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Study the following information to see when we use the present perfect simple tense.

When to use the present perfect tense

The present perfect tense helps us talk about things that happened in the past and are
still important now or just happened recently. We use it when we want to connect the
past and the present.

For example, if you say, 'I have lived in this city for five years,' it means you started living
here in the past, and you still live here now. Or if you say, 'I have just finished my
homework,' it means you finished it very recently.

We often use words like 'have,' 'has,' 'just,' 'already,' 'yet,' and 'for' or 'since' with the
present perfect tense to show these connections between the past and the present."

Remember that the present perfect simple takes this form:

ESL Pals 1 Grammar Worksheet

Task: Change the verbs listed into the past participle form.

1. be a. ___________________________.

2. see b.___________________________.

3. ran c. ___________________________.

4. jump d. ___________________________.

5. eat e. ___________________________.

6. sleep f. ___________________________.

7. read g. ___________________________.

8. write h. ___________________________.

9. sing i. ___________________________.

10. drive j. ___________________________.

11. walk k. ___________________________.

12. study l. ___________________________.

13. think m. __________________________.

14. build n. ___________________________.

15. play o. ___________________________.

16. laugh p. ___________________________.

17. climb q. ___________________________.

18. cook r. ___________________________.

19. do s. ___________________________.

20. ride t. ___________________________.

ESL Pals 2 Grammar Worksheet

Task: Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct option.

1. I _________________ to that song many times.

a. has listened
b. listened
c. have listened

2. We _________________ to many countries in Africa.

a. have flown
b. have flew
c. has flown

3. Jack and Jill _________________ to the ocean.

a. has never been
b. have never been
c. have went

4. My brother _________________ his book yet.

a. hasn’t finished
b. haven’t finished
c. finished

5. She _________________ to her friend’s house many times.

a. have driven
b. has driven
c. has drove

6. Randal and I _________________ sangria before.

a. has tried
b. tried
c. have tried

7. _________________ Sarah talked to you about the budget?

a. Have
b. Has
c. Do

8. Where _________________ today?

a. were you
b. have you been
c. did you go

9. I _________________ dinner yet. I am hungry.

a. didn’t eat
b. hasn’t eaten
c. haven’t eaten

ESL Pals 3 Grammar Worksheet

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in the present perfect tense.

1. She __________ (go) to the store already.

2. They __________ (come) to the party with us.

3. I __________ (see) that movie before.

4. He __________ (do) his homework.

5. We __________ (eat) lunch at the new restaurant.

6. She __________ (make) a delicious cake.

7. They __________ (say) something interesting.

8. Have you __________ (get) the mail yet?

9. She __________ (take) a lot of pictures on her trip.

10. I __________ (know) him for years.

11. He __________ (want) to visit that place for a long time.

12. They __________ (ask) for some help with their project.

13. We __________ (love) spending time together.

14. He __________ (think) about the problem carefully.

15. I __________ (feel) a bit down today.

16. She __________ (work) hard all week.

17. They __________ (play) basketball this morning.

18. Have you __________ (talk) to your friend recently?

19. We __________ (help) our neighbors with their garden.

ESL Pals 4 Grammar Worksheet

Task: Turn the following statements into questions in the present perfect tense.

Example: She has gone to the store already.

Has she gone to the store already?

1. I have finished my homework.

2. She has visited Paris multiple times.

3. They have just eaten lunch.

4. We have never been to that restaurant before.

5. He has read three books this month.

6. My parents have lived in this house for 20 years.

7. The company has recently launched a new product.

8. I have travelled to Asia.

9. I have met the CEO of the company.

10. She has learned to play the piano.

11. They have seen that movie before.

12. I have never tried sushi.

13. She has worked at the same company for a decade.

14. You have just moved to a new city.

15. He has studied Spanish for two years.

16. My brother has lost his phone again.

17. I have visited the Grand Canyon.

18. I have already finished my morning workout.

19. The team has won three consecutive games.

20. She has finally completed her degree.

ESL Pals 5 Grammar Worksheet

Task 1: Read the following text about Sarah's recent activities.

Lately, Sarah has been quite busy both at work and in her personal life. At her job, she
has taken on new responsibilities. She has worked on various projects with her team and
has contributed her ideas to help the company grow. Her hard work has impressed her
colleagues and supervisors.

In her personal life, Sarah has also kept herself busy. She has started a new hobby -
painting. She has always been interested in art, and recently, she has finally taken the
decision to buy some paints and canvases. She has experimented with different
techniques and styles, and she even has a small collection of paintings in her home now.

Additionally, Sarah has spent more time with her family. She has visited her parents and
siblings more frequently. She has organised family dinners and gatherings, and it has
been a great way to catch up with everybody.

She has focussed on her health and fitness too. She has joined a local gym and has been
working out regularly. She has hired a personal trainer to guide her, and she has made
significant progress in improving her strength and endurance. Sarah has changed her
eating habits, she now prepares healthier meals at home.

On weekends, she has explored new places. She has gone on short trips to nearby towns
and cities to experience different cultures and cuisines. These mini-adventures have given
her a chance to relax and recharge.

Task 2: Complete the following tasks.

1. Underline all of the time the present perfect tense is used in the text.
2. What has Sarah been busy with at her job recently?
3. How has Sarah impressed her colleagues and supervisors at work?
4. What new hobby has Sarah taken up in her personal life?
5. How has Sarah improved her health and fitness?
6. What has Sarah done to spend more time with her family?
7. What does Sarah do on weekends to relax and recharge?

Task 3: Complete the following task.

a. Describe your recent activities and life, using the present perfect tense. Take a few
minutes to prepare, use the text as a guide.

ESL Pals 6 Grammar Worksheet

Task: Answer the questions below, using the present perfect tense in your answers.

Although you could answer some with yes or no, try to expand on each answer.

1. Have you ever travelled abroad? Describe your trip.

2. Have you visited any famous landmarks in your city?

3. Have you tried any exotic foods?

4. Have you ever met a celebrity?

5. Have you seen any good movies lately?

6. Have you read any interesting books this year?

7. Have you learned a new skill in the past few months?

8. Have you achieved any personal goals recently?

9. Have you ever been to a wedding?

10. Have you ever learned a new language apart from English?

11. Have you experienced any extreme weather conditions?

12. Have you made any new friends recently?

13. Have you faced any unexpected challenges lately?

14. Have you visited any art galleries or museums?

15. Have you had any major life changes recently?

16. Have you ever won a prize or competition?

17. Have you ever moved to a new city or country?

18. Have you ever been promoted at your job?

ESL Pals 7 Grammar Worksheet

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in the present perfect tense.

1. She __________ (fly) to many different countries this year.

2. They __________ (skate) at the new ice rink several times.

3. I __________ (be) to the store this morning.

4. We __________ (travel) to Europe many times.

5. He __________ (explore) the wilderness extensively.

6. She __________ (create) some amazing artwork.

7. They __________ (solve) the puzzle together.

8. She __________ (investigate) the mysterious noise in the attic.

9. Have you ever __________ (hear) that song before?

10. I__________ (finish) my homework.

11. They __________ (solve) the math problem correctly.

12. He __________ (see) the Eiffel Tower in person.

13. She __________ (invent) a new gadget for her kitchen.

14. She __________ (design) her own clothing line.

15. We __________ (plant) a garden in our backyard.

ESL Pals 8 Grammar Worksheet

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