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Teacher I

Weeklong HyFlex Learning Outline: Distinguishing the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial
Branches of the Philippine Government

Hyflex Learning Planning

Purpose: To develop learners' understanding of the roles, powers, and functions of the executive,
legislative, and judicial branches of the Philippine government.

Participation: Engage learners in both in-person and online activities to promote active
participation and collaboration.

Progression: Provide a structured and progressive learning experience that builds upon prior
knowledge and fosters deeper comprehension of the topic.

Day 1:
Introduction and Overview Purpose: Set the foundation by introducing the branches of the
Philippine government and their roles.

In-Person Activity: Deliver a lecture or interactive presentation highlighting the key features
and functions of each branch. Encourage questions and discussions.
Online Activity: Provide access to an interactive online module or video that provides an
overview of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Include quizzes or interactive
elements to reinforce learning.

Day 2:
The Executive Branch Purpose: Explore the functions, structure, and powers of the executive

In-Person Activity: Conduct a case study or role-playing activity where learners analyze real-
life scenarios involving the executive branch. Encourage group discussions and presentations.

Online Activity: Provide reading materials, infographics, or short videos that explain the
executive branch's responsibilities, such as implementing laws and policies, appointing officials,
and representing the country internationally. Assign a reflective online discussion where learners
share their insights and ask questions.

Day 3:
The Legislative Branch Purpose: Examine the role and powers of the legislative branch.
In-Person Activity: Facilitate a mock legislative session or debate on a current issue, where
learners assume the roles of legislators. Encourage active participation, critical thinking, and
persuasive arguments.
Online Activity: Provide pre-recorded lectures or multimedia presentations on the legislative
branch's functions, lawmaking process, and the roles of the Senate and House of Representatives.
Assign an online group activity where learners collaborate to draft a sample bill or resolution.

Day 4:
The Judicial Branch Purpose: Explore the functions and importance of the judicial branch in
upholding the rule of law.

In-Person Activity: Organize a visit or virtual session with a judge or legal professional who can
provide insights into the judicial branch's role, legal proceedings, and the importance of
impartiality. Allow time for a Q&A session.

Online Activity: Assign a case study or scenario-based activity where learners analyze court
cases and decisions to understand the role of the judiciary in interpreting laws and ensuring
justice. Encourage online discussions on the ethical dilemmas faced by judges.

Day 5:
Synthesis and Application Purpose: Allow learners to integrate their knowledge and apply
critical thinking skills.

In-Person Activity: Conduct a group project or presentation where learners research and analyze
a current issue or problem related to the branches of government. Encourage them to propose
solutions and consider the perspectives of all branches.

Online Activity: Facilitate an online forum or discussion board where learners share their group
projects, engage in peer feedback, and reflect on their learning journey. Prompt them to consider
the impact of government actions on citizens' lives.

Overall Progression: Throughout the week, ensure a coherent progression of content and
Start with an overview and foundation of the branches.
Move to in-depth exploration of each branch, including their functions, structure, and
Incorporate interactive and collaborative activities to encourage active participation.
Integrate real-life scenarios, case studies, and current issues to promote critical thinking
and practical application of knowledge.
Provide opportunities for reflection, discussion, and synthesis to consolidate learning and
foster a deeper understanding of the topic.
Note: The activities and timing can be adjusted based on the specific needs of the learners and
the available resources in your HyFlex learning environment.

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