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Penilaian Manfaat REDD+ selain karbon

Moira Moeliono, CIFOR

29 Mei 2024
Hutan dan Perubahan Iklim

• “Climate change cannot be

won without the world’s
forests. This, however, will be
a complex and challenging
feat. Nonetheless, it is one of
the best large-scale
investments we can make
against climate change that
could result in an equally
large-scale dividend.” • Mitigating CC dependent on
Ban Ki Moon, UN Secretary-General,
FOLU, expectations that Forests
September 2008
can absorb roughly 25-30% of
CO2 emissions globally
GhG concentrations

Climate change




Ecosystem-Based Mitigation Ecosystem-Based Adaptation

Global ecosystem service: Local ecosystem services:

Carbon sequestration. Water regulation, provision of goods
Linkages between forests and adaptation are
• Adaptation for forests
• CC affect forests
• Adaptation measures needed for forests
New challenges -> understanding impacts, adapting management

• Forests for adaptation

• Forest ecosystems contribute to social adaptation
• They provide ecosystem services that contribute to risk
management, and reduce the vulnerability of local communities
and of the broader society
New challenges -> forests in adaptation of sectors outside of the forest sector

(Locatelli et al., 2010)

Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation

The five activities that The four key elements of REDD+ and related UNFCCC Decisions
comprise REDD+

1. Reducing emissions
from deforestation
2. Reducing emissions
from forest degradation
3. Conservation of forest
carbon stocks
4. Sustainable
management of forests
5. Enhancement of forest
carbon stocks
Decision 1/CP.16, par.
• Tujuan REDD+: mitigasi PI
• Manfaat REDD+:
 Direct multiple benefits:
 Monetary gains from finance related to
 Benefits associated with the increased
availability of forest products and
ecosystem services
 Indirect benefits include improved governance,
capacity building and infrastructure provision
• NCB ~ adaptasi
• Siapa yang menentukan manfaat C
dan NCB?
• Utk kepentingan siapa?
Nilai manfaat : Spiritual,
relational atau penghidupan?

• Nilai berbeda bagi tiap pemangku

• Pentingya persepsi
• Masyarakat lokal dan adat sukar
memilih antara konservasi dan kegiatan
pembangunan dan mengharapkan
manfaat positif dari keduanya
• Seberapa banyak hutan perlu
dipertahankan? Seberapa
pembangunan dibutuhkan?
Panduan ini
• Bersifat umum dan terbuka dalam memilih kriteria dan indicator
sesuai kondisi, kepentingan dan kebutuhan
• Teknis pelaksanaan sesuai metodologi dan panduan ilmiah?
• Metrik yang terukur dan konkrit

Akan tetapi:
• Siapa yang melaksanakan REDD+? Siapa yang memantau? Pada Tingkat apa?
• Siapa yang menerima manfaat dan siapa yang membayar?
• Kerangka hukum dan kebijakan
• Perlu standard…..
• Hak dan tanggung jawab dari lokal ke nasional
• NCB: kepentingan Bersama/umum tdk bisa dibagi antar individu
• Konsep “ketahanan” (ekosistem dan lanskap; sosial dan sumber
penghidupan; ekonomi).
• Perhutanan Sosial utk REDD+, Ketahanan, Penghidupan

• Apakah NCB perlu dipantau khusus? Integrasi? Koordinasi? Dgn

pemantauan hutan secara umum? Antara Mitigasi dan Adaptasi?
Thank you | |

The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and World Agroforestry (ICRAF) envision a more equitable world
where trees in all landscapes, from drylands to the humid tropics, enhance the environment and well-being for all.
CIFOR and ICRAF are CGIAR Research Centers.

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