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Directions. Read each statement carefully and then encircle the best answer.
1. What planet on the solar system on which all living things live?
A. Mercury B. Venus C. Earth
2. What do you call to the land part of the earth?
A. lithosphere B. asthenosphere C. hydrosphere
3. What is the water part of the earth?
A. lithosphere B. asthenosphere C. hydrosphere
4. What do you call to air, sunlight, water, plants, animals that help support life?
A. natural resources B. man-made resources C. unnatural resources
5. What type of resources that can be replaced when used?
A. renewable B. nonrenewable C. potential
6. Which type of resources cannot be replaced after they are used up?
A. renewable B. nonrenewable C. potential
7. What will you do to extend life of nonrenewable resources?
A. recycle B. return C. throw
8. What do you call to the careful use of natural resources?
A. preservation B. protection C. conservation
9. What is the highest landform on Earth?
A. hill B. volcano C. mountain
10. Mount Everest in Nepal is the highest mountain on Earth. What is the measures of Mount
Everest above sea level?
A. 850 meters B. 5 850 meters C. 8 850 meters
11. What landforms receive little or no rain throughout the rain?
A. valleys B. deserts C. plains
12. Which landforms formed between hills and mountains?
A. volcanoes B. valleys C. deserts
13. What is the large area of flat land?
A. plains B. mountains C. volcanoes
14. What landforms has an opening in the earth’s crust where lava, dust and gases are ejected into
the surface during eruptions?
A. ranges B. volcanoes C. canyons
15. What type of garbage segregation can be put in a pit to make compost or natural fertilizer?
A. biodegradable B. nonbiodegradable C. hazardous
16. What type of garbage segregation that may be reused or recycled?
A. biodegradable B. nonbiodegradable C. hazardous
17. What will happen when the water and soil are polluted?
A. There will be famine and epidemic.
B. There will be less food for the people.
C. All of the above.
18. Which is NOT a way of conserving soil?
A. Dispose of garbage properly.
B. Keep soil covered with plants.
C. Get rid of pests by spraying plants with insecticide.
19. Which one helps prevent air pollution?
A. planting trees B. burning garbage C. spraying insecticide
20. Why is water useful?
A. Ocean water is salty.
B. Clean water has a peasant taste.
C. Many water forms are home for fishes.
21. What resources can people get from a body of fresh water surrounded by land?
A. fertile soil
B. freshwater fishes
C. corals, calm and crabs
22. What bodies of saltwater that separate or surround continents?
A. sea B. ocean C. lagoon
23. What is the smaller divisions of the ocean, partially enclosed by land?
A. sea B. ocean C. lagoon
24. Where can you find freshwater?
A. ocean B. river C. pond
25. Which of the following resources that can be replaced when used?
A. coal B. oil C. plant
26. What is the effect of soil pollution?
A. Plants wither and die.
B. Plants get healthy and grow.
C. Roots become big and alive.
27. Which of the following is polluted water?
A. bottled water B. dirty water C. drinking water
28. Which can prevent land and water pollution?
A. burning garbage B. cutting trees C. planting trees
29. Why should we take care of the Earth?
A. We need a safe place to live in.
B. The Earth is surrounded by water.
C. The Earth is made up of land, water, and air.
30. What is the condition of the atmosphere in a particular place over a certain period of time?
A. climate B. weather C. disturbance
31. What is the weather when the sun shines brightly and children can play outdoor games
A. fair B. fine C. stormy
32. What is the weather when clouds cover a big part of the sky?
A. stormy B. rainy C. fair
33. What weather when the wind blows and blows which make leaves and other things move?
A. rainy B. windy C. stormy
34. Which weather when the sky is dark and the sun is covered with dark clouds. The wind is
moderate and it may feel cold?
A. rainy B. stormy C. fair
35. What weather when there is very dark clouds, very strong winds, and heavy rains also thunder
and lightning may occur?
A. stormy B. fair C. windy
36. What do you call in a blowing cold wind?
A. breeze B. typhoon C. water cycle
37. What do you call to the cold air blows from the sea to the land?
A. sea breeze B. land breeze C. air breeze
38. What do you call to the collection of droplets floating in the air?
A. rain B. cloud C. shower
39. What clouds are thin, curly, and feathery?
A. cirrus B. stratus C. cumulus
40. What clouds are spread out in the sky and you may see these clouds early in the morning or late
in the afternoon?
A. cumulus B. stratus C. cirrus
41. What clouds are heaped and fluffy like cotton?
A. nimbus B. cumulus C. stratus
42. What clouds are also called rain clouds and seen during heavy rain and thunderstorm?
A. cumulus B. cirrus C. nimbus
43. What is the warm air from the sea rises, and it is replaced by the cold air from the land?
A. sea breeze B. land breeze C. air breeze
44. What instrument is used the speed of the wind during a typhoon?
A. hygrometer B. anemometer C. humidity
45. What detects the direction of the wind?
A. cloud B. rain gauge C. wind vane
46. What do you call to the amount of water vapor in the air at any given time?
A. humidity B. hygrometer C. anemometer
47. What instrument measures the amount of water vapor in the air?
A. hygrometer B. rain gauge C. anemometer
48. What instrument is used to measure the amount of rainfall?
A. rain gauge B. anemometer C. hygrometer
49. What process by which liquid water is changed into vapor?
A. condensation B. evaporation C. precipitation
50. What is the process by which water vapor changes back into liquid?
A. condensation B. evaporation C. precipitation
51. What do you call to the droplets of water in the clouds that become solid when the temperature
of the air is very low and the water becomes frozen?
A. condensation B. evaporation C. precipitation
52. What is the heavy rain usually accompanied by lightning and thunder?
A. drizzle B. thunderstorm C. shower
53. Which of the following is not an ailments during summer?
A. chicken pox B. measles and mumps C. cough and cold
54. Which of the following is an ailments during rainy days?
A. flu and cold B. chicken pox C. measles
55. How does weather affect the activities of people?
A. Old people get tired easily when they are working.
B. Children are enjoying their online classes.
C. A pilot cannot fly his airplane during bad weather.
56. What do you call to the spinning of the Earth on its axis?
A. motion B. orbit C. rotation
57. How long does it take to Earth to make a complete turn on its axis?
A. one day B. two days C. three days
58. What do you call to the path of Earth around the sun?
A. motion B. orbit C. rotation
59. What do you call as Earth revolves around the sun?
A. rotation B. revolution C. orbit
60. How long does it takes to complete one revolution?
1 1
A. 365 days B. 365 days C. 365 days
2 4
61. What is Earth’s natural satellite?
A. sun B. moon C. asteroid
62. What is the changes in the moon’s shape?
A. phases B. motion C. orbit
63. What phases of the moon when the bright side of the moon faces Earth?
A. full moon B. first quarter C. new moon
64. What faces of the moon happens right before the full moon?
A. first quarter B. new moon C. last quarter
65. What faces of the moon happens right after the full moon?
A. first quarter B. new moon C. last quarter
66. What faces when the moon is not visible on Earth during these phase?
A. new moon B. full moon C. first quarter
67. What is the star nearest to Earth?
A. Sirius B. sun C. vega
68. What is the condition wherein the skin gets burned and becomes painful due to excessive
exposure to the heat of the sun?
A. dehydration B. sunburn C. wrinkles
69. From what direction does Earth rotate on its axis?
A. from west to eats B. from north to south C. from west to east
70. How does the rotation of Earth on its axis affect life on Earth?
A. It causes day and night.
B. It brings hot and light.
C. It causes the formation of clouds.

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