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16/03/2024, 18:40 0324-PG-DAC: 0324_DAC C++ Programming Lab Exam Batch-2[ Date :- 16th March 2024 ,Time :- 5 PM] | S…

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Opened: Saturday, 16 March 2024, 5:00 PM

Due: Saturday, 16 March 2024, 7:00 PM


Module End Lab Examination – C++ Programming
Course Name :- PG-DAC Batch - March 2023
Date :- 16-3-2024 Duration :- 2 hours
Marks:- 40
Instructions :
1. Create Workspace (folder) by the name CPP<digit PRN> in home directory
2. Create new Project and save it in above folder.
3. You can use all necessary documents for help .

Question :

Golden star sports academy has multiple sports classes.

Create an application to handle the admission process.
-- Create a class called as sports with data members as sports_name, fees
-- Create a class Person with data members as name, age.
-- Create a class player with data members as id, mobile

Player can register for multiple sports so have proper relationship between sports and players.
A player can enrol in multiple sports he wants (use of STL is allowed)
Write a menu driven code which will have below menus
1. Add new player
2. Add new sport
3. enrol player into sport
4. take player name from user and display his/her sports list
5. display all player and their sports registered

Use of STL(Vector) is allowed. And Use of Inheritance is expected.

Sr.No Points to Cover Max Marks

1 Class person ,player and sport 2+2+2
2 Add player + Add sports 5+5
3 enrol player into sport 5
4 Display specific player and their taken sports 6
5 Display all players and their taken sports 5
6 Menu Driven Program + Naming Conventions + Comments 4+2+2
Total 40 1/2

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