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Name: Emmanuel A.

Catao Section: BSIT 1-1E

1.Illustrate a new computer design based on the evolution of computers.

2.Add two (2) additional features or devices to your design. Be creative.

-The two additional (2) additional features or devices to your design. Be creative. Mobile computing
is human–computer interaction in which a computer is expected to be transported during normal usage
and allow for transmission of data, which can include voice and video transmissions. Second is 1 st gen
microcomputers which is Though released after the Micral and MCM/70, the Altair 8800 is often
considered the first successful commercial microcomputer. Released in 1974, it was designed by Micro
Instrumentation Telemetry Systems.
4.In the same file, explain the design in no less than five (5) sentences highlighting the additional
functions and features.
-in this computer design, we have incorporated elements from the evolution of computers to create a
sleek and compact form factor. The touchscreen display enables intuitive interaction, while biometric
authentication enhances security. The modular design allows for easy customization and upgradability,
and wireless charging eliminates the need for cables. Additionally, we have added AR glasses for an
immersive experience and a holographic projection system for interactive virtual simulations. These
features aim to provide users with a cutting-edge computing experience that combines portability,
functionality, and innovation.

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