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Minister of Foreign
Known for his moderate and pragmatic approach, Shidehara's
political career was marked by a commitment to diplomacy and
international cooperation. Although he did not hold the position
of Foreign Minister during the Mukden Incident in 1931, his political
beliefs and actions reflected a dedication to peaceful resolutions
and adherence to international law. Shidehara's tenure as
Foreign Minister showcased his diplomatic acumen and
commitment to maintaining stable international relations. You
advocate for rapprochement with China and a focus on
strengthening Japan through international trade. You are highly
unpopular with the Japanese people and nationalists for your
actions in negotiating the Naval Treaties.
To the treaty system with the western powers. The Japanese
middle classes.
Secret Goal
Secure prosperous co-existence with China while not
compromising Japan’s extra-territorial privileges. Secure China as
a Secondary Power to Japan peacefully. Become Prime Minister.

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