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(AC-S04) Week 04 - Task: Assignment - A trip to the past






Ciro Alegría He was born on November 4, 1909 on the Quilca farm in the province of
Huamachuco, department of La Libertad. His parents were José Eliseo Alegría Lynch and María
Herminia Bazán Lynch. Ciro Alegría did his school studies in the same Andean region of birth
(where he had César Vallejo as a teacher and he became involved early in the political struggle
as a member of the American Popular Revolutionary Alliance (APRA). His membership in APRA
would earn him two stays in prison (in 1931 and 1933) and his subsequent exile in Chile in
1934. During that period he wrote the most significant part of his work and won three literary
prizes with as many novels that consecrated him as a novelist.Thus, Ciro Alegría published in
1935 La serpiente de oro, in which he recounts the life of the natives on the banks of the
Marañón.In 1939 his second novel, Los perros hambrientos (1938), saw the light of day, in
which he fully enters the world of the high Peruvian sierra and presents the fight of man
against hostile nature. In 1941 Ciro Alegría won the Continental Novel Grand Prix with El
mundo es wide ajeno, also with an Indian theme and, without a doubt, one of the best
examples of the genre: Rumi's village authentic. protagonist of the novel, whose life is
described as marvelous) is the object of the covetousness of the white landowner; destroyed,
its inhabitants disperse: some die, others are reduced to slaves or march to the big cities. He
passed away on February 7, 1967.

Miguel María Grau Seminario, was aPeruvian military sailor and politician,and posthumous
Grand Admiral of thePeruvian Navy, born on July 27, 1834in Piura. Miguel Grau always
traveledin a ship, but the ship disappeared inthe naval combat of Punta Gorda. Some
time later, he won the navalcombat of Iquique, sinking thecorvette, Esmeralda. This
was the first occasion in which Grau showed his greathuman sensibility, since he not only
avoided harming the civilian population, butalso saved the shipwrecked sailors of the enemy
ship. Finally, another importantact of Grau was the combat of Angamos. This it was that on
October 8, 1879,being in front of Punta Angamos, he was surrounded by two enemy
divisions,engaging in an unequal combat. Grau died in the first minutes of the fight, dueto the
effects of a grenade fired by the battleship Cochrane, which destroyed hisbody.His last
sentence was.

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