what the plaintiff sought of the court and ice had only the minimum number of eyewit-
why. The defendant was then offered the op- nesses to make her case.
portunity to submit exceptions, or a response Interpreting the texts is likewise compli-
to the libel. The plaintiff then submitted cated by the process by which depositions
articles, specific arguments which outlined were received and recorded. They are not at
what they intended to prove, and how. Af- all comparable to modern court transcrip-
ter the articles were published, the defend- tions. The Official recording the witnesses’
ant submitted interrogatories, questions they testimony did not write down what was said
wished the Official to put to the witnesses verbatim. It was his job to pick out and re-
being questioned. The goal of the interroga- cord the essential information in what the
tories was to uncover any inconsistencies or witness said. Thus we have no way of deter-
disagreements in the witnesses’ testimonies. mining the level of importance which the ac-
The articles and interrogatories were put to tual witness might have placed on any aspect
the witnesses, who would be questioned in- of his own testimony.
dividually by the Official of the court. The As legal documents, depositions were re-
record of their testimonies, the depositions, corded in Latin, but the witnesses themselves
were then published openly in the court. would have been speaking a local dialect of
The defendant, John Boton, would present Middle English. In particular, any of the lan-
as many arguments as he was able, whether or guage regarding William de Bridsall’s mental
not they contradicted each other. In Redyng capacity is highly formulaic. In this edition,
c. Boton, John’s arguments why he could not I have opted to leave the phrases used to de-
be married to Alice had two focuses: he ar- scribe mental impairment in Latin rather
gued that Alice was of servile condition and than speculating what might be equivalent
could not contract a marriage, and that her phrasing in modern English because they
two critical witnesses were unreliable and hold procedural significance. The scribe who
thus their testimony could not be trusted. recorded the depositions used words and
Of relevance to this volume, he argued that phrases that were semantically significant, as
William de Bridsall, who testified that he a key issue in Redyng c. Boton was William de
overheard Alice and John contract marriage, Bridsall’s capacity to testify.

historical and medical documents

Bibliography Their Interpretation.” Studies in Church

History, vol. 11, 1975, pp. 199–221.
Ashley, Kathleen, and Robert L.A. Clark, Pedersen, Frederik. Marriage Disputes in Medi-
eds. Medieval Conduct. University of Min- eval England. Hambledon Press, 2000.
nesota Press, 2001. ———. “Marriage Contracts and the Church
Bassett, William W. “Canon Law and the Courts of Fourteenth-Century England.”
Common Law.” Hastings Law Journal, vol. To Have and To Hold, edited by Philip L.
29, 1978, art. 6. https://repository.uchast- Reynolds and John Witte. Cambridge University Press, 2007, pp. 287–331.
iss6/6/. Phillips, Susan E. Transforming Talk: The Prob-
Brooke, Christopher. The Medieval Idea of lem with Gossip in Late Medieval England.
Marriage. Oxford University Press, 1991. Pennsylvania State University Press, 2007.
Brundage, James. Law, Sex, and Christian Poos, L.R. “Sex, Lies, and the Church Courts
Society in Medieval Europe. University of in Pre-Reformation England.” Journal of
Chicago Press, 1990. Interdisciplinary Studies, vol. 25, 1995, pp.
Donahue, Charles. “Roman Canon Law in 585–607.
the Medieval English Church: Stubbs vs. Sheehan, Michael M. Marriage, Family, and
Maitland Re-examined after 74 years in Law in Medieval Europe, edited by James K.
Light of Some Records from the Church Farge. University of Toronto Press, 1996.
Courts.” Michigan Law Review, vol. 72, Smith, D.M. Ecclesiastical Cause Papers and
1974, pp. 647–716. York: The Court of York 1301–1399. Borth-
———. Law, Marriage, and Society in the Later wick Institute of Historical Research,
Middle Ages. Cambridge University Press, 1988.
Goldberg, P.J.P. Women in Medieval England
c. 1275–1525. Manchester University Press,
Fenster, Thelma, and Daniel Lord Smail.
Fama: The Politics of Talk and Reputation in
Medieval Europe. Cornell University Press,
Helmholz, Richard. Marriage Litigation in
Medieval England. Cambridge University
Press, 1974.
———. The Oxford History of the Laws of Eng-
land, vol. 1. Oxford University Press, 2004.
——— “Marriage Contracts in Medieval
England.” To Have and To Hold, edited by
Philip L. Reynolds and John Witte. Cam-
bridge University Press, 2007, pp. 260–86.
McCarthy, Conor. Marriage in Medieval Eng-
land. Boydell Press, 2004.
McSheffrey, Shannon. “Place, Space, and Sit-
uation: Public and Private in the Making
of Marriage in Late-Medieval London.”
Speculum, vol. 79, 2004, pp. 960–90.
Owen, Dorothy. “Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction
England 1300–1550: The Records and

medieval disability sourcebook

Membrane 15 recto Membrane 15 recto

Libel Libel
July 21, 1366 July 21, 1366
In dei nomine amen. Petit Alicia Redyng In the name of God, amen. Alice Redyng
de Scameston Johannem Boton Chapman of Scameston seeks John Boton, Chapman, of
de Scameston pro eo quod iidem Johannes Scameston because the same John and Alice
et Alicia matrimonium per verba mutuum freely contracted marriage through expressed
consensum exprimentia de presenti ac spon- words of mutual present consent, and be-
salia° per verba de future carnali copula inter trothal through words of future consent with
eosdem postmodum subsecuta adiunctum li- carnal joining between them afterward. To
bere contraxerunt. Quos quidem contractus which matrimonial contract and betrothal
matrimonialis et sponsalia ac copulam carna- and carnal joining indeed the said John con-
lem dictus Johannes in presentia dicte Alicie fessed, in the presence of the said Alice and
et aliorum fidedignorum sponte sepius et ex other worthies, of his own will very often and
certa sciencia est confessus, super quibus in from sure knowledge, upon which the public
diocese Ebor,° ac in villa de Scameston et lo- voice and fame laboured and still labours in
cis vicinis, laboravit et adhuc laborat publica the diocese of York and the village of Scames-
vox et fama.° Per vos dominus Iudex dicta ton and nearby places. Through you, Lord
Alicia in virum suum legitimum ad eamdem Judge, the said Alice [asks] you to adjudicate
Aliciam in uxorem suam legitime [[ ]] adiudi- the said John as the legitimate husband to the
cari dictum quare Johannem ad solempnizan- same Alice, his legitimate wife, wherefore the
dum matrimonium in facie ecclesie° ut mores said John is in addition to be compelled and
est cum eadem canonice compelli et coher- coerced to licit solemnisation of their mar-
ceri ulterius quod sit fieri in premissis et ea riage, as the custom is, which should result
contingit in omnibus quod est iustum. Hoc in the premises and affect them in all things,
dicit et petit ac probare intendit dicta Alicia which is just. This the said Alice says and seeks
coniunctim et diversim […] and intends to prove together and singly.

Membrane 10 recto Membrane 10 recto

Exceptions contra Alice Redyng Exceptions contra Alice Redyng
September 30, 1366 September 30, 1366
In deo nomine amen. Coram vobis domi- In the name of God, amen. In your pres-
no officere curia Ebor vestro vel commissare ence, Lord Official of the York Curia, or
generali excipiendo dicit et in iure proponit the commissioner general, the procurator
procurator Johannis Boton nomine procu- in name of John Boton speaks to be heard,
ratore pro eodem contra Aliciam Redyng et and in court puts forth, for him against Al-
contra quemlibet pro eadem in iudicio libere ice Redyng and against whoever appears
comparentem necnon contra intentionem di- for her freely in court and does not appear
cte Alicie in quadam causa quam movet con- against the intention of the said Alice in the
tra dictem Johannem petendo eum in virum cause which she moves against the said John,
suum. Quod si dictus Johannis Boton in festo seeking him as her husband. If the said John
natalis domini vel matrimoniam vel sponsa- Boton at Christmas contracted marriage or
lia cum dicta Alicia contraxerat quod dictus betrothal with the said Alice, which the said
procurator non fatetur sed totaliter differe- proctor does not confess but totally disa-
tur non est tum dem Johannes ad solempni- grees, the same John, however, should not be

sponsalia betrothal, or promise of a future marriage Ebor Eboracum, or York laborat…fama the matter
was common knowledge in facie ecclesie in the face of the church, i.e. canonically licit.

historical and medical documents

zandum matrimonium cum eadem quomo- compelled to solemnisation of matrimony of

dolibet compellendus pro eo et ex eo quod any sort with her, for and from the fact that
dicta Alicia fuit a tempore natalitatis sue et the said Alice was from the time of her birth
adhuc est serva seu ancilla et servilis condi- and still is a servant or maidservant and of
tionis et pro tali ad presentem publice habita servile condition. And from such time to the
et reputata at ex servilis et ancillis domini de present she is publicly held and reputed to be
Latymer et progenitorum suorum procreata begotten, conceived, born, and raised from a
concepta et nata et educata. Idemque Johan- servant and maidservant of the Lord Latymer
nis liber et ingenuus notorie° existens igno- and of their forebears. And the same John,
rans dicte Alicie conditionem servulem sibi free and free-born, notoriously being igno-
in copula carnali adherit, nec a tempore quo rant of the servile condition of the said Alice,
de conditione sue extitit †cretioratus† nec adhered to her in carnal knowledge. Not at
ante nec post facto vel verbo ad habendum the time in which she existed in that condi-
ipsam Aliciam in uxorem suam consensit tion (being descended from it), nor before
sed dissensit et reclamavit tam tacite quam nor after, in deed or word, did he consent to
expresse, dissentit et reclamat in presenti. having that Alice as his wife, but he disagreed
Que sunt publica notoria et manifesta in dio- and protested, tacitly and expressly, and he
cese Ebor et locis vicinis. At super hiis ibidem dissents and protests in the present. Whereby
laboravit et laborat publica vox et fama. […] the notorious facts are public and manifest
Hic dicit, allegat, proponit, et petit ac pro- in the diocese of York and nearby places. On
bare indendit dictus procurator nomine quo these facts again the public voice and fame
supra coniunctim et diversim iure beneficio laboured and still labours. […] The said proc-
in omnibus sibi salvo. urator named above says, alleges, proposes,
and seeks and intends to prove this together
and separately, always to the sound benefit of
the court in all things.

Membrane 14, recto and verso Membrane 14, recto and verso
Articles pro Alice Articles pro Alice
July 28, 1366 July 28, 1366
In dei nomine amen. Positiones et articu- In the name of God, amen. The procura-
los infrascriptos et contenta in eisdem facit tor named as procurator of Alice Redyng of
et dat ac probare intendit coniunctim et divi- Scameston gives and intends to prove, col-
sim procuratore Alicie Redyng de Scameston lectively and singly, the positions and below-
nomine procuratore pro eadem contra Johan- written articles for her against John Boton,
nem Boton de Scameston Chapman in cau- Chapman of Scameston, in the matrimonial
sa matrimoniale inter dictas partes in curia cause moved and pending in the York Cu-
Ebor mote et pendente. Et si que positiones ria between the said parties. And although
sint multiplices eas ponit divisim et sic petit these positions are multiple, he lays them out
easdem responderi. singly, and he requests they be responded to
In primis ponit et probare intendit dictus thus.
procuratore nomine quo supra quod dictus In the first, the said proctor named above
Johannes in die natalis domini ulterius pre- sets forth and intends to prove that the said
teriti a quocumque contractu matrimoniali John, on Christmas last, was completely free
seu sponsalitio cum aliqua muliere libere fuit from any matrimonial or spousal contract
penitus et solutus. with another free woman.
Item ponit et probare intendit quod post Likewise, he puts forth and intends to
dictum diem natalis domini tractatus habe- prove that after the said Christmas day a

medieval disability sourcebook

batur inter dictos Johannem et Aliciam de contract concerning matrimony was had be-
matrimonio inter eosdem contrahendo. Item tween the said John and Alice to be entered
ponit at probare intendit quod dictus Johan- into by the same. Likewise, he puts forth and
nes promisit prefate Alicie quod ipsam in intends to prove that the said John prom-
uxorem suam duceret et heret. Et quod dixit ised the aforesaid Alice that he would take
idem Johannes prefate Alicie quod ipsam her and cling to her as his wife. And that the
habere voluit in uxorem at eam postmodum same John told the aforesaid Alice that he
carnaliter cognovit. wished to have her to wife and that he knew
Item ponit at probare intendit quod dicti her carnally afterwards.
Johannes et Alicia sponsalia per verba de fu- Likewise, he puts forth and intends to
ture carnali copula inter eos postmodum sub- prove that the said John and Alice freely con-
secuta ac matrimonium per verba mutuum tracted a betrothal through words of future
consensum exprimentia de presenti adiun- consent with carnal joining between them
ctem libere contraxerunt. afterward, and matrimony through words of
Item ponit et probare intendit quod di- mutual present consent expressing their join-
ctus Johannes dicit contractum sponsaliam ing.
matrimonialem ac carnalem copulam ut [pre- Likewise he puts forth and intends to
mittitur] subsecutam in presentia dicte Ali- prove that the said John spoke of the betroth-
cie et aliorum fidedignorum sponte sepius et al and marriage contract and carnal joining,
ex certa scientia est confessus. as said below, in the presence of the said Alice
Item ponit et probare intendit quod pre- and other worthies very often of his own free
missa sunt publica nota et manifesta in villa will, and from this certain knowledge it was
de Scameston diocese Ebor et locis vicinis ac confessed.
super ibidem laboravit et adhuc laborat pu- Likewise he puts forth and intends to
blica vox et fama. prove that the premises are publicly known
and manifest in the village of Scameston in
the diocese of York and in nearby places and
upon the same the public voice and fame la-
boured and still labours.

Membrane 13 recto Membrane 13 recto

Interrogatories pro John Interrogatories pro John
Undated Undated
Interrogentur testes omnes et singuli° ex Let witnesses, together and individually,
parte Alicie de Redyng de Scameston contra for the part of Alice Redyng of Scameston
Johannem Boton de Scameston Chapman against John Boton of Scameston, Chapman,
producti et producendi de causa sua cuiusli- produced and to be produced for her cause be
bet dicti sui. interrogated, whatever their words.
Item si deponant quod dictus Johannes If they depose that the said John promised
promisit dicte Alicie quod ipsam duceret in the said Alice that he would take her to wife
uxorem seu quod matrimonium vel sponsa- or that he contracted betrothal or marriage
liam contraxerat cum eadem vel quod huius with her or that a matrimonial or bethrothal
contractum matrimonialem seu sponsalia in- contract between them was confessed where
ter eos contractum est, confessus contractum the contract was confessed, in what place,
tunc ubi, quo loco, quibus, et quos presens by whom, and who was present with you,
tibi, quo anno, quo mense, quo die, qua hora in what year, in what month, on what day,

testes omnes et singuli to evaluate their truthfulness by comparing details

historical and medical documents

diei, et an semel vel pluries et subiecti qua in which hour of the day, and whether once
forma verborum huius contractus vel confes- or repeated, and to them in which form of
sio fiebant et an animo contrahendi sponsalia words was the contract or confession of this
vel matrimonium prolata fuerunt verba pre- made, and whether in an agreeable spirit the
dicta. aforesaid betrothal or matrimonial words
Item interrogentur omnes et singuli testes were said.
quantum habunt in bonis et an sint commu- Likewise let the witnesses, together and
niti consanguinitate affinitate vel familiarita- individually, be interrogated as to how
te dicte Alicie et quam partem mallent opti- much they have in goods and whether they
nere victoriam in causa et an sint subornati are secured by consanguinity, affinity, or fa-
informati vel instructi aut prece vel precio miliarity of the said Alice, and which party
inducti vel corrupti ad deponendum pro par- they wish to obtain victory in the cause and
te dicte Alicie contra Johannem predictum in whether they are suborned, informed, or
causa predicta. instructed, or influenced or corrupted by
Item interrogetur William de Bridsall cu- prayer or by gift to testify on the part of the
ius sit conditionis et status et an solebat et said Alice against the aforesaid John in the
solet victuum suum mendicando querere ho- aforesaid cause.
stiatim.° Likewise let William de Bridsall be inter-
Item interrogentur testes omnes et singu- rogated as to what his condition and status
li° de causis scientie cuiuslibet dicti sui et de may be and whether he was or is accustomed
aliis circumstantiis ex quibus moveri poterit to beg for his bread by wandering house to
vel debebit animus iudicantis. house.
Likewise let each and all witnesses be
interrogated as to the source of their said
knowledge and on other circumstances from
which their spirit of judgement be able or
ought to be moved.

Membrane 12 recto Membrane 12 recto

Depositions pro Alice Depositions pro Alice
July 28–29, 1366 July 28–29, 1366
Walter Warner de Scameston etatis xliii Walter Warner of Scameston, aged 43 years
annos et amplius iure extra et super articulis and more, a supplementary witness. Ques-
et interrogetur pendentibus extra dicit quod tioned about the pending articles [anno] he
novit partes inter quas agitur per septimos says that he knows the parties between whom
annos proxima preteritis. Et dicit super pri- this is conducted for the last seven years. And
mo et secundo articulis dicit quod secundum he says on the first and second articles that
communem famam in parochia de Ryllington according to common fame in the parish of
et Winteringham dicti articuli continent ve- Rillyngton and Winteringham, the said ar-
ritatem. Et dicit super tertio et quarto articu- ticles contain the truth. And he says on the
los quod a feste nativitatis domini ulteriori- third and fourth articles that from Christmas
bus preteritis videlicet a die sancti Johannis last, namely on the day of St John the Evan-
Evangeli quo die videlicet post horam no- gelist, that is, after the hour of nones° of the
nam° ipsius diei prefati, et Alicie matrimo- aforesaid day, this witness learned of the mar-
nium prout iste iure didicit ex relato illorum riage of Alice just as from the report of those

hostiatim for ostiatim testes omnes et singuli to evaluate their truthfulness by comparing de-
tails nonam approximately 3pm nones approximately 3pm

medieval disability sourcebook

qui eidem interfuerunt audivit contraxerunt who were present, he heard the fame that
fama aliqualiter […] laboravit a quo festo Pa- in some way they contracted marriage. […]
scha fuerat dictus contractus matrimonialis The fame laboured from Easter that the said
divulgatus ita quod ab ipso tempore. Et citra matrimonial contract was divulged so from
hucusque fama publica tam super ipso con- that time. And previously to this point, the
tractu matrimoniali habito inter dictas par- public fame laboured as much on the matri-
tes quam carnali copula subsecuta et ipsum monial contract held between the said par-
contractum matrimonialem precedente in ties as on the subsequent carnal knowledge
dicta villa de scameston laboravit, et adhuc and the matrimonial contract preceding it in
laborat publica vox et fama sed ut dicit iste the said village of Scameston, and the public
iure numquam audivit prefatum Johannem voice and fame labours yet, but as this wit-
fateri matrimonialem contractum predictum ness says he never heard the aforesaid John
sed carnalem copulam cum dicta Alicia habi- to confess the aforesaid matrimonial contract
tam audivit cum fateri vollet. Dicit quod ipsa but he heard he wished to have had carnal
Alicia si iusticia haberet optineret in causa, knowledge with the said Alice. He says that
quod habet bona fide per se ut dicit. Sic dicit he wishes Alice prevail in the cause if she has
quod prefatus Johannes habuit expeditum ac- justice, which he has good faith for himself as
cessum ad dictam Aliciam et similiter ipsam he says. And he says that the aforesaid John
Aliciam ad cameram ipsius Johannis et dimi- had free access to the said Alice and similarly
sit cum eadem diversa bona videlicet lanas Alice had to the room of the said John, and he
et linteum pro paniis faciendum propterea distributed through her diverse goods, name-
eo quod ipse est mercator et ipsa est mulier ly wools and linens for making cloth, and be-
bone industrie et bone dives dicebatur ante cause he is a merchant and she is a woman of
dictum contractum matrimonialem habitum good inductry and wealth, the said before the
in dicta villa de Scameston quod prefatus said marriage contract in the said village of
Johannes ipsam Aliciam debet ducere in uxo- Scameston, that the aforesaid John ought to
rem. take Alice as wife.
William de Bridsall de Scampston aetatis William de Bridsall de Scamston, thirty
treginta annorum, vel habens in bonis prae- years of age, having nothing in goods except
ter vestimenta sua, aliquam mendicans et sic his clothing, sometimes begging and thus
quaerens victuum suum et aliquam operator seeking his bread and sometimes a worker in
in fenis et bladis tempore estivali et autump- the hays and grains in summer and autumn, of
nali, libere condicionis ut dicit, non consan- free condition as he says, not consanguineus,
guineus, affinis, vel familiaris dicte Alicie et affined, or related by close friendship with
vellet quod optineret in causa eo quod cre- the said Alice, and he wishes that she prevail
det quod habet iusticiam in causa pro ea, in her cause because he believes that she has
non instructus vel corruptis ut dicit iure et justice in the cause for herself, not instructed
extra super premissis. Super primo articulo or corrupted as a witness as he says and from
requisatus dicit quod continet veritatem pro the above premises. Questioned on the first
aliquo quod iste iure unquam scivit. Super article, he says that it contains the truth for
secundo tertio et quarto articulis requisatus anything that this witness ever knew. Ques-
dicit quod iste iuratus per triennium ultro tioned on the second, third, and fourth arti-
preteritis hospitabatur in domo Richardi cles, he says that this witness through the last
Fouler de Scamston et uxorem ipsius Richar- three years has been lodged at the house of
di eius amica Johannis Boton et ideo prefa- Richard Fouler de Scameston, and the wife
tus Johannes habet communem accessum ad of that Richard is the friend of John Boton,
dictum domum et sepius misit pro Alicia ut and therefore the aforesaid John has common
veniret illum ad loquendi cum eo et die san- access to the said house and he often sent for

historical and medical documents

cti Johanni apostoli et evangeli proxima post Alice so that she came there to speak with
diem Natalis domini ulterioribus preteritis him. On the day of St. John, Apostle and
inter hora nonam° et hora vesperam° eiu- Martyr next after last Christmas between the
sdem diei sancti Johanni predicti Johannes et hours of nones and vespers,° the aforesaid
Alicia stabant infra bercaria° dicti Richardi John and Alice stood before the sheepfold of
modicum infra hostium et ipsa Alicia tunc the said Richard a little ways inside the door.
dixit prefato Johanni Johannes non dicas Then Alice said to the aforesaid John: “John,
mihi aliquo nisi ea que velis servare quia ante do not say anything to me except that which
hoc tempora ego fui decepta. Et si velis habe- you wish to stand by, because I have been de-
re me in uxorem suam dicas mihi. Et cui ipse ceived before. And if you wish to have me as
Johannes respondit Fideliter, sic. Volo habere you wife, you will tell me.” And to this John
te in uxorem meam et ecce fidem meam ego replied: “I wish to have you as my wife and
ducam te in uxorem meam. Tunc ipsa Alicia behold my faith: I will take you as my wife.”
dixit “Johannes placet anglice I vouchesaf- Alice then said to John, “It pleases me” – in
fe quod tunc dicis. Et ego volo habere te in English, “I vouchessauf” – “what you say now.
maritum meum.” Et uterque eorumdem alteri And I wish to have you as my husband” and
ad hoc faciendum astrinxerunt fide sua. Dicit each of them pledged their faith to the other
quod nulli fuerunt presentis nisi partes pre- to do this. He says that none were present
dictas dumtaxat et iste iure venit ad eos an- except the aforesaid parties up to this point,
tequam sciverunt et audivint prolocutionem and this witness came to them before they
dictorum et verborum stans ad ostium iuxta knew and heard their speaking and words
eos. Sic dicit quod die Sancti Thome proxima while standing at the door near them. Thus
tunc sequenti post horam nonam ipsius diei he says that on the day of St Thomas follow-
et ante horam vesperam sicut iste iure ivit ing that, after the hour of nones of that day
gardino dicti Richardi invenit dictas partes and before the hour of vespers, as this witness
stantes iuxta et prope unam cassam bladi in went into the garden of the said Richard he
dicte gardino solum cum sola et audivit eos ut found the said parties standing next to and
dicit recitare et dicere eadem verba eo modo close by one bin of grain in the said garden,
quo dixerunt et recitarunt in bercaria supra- one man alone with one woman alone, and
dicta. An dicte partes sciverunt quod iste he heard them, as he says, recite and say the
iure audivit prefata verba inter eos proferri same words in that way which they said and
dicit quod sic in bercaria sed non in gardino recited them in the aforesaid sheepfold be-
et dicit quod de articulo copulam subsecutam fore. Whether the said parties knew that this
laborat publice vox et fama super contractu witness heard the aforesaid words between
predicto, laboravit fama per tres septimanias them be put forth, he says that they did in
proxima preteritis et aliter super contentis in the sheepfold, but not in the garden, and he
dictis articulis nescere deponere ut dicit. says concerning the article on the subsequent
Dominus Rogerus Vicarius de Rillyngton intercourse that the public voice and fame la-
iure extra super premissis dicit quod novit bours on the aforesaid contract, and the fame
partes inter quas agitur per vi annos proxi- laboured for three weeks after and otherwise
ma preteritis ulteris. Dicit requisatus super on the contents in the said articles he does
dictos articulos quod super eisdem nescere not know to depose as he says.
deponere nisi quidem super continentias in Lord Roger, the Vicar of Rillyngton, a
secundo, tertio, quarto, quinto, et sexte ar- supplementary witness to the premises, says
ticulos in villa de Scameston dum ante pre- that he knows the parties between whom the

nonam approximately 3pm vesperam approximately 6pm bercaria a sheepfold the hours of nones
and vespers between approximately 3pm and 6pm

medieval disability sourcebook

sentem litem motam laboravit adhuc laborat cause is moved for six years previously. He
publica vox fama. says, questioned on the said articles, that on
Thomas Fouler de Scameston etate viginti the same he does not know to depose except
habens in bonis ad valenciam quinque mar- indeed on the contents in the second, third,
corum non consanguineus nec affinis dicte fourth, fifth, and sixth articles that in the
Alicie non instructus aut [[]] corruptus ut di- village of Scameston before the present liti-
cit iure et extra super premissis. Dicit quod gation was moved that the public voice and
novet partes inter quas agitur per †anno† fame laboured and yet labours.
proximo preteritis. […] Super secundo, ter- Thomas Fouler de Scameston, aged 20
tio, et quarto articulos requisatus dicit quod years, having in goods to the value of 5 marks,
presens fuit in gardenio Richardi Fouler de not consanguineous nor affined to the said
Scameston proxima bercaria dicti patris sui Alice, not instructed or corrupted as he says,
super eadem se inclinando die sancti Johan- a supplementary witness to the premises. He
ni Evangeli proxima festem Natalis Domini says that he knows the parties between whom
ulterioribus preteritis media hora post tertie this cause is argued from the previous year.
diei midoverondern vulgariter dicte quam [First article laregly illegible.] Questioned on
dicti Johannes et Alicia in dicta bercaria [[]] the second, third, and fourth articles, he says
verba matrimonialia [[ ]] sub hac forma pro- that he was present in the garden of Richard
clamavit dicto Johanno primo dicente dicte Fouler de Scameston, his said father, next to
Alicie per fidem meam ego ducam te in uxo- the sheepfold, leaning himself on it, on the
ram meam et per fidem mean ego faciam te say of Saint John the Evangelist after Christ-
ita bonam mulierem sicut ego sum virum. Es mas last in the middle hour after the third day
tu ne contenta. Cui dicte Alicie statim re- - commonly called “midoverondern” - when
spondit si tu es contenta ego sum contenta. the said John and Alice, in the sheepfold, pro-
[…] nounced words of matrimony together in this
form, John first saying to Alice, ‘By my faith
I will take you to my wife and by my faith
I will make you as good a woman as I am a
man. Are you not content?’ To which the said
Alice at once replied, ‘If you are content, I am
content.” [Remainder of membrane heavily
damaged. Thomas Fouler deposes that John
asked him not to reveal what he heard, but in
confession a friar urges him to not be silent.]

Membrane 11 recto and verso Membrane 11 recto and verso

Petition to present deponents pro John Petition to present deponents pro John
Boton Boton
September 24, 1366 September 24, 1366
In deo nomine amen. Coram vobis domi- In the name of God, amen. In your pres-
no officere curia Ebor vestro ve commissare ence, Lord Official of the York Curia, or
generali excipiendo dicit et in iure proponit the commissioner general, the procurator
procurator Johannis Boton nomine procura- in name of John Boton speaks to be heard,
toris pro eodem contra Aliciam Redyng de and in court puts forth, for him against Alice
Scamston et contra quemlibet pro eadem co- Redyng and against whoever is for her ap-
ram vobis in indicio libere comparentem ac pearing freely in your presence in court, and
contra Walter Warner, William de Bridsall de against Walter Warner, William de Bridsall
Scamston, Dominus Roger vicare ut dicitur of Scameston, Lord Roger, the vicar (as he

historical and medical documents

de Rillyngton, et Thomas Fouler quos dicta is called) of Rillyngton, and Thomas Fouler,
Alicia in quadam causa matrimoniale presen- who the said Alice produced in the matrimo-
ta inter partes predictos in curia Ebor mote nial cause, moved and pending in the York
et pendente produxit dicta et depositiones curia, present between the aforesaid parties,
eorumdem quidem ipsius testibus. Nulla vel against the words and depositions of the
modica est pro vos fides adhibenda in causa same, her witnesses. You should lend little or
predicta contra partem dicti Johannis Boton no credence in the aforesaid cause against the
et precipue in ea parte ubi dicere videntur party of the said John Boton and especially
quidem super contractu matrimoniale inter in that part where she seems to speak on the
dictos partes inter ut asseritur laboravit pu- matrimonial contract between the said par-
blica vox et fama ante presentem litem motere ties, as she claims the public voice and fame
pro eo quidem signa fama fuerat de contractu laboured before she moved the present litiga-
matrimoniale habentur presento seu aliqualis tion for it, indeed the proof was the fame of
locutio inde quomodolibet antea habebatur. the matrimonial contract held in the present
Et hoc fuerat ex eo quidem eadem Alicia per or some sort of speech, from the time it was
se et amicos suos falso publicavit divulgavit held previously in some way. This was from
ac publicari et devulgari fecit quidem dictus that time indeed falsely published, divulged,
Johannes matrimonium contraxit cum ea- and made to be published and divulged by
dem ac ipsa fama presenta a dicta Alicia et the same Alice herself and by her friends that
amicis et adherentibus sibi in causa predicta the said John contracted marriage with her,
et non aliis ortum habuit. Et ab aliis quam a and the present fame had its origin from the
dicta Alicia et sibi adherentibus in hac parte said Alice and her friends and adherents to
in nullo tempore creditum fuerat seu quo- her in the aforesaid cause and from no others.
modolibet dictum vel predicatum prefatus And by others as much as by the said Alice
quod William de Bridsall fuerat et est testis and her adherents in this party at no time was
in dicta causa notorie suspectus pro eo et ex it believed or in any way said or aforesaid, be-
eo quidem idem William omnibus tempori- cause William de Bridsall is a witness notori-
bus receptionis depositionis et examinatio- ously suspect in the said cause, and for and
nis sue in dicte causa ac ante et post fuerat from that fact, the same William at all times
adeo pauper et notoria pauperitate depressus of his reception, deposition, and examina-
quidem hostiatim panem suum mendicando tion in the said cause, and before and after,
querebat. Ad omnibus dictis temporibus fue- was to this point a pauper and notoriously
rat dictus William et adhuc est notorie mente depressed by poverty, who sought his bread
captus° et discretionem naturalem nullatenus by begging door to door. And at all the said
habebat, sed propter data et promissa sibi per times, the said William was and to this point
dictam Aliciam et partem suam suum falsum is notoriously mente captus° and in no way
in dicta causa corruptus et informatus dixit had natural discretion, but because of gifts
et protulit testimonium. Idemque William and promises to him by the said Alice and
fuerat etiam omnibus dictis temporibus male her party, corrupted and informed, he gave
fame conversationis et reputationis inhone- and put forth his false testimony in the said
ste ac talis qui volebat defacili denerare et cause. And the same William was at all the
falsum testimonium perhibere qui faciliter said times of bad fame and conduct, and of
per dictam Aliciam corrumpi et informari dishonest reputation and such a one who was
ad falso dicendo et prederendo in dicta causa willing to speak carelessly and to bear false
faciliter potuit prout fuerat realiter in eadem witness, who was easily able to be corrupted
causa corruptus et informatus ut prefertur. and informed to false speaking by the said

mente captus lit. “seized mind,” a phrase used to denote mental impairment

medieval disability sourcebook

Prefatusque Thomas Fouler in dictis et depo- Alice, and to put forth false testimony in the
sitionibus suis notorie dicit et exprimit falsi- said cause, just as he was in reality in the same
tatem et precipue ut dicit et deponit quidem cause corrupted and informed as was put
non fuit dicte Alicie et parti sue consangui- forth. And the aforesaid Thomas Fouler, in
neus vel affinis et quidem in bonis habuit et his words and depositions notoriously spoke
habet ad valenciam quinque marcorum cum and pronounced falsity and especially as he
idem Thomas fuerat omnibus dictis tempori- says and deposes that he is not consanguine-
bus dicte Alicie consanguineus et in proximo ous or affined to the said Alice and her party,
gradu consanguinitatis eidem Alicie et ni- and that he had and has in goods the value of
mia amicitia coniunctus, modicum vel nichil five marks, when the same Thomas was at all
in bonis sed dictus Thomas est et fuit dictis the said times consanguineous in the second
temporibus pauper vilis et abiecta persona grade of consanguinity to the said Alice, and
dictusque Thomas promotionem dicte Ali- joined by excessive friendship, having little
cie consanguinee sue affectans suum in dicta or nothing in goods, but the said Thomas is
causa falsum dixit et protulit testimonium and was at the said times a common pauper
ac isdem William de Bridsall et Thomas pro and low person. And the said Thomas, desir-
talibus quales supernis specificantur habitis ing the promotion of the said consanguineous
fuerant et per dicta tempora publice reputa- Alice, said and brought forth in the said cause
ti habentur et reputantur de presenti. Super his false testimony, and the same William de
quibus in diocese Ebor et locis vicinis labo- Bridsall and Thomas were held as such men
ravit et laborat publica vox et fama. Quare as the above specified, and at the said times
petit dictus procuratore nomine quo supra were publicly held in repute and reputed at
probatis in hoc casu de iure probandis dictis the present. Upon these things in the diocese
et depositionibus testum predictorum prout of York and nearby places the public voice
natura et qualitas premissorum exigit et re- and fame laboured and labours. Therefore
quirit nullam seu modicam fidem adhiberi et the said procurator named above seeks in this
ulterius fieri secundum naturam et qualita- cause of law, by testing the words and deposi-
tem eorumdem in omnibus quod est iustum. tions of the aforesaid witnesses as to the na-
Hec dicit, allegat, proponit, et petit ac pro- ture and quality of the premises, that they be
bare intendit dictus procuratore nomine quo weighed and demanded to be nothing, or to
supra coniunctim et divisim iuris beneficio be cited as little or no faith, and further, to be
semper salvo. valued according to the nature and quality of
the same in all things, which is just. Here the
said proctor by name says, alleges, proposes,
and intends to prove by what is above jointly
and separately to the sound benefit of the law

Membrane 9 recto and verso Membrane 9 recto and verso

Articles pro John Articles pro John
October 13, 1366 October 13, 1366
In dei nomine Amen. Positiones et arti- In the name of God, amen. The procurator
culos infrascriptos et contenta in eisdem co- for John Boton of Scameston produces and
niunctim et divisim facit et dat ac probare imparts and intends to prove the positions
intendit procurator Johannis Boton de Sca- and articles herein written and the contents
meston nomine procuratore pro eodem con- in the same, jointly and singly against Alice
tra Aliciam Redyng de Scameston ac contra Redyng of Scameston and against Walter
Walterum Warner, Williamum de Bridsall de Warner, William de Bridsall of Scameston,

historical and medical documents

Scameston, dominum Rogerum qui se dicit Lord Roger the Vicar of Rillyngton, as he
vicarium de Rillyngton, et Thomas Fouler calls himself, and Thomas Fouler who the
quos dicta Alicia in quadam causa matrimo- said Alice produced as witnesses in the mat-
niali presenta inter dictas partes in Curia rimonial cause present between the said par-
Ebor mote et pendente in testibus produxit, ties, moved and pending in the York Curia,
dicta et depositiones eorum, et cuiuslibet eo- their words and depositions, and whichever
rumdem super exceptionibus dicti Johannis of them in addition to the exceptions of the
contra dictam Aliciam et eius testes ac contra said John against the said Alice and her wit-
eam et causam presentam [[]]. nesses and against her and her present cause.
[…] [Fame of the contract was published by
Item ponit et probare intendit quod di- Alice and her adherents.]
ctus William de Bridsall omnibus et singulis Likewise, he puts forth and intends to
temporibus receptionis, depositionis, et exa- prove that William de Bridsall at each and
minationis sue in dicta causa et ante et post every time of his reception, deposition, and
fuerat et est adeo pauper et notorie pauperi- examination in the said cause, and before and
tate depressus quod hostiatim panem suum after, was and is truly a pauper and notori-
mendicando querebat ac omibus dictis tem- ously depressed by poverty, that he seeks his
poribus fuerat dictus William et adhuc est bread door-to-door by begging, and that at
notorie mente captus qui nullatenus discre- all the said times the said William is hitherto
tionem habuit naturalem et quod dicte Wil- notoriously mente captus,° who in no way has
liam propter data et promissa sibi predictam natural discretion, and that the said William,
Aliciam et partem suam suum falsum in dicta because of gifts and promises to him by the
causa corruptus et informatus dixit et pretu- aforesaid Alice and her party, corrupted and
lit testimonium. informed, spoke and offered his false testi-
Item ponit et probare intendit quod pre- mony.
dictus William de Bridsall fuerat omnibus Likewise, he puts forth and intends to
temporibus antedictis et adhuc est male fame prove that the aforesaid William de Bridsall
conversationis et reputacionis inhoneste ac was at all the aforesaid times, and hitherto,
talis qui voluit et vult defacili deierare et fal- is of poor fame, dishonest conduct and repu-
sum testimonium perhibere ac talis qui facili- tation, and thus one who wishes and wished
ter per dictam Aliciam corrumpi et informa- to carelessly perjure and to present false
ri potuit ad falso dicendum et preferendum testimony and thus one who could easily be
testimonium in dicta causa prout realiter corrupted and informed by the said Alice to
fuerat in eadem causa corruptus et ad falsum false speaking and presenting testimony in
dicendum realiter informatus. the said cause, exactly as he really was in the
Item ponit et probare intendit quod pre- same cause corrupted and really informed to
dictus Thomas Fouler omnibus et singulis false speaking.
temporibus receptionis, examinationis, et Likewise, he puts forth and intends to
depositionis sue in dicta causa fuerat et est prove that the aforesaid Thomas Fouler at
consanguineus predicte Alicie †tertio† con- each and every time of his reception, exami-
sanguinitate gradu attingens ac eidem Alicie nation, and deposition in the said cause was
nimia amicitia coniunctus modicum vel ni- and is consanguineous to the aforesaid Al-
chil habens in bonis ac pauper vilis et abiecta ice in the third degree of consanguinity and
persona promotionem dicte Alicie consan- joined to the same Alice by undue friend-
guinitate [[]] indebite affectans ac talis qua- ship, having little or nothing in goods and
litas supra describitur existens suum falsum is a common pauper and low-status person,

mente captus lit. “seized mind,” a phrase used to denote mental impairment

medieval disability sourcebook

pro predicte Alicie et contra dictum Johan- unduly desiring the promotion of the said Al-
nem protulit testimonium in causa predicta. ice for their consanguinity, and being of such
Item ponit et probare intendit quod dicti quality described above that he brings forth
William de Bridsale et Thomas Fouler pro ta- his false testimony for the aforesaid Alice
libus quales superius specificantur habiti fue- against the said John in the aforesaid cause.
rant per tempora predicta et adhuc sunt in Likewise, he puts forth and intends to
diocese Eboracum et locis vicinis ac publice prove that the said William de Bridsall and
reputata. Thomas Fouler for such reasons were consid-
[…] ered the sort of men specified above during
Item ponit et probare intendit quod pre- the aforesaid times and as yet are in the dio-
missa sunt publica notorie et manifesta in cese of York and nearby places and publicly
diocese Ebor et locis vicinis et super hiis la- reputed so.
boravit et laborat publica vox et fama. [Alice is of servile condition.]
[John is free-born and was ignorant of Al-
ice’s servile status.]
Likewise he puts forth and intends to
prove that the premises are notoriously pub-
lic and manifest in the diocese of York and
nearby places and upon these facts the public
voice and fame laboured and labours.

Membrane 8 recto Membrane 8 recto

Interrogatories pro Alice Interrogatories pro Alice
Undated Undated
Interrogetur testes omnes et singuli° pro Let the witnesses, produced and to be pro-
partem Johannis Boton de Scameston Chap- duced, for the part of John Boton of Scames-
man contra Aliciam Redyng de eadem pro- ton, Chapman, against Alice Redyng of the
ducti et producendi: same, be interrogated together and singly:
[…] [Question them as to where they heard the
Item si incitantur deponere quod William fame of the contract.]
de Bridsall fuit et est mente captus prout in Likewise, if they were incited to depose
secundo articulo per partem dicto Johanno that William de Bridsall was and is mente cap-
traditur continentur. Et interrogetur dicitur tus° just as is contained in the second article
de causa scientie, et per quod sciant deponere for his part by the said John. And let them be
quod dictus William aliquid recepit seu sibi interrogated on the cause of their knowledge,
per prefatam Aliciam promissum fuerat et and through who that they know to depose
suum diceret testimonium in hac causa et an that the said William received anything or
viderunt vel audierunt prefatam Aliciam ali- there was a promise to him for the aforesaid
quid promittere seu dare eidem William pro Alice and that he said his testimony in this
suo testimonio in hac parte. cause. And whether they saw or heard the
Item si incitantur deponere quod Thomas aforesaid Alice promise or give anything to
Fouler sit consanguineus dicte Alicie. Et in- the same William for his testimony for her
terrogetur dicti in quo gradu consanguinita- part.
tis ipsam attingit. Et semper de causa scientie Likewise, if they were incited to depose
dicti sui. that Thomas Fouler may be consanguineus to

testes omnes et singuli to evaluate their truthfulness by comparing details mente captus lit. “seized
mind,” a phrase used to denote mental impairment

historical and medical documents

[…] the said Alice. And let the said witnesses be

interrogated in which grade of consanguinity
he has to the same. And always as to the cause
of their knowledge.
[Question them regarding Alice’s servile
[Question them regarding their relation-
ship to John Boton.]

Membrane 7 recto Membrane 7 recto

Depositions pro John Boton Depositions pro John Boton
October 14–15, 1366 October 14–15, 1366
Robert, filius Philip de Scamston libere Robert, son of Philip of Scamston, of free
conditionis non consanguineus nec affinis condition, not consanguineus nor affined to
partis ipsum producentis non iuratis ut dicit the party that produced him, nor held by
[…] Et primis, super primo articulo requi- oath as he says. [He wishes justice for John
satus, dicit quod die sancti thome martyris Boton.] And firstly, questioned on the first
ulterioribus preteritis primo et non ante, article, he says that on the day of St Thom-
audivit famam laborantem super contractu as Martyr last and not before, he heard the
matrimoniale inter partes de quibus agitur. fame labouring concerning the matrimo-
Habito quo die dictes partes fuerat apud nial contract between the parties concern-
Scardburgh in peregrinatione et ibidem erat ing whom this cause is conducted. On that
orta dissentio inter eas sed quae causa nescere day, the said parties were at Scarborough on
iste iure. Et ipso die quod redierint de Scar- pilgrimage and while they were there a dis-
dburgh apud Scameston divulgabatur con- pute arose between them but what the cause
tractus matrimonialis inter dictas partes in was this witness does not know. And on that
commune sed non advertebat an per amicos day when they returned from Scarborough
unius partis vel alterius. Super secundo arti- to Scameston, the matrimonial contract be-
culo requisatus dicit quod William de Bridall tween the parties was divulged in public, but
testes in dicto articulo nominatus est pauper he did not recall whether through the friends
et adeo pauperitate depressus quod hostiatim of one party or the other. Questioned on the
et per villas vicinis ville de Scameston que- second article, he says that William de Brid-
rit victum suum mendicando et non reputat sall, named as a witness in the said article, is
eum valde sapientem quare non videt eum a pauper and so depressed by poverty that he
emere nequare vendere sed villatim mendica- seeks his food by begging door to door and
re ideo non cognoscit sensum suum. Sed an though the villages nearby to the village of
corruptus vel informatus deposuit in presen- Scameston, and he does not consider him
ta causa nescere iste vire deponere ut dicit. very wise because he does not see him buy or
Super tertio articulo requisatus dicit quod sell but to beg village to village, and there-
super dicto articulo nescere deponere aliter fore he does not know his own thoughts. But
quam supra deponet hoc excepta quod dictus whether he deposed while corrupted and in-
William est pauper. Super quarto articulo re- formed in the present cause this witness does
quisatus dicit quod Thomas Fouler attingit not know to depose as he says. Questioned
Alicie de quo agitur in tertio gradu consan- on the third article he says that on the said
guinitatis quare ave dictorum Thome et Ali- article he does not know to depose other than
cie fuerunt sorores carnales et una vocabatur he deposed above except that the said Wil-
Alicia Redyng et alia Alicia Fouler sed utrum liam is a pauper. Questioned on the fourth
dictus Thomas affectabat promotionem dicte article, he says that Thomas Fouler strives

medieval disability sourcebook

Alicie partis ignorat iste iure ut dicit. Prete- for Alice in that which she urges because of
rea dicit predictus Thomas habet in bonis as their consanguinity, because the grandmoth-
valencia quattuor vel quinque martiarum et ers of the said Thomas and Alice were blood
reputat homo fidelis sicut filius patrisfamilias sisters and one was called Alice Redyng and
de Scameston debet habere. Et aliter super the other Alice Fouler, but whether the said
premissis articulo sive quinto articulo nesce- Thomas desired the promotion of the party
re deponere ut dicit quod supra deponet. Su- of the said Alice this witness does not know
per sexto articulo requisatus dicit quod dicta as he says. In addition, the said Thomas has
Alicia de Redyng pars in presenti negotio fuit goods to the value of four or five marks and
procreata concepta nata et educata de patre he judges him a faithful man just as the son
servo et servile conditionis domini de Laty- of his father ought to be held in Scameston.
mer sed mater sua fuit libera et libere condi- And otherwise on the following article or the
tionis orienda de Knapton. Dicit tum quod fifth article he does not know to despose as
postmodum dicta Alicia pars fuit facta libera he says other than what he deposed above.
huius ad tres annos proximo elapsere et am- Questioned on the sixth article, he says that
plius per domini Clementem de Chamblayn the said Alice Redyng in the present business
qui fuit senescallus magnus dicti domini de was begotten, conceived, born, and raised
Latymer locum tenens et attornatus generale from a father who was a servant and of ser-
in toto domo suo in regno Anglice cum tota vile condition to the Lord Latymer, but her
sequela sua. Super septimo articulo requi- mother was a free woman and of free con-
satus dicit quod dictus Johannes est liber et dition being born in Knapton. He says then
libere conditionis reputatus et credit quod that afterwards the said Alice was made free
excedit dictam Aliciam partem in divitiis from that for the past three years and more
quare mercator est sed non reputat honorem by the Lord Clement the Chamberlain who
in persona […] et de ceteris in dicto septimo was the head seneschal of the said Lord Lat-
articulo nescere deponere ut dicit. Super ul- ymer, holding his place and being his attor-
teriore articulo requisatus dicit quod super ney general in his whole house in the English
premissis in forma de positionis sue laboravit kingdom with all that follows. Questioned
et adhuc laborat in villa de Scameston et locis on the seventh article, he says that the said
vicinis publica vox et fama. John is free and of free condition, reputed
Thomas son of Ydonson de Rillyngton and believed that he exceeds the said Alice in
etatis xxx annos affinis Johannis Boton qua- wealth because he is a merchant, but he does
re dixit consanguineam suam in uxorem sed not judge him honorable in person […] and
nescere quanto gradu, affectans ut dicit quod on the rest in the said seventh article he does
ipsa pars optineat victoriam in presenti causa not know to depose as he says. Questioned on
que digna est. Iure extra et super premisses the last article, he says that upon the premises
dicere requisatus. Super primo articulo re- in the form of the positions that the public
quisatus dicit in iuramento suo quod fama voice and fame laboured and yet labours in
sive locutio que habebatur et habetur de con- the village of Scameston and nearby places.
tractu matromoniale inter partes predictas Thomas son of Ydonson of Rillyngton,
pretenso habito ortum habunt et publicata aged thirty years, affined to John Boton be-
ac divulgata fuit de et per Thomas Fouler et cause he said he is consanguineous by his
William de Bridsall qui Thomas ut dicit iste wife, but he does not know in what grade,
iure est consanguineus dicte Alicie partis in desiring as he says that that party obtain vic-
tertio gradu consanguinitatis qui ut credere tory in the present cause which is worthy. He
iste iure affectat victoriam in presenti causa is a supplementary witness to the premises.
pro parte dicte Alicie ratione consanguinita- Further, the witness was questioned to speak
tis huius et qui Thomas ut dicit est serviens on the premises. Questioned on the first ar-

historical and medical documents

patris sui per stipendio suo et habet in bonis ticle, he says that in his judgement the fame
ad valenciam quattuor martiarum et amplius or gossip which was and is held regarding
et reputat ipsam Thomam esse bonam famam the matrimonial contract between the afore-
ut dicit iste iure, que iste iure novit per sep- said parties in the present had its origin and
timam annos festem Nativitate Sancti Johan- was published and divulged by and through
nis Baptiste ulterioribus preteritis et non Thomas Fouler and William de Bridsall, and
ante ut dicit. Et dictis William est pauper Thomas, as this witness says, is consanguine-
et adeo notorie pauperitate depressus quod ous to the said Alice in the third degree of
villatim et hostiatim querit cibum suum et consanguinity, who as this witness believes
querebat medicando prout iste iure sepius desires victory in the present cause for the
videt non habens aliquod receptaculum cer- party of the said Alice by reason of his con-
tum. Et reputatur stultus et talis fame quod sanguinity, and who it is said is a servant of
vult ex magno corde ortius dicere contrarium his father for wages and has goods to the value
veritatis quam ipsam veritatem et quod fama of four marks or more, and he judges Thomas
laborat in dicta villa de Scameston et locis to be of good fame as this witness says, who
vicinis quod prefatus William per dictam this witness knew for seven years at the feast
Aliciam corruptus et informatus falsum dixit of the Nativity of St John the Baptist last and
et deponet in presente causa sed an aliquid not before as he says. And the said William
recepit vel si promissum fuit pro suo testi- is a pauper and so depressed by poverty that
monio ferendo in presenti causa nescere iste he begs his bread village to village and door
vire deponere ut dicit. Et quod extra commu- to door, and sought it by begging just as this
ni relatu didicit quod prefatus William dixit witness very often saw, not having some sure
quod deberet morari perpetuo inferno nisi shelter. And he judges him a fool and of such
ipsa Alicia pars haberet dictum Johannem in fame that he would speak from great affec-
virum suum. Et predicti Thomas et William tion of the origin of the fame contrary to the
pro talibus reputantur et habentur et reputa- truth, which truth the fame labours on in the
bantur et habentur quales ipse superius spe- said village of Scameston and nearby places,
cificantur. […] that the aforesaid William, corrupted and in-
William filius Johannis filii Roberti de formed by the said Alice, said and deposed
Scameston, non consanguineus nec affinis falsity in the present cause. But whether he
partis ipsum producentis, affectans ut dicit received or if he was promised anything for
victoriam Johannis Boton in iure suo et non bearing his false testimony in the present
aliter ut dicit iure et extra et super premissis. cause this witness does not know to depose as
[…] Super secundo articulo requisatus dicit he says. And beyond the common rumour, he
quod William de Bridsall notorie est pauper learned that the aforesaid William said that
mendicans hostiatim et potius reputat stultus he ought to die in perpetual hell unless Alice
quam sapiens sed an aliquid recepit de dicta had the said John for her husband. And the
Alicia pro testimonio suo prebendis vel ali- aforesaid Thomas and William for such rea-
quid si promissus fuerat per eadem nescere sons are reputed and held and were reputed
deponere ut dicit nisi ex relatu aliorum. Et and held the sorts of men who were specified
iste iure dicit quod ante diem receptionis et above. [Remainder of deposition similar to
examinationis dicti William audivit Johan- that of Robert son of Phillip.]
nem Boton ipsum William alloqui isto modo William son of John son of Robert de
William recolas quod tu es homo senex et Scameston, not consanguineous nor affined
non perdas animam tuam pro aliqua data vel to the party producing him, desiring victory
promissa. Cui dictus William repondit “Sive as he says for John Boton in his lawsuit and
anima mea vadat ad celum sive ad infernum none other as this witness says, a supplemen-
ego tenebo illud quod promissi” sic innuendo tary witness to the premises. [He first heard

medieval disability sourcebook

de dicta Alicia. Super tertio articulo requisa- the fame of the contract on the feast of the
tus dicit quod dictus William est ut serviens Translation of St. Thomas, but he does not
deponet pauper sed de aliqua mala fama de know where it began.] Questioned on the
William vel conversatione honesta nescere second article he says that William de Brid-
deponere ut dicit aliter quam supra deponet sall is notoriously a pauper, wandering door
nec utrum fuerat informatus ad deponendum to door, and he judges him more a fool than
ut deponet. Super quarto articulo requisatus wise, but whether he received anything from
dicit quod est notorius quod Thomas Fouler the said Alice for providing his testimony or
attingit dictam Aliciam in tertio gradu con- if he was promised anything by the same he
sanguinitate ex utraque latere eo quod Alicia does not know to depose as he says, except
Redyng ava dicte Alicie et Alicia dicta del from the judgement of others. And this wit-
Wald ava dicti Thome fuerant sorores carnal- ness says that before the day of the reception
les sed ipsas non novit ut dicit. De Alicia Re- and deposition of the said William, he heard
dyng processit Richardis Redyng filius suus John Boton speaking to William in this way:
carnalis Alicie de quam agitur, et de Alicia “William, remember that you are an old man
del Wald ex alio latere processit Richardus and you should not lose your soul for any
Fouler pater suus carnalis iure dicti Thome gift of promise.” To which the said William
et Richardi, et Richardum iste iure novit et replied: “Whether my soul goes to heaven
vidit ut dicit. Item dicit quod dictus Thomas or to hell, I will stand by that which I have
est serviens patris sui habens in bonis ad va- promised,” nodding thus to the said Alice.
lenciam quattuor martiarum quod affectans Questioned on the third article, he says that
ut iste iure dicit se credere ratione consangui- the said William is a pauper—as he deposed,
nitatis huius promotionem dicte Alicie inde- a servant—but concerning any ill fame or
bite. Et dicit quod si idem Thomas deposuit honest conduct of William, he does not know
in presenti causa quod non fuit consangui- to depose as he says, other than what he de-
neus dicte Alicie falsum dixit et deposuit. […] posed above, nor whether he was informed
to deposing as he deposed. Questioned on
the fourth article, he says that it is notorious
that Thomas Fouler touches the said Alice in
the third degree of consanguinity and from
either side because Alice Redyng, the grand-
mother of the said Alice, and Alice, called “de
Wald,” the grandmother of the said Thomas,
were blood sisters but he did not know them
as he says. From Alice Redyng was Richard
Redyng, her blood son, from whom came the
Alice who moved this cause, and from Al-
ice de Wald on the other side came Richard
Fouler, the blood father of the said Thomas
and Richard, and Richard this witness knew
and saw as he says. Likewise, he says that the
said Thomas is a servant of his father, having
goods to the value of four marks, who desires
the undue promotion of the said Alice, as
this witness says he believes for reason of this
consanguinity. And he says that if the same
Thomas deposed in the present cause that
he was not consanguineous to the said Alice,

historical and medical documents

he said and deposed falsity. [The remainder

of the membrane is heavily damaged. He de-
poses regarding Alice’s servile status. There
appears to be no further mention of William
de Bridsall.]

Membrane 5 recto and verso Membrane 5 recto and verso

Petition to present deponents pro Alice Petition to present deponents pro Alice
October 15 or 23, 1366 October 15 or 23, 1366
[…] Proponit procuratore Alicie Redyng [Salutation.] The proctor of Alice Redyng
de Scameston nomine procuratore pro ea- named above, puts forth this petition for
dem contra Johannem Boton de Scameston her against John Boton and anyone for him
ac contra quemlibet pro eodem coram vobis appearing in your presence in evidence and
in iudicio libere comparentem ac contra qua- against certain exceptions on the part of the
sdam exceptiones per partem dicti Johanni said John Boton against the aforesaid Al-
contra prefatam Aliciam, Walter Warner, ice, William Warner, William de Bridsall de
William de Bridsall de Scameston, Dominum Scamston, lord Roger the vicar of the church
Roger vicarium ecclesie de Rillyngton, et of Rillyngton, and Thomas Fouler, witnesses
Thomas Fouler, testes pro parte dicte Alicie on the part of the said Alice in the matrimo-
in causa matrimoniale inter prefatas partes in nial cause between the two aforementioned
Curia Ebor mota et pendente. productis iure parties moved and pending in the court of
et examinationis dictas et depositiones eoru- York. You will produce in the court the said
mdem proponitas vim, formam, effectum ea- examinations and depositions of those same
rumdem et contra positiones et articulos ab witnesses, relating the strength, form, and
eisdem exceptionibus ut dicitur elicitos et ex- effect of the same, and against the positions
tractos et contenta in eisdem quod dicti testes and articles, by the same exceptions elicited,
omnes et singuli in suis dictis et depositio- extracted, and contained as it is said in the
nibus in dicta causa factis et depositis suum same. Indeed the said witnesses, together and
verum dixerunt et deposuerunt testimonium singly in their words and depositions made
et precipue in ea parte depositionum suarum and deposed in the said cause, said their truth
et cuiuslibet earumdem quod dixerunt et de- and deposed their testimony and especially in
posuerunt et eorum quilibet dixit et deposuit that part of their depositions and of whatever
quod super contractum matrimonialem inter of the same indeed they said and deposed…
dictos Johannem et Aliciam […] Likewise, that William de Bridsall and
Item quod William de Bridsall testis ac Thomas Fouler, witnesses produced for Al-
Thomas Fouler testis in dicta causa productis ice in the said cause, at all times of their re-
omnibus temporibus receptionis examinatio- ception, examination, and deposition in the
nis et depositionis eorum in causa predicta ac aforesaid cause were and yet are both before
ante et post fuerant et adhuc sunt satis divi- and after wealthy enough and in nowise ex-
tes ac nullatenus nimia seu notorie pauperi- cessively or notoriously either depressed by
tate depressi seu eorum aliquis depressus sed poverty or depressed by anything else, but
sufficienter omnibus temporibus predictis sufficient at all the aforesaid times, singly
habuerunt et eorum quilibet habuit et adhuc and together, and had and have in goods from
habet habuerunt et habent quilibet eorum- all according to their status. They were and
dem in bonis ex omnibus secundum sui status are, singly and together, able to be honestly
detenciam honeste vivere potuerunt et pos- and agreeably maintained. The said William
sunt ac potuit et potest quilibet eorumdem ac de Bridsall, indeed at all the aforesaid times,

medieval disability sourcebook

commode sustentari. Dictus quidem William was and yet is notoriously of sound mind,
de Bridall omnibus temporibus predictis fue- and having sufficient natural discretion, who,
rat et adhuc est notorie sane mentis ac discre- free from any promise or gift given or made
tionem naturalem et sufficientem habens, qui to him by the said Alice or her party, said
absque omni promissione seu dono sibi per and put forth his true testimony in the said
dictam Aliciam seu partem eiusdem dato seu cause without any corruption, information,
facto suum verum in dicta causa absque omni or undue affection. The aforesaid William
corruptione et informatione, seu affectione and Thomas, singly and together, at all the
indebita, dixit et protulit testimonium. Pre- said times were and yet are of good fame and
fati qui William et Thomas omnibus dictis conduct and honest reputation. And they are,
temporibus bone fame et conversatione et singly and together, such who for anything in
reputatione honeste fuerunt et adhuc sunt et no way perjure or present false testimony or
eorum quilibet fuerat et adhuc est. Ac tales are able to be induced to speaking or pre-
qui pro aliquo deierare seu falsum testimo- senting false testimony in the said cause or in
nium perhibere seu ad falsum testimonium in any whatsoever, but are commonly held and
dicta causa seu alia quacumque dicendum et reputed faithful men and worthy in the said
proferendum nullatenus induci poterant, sed village of Scameston and nearby places. And,
homines fideles et fidedigni in dicta villa de singly and together, they are held and reput-
scameston et locis vicinis communiter habiti ed so at the present. On these facts, in the
et publice reputati et eorum quilibet habitus diocese of York, the public voice and fame
fuit et publice reputatus et etiam habentur et laboured and labours. [He intends to prove
reputantur et eorum quilibet habetur et re- these facts.]
putatur in presenti. Super quibus in diocese
Ebor et locis vicinis laboravit et adhuc labo-
rat publica vox et fama. […]

Membrane 1 recto Membrane 1 recto

Articles pro Alice Redyng Articles pro Alice Redyng
November 6, 1366 November 6, 1366
Item ponit et probare intendit quod di- Likewise, he puts forth and intends to
ctus William de Bridsall omnibus temporibus prove that the said William de Bridsall at all
productionis, receptionis, et examinationis times of his production, reception, and exam-
sue in causa predicta fuerat et adhuc est no- ination in the aforesaid cause was and until
torie sane mentis ac discretionem naturalem now is notoriously of sound mind and having
et sufficientem habens, qui absque omni pro- sufficient natural discretion, who without
missione seu dono sibi per dictam Aliciam promise or gift given or made to him by the
seu partem euisdem dato seu facto suum ve- said Alice said his truth and advanced his tes-
rum in dicta causa absque omni corruptione timony in the said cause without any corrup-
et informacione seu affectione indebita dixit tion or information or undue affection.
et protulit testimonium. Likewise, he puts forth and intends to
Item ponit et probare intendit quidem prove that the aforesaid William de Bridsall
prefati William de Bridsall et Thomas, testes and Thomas Fouler, the aforesaid witnesses,
predicti omnibus temporibus productionis, singly and together, at all times in their pro-
receptionis, et examinationis eorum et cu- duction, reception, and examination, were
iuslibet eorumdem in dicta causa fuerunt et and until now are in the said cause, and were
adhuc sunt et eorum quilibet fuerat et adhuc and are, of good fame in their conduct and
est bone fame conversatione et reputatione honest in reputation and of such kind who

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Title: Bang vir die lewe

Author: Henry Bordeaux

Translator: Jan F. E. Celliers

Release date: December 6, 2023 [eBook #72345]

Language: Afrikaans

Original publication: Cape Town: Nasionale Pers Bpk, 1925

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Bang vir die Lewe

Bang vir die Lewe

Uit die oorspronklike Frans van Henri Bordeaux

ná die 137e Franse uitgaaf vir Suid-Afrika
vertaal en bewerk


(Derde Druk.)
Die Nasionale Pers, Beperk, Drukkers en Uitgewers, Kaapstad,
Stellenbosch, Bloemfontein en Pietermaritzburg.
Hierdie verhaal het, as vervolgstorie, in „Die Brandwag” verskyn,
van die allereerste nommer af.
Baie boeke van die buiteland, en veral romans, behandel
toestande, persone en insigte wat vir die gewone Afrikaanse leser
vreemd en dus onverstaanbaar en ongenietbaar is. Dit kan van
hierdie boek nie gesê word nie: wat hier aan ons vertoon word, is
algemeen-menslik—sulke persone en hartstogte en gevoelens en
kontraste tref ons by ons net so aan.
Sonder dat die outeur as sedemeester optree, gaan daar ’n sterk
morele invloed van sy boek uit, deurdat hy ons op meesterlike wyse
die teëstelling laat sien tussen swakkelinge—ryk en bedorwe
sywurms wat bang is vir die lewe en stryd en strewe daarvan—en ’n
famielie van staatmakers wat sout en krag in hulself het.
Die sentrale figuur is ongetwyfeld die brawe ou moeder Kibert—vir
haar vergeet ons nooit weer nie as ons die verhaal gelees het. En
ons dink daarby aan die talryke Afrikaanse moeders en dogters wat
agtien jaar gelede op so treffende wyse aan die wêreld getoon het
hoe min hulle vir die lewe bang was—en vir die dood. Hulle rus daar
op ons velde vandag, dog die dag sal kom dat Afrikaanse skrywers
ook uit hul lewe stof sal haal vir roerende en opbouende verhale.
Dog die gewone lewe lewer daartoe al stof genoeg op; hierdie
skrywer—soos elke goeie skrywer—maak die gewone vir ons
interessant en het geen kunsies, soos intrigue en sulke goed, nodig
Hierdie verhaal is goed inmekaargesit. Die skrywer gee nie
onnodige praatjies en beskrywinge nie; ook sy natuurbeskrywinge is
net van pas op die toestande wat voorgestel word en nie
plesiertuintjies waar die outeur in verdwaal en die verband van sy
storie versteur nie.
Die Vertaler.
Hoofstuk. Bls.

Deel I.
I. Terugkoms van Marcel Kibert 1
II. Broer en Suster 17
III. Die Blommefees 31
IV. ’n Agtermiddag op Chenée 39
V. Die Geheim van Alida 55
VI. Meneer en Mevrou Delourens 70
VII. Die Huweliksaanvraag 86
VIII. Planne 101
IX. Afskeid 113
X. Vertrek 121
Deel II.
I. Dertien aan Tafel 130
II. Die Boodskap van die Veldwagter 148
III. Haar Laaste Kind 154
IV. Roubeklag 162
V. Jan 173
VI. Isabella 187
VII. Die Geheim van Paula 201
VIII. Mevrou Kibert 214
IX. Haar Laaste Kind 223
X. Kalme Berusting 233
Bang vir die Lewe.
Uit die oorspronklike Frans van Henri Bordeaux na die 137e Franse
uitgaaf vir Suid-Afrika vertaal en bewerk deur Jan F. E. Celliers.

Klaar om te vertrek, in haar een hand haar sambreel, alhoewel dit

mooi weer is, terwyl die ander die swart kripsluier wegskuiwe wat
van haar hoedjie afhang oor haar gesig, staan mevrou Kibert te wag
in haar voorkamer op Maupas, moeite doende om geduldig te bly.
En nadat sy al verskeie kere na die horlosie gekyk het, staan sy op
en loop met langsaam, swak stappies deur die kamer; dan gaan sy
meteens weer sit, nie op een van die lekker sagte leuningstoele nie,
dog op ’n rottingstoel, waarvan sy gou kan opstaan sonder alte veel
moeite. Mevrou Kibert is al taamlik oud, kort en dik, en haal
langsaam asem. Haar gelaat vertoon sagtheid sowel as beslistheid.
Haar oë is helder-blou, en sy kyk daar so teer en droefgeestig uit,
dat dit lyk of daar trane in is—getuiende van ’n skroomvallige en
liefhebbende geaardheid, wat maklik skrik aan te ja is deur omgang
met die wêreld; maar haar vierkantige ken en haar gesette, stewige
postuur, gee weer ’n indruk van geeskrag en weerbaarheid. Haar
wange het, ondanks haar jare, nog fris gebly, duidende op edel
bloed en goeie gesondheid.
Na ’n bietjie aarseling, besluit sy om ’n deur oop te maak en te
—Paula, kom jy nou? Dis tyd om te gaan.
’n Helder en suiwer stem gee antwoord:
—Ag, ma, ons het nog baie tyd.
—Dis al sewenuur op die horlosie, sê die ou vrou, maar sonder
haarself op te win.
—Ma weet dat die horlosie drie-kwartier voor is.
—Ja, maar hy kan miskien meteens agtergebly het, hy is so vol
Die jongmeisie antwoord met ’n skaterlag, maar uitlag is dit darem
glad nie. Spoedig laat sy daarop volg:
—Ek sit nou my hoed op, ma, en ek kom.
Getroos gaan mevrou Kibert weer sit. Sy laat haar oë gaan deur
haar voorkamertjie (hulle woon buite die dorp), oor die wit gordyne,
onlangs skoon gewas en gestryk, waar die lig dowwerig deur val,
reeds versag deur die nuwe somergroen van die groot bome buite.
Die meubels is oud en stemmig, en daar is nie onnodige opskik nie.
Dis die roostyd, en sy sit ’n vaas met rose aldag daar, as ’n
offerande aan die portrette van die geliefdes aan die muur—oorsaak
van al haar vreugde en smarte; die vergrote portret van haar man,
dokter Maurits Kibert, gestorwe die jaar vantevore as slagoffer van
sy plig gedurende die koorssiekte wat geheers het; en die portret
van haar dogter Thérèse, ’n klein meisie van twaalf jaar, na God
geroep in die daeraad van haar jeug en skoonheid. Daar is ’n
groepie van haar kinders op één portret bymekaar: Etienne, haar
oudste seun, ingenieur in Tonkin; Marcel, offisier; Magreet,
pleegsuster; Frans, by sy broer in die verre Oos; dan Paula, die
laaste wat nog vir haar oorgebly het. Ag, hoeveel maal het sy al
moet afskeid neem—en vir altyd—in sestig jaar tyds! Maar dit lyk of
hulle haar toelag vandag—’n feesdag in haar huis van rou.
Haar twede seun, Marcel, is terug in die land. Hy het deelgeneem
aan die oorlog in Madagaskar tot onderwerping van die inboorlinge.
Op agtienjarige leeftyd was hy reeds kaptein. Hy het die erekruis
gewin en kom nou terug, fris en gesond, na afwesigheid van drie
jaar. ’n Telegram, vanmôre ontvang, wat sy al gelees en herlees het,
lê nog oop op die tafel, en het haar te kenne gegee dat hy sal
aankom op Chamberie vanaand met die trein van half-ag. En dis
daarom dat mevrou Kibert haar vandag twee ure te vroeg klaar
gemaak het om na die naburige dorp, Chamberie, te ry en haar seun
by die stasie te ontmoet. Haar gedagtes loop haar al vooruit op die
treinspoor waar hy langs moet kom. Maar sy voorsien by die
ontmoeting ’n ontroering wat al haar moed sal verg. Daar ver in die
vreemde land het Marcel gehoor van sy pa se dood. As die dood in
die verte diegene tref wat ons liefhet, hoe bitter en wreed is dan sy
slae! Met die eerste oogopslag sal Marcel haar rouklere sien en die
vermeerderde tekens van haar ouderdom. Daar sal ’n skaduwee van
die dode oprys tussen haar en haar seun. Sy beproef haar kragte,
en sê by haarselwe:
—Sy kinders het nog nooit teruggekom met die trein van hier of
daar nie, of hy was altyd self by die stasie om hulle te verwelkom. Ek
sal nou daar wees in sy plek.
Paula kom nou die kamer in. Haar fraai blinkend-swart hare omlys
haar ronde dofkleurige gesig. Haar swart klere laat haar dun lyk,
maar sy lyk nie swak nie. Uit haar fiere houding en vaste uitkyk
straal beslistheid en dapperheid. Hierdie kind van twintig jaar het al
geweet wat lye is, op ’n leeftyd dat die lewe sy hoogste geur en fleur
het. Om nie ’n swakkeling te wees nie, het sy haarself skrap gesit,
en die gevolge van die stryd kom uit in haar houding.
Paula het ’n nuwe hoedjie in haar hand wat sy stilletjies klaar
gemaak het die dag vantevore.
—Sit nou eers stil, ma. Ma moet mooi lyk as Marcel vandag kom.
Kyk wat ’n mooi hoedjie het ek klaar gemaak; daardie een wat ma op
het, is te afgedra.
Haar ma wil eers teënstribbel, maar laat haar dan begaan.
—Maar nou word dit darem regtig tyd, my kind.
—Ja, sê Paula, ek gaan Trelas roep.
Trelas is die kneg, wat sal leisels hou op die pad na Chamberie.
Paula kyk nog ’n keer op die horlosie en sê:
—Ons sal nog ’n uur by die stasie moet wag.
—My kind, ek sou tog nie te laat wil wees nie.
Met moeite klim sy van die stoep in die rytuig. Noudat sy sit,
probeer sy te glimlag met Paula, en die onvoleindigde glimlag gee vir
’n oomblik aan haar gesig die frisse saligheid terug, wat die bekoring
van haar jeug was. Paula spring vlugtig in die rytuig, en gaat naas
haar sit.
—Laat loop maar, Trelas, en ’n bietjie gou, hoor; maar moenie alte
baie slaan nie, en pasop by die afdraands.
—Tyd genoeg, sê Trelas drogies.
Hul ry onder die laning van swaargeblaarde kastaiingbome en
plataanbome deur, verby die eikebosse. Die ou merrie begin haar
bene te kry en so hard te draf dat mevrou Kibert bangerig word.
Agter die bult is die son al ondergegaan, dog die blonde lig van die
someraand verlig die velde nog lank.
—Ma, kyk tog na die berge, sê Paula.
In ’n groot sirkel lê die berge om Chamberie, hul rotsagtige toppe
helder-rooskleurig getint, terwyl op hul voet, en langs hul kante, soos
’n fyn sluier die blouagtige waas hang, wat mooi weer voorspel.
Maar mevrou Kibert is te besorg om na die sonnegloeie op die toppe
van die berge te kyk; meteens kom dit uit waaroor sy sit en prakseer:
—Sê nou die trein was te vroeg! En hoewel sy dit mènens gesê
het, is sy die eerste wat glimlag oor so ’n nuwe veronderstelling. Sy
sien hoe die tere en ligte skaduwee stadig die berge uitklim, terwyl ’n
oomblik die toringkruisie van die dorp helder daarteen afsteek. Sy
wys dit aan haar dogter, as ’n beeld van stralende geloof. En nou
daal dieselfde stille vrede neer op die hele natuur, en ook vir die
eerste keer, sedert lank, op die gesigte van die twee vroue in rou.
Naby Chamberie kom ’n rytuig, met twee pragtige harddrawers
bespan, hul agterop, en ry hul verby.
—Dis die rytuig van die famielie Delourens, sê Paula. Hulle het
ons nie gegroet nie.
—Hul het ons seker nie herken nie.
—O ja, ma, maar vandat ons ons geld verloor het deur ons oom te
help, groet hul ons amper nie meer nie.
Sy praat van ’n famielie-ramp wat voorgeval het kort voor die dood
van haar vader. Mevrou Kibert neem die hand van haar dogter.
—Dis maar niks nie, my kind; dink tog daaraan dat ons netnou vir
Marcel sal sien.
Maar na ’n oomblik stilte vra Paula;
—Was dit nie pa wat vir Alida Delourens gedokter en gesond
gemaak het nie toe die koorssiekte so geheers het, waaraan pa ook
self gesterwe het?
—Ja, fluister die ou vrou, en al haar plesier is weg as sy daaraan
dink. En sonder klag voeg sy sag daarby:
—Ja, en hul het nog altyd vergeet om die rekening te betaal. So
maak die ryk mense baie maal. Hul weet nie dat ’n mens geld moet
verdien om te lewe nie.
—Dis omdat hul aan niks anders as aan tydkorting dink nie.
Mevrou Kibert sien ’n bitter trek op die nog jong gesig.
—Luister, my kind, ons moet hul nie beny nie. Onder die
verstrooiing vergeet hul om te lewe. Sou hul selfs weet dat die lewe
iets kosbaars is? Hul weet nie wat ’n mens se hart kan vervul en dit
harder laat klop nie. Ek sal gou sestig jaar oud wees.—Ek kan my
gestorwene en my opofferinge tel. Ek het my dogter Thérèse verloor,
en my man, wat my krag was. Jou ouer suster, Magreet, is
sendelinge, en ek het haar in vyf jare nie gesien nie. Etienne en
Frans is in Asië, in Tonkin, en ek ken nie eens my kleinkind wat daar
in die verre land gebore is nie. Marcel kom terug vandag, nadat sy
afwesigheid my drie jare van onrus besorg het. Maar ek het darem
tog ’n skone deel ontvang. Ek prys die Heer, Wat my beproef het
nadat Hy my met weldade oorstelp het. Elke dag van my lewe het ek
gevoel hoe goed Hy is. Selfs in my ellende het Hy my ’n steun gegee
—en dis jy.
Met haar klein handjie, sonder handskoen, druk Paula die
verrimpelde en gekerfde hand van haar moeder.
—Ja, dit is so, ma, ek sal nie meer kla nie.
Hul is eindelik by Chamberie, na die rit van drie myle. Trelas laat
die vroue afklim by die stasie en gaan opsy met die rytuig.
Paula kyk op die horlosie en sien met verbasing dat dit tien minute
oor sewe aanwys. Haar ma sien dat sy verwonderd lyk:
—Het ek jou nie gesê ons sou te laat kom nie?
Die jongmeisie glimlag:
—Te laat, omdat ons nie meer as twintig minute sal moet wag nie?
Hul gaan na die wagkamer. Net soos mevrou Kibert die deur
oopmaak, wil sy weer terugtree. Maar Paula druk haar saggies
binne-toe. Die kamer is vol deftig aangeklede mense. Dis die hoë
mense van Chamberie wat wag op ’n trein wat hul na die komedie
sal neem. Paula en haar ma herken die famielie Delourens.
Mevrou Kibert voel ongemaklik en wil uitgaan; sy fluister in Paula
haar oor:
—Laat ons in die wagkamer van die derde klas gaan: dis beter
—Waarom? sê Paula.
Op dié oomblik verlaat ’n aansienlike jongman ’n klompie vroue
wat daar staan, en stap na hulle toe. Hul herken in hom luitenant Jan
Berlier,[2] ’n vriend van Marcel. Hy groet hul op die vriendelike
manier wat ’n mens dadelik eie laat voel.
—U wag op die kaptein, is dit nie so nie, mevrou, want u hou tog
nie van reis nie.
—O, nee!
—Hoe bly sal hy wees om u netnou te ontmoet!
—Vroeër, sê die ou vrou aan die jongman, wat sy al as kind geken
het, was dit sy vader wat hom altyd ontmoet het, weet u!
—Ja, ek weet.
En om nou nie verder op ’n publieke plek oor die sterfgeval uit te
wy nie, laat Jan Berlier daarop volg:
—Ek sal Marcel ook nog die hand kan druk, eerdat ons trem
—Kom soek hom op by ons huis. Gaan u op reis?
—Vir vanaand. Ons gaan na die stad. Daar word vanaand ’n nuwe
komedie-stuk opgevoer. Maar u stel daar nie belang in nie.
Altyd openhartig, antwoord mevrou Kibert:
—Ek is nog nooit in ’n komedie gewees nie. En om u die waarheid
te sê, ek het daar ook nie spyt van nie.
Alhoewel sy saggies praat, het twee jongmeisies in ligte klere haar
gehoor, en een van hulle, met bruin hare en brutale blik, bars uit van
die lag. Dit kan wees dat ’n luitenant wat met hulle staan en praat,
die lag verwek het.
Paula bekyk die meisie wat lag, veragtelik, van bo tot onder met
haar swart oë, wat ’n snelle blits uitskiet.
—Moenie hier so bly staan nie, sê Jan.
Die ou vrou gaan sit in ’n donker hoekie, op ’n stoel wat naas ’n
leë leuningstoel staan, net soos iemand wat hom nederig en
bangerig voel.
—Maar neem dan tog die leuningstoel, ma, sê Paula ’n bietjie
ongeduldig. Sy beantwoord drogies ’n groet van die ander
jongmeisie van die twee—wat nie met haar saam gelag het nie,
maar gebloos.
Die jonkman praat nog ’n paar woorde met hulle en gaan dan
terug na sy eie geselskap. Paula kyk hom na en hoor hoe hy aan
mevrou Delourens sê:
—Ja, dis mevrou Kibert. Sy verwag haar seun uit Madagaskar.
—Watter een? Sy het so baie.
—Maar die offisier, Marcel!
—Watter rang het hy?
—Kaptein—dié wat die eremedalje gewin het—beroemd, sê Jan
haastig, ’n bietjie ongeduldig oor die uitvra, want die meisie met die
bruin hare roep hom.
Maar mevrou Delourens wil nou meer hoor:
—Beroemd? Wat het hy gedoen?
—Weet u dan niks van die slag van Audriba, waar sy kommando-
afdeling die oorwinning behaal het nie?
—Is jy seker daarvan?
—So seker as iets. Die hele land praat van Marcel Kibert.
Mevrou Delourens is dadelik vol belangstelling, en tree op mevrou
Kibert toe. Tot selfs in haar verval word die ou weduwee nou
belangwekkend, omdat haar seun so ’n naam gemaak het.
—Kom die kaptein vanaand tuis, mevrou? Ag, ons het hom almal
met ons harte gevolg, daar in die verre land en in die vreeslike
oorlog, waar hy sy land eer aangedaan het. In die koerante het ons
gelees wat hy alles volbring het in die slag van Audriba.
Agter sy vrou staan mnr. Delourens, ’n baie onderdanige en
hoflike klein mannetjie, en met ’n hoofbeweging bevestig hy al wat sy
vrou sê.
Mevrou Kibert voel haar in dié omgewing baie ongemaklik. Hoe
steek haar armoedige rouklere af (alhoewel deur haar dogter
opgeknap) by hul deftige aandkleding; sy voel dat sy geen enkele
gedagte gemeen het met hierdie mense van die wêreld nie. Almal
kom rondom haar staan en wens haar geluk. Na mevrou Delourens
kom mevrou Orlandi haar gelukwens. Laasgenoemde is ’n ou
Italiaanse gravin wat stil lewe in Chamberie en gedokter was vir haar
senuwees deur oorlede dokter Kibert. Meneer De Marthenay, ’n
luitenantjie, kyk die ou vrou op ’n byna brutale manier deur sy
oogglasie aan. Bangerig beantwoord sy hulle met enkele woorde;
die bloed styg in haar wange op, haar dogter Paula merk dit, en kom
haar te hulp. Paula is meer op haar gemak en, selfs ’n bietjie styf,
ondanks die lieftalligheid wat die twee jong meisies haar betoon—die
bruine Isabella Orlandi, wat in haar woorde net so aanstellerig is as
in haar houding, en veral die ander meisie, die blonde Alida
Delourens, wat van nature vriendelik is. Sy oorlaai Paula met
beleefdheidjies en voorkomendheid, haar stem is sangerig en
breierig, sy versag die hardklinkende woorde en praat met ’n
aangename soetvloeiendheid.
—So, dan kom jou broer vandag? Jy is seker bly? Dis al jare
gelede dat ek hom laas gesien het. Weet jy nog toe ons almal saam
gespeel het in julle tuin by Maupas, of in ons syne by Chenée.
—Ja, sê Paula, en nou speel ons nie meer saam nie. Die tuin by
Maupas lê woes, en dié by Chenée is weer alte mooi versorg.
—Maar waarom kom jy nie meer na ons toe nie? Jy moet regtig
En Paula vra haarself af waarom haar vriendin van vroeër dae—
deur lewensomstandighede van haar geskei—nou so vriendelik vir
haar is. Sy kyk na haar eie swart rok, so eenvoudig en glad, en
bewonder dan, sonder afguns, Alida haar ligblou lyfie, opgemaak
met wit kant en ’n bietjie laag in die hals—’n wit, dun hals, wat lyk
soos ’n tere blom. Paula beskou dan verder haar gelaat, waarvan die
trekke fyn en suiwer is, en die ligrose gelaatskleur sonder ’n vlekkie.
Sy kan nie help om te sê nie:
—Hoe mooi is jy tog, Alida!
Die fris wange word meteens purperrooi. Alida gaan opsy om
iemand te laat verbykom, en Paula merk dat selfs haar slap-
sleperige stap iets bydra om haar dooierig-tingerige bekoorlikheid te
voltooi: naas haar voel Paula beter haar eie jong krag. . . .
—Nee, Paula, dis jy wat mooi is. . .
Daar kom die trein aan en breek al die gesprekke meteens af.
Almal storm die wagkamer uit. Die famielie Delourens en hul
geselskap soek eersteklas rytuie in die trein, wat nou stilhou. Die
mense wat uit die trein stap, loop al haastig na die uitgangsdeur. Die
voorste van almal is ’n lang jonkman, skraal en regop; hy hou sy
hoof fier omhoog. In sy hand dra hy ’n sabel, in groen baai. Net soos
hy mevrou Kibert opmerk, hardloop hy na haar toe, en is in haar
—My kind! sê sy, en ondanks haar besluit om sterk te bly, bars sy
in snikke los.
En hy, hy rig hom weer op ná die omhelsing, en teer kyk hy sy
moeder aan, wat die merke dra van haar beproewing. Sy
songebrande, byna hardvogtige gelaat, vertoon ’n ontroering. ’n
Naam wat hulle nie nodig het om uit te spreek nie, beef op hulle
lippe, en een selfde eerbiedige nagedagtenis roer hul harte. Die
vreug van sy terugkoms gee iets treffend nuuts aan die smart wat
hulle al lank gevoel het.
Met versagte blik kyk Paula haar groot broer en haar ma aan.
Voor die deurtjie van die trein draai Alida Delourens en Isabella
Orlandi om, en sien die verwelkoming van die jong offisier; en
Isabella kyk mevrou Kibert met spotlaggende oë aan, omdat sy so
dik is en nog huil daarby.
Jan Berlier staan opsy en wag eerbiedig. Hy kom na Paula toe.
—Hoe gelukkig is hulle tog!
En met iets treurigs in sy stem voeg hy daar nog by:
—As ek van ver af terugkom, is daar niemand wat my verwag nie.
Marcel omhels ook sy suster.
Jan kom laggend nader:
—Ek wil nou ook my beurt hê.
—So, Jan, is dit jy?!
En as warme vriende druk die twee mekaar hartlik die hand. Jan is
’n oomblik ontroerd, dog glimlag nou weer:
—Tot weersiens. My trein gaat weg: ek moet hardloop.
—Waar gaat jy?
Al lopende draai die jonkman half om en sê:
—Ons gaan na die komedie in die stad. En hy wys met sy hand na
die mense wat by die trein staan.
Marcel Kibert laat haastig sy oog oor die deftig uitgedoste mense
gaan. Maar Paula draai nog ’n keer om en sien hoe Alida haar groet
uit die treinraampie. Sy groet terug, haastig, en nie besonder
vriendelik nie, net of sy ’n soort wantroue of bygelowige vrees voel
vir daardie verleidelike verskyning. Haar jong vurige siel het, deur
vroegtydige leed, ’n soort van trotse gevoeligheid oorgehou.
Waarom was Alida so tegemoetkomend? dink Paula. Haar oë volg

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