Research Environment

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Research environment

The data collection process was made convenient and efficient by utilizing online Google forms. Saint
Mary's University was chosen as the study's location, with a focus on the Architecture students, because
of its suitable size and capacity to represent the desired target respondents effectively. The Architecture
department's substantial student population provided a diverse and comprehensive sample,
guaranteeing that the gathered data would provide valuable insights and accurately reflect the
characteristics and perspectives of the intended study participants.

research respondents

- A group of 20 college students currently enrolled at Saint Mary's University formed the participant pool
for this study. To ensure an inclusive representation of the Marian Architecture student population, a
quota sampling approach was employed. The participants were selected in equal proportions from each
of the five-year levels, resulting in a well-balanced and diverse sample for the study.

data gathering procedure-

---The researchers implemented a systematic data gathering procedure to establish the foundation of
their research paper. The procedure encompassed the following key steps:

1. Development and Distribution of Questionnaires:

- In order to collect relevant data, the researchers meticulously crafted a cover letter that elucidated
the study's objectives, importance, estimated completion time for the questionnaire, data processing
protocols, contact details, and projected timeline. The questionnaires were then distributed exclusively
to the Marian Architecture students.

2. Data Analysis:

- To streamline data organization, the researchers capitalized on the advanced features of Google
Forms, particularly the automatic response tally functionality. This facilitated efficient organization and
classification of the acquired data. Subsequently, the researchers conducted a comprehensive analysis
of the collected data, employing various analytical techniques to extract meaningful insights.

3. Data Interpretation:

- Building upon the analyzed data, the researchers delved into the process of data interpretation. They
scrutinized the findings, identifying patterns, trends, and correlations, which formed the basis for
meaningful interpretations and subsequent conclusions.

4. Formation of Conclusions:

- Employing an array of statistical tools and techniques, the researchers subjected the gathered data to
rigorous examination. This meticulous approach ensured objectivity, minimizing the potential for biases
or unfair interpretations. Through this rigorous examination, the researchers derived conclusive
findings, adding novelty and integrity to their research paper.

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