Conversation Test Conversation Topics Dialogs Reading Comprehension - 53565

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Administración De Recursos Humanos Con inglés

Inglés 1 Miss Lucerito Farías Medina

Name: ___________________________________ Class ____
Read the conversation and fill in the gaps using the words in the

Jack: ________. My _________ is Jack. _________ your name?

Rose: My name _______ Rose and this is my _________ Tia.

Jack: Nice to _______ you.

Rose: ________ to meet you too.

Jack: ________ are you from?

Rose: I’m _________ England and Tia is from Singapore. How about __________?

Jack: I’m from the Philippines but now I’m here ____________ Computing. What are you studying?

Rose: I ________ studying Accounting and Tia is studying Tourism.

Jack: Where do you have ____________?

Rose: We __________ lunch in the school cafeteria? ___________ you want to come too?

Jack: I’d like to but I can’t. I have guitar practice at 12___________. ________ you play guitar?

Rose: No. I __________ play guitar but I can play the __________.
name do What’s
Jack: Maybe we could have lunch __________?
studying is friend
Rose: Sounds __________. What’s your __________ number?
meet o’clock Nice
Jack: My ________ is 0839865375. Do you have ____________?
Where from am
Rose: Yes I do. It’s
lunch have Do
Jack: Great. What ___________ is it?
Can Bye can’t
Rose: ________ 11:45
tomorrow you email
Jack: I’d better hurry. I can’t be __________for my guitar practice.
number It’s time
Rose: Ok – Do you have a ____________?
Hello piano late
Jack: Yes I __________. I’ll pick you up tomorrow if you want.
telephone good
Rose: That would be great. See you tomorrow.
Administración De Recursos Humanos Con inglés

Inglés 1 Miss Lucerito Farías Medina

Jack: Yeah. __________ for now.

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