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Part 2
You must answer this question.
Your college has been asked to accept a group of 50 students from another
country for two weeks. You have been asked by your principal to find out what
the advantages and disadvantages would be of accepting this group. Is it a
good idea?
Write your report to the principal in 220-260 words in an appropriate style on the
separate answer sheet.

Sample answer:

Report on Proposed Visit by 50 Overseas Students

The purpose of this report is to consider the advantages and disadvantages of
accepting a large group of students from overseas for two weeks. I have
discussed the issue with all the senior members of college staff.

All those I interviewed believe that for students this would be an exciting
opportunity to explore a foreign culture, both in the classroom and socially.
Overall, they thought the visit would be stimulating for the college at a quiet
time of the year.

Some members of staff are concerned that:
1 there would be insufficient seating in the library at bus times.
2 the visitors might be more interested in enjoying themselves than studying;
3 the restaurant queue would be very slow at lunchtime.

Conclusion and recommendation

Clearly, the group might cause some practical difficulties but on the whole
everyone thought that the visit should seen as an opportunity not to be missed.

1- Introduction
In the introduction you :

– use headings – this makes it easier to find the main info

– state the aim of the report and where you got/ collected the information

– don’t begin with Dear Sir/ Madam – it’s not a letter

Phrases you can use in the introduction:

* This report is intended to show / discuss / outline …

* The aim / purpose of this report is to …

* In this report I will

REMEMBER: It’s a formal piece of writing that means: use a formal, neutral style:
no contractions, no colloquial language, no direct questions, no informal
punctuation such as exclamation marks.

In the 2nd Paragraph you :

– balance the positive and negative points fairly

– you can use numbering or bullet points to highlight main points

– use a range of specific vocabulary or set phrases e.g. Some thought this was
…../ other students said they preferred…

– don’t use a lot of adjectives and dramatic language. A report gives factual

Phrases you can use to in the 2nd and 3rd paragraph:

Suggesting additional ideas

Another option would be to …

I would also suggest …

Another point to consider is hat …

Alternatively…. Moreover. / Furthermore.

Apart from this / In addition to this

Making recommendations

I would strongly / highly recommend …

My first / second recommendation would be to ..

It would be (highly) advisable to …

If my recommendations are followed, then …

The best solution / ideas would seem to be …

Listing ideas

I would suggest the following: … might like to consider the following:

The following are highly recommended: 1….. OR 2. ……….

They gave/ suggested the following reasons:

They made the following points: 1….2…

Reporting findings
It appears that the majority of …

The only problem is that … .

Most …(students seem) … .

Not surprisingly, …

According to …

In the 3rd Paragraph you :

– balance the positive and negative points fairly

– you can use numbering or bullet points to highlight main points

– use a range of specific vocabulary or set phrases e.g. Some thought this was
…../ other students said they preferred…

In the last paragraph you :

– give the recommendations

– generalise

– express opinions impersonally

Phrases you can use to end the letter

Concluding and making recommendations

All things considered, …

We have no hesitation in recommending… .

Over to you:

A group of students from Australia are going to visit your town or city next month
as part of an exchange visit. Their teacher has asked you to write a report about
shopping in your town / city, including the following information:
• local specialities which the students could buy as souvenirs
• the best places for teenagers to go shopping
• cheap cafes or restaurants where the students could eat.
Write your report in 220-260 words in an appropriate style on the separate
answer sheet.

Here’s the next task you can do:

Your teacher wants to recommend a television programme for students who are
learning your language.
Write a report on a television programme which you know well, saying why you
think it would be helpful and interesting for foreign learners.
Write your report in 220-260 words in an appropriate style on the separate
answer sheet.

Points to remember:
Organise your ideas into a clear report: either rely on paragraphing or use
subheadings (or both).

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